Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Taking Out The Trash

Or Leaving it Behind!

To me this shows 2 things.
A- I am a spoiled rich kid who 's Mommy and daddy always cleaned up my mess
B-I am so entitled to not have to help myself and that means cleaning up my garbage.


  1. This stuff is three year old.

    Why not get current and post the story that Obama is readying an army of zombies infected with Ebola in Room 101 of the NSA.

  2. why bother when he can have our soldiers bring it back here.
    Oh and Ducky the Climate protest just happened.

  3. Lisa, why are you censoring any mention of Radical Redneck?

  4. If you want to discuss it Ducky go to the witch's blog and do it. They seem to be obsessed with it

  5. What a piece of work you ard Lisa. What happened to your integrity? You keep deleting comments that you know are the truth. Why can't you admit your mistake and move on to higher ground?

  6. What mistake RN? You really are dilusional. I don't have to admit anything especially to you or Ducky over a few links from 3 years ago which apparently didn't seem to bother you at all until you were told to

  7. Delusion Lisa? The present and VERY recent past proves the only delusions rest with you and your sock puppets. Or are they marionettes?

    You can run from the truth Lisa but it is always present in your subconscience.

    Carry on Lisa, we know you will.

  8. the flying monkey in the polyester shirt shows up after being sent out by the witch. Do any of them have minds of their own.

    O.K. RN,you are back to the castle and click on some porn sites. Oh yea...the witch called she wants you to stop and get some wine run off Lester.

    1. Shutting down Radical Redneck, Lisa?

    2. Ducky you are are really nuts,what are you talking about? Do you even realize how ridiculous your comments are. RR doesn't come here every day you moron .I know you miss him but I am sure he has a life unlike you

    3. RN Did Mama Shaw tell you what to write like a good little lemming

    4. §;-D

      That's shorthand for "We are vastly amused."

  9. I'm not sure what Ducky's talking about....Lisa's 100% right; .The Climate Change march, or whatever the heck it was, in Central Park, was a garbage nightmare and happened about 3 weeks ago.
    Let's all remember that cops say "The Tea Party event left the park cleaner than it was before" after their events. I think it says a lot.

    1. We're talking about "Lisa" and his sock puppet Radical Redneck bombing a site with porn and sending threatening e-mail.

    2. Ducky stop your boring comments are making me snooze

  10. Thanks Z,climate Nazis are hypocrites. I believe conservatives are better stewards of the earth being many are farmers,hunters,fisherman etc.
    Liberals are more likely to be callous to throw garbage on the ground or out the car window. It's part of their arrogant nature

    1. Tie a can on it, Lisa.

      A Teabag rally with a few thousand folks showing up for an hour to listen to Sarah Palin is hardly equivalent to #OWS which involved tens of thousand occupying for weeks.

      Get a grip.

  11. In answer to your question Shackleford, unlike you and your fellow marionettes thinking people indeed have minds of their own.

    Moving on, you also are confused about porn sites. The Castle of Porn is, as has been aptly documented and demonstrated by (O)CT(O)PUS over the past few days, "Who's Your Daddy?"

    BTW, you may need medical attention Shackleford. The chemicals floating around in the space between your ears seems to be destroying whatever mind you possessed.

  12. Phony outrage from a so-called libertarian over 3 year old links

  13. Now back to your blog to bash cops. Being you hate them so much ,next time call a crackhead

  14. DEP Lisa. It may assuage your conscience, but it won't change facts.

  15. Wow Lisa! Out of the blue you come up with cop hater. Advise to call a crack head.

    Waiting for empirical data substantiating the accusation.

  16. Your post indicated you inciting it. Why not post something good cops too instead? Instead of insinuating racial profiling?

    1. Lisa, I'm the cop basher.

      Got rousted for nothing a few times too often back in the day.

    2. no body I know ever got rousted,you must have looked like a thug

  17. .....two of the flying monkeys dropped in a chemical shirt and the other with cheeto dust on his there is a pair to draw to...

  18. really need to invest in some cotton clothes.......that K-Mart shit you wear will cause the rest of your hair to go down the shower drain......I'm only trying to give a smart guy like you some fashion tips......

    1. He pulled out the middle of the K Mart 3 Pack (comes with the exploding shoes) for his date's Jr High prom. It took even more petroleum to produce his corsage.

  19. Ducky got "rousted" by the police when he was caught snapping one off across the street from an all girls middle school...

    1. Girls? You give him far too much credit.

      Not nearly enough hair on those asses

  20. I would say that BOTH Duck and Rational Nation USA are definitely,WITHOUT A DOUBT HARASSING Lisa. So who is committing a criminal act now?

    1. THANK YOU, NIMN! You took the words right out of my head. ;-)

      I would only add there are any number of people with whom it is impossible to communicate without getting dragged into a hair pulling contest.

      I have learned that -- much to my sorrow -- and so I now AVOID any contact with these belligerent, constantly baiting types. No one ever takes advice, but nevertheless I would advise everyone NOT to take the BAIT when it's dangled wriggling, spitting, hissing, and making nasty faces before your eyes.

      Chronic irritants DIE when no one pays attention to them. They THRIVE on getting a rise out of those they seek to torment.

      [I suppose some of the pathetic paranoiacs addicted to remaining forever in a state of High Dudgeon may try to twist that last sentence into claiming it constitutes the illegal issuance of a Death Threat.] (;-x

      Despite the trouble and expense incured, it would be interesting to see what the High Court might make of that, don't you think? §;-D

  21. Truth is criminal NiMn? I suppose in your alternative reality.

  22. Its sooooo funny to see RN and Ducky defending pSHaw's honour over obscene posts 3 years in the past. They never complained when pShaw pretended just last year to be Thersites and made pornographic posts on her own blog.

    Democrats must have a NEED to be seen as victims, even if they have to make up their "oppressors".

    1. More DEP, Delusion, Evasion, Projection.

    2. More "truth"... but then "truth" was never something that YOU were capable of handling. :)

    3. HEAR! HEAR! and AMEN, Thersites.

  23. And Earth to RN. A man who censors his own blog has no right to complain about "truth".

    1. Lies are not truths, except in Lisa's alternative reality forum.

    2. Do you even know what "truth" is? Somehow, I don't think that you do.

    3. Nietzsche, WtP 534

      as Kriterium der Wahrheit liegt in der Steigerung des Machtgefühls.

      The criterion of truth resides in the heightening of the feeling of power.

    4. btw - If you want to argue about the virtues of Absolute Truths, you'll need to quote the model for your hero's AYn Rand's nemesis, Elsworth Toohey.

  24. Ducky and RN you guys are so much fun. You guys must be a big hit around the water cooler

  25. It does appear that duckmeister and r.n. are one in the same. Their fascination wit sock puppets cannot be a coincidence.

    I saw where the second worse president in a century is bashing the worst president in history. Kind of interesting that carter would bash obama about foreign policy. If you leave the left alone they will eat their young.

    1. I bet the progressive queen of has a wall papered in Obama photos so she can kiss each one before she leaves the house, and an Obama full size mannequin in her easy chair so she can snuggle up with it and watch horror movies.
      Oh Sorry Queen Bee I heard you statue was stolen

      Remove all sharp objects! stat!

  26. skudrunner said:
    "It does appear that duckmeister and r.n. are one in the same. Their fascination wit sock puppets cannot be a coincidence"

    They MUST be the same, it's impossible to have two people being such identical IDIOTS!

  27. RN, Why don’t you stop fooling yourself by nit-picking, what you are doing to Lisa is the same thing that you have been complaining about for the last few day.
    Bullying is just another form of harassment, your behavior is appalling . This applies to Ducky as well. But you RN are the instigator. If you really want this to stop, then why don’t you start by stopping it yourself?

    1. Nope, not at all the same. But of course as a Rabbi of alternative reality you would not know that.

      DEP, alive and well at Lisa's alternative reality forum.

    2. HEAR! HEAR! and AMEN!

      Thank you, Rabbi. Of course your thoroughly justified criticism will fall on deaf ears, because the objects of your disapproval have rendered themselves impervious to any thoughts that fail to flatter their indubitably weak egos.

  28. Skud, proving theTea Juicers do indeed live in an alternative reality.

    But nice try skudrunner, keep throwing stuff and it will undoubtedly stick to the walls in the alternative reality.

    1. Speaking of alternative realities, how's life in Obama's Full-Employment America going for you, RN? I understand we fully recovered from the Bush recession YEARS ago...

    2. Lol FJ. We seem to have a new recovery every election. Oy!

  29. Good one Lisa. I commend your tenacity.

    Enjoy the bubbles and balloons.

    1. Lester what happened? You used to say things like :Obama was never properly vetted, the MSM gave almost anything and everything Obama said or did a pass, you know it, and they continue to do so. Stop making excuses.

      Remember when all you progressives referred to Reagan as the Teflon president? Well, you sure as hell have had your Teflon President for the past 4 years. Laughable Shaw? Your statement surely is.

      Laughable indeed Shaw, laughable indeed!

    2. Or this comment to Shaw
      Go ahead make my day is a challenge, so what?

      FDR is synonymous with power lust, perhaps his was only exceeded by LBJ. Laughable you used this. Says much about you.

      Obama and his campaign is desperate, like all politicians he fears losing grip on power and control.

      Did you address the "revenge" comment? Of course not. Evasion is the hallmark of progressivism

    3. Obama was not properly vetted.

      Nixon and Bush also increased federal government and its reach. So what.

      Issue was never about presidents, but you know that.

      Doing the switcheroo Lisa?

      What revenge? Name it. Speaking the truth and or defending it is not revenge.

      Game, set, match.

    4. That was your comment about revenge


    and of course obama is championing railroads because two of his buddies, gates and buffet, are the biggest railroad robber barrons on the planet.

    1. Obama is a continuation of GWB in many ways bp. Just in different colors.

      It's about the oligarchs and the plutocrats eh billy?

  31. Lol Billy, The Obama worshippers follow the wrong pipe dream

  32. Lets talk about your pipe dream now Lisa. I discussed your allegation above.

    1. Your pipe dream of a Neo-liberal economy controlled by global elites isn't apropos, RN? Why not? Afraid your government "check" might not arrive in the mail?

    2. I believe you are again projecting F-J with absolutely zero to support your erroneous conclusions.


    3. Funny, every time you claim I'm projecting, it turns out that I was "spot on". Thanks for the confirmation, check boy. :)

  33. My pipe dream is to get the progs out of office and put in some fiscal conservatives whose solutions aren't all about sinking us into deeper debt and make us a business friendly enviroment .

    1. Let me know when you actually find real honest conservatives that believe in balancing the budget, reducing the federal debt, curtailing the MIC (military industrial complex), supporting an infrastructure that benefits all Americans, not just the oligarchs, plutocrats, and the very wealthy (you know by keeping good paying jobs in the USA rather than outsourcing and offshoring) and I'll help you put them in office.

      You know my e-mail, let me know when and where you find em.

    2. I thought it was a pipe dream

  34. Replies
    1. Classless RR, as always.

      Oh, wait a minute, is it Shackelford posing as RR?

      Likely one in the same. actually.

  35. and they are protesting yet again. I guess Obama will go down there and say no fair that it wasn't the cop who got shot.
    I can see real estate prices plummeting real fast down there in paradise

  36. Shaw sees that she will cry in her pillow

  37. Yep, Shackelford and RR one in the same.

  38. .......the flying monkeys ordered twelve of them.......eight for the witch....the rest for them.......

  39. Poor pShaw is sooooo DISTRAUGHT over your postings of three years ago that she lied about quitting and has begun blogging again.

    Damn shame, that! But name one Democrat who EVER kept his word.

    Can anyone else spell "Drama Queen"?

  40. I hate to be the one to have to say it, but endless sparring with militant morons makes for very dull, ultimately pointless conversation.

    HOWEVER, we must give credit where credit is due. The latest self-styled Chronic-Irritant-in-Residence said something profound and definitely worth serious consideration:

    "Let me know when you actually find real honest conservatives that believe in balancing the budget, reducing the federal debt, curtailing the MIC (military industrial complex), supporting an infrastructure that benefits all Americans, not just the oligarchs, plutocrats, and the very wealthy (you know by keeping good paying jobs in the USA rather than outsourcing and offshoring) and I'll help you put them in office."

    The question lurking BEHIND and BENEATH these generally correct assertions is not IF, but WHY Big Business has moved in this regrettable direction?

    Other questions we need at least to attempt to answer intelligently:

    1. Who are The Oligarchs?

    2. What forces brought to bear on Business and the Economy in the past century helped create them and put them so firmly in place?

    3. Why do The Oligarchs seem to have abandoned all loyalty to the USA or any other nation in particular?

    4. Has anyone seen NETWORK with Peter Finch and Bill Holden lately? It's hardly "mere entertainment." NETWORK graphically raises questions and gives plausible answers as to the true nature of the forces that REALLY shape govern us. It's brutal cynicism -- like that of E.M. Forster's The Machine Stops (1909) and Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four (1948?) -- seems chillingly justified.

    5. If the dystopian fantasies of Forster, Huxley, Orwell and Margaret Atwood (The Handmaid's Tale) and the film NEWORK have, indeed, proved prophetic, which seems the case on the face of it, what do YOU think might be done to undo the great harm various forces have done to Western Civilization and the ideals of our Founding Fathers?

    6. If The Oligarchs exist, as so many who aid, abet and draw sustenance form them would insist they do not, and their influence is real that means the traditional wrestling match between Left and Right no longer matters. Why?Because The Oligarchs, apparently, have succeeded in USING BOTH camps to further the ends of The Oligarchs. How? by cynically exacerbating divisions, encouraging enmity and promoting ENDLESS WAR these few "titans" have us all at each other's throats.

    WHY would they want to do that?

    What could be gained? Who would gain?

    How would they gain?

    If we put our heads together and at least TRY to answer some of these questions, we MIGHT start to move in a productive, agreeable direction one again.

    What we ARE doing, instead, is getting us nowhere fast.

    1. Another one who in the throes of his founders worship doesn't realize they were oligarchs.

      Left and right no longer matter? Took you so long that I'm afraid that can't be credited as profound as much as you expect.

  41. Why?Because The Oligarchs, apparently, have succeeded in USING BOTH camps to further the ends of The Oligarchs. How? by cynically exacerbating divisions, encouraging enmity and promoting ENDLESS WAR these few "titans" have us all at each other's throats.


    Now, if only both sides (red and blue) recognized this and were willing to admit they too are part of the reason the nation has these issues.

    Honestly, it is unlikely to happen.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. As we have been told for years, we are now part of a global economy and not a US economy. The stock market is a big roulette wheel and the captains of industry, in the US, live and die by the earnings today. As such and being a global economy they are going to seek the lowest cost and highest profit they can and that is mostly off shore.

    We could take the long term view as do the Japanese but that goes against our way of doing business.

    Low interest rates do not help anyone except the rich because the others can't get a loan so low interest rates don't help them. The middle class and retired have no where to park money except the stock market and hope the shortsightedness of business and the government doesn't take away what they have worked for.

    So spin the wheel and hope for the best or keep electing politicians who only care about themselves and their party.

  44. Thank you FT , of course we all are aware this didn't happen overnight,but what we need is a leader who at least believes in America and has the ability to at least unite us . That makes us stronger.
    I haven't seen that in my lifetime since I wasn't born when Lincoln was president and I have never seen one as divisive as the one we have now.
    It's a shame because with or without the oligarchs we are nothing without good leadership,which continually draws me to Ben Carson .
    If we think conservatives were unfair to Obama who in my mind deserves it,being I believe he was put there to do exactly what he is doing.,wait to see what the left does to Ben Carson ten fold.
    At least Obama didn't get bashed before the election.
    The media and left relentlessly attacked McCain.who they loved so much,Palin, Bush and Romney even before the elections.

    1. Left ain't going to do anything to Carson.

      He's going to enter the Republican priaries and his opponents are going to rip his ignorant thumper butt.

    2. Ducky, don't be a jack ass. Carson is educated, intelligent and accomplished in his field (medical science), and a great neurosurgeon.

      He is lacking credentials in leadership, specifically political and government. But then so was Obama.

  45. In other words the nasty left will never change

  46. You Lisa have just spoken for 1 half of the problem. I'll leave it at that.

    Other than to say I remember Eisenhower, Kennedy, Ford, Reagan, Clinton all decent... But in today's political climate the T- Baggers would trash em all.

    1. What's it like to have to wear a hockey helmet 24/7?

    2. Don't know and don't give a shit RR. But you can tell me if you really want to.

    3. What a great comeback! With a little work you can get up to "I know you are but what am I?"

      I Own You! Even more than I will the Moochelle trannie after we get that horrible 13th Amendment repealed!

    4. Proving again you ARE stupid and a jackass.

  47. RN Were you nit paying attention to the last few elections?The media has been influencing elections since the 50's.

  48. I was paying close attention, have been since 1972. How about you Lisa?

  49. BTW, what is nit paying attention anyway Lisa?

  50. I guess you are Lisa, as well as being a part of the problem rather than the solution.

    I doubt you'll ever understand that.

    Carry on...

  51. How can I be part of the problem ?I didn't vote for him

  52. This is standard operating procedure for Fascist libtards. They are stupid, ignorant and have no problem leaving their pecker tracks all over America. Yet 2+ million tea Party people can go to DC, yuk it up with the cops and leave Zero litter behind.

    I see the comments from the libtards here and it is as plain as the nose on their face that they are stupid and adolescent beyond belief. How does that happen I wonder. Seriously, when I was 5 I wasn't as stupid as these retards. Honestly, how do people get this freakin stupid?

  53. Maybe more like ignorant.
    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”

  54. Rational Nation USA, get a friggen life and grow the F*** up.

  55. Carson lead and put together many teams. I think he is very inspiring and very smart.
    You really should try and listen to him . I know you haven't,because if you had,you would see he has some good ideas . Obama is just an empty suit

    1. Tie a can on it.

      This moron will still be spouting about gay marriage now that the fringe right has lost the fight.

      If you haven't noticed, outside of Texass, Teabags lose elections.
      Carson is nothing more than fodder for Comedy Central.

    2. Duckman, take your own advice and tie a can on it. For christsake, give the man credit for his brilliance in his field of expertise and let it go at that. Everybody but the tea leaf junkies know he will crash and burn if he makes a run. And you KNOW the junkies aren't thinking logically on this Let have their momentary euphoria.

    3. Hs field of expertise ain't economics or foreign policy.

      You want a president who leads the country by quoting the tribal texts of a bunch of freaking prehistoric goat herders?

  56. Says you Ducky . That just proves you haven't listened to him,but we know you prefer the talking heads like we have now.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I don’t believe you’ll ever find a video of George Bush claiming he got Khalid Sheik Mohammed, nor will you find him incessantly bragging about it. The vocabulary of Barack Obama, on the other hand, sees the words “I” “ME, and “MYSELF” used far more than any others,
    Maybe if Obama had attended those security briefings he would have know about ISIS. Maybe because the Messiah from Kenya is such an arrogant narcissistic self-consumed, sociopath.
    Now, can we please get this thread about "the leftist trash back on target

    1. Once upon a time and not so very long ago, when people still believed in maintaining proper decorum in public and followed generally agreed upon rules of etiquette, public figures mostly referred to themselves as "WE."

      The use of the personal pronouns I, ME, MYSELF, and MINE was considered vulgar and inappropriate in the issuance of public statements.

      That may sound quaint, but I assure you, as a living witness to better times, the tone and quality of public utterances, both spoken and written, was far more agreeable than it has become in the last fifty-odd years.

    2. No, it sounds archaic and pompous.

    3. We... Collective

      I... Individual

      Does this mean you are a closet Bolshevik, commie, pinko, Marxian, Fabian collectivist FreeThinke?

  59. Someone could write a complete book or a blog on "The Failures and the Crimes of Barack Hussein Obama" and update it on a regular basis..


  60. Found on the comments of a assholes blog today

    Dervish Sanders said...
    George W bush is completely to blame for ISIS/ISL. And it's largely Republican obstructionism that the ignorant public is blaming Obama for. Although I'm sure that Octo's friend (should he comment) will disagree. This has been the Republican strategy from the start! Although they were sure that their plan of creating as much pain for Americans as possible would get Romney elected (number one priority of making Obama a one-term president). But when that failed they decided to keep up the pain for the American people so the next president would be a Republican. Looks like they're going to take the Senate. Might get the presidency in 2016 too... Who knows with an electorate this dumb?

    In our world today, we have stupid people around us that have opinions that should be committed into Mental Institutions, or at least Psychiatric hospitals, and we could add We can add paranoid and schizophrenic to the mix, but in America Unfortunately these people get to vote! Want proof, just look at the shape this country is in today.

    What a load of horse shit this stuff is. I think this mentality comes from being on the side of people like Barack Omama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, Jiimmy Carter Jeremy Wright, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jerkson,
    Being lazy, doumb, and ignorant your whole life is a sheer lack of trying on your part. and saying all kinds of wild and ludicrous bullshit It’s your own freaking fault.
    If the bed you’ve made for yourself is being an adult who is stupid, well then shame on you, dumbass.
    I feel comfortable saying this because I think being stupid is a choice. Yep, the term is called "USEFUL IDIOTS."

    1. SIFYE, dervish sanders is indeed a devoted and somewhat delusional leftist. One of those unabashed raving lunatics of the far left that NO one really takes seriously.

      He has his counterparts on the right.

    2. As many lunatics who are called libertarians. Are

    3. In our world today, we have stupid people around us that have opinions that should be committed into Mental Institutions, or at least Psychiatric hospitals, and we could add We can add paranoid and schizophrenic to the mix, but in America Unfortunately these people get to vote! Want proof, just look at the shape this country is in today.

      Can't fool me!!

      That atrocious grammar and syntax comes from only one source, Radical Redneck take a bow

  61. If there's one thing that people on this site should be familiar with it is hypocrisy. There are so many hypocrites posting here it is pathetic that none of you can see it. All these bleeding heart liberals, cry about freedom of speech, but anytime someone offers a different opinion you jump down their throat, call them names, and tell them to go away. Not hypocritical at all. You complain about calling the first lady "Moochelle". And yet some of you make it a lifetime vocation, calling Sarah Palin names .You can't have it both ways.

    However, "Moochelle", has earned her nickname, by the way she "mooches" off of the taxpayer, for her expensive vacations, all over the world, taking 50, 60, 70 or 100 people with her, ALL on the taxpayers dime, while the rest of AMERICA struggles to make rent! Sarah Palin was attacked for one reason, ie: she is a strong conservative woman. "Moochelle", is attacked, because she is as her nickname implies, a big fat moocher!
    Now for the libertarians!.... People often complain about libertarians being obnoxious, I guress that’s because they are!. Any libertarian who tells you he is trying to win an election is either lying to you about trying to win the election, lying to us about being a libertarian, or terribly misinformed. There never was a libertarian who came even close to winning anything except maybe a Bull-Shitting contest. Ron Paul is the best example of a true libertarian because he has consistently voted against bills that grew government and unjustly initiated force against individuals, which earned him the nickname of "Dr. Schmuck. In other words he’s an extremely disappointing, simple-minded imbecile, that can't be taken seriously.

  62. TTWSUF, What a load of human excrement.

    1. That was hilarious Rational Nation, was it original?
      Personal attacks certainly do hurt, I agree. whenever I get a harsh personal criticism, I normally go to a person who I consider intelligent, sensible and honest, do you happen to know any?
      Ya know for someone who had so much harsh things to say about this blog and it's author, you sure manage to come here a lot.
      Ya want some advice? Stop talking, you’re embarrassing yourself.

    2. Read your on drivel and then follow your own advice TTWSUF.

    3. Again: "I know you are but what am I" part 5,238

      When are you going to be headlining Vegas?


  63. After reading a progressives blog about the use of the word “Thug” and their getting all pissed over using the word “Thug” to describe a Black guy who was acting like a PUNK, I thought to myself, what’s wrong with calling a Spade a Spade? Nothing! So why not call a Thug a Thug? No, "thug" is not a racist term, but the Blacks and the libs want to made it one. Well then so is"black" and soon "African American" will be racist! . But it's okay to refer to a white guy as a "thug"
    I’m so sick of these tempests-in-a-teapot. Some emotional cripple finds a word offensive and we are all supposed to change our behavior, sometimes upon a threat of being hounded out of a job by the internet mob. In the United States we have freedom of speech, not freedom from offense; and there are good reasons for that. First, only offensive speech needs protection; if nobody is offended, there is nothing to be protected from, and for the price of occasionally hearing an offensive word, we get the freedom to speak out when a policy is wrong or a product is dangerous. Second, there is no possibility of ever eliminating all offense; more than half of all offense is in the mind of the beholder, and people are very creative about what can be offensive. Screw a bolt into a nut, and they'll resent the sexual innuendo.

    Simple solution: All you delicate flower children just grow the fuck up.

    1. Bite me, you 85 I.Q. sock puppet.

    2. BRILLIANT comeback boy wonder. You'll be able to say more after you swallow the remainder of daddy's jizz.

      ps How's Trayvon doing these days. You could say he's rather "holey" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. Replies
    1. Torturous, point well made however.

      And hey, only a few more comments to 150.

      Anyone up for 200?

  66. I wanted to post some thing I’ve been thinking a lot about lately....Ducky is Rational Nation USA your sock puppet? There can't be to idiots so alike? or can there?

  67. I think you meant to say two idiots rather than to idiots. But given your no doubt advanced intellectual development maybe I'm missing something.

    But in response to your obviously perplexing dilemma over sock puppets and idiots, you need look no further than Lisa and "Who's Your Daddy" to find a wellspring of both.

    Perhaps you are one or the other. Or maybe both. Anyway, another perplexing dilemma for you to busy yourself with.

    1. Good try, but no cigar Ass-Hole... God, don't you ever have anything else to do?

      Your here more than Horse Shit attracts flies!.

    2. That error is typical of Radical Redneck

    3. Oh my TG, how very cultured and gentlemanly. So refined and debonair gramps. A fine example for your grandchildren.

    4. Don't you have something less worthy to do? Like, perhaps, going to the prison and finding out who is your father?

  68. It seems to me that the Democratic Party, who is now the progressive party and the leftovers from the liberal party that included the free-bee grabbers, the protesters, the Occupy Wall Street mob as well as the Thugs in the NY Subways, through our Liberal education system and our Liberal media, have created a false psychology of "white guilt" in relationship to politics in this country. Is being born White the "original sin" of the Left? Well they kind of tell us that, but not in so many words, but rather in their bleeding heart actions! They play the race game and they throw out the race card every chance they get. How many White votes did Obama get from feeble minded White guilt voters? I'm sick of it. I do not support Obama/Holder because I'm not a socialist and I love my country., and I don’t want to see it over run by a bunch of young or old weed. smoking hippies who are to dame lazy to work, but would rather seek out the Free Stuff from this Socialist Government that Obama has provided. According to new world Progressives, / Liberals if you are a Rich, or Wealthy, White Male you are Evil. Especially if you are a republican or a Conservative. And if you are God-Forbid a member of the Tea-Party, forgetaboutit!

    And anyone who does not agree with them is a racist. And anyone, especially a Republican, who disagrees with Obama, is a racist. . .So then I am a Racist by ALL accounts! But damn, I am so proud of my Love for my Country. Everyone else can Go Screw Themselves. It seems to me that the Democratic Party, who is now the progressive party and the leftovers from the liberal party that included the free-bee grabbers, the protesters, the Occupy Wall Street mob as well as the Thugs in the NY Subways, through our Liberal education system and our Liberal media, have created a false psychology of "white guilt" in relationship to politics in this country. Is being born White the "original sin" of the Left? Well they kind of tell us that, but not in so many words, but rather in their bleeding heart actions! They play the race game and they throw out the race card every chance they get. How many White votes did Obama get from feeble minded White guilt voters? I'm sick of it. I do not support Obama/Holder because I'm not a socialist and I love my country., and I don’t want to see it over run by a bunch of young or old weed. smoking hippies who are to dame lazy to work, but would rather seek out the Free Stuff from this Socialist Government that Obama has provided. According to new world Progressives, / Liberals if you are a Rich, or Wealthy, White Male you are Evil. Especially if you are a republican or a Conservative. And if you are God-Forbid a member of the Tea-Party, forgetaboutit!

    And anyone who does not agree with them is a racist. And anyone, especially a Republican, who disagrees with Obama, is a racist. . .So then I am a Racist by ALL accounts! But damn, I am so proud of my Love for my Country. Everyone else can Go Screw Themselves.

    1. Good rant GB! Feeling better? Gas gone now?

    2. Congratulation, Chucklenuts.

      Such a long screed without mentioning Benghazi. Kudos.


  69. It boggles the mind that people actually voted for this idiot Obama, just as they do for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, but as they say “Birds of a feather” , “Stupid IS as stupid DOES”.
    Sometimes Liberals are so stupid it makes me want to Puke! America will be far better off without their ilk The only saving grace is that these DIRTBAGS are dying off, like Chappaquiddick Teddy, KKK Byrd, and other fossils into Hell, where they belong. Pelosi, Dingy Harry,, KGB Karter, BJ Bubba and Killary, they are all way past their “At this time, what difference does it make” date, if they ever had one that is. America will be far better off without their ilk and if this pisses off Democrats, too damn bad. If you don’t like getting slapped in the face with the fact that your party is shit, change who you vote for, otherwise, you’re just part of the problem. Lets not forget who elected idiots like Sheila Jackson-Lee, Coward Dean, McKinney, Barney Franks, and the “Swimmer”.And lets not forget the mayor of NY, Bill de Blasio, and the Shit-stain, Garbage his wife brought in with her, she is a “her” isn’t she?
    Please allow me to be the first to say it, DEBLASIO IS THE WORSE MAYOR THAT NEW YORK HAS EVER HAD... But, New York, and Al Sharpton asked a colored guy, so they got Bill de Blasio, and Dante de Blasio, and that weird Chirlane McCray de Blasio, a former lesbian . That should make ALL Progressives happy....What more could you ask for?

    1. We see you put a lot of thought and work in your rant TTWSUF. Must be feeling chopper and relieved.

  70. It's a fact that welfare spending has gone up 32% since obana became president.
    I wonder just how many able bodied adult Americans, Black Hispanic or White, refuse to work on an available job in favor of living off of federal or state funds since King Obama come into office. versus when Bush was president?
    I don't how much more of this so called Obama recovery the American economy can tolerate.

    As they say, Give a man a welfare check, and he'll lie on the couch all day eating fish sticks.

  71. Hey Rational Nation, why don't you stop writing all that anonymous crap on Free Thinke’s blog?

  72. GB, are you retired? Drawing SS. Mediicare? Or are you happily accepting coporate welfare?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  73. You Have A Mind?
    Huh, live and learn!

  74. Can't leave you boys alone for 1 day . Do I have to take away all your IPads?

    1. Childish, ain't they?

      It might be funny, if it weren't so pathetic -- and tiresome. (:-O (That's a YAWNICON in case you were wondering.)

    2. We want Kenosha Marge !
      We want Kenosha Marge !
      We want Kenosha Marge !

      Come on Lisa and FT, your fans deserve only the finest sock puppets.

  75. You should be thanking Tea Party Patriots RN.
    Don't you agree with putting elected officials on watch or just let them continue
    along like business as usual?

    1. You mean like republicans have been doing for yearrs?

      The only difference between establishment republicans and tea bag republicans is the shady business they choose to sell their choir.

      It's snake oil either way and the politicians are your salesmen.

      Team red, team, crimson (tea pee'ers), and team blue are the choices. None desirable.

      Then you have the sock puppet team of Radical Redneck and Rusty Shacckelford, the babbling twins.

  76. That's something you seldom see.......a flying monkey in a polyester shirt.

    1. LOL! RN has been hit in the face by more balls than Don Baylor!

  77. You can always find RN in the men's department at K-Mart.......looking for the latest in men's fashion.

    1. Or Marshall's when he's feeling flush on the 1st and 15th every month.

  78. But don't blame RN, he's a LIBaSchmearritan.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. My Columbus Day Rant

    YOU Liberals, Libertarians, Democrats, Progressives and whatever the hell you are calling yourselves these days, better wake up to the facts of life in the real world, and understand that there are people out there who hate and want to kill Americans, no matter how much the current “So Called” president apologizes and tries to appease them, no matter how many Kings he bows to, no matter how many tin horn dictators he jokes with, takes “Selfies” with, and plays second fiddle to, or ass’s he kisses. .. And throughout almost all of our American history, we have responded to those who wish to kill us without any hesitation. . Instead, we have taken the high road and maintained those values that make America worth fighting for in the first place. When we Americans haven't lived up to our values, later Americans have done what they could to apologize for the mistakes, and vowed to do better. That is also a trait that makes our American way of life worth defending. Lets face it my Brothers and Sisters, we’re becoming a nation of wussies, and FRANKLY, I’m sick of the wussification of this frickin’ country!

    But you hypocritical lying dirtbag libs are too blind to see the light, and to see what has happened to MY Country,.It’s time that we showed you the door. . We have a anti-American, Socialistic in our White House and you libs don't want to admit it, and noone seems to care enough to say it in public or in the Chicken-Hearted Liberal media. .
    America is getting soft and here’s why. Everyday, I see and read about more complainers, cry-babies, and thin-skinned whiners, instead of taking the fight to the enemy We sit back and impose "Sanctions", like that’s going to do a dammed thing. . And if it don’t do anything, the Obama will impose a new round of sanctions! Yeah Right, that’ll help. It surely isn’t helping the people who are dying while the Dear leader imposes his sanctions while playing Golf! It surly didn’t do Jack or put any pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin over the Russian presence in Ukraine., and what is going on in Iraq now? I thought we won that war? It is so wrong to hold our forces back, we have the capability to destroy the enemy as fast as you can say Jak Robertson, but we don’t use it.
    I would not recommend anyone to join the military today. Our military never ran from a battle but the wusses in the District of Corruption do all the time.

    Is it enough for Obama to just imposes sanctions? Why are the hands of our Military TIED behind their backs? It seems to me that our government is more concerned with prosecuting our own military personnel than in conducting a war against our enemies.
    Our Troops Fed Up With Insane Rules of Engagement, and Frankly, So Am I!

    1. @Debonair Dud(sic) "But you hypocritical lying dirtbag libs are too blind to see the light, and to see what has happened to MY Country"
      Your country?

      Fascinating. More proof that the cult of FT and Radical Redneck is nothing more than a group of white male pretenders mourning the decline of the Klan.

    2. @Debonair Dud (sic) -- It surly didn’t do Jack or put any pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin over the Russian presence in Ukraine
      Been paying any attention to the Russian economy Debonair(LMAO)?

      It has been impacted and may well give Putin pause.
      There are demonstrations in Moscow over the Ukrainian adventure and recently Russian troops pulled back.

      In fact, this has been handled well by the administration as even a Teabag should be able to see.

      Say Hi to Radical Redneck.

    3. Say hi to your dad at the prison (if you can narrow it down to a dozen or so. Ask Maury Povich for help)

    4. Why doesn't it surprise me that you watch the Maury show.

    5. Who says I do? Unlike you I know who is my father. I also know which are my kids.

  81. ___________ In Summation: ___________

    _____________ (:-O + O -:) ____________

  82. Please forgive my stupidity FT, but....
    What does that supposed to mean!


  83. Good morning, happy " People's Day" to you all.

    Today I ran into a blog with a post written by a Dick-Head Libertarian named Rational Nation USA and gave a “Hat Tip” goes to his Dad, another truly independent thinking Dick-Head.

    It read like this:

    “Nowhere is this more evident than on conservative web logs such as FreeThinke (a true misnomer), where commentary contrary to his line of thinking is deleted post haste, Who's Your Daddy" where irrational reactionary sock puppets run rampant, and to a lesser degree Always on Watch where occasionally reasoned discourse can be found.

    Conservatives are truly their own worst enemy. When suppressing opposing views are commonplace, and creating alternate realities become the norm, you can be sure it is indicative of a dying poliotical ideology. Web logs such as those named above are the dying whimpers of a movement that fails to recognize what their own rational self interest really are”

    It seems as if the liberals new thing to bang on these days are about Climate Control, Gun Control, Control of other Bloggers Free Speech, and just plain CONTROL of EVERY-THING!

    The Libertarian Freak that wrote this “Thing” about has been going around from Blog to Blogs upsetting them and imposing his Bull-Shit to every one and every place that allows him to.
    KUDOS to all of the Bloggers that are wise to his antics and delete everything that he says and tries to say!

    Why do you Liberals, Progressives and yes, LIBERTARIAN FREAKS hate America, anyway?

    1. Give it a rest already Ducky, you sound like a broken record.
      And how come you never call those ass hats over at the progressive crap-house those stupid names.
      You know who I mean, those POS who use those assine names aplenty.
      You can't tell me that THEY aren't "sock puppets "

    2. The left sees themselves as the all inclusive enlightened party ,except conservative men,women and especially black or hispanic conservatives

    3. Lisa, how long do you usually wait before responding to yourself and does it vary with dosage?

  84. There isn't ANY "dislike" for Lisa, or FT over here, nor is there any at most if not all of the blogs that I frequent. However is is much dislike for both YOU and RN all over the blogosphere.
    Toushe You Old Douch...

  85. Yo awww yeah, us whitey gyzz can't even jive right an' we's wear our baseball caps backwards what the forks up ? -

    we's needa uh black dog ta set us straight

  86. What a hypocrite RN . I see you seem to enjoy the tit for tat as well

  87. I wish that I could get those last 3 minutes (the time that it took me to read this thread) of my life back and quickly. You'all are nuts.

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