Friday, July 31, 2015

So I just Got back from the Doctor

OK I took my mom and her doctor wants Trump for President and he despises Bernie Sanders and Hillary.
Yep even Doctors don't want this crap sandwich we have been forced to eat


  1. And I'm sure he didn't explain exaclty why. People who like Trump are the unmitigated idiots of this country. Does this Doctor wear a claw around his neck?

    1. Talk about Unhinged! You are the Poster Boy!

    2. Yeah idiots supporting a highly successful person .Everyone's an idiot but you are just so brilliant aren't you?
      The Dr. is a successful and quite popular Dr. with 3 succesful practices in NY.
      BTW my dentist and OBGYN and the people who work at the Breast Cancer center we go also do not like the ACA.
      Oh and my husband's Urologist. I ask everyone. Not to mention the nurse at the hospital triage ER hates it too.
      I guess they all must be idiots right genuis?

    3. Lisa....what doctor do you know who has TIME to tell anybody all the reasons for not wanting Obamacare?
      But see, if you say that, you're now considered hateful and noncaring toward the poor and needy, instead of thinking things through and realizing there are ways we could have fixed healthcare without what happened.
      I have so many friends whose docs are retiring or complaining of the paperwork, or both.
      My own ins. agent who retired early because of it told me nobody knows just how bad until they're really sick and they can't go to a hospital closer than 30 miles away.

    4. I really feel bad for Doctors and other medical professionals who dislike Obamacare. NOT! Too fuckin' bad! The majority of Americans do!

      No, doctors don’t hate Obamacare

      In ACA's Fifth Year, Doctors Warm To Obamacare

      It's here, it's affordable, millions more are covered. It's staying.

    5. My OBGYN said he is more concerned as a citizen more than a doctor .He said that doctors will start treating patients like Dr House which is how doctors talk "at" patients in under socialized medicine.
      First of all you Obama boot licker,The ACA has not been fully implented yet and there is no plan to fund it after 2020 but I am sure whoever is president will get the blame for only if it's a republican

    6. "The ACA has not been fully implented yet and there is no plan to fund it after 2020"

      Aw, you must be listening to (3 Pinocchios) Marco Rubio.

  2. The Real Americans have forgotten who our enemy truly is, or they are totally in *ignore mode* and denial because REAL enemies of this country have become the Democratic , Liberal, a Progressive Party or whatever the hell they want to call themselves these days, I personally prefer to call them the Socialist Party as the Democrats move into full-blown Marxism are 100% true and accurately really Communists.

    1. Right, and you call me 'unhinged,' you friggin' wacko. Lol!

  3. Donald Trump may not be a GOP candidate when the time to vote rolls around, he may have been relegated to a 3rd Party ticket and I know exactly what some are going to say, “Trump on a 3rd Party ticket is a guaranteed win for the Dems because it will split the vote and weaken the GOP.” That may be so, but do you suppose having a weak-sister type from the GOP in the White House would do anything to correct the issues brought on by Barack Hussein Obama?

    We all have our own opinions and I’m sure that we’ll all vote for the one we like.

    Find me one damned GOP candidate that is a true Conservative and I’ll support them instead. The ones running don’t have a Conservative bone in their bodies and are each and every one scared out of their minds by Donald Trump. THAT is one reason I like him and Ted Cruz so much; they make the GOP shit themselves.

    No matter what the shit-head Liberalmann .
    Let those A-holes vote for the Old, Lying, Bitch, she's not going to win, no matter who runs against her. By the time Ekection day rolls around, she might even be in Jail where she belongs.

    1. There are plenty of conservatives running in the GOP what you want in an extreme lunatic. And thankfully, most are not a stupid as you and realize that's not what this country needs. And that will all but guarantee a Dem victory. Hillary in Jail? Riiiight. Benghazi! Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi! It's Bush and Cheney who actually do belong there. Idiot.

    2. There are NO conservatives in the Republican Establishment.

      The Old Guard of the GOP is a de facto of the D'Rat party.

    3. You're right. With the exception of Jeb, they are far beyond conservative and into lunatic fringe territory. Just where tbaggers like them when they lose another election, lol!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I truly believe that the biggest danger to the country is a president Hillary Clinton. Period..

    1. Really? Care to explain that intelligently? I'm betting you can't except to parrot the vague invectives you've pick up from lunatic right wing media.

    2. GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is open to the idea of using federal troops and the FBI to stop women from having abortions.

      "I will not pretend there is nothing we can do to stop this."

      And you think Hillary is the most dangerous candidate out there.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh I do so HOPE that TRUMP will be the GOP candidate and HILLARY will run for the DNC!

    Then we can have posters and bumpers stickers and TV and newspaper and magazine ads all over the country.


    Won't it be a HOOT?


    1. Keep it in your toga, Freethinke.

      The Rethugs are going through the comedy phase of the process and Trump is not going to be the nominee.

    2. I wouldn't be caught dead in a toga, Ducky. FYI: I wear a full suit of highly polished steel armor with gilded mounts. Also a chain mail jockstrap underneath just in case anyone tries to get fresh.

  7. For starters the leftwingnuts despise successful people and they really despise the ones who don't toe the PC line or who's hearts aren't bleeding.The lefties cant wrap their heads around The Donald,their childish name calling or attempts to denigrate him have absolutely no effect at all. Trump just doesn't give a shit what these loons say,they cant fathom the fact the Trumpster has fuck you money and he just does not care what the potato heads think or say. Its pretty damn comical watching the left wing "pundits" as Trump continues to rise in the polls.

  8. Trump poll numbers rise and Hillary's continue to fall. One respected poll this week had 57% of those polled say Hillary is dishonest and untrustworthy.
    I wonder how long it will be until Crazy Uncle Joe or Lurch throw their hats in the ring?

  9. They could vote for Jim Webb, Russ, but they won't.

  10. Jim Webb doesn't fit the present day dems, too main stream.

    1. Is Jim Webb a DINO?

      Looks All-American.

      Looks Conservative.

      Talks like a Republican

      Used to BE a Republican.

      Presents himself like a MAN.

      What the HELL is doing in the D'RAT party?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jim Webb supports TPP.
      The disqualifies him immediately.

    4. Toilet Paper Parade?

      Trust Papal Pronunciamenti?

      Tribal Penis Pushers?

      If you're gonna keep yapping at us, at least TALK ENGLISH for CHRISSAKES.

  11. Just say No to democrat vermin.

  12. Your Obama picture. Is it like 6 years old when losers like Palin said Obamacare had death panels which was proven to be a lie? What WAS happening was insurance companies were cancelling coverage and denying treatment and people were dying. That WAS the real 'death panels.' They can't do that now. Insurance companies also provided end of life counseling which I assume this cartoon is referring to. They still do this under Obamacare. Not the government. Idiot.

  13. .come on.....the cartoon looks exactly like your change and buy a sense of humor...

  14. I just got back from the doctors, and he said I should stop masturbating. I asked "why?" and he said "because I'm trying to examine you".
