Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hate Crime?

This is the progress  America has made. Makes me proud


  1. A young punk.

    Hey, if you're in a stand your ground state you could pull the heat, blow the dude away, and claim justified self defemse eh Lisa?

    1. First sensible thing YOU have said in living memory.

      Tsk tsk! Better watch your step. OCTOMOM won't love you anymore if you keep that up.

  2. Yeah well that guy didn't exactly look like an UFC fighter. Where is Bernie Goetz when you need him?

    1. Egg-ZACK-Lee!!! You took the words right out of my fingertips. ;-)

      Bernard Goetz has been one of my heroes ever since The Incident that made him famous. I thought then and thin even MORE now, that it was a DISGRACE that he was sent to jail.

      Rather he should have been celebrated a National Hero in the Media, and been awarded a Civilian Medal of Honor in the White House Rose Garden for bravery and quick thinking under attack.

      I always thought it was much too bad those filthy rotten bastards who attacked him without provocation didn't DIE.

      Aggressive behavior should receive the DEATH PENALTY.

    2. And dumbfuck haters like you should be euthanized.

    3. The you'll be joining them in the gas chamber?

    4. Goetz got off easy. He was clearly guilty of attempted murder, assault, reckless endangerment. Instead he was only found guilty of one count of carrying an unlicensed firearm, for which he served eight months of a one-year sentence. His light sentence was a travesty of justice.

  3. notice he didn't target any of the other passengers? Why do you think that was?

    1. An interesting question. Maybe the rest of the passengers had loaded guns bouncing up and down on their laps? ;-)

    2. More likely a Jew or a Korean. The Enwords hate the Jews and the Wogs far more than they hate "Whitey" and the "PO-leece."

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Replies
    1. Stuff it Speedy G. Better yet, you get a clue, or don't. It's up to you.

    2. He knows what I meant but refuses to admit it

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Reat? I think what you smell, Cornholio, is the tp you used on your bungholio.

    5. Speedy G, I see you are working your bird nest overtime. The straw is ablaze. You should cool it before you scorch the few seeds you have left.

  5. what the........? And nobody does a THING about it? Must be commonplace; ya, we should be so proud.

    1. What would YOU do if you were trapped n that subway car, Z? Unless you had a GUN and knew how to USE it, you couldn't do much of anything, except shut your eyes tight and pray the goons stayed away from you.

      Maybe if we carried spray cans of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to squirt in the EYES of these goons we might get some control, but without a deadly weapon in your hands, you are just TOAST if any of these thugs targets you.

      Unless we pay to have an armed policeman in each bus or subway car who is licensed to KILL anyone who "acts up" like that jigaboo Sambo Rambo in the orange shirt, we'll never be safe anywhere.

    2. On a kill rant StuntedThinke?

    3. NOPE! All we're doing–– at least all I am doing –– is openly and unashamedly DEFYING the Left's Militant Efforts to Abridge and Ultimately to DESTROY our God-given Constitutional Right to FREEDOM of EXPRESSION. That gives me the right to tell you that I think that YOU are a TURD that mistakenly dropped out of a CUNT instead of an ASSHOLE.

      My CONTEMPT for those who subscribe to Marxian-Fabian-Communist-Socalist-Progressive-Liberal-Statist ideology knows no bounds.

      If YOU and your demented ilk are not eventually PUT DOWN like the RABID DOGS you are, all of society will die in agony, snarling and foaming at the mouth.

      I don't give a FUCKY GOD DAMN what anyone thinks of me, because I know who I am, and need no affirmation in order to function -- ESPECIALLY not from a Wellspring of Idiocy and Ill Will like you.

      Meanwhile, I'm chortling with glee at the prospect of the Field Day OCTOMOM and her Brood of Virulent Mental Defectives will surely have ululating in high dudgeon as they quote the above verbatim while smearing my name all over the internet. WOO HOO!

      I would feel INSULTED if any of THAT contemptible crowd ever said a kind word about me.

    4. Thanks for your unabashed honesty StuntedThinke, it surely says more about you than you'll ever know or understand.

      On another note; how do you imagineyour god feels about your lovely language and your hateful rant in general?

    5. He might have a pretty good laugh at all the new "idols" men are putting up.

  6. Hey "One" do us all a favor and stay away. Posting that video isn't divisive,it's the content that is. Clearly that man was targeted because he is white
    How would you feel if that were your father or brother getting pummeled just for the sheer pleasure of it.
    Your comments will be deleted if you continue with your attackd
    How does it feel to be an ignorant moron?

    1. In other words, GET the HELL OUT of Here

    2. Oh bullshit. The right is constantly looking for ways to perpetuate their hatred and racism to the stupid among us. Yeah, bad people exist on both sides. So do good people. But you and the majority of the right, are always despicable shitheads.

    3. NOPE! All we're doing–– at least all I am doing –– is openly and unashamedly DEFYING the Left's Militant Efforts to Abridge and Ultimately to DESTROY our God-given Constitutional Right to FREEDOM of EXPRESSION. That gives me the right to tell you that I think that YOU are a TURD that mistakenly dropped out of a CUNT instead of an ASSHOLE.

      My CONTEMPT for those who subscribe to Marxian-Fabian-Communist-Socalist-Progressive-Liberal-Statist ideology knows no bounds.

      If YOU and your demented ilk are not eventually PUT DOWN like the RABID DOGS you are, all of society will die in agony, snarling and foaming at the mouth.

      I don't give a FUCKY GOD DAMN what anyone thinks of me, because I know who I am, and need no affirmation in order to function -- ESPECIALLY from a Wellspring of Idiocy and Ill Will like you.

    4. I'm chortling with glee at the prospect of the Field day OCTOMOM and her Brood of Virulent Mental Defectives will have quoting the above verbatim and smearing my name all over the internet. WOO HOO!

    5. I love how morons on the right feel they a being persecuted when called out on their hateful, racist or homophobic bullshit.

    6. You're hurting my feelings, liberalmann. THAT is so HATEFUL of you!

    7. Hate rules the world
      It's ugly face
      Just makes the nations prove
      How gory is self-rightousness
      That hoary old self-righteouness
      That makes the bowels move
      That makes the bowels move
      And dump loads of excrement
      That fill our groove.

  7. Z just shows where our society is today. Those guys got caught . I hope they lock them up even for a few months. I am sure they have nothing better to do

  8. Well, FT...I suppose you're right. What would we do? Not much we can do. It just strikes me as odd that many people didn't jump the guy or something, as they might have 30 years ago, but today? notsomuch

    1. Only combat-hardened military men could hoe to do that do that, Z.

      When people ACT like savages, they deserve to be TREATED like savages.

      I know there is a multitude of decent, God-fearing, law-abiding Negro men and women who agree wholeheartedly. THEY don't like this kind of thing any more an WE do. For one thing it gives THEM a bad name unjustly, and it positively PROMOTES and EXPANDS RACISM.

  9. The punk did get caught Lisa? Good.

    You are right, if there is justice the dude will face assault and battery charges, be convicted of the crime, and receive the maximum sentence allowed.

    Of course some, like FreeThinke as he stated, believe the dude should be put to death. Shades of the KKK perhaps?

  10. RN that is outrageous the KKK didn't kill people for crimes.


    A fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool, is a fool,is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool, is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool, ad infinitum.

    AIN'T IT SAD? ):-c

    1. Wow. We all knew you are a delusional paranoid, but OCD as well? Figures, lol!


      A fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool, is a fool,is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool, is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool, ad infinitum.

    3. And thank YOU for providing even more proof.

    4. Heh, he really is stupid, isn't he?


  12. Obama and John Kerry got a Persian ass fucking today......

  13. Really? The first major deal with a country like Iran in 50 years? You're a dumbfuck traitor.


  14.'re an Obama jock sniffer....

  15. Wow what a deal. A bad deal is better than no deal.

  16. Obama thinks because he "negotiated" that something was actually accomplished

  17. See? Only dumbfuck traitors would stick a pin in this deal to avoid another war. You prove yourselves to be morons time and time again.

  18. Only an Obamabot would think that Framework for a future deal is a success
    Iranians are laughing at this "Negotiator"
    Just like he patted himself on the back for China's pollution deal
    Oh they said maybe we will reduce a small percent of the poison we are pumping into the air by 2030.
    You are a tool

    1. And you're really a pea brain-washed loser who can only stick pins in anything positive from the black President even if it means harm to our country with another war.

    2. anything positive from the black President

      There is NOTHING positive associated with this douche bag demagogue and his flea-ridden simian wife.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. "If with all your heart ye truly seek me, Ye shall ever surely find me," thus saith our God.

    I believe we are so troubled now, because too many of us have stopped trying to find Him, and have abandoned ourselves to cynicism, suspicion, resentment, fear and contempt instead.

    Don't fret. Instead, let us make the effort to love and help each other as much and as well as we can.

    Meanwhile, put down your sword, take up your fork and have a HAPPY EASTER!
