Saturday, January 31, 2015

I couldn't Resist

So while the gov't bashes non vaccers ,they are silent about the spread of diseases that have been prevelent amongst school children since Obama allowed thousands of immigrant children to mix freely into American schools


  1. I think that our immigration laws are very enforceable. The problem is that neither side wants to enforce them. Republicans don't want to push the boat,Democrats don't want to miss out on the new voters.

  2. Replies
    1. Well the CDC thinks it started with a tourist at Disneyland.

      Of course if people were vaccinated the transmission would be minimal.

    2. Talking about Disneyland, isn't that you're home?

  3. It's the Sorceror's Apprentice in a different guise.

  4. From measles to shit Only on the right wing steam machine.

    1. Measles to shit - sounds like your conception!

    2. Hardy har har Racist Radical Redneck. Quite the dim bulb card eh?

      Now get back to hustling race bozo.

  5. I think that we have a Hell of a lot more that the Measles to worry about. We have a US President who don' give a crap about the safety of our citizens and hour homeland.
    Lets investigate the fact that as the President of the United States of America president freed dozens of terrorists alone from the military prison base in Guantanamo including five from Yemen this week alone! And lets look at the report that CONFIRMS that a former Gitmo prisoner who previously was a Taliban Leader has returned to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria otherwise know as (ISIS). Given the fact that one of the suspects, in the Paris killings had traveled to Yemen in and that Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the killings! Doesn’t that strike anyone as a very strange and very peculiar reason to free the Gitmo prisoners at this point? Doesn’t that strike anyone as being very strange that Obama set free five Yemeni detainees out of Guantanomo Bay at all? Four were sent to Oman, a nation that neighbors right by Yemen. The other was transferred to Estonia. It was the first time either nation Estonia or Oman had accepted any Gitmo prisoners at all. So why at this time? A terrible decision for so many reasons. So now we negotiate with terrorists ?

    Doesn’t anyone think that the five Gitmo prisoner and one being a Taliban leader that Obama set free last year are still in Qatar? Among the things Obama will be remembered for will be his promise to close Gitmo and these releases of U.S. ENEMIES.
    Since when is freeing Islamic terrorists to return to the battlefield not giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Well, it is not if you are the President of the United States because, believe it or not, this is exactly what he did, and he did it within his legal authority to do so..

    And then, strangely enough was Obama’s strange decision not to join the forty world leaders in Paris to march and protest in a common cause, the opposition to Islamic terrorism. Doesn’t that strike anyone as being very strange and very peculiar that the Fort Hood killings are still referred to by obama as “Workplace Violence” despite the very fact that the perpetrator was shouting “Allah akbar” as he killed his victims. Yes,
    Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. And Obama says that "There is no indication that this incident is related to terrorism.” Is he kidding?
    How stupid is it to continue to ignore the evidence that we have a President who is more inclined to side with our Islamic enemies than with Americans?

  6. I concur! And beautifully said! We have a Progressive Regime in power which is another word for Communist!
    Estonia of all places? The families of 9/11 should demand that he stops these terrorists from going free from Gitmo! Maybe Michelle Obama should take the Gitmo Prisoners to Hawaii, or the Bahamas or the French Riviera with her on vacation.
    And take all those “USEFUL IDIOTS" that worship at the alter of OVOMIT with her. Along with Valerie Jarrett, and Hillary Clinton .
    Where is our congress? What do we need these Progressive IDIOT’S for if they cannot stop this insanity?
    And now we have Comrade de Blasio in charge of New York City. The home of the Communist Party and, of course, Columbia University and the New York Times. It was only a matter of a time that the election of Bill de Blasio another “hope and change” guy and buddy of Al Sharpton and Barack Obama, another “Progressive” who is eager to transforms the America we knew and loved into a third world nation and Food-Stam collectors. Where the loons on the left rule the streets.

    Measles in Disneyland is your least worries in America, Obama is our biggest worry.
    Worried about the Measles, or Ebola? Get a shot! Worried about Obama, and illegal immigrants. Then you have to vote out these Scum-bags wh are ruining this country.
    The majority of the REAL Americans are worried that illegal immigrants are destroying their way of life, and they are right. SEVENTY percent of Americans believe that illegal aliens threaten traditional U.S. customs and beliefs. Mexican people are very nice/kind/polite/hard working. But if the are illegal then they should get the hell out of here and stay in Mexico. If they want to come here, they should come legally. Period..

    1. Just what are you going to worry about when President Obama is gone from office?


  7. Hey Mr. Rational Nation, did you just have a lobotomy? I hope you recover soon. I for one never trusted anyone who claimed to be a Libertarian, to me, its all merely political theater. No substance, only BS.
    Be very careful about Rand Paul because he like Obama is also one of those controlled “hope and change” frauds …. Definitely not like his father

    The media in this country has covered for Barry since day one of his atonement, they ridiculed anyone who would dare ask the question, where is this guy from and who is he.

    I have nothing but praise for the author of this blog. She has the guts to stand up for what she believes and doesn’t take any crap from her opponents.
    Neither she or I can’t stop Obama from doing any of these horrible things that he has been doing to this country, but I can tell people about what I think he is doing!

    As for anyone who voted for that lunatic Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson. who is more leftist persuasion than anyone might want to consider. Let me say that voting for the Green Party in future elections should scare the daylights out of anyone who cares about civil liberties.
    I voted for Bush, so I guess that you think that I’m a dolt. Well please tell me who YOU felt would have gotten the job done.
    The inventor of the internet Al Gore? Hmmm I can just see this planet now with his global warming thing now.
    Oh and by the way Mr. Rational National I did not mean to insult you, but rather wanted to suggest all that we comment on our collective opposition to Ohbongo who is not going to get anything done, or about the damage that he’s doing to our Nation.

    ~Hilda Hightower~

    1. Nope, but thinking people are betting you did.

    2. ^"I know you are but what am I?" - part 13,000^

    3. This rant was brought to you by Freethinker

    4. You RRR? That's easy, an ignorant dipshit.

  8. Did anyone understand my reference to The Sorceror's Apprentice? It could be appreciated in two different frames of reference.

    1. Don't expect much from your protege(s) FT; they're seriously mentally challenged. It's not their fault. According to the reactionary folks it never is. It is ALWAYS somebody else's fault.

    2. Reactionaries admitted thousands of diseased immigrants into the country? Who knew?

  9. Hey Lisa, thanks for your work here. This blog has become my daily read
    Obama and company are so sickening. He sells his globalism as bipartisan but anyone with a brain stem can see that he is a front man for the Socialists. That said, anyones reticence to vote for Rand Paul is strictly a mental case, his failure to remain uncompromisingly true to any principles at all. those rights and principles. I believe that every cause that Mr. Paul believes in is on the wrong side for me. Perhaps it's my growing disgust for all candidates for Presidents are getting worse and worse with every election. That’s reality. Another reality is Ohbongo is not going to be impeached, and removed from office. To pretend otherwise is whistling in the wind.
    As for you or any other of the people who vote libertarian, they are sicko’s and had better wake up because they are only wasting their votes. Either vote for that Democrat-Republican charade, or don’t bother voting at all. Don’t get suckered into that old Green party con game.

    ~Hilda Hightower~

  10. Dim bulbs have been talking this line if sh*t for years yet America is still not a socialist nation. We are however approaching a neo-fascist state and apparently the same dim bulbs are willing to accept even a neo-fuedalism.

    Low wattage indeed runs through this site and the trained right looney commenters.


  11. Frank J. Rather than agree with the Stupidity of the Progressive’s who call Henry Kissinger a war criminal when there is nothing truthful to support to those claims. How about the facts that that Obama is a Marxist, a Commie, and a Socialist? Digging up that proof is not at all hard. Finding out about Obama’s socialist background is not difficult. In fact, it’s quite easy to dig up. And you can start by his friendships and cronyism with other radicals such as Bill Ayers, and Jeremiah Wright, and Van Jones But one thing is clear: Obama is a true-blue believer in socialism, and the evidence for this is clear and easily found.
    Even his father was a socialist economist for the Kenyan Government. His mother was raised by socialists. And his African grandparents were socialists.
    And if you really think about it, even his speeches contain classic socialist economic themes: demonizing the “rich,” preaching to businessmen “You didn’t build this ” “wealth redistribution,” and his belief that government “ creates jobs”.
    Mr. McCain was right calling those protesters “Low-Life Scum” that’s exactly what they are. Barrak Obama and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are the real war criminals. What a pathetic waste of human flesh they all are. Remember Vietnam? Remember "Hanoi Jane Fonda? Remember LBJ? Remember how Hillary Clinton and her daughter hated American soldiers .
    Remember those reports about the Secret Service agents who overheard Hillary's daughter Chelsea refer to them as "personal, trained pigs"?
    And How about Benghazi did you think that Benghazi was an unfortunate series of events that started from a Video? Did you buy into that nonsense, did you buy that load of crap that Hillary told at the hearings? Well keep looking for the “Great Right Wing Conspiracy”. Just keep looking for it. Maybe you should try looking on the Golf Course where OJ. Simpson was looking for the “Real Murderers”.
    So don’t be so “Cute” and try to make fun of the comments that I leave here. Only you and the other Socialist running that slop-rag over there thinks it’s funny.

    I only hope that this country learned it's lesson about Democrats and their Socialistic ways! What a travesty it is and an insult to those who fought and died for this country to have a Socialist running our great country.

    ~ Hilda Hightower ~

    1. Still cruising and snoozing eh Hilda?

      When you wake up you'll find the neo-American feudalism in full swing.


  12. John Kerry , or Hillary Clinton could never do the job that Henry Kissinger was able to do. And as for Hillary Clinton, she can never live down Benghazi and will never tell the truth about Benghazi, because if she did the whole country would know what an incompetent lying sack of crap she really is.

    She dropped the ball on Benghazi and four good men died for absolutely nothing.

    One has to wonder how anyone could even begin to think she's up to the office of President. She couldn't even handle the State Department, and for that matter she doesn’t even know how to tell the truth. .

    God help us if she actually wins the Presidency. Good God. What a useless lying sack of useless crap she really is.

    ~ Hilda Hightower ~

    1. Benghazi, keeping the myth of the cover up alive. Damn, you guys have nothing better to amuse yourself with?

    2. Always play interference for your marxist idol Shitlery won't you? So. Sadly. Predictable.

    3. Nope, wrong again as usual dipshit. But hey I know you can't help being stupid, it's not your fault.

  13. I also have nothing but praise for Lisa also. She doesn’t take any crap from her liberal brainwashed commentors. It's people like these progressive morons that are poisoning America with their hate and bigotry. Mind you if this was someone like the harebrained IrRational Nation, he would be cursing and swearing and threatening everyone here. Liberals always complain if you don't play by their own rules, rules different from those they engage in, such as choosing to argue with emotion instead of reason. Liberals are hateful and intolerant. They decide what they want everyone else to think, or their comments won’t get posted. Sad to say but the rhetoric and tactics used by the so-called "Progressives" is way beyond ridiculous.

    1. Talk about brainwashed, never have so many brainwashed sheeple been gathered in one place to echo each other's musings as here. Yes Lisa your extreme brilliance has built a following of mindless foot soldiers all in lockstep to nowhere.

      Great job Lisa.

  14. Another super post from Lisa.... thanks Lisa.
    Yes Lisa, we need to stop the illegal entry. But we keep on say this and these invaders keep coming! We need to stop this insanity with the illegal’s coming in every day, on top of the millions who are already here. Our government is run by a bunch of so called leaders with no testicles who are traitors to the oath they took… lack of response as well as free goodies is part of the reason they keep coming and staying. Many have been here for many years and even brought illegal children with them, but they knew when they came they were breaking our laws. I propose the following.

    We need to do something that's meaningful and do it now that we control the senate. we must require all employers to run legal resident checks on all employees and new hires! . Make it an automatic fine for each illegal hire for anyone who hires an illegal or helps one in any way. Give every illegal 30 days to get the hell OUT of the US on their own or serve an automatic 5 year prison term and lose all possessions then deported.

    Our government holds a great deal of responsibility for them coming here and letting them stay so long. We should not allow them to receive any government assistance for any reason. If they are ever arrested and convicted of a felony they would be automatically deported after they serve their sentence. If they violate any of these provisions they would be arrested and deported with no appeals. We must get tough, very tough, and stay tough.

  15. Not that I like Chris Christy, but who we need is a tough guy like him . And perhaps send in the National Guard to the border. There they can duke it out with the Mexican Mafia as well as gather up and start shipping illegals back home to Mexico.We are at crisis point with these illegal’s. They need to go back to where ever they came from. No discussion, no nothing, just send them all back. I don’t know when these pathetic morons in Washington are going to realize that. If Hilary get’s elected nothing will change.

  16. Brilliant, perhaps you might lay out the plans to how exactly round up and deport millions of illegals. Illegals the republicans chose to do nothing about for 40 years, until Obama. Hm?

    1. Idiot. Ignoring the law much easier than enforcing it, eh? So all crimes should be ignored right? It would be easier than enforcing the law, wouldn't it?

      They made it into here - they'll make it out. America is for AMERICANS! NOT savages.

    2. So jackass, WHAT EXACTLY did your super hero Bush do to enforce immigration law. Please advise bozo blabbering dipshit.

    3. Idiot. Nice non sequitor answer you obtuse fuck. Issue is the illegal scum - they managed to get here, they sure as Hell can get out. Asking what much better long ago President did or didn't do (and at least he deported the welfarians caught unlike your boy) is the nadir of mendacity. Perfectly befitting you and your crisco sweating idol Mike Moore.

      I. OWN. YOU.

  17. Replies
    1. Sure there is. Identity theft isn't all that difficult. :)

    2. Speaking to your lack of integrity there SK? BTW, I do take your comment as a threat.

    3. You should take up drinking instead of blogging. You'd have a better time, and people might even begin to like you.

    4. Judging from your blog you have perfected the drinking part.

    5. ...and judging from yours, I'd have to believe that drinking could only help.

    6. I take it back, drugs and alcohol don't mix. Especially the anti-psychotics! Blackouts are a not uncommon side effect. So, given the doses you must be taking, please forget everything I said previously about alcohol helping.

  18. Chris Kyle = American answering the call of his country. Deserving of the respect of ALL Americans.

    Even though the president he served was a joke.

    1. Comments one who has only served himself.

    2. You must be suffering from an irony deficiency again Nurse Ratched.

    3. Sure, whatever your pea brain tells you.

    4. Oh, SNAP! A wit like yours is wasted on a blog like this. You should have your own forum.

      Oh, that's right, nobody goes there. I can't imagine why...

      Oh wait, yes I can.

  19. Back to regularly scheduled programming.


  20. The cheese stands alone
    The cheese stands alone.
    Hi ho the derry-o!
    The cheese stands alone.


  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. We interrupt regularly scheduled programming for this brief announcement:

    Congratulation to the New England Patriots for their Outstanding Super Bowl Win!

    Belichick/Brady = 4 Super Bowl Wins

    We now return you to regular programming.

    1. Keep projecting Racist Radical Redneck.

    2. And as for what they are saying about our First Lady and her Fashion Choices

      The chattering chipmunks on the right never miss a chance to insult and denigrate the FLOTUS, Michelle Obama. No matter what she wears, what she eats, or how she smiles. It's all bitchy talk from them all the time, because, y'know, THOSE PEOPLE are in the White House.
      I really thought Laura Bush was a gracious First Lady, and no one that I know of attacked her for suggesting people read to their children--no one said she shouldn't tell other parents "what to do."
      BUT she was never attacked for her looks, her body shape, or her fashion choices on this blog. I don't know what the problem is with the right wing bloggers who seem to relish making fun of our first African-American First Lady, but they do it with a vengance and full-on spite. They, of course, are the ones who come off looking like dreary little gossips who have nothing better to do than pick apart someone else instead of looking in the mirror and discovering the wreckage in their souls.
      Who really cares what those Tea-Pee-ers, and those schoolyard name-calling, gang of loonies, with the brains of chipmunks think about Michelle?

      But don't forget to remind about Sarah Palin and her loonie family has been behaving themselves lately.

  23. When asked about the President’s decision to bypass Congress to order a sweeping amnesty, Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General Nominee, said that even Illegals have the right to work in America. Does the word hypocrite come to mind? Or perhaps the word Stupid Liberal?. Did anyone really expect an Obama nominee to have a different opinion?

  24. Replies
    1. why in the world would YOU find anything wrong with what I wrote.?
      Why the "sarcastic humor"?
      I hate to admit it, but I don’t really like anyone to disagree with me, So it disturbs me when people like you write those ugly but subtle, yet difficult to analyze, remarks.!

      Lets not forget that there are those of us with morals out there..

    2. You are right, and I grant you may be one with morals, although many of your fellow RW travelers here (like Racist Radical Redneck etc.) obvious my have none.

      My problem with what you wrote is not the specific view you expressed but rather the implications of your statement. Where have the republicans been for 40 years as the problem of illegal immigration continued to grown unmanageable? It's the hypocrisy NR. Yes, some have morals.

  25. And why in the world would YOU want open borders? I think we need to tighten up the border security and make it hard for immigrants to earn their citizenship here.
    Illegal immigrants cost us taxpayers money, they are permitted to use public property, public services, schools, library’s, hospital’s. yet they don’t contribute anything positive at all to the government or the community that they reside in. The will eventually wipe out our cultural They almost always end up on welfare! And they have strange customs and sanitary habits.
    Look at all the communities in our major Cities, they practically live off of welfare, and Government benefits, they are ridden with foreigners who wind up in our jails, who drive while drinking, and who commit most of the crimes, and because of their lack of sanitation habits they also bring in sickness’s with them. .

    1. And EXACTLY WHERE did I say I want or support open borders? Please point to where and when I said that, I'd love t ok see it.

      I support controlled and steady immigration such as we had before the closing of Ellis Island. We ARE a nation of immigrants (granted European) and this has been one of our nations strengths. I see no reason to not accept CONTROLLED immigration as a positive.

      Problem is having an intelligent and thoughtful discussion of the issues is not possible here because of the rank hatred, racism, and general BS from some of your 'RW travelers.

      True to form your comment runs headlong into sophistry and RW talking points and whenever asked to substantiate with facts your felliw RW travelers resort to more of the same.

  26. I strongly oppose the idea that illegal immigrants should be allowed into the country and especially giving them amnesty ..
    The only way to solve the problem is to go after the employers of illegal’s!
    The answer is to punish the employer and not the employee. If there were no jobs there would be no illegal aliens. I just don’t get it, what part of the word “ ILLEGAL” don’t you understand?
    If we let the Mexicans in legally it will cause so many problems with our employment, health, and it will surely increase crime in this country.

    Americans, let's stop this Bleeding Heart mentality. Mexicans and other illegal immigrants need to get the heck out of here, so then the American people would have more jobs... And please don’t tell me that washing dishes, mowing lawns, and clean houses, etc. are beneath us. Ship them all back to Mexico, that what they would do with us if the situation was reversed. Like I said, "what part of illegal don't you understand?"

    1. Amen JJ, go after the businesses that employ and exploit cheap illegal immigrant labor. These folks cone here because they find work, and a better life than in their native land.

  27. All you people who HATE on Immigrants need to take a step back and be THANKFUL that all these wonderful newcomers to our country don't start to HATE on YOU!

    1. Fuck that shit you liberal twit. They are guests, and damn sure better know their place and how to act. Else with the help of a REAL President, they will be jettisoned.

      Build the wall! One way, going out.

    2. "Build that wall."

      You mean the one that won't work? Spend how many billions on another scheme to make the 'RW feel warm and fuzzy? Why not sea walls on both coasts as well? Secure that northern border too eh? Oh, and why not stop all incoming flights and ships? Just to be safe, you know.

      Lockdown America; and Americans to protect ourselves from the brown, black, yellow, non Christian invasion.

      Yup, you're really on to something Racist Radical Redneck. Go cowboy!

      BTW, way didn't your last "real president" (GWB) do anything about illegal immigration? Any thoughts on that RRR?

    3. Lockdown America; and Americans to protect ourselves from the brown, black, yellow, non Christian invasion.

      Who said anything about color or religion you racist, bigoted basTARD!?

    4. What a horrid HORRID little man you must be, Mr. Redneck, to wish to treat GUESTS in our country in THAT manner! Didn't your parents teach you ANYTHING about hospitality? Guests DESERVE the BEST that we can offer... money... Would you begrudge them such trifles, you parsimonious skinflint?

    5. We all know what a racist, bigoted, bastard YOU are Racist Radical Redneck. Your bigoted racist comments are splattered all our this site as well as others.

      So is your pornography zipwad.

    6. What about the last "real president" GWB and immigration RRR?

      Silence as usual.

    7. OK Mrs Grundy, sorry I missed your sarcasm.

      Well played!

    8. Idiot. Nice non sequitor answer you obtuse fuck. Issue is the illegal scum - they managed to get here, they sure as Hell can get out. Asking what much better long ago President did or didn't do (and at least he deported the welfarians caught unlike your boy) is the nadir of mendacity. Perfectly befitting you and your crisco sweating idol Mike Moore.

      Now head over to Boston Fats to remove my size 13 boot marks from all over your area code sized ass.

    9. Quick to anger Racist Radical Redneck aren't you? But I suppose when you haven't two functioning brain cells to put together you must resort to anger, hate, bigotry, and pornography. Poor child it must be a bitch being you.

      Oh, and your typical lies and bullshit? Check the deportation data from a reputable and verifiable source and get back to us with the link why don't you? But you won't because you're goddamn liar and you know it.

      As for Michael Moore, I have said here, and elsewhere, including posts at my weblog that Moore is an ass, a hypocrite, and nothing but a bag of hot air. So, STFU liar.

      Now shove your pinhead up where the sun don't shine Racist Radical Redneck until you choke.

    10. Buffoon blathers this:

      Quick to anger Racist Radical Redneck aren't you?

      Then follows with this:

      Now shove your pinhead up where the sun don't shine Racist Radical Redneck until you choke.

      You are a cliche'. A cartoon. A full on parody of yourself. Your fallback position is ALWAYS to make a complete fool of yourself. Every. Single. Time. And so astonishingly unaware of it.

    11. :-)

      I have no anger towards you at all, just pity RRR.

      It is you who is unaware but I will not belabor the point.

      Carry on RRR.

    12. Ms. Gumba. I think I love you. Do you date White men?

    13. Only if they are respectful gentlemen who would honor the memory of Mr. Grundy.

  28. Sorry but I dissagree, and I'm highly against these leaches running thru our streets and demanding all kinds of crap.

  29. NR, Creig McLean's above comment is indicative of what I said in response to you. Nothing but knee jerk hyperbole intended to incite anger and hate. Trying to have a reasonable and intelligent conversation is made impossible. But that's the goal isn't it NR?

  30. Sorry you don't like me Nursie, but it's ok caz I don't like you either.

    1. BTW, what does like or dislike have to do with anything? Issues are issues, they aren't personal.

  31. Lisa, I’m Sorry for this somewhat off-topic post, but I have an lump in my stomach that I just had to get out.
    About Hillary Clinton and that old story “benghazi, Benghazi, BENGHAZI”

    So the Hilderbeast is going to testify on Benghazi again.. Well what is going to change? It doesn't matter what she says or what additional information may come out of this, she has lied over and over again, what makes anyone think that she won’t lie again? She's never going to tell the truth because if she did the whole country would know what an incompetent asshole she really is. So, “What difference does it make”? To that Cold Fish the 4 dead Americans were just "Bumps in the Road"
    Yes, benghazi, Benghazi, BENGHAZI!!! I will never stop saying Benghazi!!
    On that day in September 2012, a complete all out planned attack was made on the American Ambassador’s compound in Benghazi and killed four Americans, the American Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. In addition to the loss of these four brave men, ten others were injured in these attacks.
    President Obama refused to call the attack on the compound what it was a terrorist attack claiming that he had evidence that it was because of a Youtube video that was detrimental to the prophet Muhammad. This lie was so obvious that even the Washington Post didn’t buy it.
    The Administration had absolutely NO interest in telling the truth, in regards to the Benghazi attack because they knew it will lead, the truth will show the total incompetence in leadership of both King Obama and Her Majesty Hillary. They were already dead set to protect Hillary at all cost. Hillary was already the “Chosen One” for 2016. So here we are today.
    Well now we are going to have the Butcher of Benghaz running for the office of the presidency of the United Stated of America! The highest office in the world! With all her Lies, Coverups, and Fabrications, she is still the choice of 50 percent of America. This tells us a lot of what this country has come to doesn’t it.
    The problem we have is that the majority of Americans are clueless and couldn't even tell you who Ben Gazy is.
    The average and typical Liberal/Democrat voter will go on loving and supporting this pathetic liar. Can all these people be that completely ill-informed? I don’t think so, I rather think that they are just brainwashed Koolaide drinkers.
    And how about our Government? Do those Governmental officials really believe all the crap that the 3 stooges have been saying? The State Department assholes should all be fired for their incompetence.
    There was no video protest at the compound, it was a planned and orchestrated attack by al qaeda.
    What angered me most about Benghazi was not that it was a botched covert operation because things like that happens all the time, but rather Hillary's attempt to peddle the “spontaneous video protest” LIE while standing next to the coffin of Ambassador Chris Stevens...
    She gave weapons to Islamic terrorists who used them against our people in Benghazi. She did not give the consulate the protection that they needed and she lied about the anti-Muhammad video sparking a spontaneous attack. This will come back to haunt her.
    It's disgusting! One can only hope that this murdering, lying, arrogant beast will never be president, the thought alone is sickening! God help us if she actually wins the Presidency.

    1. The problem with Benghazi also was when they came under attack and requested help, the state dept,which Hillary was supposedly in charge of,did not alert the WH for seven hours

    2. So much for answering that 3:00am phone call

    3. 6 Congressional Investigations LED BY THE GOP found nothing in the Benghazi investigations.

      Obama DID call it a terrorist attack within hours. Don't you remember Romney being clobbered in the Presidential debate about this?

      The Video WAS the impetus for the first wave of protests.

      You. Got. Nothing. Dummy.

    4. They have something but Obama has the backing

  32. Great post Political Chic, I must say that I agree with you completely. Hillary Clinton is still that same ole Lying Phoney that she always was, faked concussion and all.
    But the liberals are not interested in the truthful Benghazi answers, all they want is to protect Hillary and Obozo.
    And as for the "Registered Nurse" I see that he's still there in his usual idiotic form ranting and raving and as full of crap as always...

  33. And by the way, The Patriots didn't win that game, the Seahawks lost it!
    Pete Carroll blew the game and threw it away with one awful, disastrous, and stupid decision ... And for what it’s worth, Bill Belichick, and Tom Brady are both cheaters!

    1. For what it's worth you're full of shit as usual.

  34. I don't know if it's true, but I've heard the neither the vaccine nor contracting measles itself confers lifelong immunity.

    Does anyone here know about that matter?

    1. Not really sure AOW,but I believe there are 2 strains of measles

    2. According to the current edition of Time Magazine, two doses of the MMR vaccine are required to confer full immunity, which stands at 99%.

      There are indeed to strains of measles: red measles and rubella.

    3. I'm wondering about something....Do all those immigrants flooding across our southern border receive two doses of the MMR vaccine before mixing into our general population. I doubt it!

    4. I am sure they got nothing,typical carelessness

    5. I was surprised to hear this morning, by an expert, that you can have the vaccine and still get measles but much more mild an attack.

    6. AOW, I don't know but for those of you on the right I'm sure asking a scientist would be your last thought.

      'I've heard,' is usually all the confirmation the right needs on any asinine subject, lol!

  35. YES the measles vaccine IS lifelong, However there are two or maybe even more of systems in the immune function, one is antibody, and another is cell mediated. Once one is vaccinated they would are immune for life, or almost life time.

  36. By the way, After my usual scanning the internet for fleas, rats and scum, I noticed that all our Liberal/Progressive/Democrat pals are deathly silent about

    ...a Democrat Congressman suing to keep some group from advertising that his vote authorized funds for abortion....
    none of the Leftists defending him???

    ....Democrats Reid and Markey want 'hate speech' legislation ...causes of offense are "gender, race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation."

    In other words, anything.
    ....none of the Leftists penning posts in favor of same???

    ....and Democrat LBJ, the 'father of illegitimacy,' made it illegal for churches to engage in political speech.
    Where are all the Leftist posts supporting this unconstitutional power grab???

    ...... or the continuing scandal of Shelley Silverman, of NY
    Where is all that vaunted Leftist 'critical thinking'?

    But there wasn’t any shortage of the character assassination or destroying the reputation, or the witch hunt on Henry Kissinger.


  37. Come on Chic,are you actually expecting honesty from them?

  38. Living loosely, tilting to the left,
    Eager to condemn with sneers and taunts,
    Sarcastic always right wing blogs he haunts
    Trolling for attention he is deft ––
    Excellent in fact –– like no one who since
    Rose of Tokyo fouled GI’s air
    Eroding confidence at morale she’d tear ––
    An eloquently evil bloody nuisance.
    Termite-like this slimy creature chews
    Steadily besmirching others’ views.
    Snotty, sullen, he will not relent
    Harbingers of malice don’t repent.
    Instead, they thrive as they forever choose
    To propagate and spread their septic views.

    ~ FreeThinke

  39. About the MMR vaccine, from the CDC:

    ...To prevent measles, children (and some adults) should be vaccinated with the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Two doses of this vaccine are needed for complete protection. Children should be given the first dose of MMR vaccine at 12 to 15 months of age. The second dose can be given 4 weeks later, but is usually given before the start of kindergarten at 4 to 6 years of age.,,,

    Again I ask: How many of the immigrants flooding across our southern borders are receiving the necessary doses of the MMR before entering into the general population and/or the school population?

  40. An Open Letter To The Closed Minded, Un-Informed, Imbeciles Who Post Here
    The people that post and or comment here are nothing but Closed Minded, Un-Informed, Imbeciles who hate Mr. and Mrs. Obama for many, many reasons. And not just because he and she are liberals. They hate the Obama’s because Mr. Obama beat your guy and beat them “TWICE” . They hate black people, Immigrants, Muslims, Labor Unions, and Women who want the right to make choices concerning our country and their bodies, you hate em all. They hate being called racist. They hate being called a bigots. Maybe if you talked about creating jobs more than you talk about why you hate gay people we wouldn't call you bigots. Maybe if you talked about black people without automatically assuming they are on food stamps while demanding their birth certificates we wouldn't call you racist. You hate socialism and social justice. You hate regulations and taxes and spending and the Government. You hate just because you love to hate!. You would rather post your filthy porn and nasty remarks, then debate a subject. I have tried on several occasions to partake and participate in your discussions, but all I get in return is nasty, filthy name calling, but found it to be a HUGE MISTAKE so I have given up.

    You like war. You like torture. You like Jesus. I don't know how in the hell any of that is compatible, but no one ever accused you haters of being over-committed to ideological consistency. You like people who look like you or at least hate most of the things that you hate. You hate everything else. You are haters, you are the cruel, heartless misinformed a$$holes. You should think about that, and maybe get some help.
    And just for the record, I do not hate you. I am embarrassed by you and nauseated by you, I am sick of you bigoted, racists, and ashamed to call you fellow Americans.

    You’ve tried to throw everything but the kitchen sick at him and at Ms. Clinton from Ben Gazzie to the IRS, and now that you have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at President Obama, and Hillary and nothing seems to work, you are panicking. Obama's approval ratings are still near 50% despite your best efforts. And you are crapping in your pants that Hillary will give you another 8 years to crap in your underwear about.

    Now, I know you profess to love our country and the founding fathers (unless you are reminded that they believed in the separation of church and state), but I need to remind you that America is NOT what Fox News says it is. America is a melting pot, it always has been. We are a multi-cultural amalgamation of all kinds of people, and yet you still demonize everyone who is not a rich, white, heterosexual Christian male or his submissive and obedient wife.

    You hate liberals, moderates, hell, anyone who disagrees with Conservative dogma as espoused by Faux Sooze and Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and even Glenn Beck.

    1. You are the quintessential uninformed, hateful liberal and I am so sorry for you.
      You're the type of liberal who knows Lisa and I are women but consider us WOMEN HATERS....there are more examples, but why should I bother?

      I'm really so sorry for you.

    2. Thanks Z they really wallow in their own lies

    3. Yet no on on the right can dispute anything he said with facts. Typical.

  41. Replies
    1. And the sad thing it's not an act. Pitiful angry person

    2. Another ASSHOLE I refuse to entertain a my blog!

      The Power to Delete can be a Glorious Treat. ;-)

    3. I Don't delete them FT because I like to show the absurdity

  42. According to a Washington Times article. That Idiot Rand Paul said that Vaccines can lead to mental disorders . REALLY? You are Doctor and you make stupid statements like this. You want to be President and you make statements that cannot be supported by science, or anything else? DUDE! You are as clueless as your father.
    A typical liberal or Libertarian (same stupidity) response! How does anyone anybody to vote for folks who make idiotic statements like that? Where did this dope get his medical degree from, a box of Crackajacks?
    And yes, I guess that the inmates ARE running the asylum!

    1. ...and Barack Obama is Nurse Ratched! WELCOME to the ASYLUM!

      Take your MEDICINE, America!

    2. Only we didn't get the option to take it orally,lol

  43. Who the hell is Nuree Ratched? Any relation to Nurse RN?

  44. Isn't it funny that the Nutty Liberal's and the Loony Libertarian's jump on Rand Paul for saying these idiotic things , they advocate for mandatory vaccinations but want choice when it comes to abortions.

    Only goes to show you how the entire Liberal - Libertarian's philosophy is full of hypocrisy and contradictions... and as we know most of them are two faced hypocrites as well....

  45. Liberals are hating the movie ‘American Sniper’ because it is in direct competition with another freaken Slave Movie.

    These assholes are Liberals dedicated to the destruction of the traditional American Military.

    As Oprah walks in Selma singing "We Shall Overcome"

  46. I think the real reason why the Left hates “American Sniper” is that they suddenly realized, that it wasn’t about shooting an unarmed Black Teen walking along just eating his Skiddles and drinking his Watermelon flavored Iced Tea.

  47. How about the 1,000's of Kids from all over the Latin / Espanola countries that Obams sent in.
    Without measle vaccinations?
    Any chance they brought in this plague ?

  48. probably ,they were all dumped in with other kids without being vaccinated as far as I know

  49. Since most children are vaccinated, I'm wondering what the big thing is.
    It's only non vaccinated children who can get measles.

    Lisa....I have thought the same thing; why has NOBODY in the media suggested that it shouldn't be denied that illegals are bringing in thousands of nonvaccinated children every year! Are we THAT PC that we'll actually jeopardize OUR children by not having educated conversations with ALL the facts so we don't label an ILLEGAL? MY GOSH.

    TB is up again, and that was GONE...utterly gone. That's clearly from illegals. I don't imagine even a liberal believes measles germs stop at the border??

  50. Z, but as you say only unvaccinated children can get the measles. So, what's the problem? All that is needed is to get the science deniers to vaccinate "our kids".

    What's the risk with 100% vaccination of all US children that are citizens?

    1. The science deniers are mostly liberals. That's just a FACT. Seth Mnookin's book says it's liberals who are mostly deniers....He actually said "Anywhere there's a Whole Foods is the spot where deniers are" other words, he says, those who eat only granola and vegetarian nuts are the type.
      Hillary Clinton insisted the vaccine was connected to autism only a few years ago...RFK, Jr., too..he wrote a book on how there's a connection when the science says "Absolutely Not"

      Rand Paul and Chris Christy are right in bemoaning that we have to tell parents to do ANYTHING for their own children, they didn't say don't do it.

      If a parent doesn't want to vaccinate, that child needs to be home schooled...and even then there's a risk.

      Isn't it amazing how all of us had measles and mumps and chicken pox and survived somehow!?"? GAD

    2. liberals love the term science deniers until it is them who are doing the denying

    3. Sing the song you have fallen for hook, line, and sinker folks.

      Ignorance is bliss and the reactionary, conservative, tea party folks love living it obviously.

    4. What's at the top of your bucket list - cleaning Mooch-hell O'dinglebarry's cage?

    5. What's the risk with 100% vaccination of all US children that are citizens?

      The CERTAINTY of at least 108 vaccine related deaths.

  51. Talk health!
    There's nothing that
    Can either charm or please
    By harping on that minor chord
    Disease! Disease! Disease!

    ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  52. Since most children are vaccinated, I'm wondering what the big thing is.
    It's only non vaccinated children who can get measles.

    Lisa....I have thought the same thing; why has NOBODY in the media suggested that it shouldn't be denied that illegals are bringing in thousands of nonvaccinated children every year! Are we THAT PC that we'll actually jeopardize OUR children by not having educated conversations with ALL the facts so we don't label an ILLEGAL? MY GOSH.

    TB is up again, and that was GONE...utterly gone. That's clearly from illegals. I don't imagine even a liberal believes measles germs stop at the border??

  53. What a sad, ridiculous situation. Diseases all but wiped out here, and this shitbag lets all the diseased from the turd world come and bring them right back in.

    America is for Americans! BUILD THE WALL! One way - going out!

  54. The dems need them for votes because hispanics are a huge percentage . If the rich were a larger majority then the dems would be courting them by praising them and giving them tax breaks

    1. Don't the repubs have the rich locked up and the rich have the repubs in their back pocket?

    2. and Obama's policies work well for the well connected

    3. the rich have the repubs in their back pocket?

      Better than the candy you have in yours to lure little boys into the back of your windowless van.


    4. Not only are you ignorant AND stupid you are also a sick and pathetic son of a bitch as well as a lying jackass.

  55. Lets talk about our dear FLOTUS, Michelle Obama..Oh my gosh, stop the press. Lets see now, big ass, ugly face. Well, ugly is as ugly does, and about that butt...hope this pic doesn't break your monitor!

    She has no style. Everything she wears looks awful on her. I don't know who picks her clothes, but one wold think that the First Lady of the United States of America could get SOMEONE to tell her how she honestly looks before she leaves her dressing room.

    With a huge butt and huge thighs like she has, she cannot wear just any style, and she certainly cannot wear something clingy as the ones that she usually wears.

    What pisses me off is that we are hammered constantly by the lefties and lets not forget those “Progressives” telling us Michelle is wonderful, smart, beautiful (?), strong, and oh so “Gracious”...and I see no evidence of ANY OF THAT whatsoever. And while beauty is in the eye of the beholder - always - the only place where there is any consensus that Michelle is a "Vunderwoman" is within the mainstream media and the Party faithful. She has accomplished very little, if anything at all in her life, and brings nothing to the table, but an elitist's taste for expensive food on someone else's dime, in other words only BS!
    What a damn hypocrite she is, but since she lectures us on how to eat while stuffing lobster, fries, and Ben and Jerry's down her throat no surprise here. She and the dimwit she married spend more time hanging out with Hollywood types, like Beyonce and Jay-Z, rappers, and sports stars than anyone I know of. Do as I say, not as I do.
    Kind of like the same old Obama do-as-I- say , not-as-I-do crap, like Benghazigate, IRSgate, APgate. and all those other hypocrites and losers
    Not to mention the fact that she's got insecurity issues, if in fact she's ripping off Ms. Sarkozy's wadrobe.

    As for the Lady who writes that constant Bull-Shit while worshiping this hypocrite, well...where the hell were you when Condalezza Rice - a beautiful black woman, who came from real oppression, who actually accomplished something - Harvard Provost, National Security Advisor, Secretary of State, and concert pianist as a hobby - was being raked, RAKED, over the coals for every move she made, simply because she dared to get off the Democratic plantation and think independently? Where you defending her - a good looking smart woman with real power, likely the second most powerful person in the world 2000-2008 - or part of the mindless herd that viciously abused her?
    This fat butted women tells OUR kids not to worship celebrities while she and her adorable husband does exactly that! She tells people to get involved. When Tea Party does do that, Barry’s IRS does everything to stop them. She preaches what to eat and not to focus on celebrities. Looking at her, we know she eats plenty and parties with celebrities even when Jug Ears is up to his big ears in scandal.
    I guess you just hated to see a good looking, smart black woman in power.. But then again, the black community seems to have quite a number of false messiahs don’t they!..

    1. Well that was very passionate SG and may I add very on point

  56. Who, in their right mind, could possibly see these sycophantic Liberals as being relevant or influential at all?
    These demoRATAS are destroying the US with, bringing in these kids from all these 3rd world countries, obamacare and illegal aliens. you demoRATAS will not win next elections. stop the illegal exc order for illegal aliens, demoRATAS.

    These Treasonous Liberal / progressive/demoRATAS with their false claims of plausible deniability for everything. I just call Democrats what they really are without all the immature liberal nonsense. They are all Communists, Traitors, and Domestic enemies, especially that Moonbat, Parasite, President who is obviously a sociopath!
    It’s not the Mexican kids dying or the Central American kids dying from this, it’s the American kids, because the Mexican kids don’t have the immunities!

  57. Here's something for you to digest with your Breakfast

    While the Centers for Disease Control the claim that the Illegal Aliens could be to blame For the Measles Outbreak that began in California and has continued to spread to other states is linked to these immigrant children, others in the democratic party refused to accept that judgment,
    The doctors at the Centers for Disease Control are scared to death to say it for fear that the federal government will come down on top of them.
    So not surprisingly, Obama brings in all these third-world peasants in and send them throughout the country, and it’s not the Mexican kids dying or the Central American kids dying from this, it’s the Americans because they don’t have the immunities.
    The Centers for Disease Control went on to say, "You gotta have sympathy for the illegal alien child that is burdened with this disease, but you also have to do what you can to protect American kids from the suffering and sometimes death associated with this disease. Experts have traced recent measles outbreaks to unvaccinated individuals returning from areas such as southern Asia, Africa and parts of Europe where the disease has not been eradicated"

    Yes I have heard that a lot of illegal aliens head right for Disneyland after crossing border.
    I also heard that when these kids attend our public schools they are not required to be immunized but get the same great education American kids receive !
    So no matter how they try to repackage it, the fauld is in the hands of the Obama administration. These illegal immigrants put their children at risk for highly infectious diseases by refusing to get them vaccinated. Not like anyone here in this well-educated, highly informed country would ever do anything so reckless.

  58. It costs approximately $75 a person to go to Disneyland these days, maybe's amazing how many immigrants go there....amazing.

    I believe our kids are at risk for this problem, too. I suppose you know TB is back and it had been completely eradicated.
    Other countries respect themselves and the health of their citizens; I moved to France some years ago and went thru the ringer to show I had no diseases and got vaccines, too....not here.

  59. This comment is for Ms. “Z”...
    There's a very creepy trend on these blogs lately, it seems that Ms. “Z” posts all of her comments twice! .
    So, I’m asking her, how come everything you post, you have to post twice?
    Why don’t you think twice before hitting the publish button? Or is that too difficult for a Conservative to do?

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent the Japanese and Jordanians.

    Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them Islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda? And why is he waiting for a “Coalition”! They already MURDERED several Americans.
    Jordańs King Abdullah seems to be tougher than Jug Ears is. He said “there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasńt seen" It seems like the Jordanian King has the right idea.

    Obama said, “ you can be sure that the ones responsible for this with be brought to justice” Well, Golly Gee, isn’t that swell, how many times have we heard that!
    The next thing we hear is that he's going to impose "Sanctions"
    Any comments? -

  62. This outbreak was cause by idiot right wing anti-vaxxers who should be slapped. I'm sure there are very few illegal immigrants with the money to visit Disneyland. But hey, always jump on the chance to blame Obama to people even dumber than you.

    1. You mean 'IDIOTS?' Yea, I agree, anti-vaxxers are paranoid, anti-science idiots.

  63. Obama spread the infectious diseased illegal children throughout the land and the Left blames the Right for the resulting epidemic.

    Priceless... and yet par for the course. Stupid is as stupid does.

  64. Oh bullshit. You have no proof of that but the outbreak at Disney has been verified as caused by lunatic anti-vaxxers. Just make shit up why don't you? Moron.

  65. Will Obama do anything about ISIS? I for one think not. I would like to hear some opinions from other posters, on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

    Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?

    And why is it that we hear nothing but silence from our resident dems and libs-----------------I wonder why? Or do I really?

    Obama still even refuses to call these animals what they are, Islamic terrorists. JORDAN UNDERSTANDS how to deal with them, ISRAEL UNDERSTANDS how to deal with them. Do we need another 9/11 before OBAMA AND YOU LIBS UNDERSTAND?

    And look at the differences here, Jordan had immediately executed TWO ISIS terrorists in retaliation for ISIS murdering their pilot. And Obama sets terrorists free from Gitmo. Did he forget that several Americans were BEHEADED by these bastards? Do you understand the difference?

    1. Isn’t it nice to hear a REAL leader speak passionately about the vicious murder of one of his citizens. You can feel the anger. I believe his words shall become deeds, not just words as said in a State of the Union address! .

      King Abdullah quoting Clint Eastwood, said 'I'm not only going to kill him, I'm going to kill his wife and all his friends and burn his damn house down'
      He also said to his Congress how his only problem would be running out of fuel and bullets. And I for one believe him

      Obama said from the Golf Course Obama our community organizer. said We will bring all those responsible to justice" WELL, WE ARE STILL WAITING!

      Waiting for all those responsible for Benghazi,
      Waiting for all those responsible for the Beheading of all those Americans.
      And I'm still waiting for all those responsible for those who bombed, killed and maimed all those Americans after being freed from Gitmo.

      Maybe we need MORE American Snipers.


  66. Well maybe Obama should drawn a Red Line like he did in Syria.

    What do you think Reagan, Truman, Kennedy, or even Clinton and Bush would have done? A US president needs a set of Balls, Obama has none.

  67. News Flash!
    Harry Reid’s 75 year old brother arrested, for possession of a gun, driving while under the influence of alcohol, and punching a Nevada state trooper during a traffic stop.
    Harry's brothers defense is it was all George Bush's fault!

    Oh, wait one minute, hold the press’s, my mistake, it wasn’t alcohol at all, it was only koolaid, (Liberals favorite drink) and eating Skittles!

  68. According to the arrest report for Reid’s Brother said that the trooper asked him why he was driving in the median. Reid responded with what was described as "incoherent, slurred speech."

    Reid then asked the trooper if he could leave. When he was told that he could not, the report said Reid cursed at the trooper and then put the vehicle into gear. The trooper ordered Reid to STOP before reaching inside the vehicle to put it back into park.

    At that point, the report claims, Reid punched the trooper twice in the face.
    But then again this was reported by FOX NEWS, so how much of this can we believe! How can anyone believes this story (((((Sarcasm)))).

    Say it isn't so! Reed had a Gun!!! So much for Gun Control.

    Now, how long do you think before the Trooper will be fired!

  69. I’ll bet that Harry Reid will intervene, the trooper will be fired for taking the brother down in a Choke Hold. And Obama will say that " THE POLICE ACTED STUPIDLY " .
    The charges will be dropped and called a “Misunderstanding " And the Trooper will be invited to a Beer Submit.

    "Progressives" have a way of ironing thing out.

  70. This is really a great story. Harry Reid’s Brother Got Arrested For DUI, Battery Of Police Officer.
    And guess what? Dingy Harry refused to comment, saying that “It’s a private matter"...
    Now, let me get this straight...He was drunk, had a gun, and hit a police officer? And this should be a "private matter"?
    It is always a "private matter", unless of course, it was the relative of a Republican.

    What pathetic hypocrites these people are, I guess that it runs in the family !


  71. Fortunately the majority of the people can see right through this Set up story. But of course not the mentality challenged Looney Toons on the Right.

    What is problematic really is that Looney Toons like those mentioned actually feel comfortable presenting their illogical story for public scrutiny.

    My fear is that once Faux Nooze tells the story, people will believe that it’s the Gospel.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Here in America, the Obama administration is still referring to the killings at Fort Hood as “workplace violence.” Don’t any of these idiots understand that the terrorists, whether they call themselves ISIS, al Qaeda, or the Islamic State, Hezbollah, Hamas, or any other name all constitute the same threat?
    Lets hope that Jordan does the job that Obama won't do.

  76. Jordan executed two prisoners, including a female would-be al Qaeda suicide bomber hours after vowing a harsh response to the gruesome killing of a Jordanian pilot captured by the Islamic State extremist group.

    The executions at dawn Wednesday came just hours after Islamic State militants released a video that purportedly showed the captured Jordanian fighter pilot being burned alive in a cage.

    Jordan vowed a swift and lethal response. Hours later, government spokesman Mohammed al-Momani said that two prisoners, Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli, were executed early yesterday
    Jordan executes two in response to pilot s slaying

    I think this brutal killing by ISIS is the beginning of the end of ISIS. Thanks to Jordan, and no thanks to Obama..or our resident dems, progressives, and libs on these boards.
