Sunday, December 28, 2014

Article From American Thinker

The end of 2014 marks, as the ends of all years do, the creation of “best of” and “worst of” awards. It was in that spirit that the American Thinking awarded former Alaska governor, former vice presidential candidate, and most powerful female politician on the planet, the “American Achiever of 2014” award in a piece on Saturday. As she contemplates her political future, such as a possible run for the presidency, Palin can indeed look back on 2014 as a year in which much was achieved.
When one describes Palin as the most powerful female politician on the planet, one inevitably gets eye rolls and suggestions that one regard one Hillary Clinton, the once and future inevitable president of the United States. The American Thinker piece has an answer to that objection. It is based on cold metrics.
“Governor Palin endorses 22 candidates for various offices during the midterms finals including senators, governors, lt. governors, congressmen, and attorney's general. Of those so endorsed an incredible 20 were elected -- contrasted with, for example, Hillary Clinton's record of 8 wins out 24 endorsed candidates.”
2014 also marked the year that, not for the first time, Palin’s political judgment proved to be superior to that of the current president. In 2008, when Russia’s Vladimir Putin was invading Georgia, Palin predicted that then Senator Obama’s indecision would be just the sort of thing that would encourage him to go after the Ukraine next. The foreign policy establishment ridiculed her for being a boob for suggesting such a thing. But, one can now ask, who is the boob and who the prophet?
Palin is headed for the Iowa Freedom Summit in 2015, an event that is attracting almost every presumed candidate on the Republican side for president. Her presence there is fueling speculation of her own ambitions. She recently hinted that she was thinking of elected office again. On the other hand, she has been doing rather well as a king maker. Anyone at the summit would do well to kiss her ring and solicit her approval and advice. Mitt Romney failed to do so in 2012 and then lost the election. The current competitors would do well not to repeat that mistake.


  1. Please Sarah.......just go away.....and if you can, take John McCain and Lindsay Graham with you......

    1. ... and Kelly Ayotte makes three.

    2. You prefer your media-vetted left-wing pallatible candidates...

      Aren't YOU special!

  2. As one leftist blogger says, "She's proof that the fringe right barrel has no bottom."

  3. I just find it curious how the media was able to get people to idiolize Obama, the unknown, and Palin treated like the black plague.
    I think people are afraid to give her any sort of credit due to being criticized for doing so

    1. Palin treated like the black plague?

      Want to rethink that simile, Lisa?

  4. Me too mainly because she gets the leftist's panties all in a bunch

  5. Look....I'm as conservative as anyone here,but people like Palin,Cruz and Ron Paul don't help our cause....they come across as loons and the media plays it to the hilt.

    We have the House and Senate,but if we want the White House in 2016 we cannot have these loose cannons running around spouting off stupid shit like impeachment.

    Lets have the Republicans act like the grown ups.

    1. Pablum eating grownups like McConnell, Romney & Boehner?

      Give me the loons!

    2. Yeah right... Joe Biden for President!
      We need some more laughs in ou lives.

    3. Rusty it doesn't matter who the leftwing media picks for the republican nominee,they will destroy them regardless

  6. We'll see what happens in 2015 and how the country gets run into the ground with 0bama abusing the pen with his Executive FIAT 0rders. Happy New Year Lisa!

    From the 2 wisecrackers at mystere's moonbat slayer club, rattrapper's myfox trappings and liberalmann is a dingbat.

  7. Way back prior to the 2008 election, I got into it with many of my liberal and progressive friends because I preferred Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama. I liked Obama, but I must admit that I did have some doubts about his patriotism. Given the whole business with Reverend Wright, the fact that he wouldn’t wear an American Flag pin on his lapel, the friendship with Bill Ayers, etc. I believed that there was something more to his agenda and that scared me!
    I also thought Hillary would do a better job than Barack. I also was leery of Michelle back then, and to be perfectly honest I had some doubts about her, but i no longer do.. Four years later, Hillary proved herself, she has done a magnificent job as Obama's Secretary of State, and national and international polling about her job approval ratings have maintained very high marks throughout her tenure. Before that, her performance in the Senate also drew high marks, even from her Republican Senate colleagues. Judging by Bill Clinton's enthusiastic campaigning for President Obama's second term in office, it was obvious to me that Bill was paving the way for Obama to wholeheartedly endorse Hillary in the 2016 presidential race. I adore Hillary, and I think Bill Clinton was the best president we've had in the last 30 years. To think that President Hillary Clinton would have her husband to advise her is the very definition of the term, "value added." I do have a dream. I dream of Hillary winning the 2016 Democratic primary, and her choosing Michelle Obama as her running mate. With that ticket, the world would see America's evolution, and our global street cred would be astronomically high. I think Jeb Bush is already gearing up to run for president in 2016, and after eight years of us enduring his moronic big brother in the oval office, I doubt that the American electorate will want to risk another Bush catastrophe. So, a Hilary and Michelle may bring an excellent ticket.
    I knew from the get-go that Fox News would be dumping Sarah the Grifter Palin from their payroll soon after they hired her, so her star is tarnished and bent, much like her whore daughter Brisket's reputation. Let's face it--even Fox News would rather see Obama win a second term because at least that gives them something to bitch about on their newscasts. Clint Eastwood was the best the GOP could come up with at their hurricane-plagued convention. His speech was like any 82-year-old's--rambling, vague and speaking to someone who wasn't in the room, or maybe in his eyes there was! . The GOP had lied so often, everyone is bored with hearing the same old stupid lies again. When they went with Mitt Romney the best they had, I knew that they would sink .. Sure, they now the have Chris Christie that conniving, lying piece of crap waiting in the wings for 2016, that is if his strained heart can continue to carry about his 400+ pounds than much longer. I read all sorts of news bits about Mittens going for another try. How can that be, when even Fox News seems lukewarm about that phony bastard? Who will vote for Romney one precentors, racists and imbeciles? If that’s all they got, the Democrats are once again a shoe in.

    1. By all means, nominate the Queen of Benghazi for President and the Queen of the Vacay for her carpet licking asst.

      The ONLY thing that the Democrats have left for 2016 is "somebody famous' 'wife'."

    2. Titan Hillary was a shoe in 2008,remember,but an unknown got tbe nomination over her
      So how is that reset button with Russia working out?
      Bill Clinton was successful due to a republican majority otherwise our debt would probably be 30 trillion.
      Debt affects the poor more than deficits but let's keep that our little

    3. Gosnell the dems are so desperate they have to use propaganda like Obama with the styrofoam columns behind him and the oval office scene that was scaled down to make him look like a big man sitting in the chair.
      Remember when he went to Berlin and that picture of all those people cheering him.
      Of course they neglected to mention this was after a free concert with free beer and hot dogs. I would be cheering for that too

    4. How about a paragraph once in a while, Radical Redass.

  8. We're in the metaphorical elevator car at the metaphorical 88th floor. The doors have closed, and the cable has snapped. We have no place to go but DOWN, and nothing to look forward to but a metaphorical CRASH LANDING.

    The FUTURE?

    "Blood, Sweat, Toil andTears," folks!


  9. It is absurd to suggest, as Rudy Giuliani did, that the New York City Police officers murders are a result of statements from President Obama and New York City mayor Bill de Blasio after non-indictments in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner
    Rudy Giuliani, and Bernard Kerik Should Have Their Jaws Wired Shut

    Bernie Kerik is an EX CON and Rudy Guliani is the one who him nominated for head of Homeland Security, so why would anyone even listen to them?

    1. Oh yeah let's downplay Rudy Guliani,one of NY's most successful Mayors

  10. Just because Bill DeBlasio has "Cop Killer" in his playlist is NO reason to dis the Progressive wing of the Communist Party, right, TyF?

    ps - Free Palestine!

  11. Just to make things perfectly clear you liberals who are trashing the police are trashing the very people that put their own lives on the line to protect YOU! They are not just a union or a bunch of Right Wing anti Black group who wakes up in the Morning thinking about shooting Innocent unarmed Black “Teens”.. Go spin that.

    Mayor De Blasi stuck his foot in his mouth, and made an ass of himself, disrespected the lives of the deceased and the integrity of the entire Police Department, just to be on the same side of that Racist Bastard Al Sharpton. That is what THIS guy on the right objects to.
    I find it very uncomfortable hearing a supposed leader come out in support of riots, thugs and people that want double standards for certain races of people.

    And I feel that Blasio should go.

    To suggest that Rudy Giuliani or anyone else needs their mouth wired shut is completely stupid and the typical response of a leftist Moron. But this is par for the course of a liberal who only supports their own free-speech.
    De Blasio, Obama, Heinrich Holder, and Al Sharpton and all those who encouraged this anti-Cop, racist mentality all have blood on their hands. They all threw the Police under the bus.
    This Big Mouthed Progressive Mayor Di Blasi’s remarks were the inevitable result of the, Cop Hating Despicable Worm Al Sharpton.
    And I personally applaud the Police officers for turning their back on that backstabbing, Mayor.

  12. This talk of killing cops is sickening and our dear leaders are condoning it by keeping quiet about it.
    Obama needs to stop aligning himself with Sharpton but then again they are 2 agitating peas in a pod

  13. "Obama needs to stop aligning himself with Sharpton but then again they are 2 agitating peas in a pod:

    It's too late for that Lisa.

  14. Great Blog Lisa, and Good post Dude.
    I'm SO glad that the grammar police aren't here .....yet.

  15. Dear Black Ferguson, and New York “Protesters”, Thugs,/Rioters/Looters/ and Stupid Black Hate Groups who follow Al Sharpton.,

    So your so-called leaders are calling for violence when Darren Wilson is not indicted? Why are we not surprised? Experience. The same reason we won’t be surprised when you burn/loot/destroy what’s left of your emerging Detroit-like ghetto. Congratulations!

    Your political slave masters finally got the one wish they prayed for that would enrage and get you to the polls to once again vote for Democrats. The gift? The gift that comes every two years or so before an election. A white finger on the trigger that kills a black thug.

    Democrats and their black stooges in the civil rights advocate profession know they can count on your ignorance and hatred of white people to stir you up to a fever pitch all the way to the voting booth. They don’t care about you. Only your vote.

    ust as George Zimmerman, a white liberal, was found not guilty of killing black thug Trayvon Martin in self-defense, all evidence so far points to Darren Wilson not being charged in shooting black thug Mike Brown. But you don’t want justice, as you yell in the streets. You want revenge because a police officer dared defend himself from a violent, black criminal who attacked him and tried to get his gun. In your faked rage, you also will burn down and loot what’s left of your ghetto for emphasis. And you’ll steal a few Hi Defs and potato chips. Free at last!

    Decent people in America are sitting back and shaking our heads at your stupidity and hypocrisy. You yell “Every black life counts!” Well, not to black people. Hundreds of blacks are murdered by other blacks every weekend in. And that’s only in Chicago! Seriously, 79.5% of the victims/attackers in Chicago are black. And not all victims are black gangsta thugs. But there was no black outrage when little black infant like Jonylah Watkins was shot in her father’s arms by black ghetto thugs. Your liberal, white masters don’t see votes when blacks shoot blacks. Because, in reality black Ferguson protesters, you don’t care about black lives either.

    Ask yourself this. Would you be burning/looting/protesting if Mike Brown had been shot down by another ghetto thug? All evidence and crime data suggest Brown would have soon been dead by one of his own before too long. Of course you would’t be! Brown would have just been the latest “dead aspiring rapper” in the media and “a good boy who ain’t never done nuffin’ wrong” by his mother and grandmother. Nothing to see here. Just another day.

    1. But this is capitalism at its' best! The Ferguson protestors just bought a riot franchise from the UK!

      GO G-8!

  16. In reality, ghetto black Ferguson protesters, you’re really just too stupid to see how you’re being manipulated by the liberal whites who own you. Have you noticed the white Communists in your crowds? What does free market capitalism and Communism have to do with the shooting of Mike Brown? Was Mike Brown a Muslim? Then why are Muslims in St Louis calling for jihad? Because they realize their black ghetto puppets can be manipulated. Communists and Muslims always recruit the most stupid, excitable and ignorant classes.
    And just incase you haven’t yet heard, a group of Liberals aka a pile of trash have been verbally attacking Jet Blue as being racist for giving cops free flights to NYPD Officers Funeral
    None of this is surprising to the decent, responsible, law-abiding people of America. We see, despite the best efforts of the mainstream propaganda media, the horrid results of what happens when your ghetto actions spread into a community. Look at your own community after responsible whites, and I’m sure many responsible blacks, have fled your encroaching ghetto plague. Now that you’ve burned and looted businesses, don’t look for them to rebuild. They won’t rebuild until you have, like cockroaches, infested another part of town that you’ll subsequently destroy. Then, and only then, will responsible people reclaim Ferguson.

    YOU GHETTO THUGS are no different from ghetto thugs in Baltimore, Birmingham, Detroit, Gary, Chicago or any other large American city. You’re lazy, ignorant, profane, violent, stupid, irresponsible, and totally incapable of existing without the money taken from the responsible in America and redistributed by white liberals in government to buy your vote. What other culture glorifies violence, calls its women “bitches and ho’s”, and produces nothing of worth? Only one. Islam. Both cultures are disgraceful.

    Since you contribute nothing to decent society, you seek to extort law-abiding, decent Americans by your threats of violence. Yes, most decent people fear ghetto blacks from watching the generations of your violent lifestyle. You stupidly mistake fear for respect. There is nothing to respect about your irresponsible, violent lifestyle. And your irresponsible, violent lifestyle has been tolerated for far too long.

    The decent people of America are prepared to fight you if need be. We will not sit idly by after you loot and burn your ghetto hellholes. The police in Ferguson may be afraid to put you down but rest assured decent Americans will not tolerate such behavior in our communities. In the words of an ex-Special Forces friend of AWD, “they may come up here in cars but they’ll go back in body bags.” We are not afraid and will not hesitate to protect our homes and families from your looting and violence. And we are armed to the teeth and know how to fire our weapons without holding our crotches!

    If you want to hurt white people who have negatively affected your life, then kick the dog snot out of the white liberal, Communist idiots and ignorant fools like Al Sharpton organizing and attending your protests.

    In short, decent, law-abiding people in America have had enough of the ghetto black culture. You are in your present pathetic situation because of YOUR choices. You chose to drop out of school. You chose to have illegitimate children. You chose the ghetto thug culture. You chose to commit crimes. You chose to be ignorant fools. You have allowed yourselves to be manipulated by evil, white liberals. You, and no one else, bears the blame! It’s time ghetto black America takes responsibility for its own putrid condition. Slavery has nothing to do with your worthlessness! If white people ceased to exist tomorrow, you would still be ignorant, worthless, violent thugs!

    Want to improve your lives? Stay off the streets of Ferguson. Get a job. Pay your own bills. Quit blaming others for your failures. Be productive. Make smart life decisions. Cease to be a burden on America! The choice is yours. Don’t make it ours!


    The Decent, Responsible, Law-abiding People of America.

  17. This administration has made their priorities pretty darn clear.
    Thugs die, and Obama and Holder can't do enough, can’t say enough, can’t send enough. Cops die, and they send Joe Biden, the National Joke.

    Obama sent three White House officials to Michael Brown’s funeral the “Un-Armed” Gentile Giant Missouri teenager! And yet snubbed Margaret Thatcher’s Funeral.

  18. We know by now where his priorities are and they're not with our allies.
    He learned the communist manifesto lessons well, divide and conquer. Or in this case divide and stay in control.
    This is what you get when you let a bunch of Progressive Commie run the Country. This whole White House bunchis nothing more than a pack of race baiting fools.
    Everything they do is for the thugs and criminals but nothing for the real heroes of America.
    I'm sure this thug Michael Brown would be Holder's son. Barrack already has “Son” Trayvon Martin. So much for bringing America together.

  19. Titan or whatever your name is today, you're a real Putz....(a stupid, ignorant person who makes stupid remarks ) .

    Otherwise know as a..
    very dumb and clueless

  20. Comrade de Blasio should just pack it in and go back to Nicaragua. Perhaps Daniel Ortega and the rest of his Sandinista buddies can go with him.
    And he can take his family too.

  21. Most powerful politician on the planet? A governor who did not complete her term, a failed VP run, hell great success in the political arena.

    But she is a genius at marketing the Palin
    brand and tossing the red meat to the
    zombies. She has become quite wealthy doing so. Have to give her that.

  22. RN why do people purposely ignore this

    1. Sounds like the Dems have made an enemy, and are paying dearly for it. Good. :)

    2. I don't know Lisa, maybe because it's old news? 2009

  23. Yep sounds good to me Thersites

    1. Paying dearly? How so? Please elaborate.

    2. 20 for 22 endorsement success. Sounds like the grass roots voters don't much care what the "pundits" think of her.

      btw - Did you actually read the article, or are you just another brain dead troll? (Hint - It's a rhetorical question)

  24. Although who isn't their enemy?

  25. Sarah Palin, the biggest joke in American politics. Ever. Shameless carpetbagger,

    1. Really? I disagree. Gomert is a bigger joke IMO. Then there is Bachmann and what his name, Green Eggs and Ham man or something like that.

    2. Cruz/Snooki 2016

      The Teabag dream ticket.

      Palin/Honey Boo-boo would be the ultimate ticket if not for the Constitutional issue.

  26. Leftist scum like Dicky, Lib-turd and the polyester boy are feral at any Palin mention. She won't apologize for either being white or straight - shatters their entire tiny universe.

    1. Who gives two warm farts in hell what she does?

  27. Racist Redneck boy, her race, nor her sexual preference hasa thing to do with anything. She simply is not the brightest bulb nor is she powerful by any realistic rational definition.

    The one with the shattering universe is you and those like you RRR.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. nor is she powerful by any realistic rational definition.

      How about this one... 4,443,000 Facebook "Likes"

      Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals"

      Rule #“1 - Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Facebook likes are important for those who wish to feel part of a collective. They are irrelevant to me Thersites.

    5. Then "power" in a democracy must be "irrelevant" to you, as well.

    6. Nope. But unless it is your cup of tea it is for YOU.

    7. If you asked every reader of "Rational Nation" for $1, how much money do you think you'd raise? I have a feeling it wouldn't even come near to within six orders of magnitude what a similar Facebook post by Sarah would raise...

    8. BFD.

      Do you fell better now TeaPot?

    9. 4 straight "I know you are but what am I?" blatherings. You are up to about 11,000 in only the past month.

      Keep going boy! You done good!

  28. Dreams of my Father, 4.7 million copies sold
    Going Rogue, 2.7 million copies sold

    1. Have not read either. Do not intend to. So for me the numbers are meaningless.

    2. Then you must REALLY hate science. It's all "numbers" and "measuring stuff".

    3. So, Titan, are you admitting you are a homosexual? Or just a bigot?

    4. Must be having an impact; got your pea brain counting.

      BTW RRR, you can't count.

    5. What would a fool who professes to care nothing for "meaningless numbers" know about counting?

      Get thee to a ditch and pick up a spade. It's the only trade you're suited for.

    6. ...aka (prostitution and buggery).

    7. Hey Speedy, what the hell are you babbling about?

      Ignorance like yours has few equals.

      Now, trot on back to your school yard buds and let me know when you've grown up.

    8. Hey, Speedy G is back !!!

      Which sock puppet next, Farmer, Rottweiler spouting Lucretius?


  29. I’m somehow, Amazed, that you Libs are sooo quick to insult the Palin’s, but you skip the obvious, and never say a word about the IDIOTS in office right now like Obozo, the Moocher and Joe “the Clown” Biden.
    Joe Biden makes Yogi Berra look like Albert Einstein! Obozo attacks the rich for being rich but takes multimillion dollar vacations and had his dog shipped to his last vacation by the air force.
    I’m waiting for good ole Joe Biden to run so he can ask all the people in wheelchairs to stand up and take a bow...
    As for raising the minimum wage, I think this one is going to blow up in the Obama's face. In effect she and the President's own tale of woe are insulting people who work at "lowly jobs" such as retail clerks and valets. Their comments are an insult to millions of working class Americans who work at the Targets, the WalMarts, at hotels, waiters and waitresses, cab drivers, etc. Once again the Obama's are showing their elitism.

    As the Obama's continue to promulgate their fight against income inequality, they need to be asked if they will redistribute their millions to the poor when they leave the White House?

  30. What is it that you lame brains don't understand, or won't understand?
