Friday, June 5, 2015

Caitlyn After Surgery

In the Arms Of a real man. She was even able to eat. Sloppily, but that too shall pass

Check out this video they put together. You can see her soul in her eyes


  1. This isn't surprising at all, that the Scumbucket Liberal cowards are terrified of pissing off their base, even if that means making someone other than Hillary their candidate. The hypocrites in the Liberal-Progressive base didn't mind it when Obama replaced Hillary the last time around. Who would want to belong to a club that does this to their own parties choices? But shell win the nomination even if her numbers are horrid..
    Any democrat, or a progressive voter who supports her after all they learned about her in the past few months are either very ignorant or very stupid, or both.

    1. A bit off topic methinks. Don't you Ms. Hightower?

      BTW, it sounds as if you might have an anger management problem.

  2. I am glad to get good news about this blessed dog, Lisa. May she come to live with a loving family who will appreciate her and make her feel loved, wanted and well cared for.

  3. Thank you for your compassion FT

    1. I dearly love animals, Lisa. I know you do too.

      People? –– Not so much –– with a few private exceptions, of course. ;-)

  4. Indeed good news. I hope, as we all do, that this dog is adopted by a caring loving family.

  5. We also hope RN is adopted by a loving family

  6. LOL, let's hope that RN is kept on a leash so that he don't run into the street.

  7. It’s that time again!, the obamas go on vacation (AGAIN)!
    The Obama family, will head to Europe later this month, according to the White House. They’ll be visiting the Britain and Italy. I guess there is nothing too good for the King and Queen of America and their little princesses. And let’s not forget the First Mother in Law, I mean, hell, you know we can’t leave her behind, it’s a package deal. The Vacationer in Chief will be going a bit later and as always on another plane, as will the First Mutt. He gets his own plane as well. Nothings to good for the King and Queen of America!

    Why is it that in every speech that the Messiah makes, he always speaks about the “little people” the “Middle Class”, and yet although these people, like so many people in America who are in dire need of help, needing medical help, jobs, homes, food and just recently, disaster relief. I don’t know what this trip is going to cost the American tax payer, not yet, but I’m pretty sure we’ll find out soon enough, and I am also pretty sure that the money WASTED on this trip would go a long ways in helping Americans that are seriously in need. And we all know that this is nothing more than a 1st class vacation trip for the family, on OUR dime!
    It wasn’t too long ago when these radical left libtards were crying for the Head of George Bush for spending SO MUCH time at his Crawford Ranch,his own home, not every posh place he could find. bitching about the cost of these “Frequent” vacations….Yet when the Mooch and the “King’ does the same but multiplied by 100 it’s all for the good of the country… Yes how they bitched, moaned and groaned saying it cost the tax payers hundred of millions for travel expenses…And I'm sure that the Mooch is going to in jam as many more vacations as she can before she and jugears are thrown out of the White House.

    Talk about hypocrisy…

    1. So the Moocher is off on another overseas vacation on taxpayer dime. and takes the kids and her mother with her! I’d bet that she’s going say that it’s a diplomatic mission representing our nation.

  8. My reply to the Moocher's Vacation Rhymes with "Bucket". I just can't stand these people any long, in fact I never was able to.

  9. On another blog, there is a blogger who has disrespected us VETS, by saying things about us that is simply NOT true.
    Like saying “The GOP Bash the Gay Married Veterans and their families!
    So I’d just like to say that SHE’S a liar and, one of those lefties who does not understand. And that she would support us more by shutting her damn, dumb, stupid mouth. Vets like anyone else or any other group have different opinions among them. Not all Vet’s or any other group think alike.

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    1. The Dog?
      I thought this was about Bruce Jenner or RN,

  12. Lisa,

    Even though no one else seems to want to talk about the dog Caitlyn, who is the subject of this post, I do hope you will continue to give us progress reports on her condition, and that soon news will come in hat she has been adopted by good people who will love her and care for her properly.

    I'd adopt her, myself, but I have serious physical limitations, and am much too old, so I can't even think about such a thing. Besides, my two cats wouldn't like it, and would make poor companions for canine Caitlyn, I know. ;-)

    At any rate, your interest in dogs has always charmed me. I've often said a person's character is best measured by the way he or she treats animals.

  13. They are hoping the gentleman pictured here is going to adopt her. He is an a abuse advocate who helps abused animals transition . Caitlyn developed a strong bond with him.
    I would love to take her too but we already have 4 kitties and 2 doggies which aren't cheap to feed and doctor.
    Thank you FT . I will keep you updated on sweet Caitlyn's progress

    1. Yes. The only thing the foul moocher has in common with this sweet baby is a tail.

      She is a sweet baby - please keep us updated.

  14. Anyone else see the creepy Burger King clown who snuck into the trainer Baffert's box and got on TV before the Belmont race? Excellently cynical product placement!

  15. Burger Kind paid $150,000 for that RR.

  16. I saw that Burger King RR,.I guess they were using it as a reference to the crown

  17. No Lisa the owners of the horse got sponsorship money from Burger King and Monster energy drink.

    1. Even though that was tacky as Hell I still love Burger King for moving their corporation and telling the the marxist federal behemoth to GFY

  18. As for that Plot to behead Pamela Geller, because she had the Guts and the balls to say and do what she has the right to! What has happened to America? Are we now a country of GUTLESS wimps? Bare we going to knuckle down to these bastards now?
    As usual, the left is bashing the wrong ones. Not a word against the animals who plot to murder innocent people
    And you guys think it's funny when people want to stand up for their rights? You act as if the Muslims are justified for threatening those who offend them. Fucking sheep. You are the reason this country is going to hell
    So, you are simply going to accept all the radical Muslims, many who live here in the states, and expect everyone else to tiptoe around and be careful not to offend them? That sends a message that we will bend over and do whatever it takes to appease them. And we would have to continue it forever.

    I would rather the radicals be the ones who change or leave. We have freedom of speech and people get offended every day. Either learn to turn the other cheek or you face the consequences of your actions.

    If we give in on this, there will be a new demand to be met, and so on. The radicals aren't going to be content to live among infidels and they are merely doing this to try and scare us into following their rules. It's sad that the left seems so willing to go along with it.
    You don't have to like her to defend her! You don't have to defend her either if you are a leftist wimp! But I think that you are defending all the infidels that these radicals hate and want to kill. Are you people so afraid of poking the wasp's nest?
    Maybe someday you might be one of them. Blaming the victims is so easy if you are a coward!


  19. Agree with Pam Geller or not, when are we going to stand up and shout, I’m MAD as HELL and I’m not going to take it anymore!
    Pam Gellar stood up to these Muslim terrorists who have shown us exactly what they do to keep people under their control, and that they murder those who don’t do things their way……it takes no courage to stand up to these radical bastards….that is why we need mor Pamela Geller’s … these liberal cowards would rather back down without hesitation, she didn’t, she stood up to them without hesitation.

    These Radical Muslims are not only beheading Americans, but killing Jews and Christians alike by the thousands. And why? Just because they weren’t Muslims! They have stated their intent of wiping Israel off the face of the earth but also any religion or people that do not follow their Sick and Psychotic religious policies. And who do you think they will want to murder after the Israeli’s? Us Americans, that’s who!!!
    Of course, our dear leader in the White house, Mr. Obama acts more like a tribal king than a democratic leader and one who sympathizes most with those whose animals. And not only that but he doesn’t have the balls to stand up to or worse is in full sympathy with the very one of these savages that are intent on destroying this country and killing us. So of course, when a woman in fact has the cajones to stand up and comment, she must be slammed down by the Liberal scum who kiss his boots and bow down to him as if he were a member of the royalty or monarchy.


  20. Some TeaPublicans don't understand how denying benefits to gay veterans who are married affects their children.

    The person asks: "This affects a veteran's child how?"

    This is what that TeaPublican and all the rest of the fake "Support Our Veterans" phonies refuse to understand, because THEY CAN'T. They are psychologically and intellectually unable to see how their hatred of marriage equality actually translates into legislation that hurts veterans and their children. The fact is that the Republican Party hates gay marriage more than they love the gay veterans and their families. That party REALLY REALLY REALLY is that sick.

    Here's what will actually happen to gay married veterans as a result of what the TeaPublican Party voted on:

    "Veterans served their country bravely, and yet some are deprived of the very rights they risked their lives to protect," she said in an email. "The impact of this discrimination is real. Monthly benefits are less; spouses and children are not eligible for medical care at the VA; and families are not eligible for the same death benefits."

    The TeaPublican Party owns this disgraceful, unAmerican piece of legislative hatred.
    The GOP is a big party made up of sects of bigots and deniers. Fortunately for them the gun nuts and pro life no matter what and bigots don't care what the other policies are as long as the republican politician tells them the shit they want to hear. People like Shaw and me, you know, people that think and have consciences, won't vote for pandering to kook people like Ted Cruz. The Cruzes don't care what we think because of that. I look for the kooky statements to continue to get worse till one of the nuts openly says the "N" word and claims to be proud he said it. Then again, the next republican will probably carry it even further
    Congratulations on your bigotry against American veterans.

    1. Thank, you for reposting this piece of BOILERPLATE already seen at Always On Watch. It provides a valuable example of precisely how the Left applies its own peculiar brand of logic to most debatable issues.

      Your diatribe functions brilliantly as a stellar example of the way leftists continually REDEFINE age-old terms like "justice," "sex,"or "marriage," then claim their "new" definition" is the ONLY ACCEPTABLE DEFINITION, and then snidely condemn and trumpet their sour disapproval when anyone fails to ACCEPT their newest factitious version of the truth as unimpeachable "GOSPEL."

      The Gospel according to St. MARK is one thing. The Gospel according to St. MARX is quite another.

      We'd do well to note the difference, and keep it forever in mind.

    2. Tha latter is no worse than the former. And speaking of boilerplate.

    3. That isn't boilerplate RN , FT described liberal logic quite well you either applaud it or you're a bigot

  21. Are we as Americans now going to change our American ways, and our rights, to FREE SPEACH so that we don’t offend Muslims? It may be that these pathetic Muslims are getting much to comfortable here in our country and are emboldened by their increasing numbers to start attacks like these anywhere there is something that they don't like, or agree with, like a meeting, a protest, or maybe a sign held up by a Jew, or a march or even a drawing contest like this one that Pam Geller held.
    Why don't you get that pissed off when Al Sharpton holds these "protests"?
    Muslims need to obey the laws of this country and not pollute it . And maybe we need to stop being cowards!

  22. Suck on the Gas Pipe RN, and do us ALL a favor.
    And when you're done, come back for further instructions.

  23. Same bullshit, different decade, but something that those Leftist progressives could and should learn from history:
    Your hero and martyr Martin Luther King sought understanding through tolerance and understanding during the Civil Rights movement. In fact, he didn't speak in terms of tolerance, but of love, a Christian based love. He employed a doctrine passivity, not subversion. Even in the face of having the lives his and his fellow African Americans torn apart by racist sentiments and policies, they chose not to do the same to their oppressors. This attitude allowed for no further division of an already helplessly, racially divided America.

    Reason 2: Homosexual and Liberal gay rights activists want to force you to be understanding and tolerant of their cause for equality, without ever being understanding or tolerant themselves. Amounting to nothing more than a vengeful, subversive doctrine of unyielding, unwavering tolerance at whatever cost; to be especially employed towards Christian private business owners. This allows for further division between them and those the LGBT rights movement is trying to reach.

    For King, nothing would ever advance the cause of equality by repaying intolerance with intolerance, hatred with hatred, or violence with violence. "Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that," he said. That however is in stark contrast to how the gay rights movement has decided to react to the assumed hatred and bigotry on the behalf of religious private business owners.

    The Kingsian philosophy of tolerance, passivity and nonviolence consisted of six main principles:

    1) First he said, one can resist evil without resorting to violence.

    2) Second, nonviolence seeks to win the ‘‘friendship and understanding’’ of the opponent, not to humiliate him (King, Stride, p.84).

    3) Furthermore, third, evil itself, not the people committing evil acts, should be opposed.

    4) Fourth, he continued, is that those committed to nonviolence must be willing to suffer without retaliation as suffering itself can be redemptive.

    5) Fifthly, nonviolent resistance avoids ‘‘external physical violence’’ and ‘‘internal violence of spirit’’ as well: ‘‘The nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses to hate him" (King, Stride, p.85). The resister should be motivated by love in the sense of the Greek word agape, which means ‘‘understanding,’’ or ‘‘redeeming good will for all men’’ (King, Stride, p.86).

    6) Lastly, he states the sixth principle, which was that the nonviolent resister should have a ‘‘deep faith in the future,’’ stemming from the conviction that ‘‘the universe is on the side of justice’’

    King held the philosophy akin to the old folk hymn, "keep your eyes on the prize." To be frank, that prize wasn't putting some unwitting business owner out on the street for being racist or intolerant. Yeah, business owners were racist and intolerant back then, but not even they (the blacks, and most of them I'd think) thought it was okay to ruin someone, besides, what were they going to do? Sue every Tom, Dick, and Harry who discriminated against them? Not really. Such a movement spurred Congress to end the discussion on racial inequality once and for all, you know the rest.

    If only gay rights activists and liberal pro gay rights activists took the approach specifically covered in the third, fourth and fifth principle, I would guarantee that there would be a more broad understanding and sympathy towards gay rights and equality, moreso than exists at this point in time. Or perhaps you prefer Alinsky's rules over King's
    How would you Libs prefer to make such a “change” the way that Dr. King was preaching love. Or the way that the Black Panthers and Malcolm X were threatening to burn the country to the ground if there weren't changes? You tell me!

    1. Rambling rant Sunday continues.

      It's good to get it off youse chest sparky.

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    1. Ah, but who's to say King FreeLessThinke?

      And the hits just keep piling up.

    2. Shouldn't you be de-fleaing the Worst Lady's tail before she embarks on her taxpayers funded trip to near her ancestral jungle?

    3. Once again King Kong RR himself arrives. Back from playing with has ancestral brethren in the deep jungle.

    4. Nope. Just watching YOUR Worst Lady climb the Empire State Building.

    5. Clever, even cute, but as always nothing but the usual FAIL.

      Try again RR.

  25. Let me tell you how full of shit you are RN,. and you can go packing, to your Obama ring-kissing friends....................

    1. First A-hole I did not vote for Obama either time. Second let me tell YOU how full if shit you are. Third go packing to your masters and kiss their assets.

  26. Lets face it folks, the only way progressives, liberals, and yes communists know how to advance their agenda is to lie about it in every way that they can..

    Hello Hillary Clinton...can you hear me!

    1. Your goddamn neo con Cheney and . Bush hold the gold ring for lying to the American public and the present neo con assholes keep icing. So go stuff it idiot.

    2. BTW, despising hypocrites like you is my specialty.

  27. So Bruce Jenner, the former famed Olympic athlete and member of the ridicules Kardashian family, now wants everyone to think that he is female. He can never be female no matter what surgery he undertakes, or that he fails to! This entire fantasy is in his head. Born a male, his body is a male and his DNA determines his true gender as a male.

    The Media organizations exist to make money. That is why this Freak Caitlyn is all over the news. Do people care? Some people are happy and excited and some people are angry or disgusted, but they do care. Well I don’t and that’s why I’m writing this post, because frankly, I’m sick to death about hearing about it. .
    If people were not interested the media would move on to something people were interested in.
    Years ago, when I was a Kid, I used to go to Freak Shows to see people like Jenner and the bearded lady. Today, I try my best to just look the other way.
    And you can’t help hearing about it, I don’t know who I am more fed up about: Duggar or Jenner? Then you have the Kardashian's. Need I say anything further ? And then you also have Moochie Obama.... Oh man now I’m really confused.

  28. The loony tunes on the left have been whining for 15years about how President Bush lied, and how he wrecked our economy, brought us into an unjust war, and other Bull-Shit like that.
    But they never seem to talk about how Obama has made the U.S.A. an embarrassment on the world's stage. and how he lost all respected for us all around the world. And lets not forget when Benjamin Netanyahu was left all alone to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour when President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family! And when he bowed down to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia! Or when he gave the Queen a iPod of his speeches!

    How can anyone top these stupid molments?

    1. All that said about the Bush/Cheney debacle is TRUE. Period.

      Further, where is the PROOF positive Obama has madr the USA the laughing stock around the world? BTW, your neo con opinion accounts for nothing.

      Your right about one thing, NOBODY cantop your sstupid statements.

    2. And you's does? Are you kidding your living in your own La, La, land!

    3. Right next to your Ding Ding land.

      Keep drinking the kool aid.

  29. Nothing’s worse than anal fudge,
But those who think they’re fit to judge!

    1. Speaking for yourself FreeThinke?

      Mirror Mirror...

  30. Lisa,

    When the Court Jester is decidedly witless, and ever fails to amuse, don't you think he ought to be fired?

    1. No, just put out to pasture or just shot out of sympathy ..

  31. As the hits keep coming.

    Shooting blanks the "FreeThinke" keeps firing hoping for a direct hit (kill).

    Sorry ole boy, truth can't be killed.

    Keep deluding yourself.

    Oh, BTW... Freedom of Speech. He, he; he, he

  32. RN, did FT refer to you as a piece of shit?

  33. Rusty ShackelfordJ Said:

    "RN, did FT refer to you as a piece of shit?"

    So what? If he did, he was only telling the Truth!

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    4. oops!

      Her is obviously looking in the mirror again.

  34. ^"I know you are but what am I?" - part 17,445^

    It took you 5 attempts for for you to spew that sad bilge.


    Case Closed!

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  35. By the way , I deleted the repetitive posts this retarted poster seems to excel at.... IDIOT.
