Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy International Transgender Day of Visibility Freaks



  1. Wow another bit of Genius information from the Progressive WEENY……….
    Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said:
    Now Marathon Mike is thinking about maga Easter eggs. That should keep him occupied. Just $60 a dozen with a free gift of Trump wearing bunny ears.

    1. Hilarious! And quite likely too!


  2. Trump exposed the rampant corruption, lies and how the swamp including top politicians are out to line their own pockets at the expense of the people.

    Trump exposed just what a complete joke the so called news media is.

    Trump exposed what a joke election debates and elections are, the Swamp does everything in its power to RIG them. And that's one reason why they Hate him.

    Donald Trump exposed the blatant double standard in the justice system.

    Trump upended decades of carefully crafted swamp propaganda and political correctness. Pretty much a one man wrecking ball

    1. Great Post, right to the point. and I happen to agree with it 100 percent.

    2. LMAO! Doesn't take much to impress a 2'nd grade mentality apparently. Carry on.

    3. trump is, and remains, the rampant corruption. Everyone but ignorant cultists know this.

  3. As a proud supporter of the Police, First Responders, Our Military and Our President Donald Trump I once again say that this corrupt, cowardly, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, must be defeated.
    We as America First supporters of President Trump need to adopt the massive, nonviolent, peaceful and courageous protest methods of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have to reach deep down in our souls and find the courage to call out, and throw out all of those corrupt or complacent RINO and Democrat politicians that are selling our country out. If we truly love our children, and grandchildren and want to save our Republic for them, we will sacrifice our comfortable lives and get active like never before. I know I could never live with myself if we lose this country to a globalist, Communist, tyrannical Democratic, and Progressive party. Trump/and whoever he picks as his VP in 2024 MUST be supported, and they MUST WIN! “ Donald Trump is our most powerful nonviolent weapon/ . . . Organization, people, we must be organized to work together in units of power.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead. If we can reach just ten percent of the population, we can begin to reach a tipping point; that’s where true social movements take place - it’s a numbers game. And when you reach that number, the truth becomes obvious and empires of injustice crumble and fall. And whether or not you agree or disagree with what President Trump did or did not do, abandoning him now will only give way to the alternative which will end up destroying America as is the plan and we cannot allow that.. We CAN NOT stand another Biden term.
    While I believe a VETO would have been a better strategy, he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. I personally believe though that his intentions were honorable and he did it for a stronger military to keep America safe. But with the continued funding to sanctuary cities, his stance on that issue might now have no legs to stand on along with the funding for Planned Parenthood to continue murdering babies and selling their body parts, and we MUST CLOSE OUR BORDERS! That is for certain!
    Keep in mind my fellow patriots before you throw down the towel, the Democrats held our military hostage in order to expand their evil agenda. So keep the faith my friends, Remember as always before Donald Trump will eventually be proven right again. So lets get together and Vote for Mr. Trum, and make our country Great Again.

    1. A more ignorant deluded cultist there has never been. Be proud of your blindness. It is apparently all ya got.

    2. trump is nobody's president. But he is everybody's criminal. 91 felony indictments, rape, insurrection, tax fraudster, likely pedophile, egregious liar, failed businessman, and useless bore.

      BIDEN/HARRIS 2024


    3. 🔺says the drug addled buffoon of a 90 year old hippie.🔺

  4. I'm still waiting still for you Progressive's and Shaw cultists to TRY to explain to me anything that could possibly make Joe Biden's possibility in justifying his earning $20,000 a day, every day, for 365 days year round for two years straight, and then some because that, and only that would implies that Joe was pulling in that kind of cash both before and long since. The greatest and most important Minds in our history don't make that kind of money! And just think!-- He did all that while running the country, saving the world and even burying his first Son ( who DIDN'T did in the Armed Forces) and his first wife!

    Joe is Superman!!

    1. Hate to inform you but, you've just nailed the former guy's gig. The big Orange Turd did exactly just that.

  5. trump an his MAGAt's is the SWAMP. The swamp where all fascists, Nazi's, and other authoritarian types love to hang out and plot their unholy designs to control the thought, activities, and beliefs of all.

    Well the magats and trump can pound sand and go to straight to hell. Right where they belong.


    2. Hope ya feel better now that ya capped em.

      Poor whittle cry baby, running to defend yer Fuhrer, the big Orange Turd.

  6. Ther Morning Joe - just yesterday - laments the Democrats' hapless, spiraling, unintentionally dive-bombing 2024 Presidential freakshow of a "campaign".

    The Cannibal Corpse just can't hack it with the people.

    Wall Street loves him, but the people loathe him.

    Now: How did that play out in 2016 again? ;)

    This time?

    Dare I say: It's gonna be a "BLOOD BATH" folks, YES IT IS!.


    1. But, hold on Mr. or Miss Anonymous above......!

      The Democrats/ Progressives have a Fail-Safe Back-Up plan.
      They Bring out the the most Blackest, the most Fat, and Uguly the most Transvestite Woman-Man, the most equitable social justice warrior of all time.

    2. Does any intelligent person understand a word of the bullshit from the two above idiotic comments? Made no doubt by a delusional cultist of the big Orange Turd.

    3. Oh it'll be bloodbath alright. And the blood flowing with be the black blood of the rapist insurrectionist big Orange Turd. The polling places will be full of it as he loses his comedic bid to be Americ's Fuhrer.

  7. Consider what we have seen, had, and experienced, for the lat 3 and a half years. since Joe Biden took office...
    Chaos, Violence, Lies, Bans, and more Bans, Crimes in our Streets, Outrageous Inflation, and our Border Raided Daily by 10's of Thousands of Illegal Invaders! Without Any Accountability for Their Malign Actions.
    The Bottom Line is…
    That the Progressive Communist Democrats, like Sociopaths, Walk Away from the Mayhem They Create Without any threat of Consequences..

    And the Leftist, Progressive, Communist, ,Democrats, label Donald Trump a “Fascist”, not because he is Fascist, but that he is grossly a undesirable, Threat to the abominable , Senile, and Delusional, Joe Biden, who is an individual so Corrupted, Incompetent, and Demented that he is, by any definition, Unfit to Serve as the President of the United States.
    We see things like this in the People’s Republic of North Korea, and Never before in the United States of America!

    1. You've described perfectly the character of your Fuhrer of the gop, Dingleberry the Rapist and Innsurrectionist djt.

    2. 🔺Says the 90 year old shroom smoking hippie who plants his lips on Joe Biden's bare butt cheeks.🔺

  8. Our Faux President wasn’t able for some unknown reason to give an Easter Message, but gave a “Transgender Day” message instead!
    What an Disgusting Disappointment tis man as turned out to be!

    1. Not as disappointing as you moron.

    2. 🔺Says the 90 year old hippie evicted from the Belcherville trailer park for plugging up the septic tanks🔺

  9. Our President, Joseph Biden, has begun righting the ship the former guy , the big Orange Turd, damn near dstroyed. And you ignorant fools want to give him another chance.

    The lying rapist and insurrectionist tRump has no clue, no plan, no vison, and no integrity. His idea of governance is destroy democracy, install himself as Supreme Fuhrer for life, allying with his idol Putin, and tuning America into a fine Third World ShitHole, to use tRump's words.

    Can't wait to read the history books on the tRump disasters and his disasterous 2017-2021 fake presidency.

    1. Can't wait to watch Assface Dervish crying when his farting pants pooping butt buddy takes a tumble in November and gets taken out politically.

  10. Says ALL anyone needs to know about your hate filled delusional mind. -FJ the Extreme MAGAT.

    1. There are no fools like April fools... :)

    2. And here you are! Imagine that.

    3. ...just carrying your marotte for you, Rigoletto. :)

    4. And in a rush of orgasmic loyalty to the Orange Turd ge returns. Gee, how surprising. Not.

    5. November 5th is Christian Day of Visibility Day!

    6. A great day to visit a Hindu Shrine!

    7. 🔺Nursie Poo Poo Leslie Elden Carpenter III loves and idolizes his dead fat man.🔺

  11. Anonymous April 1, 2024 at 6:19 AM Said

    "Not as disappointing as you moron"


    1. Nope. Not a bit. But it is very clear your whittle feeling are bruised.

    2. 🔺The bald butt shroom smoking 90 year old hippie shows his queer fantasies.🔺


  12. On Easter Sunday, Mr Biden’s, written message was all about the LGBTQI COMMUNITY, while Mr Trump wished a “Happy Easter to all

    I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.

    Biden Seems to rather speak about the LGBTQI COMMUNITY. Rather than Give the Country an Easter Message.

    I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect. I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my Administration and to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military. I am proud to have signed historic Executive Orders that strengthen civil rights.
    On this Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of Transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives

    1. Bravo for President Biden. A decent man, compassionate and understanding.

      Unlike the bigot and zenophobe djt.

    2. In Regard to Anonymous's April 1, 2024 at 10:07 AM post where he/she says:.......
      "Bravo for President Biden. A decent man, compassionate and understanding.
      Unlike the bigot and zenophobe djt".

      My Reply is that President Biden is an ASS_HOLE that doesn't know his Ass, from his Face.

    3. It seems you're the one struggling to recognize an ass from a face anymouse @10:07 AM.

      Perhaps, having no receipts, you're the asdhole as well.

    4. Joey loves the queers. His boy Hunter gets off with them when he snorts his white china.


  13. Isn’t it bizarre that Mexico and Venezuela are refusing to accept their citizens back as legal residents
    If these nations will not allow their own citizens to return, why must we take them?

    Can the US just blanket right now just refuse to allow any citizens back into the country?

    Why shod we want the Venezuelans and Mexicans that those countries don’t even not want? Why should we be so stupid?


    1. Learn how to use hot links. Makes it much easier for folks to travel.

  15. It is being reported that the American Progressive, are the one's responsible for all the Collage unrest. And are sympathetic to the Hamas Terrorists. And yes, SO very true that people who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. I think the problem is too many Americans only get their information from watching CNN, and that Lunatic Rachel Maddow. More people need to understand that you're not going to get the whole truth from the mouthpieces of the corrupt powers behind all of these psycho’s, and mentally unstable people on “The View”. . And stories based on lies.

    But I'm starting to get tired of repeating myself. You can lead a horse to water, but....
    I really thought you were smarter than this. Obviously Hamas is guilty, does this really need to be spelled out for you? If you can't grasp the idea that Hamas is guilty AND other (higher) forces could be at work at the same time, then I don't know what to tell you. That doesn't excuse diabolical things that Hamas has done. But if you refuse to look at anything other than the idiot box, and refuse to listen to the former IDF woman in the video posted, who worked in intelligence, then you'll never understand that things are not as simplistic and binary as you and others think they are. But I really don't care what you believe.
    Those video is from 7 days ago. It was “Confirmed”, those Hamas TERRORIST’S were raping Young Girls and behead Babies.
    Only a coward would behead children, and that’s exactly what those Terrorist’s from Hama were doing. Am\nd add to that the taking of 230 Hostages of all ages including young Children. .....
    Like leading a horse to water, nothing will change their Brainwashed minds, because they have been brainwashed to believe that Israeli’s are more barbaric than Hamas is, and that Hamas is just resisting Israel's barbarity against the Palestinians. It's all a lie, because over the year's we've seen the barbaric acts of the Hamas, and you would think that the Palestinians would reject those horrific attacks and barbarism as being a way towards regional peace. Israel Forensic Team Say Victims Were Abused, and even Burned alive. .

    1. Wake up sleepy head. The world now sees Israel as a pariah and Netanyahu a genocidal butcher. And the longer we support the pariah and butcher the more credibility we lose across the globe. So, time we wake up and stop sending arms to the pariah and butcher.

    2. Of course the world does, Dervish! Your kind hate Jews and wish death upon them.

  16. I was SICK to my Stomach watching those Democrats dressed in White Standing and applauding that Senile LAIR patting himself on his back after DESTROYING this country.
    I guess they preferred the open border and millions of migrants to swelling the welfare rolls. Seeing the THOUSANDS of our prime Retail stores closing because of the Punks looting them, and the Chaos, in our Subways daily, and the Multi Murders in our streets seeing little Children' being Shot in the Playgrounds. The thousands of young people being killed from fentanyl being brought into the country by those illegals crossing into to the country.
    You would figured somewhere along the way Biden might had mentioned some of those things
    The migrants that are coming in by the Millions contribute nothing to this country. My only question is why do the Democrats, Progressives, Socialists want to soil America with more Poverty, Disease and Crime than we already have? All they do is provide hand outs and excuses, and the riots by the Democrat Party Brown Shirts, Street Thugs, Black Lives Matter and Antifa,

  17. Hard times call for hard answers and hard decisions, and that is exactly whay pres. Obama faces right now ing the situation with Russia and the Ukraine.
    We all know that the “sanctions” Obama has placed of Putin has NOT worked!
    When he lifted the sanctions against Iran in order to negotiate their cessation of efforts to build their own nuclear weapons, Obama ignored their decades of declared hatred of America and Israel, and the fact that Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism that is keeping the Middle East in turmoil. Syria is just one example. Those sanctions didn’t work either. besides, why would anyone want to negotiate with Iran?
    One way to bring Russia to its knees would be for Obama if he could to impose the same things he is doing in America on the Russian Federation..

    First of all, he should Require Russia to adopt Obamacare.

    Ban the mining and use of coal in Russia.

    Do not allow any drilling on Russian publicly-held land.

    Redefine the Russian work week to 30 hours.

    Next and this is very important, Raise the Russian minimum wage especially in all of the hamburger joints..

    Mandate overtime pay for Russian government workers.

    Demand that Russia pay welfare benefits to its illegal immigrants.

    Require Russia to enact the same regulations as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    Put a trace on ALL phone calls, computer messages etc.

    Increase the Russian national debt by $6 trillion dollars.

    Bail out the failing Stolichnaya Vodka Company. And give everybody free Cell phones and Free Haircuts.

    Require Russia to reduce all elements of its military force and capabilities by reductions to its military budget..

    These are similar to the policies that Obama has put forth since 2009 and HAVE weakened the United States and, if applied to Russia, they would have the same affect. It worked then and should work again.

    1. Perhaps, in your extreme ignorance Rambo, you wish for Putin, the Orange Turd's hero, to assume control of the US if the Orange Turd gets very lucky and wins the seat of power again. Because that is, in essence, exactly what would happen. Whittle donnie would bow to Putin at every turn and crossroad. Giving him EVERYTHING he wants.

    2. It's Getting to be SO BAD FOR BIDUMB, that these NUTS from Shaw's blog are ashamed to put their names on their stupid LYING posts now! Like Lester, and Davy do.

    3. And your excuse for using anon, anon, is what exactly?

      Cause youse sounds like the hypocrite you are.

    4. 🔺Oink on, Dave Dubya!🔺🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖

  18. Recently, JOE BIDUMB, and New York’s Liberal Mayor, and Governor been claiming, and reporting that crime has gone down.
    But that's only because, they are NOT reporting the Crime’s that has been happening because there are so much of it, that they are ashamed to.
    Actually the FBI's new crime report is in, but it's not even incomplete as yet.
    The Rise in Crime Is going to be a Huge Topic in the Elections this November, and the FBI has now entered the statistics It has just released the Crime in the Nation report for 2023-2024. But the bureau switched the way it collects crime data this year, and many police departments did not get on board. Los Angeles and New York City did not report to the FBI. In fact, only 63% of the country's police departments submitted anything, and some of the data that was submitted was incomplete. It is actually NOT at all accurate as they have NOW changed many of the Crimes that previously were .
    The FBI released detailed data on over 11 million criminal offenses reported to the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, largely through the National Incident-Based Reporting System and the Summary Reporting System.
    So we have some states like California and Florida, where almost no agency in that state submitted any data to the FBI. And there are a lot of larger cities such as New York, and Atlanta, etc. . You know, the largest police department, New York Police Department, didn't submit anything to the FBI.

    A lot of blind spots. I mean, I'm wondering how accurate the numbers can possibly be if - just to take the two biggest cities in the country, New York, Atlanta, and LA, they didn't report at all.
    The FBI’s crime statistics estimates for 2023-2024 show that national violent crime decreased an estimated 1.7% in 2022 compared to 2022:

    Murder and non-negligent manslaughter recorded a 2022 estimated nationwide increase of 6.1% compared to the previous year.
    In 2022, the estimated number of offenses in the revised rape category saw an estimated 5.4% decrease.
    Aggravated assault in 2022 increased an estimated 1.5% in 2022.
    Robbery showed an estimated increase of 1.7% nationally.
    Hate Crime Statistics, 2022 provides information about the offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes. In 2022, law enforcement agency participation significantly increased, resulting in 14,951 law enforcement agencies
    So the FBI is used to receiving data from more than 90% of police departments across the country. But earlier, in 2021, because they changed their data collection method, the number have dropped .
    These reports involved 11,634 criminal incidents and 13,337 related offenses as being motivated by bias toward race, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, and gender identity. There were over 11,000 single-bias hate crime incidents involving 13,278 victims and 346 multiple-bias hate crime incidents that involved 433 victims. In 2022, the top three bias categories in single-bias incidents were race/ethnicity/ancestry, religion, and sexual-orientation. The top bias types within those bias categories by volume of reported hate crime incidents is Anti-Black or African American for race/ethnicity/ancestry bias, Anti-Jewish for religious bias, and Anti-Gay (male) for sexual-orientation bias.
    So instead of saying a finite number, you know, X number of crimes took place, they're saying we think the range of crime that took place in 2022 is somewhere between Y and Z. So for violent crime, property crime and homicides, the number of crimes could have gone up, gone down or stayed the same. They also lowered a large amount of offenses from Felonies to
    Misdemeanor. So we really don't know what the accrate amount of serious Crimes had happened. .

    So the Bottom Line is that Crime has NOT Gone Down. Sounds like we need a new "Truth Czar",

    1. Idiotic. The ONLY word to decribe your rambling rant.

    2. And a Truthful Rant is is! Now Go stick your Face in Gasoline. !

    3. Truthful in your deluded mind. Idiotic in a calm thinking mind.

      As for gasoline? I leave those honors for one most fitting. YOU.

    4. Angry much, Leslie Elden Carpenter III? Mood swings get out of control when you snort sloppy seconds off farting fat men's buttocks.

  19. A Trump Supporter.April 2, 2024 at 6:20 AM

    Stop right there Shaw! . Hold the phone. I did some MAJOR research on this. Lots of Police were killed during Trump's administration and Trump ATTENDED ALL OF THEIR FUNERALS. So Please Shaw, do NOT make any EXCUSES for Joe Biden’s choosing to attend a Fund-Raising event instead. Everyone knows the truth, and your BS won’t change anyone’s mind.
    Aw, you're not happy because I pointed out that President Biden perfers to grab everyone’s money rather than do the right thing!
    I also described his obvious extortion on a viral video made of him talking to his cronies, not knowing that his admissions and bragging about getting ONE BILLION DOLLARS OF FOREIGN AID MONEY GOING TO THE UKRAINE, and how he got them to put HIS PERSONAL BILLION onto AIR FORCE TWO (which also came from Taxpayer hard earned money removed from paychecks across this land by Federal Taxes) and you're unhappy because we had to pay extra cash to a vice president already making half a million dollars a year in pay and benefits, now has to have one damn billion dollars removed from our collective paychecks so he can run a little fund raiser for his run for president by our ignorance of how he got his money illegally and worse yet, UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!! How could you wish such demonic evil as stealing from taxpayers his future in grabbing money from Drug Cartels by his sheer power as POTUS. Why the hell do you think we're so stupid we don't have a clue as to how Joe Biden has always for 48 years used his voter-given power to enrich him to the point of ownership of 5 different multi million dollar mansions to live in when he FEELS like hiding in the basement. Holy mollie!!! :102: I have a mission for you and this corrupt government born of greed: get our billion dollars back from the monster in the Oval Office. That would be the best service you could ever do for your fellow countrymen because your deep state has stymied anybody who dares to point out Biden's thieving ways, stepping on middle class American backs to raise himself to the highest office in the land along with patsies breaking laws at the polls and lying their asses off about it in public and laughing behind Republican backs most of whom are not near as wealthy as Democrats. We draw the line at extortion, sir. I guess I really shouldn't ask favors to right the wrongs of this unfortunate situation YOUR President foisted on our kids by letting the Drug Lords feed them killer fentanyl. We lost 100,000 Americans who paid the cartel minions for fentanyl laced drugs that murdered them to death. I'm talking about WHY an admitted extortionist of taxpayers would allow demons to kill 100,000 American kids per annum by way of opening the southern border to devils who love to get money and kill Americans too. The Woker you are, the less you demand of your leaders. I don't mean that as a criticism, it's just the truth Shaw, so why don’t you just tell it the way it really is? .

    1. Another rant of delusions. But i suppose it fun for MAGATS.

    2. Nice run on sentence ats. But woke hasn't a thing to do with your laundry list of babble.

  20. Thinking that Liberal policies work? - Take a look look at what’s happening in New York!
    It says it all. The people in New York voted for this. Not sure why the people are SO UNHAPPY with elected their officials i ?????
    The Streets are getting just like San Francisco with the Tents all over the place, Whit the 2 legged Animals are Urinating, and Defecating in the streets

    Where Public Peeing in Gardens, and in letter Boxes has become common, with some men even urinating right before your eyes into the Street. . It has become so popular that even the police can’t put a stop to it.
    The Hotels are now filled with not only the Homeless, but the Thousands of Illegal immigrants who have stormed into our Cities. Forget anout them taking our jobs away from us. They don’t, and won’t want to work because the Progressive Mayor’s and Governors are Handing them Money and Money Loaded Credit cards. .
    Living in an area surrounded by pubs and bars means dealing with public urination – and even worse – is something the neighborhood has grown used to. It has become normalized.. Street urination is everywhere now! This is what has become to our once great, and beautiful Cities. NO ONE wants to Vacation in California anymore. Our cities are becoming Bankrupt from dealing with these ANIMALS! And there is no help in sight, at least not until the election in November. San Francisco has begun to take measures to address the problem of street defecation. The city has launched a “ Poop Patrol ”

    1. Con policies are one reason we have the problems we have. But with heads buried in the sand, or up their asses, cons would cotinue the policies of the past responsible for the essence of the problems we face.

      Cons own it. Lock stock and barrel.

    2. This is what OUR County has become!
      Last night, a 12-year-old girl and two 13-year-olds were arrested for a crime that earlier this week in Washington DC . A brutal attack on a disabled man in which the girls chased a disabled man through an alley and stomped him to death, reports said.
      A group of five girls chased Reggie Brown down an alley, where they cornered him and beat him to death, police said. NBC Washington
      Brown who was disabled and had mental health issues. He also had a metal plate in his head and only two fingers on each hand.
      The 12-year-old girl was the one who pulled Brown off the fence and used his belt against him — all while filming the sickening beatdown on her cellphone, according to police.
      The three young girls were allegedly caught on camera carrying out what detectives described as the “horrific” Oct. 17 middle-of-the-night attack murder of Reggie Brown.

      The graphic video showed a group of five girls chasing the disabled 64-year-old down an alley and ripping him off a chain link fence as he desperately tried to flee
      The crazed, group laughed as Brown began bleeding from his head, with one of the girls shouting: “He’s leaking!”
      They stomped his head on the concrete before pulling his pants down to his ankles and using his own belt to beat him, investigators testified in court Friday, according to the Washington Post.
      This is Joe Biden’s America. Yes, I said Joe Biden’s America, because these District Attorney’s, Mayor’s and Governors are the result of whoever is Pulling Joe Biden’s Strings.. And that my friends is a Fact!
      Look at Alvin Bragg in New York, and Fani Willis in Georgia! And the Politicians in California.

    3. Any politician that is NOT trumper is better than ANY politician who IS. Period.

    4. 🔺Oh look! Assface Derpish showed up, after 4 of his bigly hate blogs suddenly got wiped out.🔺


  21. Think about the whiny brats from BLM denigrating American police officers. Complaining about things that don’t exist in the USA like “racism”. When the worst atrocity of the world, the greatest atrocity in the world right now going on in Haiti. Nobody is talking about it nobody. It’s all about Israel. It’s all about Ukraine.

    In the first four months of 2023, there were more civilians killed in Haiti than in Ukraine. Some people have no idea that this human catastrophe is occurring. What about the mass median America? They almost never talk about this. Do they not care about Black people? The Biden administration only cares about the white people in Ukraine more? What’s going on here? Why aren't the Idiots in the Biden Administration siding with Israel, our "REAL" ally?

    1. First, Biden is sending millions in military armaments to the Zionist state.

      Second, Netanyahu is engaging in genocide of Palestinuan innocents.

      Third, Ukraine was attacked and invaded by trump's buddy Putin, we are allied with Ukraine. Better to defeat Russia through Ukraine than here at home. Democracy must prevail over tyranny. Which is why trump can never again occupy the WH.

      Fourth, Haiti, as unfortunate as the situation is, does not present the global threat of either Ukraine or the Zionist situation.

      So, think. If that's not possible at least be silent.

  22. Biden is getting heavily criticized by the ISRAELI SUPPORTERS,, AND THE Jewish Americans for being too supportive of the Pro-Palestine demonstrators and of Hamas..
    And perhaps thats the reason why a staggering 53% of Jewish voters in New York State plan on voting for former President Donald Trump in the November election, a new Siena College poll found .
    Whole just 40% of the American Jewish People in New York State will back President Joe Biden in the race, according to the survey, which polled 75 Jews out of 806 total voters.
    The spike in New York Jewish voters backing Trump has come in the wake of the Horrific Murderous Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, with Antisemitic Hate Crimes and Anti-Israel protests surging in New York City.
    More than half of Jewish registered voters in New York plan on voting for Donald Trump in November, according to a new Siena College poll.

    The Old Famous 11th commandment for Jews was “Thou shall vote Democrat.” Now there’s a 12th commandment: ‘Maybe we should be a Republican instead” '
    The latest polls demonstrate a shift in the New York Jewish vote that is a “clear trend, long in the making,” Sam Markstein, national political director for the Republican Jewish Coalition, wrote on X.

    Markstein cited Lee Zeldin’s failed 2022 gubernatorial race, with the former Long Island Representative receiving 46% of the Jewish vote after campaigning on defending yeshivas amid heightened scrutiny and bashing the state’s criminal justice reform laws

    Jews nationwide have long been a reliable voting bloc for the Democratic Party, with 71% on average casting their ballots for Democrats in presidential elections since 1968, according to the Jewish

    Only 30% of Jews nationwide cast their ballot for Trump in the 2020 presidential election, while a mere 24% voted for him in his 2016 win over Hillary Clinton. BUT THE LATEST POLLS SAY THAT WILL CHANGE DRASTICALLY IN NOVEMBER’S ELECTION.

    1. No one but inhuman individuals support the Zionist genocide of Palestinian people. So... you're inhumane? We ALL know the Orange Turd is inhumane.

      And BTW, many Jewish people living in Israel do not support the butcher Netanyahu.

    2. Neither do decent God fearing people support Hamass loving Jew Haters like you, Davey Dumbya. And if you keep poking God in his eye, you'll invite disasters upon your life, especially irreversible disasters. And that is not something to gloat with glee about.

  23. It's TIME that we Make America American Again!!
    This country has never in my life time has had so many illegitimate, Crime ridden, Bottom feeding, taxpayer draining, No pride having, Un-American low life's on it's soil. And we need to get rid of those that allowed this to happen!

    1. America was America. Before trump. America is again America under Biden/Haris.



    2. 🔺Dave Dumbya pronounces a curse on America. Curses have a way of boomeranging back in the worst and most painful way, Davey boy.🔺

  24. Its really actually Funny how you Nazi Democratic retards can’t see what YOUR Senile President is doing to destroy our country, and that you just sit around and let him , and just allow him to blame everyone else for what this Delusional Creep is doing.

    And now Mexico is pushing us around and demanding billions of dollars and threats of continuing their INVASION. IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! At this rate, it won’t be long until America has a Billion ILLEGAL Immigrants 1
    It won't be to long until America will looks like China.

    1. Facism has taken over the trump gop. Which is FULLY understandable given Hitler was one of trump's idols. Putin being the other.

    2. 🔺OH MY! THE HITLER AND PUTIN CARD! Typical left wing extremist farting point.🔺

    3. I almost forgot... 0xCaCa Dave Miller probably yanked out the Hitler-Putin card out of his private body cavity. BENDING OVER, 0XCACA DAVEY TO SNIFF YOUR EMPEROR'S NEW PANTIES?

  25. Dave Miller said...

    'A quick trip to the HMS Mothership of Denial will show you how surprised some sailors are when faced with actual facts that contradict what they were told by their favored media outlets.

    Isn't the inability to hear and accept facts that contradict your viewpoint a central tenet of cultism"

    1. You project perfectly MM. Congratulations.

    2. 🔺Big Disaster in the making for "Anonymous".🔺

  26. This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed, and from James Carville who is Bill Clinton’s former adviser, and Lap Dog

    James Carville Said : "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."
    This is pretty Shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He seems to see the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him so depressed
    However It's good to see that the Progressive Marxist’s are being rejected by our youth. This new Woke bullshit will never fit into the DNA of this Country. We CHERISH FREEDOM AND LIBERTY TOO MUCH. TO ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN. The Democrat party has come completely off the tracks, and off Their Rocker’s and this derangement all started with Barrack Hassan Obama

    1. Well, any young voter voting for the Orange Turd is going to wake up and be VERY sorry for their error.

      Screw trump and his party of lying liars.

    2. 🔺Oh Davey boy, are you bending over to sniff your emperor's new panties for sloppy seconds again?🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖 Your snout will cause it to pass his chocolate chocolate chip ice cream out while you're giving him a colonoscopy.

  27. The Democratic-Socialists, Liberals, and Progressives are showing themselves for the lawless, crooked, and vindictive, thieves just like the Marxists that they are
    There’s no way in hell that would I entrust myself to that Weirdo, and who is obviously a Bidumb loving Judge.

    Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 was the day that Americans woke up to find that overnight, the Election had turned from a CLEAR WIN for Donald Trump to a Stolen election for Joseph Lyin Biden.

    What happened?
    I’ll tell ya “what Happened”
    In one swing state, Michigan, a state that, had it given it’s electoral college votes to Trump, would have seen him stay the 45th president of the United States, in Wayne County, as witnessed by friends of mine, poll watchers were blocked from witnessing the criminal behavior behind the cardboard placed in the windows.
    I myself saw the vidio’s of the Democrooks pulling out suit cases from under the tables after the Vote - watchers left and went home as they were told to do . Suitcases of Biden Votes, were replacing the Trump votes that were dumped down sewers.
    We watched the vans come in with totes of votes for Biden at 3am, long after permitted arrival, and a Nation was Stolen.
    Similar behavior was witnessed and on film in Georgia and around the country.
    A nation was stolen.
    A people was robbed of their voice and their heritage of free elections and representative government.
    An opportunity to protest presented itself on Jan 6th, 2020.
    A peaceful protest was called. It became more than that.

    So in closing, I’d like to repeat what I asked about a year ago , I want to ask you all the question on whether or not you think that we shouldn’t be charging someone like Hillary Clinton with insurrection?. And, someone like STACEY ABRAMS with insurrection? Because they all claim that they won elections. We KNOW that HILLARY CLINTON was full of it. We know that because we saw what come out it, and that she is still Screaming in the Woods, and drinking Vodka out of the bottle, and howling at the Moon about it!

    1. Ignorance on Steriods.

    2. Poking around gives me bigly thrills up my tenderloins.

  28. Isn’t it obvious to you that the last thing that Xi Jinping the President of China wants in the White House is a Strong Leader like Donald Trump, especially when they own the weak President Joe Biden,who is a mentally and physically challenged, Senile President who is manifestly unfit to serve as the President and Commander-in-Chief?

    1. China and Russia are salivating thinking about the great thing another trump disaster for America would be. They realize, even if you don't that with the Orange Turd they'd have an autocratic authoritarian ally to work with. So, wake up nitwit and get with reality. Not trumplandia cultist delusions.

  29. SHAW Said:
    "RFK's own family, those who know him better than YOU do, do NOT support him or his bizarre ideas. RFK,Jr. is a damaged human being. Read about his life and then come back and tell us how he's psychologically and temperamentally fit to lead America."


    1. Apoarently in your reified ignorance you have absolutely NO idea what you're babbling about.

  30. So the question is will we or won”t we have another 4 years of Greatness, or will we sink once again as we did throughout the Obama/Biden 8 years? I personably feel that there isn’t any doubt about it and that the country will continue the rapid decent into the Socialist state started under Obama/Biden years. As we already know the USA was already on it’s way there until it was saved by the fact that Trump beat the Hillarybeast. The folks who like "Free" Stuff” and those that are too ignorant to know the difference won't come to the realization that they have been duped by a RIGGED election.

    If, and when (God Forbid) Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States there are several questions he should be asked immediately: Such as, Mr. President, do you know what time it is? what day it is,? Where you are? What’s your name? What State are you in? What year it is?
    No, Joe Biden is not exactly like Mike Tyson who got his bell rung and was punched in his head too much!. His confusion, his decline, and his lack of awareness wasn’t caused by his going behind the Barn to beat up someone who called him a name! He just has been around a bit too long and need a rest Perhaps on a farm where he could talk to the Animals Where that wouldn’t be much less confusion. And as for the fact that got more votes for president than any other candidate in the history of the United States, well that alone is a big joke. Even, Wise Men, and Scholars like Professor Alan Dershowitz are scratching their heads over that.
    So lets face it America, if in fact Joe Biden is declared the winner, and he is inaugurated, that don’t mean that he does need to be quick-minded, or articulate or even aware of his surroundings. He only needs to keep breathing and remain upright long enough to take the oath of office. And able to pass the “Torch” to Kanala His corrupt past and his Crack-Head Son’s past will fade to black as fast as the Supreme Court’s lack of courage was in rejecting arguments challenging the fraudulent election that had just past. And things will go on, we may need to learn how to speak Chinese, but don’t worry, this soon will also pass.. And I kind of like Chinese food.

    1. Four more years of an intelligent, capable, effective, accomplished,
      and compassionate president for SURE!



  31. Iran Attacks US Warship December, 3, 2023--Are they using Biden's Gift of Millions of Dollars to Iran. But I guess that Iran must be wanting more money from Biden!
    Three commercial vessels were attacked in the Red Sea on Sunday, prompting a U.S. warship to shoot down multiple unmanned aerial vehicles headed toward them.
    And by the way all this was clearly verified! This aggression against America by Iran is real!
    If President Biden rewards this heinous act of aggression by Iran with more money, they better hide his skinny ass or a whole lot of American patriots will be Pissing on his grave when his miserable life on this earth is over.

    Biden needs to either throw in the towel or face impeachment. And Kamala better get help from both parties instead of calling Patriotic conservatives what her boss did. He called all of us "fascists." He learned it from his deep state advisory committee
    The development could signify a serious escalation in a series of maritime attacks in the Middle East linked to the Israel-Hamas war.
    Today, there were another four attacks against three different commercial vessels operating in INTERNATIONAL WATERS in the southern Red Sea," a statement by U.S. Central Command explained. That these three vessels are connected to 14 separate nations.

    The USS Carney, a War Ship was in the southern Red Sea, just north of the Bab al-Mandab Strait, when it shot down three Houthi drones heading in its direction, a U.S. official told News souses , adding that the action was taken in self-defense. The drones were launched from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, the official claimed. And yet Biden has done nothing but sit back and allow this to take place almost daily now. Why is THAT!

    1. Damn, your lying stinking pile of verbal excrement should be your embarrassment.

  32. According to a developer on discord, slugger was nerfed because it was "hands down best sniper rifle in the game". Then why nerf stagger instead of damage drop off?

    I think we all can agree that a shotgun definitely shouldn't work as a sniper rifle, and even more than that, it shouldn't be the best one. But why does that necessitates nerfing stagger and demolition, traits associated with shotguns, over damage drop off, accuracy over range and projectile trajectory? It simply doesn't make sense, and it doesn't even solves the problem it is supposed to. You still can snipe with slugger, but you lose the utility a powerful shotgun is supposed to offer.

  33. The next election is just around the corner

    And now that we all know how the Democrats operate. The question is, are they going to Invent a New Crisis that doesn't exist and then attempt to solve it.?

    Look for lock more “Lock Downs” jus before to the election. Now that they know that it works! And now that THY KNOW the Sheep will fall for it and follow whatever that Lunatic in the White House says. After all, the Democrats don't have policies that work. Nothing Biden Has Done So Far Has Worked, especially De-funding-abolishing Police and Open Borders. That's why Democrats fabricate all that BS and then depend on the l media to justify their lunacy, and for their mindless sheep to follow without question. And they’ll close your Business, Fine you, and even put you in Jail if you don’t follow!

    But I doubt you'll see any widespread lockdowns, like we had the last time, . But you can bet that we will eventually see mandatory vaccinations except for those people whose doctor forbids it.
    As it has already has been pointed out, almost everyone dying was unvaccinated. Let's face it, dying because of a political belief or just plain stupid..

    The next wave WILL come in the fall just prior to the election.. And the flu will be called the next Covid... All of the sheeple will complain, and get more pissed off about businesses closing , and need to get injected, and sit in their houses like good slaves.
    And told to Wash, Wear those Stupid Masks, and stay 6 foot away from everyone else, ALL OVER AGAIN.

    All because of Biden’s nonsense. You will be told that Biden is opposed to defunding police and the borders are closed.
    ALL BECAUSE the Democrats know that they are going to lose the House in 2022 Election

    1. trumpers spreading their caca casserole of bullshit.

  34. So, what happened to Delusional Uncle Joey's call for “Unity”?

    It was kess than three months ago when ILLEGAL President Joe Biden stood in front of the US. Capitol and delivered his inaugural address from his “Flash Cards”, that was all about his calling for “Unity”, and many Americans who saw a politically fractured, and divided country welcomed it. He then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also helping heal the country. On COVID-19, on Infrastructure, on “Boarder Control”, Climate Control, and several other matters, there was a glimmer of hope for bipartisan support. But very soon after, the load of disagreements followed.
    Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national “Unity”, Biden has abandoned his pursuit of “Unity” entirely. In fact we saw exactly the opposite. We saw the “Blame Game”.. And we saw the finger pointing,. The pursuit for “Unity” was long GONE!

    And Delusional Joey pushed through the biggest, and the fast CRAP LOAD of Executive Orders ever seen before, ALL of them were designed to WIPE OUT just about every thing that President Trump had accomplished. It didn’t matter if the EO wiped out Good, or Bad policies, but all that mattered was the fact that they were President Trumps!.. ,
    In fact it’s likely that China Joey didn’t even understand nor did he care . about the 50 plus Executive Orders that he signed. They were just handed to him, and he signed them.
    You could bet your last dollar that he was told the Tear down the Wall, and call for Gun Control.. That was the Democratic Socialist way of showing that they meant Screw Trump....Period.
    And now these Lying Pukes say they that Biden REALLY didn't really want to defund the Police, and it was all the Republican’s idea? Just how stupid do they think we, and the American people are?
    “Unity” ? LOL. Biden is doing what’s ever necessary to DIVIDE the Country, He don’t want no Stinken “Unity”.
    A thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns all but destroyed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years. And as predicted Uncle Joey took all the credit for obtaining the “Chinese Flu” Vaccine himself. It didn’t matter if Biden himself took the Vaccine while Trump was still in office, as long as he (Biden) sid it was his was all that counted.
    A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with a COVID-19 bill. package. Biden rejected them and instead signed THE MOST EXPENSIVE SPENDING BILL IN U.S. HISTORY, without one single Republican vote. This $1.9 TRILLION MONSTROSITY delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include about Seventy Five percent of non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states. This “Bill” included such CRAP as $500 billion to subsidies Obamacare, 35 billion premiums million to fund the arts, Humanities, Libraries, and Museums,
    $1.5 billion to Amtrak, and so on... And silly me, I thought we are talking about COVID relief for the people, and not for Pelosi’s pay backs.

    Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.
    So by More of that Democrat kind of “Unity” means Get in line with ‘Biden’s way of governing. The kind of ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders!
    So the Bottom Line is, to just Stand By, Many Other Socialist Policies Will Be Coming Your Way.

    1. You must be proud of your ability to rant and spread untruths. Of course you are. You're a sheeple cultist of the Big Oange Turd.

    2. You must be high on the butt shrooms you grew, using orange turds, Leslie Elden Carpenter III.

    3. You would know. As you're his best customer. He tells everyone how much you spend on your shrooms.

    4. 🔺Poor Davey! One of his blog butt buddies got to Leslie's Al Bundy/Liberty Mutual Dodge and slurped up sloppy seconds before he could hop into the back seat.🔺

      Davey Dummya's feeling sorry for himself after bending over and getting screwed by his butt buddies.

  35. The Voice of ReasonApril 3, 2024 at 7:28 AM

    So the question is will we or won”t we have another 4 years of inflation, threat of War, Banning Books, Movies, and even Food Labels, Shortages, Lies, and Deceit, Cheating, Riots, Looting, Storming our Borders, Illegals entering our Cities, and Sleeping and Urinating in our Streets will we sink to New Lows, and have the Lack of Respect from the rest of the World once again as we did throughout the Obama and Biden years? Wii our Country be weak again as we were throughout the Obama and Biden years? Will we have our Gas, Power, Food and other things priced so high that we can't afford them as we did throughout the Obama and Biden years? Or will we Show the Strength that we did when Donald Trump was the President Again ?
    It's up to you my fronds, do not allow those Progressive LIARS, and Crooks in power again, You saw what they did during the past Biden, and Obama years, don't allow it to happen again. You have the chance to get RID of the Vermin in November. DO IT!

    1. Trump is vermin. If you support him so be you.

  36. Replies
    1. Good day to travel to India and enjoy truth and awareness.

    2. 🔺Good day to bend over and bow to a dead fat man, Leslie Elden Carpenter III? Only a delusional moron high on choom and shroom will sell his soul to Satan's fat puppet boy.🔺

  37. It is you, and ignorant cultists like you, that are the divisive force tearing this nation apart.

    And President Biden is his own man. Where trump is a puppet for Putin.

    “ And President Biden is his own man. Where trump is a puppet for Putin.”
    Biden isn’t even man enough to be called a “man”

  39. So, you agree trump is Putin's puppet then and no man at all.

  40. Watching the Biden family enrich themselves is symbolic of how the entire Swamp does the same thing.

    This exchange with AOC and an eyewitness of the criminal past of the Biden family is a taste of how scared they are of this line of questioning. They hardly let the man talk.

    Shortly after the event, a democrat made a quick demand to vote yes or no for impeachment, stating he won't sit around and let taxpayers waste any more money on the investigation into the Biden family.

    That's right everyone, for the for time in US history the US Congress is concerned about spending money.

    Meanwhile, they spent $30 MILLION of taxpayer money going after Trump regarding Russian collusion that went nowhere. And how about Biden’s throwing away Billions by Forgiving School Loans, thinking that will buy him votes?
    And his paying Hotel bills for the Millions of Illegal Immigrants? And giving them all kinds of Benefits?

    1. No, you've confused the Orange Turd's family for the Biden family. As you goosestep to your Fuhrer's instructions.


    3. Oh my, a real tough guy.


    4. Dave's been bending over and snorting sloppy seconds off his Emperor's new panties. Does it smell and taste like Chocolate Chocolate Chip ice cream cones, Dave Dubya?

  41. Texas jus had a catastrophic loss of 4000 acres in a recent storm and everybody is worried about chemicals leaching into the soil

    ---And the "Big Guy" is on vacation. Anyone Surprised?



    1. Yeah, keep telling yourself that. SHOUT it because in an idiot trumper mind that's all it takes. Right bucko?


    2. When November comes, Davey will be squealing like a boar and sow caught in a trap.🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖

  43. A 70 year old Grandmother was just found guilty and is facing a year in prison for....... get this.....praying in the Capitol on January 6.! This is how the Biden “Reich” works things now, this is Infuriating. Unjust.and Unconscionable! ... Yes, she was found guilty of misdemeanors !
    By a Kangaroo court seeking out political criminals.
    Her mistake was to not assault someone on a public street or engage in armed robbery, or Looting a store, or even throwing Bricks at the Police Officers or something else that was Similar or a "minor offense" that would have gotten her released on parole or exonerated., and made to pay a fine.
    Her other mistake is being “White'”, and not being a member of a Gang of Hoodlums. Rioting on a Bridge and Stopping Traffic, or parading around a College Campos shouting Dirty Slogans about the Jews.. .

    Another example of how our Democratic-Socialist, Government, Federal and especially Biden’s DOJ, Who No Longer Complies with the Constitution. We Have Slid down the Slope into Tyranny!. Whatever happened to Right to Life, Liberty, and Justice?
    This was just a Kangaroo Court Seeking out “Enemies of Opposing Political Opponents, who are NOW KNOW AS CRIMINALS!

    1. Suzanne, over 42 years ago, a Navajo man who was a son of a code talker told me and my blog partner Mystere some things that FDR and Army General John DeWitt plotted in the late 1930s to deport all Japanese people from North, Central and South America. His code talker father served during World War 2, and he became of age to serve during the Korean War. The code talker's son met his bride while stationed in Okinawa, a Japanese bride from Hiroshima Japan. Nancy Pelosi used the same plot blueprints to execute the J6 imprisonment. Pelosi's papa is Thomas D'Allesandro Sr, a close friend of FDR and a crooked politician who became mayor of Baltimore MD by crooked means. Pelosi had access to the old blueprints and knew how FDR and DeWitt manipulated the public into supporting rounding up the Japanese from all of North America and imprisoned them into camps. DeWitt got Panama and a few other Central American countries to round up and deport Japanese into the prison camps in the USA, with many arriving to Roher Arkansas, Topaz Utah, Poston Arizona, Manzanar California and Tule Lake California. Pelosi wanted to get many of those falsely imprisoned for J6 to be falsely convicted of treason and mass executed at GITMO. However, just like the 1942 plot failing big time, the J6 imprisonment is failing big time.

      The Navajo man had a daughter attending the college where I met him. I previously didn't mention he knew the Deep State was plotting to have Russian people getting killed in massive numbers in needless wars just for population control. We are seeing this happen now in front of us. He said this was being planned for future decades later, and mentioned it woul happen past the year 2000.

  44. This is Outrageous!!!! DOJ seeks prison time for Woman who "Stole Ashley Biden’s Diary." Have we really become the NEW Third Reich?
    And what do they mean “Stole”? I thought the daughter left it there. Nope, It was NOT “Stolen”..... It was left behind and found a long time afterwards by the next tenant, well after the lost and found legal timeline.

    Nevertheless , the FBI in Washington DC spent a year hiding it, and then claimed it was a Russian disinformation. With this prosecution, they are now ADMITTING the diary where Ashley Biden writes in great detail how her father, the current occupant of the White House, repeatedly sexually abused they are ADMITTING the allegations are true then..we have a Pedophile, a Child Molester, in the White House.
    Is they anyone that believes the Left ISN'T an insane political party?
    Nazism is now a American Tradition!, What else would we expect from Biden’s Democratic corrupted DOJ?

    1. Dear Mega Man
      With the dawn of each day, a new chance for positivity and embracing life unfolds. Your resilience and appreciation for the present are truly inspiring. I've been following your profile for a while, enchanted by your consistently excellent posts and the valuable articles you share. Your content is not only captivating but also informative, leaving a lasting impression on me. Though I may not always comment, your efforts truly deserve acknowledgment. Your eloquent words and captivating images have captured my attention and fueled my fascination. Your smile, I must admit, is both enchanting and radiant. I attempted to send a friend request, but it appears it didn't quite go through. I am genuinely eager to establish a friendship with you. Could you kindly acknowledge my friendship and extend a friend request my way? Your acceptance would mean a lot to me. Thank you, and may you continue to be blessed with joy and positivity.

  45. Frigging wackos populate the Latrine. The trump brigade of the uneducated and uninformed cultists.

    1. Nursie Poo Poo shows off his perverted fixation on latrines. Shame on you, Leslie Elden Carpenter III!

    2. Gobble gobble gobble says the turkey who knows little.

  46. The people have the final say. They know the truth . Shaw is an Obsessed, and weird individual that there is NO CURE for. She just needs to be sent to rest in a Home for the Mentally Ill, along with her Lap Dogs Davey Dubwacko, Dave Miller Wacko, the Sick Anti-Smite Les Carpenter Ant, and Truth "101" Sicko

    1. Apparently it is national projection day here at the Latrine of trump Cultists.

  47. This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist, who seems to more Depressed, and perhaps not as Crazed than he usually is.
    James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

    But, it's good to see Progressive Marxism James Carville being rejected by our youth. And especially good to see the Usually Moronic This new woke bullshit will never fit into the DNA of this country. We cherish freedom and liberty too much. The Democrat party has come completely off track, and has reached a new LOW, and it all started with Barrack Obama who claimed that his Goal was to Transfer America. And now we are seeing the results of that IDIOT’S dream. And moving away from all the political noise from the Marxist’s Obama, and Biden. their “Paranoid Neanderthals within still exists. But in life, we all have Priorities, and Priorities that can change over time.
    Birth control pills, reproductive rights, environmental protections, and their "systemic racism" all can change, all we need to do is to wait and see.

    1. Long Live Progress!

      May the Evils of trump Fake Conservatism Rot On the Vine!</b<

  48. Snorting sloppy seconds is extremely rewarding. The aroma of passing gas enhances the pleasures of sniffing up the leftover residue left between the cracks.

  49. Mystere back to impersonating again. Suprised the bastard hasn't been reported to google.

  50. The SHAMEFUL SHAW, snd others her insane blog claim, and continue
    to say that “Donald Trump is a Rapist” when he NEVER was even accused of Rape, and was NOT EVER CONVICTED of such!
    But those Fake News Morons don’t care about the truth, or the facts. They only think that if you say something often enough, people will believe it. No matter what the truth is!

  51. What is shameful are the people who close their eyes, ears, and minds to the truth about donaldo j. trump. That he is indeed an insurrectionist, a rapist, a thug, a liar, a cheat, a tax fraudster, and an all around con man. The myriad of evidence is there. In plain sight. Fools like yourself anon, and millions of other deluded souls simpy and willingly refuse to accept reality. You live in a make beieve world in support of your Fuhrer.


    LETITIA JAMES continues to conduct herself like Stalin's legal assassin.. She is a disgrace to America and her $4 million dollar a year income should be investigated for obvious graft.
    This is what we call a STALINESQUE WITCH HUNT.
    Remember when the Democrats said it was bad to go after your political enemies.

    Seems they are OK with political witch hunts as long as their team hunts! Well our supposedly 'great American justice system' is letting her get away with it. Guess it's not so great after all.
    The FECKLESS WITCH HUNTER LIBERAL LOONS Want What You Given Them and When You Give it to Them, Then They Have Another Issue.
    She cannot be a bigger A-hole then she already is.

  53. Now We Know Why The FBI Raided Mar-a-Lago --- Trump Declassified “Crossfire Hurricane” Documents ARE SHOWING OBAMA, BIDEN, THE CIA, DOJ, AND FBI SPIED ON HIM
    Now You Know Why They Raided Mar a Lago. To Cover-up the Evidence of Their Crimes!
    And now the gig is up. Trump has all the goods on all of them and they don't want the public to see them

  54. Gullible idiots believing and regurgitating whatever their lying narcissistic Fuhrer trump tells them to.

    Mounds and mounds of evidence proves the criminality of the trump Crime Family. Headed up by crime boss donaldo j. trump.

    However, the wilfully blind, deaf, and ignorant cultists, with their heads buried in the sewer, will support the dastardly villian trump regardless of the truth and reality.

  55. Joe Biden’s Democratic Politics Shift Continues Toward the View That Hamas Should Win. Even when Hamas is STILL holding the Hostages (that maybe still alive) after over 6 months of their ILLEGAL, and BARBARIC CAPTIVITY.
    Israel’s critics will not be satisfied until Hamas is forced to give Isreal a list of the Hostages who maybe still alive.

    After more than Six full months of cruelty to the “Hostages have passed since the October 7 massacre, and already that act of unspeakable barbarity has been reduced to a passing aside in Democratic rhetorical assaults on Israeli perfidy — that is, when it is mentioned at all.
    Hamas still refusing release of hostages thus giving Israel a green light to continue on in Gaza even through Ramadon if no hostage release agreement by then. How many more Palestinians will Hamas allow to suffer & be killed needlessly
    In Michigan. mostly in Dearborn, over 100,000 registered democrat voters in the primary refrained on voting for Biden again over the Israel/Hamas war.
    Hamas Won’t even provide Israel a list on names of all the Still Living Hostages.
    Israeli officials have rejected any cease-fire talks in Gaza until Hamas provides a list of the hostages who are still alive.
    “Of course,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken began in remarks before reporters on Thursday, “what happened after October 7 could have ended immediately if Hamas had stopped hiding behind civilians, released the hostages, and put down its weapons.” Indeed. At any point in the war Hamas inaugurated, including the present moment, the conflict would end and a brighter day for the Palestinian people would dawn
    What course is left to us but to reluctantly conclude that the Biden administration’s preferred policy now is that Hamas should win the war it started on October 7.
    The truth is that the lying, corrupt, morally bankrupt Joe Biden doesn’t give a RAT’S ASS about the American Jews, or ANY Americans, his focus when he can focus, is on perpetual political power and his legacy as one of the world’s greatest politicians outshining the fabricated legacy of Barack Obama in the process.

    It is no longer a choice between the Democrats and Republicans but a choice between good and evil, and between freedom and enslavement

    1. PS: Good and freedom = President Biden and the Democratic Party...

      Evil and enslavement = donaldo j. trump and the trumpublican party...

      Keeping the record straight and true.

  56. Well, the Latrine Queen, acting as her Fuhrer el donaldo j. trump instincts her to, is now deleting verifible truthful posts because they don't align with the lying liars lies.

    Proudly bringing to the Fuhrer's cultists only the aporoved trumpublican party line.

    Keeping the sheeple happily wallowing in shit lies.

  57. A real babbling brook of trumpublican bullshit and delusion.

  58. As the genocidal Zionist Netanyahu butchers over 33,000 inocent children, women, and non combatant men. Bibi is fine with wiping out as many inocent Palestinians as possile apparently.

    Abd trumo and his party of cultist sheeple are fine with it too.

    1. Who asked you! You ass-faced, Anti-Semitic Ass-Hole!


  60. We are up against the Democratic Nazis’ the stupidity, force of the Left who has employed lying Politicians like Biden for decades to steal the American Dream from the Middle Class

    1. Truthfully? It is trump, the trumpublican cult, and corporate greed that is stealing the "American Dream." Not President Biden or the democratic party.

      MM is simply a cultist and non thinking conditioned sheeple.

  61. The truth?
    Can you handle the truth?

    OK, the truth is RN (Lester) ( RN the Registered Nurse) (the Anti Semitic) blogger and commenter who is a embarrassment to the Blogissphere world, is a Coward, a Weenie, and a Progressive Lap Dog. .

    1. Mr. Anonymous you forgot to mention a few other details about Lester the (the Anti Semitic), and a Sniveling Coward , who is a Disgrace to this Proud, and Wonderful Country.

    2. It appears, in your delusions, you project at ease.

    3. It appears, in your delusions, you too project at ease anon.

  62. It appears, in your delusions, you project at ease as well.

  63. Yesterday, (Saturday) , Donald Trump “Dared”, he actually expressed that he would consider it a "Great Honor" to Face Imprisonment If He Violated a Gag Order, signaling a heightened level of criticism directed towards New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan and other judicial figures involved in the Alvin Bragg trial in New York

    Posting on his Truth Social account, Trump wrote, "Now, we have Judge Merchan, who is not allowing me to talk, thereby violating the Law and the Constitution, all at once. It is so bad what he is trying to get away with - How was he even chosen for this case??? I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also! If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the "clink" for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela - It will be my GREAT HONOR. We have to Save our Country from these Political Operatives masquerading as Prosecutors and Judges, and I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause. We are a Failing Nation, but on November 5th, we will become a Great Nation again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
    Democratic Judge’s love silencing Conservative Americans.

    1. Your usual load of Cornpoop.

    2. 🔺Dervish shows off his queer fixations again.🔺

  64. A vote for Joe Biden for 2024 will destroy what is left of this If you don’t America, vote for Old Senile Joe
    Biden's whopping $7.3T budget includes $5.5T in tax hikes, $11.8B for the border crisis, and $850B for the Pentagon — is it 'reckless spending' or much-needed relief for American families??
    President Biden, who has by some craxy reason has secured the Democratic nomination for this year's presidential election, revealed his massive $7.3 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2025. It calls for major tax hikes on the wealthy and corporations while raising spending for social programs and border security.

    There is no way that "TAXING THE RICH" is going to bring in enough money to cover a 7.3 trillion dollar budget and the leftists know this. What will end up happening is that more debt will be added, most likely 3 trillion dollars a year or all the working class will end up paying 90% of what the earn towards this budget boondoggle. All in the name of equity....where everyone will be equally poor and equally miserable

    1. ColonelAnus certainly loves blowing gas.

  65. You just can NOT trust the Democratic-Socialist’s to "Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, Foreign and Domestic," and keep America both Safe and Secure.
    These are the very same Asswipes that support the Terrorists and welcome the Illegal Criminals, Crazies, and Illegal Terrorists into our country with their INSANE Open Border Policy.

    Forget that these are the same Terrorists that Murdered, Rapped, and Slaughtered Babies in Gaza and think about the young Americans being killed by Illegal Aliens and by Drugs like Fentanyl.

    These are the Loons, and Fools that allowed our Enemies to Embed Sleeper Cells of military-age Men into our country, to be activated at the will of a hostile foreign power like Iran..

    Now, we find these same Loon’s and Fools supporting Terrorism, killing innocent Israeli’s including American Citizens, and acting as Unregistered Foreign Agents of Enemy Regimes while supporting these “Paid For” Pakistan Protesters. .
    It is estimated that over 32,000 people have been killed since the start of this war, and nearly half of whom are children.

    The Israeli government has a duty to ensure that any contraband is not smuggled into Gaza along with Legitimate Aid Packages. How many of these dead aid workers are attributed to Hamas as they hijack aid convoys or rob and kill civilians who have accepted aid packages?
    How many of these dead aid workers are attributed to Hamas as they HIJACK AID CONVOYS OR ROB AND KILL CIVILIANS who have accepted aid packages? And then blame Israel for it!

    1. CF prefers fascism over democracy and a narcissistic rapst and facist insurectionist over the Constitution. Just like his orange Fuhrer.

  66. Anyone notice the Christian Nationalists/MAGATS hob-nobbing about god warning America through the Jersey eartquake?

    Definitely a strange and very odd breed.

  67. And, the Christian Nationalists are starting to sound an awful lot like the Extremist Islamists they love to hate. Funny that.

    Hypocrisy be thy guide Christian Nationalists.

  68. The Masked UnknownApril 7, 2024 at 2:12 PM

    There are remnants even today in the Democratic party of those thinking like the Nazis did. Do you recall when this nation was under siege as it is today? Reading about Democrats jailing our citizens tells me they love the way Nazis operated.

  69. If an assclown delusional Potatohead like Bidumb can rekindle fascism in such a way that he has been ding , and then ask almost half the country will vote for him again, just think of how batshit crazy the Progressives really are when they do..

  70. Biden is reunifying Venezuelan gangsters in America...

  71. Without facts or evidence of any kind the MAGATS of trumptardia create their own lying storylines in support of their lying fascist (Nazi) sympathizing Fuhrer, donaldo j. trump, the rapist insurrectionist and doddering fat blob of bullshit.

  72. Ok, it’s another week, and another day to be my cynical self and asking \ who is benefitting from ALL the Chaos all over the world, and especially from the enormous, and the extremely monumental change of direction in the Hamas-Israeli war?

    Is it possible that the feckless, “LEAD FROM BEHIND” Obamanites in the Obama/Biden Administration are being blackmailed into tacitly supporting Iran’s HAMAS Proxy in return for delaying the news release of Iran’s nuclear breakout? ? Humm, —something that would be so damaging to the Democrat Party as to Ensure an Election Defeat for the Senile One?

    Or is it possible that the Democrats are so focused on the Muslims in Michigan (aka Dearbornistan) and Minneapolis (where the “Call to Prayer” chant in Arabic is blasted from rooftops ) that they are willing to throw Israel to the Wolves, full well knowing that the majority of American Jews will instinctively pull the Democrat lever?

    I also have to wonder if the White House is also managing the unwinnable Ukraine situation?
    If not, why have we switched the direction of our support? Are we now catering to Terrorists who are continuing to fire missiles into Civilian areas of Israel, and hiding that fact?? ? And where is the International demand that all Hamas hostilities cease, where is the demand that the Hamas leaders Surrender of and Weaponry, the Return of the Hostages and Bodies of the Hostages that were Murdered?? What happened to the Cry out to the rest of the world about the Brutal, Savage, Cruel, Bloodthirsty, Vicious, HORRIFIC ATTACK from Hamas was completely UN-called for. The Murder of Innocent Civilians, and the Be-heading of Babies was without compassion and inhumane. I rest my Case!

  73. So Joe Biden thru a Hissy- Fit fit over some Civilians being killed in Gaza. this is Laughable, and Hilarious compared to his LACK of actions, and Lack of Speaking out about the Brutal Raid that Hamas made on Innocent Women, and Children, and the Taking of Hostages and Murdering them

  74. And so it begins.
    It appears the corrupt system and the Democrat minions are hellbent into transforming Trump into a martyr.
    Let them do what they may, asking as Trump Wins!

  75. Shaw Kenawe said...

    No. Voting to put a rapist and insurrectionist back in the WH would be the dumbest point in our history. Every intelligent person 🧍 know understands this. This country is not spending “all of the resources” to watch this event. Where are you getting your information from


  76. TEN (10) MILLION ILLEGAL,, I Repeat TEN MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, have come into OUR Country ILLEGALLY since Biden was in office. . This was NOT due to any “Amnesty!.... Amnesty is as the granting of legal status to a foreign nationals
    And NOT to the people who illegally entered the United States or illegally overstayed their work or travel visa, or that crossed our border without their required papers etc.
    Each year since Joe Biden’s presidency, , 10's of Millions of ILLEGAL Aliens deliberately violated our NATION’S LAWS BY UNLAWFULLY CROSSING U.S. BORDERS
    The Biden Administration’s Open-borders policies have set records that no one should be proud of, the most notable of which is a historic amount of illegal encounters: 8.5 million illegal aliens at our borders over just three years, plus 1.8 million “gotaways.” Amidst the record encounter numbers, aliens from hostile countries such as China have begun flooding our borders in increasing numbers.

    Of the nationwide encounters reported by citizenship group through Customs and Border Protection Chinese nationals have quickly become the fastest growing demographic crossing our southern border illegally. Now I ask your, What the Hell is that all about? Under the Biden Administration, encounters of Chinese nationals at the border have risen from 450 in the year 2021, to over 24,000 in 2023, with the vast majority of those encounters being single adults. That represents a staggering 5,200 percent increase. So far in 2024, nearly 20,000 have been encountered. And Crime has gone up 100 percent.
    At a recent shooting in New York’s Times Square. Police officers jumped in midtown Manhattan. Thieves on mopeds snatching purses in Brooklyn. An immigrant crime wave has exploded in recent weeks across deportation-free New York, a “sanctuary city” that has attracted almost 200,000 border crossers in less than two years

    On Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024, there was a brawl between New York City Police Department officers and migrants in Times Square, when several young ILLEGAL’S attacked, and beat, and kicks the Police Officers and were released days later without bail , due to the Progressive District Attorney Alvin Bragg.
    And it is only going to get worse as the lawlessness from the DA’s Mayor’s, and Governors in these Sanctuary Cities.
    Another illegal immigrant was arrested for killing a Georgia Nursing Student crossed the border in Texas Sept. 8 last year and was sent to a processing facility there, but was quickly released before being put on a bus to New York City, where he was later busted and set free again,.ose Antonio Ibarra and wife Franco from Venezuela entered El Paso together with her 5-year-old son, and the family was then sent to New York Sept. 15, where the PUNK posted smiling, carefree pictures of himself on social media. He is now in Jail for Murder.

    Also, according to a release from the Sheriff’s Office, officials were called to investigate the killing of an American Bald Eagle. The investigation is still ongoing and more serious charges are possible in the future.
    This is what Joe Biden has brought within our borders.

  77. Oh my gawd! What to do?

    Pass the goddamn senate immigration bill. Smart republicans say it's the best bill they've seen in decades. Bipartisan to boot.

    But no, trumpty dumpty the dope says no! What a damn schmuck.

    All so whining little trump turds can bitch and moan and blame democrats and President Biden.

    It's trumpty dumpty that ya'all should be pissing and moaning about. But then, ya ain't too smart. Something ya'all prove almost daily.

  78. A Video that captured the EXTREMELY DISGUSTING, chants of "DEATH TO AMERICA" and "DEATH TO ISRAEL" by MOSTLY ALL of the attendees of a Dearborn HATE Rally that went viral over the past weekend, underscoring tensions over America’s. support for Israel's six-month-long BRUTAL assault against Hamas in Gaza, and that was stirred up, and provoke by Chuck Schymmer’s disgusting Speech last week, alsog with the Threats by Joe Biden and the Former “Speaker” or should I say :Stinker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
    Did you know that American Muslims are Stoning Christians in Dearborn, Michigan ?
    The annual pro-Palestinian event rally was held on the International Day of Al-Quds, held on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan to express support for Palestinians in their decades-old land dispute with the Jews ish people. Thousands of People gathered in front of the Henry Ford Centennial Library on Michigan Avenue in Dearborn, Michigan holding Palestinian flags and yellow signs that read “ Death to America, Death to Israel” "Money for Jobs and Education, Not for Israel's Occupation." They chanted in unison, "Free, Free Palestine" and "End the Occupation Now.
    The event was organized by Tarek Bazzi, a local activist, who spoke out against what he called Israel's "Satanic Actions" and "the United States government providing funds that allow the atrocities." In his OUTRAGEOUS speech, Bazzi decried continued U.S. support for Israel and called for Condemnation of America's role. "Any system that would allow such devilries to happen and would support it does not deserve to exist on God's Earth," he said of the U.S. "So when these fools ask if Israel has a right to exist, the chant 'Death to Israel' has become the most logical chant shouted across the world today.".
    This is what the Biden Administration has brought to America! These are the ANIMALS that we are throwing our money to. And allowing to Vote in OUR elections!
    Why didn’t anyone know that we should have expected violence and mob mentality to come from a large angry gathering of brainwashed religious zealots who think theirs is the ONLY religion to be allowed.?

    Why is the United States so reluctant to call out Terrorists and Terrorist Sympathizers? What good will these people EVER bring to America? NONE is the answer!
    The Democrats have fallen prey to international communism and the concept of continual revolution until communism is achieved--no matter how many people must suffer and die for the perfection of humanity.

    And why is it that all these in Congress know how Israel should maintain THEIR Borders and how Israel should protect itself BUT SAY NOTHING ABOUT OUR OPEN BORDER AND HOW WE NEED TO PROTECT OURSELVES? Why are they funding the Terrorists in Iran who killed American Soldiers, and promise to continue killing them? Are WE THAT INSANE that we continue to tolerate this Disgusting thing in our own Country? Why do we accept this kind of behavior ?
    Where is the United States that I used to know, that would never allow this disguising Crap ?

  79. 33000+ innocent Palestinian deaths at the hands of the butcher of Tel Aviv, Netanyahu. So, you were saying rambo?

    1. I was saying "That Sounded Great!

    2. Dave Dubya April 9, 2024 at 6:18 AM
      "33000+ innocent Palestinian deaths at the hands of the butcher of Tel Aviv, Netanyahu. So, you were saying rambo?"

    3. I'm sure you do zenophobe.

  80. I'd Rather Be an American than a Democrat

    1. Correction: you'd rather be a facist than live in a democratic republic. Like trump your hero, you take your cues from Hitler and the Nazis.

    2. How much does Your Mother Charge?


  81. Unlike the biases and one sided depiction in the Progressive-Liberal Media, Conservatives are more like you than you may care to admit; we are people with families to raise, careers to build and who want to live out peaceful lives in safe neighborhoods, with fair laws for all, in close knit communities, fulfilling careers, and see their legacies passed down to the next generation. In short, the all American ideal of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

    And yet, we’re constantly vilified by the Liberal Mainstream Media, in our children’s schools, in colleges and universities, in corporations, non-profits, online, in movies, TV, in a Leftist controlled government, in the sciences, even in the medical establishment where we too, must seek out care at times just like everyone else. If you believe what these all tell you, then you will end up believing that Conservatives are cruel sadists who love to bully and exclude others and love to wallow in willful ignorance and crazy conspiracy theories. When the Left rails against Conservative policies, they cry “The cruelty is the point!” We, especially the universally hated enemy #1, the White Male, are the oppressor, the bully, the colonizer, even the enslaver, of racial minorities, women, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, etc….etc… We see the ignorant Jew Hater Pro-Palestine protesters, protesting in our Streets, the College Campus’s, the halls of Congress, and even on Bridges, and other places disrupting the peace, and the traffic.

    We oppose ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS streaming into the country not because we hate those who don’t look like us, or that we hate foreigners, or have no empathy for those fleeing bad situations. I can’t imagine what it is like for many who can no longer call their country home. However, we don’t know anything about these people, we already know that many of them are here only to cause trouble, and Chaos, we already have limited resources to help our own citizens who are struggling. Is it fair that some immigrants come here through legal means and go through all those hoops only to have others simply jump over the border and get resources like a free hotel room, free food, free medical, free cell phones, a driver’s license, voting power, and even FREE Loaded Credit Cards. etc… in a country that is not theirs? Would it be fair for a US citizen to go into Canada, for an example, and demand all of the above without becoming a legal Canadian citizen? On a related note, do you honestly think it’s fair that our country, and others have to bend over backwards to accommodate the cultures coming in with little regard for our own cultural identity and values?

    We disagree with many things that the BLM etc do not because we love being racist oppressors who want a White ethnostate, harkening back to Jim Crow, lynching, and KKK rallies, but because the equality these purport to strive for has not materialized outside theoretical discussions in the ivory towers. Having token diversity hires, admittance to schools based on intersectional adversity scores, and superficial notions of “representation” don’t foster true equality, or even equity, only resentment, divisiveness, and a sense that anyone in a minority group is merely there to be woke, even if they were chosen based on true merit. We don’t believe that it fosters community to teach our children a theory that one is the oppressor and the other the oppressed. We don’t believe that BLM, which supported the looting, vandalism and violence in the wake of alleged injustices instead of dialogue and empowerment, and has misappropriated funds that should have gone to struggling Black communities truly represents justice for the Black community.

    1. More blathering facist bullpuckey. Why not just move to an "official fascist state where you'll be happy?

  82. Here we go again, with another Million of Biden’s Student-loan Vote Buying
    This is really just blatant VOTE BUYING, of the worst kind I've ever seen.
    I have no use for this Pathetic, Moronic, Senile, Potatohead. ,
    Joe Biden is once again is trying to deliver Millions more of student debt forgiveness, with a new plan that was just unveiled on Monday that could help about 30 Million more borrowers erase all of their College loans.. All for a trade off for a few more Million Votes.

    This will be his latest attempt at Collage Loan Debt “Forgiveness” that comes less than a year after THE SUPREME COURT BLOCKED BIDEN'S PREVIOUS ATTEMPT TO HELP STUDENT “ BORROWERS”, when last years court's ruling was denied to “For-Give” up to $20,000 in forgiveness to roughly 40 Million Americans. How’s that for Vote Buying?
    Hey, I guess that Biden could even Buy My Vote , IF HE PAYS OFF MY CAR LOAN.! And hey, who knows? Maybe that will be the next move Old Joe will take to get a few Million more Votes.

    Democrats got away with BUYING votes back in 2020 and 2022 and it worked! . Offer someone $2000, $10,000, $20,000 and yeah they will sell you their vote for that kind of money. Democrats will take that kind bribery in 2024 as well, YOU CAN COUNT ON IT.
    But If You Ain’t Got Any Loans, Biden isn't going to do “Jackshit” for you.
    He's gambling that he'll pick up at least half a Million or so new votes, or at least that the ones who support him will make sure and show up to cast their “PAID FOR” votes.
    The ones it ticks off, are almost guaranteed to be Americans that don’t have any Loans to be paid off.
    That's the cornerstone of the Dimocrat party, they Literally Train the Populace to Accept Government Handouts. They get their allegiance in return. So Just Sieg Heil!, and Shut Up!

    1. Personally, I am ashamed of the United States and loathe the moral ambiguity of our leadership, which looks evil in the face and equivocates: on the one hand, we have evil, and on the other hand, perhaps we can use this evil for our own political advantage. These are the ass-wipes that are decimating our military and who are willing to leave Americans behind to be murdered or mutilated in Gaza as they did in Afghanistan.

      This would had NEVER happened under President Trump. It is now an indisputable fact: the Progressive Communist Democrats and the Biden Regime are hell-bent on destroying America from within and cannot be trusted to protect and defend our Constitution or our Country, and the exact same goes for what is going on today in Israel. .
      There has never been a time that peace existed in the Middle East. Or when the Muslims were not attacking the Jews
      We have entered a quasi-police state and desperately need reform.
      The idea that the Palestinian Arabs can “live side by side in peace and security with Israel” is a total impossibility., and just a dream, that will never happen. The Palestinian Arabs completely controlled Gaza and turned it into an Armed Terrorist State
      It is actually disingenuous and Impossible that the Arab Leaders would allow Israel to live in peace. Without the violence” while ignoring ongoing Terrorism and continuing rocket attacks against Israel. Where is the call for the HAMAS terrorists to surrender and bring an end to the conflict? Where is the ofer from Hamas to free the Hostages? It been over 6 months, sinde they Brutally attacked the Innocent people of Israel. And it is over 6 months that they have been holding and Murdering the Hostages.

      So, If YOU MUST, then Hold your nose, and vote for Donald Trump – and give him the majority he needs in the House and Senate to start restoring America to her former glory, and lets Make .America Great Again.

  83. Off topic, but there is something that bugs me and I'd like to say it.
    When the economy goes south, going to a Restaurant to eat moves from a weekly staple of every-day living to a once in a while luxury fewer that fewer people can afford. The reason the restaurants are nickel, and dimeing customers, and charging extra for the use of Credit Cards, as well as lowering the size of their portions here and there is because they don't want to give the customers sticker shock by raising their prices too oftem. When people see menu prices go through the roof. It's for sure that many of their customers are going to be there as often as they were. It’s the same when you buy a bag of potato chips, your going to get fewer chips in them than they used to. The same with Cookies, etc..Even the price of a drink at the bar has gone shy-high. And the tell the truth, that’s exactly why I have either stopping going to those Restaurants, or I don’t have the drink at the bar that I used to. .. ALL consumer goods face price increases or smaller serving sizes to keep prices from skyrocketing. Look around you, it's happening everywhere.
    But it’s starting to hurt the Restaurant owner. I can see that, because several of the Restaurants that I patronize have STOPPED the Sur-Charge on Credit-Cards. I have seen it myself at least 3 of the places that I have gone to recently have dtopped the extra charge.
    My wife and I went into one of our favorite local Restaurant the other day. He had raised the price of some of our favorite dishes when the price skyrocketed a while ago, And on top of the higher price, he added 3 percent to the bill if you used a Credit Card. Because he was able to. He thought that Nobody would even that the cost on the menu went up. Or That People Didn’t Care! .Well, we really noticed that the place had become much easier to get into because few people were coming there.
    Anyway, my point is that when we were in there last week, I notices that he took the Credit Card sur-charge off the menu and he was not charging you for using it any longr. And we had noticed this in several other places as will.
    Restaurants are like every other business, they charge as much as the market will tolerate. And they now are very aware that their Customers are pissed off at the 2-3 percent that they have been tacking on. So the... Bottom Line is.. What keeps a business alive and kicking are the customers who come back. BUT if they don't feel that they get their money's worth, or if they are UNHAPPY, they will go somewhere else.
    Say whatever you want to, but in my opinion Restaurants DO have a choice. Raising prices due to inflation is understandable but to a certain degree I agree with the restaurant owner. But I also have noticed and very often that some Restaurants have been taking advantage of the situation and are OVERLY raising their prices, as for Credit Card charges,If you believe that a Restaurant is over-chargeing, or for any other reason then don't go there. You may find out that others are doing the same thing, so then you eat out less. That's the way it's supposed to work. The nickle and dimeing BS has gotten out of hand. Many places have both Raised the prices drastically on drinks, and are either using a smaller glass, or not giving a decent pour. And that really makes me angry, as there is such a is a huge mark up on drinks.
    So if you care about keeping your customers happy by being flexible and accommodating, don't over due the Nickle, and Dimeing, and don’t look for every angle to charge more. . It's going to cost you costumers

    1. Ignorance and greed drives price increases.

      Before burping up a conditioned canned response think deep, outside the box, before answering. If you can, that is.

  84. It was only ONE DAY after his inauguration that China Joey told us about his Plan for “Unity”,
    Biden has Completely, and Totally abandoned his pursuit of “Unity” Entirely, because IT WAS ALL LIES TO BEGIN WITH . In fact we saw exactly the opposite. We saw the “Blame Game”.. And we saw the Finger Pointing,. The pursuit for “Unity” was long GONE, and never to come in the first place. !
    And Delusional Joey pushed through the biggest, and the fast CRAP LOAD of Executive Orders ever seen before, ALL of them were designed to WIPE OUT just about every thing that President Trump had accomplished. It didn’t matter if the EO wiped out Good, or Bad policies, but all that mattered was the fact that they were President Trumps!..Yes, everything GOOD that President Trump put in place, Joey wiped out on the very first day he sat in office. ,
    In fact it’s likely that China Joey didn’t even understand nor did he care . about the 50 plus Executive Orders that he signed. They were just handed to him (by who knows who) , and he signed them.
    You could bet your last dollar that he was told the Tear down the Wall, and call for Gun Control.. That was the Democratic Socialist way of showing that they meant Lets Screw Trump....Period.
    And now these Lying Pukes say they that Biden REALLY didn't really want to de-fund the Police, and it was all the Republican’s idea? Just as they are saying about the Millions of ILLEGAL’S that HE brought in to WRECK our Cities. Just how stupid do they think we, and the American people are?
    “Unity” ? LOL. Biden is doing what’s ever necessary to DIVIDE the Country, He don’t want no Stinken “Unity”, and he never did. .
    A thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns all but destroyed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years. And as predicted Uncle Joey took all the credit for obtaining the “Chinese Flu” Vaccine himself. It didn’t matter if Biden himself took the Vaccine while Trump was still in office, as long as he (Biden) sid it was his was all that counted.
    A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with a COVID-19 bill. package. Biden rejected them and instead signed THE MOST EXPENSIVE SPENDING BILL IN U.S. HISTORY, without one single Republican vote. This $1.9 TRILLION MONSTROSITY delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include about Seventy Five percent of non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states. This “Bill” included such CRAP as $500 billion to subsidies Obamacare, 35 billion premiums million to fund the arts, Humanities, Libraries, and Museums,
    $1.5 billion to Amtrak, and so on... And silly me, I thought we are talking about COVID relief for the people, and not for Pelosi’s pay backs.
    Biden would rather give the Hundreds of Millions of dollars to Iran, and to the Illegal Invaders to our country. Why not? He gave them everything else!
    Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.
    So by More of that Democrat kind of “Unity” means Get in line with ‘Biden’s way of governing. The kind of ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders!
    So the Bottom Line is, to just Stand By, Many Other Socialist Policies Will Be Coming Your Way.

    1. What an empty, unthinking, delusions mind!

      Pull your head from your rectum and see the light of day!

      It is your Fuhrer, DJT, that is demonstrably and most certainly the Divider In Chief.

      A chaotic unprincipled POS that will destroy everything good about this nation and being American.

      BIDEN/HARRIS 2024!


  85. Davy BOY must be under a Doctor's Care, as he don't know his Head from his Ass today..
