our national debt has doubled, housing and jobs market is weak. refugees from hostile nations being let in here in the interest of transforming our country, ObamaCare a wet blanket over our economy, school lunch programs embarrassing, black unemployment way up
Record debt, work force participation the lowest it's been since the 1970's, nearly 50 million people on food stamps, Middle East in flames, Putin treating Obama like a red-headed step-child, trading the Taliban 5 for a deserter, releasing enemy combatants during a time of war.
Here are how the new EPA regulations will negatively impact the economy.
-New regulations will kill 226,000 American jobs.
-New regulations will cost the U.S. economy $51 billion per year.
-Even with new regulations, carbon is only expected to decrease by 1.8 percent by 2030.
-Despite EPA claims new regulations will reduce the cost of power, electricity rates are expected to go up. Details from AP:
So the question is are you/we better off than you/we were 8 years ago?
Late Breaking News!
ReplyDeleteAmericans are divided on whether President Barack Obama brought positive or negative change to the United States, and express broad dissatisfaction with government and anger about the way things are going in the nation generally.
According to a new CNN/ORC poll, 75% of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed, and 69% are at least somewhat angry with the way things are going in the U.S., both metrics about as negative as they were in fall 2014
Is that a record?
So, Americans named Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton the most-admired woman living anywhere in the world for the 20th time, according to a poll released Monday.
ReplyDeleteIn the World Series of Leftist Polls, a Gallup Poll says 13 percent of participants mentioned the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when asked, “What [woman or man] that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most?
WOW 13 present! One would think 13% is nothing to crow about in any other poll
LOL. What sort of imbecile admires that women? Especially someone who can't even tell the truth!
If anyone can think Hillary is the most admired, it's no wonder that the United States is considered so idiotically pretentious. Go back to texting on your cell phones and watching Keeping up with the Kardashians!
But think of it this way, the women she beat included Malala Yousafzai and Aung San Suu Kyi), talk show hosts (Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Carly Fiorina, Elizabeth Warren, and Sarah Palin). Not exactly the Top Ten of my choices.
For men, President Obama was named the most-admired man when asked the aforementioned question. Pope Francis and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump were tied for second place.
I have to only wonder if the question was Who Is The Most Corrupt Husband and Wife Team Ever to Soil the American Political Stage? What Team Would Win by a Land-Slide!
ReplyDeleteWhy should we fear Trump, he's only Dog Shit on the sidewalk,
A renowned white supremacist bigot, former Louisiana politician and KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, really likes Trump for all the ‘right’ reasons. The avowed white supremacist said that he considers Trump to be the “best of the lot because a lot of what he says resonates with me.” Another white supremacist, one the Southern Poverty Law Center labeled “the neo-Nazi movement’s favorite academic” hailed Donald Trump as a hero for making white supremacy a popular mainstream issue."
This is the guy the base of the TeaPublican party is proud to represent them. Think about this and think about the nightmare of Trump representing America.
Speaking of shit, you came out the wrong hole.
DeleteA List of 319 Accomplishments so far, With Citations
Talking points are the only thing that liberals pay attention to... unless they come from a Republican Administration.
DeleteThat -FJ is a truly bipartisan pursuit.
DeleteGovernment, ie congress. With the responsibility to govern has done so dismally. Since 2009. But that was determined to be the master plan by the GOP. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct the initiatives of the Obama administration.
ReplyDeleteThis congressional negativity will result in another 4 years of democratic executive administration and declining Tea-Publican influence in the GOP.
Trump is playing off the general dissatisfaction. However, as he is exposed even more for the political fraud that he is his shtick will blow up in his face.
Trump is the best gift the GOP could possibly give the democrats.
so tired of this piss poor excuse that the congress obstructed poor Obama's total socialist agenda. Good. That is why they were voted in by "we the people" . Not that it mattered all that much since Obama thinks he knows better than anyone else even though he was a nobody who had the most thin resume ever. Just ask some of the Generals he alienated who "God Forbid" tried to teach him a thing or two about the reality on the ground. I don't recall congress stopping him form forcing them out.
DeleteRational Nation USA December 29, 2015 at 5:43 AM...Government, ie congress.
DeleteWhat a fucking idiot. I think it was 4th grade when we learned that the 2 bodies of Congress made up one of the 3 branches of government.
Stay over at Chaw's where the feeble minded (Johnny Pee) will buy your mendacious bullshit sight unseen.
What an intelligent response RN. You used to have some sense back in 2012 until the progs reprogrammed you
DeleteRational Nation USA December 29, 2015 at 5:43 AM...Government, ie congress.
DeleteWhat a fucking idiot. I think it was 4th grade when we learned that the 2 bodies of Congress made up one of the 3 branches of government.
Stay over at Chaw's where the feeble minded (Johnny Pee) will buy your mendacious bullshit sight unseen.
Wrong again Lisa. There was no programming. But what did occur was observing what occurred from 2007 - 2009 under Bush the Second. Understanding the responsibility both he and the broader GOP had for the economic meltdown, fiscal irresponsibility of waging an unfunded mistake in Iraq while sustaining tax cuts, Medicare Part D, supporting crony capitalism, ignoring the widening gap between the wealthy and the middle class, increaing influence of wealthy special interests, etc. to name a few.
DeleteIn short the GOP rightwing succeeded in taking politics so far right 10 years ago that I was beginning to question the sanity of the GOP. By 2012 the tea party finally did it for me. On its present course the tea party and the GOP if it follows will become an irrelevant party and for the most a relic of conservatism gone amuck.
So you see Lisa, the rightwing frightwing of the GOP, an un-American and lying reactionary force finally succeeded in driving me away.
Try being independent some time Lisa. It's a wonderfully liberating experience.
You and thinking in the same sentence is a contradiction in terms Redass.
DeleteRN projects his gay fixation of Radical Redneck's bum again.
Delete"Dog shit on the sidewalk" you say?
ReplyDeleteYou progressive's are scared shitless over Trump , and we all know it!
Now the race is really getting hot! And now you will see the master Donald a Trump at work. The leftist elites will be shivering in fear, because they will realize there hold on power is gone. Stay tuned and get on the Trump/Cruz train to the White House. Because they are going to be like a Steam Engin plowing thru that Leftist, Marxist party.
Thank you for the LAUGH if the WEEK !!
DeleteLAUGH if the WEEK
DeletePretty coherent
NO WONDER you are only a wedding planner.
Ever hear of fat finger redass? Idiot that you are? Look at the keyboard. But really, the day you type a coherent and TRUTHFUL comment the world will no doubt shake.
DeleteHappy New Year Baboon face.
Happy New Year Baboon face.
DeleteProof positive leftists intellectual growth stops at 3rd grade (then regresses from there)
But since you insist on baboon face...
Ever hear of fat finger redass?
DeleteThen use something smaller and narrower. ie your minuscule dick
Your fixation on male genitals, pornography, and racial bigotry defines who you are redass.
DeletePathetic, sick, and disgusting. But that's you exercising your right to be the idiot you are.
5th rate comeback from a 1st Rate buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnn!
DeleteThe only thing burning is another of your already sparse and low functioning brain cells redass.
DeleteBaboon face RN? Now where did you get that idea? Oh wait, I know! You were bent over the toilet bowl after drinking the liberal moonbat hooch again! You need to stay away from the moonshine, or you'll be bent over the toilet bowl in the 69 and heaving.
Delete____________ Our Debt Threats ____________
ReplyDeleteO, Christ, why can’t we hear it through the din?
Under what extreme conditions might we learn?
Rape invited’s wicked, though we’re in
Denial that our fate we richly earn.
Everyone must someday realize
Beating life can’t be. We’re bound to crash.
The Law of Averages whittles down to size.
The brightness of Ascent soon feels the lash
Held by hidden Masters of Deceit ––
Rapacious, ruthless, fearful and despotic ––
Each a perfect model of conceit ––
A joyless soul, pathetic and neurotic.
To be at the beck and call of godless knaves
Strengthens faith that none but Jesus saves.
~ FreeThinke
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Free Stinker you've done it again.
The sheer premise of your post is so absurd it clearly points to your own racist tendencies.
The Triple Threat of Radical Redass, Rusty Shackelford, and FreeThinke is somewhat comical.
DeleteThey're sort of like the Thee Stooges only definitely not as smart and or nearly as entertaining.
Radical Redass, and Rusty Shackelford, are not even in the same category as Free-Stinker, who is far more dangerous then the other two idiots
DeletePoint well made. FreeThinke is highly educated and therefore a much more capable idiot.
DeleteI pity you, RN Crapenter for your blind bumbling. Sad thing is if you stay the course until the day you croak, you'll be wishing you heeded the voice of wisdom when you had your chances. Freethinke has the guts to reach out to your sinking carcass, yet you let your pride get in the way. On the day you croak, and face the Almighty, don't think your pitiful temper tantrums will convince Him to give you a second chance. You can't lie your way out of this, saying you weren't warned of your impending doom.
DeleteLike it or not RedAss. We ARE BETTER OFF now than when Bush II left office in 2009:
ReplyDeleteRead this (if you can read)
The economic instability after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks helped fuel a rise in the unemployment rate. It declined in June 2003 through the summer and fall of 2007 before rising sharply in 2008, peaking at 7.8 percent at the time Bush left office.
When Obama assumed office, the unemployment rate was still rising sharply. It topped out at 10 percent in October 2009, hovering just below that level for the next year, before beginning a steady decline at the end of 2010 that is 5.0% at the end of 2015.
From unemployment rate at 7.8% when Bush left office to 5.0% at the end of 2015
Bull crap ever drive around and see how many boarded up businesses and homes there are.
Deleteever drive around and see how many boarded up businesses and homes there are
True -- even in the Super Zips of Northern Virginia. I've never before seen so much empty retail frontage!
it is quite depressing AOW just what the left likes,a bunch of aimless zombies walking around just like all the other totalitarian countries
DeleteAs opposed to morons on the right walking around with heads full of hate and mush. Whenever I meet somone on the right, I can tell right away. I can see the stupid in their eyes. I'll bet I can see it in yours, Lisa, from a block away.
DeletePoor Pookie Toot-Toot! He misses getting his rump roasted at the Political Jungle, now that Jenn temporarily shut it down to air it out of his flatulence.
DeleteNews Flash!
ReplyDeleteBill Clinton's sex life has "no impact" on our economy, jobs, health care, or national security! Trump is joke! Tuck frump!
Tuck Free Stinker!
Only Sandra Fluke's sex life is relevant huh moron?
DeleteWow, you really are stupid. Lol!
DeleteWow, you really are smaller than a mental midget, LOL!
DeleteNews Flash #2
ReplyDeleteGOPooper , real estate mogul, Mongrel and reality television showmen Donald Trump has vowed to be "the greatest jobs president amongst other things that God ever created." To do so, he'd need to unseat former Democratic President Bill Clinton, who averaged nearly 242,000 monthly job gains during his eight years in the White House.
Trump's Republican rival and brother to the dumbest president America has ever had Jeb (Bush has promised 4 percent annual gross domestic product growth if he's elected to office. But four of the five presidents who have overseen the largest average economic expansions since World War II have been Democrats – John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Clinton and Jimmy Carter.
Some of the success is luck, some is policy, but the facts are that the economy does better under Democrats.
But four of the five presidents who have overseen the largest average economic expansions since World War II have been Democrats – John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Clinton and Jimmy Carter.
DeleteCarter? He of 14% inflation, 19% interest rates and increasing unemployment to almost 9%? The economy got worse every successive month under that feckless goof.
You stupid, stupid bastard. Since all you are capable is copy/pasting, find something that isn't patently ridiculous. Fool.
The only jobs that increased are government jobs.
DeleteRead the truth for yourself before Lisa deletes it again like a fascist will....
ReplyDeleteObama's accomplishments-despite the worst Congress in history hell bent on destroying the middle class with no jobs or infrastructure bills.
Accomplishments are just an agenda ,none of it did squat
ReplyDeleteSo Lisa, by the same measurement the GOP agenda is just an agenda. As we know it did less than squat.
DeleteIt did less than squat because unlike the dimwitcrats, the GOP didn't sit down on the political Lyndon Baines Johnson toilet to pass flatulence. The GOP went out to the field to plant seeds of economic growth.
DeleteIs adding to advancing racism, especially for a black man in this country, a benefit? Can you explain that nonsense? Racism is what got black men, women and children murdered during Jim Crow*, how is advancing the barbarism of that racism to Mr. Obama's advantage? Do you see why people find your comments disgusting?
ReplyDeleteRN can defend himself, against all the crap you call him , and I can assure you he can. He and I don't always agree, but what he does do, and you don't, is present his arguments with facts. You could learn a lot from him.
BTW, FT, you DO come off as a disillusioned and disgruntled man. You
RN Said at 5;:43 AM
Delete"Government, ie congress. With the responsibility to govern has done so dismally. Since 2009. But that was determined to be the master plan by the GOP. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct the initiatives of the Obama administration.
This congressional negativity will result in another 4 years of democratic executive administration and declining Tea-Publican influence in the GOP.
Trump is playing off the general dissatisfaction. However, as he is exposed even more for the political fraud that he is his shtick will blow up in his face.
Trump is the best gift the GOP could possibly give the democrats"
where are his facts with this moronic comment? Oh somebody said so. Must have been whitehouse.gov oir some Obama worshiping blog
RN what he does do, and you don't, is present his arguments with facts.
The next time he bolsters one of his idiotic assertions with facts or an argument will be the first.
For morons like you two it is considered moronic.
DeleteI haven't the time to educate you two imbeciles on factual data available to anyone who can find it, read it, and comprehend it.
Follow your ignorance, you've obviously been doing it your entire lives and are incapable of seeing beyond the end of your Pinocchio noses.
I haven't the time to educate you two imbeciles on factual data available to anyone who can find it, read it, and comprehend it.
DeleteLame, transparent bullshit. This isn't Chaw's or some other shitbag leftist blog where even a spectacular liar and human filth (Hitlery) are given endless credulity.
And, it isn't like there is a tremendous demand for your time. Like with someone with a job.
You have nothing. You say nothing. You ARE nothing.
more facts?
DeleteProjection becomes you Radical Redass!
DeleteKeep projecting!
^"I know you are but what am I?" - part 20,009^
Delete^"I know you are but what am I?" - part 20,009^
DeleteAlways stale "original" you are redass.
DeleteAmerica became the #1 economic and military power in the world with an economy that has shown more growth than the all of the other economies in the G-8 combined.
ReplyDeleteNo country is a serious threat to America militarily and Obama has taken out Osama Bin Laden and over 20,000 members of ISIS in military strikes.
America under Obama has also created 10.3 million new jobs since 2010, the Dow has hovered over 16,000, the auto industry is booming, the US is a net exporter of petroleum and gas is at, or under $2.00 per gallon...not too shabby for a President accused of being a liberal, commie community organizer..
...ISIS, $10 trillion in new debt, race relations worst since WWII due to his and his kind's constant agitation, giving Iran $150 billion AND nuclear weapons, creating malaise not seen since fellow Dhimmicrud Carter, mass shootings up over 2,000%...
DeleteFace it, your boy is nothing but Al Sharpton in a slicker suit. Petty, vindictive, divisive, destructive, demagogue. All of which will result in PRESIDENT TRUMP.
yeah keep dreaming libdud. Obama giving you that warm and fuzzy feeling?
DeleteHe is probably laughing at how many morons actually believe he is helping them
You got nothing but conjecture, morons.
DeleteWho Ahh! The Trump tea-publican conservatards have spoke their daily diarrhea blast.
ReplyDeleteFeel better now that you relieved yourselves of your gaseous pressure?
Funny,funny, shiite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How's it feel to be you redass, ,just a reoccurring fart in the wind?
DeleteThis is libtard Heaven.
ReplyDeletebtw, 40% of working age people are unemployed. Yet the gubmit reports almost full employment. I just find it fascinating So many people are willing to go through life as mushrooms. Growing in the dark and planted in shit. Really. This is a rewarding life for you fucks?
They are thoroughly, 100% miserable, contemptible, covetous, hateful, selfish, nihilistic and hate-driven. THAT makes them left-tards.
DeleteKeep farting redass
DeleteAnd Kid, whatever my life is, which you know jack shit about, it is without a doubt 1,000% better than your miserable f'ing existebce.
Now you can both take a long walk off that short pier and become food for the marine life.
Struck quite a nerve there.
DeleteDon't worry, we'll keep on keepin' on!
DeleteLibtards love it because it means the devolution of America.
AOW, I see you've jumped on the clown train and started making s*it up with no basis in rational thought or fact.
DeleteSad. At one time I enjoyed reading your commentary. Apparently you've joined the dark side of conservatism with Radical Redass, Rusty (makes s*it up) Shackelford, FreeThinke, and Kid.
When the rightwing f rightwing makes s*it up, which it does ALL the time, it does a very un patriotic service to America. But you know that already.
AOW hit it on the head
Deleteahhh AOW hit a nerve RN? you can always tell by your ridiculous replies.
DeleteIt does look as if I hit a nerve. Interesting that my comment provoked the response -- and very telling, too.
DeleteAOW and Lisa, I think Rathole Nutchopped Crapenter is reeling in pain as you both struck some sensitive nerves up his stinkhole.
DeleteAOW & Lisa, RN Crapenter's reeling in pain because you both hit the nerve where RN got his nuts cracked.
DeleteMUH MUH MY! MUH MUH MY! Poor Crapenter! Did AOW's hammer smack you in the face? MUH MUH MY! MUH MUH MY!
DeletePoor Swooshy Nation! Did AOW whack you in the head with the truth? Crying like a big baby! Muh muh my! Muh muh my!
DeleteAmazing Kid-Obama would give them one chicken a month to feed their families and they would call that progress
ReplyDeleteMore like a thin baloney sandwich on stale bread. Chicken will be available only to the elite ruling class.
DeleteWhile you FreeThinke would be enjoying prime rib, and tossing scraps to the peasants. Just as you believe it should be right?
DeleteAnd you Lisa continue to prove your shallow mind is functioning at full speed ahead.
ReplyDeleteand you prove nothing.....as usual
DeleteLisa, got New Year's Eve plans?
ReplyDeleteI hear Squire is having a big "Blow Out"
DeletePoor,poor Lester...... he comes here waving the leftwingnutz banner and constantly gets slapped around like a speed bag.... yet he should get credit for his attempt at being relevant.
ReplyDeleteLMAO! You conservatards are hilarious.
Deleteand you liberals are depressing
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWednesday (Today) is Trump Hump Day
ReplyDeleteThe Trumper has warned Hillary Clinton that if Bill campaigns for her, all bets are off and his sexual history is fair game.
We can't wait to see the Trumper's glass house shatter into a thousand shards as the media reports on his adulterous affair with Marla Maples , 17 years his junior, while he was still married to Ivana.
and how many women did he rape? wow he had an affair. The difference is he didn't use the Whitehouse to do it and disgrace the people's office.
DeleteHow many of those women were silenced? Brings new meaning to "Don't ask,don't tell"
Trump's supporters probably include people whose IQs are average or even above (I doubt that),as well are people like the ones found at the Porn Queen's blog, but who mistake boorish gutter talk for "non-pc speak," or "telling it like it is." Those people are so angry and fearful that they'd overlook a creature as clownish and vulgar as Trump because they believe he'll make America great again, when in fact he's already dragged it into the gutter
ReplyDeleteAmerica's been in the gutter since 2009. It's about time someone opened your eyes to it.
DeleteAmerica took a turn to the gutter when GWB invaded Iraq under false pretense.
DeleteOpen your eyes bud.
False Pretenses? Who Knew?
DeleteWe (the world) have yet to find the alledged WMD Bush/Cheney based their justification on for invading a sovereign nation who had not taken an act of agression against the USA or another nation at the time.
DeleteFunny that... cuz the UN signed off on the invasion (aka - "the rest of the world").
DeleteI wonder if MNF-Iraq was ever told?
DeleteYada, Yada, Yada. Bottom line?
DeleteNo WMD.
False Pretenses.
Many thousands of lives lost. Destabilization of the region. Created breeding grounds for the tis of ISIS.
It is as they say old history. Unfortunately the neo cons and Trumpy frightwing have learned nothing from the ill fated invasion of Iraq or the aftermath.
WMDs were found all over the place. If not, why bring the big piles of uranium back to the USA?
DeleteMore good news as median household income recovers from Bush’s disastrous crash!
ReplyDeleteAt long last, median household income has finally recovered from the Bush Recession. You know, the one Republicans denied existed but actually started in 2007. The TRUE facts are that the economy ALWAYS does better under Democrats.
only liberals can find something good in a pile of shit.
DeleteLisa, perhaps you could point out something good in redass, Shacelford, Kid, ded dude, and FreeThinke's pile if smoking s*it.
DeleteWhile you're at it consider doing the same for Breitfart, Red State, and El Rushbo. Fell free to address Trumpy's penchant for lying as well.
Are we better off today than we were 8 years ago? Are you kidding?
ReplyDeleteIf you believe that, then you are even more ignorant than I thought!
We are much worse off than we were under the Bush administration.
It should be said at the outset, that we all know how much Obama loves the poor people, because after all, he created so many of them. Poverty has soared under Obama, with the number of Americans in poverty increasing to the highest level in the more than 50 years, with more American’s on welfare, on Food Stamps, more unemployment, and more in Poverty. And for all you morons on the left love this inept moron? The rise in the number of persons on “food stamps” has scored under Obama.. Over the last 5 years, the number in poverty has increased by nearly 31%, to 49.7 million, with the poverty rate climbing by over 30% to 16.1%. Obama has also been the food stamp President, with the number on food stamps increasing during his Administration to an all time record high of 47.7 million, up 80% over the past 5 years. Let’s put things in proper perspective, while you Progressives are shouting your praise for this *(&^$#^ and blaming Bush, and distorting is presidency.
Almost half of America are now receiving some sort of Government Assistance!
Sadly Obama doesn't give a rats ass about the poor. And further he has been a disaster at Foreign Affairs as well. He has made us look foolish every time Obama “draws his stupid line in the sand” He’s a simpleton when it comes to international affairs. Putin has been laughing at him for years.
This is all because there has been no real economic growth under President Obama, even though America was coming out of the recession in his first year, and so economic growth should have been higher than normal. Economic growth is the foundation for job creation. Over the last 7 years, the economy has grown at an average annual rate of 0.6%, less than one fifth of the typical American growth rate.
He sees the threat to the world that ISIS poses and he sits on the sidelines waiting for someone else to do something about it and then he calls them “Our Coalition”, and he comes out looking like a hero! What a joke!
Unfortunately the looney left will continue making America look foolish by waving their "Hope & Change" signs around as we are REPEATEDLY made to look foolish on the world stage.
You leftist FOOLS elected this man, and unfortunately we all have to deal with it.
Sure there was a recession in 2008-2009. But the economy is supposed to come booming out of the downturns, But that hasn’t happened under Obamanomics. Instead there are more welfare handouts now then ever before in Bush’s presidency. And you blame it on the minimum wage of the burger Flippers? Are you kidding? That is the core failure of President Obama. We Republicans screamed day after day that this inept moron was in no way qualified to be the President of the United States, no more than Elmer Fudd was.
But all you Liberal’s with all your lies and an ignorant electorate elected him.. And look at were we are now!.
Well that was a refreshing albeit incoherent rant deb dude.
ReplyDeleteBTW, you should take a class from the Shackelford Academy of Grammar and Writing Skills. Your run on paragraphs really need shortening.
Have yourself a fine New Year deb dude and keep dreaming those delusions.
Rational Nation USA you are joking right? The ignorance of your statement is frightening. You and your friends represent everything that is wrong with the country.
DeleteYou've been hanging around that Stink Camp too long.
And By The way, Grammar and Writing Skills are not the problems with America right now.
DeleteObama,and Hillary and people who think like you and your buddies are..
deb dude, I know thinking beyond the obvious (obvious to folks paying attention) and the lies of Trumpy and FOX Snooze is difficult for you but for Christ sake at least try.
DeleteAnd as for leadership! Remember this, right after 9/11 (
ReplyDeleteGeorge W. Bush was standing on top of the wreckage of the World Trade Center telling the sons of bitches who did that. That America weren’t going to allow terrorism on our land and that we will get them and make them pay for what the did.
Compare that to what happened right after Benghazi, when Barack Obama went tight to Las Vegas, Fund-Raising and Campaigning.
Also compare that to just after the beheading of the American reporter Daniel Pearl who was kidnapped and beheaded, and journalist James Foley. Within hours, he was out playing golf..AGAIN!
Isn’t it funny how Liberals hate it when you confront them with facts that they love to twist..
they have their own set of so called "facts" They think they are relevant by pulling out these lies told to them by media matters.
DeleteThey act like he created some kind of Mid-East Truce. Meanwhile he lies about peace in Syria and lies abut ending the war in Iraq and acting like he is some kind of peace keeper with Iran ,meanwhile Iran just fired a missle within 1500 yards of one of our ships in friendly waters.
Good Job Obama ,World War III cannot be blamed on Bush especially that when he left office Iraq was stable as was much of the ME.
Yeah things are always better under democrats. Bill Clinton got handed the dot com boom on a silver platter
Lisa, don't you think it's time to expand your horizon beyond just watching FOX Snooze, listening to El Rusbo, and reading Breitfart and Red State?
DeleteDon't you have to go get approval from you daily haunt over at the prog site so you can feel good about yourself RN?
Deleteand where do you get your info? Oh yeah from those credible left wing sites. Media-Soros Matters , Stink Progress,or perhaps the Obama Whitehouse.gov site where lies are spewed and liberals lap it up like a dog to beef gravy while getting the old Chris Matthews thrill up the leg like the rest of the MSNBC crew who get their orgasms on listening to reruns of Obama's speeches
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. I need no approval from anyone, nor do I need others to feel good about myself. You see Lisa independence has been attribute that has allowed me to see through not only the BS from the rightwing oligarchs but the hypocrisy of the GOP. It is the same independance and clear thinking that sees though the hypocrisy of men like Soros, Michael Moore, and sometimes Think Progress.
DeleteYou see Lisa, conservatism as it should be is dead. It has been replaced by a neo fascism and frighteningly dangerous nationalism with roots planted in white supremacy. Therefore I left the conservative deteriorating ideology for a more reasoned middle.
BTW Lisa, you seem to have a thing with thrills up the leg and orgasms. Redass
standing by to help you with that?
DeleteYou've improved already deb dude. Good for you.
ReplyDeleteNow no one is disputing or twisting the simple straight forward statement you made. It gets hairy trying to discuss the difference between Afghanistan, a justified response by Bush and his unjustified invasion of Iraq.
We know the complexities of this difference is a challenge for neo con coastguards to grasp. But rather than ignore the destabilization it created, paving the way for ISIL/ISIS, try to put your thinking caps on and think outside of the political box your neo con masters created for you to jump into.
We know it's hard to gain real independence from the puppet masters deb dude, but give it the ole college try. It really is liberating when you succeed.
Best look in the mirror before you judge who's the puppet, Donkey Lover.
DeleteYes Mrs. Grundy you definitely should.
DeleteDon't worry, RiNoccio. The blue fairy may make you a real boy one day.
DeleteDon't worry Madame Grundyism. The red fairy will give you a makeover for your undying loyalty.
DeleteRational Nation, or RN, or Lester or whoever/whatever you are calling yourself these days.. The post by the Debonair Dude was brilliant! I don’t give a Rats Behind if it contained run on sentences, or run on paragraphs, bad grammar or poor writing skills. The content of his comments, (both of them) was what matters. It was “Spot On”, and meaningful.
ReplyDeleteAs for it being a incoherent rant, I have never seen you criticize the DUMMIES, over at Blogging for Dummies board... such at that Idiot that calls himself the “ Free Twinkie”, or any others including the one called “Octopus” although, I’m unclear as to what the heck that is supposed to mean (if anything).
You really never have anything constructive to say, and you don’t allow anyone to trash you on your blog, but you chose to come here where NOBODY likes you and trash everyone here. If you to comment, then comment until your fingers bleed, but for heavens sake quit acting like a typical Liberal moron... I can put up with Liberals and even put up with morons, but not the combination of both.
This is a prime example of liberalism in action. The attempt to shut down opposing views by changing the topic....how tolerant!
LMAO at the constant hilarity this red neck reactionary site provides daily for the entertainment of freethinkers. Moderates and liberals enjoy the comedy as well.
DeletePS: I have always called myself Les and the weblog Rational Nation USA. Because the USA was at one time just that; a rational nation. Well, it still is; in part. When you exclude the reactionary rightwing frightwing beetle brained Trumpy lovers.
DeleteThank you for that excellent comment PC apparently RN is trained in Alinsky as you can tell by his response
DeleteWrong AGAIN false allegation.
DeleteLots of training in my career fields, zero in Alinsky.
113 comments from yesterday and 36 are worthless spewings from Retard Nation. Filled with deep thoughts like Rump, BrietFart, Klannity and the perpetual fallback of "I know you are but what am I?"
ReplyDeleteWhat a rich, fulfilled and rewarding existence you lead! Mr Wedding Planner.
Lisa December 30, 2015 at 8:14 AM...I hear The Squire is having a big "Blow Out"
ReplyDeleteAha! The infamous Squire of Reveah, MA (almost as dismal as Everett)! Where Ducky's parents sired him on Free Clam Night!
By the way, has anyone noticed that Obama skiped the funerals of the 6 fallen American soldiers killed by Taliban in Afghanistan so that he could go on his 16-day luxury Hawaiian golf vacation?
ReplyDeleteBut it seems as if you have forgotten how Mr. Obama comforted and empathized with the families of mass shooting victims? Meetings with wounded military? His speech after the church shootings in Charleston was hardy icy. And he is respected by our allies -- Donald Trump is not. He's seen as what is the worst in our culture: Loud-mouth narcissism and chest-thumping ignorance.
DeleteSay what you will about Mr. Obama, but he has never embarrassed America on the world's stage. In a world that's ready to go up in flames,I perfer a leader like Mr. Obama.. I don't want a leader with "shit in his veins."
Who the fuck cares about ANYTHING you want? I want you to swallow the business end of a Remington.
DeleteHey Retard Nation, it must suck that whenever anyone looks up "goatse" they are immediately confronted with your ugly mug.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNext year is a new exciting year redass, so, I thought we might bury the hatchet.
DeleteSo this picture of You is for a prominent place on your living quarter walls.
Happy New Year!
Please tell me you are no older than my 10 year old nephew.
DeleteSeriously, dude, I am embarrassed for you.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt's high time you were embarrassed for yourself dude.
DeleteRadical RedneckDecember 30, 2015 at 4:48 PM
Re: Ozulu There hasn't been a bigger narcissist on the planet since the term's namesake was mincing around Mt. Olympus.
His offspring weren't born from coital relations because he's so narcissistic that the only thing he's ever fucked is his own hand. They had to squeejee up the spooge and jam it up Mooch's cavernous hooch with a Rosie O'Donnel's Fist-o-Flabulous turkey baster/sex toy.
Even at that, they had to hog-tie him to keep him from slurping up the sperm in his Pavlovian response mode to any ejaculate within 20 yards.
He's gargled more man-juice than Linda Lovelace, Elton John and Madonna combined.
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
ReplyDelete~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Yes, but she should have added, "Morons waste their time and that of every one around them sneering, insulting, and casting aspersions on everyone in sight while taking pot shots at each other."
THIS says it all about those who vote republican today.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a true dyed in the red republican
ReplyDeletespoken like a true Zombie
ReplyDeleteDamn you dumb Lisa as I've told you this many times. I didn't support or vole for Obama in 2008 or 2012. But I bet you'll be voting for the republican whoever he is. Cause your just so institutionalized and mesmerized by the Tea-Publican dimwits.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your evening and have a Happy New Year, I've a really big surprise for you in the New Year,
Well since there are only deadbeats on the dem ticket I guess I will
DeleteI can hardly wait for your surprise. You supporting Trump?lol
DeleteHappy New Year to u2
Lisa, that prick called you dumb and you wished him a Happy New Year.
DeleteYou're a better man than me.
Boy redass, you said a mouthful and it is the truth (for once) to boot.
DeleteLisa is a better man than you. As well as a better women.
DeleteDon't tell us,
You are voting for Hillary, wow what a surprise.
I know He called me dumb but I ignore his ignorance
DeleteRe: Ozulu There hasn't been a bigger narcissist on the planet since the term's namesake was mincing around Mt. Olympus.
ReplyDeleteHis offspring weren't born from coital relations because he's so narcissistic that the only thing he's ever fucked is his own hand. They had to squeejee up the spooge and jam it up Mooch's cavernous hooch with a Rosie O'Donnel's Fist-o-Flabulous turkey baster/sex toy.
Even at that, they had to hog-tie him to keep him from slurping up the sperm in his Pavlovian response mode to any ejaculate within 20 yards.
He's gargled more man-juice than Linda Lovelace, Elton John and Madonna combined.
I would add race relations back to pre-1960 levels, and importing terrorists in record numbers while simultaneously working hard to disarm the public.
ReplyDeleteAgreed kid thanks for those additions. Happy New Year
ReplyDeleteA very happy new year to you Lisa. :)
Delete________ To a Glad New Year ________
ReplyDeleteToot the trumpets! Strike the strings and sing!
On your feet! Step lively in the dance!
Age and Youth alike are on the wing
Going forward: Time moves like a lance
Let loose by some celestial super strength
Amidst the muck and mire of our dozing
Driving us, reminding that life’s length
Never gives us room for much reposing.
Esurient? Appease the appetites
Wholesome and pure. The body, gross and vile,
Yields but sickly transient delights ~
Evoking ennui with a knowing smile.
Awake! A blessed New Year is at hand!
Resolve to love and give without demand!
~ FreeThinke
_____ SOME OTHER TIME _____
ReplyDeleteWhere has the time all gone to?
Haven't done half the things we want to
Oh well, we'll catch up some other time
This day was just a token ––
Too many words are still unspoken.
Oh well, we'll catch up some other time.
Just when the fun is starting
Comes the time for parting,
But let's be glad for what we've had
And what's to come.
There's so much more embracing
Still to be done, but time is racing.
Oh well, we'll catch up some other time.
There's some much more embracing
Still to be done but time is racing
Oh well, we'll catch up some other time.
~ Sammy Cahn, Leonard Bernstein from "On the Town"
Thanks Lester for proving you are an illiterate FASCIST!
ReplyDeleteIt's not surprising that once again you fail to make an argument by presenting ANY relevant facts. It's all BS and bluster with you. Another low IQ lefty. What a surprise!
And a ANTII-SEMITE, and RACIST to boot!
Ditto Lester, aka RN
DeleteLiars and lying Sock Puppets sure flourish in Reich wing blogistan.
DeletePump it up cause it's ALL ya got.
Frankly, and forgive me if I sound judgmental, this nation has a lot more important issues facing it, ones that could carry grave consequences if not handled properly, than to be concerned with than old news of Bill Clinton's dalliances in the Oval Office or Trump's affair with Marla Maples. And especially Bill Clinton’s Shenanigan that’s SO OLD HAT!,
ReplyDeleteI agree, both Trump and Hillary Clinton have multiple issues they need to overcome to be successful in their presidential bids. Personally I don't care how measured Trump was or how much of a take charge dude he came across as. He has some very unnerving ideas and character flaws that frankly give me greater worry than either illegal immigrants or ISIS. Why, because in office, with a republican neo con and fundamentalist leaning congress, combined with a conservative court, The Donald could have profound negative affect on our democratic republic.
And in another New Flash: Trump leads in both parties in hate and bigotry! The racists and neo-Nazis here certainly have been energized by Trump's candidacy.
In my eyes, he is noting more that a Big Clown who isn’t fit to be Dog Catcher.
I'm am so sick of all these liberal and progressive bastards thinking the world still owes them something.
ReplyDeleteA black man was selected as President.
Racial inequality is a thing of the freaking past.
Get over it.
ReplyDelete""… he restored diplomatic relations with Cuba; he reached a nuclear agreement with the otherwise incorrigible Iranian government; he is well on his way to securing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade accord (hardly the working-class disaster deemed by some); he successfully defended the Affordable Care Act before a dubious Supreme Court; he has contained ISIS, notwithstanding Republican hysterics that we are doomed to slave under Sharia smuggled into the republic by a Muslim-loving, America-hating chief executive; and he passed a budget — one not particularly to my liking, but passing any budget through this unspeakably torpid Congress is nothing short of epic. Best of all, President Obama has given congressional Republicans a nasty case of the political shingles. Try as they might to triumph, they keep losing to a lame duck. There's an operatic beauty to it — the amplified pseudoconservative frenzy, that is — that just gets better and better. Here's to an even more splendid 2016."
Great now we have Cuba where we can outsource more jobs to low wage workers
DeleteNo matter what happens in the election little will change. Liberals will still give S--- away and conservatives will still ask for reasonable spending which will not happen.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats will win most of the political battles because they control the media and republicans will still be wimps.
Many Libertarians will still profess independence while supporting a liberal agenda and voting for -H- as they are told to do.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year, Lisa!
ReplyDeleteThanks Speedy you too
ReplyDeleteNot looking above...who needs the BS? You're so right, Lisa...
ReplyDeleteGreat masthead, by the way!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's to hoping Obama doesn't ruin much more in the coming year.
I don't think he will be satsified until America becomes a total cesspool unfortunately Z.
DeleteHappy New Year Z
Lisa, RN's big surprise is him and Ducky are getting engaged....the two aged queens have finally decided to make the big step.
ReplyDeleteBoston piggy is having a big engagement party for them in Boston.
The 2 old queens are going to mince down the aisle together? Oh how enlightened!
DeleteHahaha Rusty
DeleteWell then, I must congratulate RN and Quacko! Now are Pookie Toot-Toot and Ema Nymton the best man and maid of honor?
DeleteWell then, I must congratulate Crapenter and Quacko for their engagement! Will Pookie Toot Toot and Ema Nymton be the worst man and matron of shame for the wedding party?
DeleteA congratulations to Quacko and Crapenter! Will Pookie Toot Toot and Ema Nymton be the worst man and matron of dishonor? And which one is the bride, and which one is the groom?
DeleteDucky is the dom...
ReplyDeleteDucky is a Shoe Shine BOY
DeleteMuh muh my! Muh muh my! I hear Pookie Toot Toot is the worst man and Ema Nymton is the matron of dishonor. Quacko and RN are getting tarred and feathered together? Oh muh muh my! Muh muh my!
DeleteAfter the mess that Obama has made of this country, is doing to our country., it's going to t take YEARS to clean it up and only if we have a STRONG Republican leaders who isn't afraid to stand up to the progressive victim mongers and the politically correct, politically inept GOP establishment.
ReplyDeleteFactcheck Proved the Following:
ReplyDeleteThe United States has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world—by far. And it has the highest rate of homicides with guns among advanced countries. … The firearms homicide rate, and homicide rate overall, is also higher in the U.S. than other advanced countries, such as Canada, Australia and those in Europe, according to data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
PolitiFact presents a more complex table, using data from researchers who looked at mass shootings in 11 countries from 2000 to 2014. During this period, four high-fatality incidents in low-population countries—Norway, Finland, and Switzerland—inflated their per capita death tolls from mass shootings, making them appear more dangerous than the United States. Statistically, this is an artifact of extremely low sample size. We easily surpassed every other country in per capita mass shooting victims—including all the countries with three or more mass shooting incidents—and our homicide rate was at least three times higher than the rate in every country but Mexico."
I guess that Shaws Christmad Dinner was to much for her to handle, she's gone bonkers AGAIN.
DeleteWell, Miss Off-Topic copy/paste you sure convinced me.
DeleteGood luck trying to take guns away from citizens
No one is advocating taking away your stupid shotguns, goober. This is not about taking ANY guns away.
ReplyDeleteGood foor you. You wouldn't like the reception you'll get.
Deleteps post under one stupid moniker only. Easy way to get banned.
Suicides are over 40% of gun "homicides," so your statistic is pure bullshit. Do try to be a bit honest.
ReplyDeleteThere are far more deaths for drug over doses each year then for gun homicides yet I cant recall any leftwingnut calling for stronger drug control.
And 90% of "youths" killed by guns are gang-bangers offed by other low lifes.
Delete8 years ago we were about to suffer the worst recession since the Great Depression with millions losing their livelihoods, the equity in their homes, their credit, their nest eggs, and you stupid idiot moron conservatives think we're better off that way. Idiots.
Says the man who's party made bad home loans US policy.
DeleteThanks for coming here and calling us "Idiots"
DeleteI don't know what we would have done without you.
So they said
DeleteHey Jizzy, Happy Holidays from the First Lady!
ReplyDeleteYou are referring to the housing downfall that was supported by the brain trust of dodd, frank and waters.
Conservatives don't think we are better off that way and that is the reason dodd and frank decided to retire and the conservatives are trying to not get pantsuit elected to extend the obama regime.
If it is possible, use you brain and think back to the events tat caused the housing collapse. You will see Carter and BJ the serial rapist pushing for a house for all with the dynamic trio of DFW cheering the way and pocketing millions in payoffs.
Watch The Big Short. For a more complete perspective scudrunner. It's worth the 10 or 11 bucks. 8 if you're a senior.
ReplyDeleteA Hollywood movie gee who woulda thunk?
ReplyDeleteI am sure no mention in it of what skud posted
Lisa, the movie was based on facts. Anyone who was paying attention in 2007 -2008 and knew what was happening would realize this.
ReplyDeleteskud gave half the story, the half that nicely fits the narrative of those who would allow it to happen again.
Watch the movie Lisa and get back to me.
DeleteWasn't the movie about the WS people who took advantage of the sub prime mortgage mess that was initiated by JC and expanded by BJ. It was BJ who forced banks to make sub prime loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them. The blame is shared with BJ expanding and GB not stopping it.
BTW, movies are meant to entertain and it seems like that one did for you. Next you will say the inconvenient truth was factual.
Next you will say the inconvenient truth was factual.
DeleteYou can bet the house on that. You can't fix stoooooooooooooooooopid. Or soft. Or venal. Or mendacious. Or weak minded. Or all around douche-baggery. Etc, etc, etc....
Nor can you fix willful short sightedness, or stupid. Both of which scuddywomp and redass suffer from.
DeleteAhhh... Lester and Ducky went to the movies, what a sight, two aged queens sharing a bucket of popcorn.
ReplyDeleteMay Trump go bump, bump, bump right into a trash compactet to HELL.
And may he take the whole lot of you Republican's sons and daughters of bitches with him. Given the snot-nosed, petulant, infantile, tantrum-throwing character of the Republican opposition to Obama these seven years, Trump is just what they deserve. He's their id set free, the logical end-point of their trajecto with him. Given the snot-nosed, petulant, infantile, tantrum-throwing character of the Republican opposition to Obama these seven years, Trump is just what they deserve.
We heard your dumb remark the fist time, you didn't have to repeat it 4 times.
DeleteWhen they were handing out brains Johnny Bee Good thought they said trains, he said no thanks I already have a set.
ReplyDeleteTalking about "Brains" does Shaw really have Sheet for Brains, or is that just a rumor?