You know something FreeThinke, sometimes I actually feel sorry for Quackobyrd. It takes a strong stomach for him to wade through tar to get to the crack for some cheap snorting and highs. The dingbat must be highly addicted to the drug if he is extremely desperate to get a cheap thrill from snorting it.
Ducky "Boy" is another poor pothitic , snowflake! Let's hope that perhaps asshole like him might all shoot themselves because they're so distressed because he knows that when The Donald takes office his kind are going to be history!
it is very enjoyable, seeing these insane meltdowns by idiots like him, Shaw, RN, and the other cry-babies and bedwetters.
Well said Lady Pinkbottom! If Quackobyrd ever attacks you anywhere else, feel free to stop by any one of my sites to give me a heads up. I have some sites dedicated to exposing trolls like him.
I refused to watch the Golden Globe Speech Part 2 of Obama’s last night, aka Obama's Fair well Speech. I already knew exactly what he was going to say, and from what I read about it this morning, I wasn’t to far off. Was I hearing things or did Obama use the race card a few times before he finally walked on Water on his way out! I knew that he couldn’t walk out gracefully without taking a few “Pop Shots” at Trump and the Republicans on his way out in his final speech! Why is it that if anyone points out the bad in which absolutely exist among the black race in America (just like it does within any other race that is found wrong when they do wrong in America or for whom commits an act of violence or crime in which they are called out for), that somehow they (who are in many cases the victims of such crimes), are being labeled as racist if there are black people involved ?? Why is it that the "good citizens/people", are being automatically seen as racist, etc. or they are being physically labeled racist etc. Even if and when it’s the Facts, and the Truth! Nothing NEW there, he did exactly as I expected , and I predicted. But the Liberals ate it up, and I’d bet that they had a thrill run up their leg, like Chris Mathews did. If they are the rightful accusers who just happen to be white in a case when pointing the finger at their perp who just happens to be black in a case (or) worse if you are black then you are called an uncle Tom, a sell out or etc. if point the finger as it should be pointed at the perp who just happens to be black if found wrong in a case ???
As I watched the segments of the speech on the late news last night, I thought saw a Louis Farrakhan reincarnation up there in Obama tonight perhaps a bit less dramatic, and it lacked the drama of a Preacher at his pulpit ,but all those libs were just eating it up as he carried on with his Jim Jones cultist style heart felt speech in which he gave complete with tears and all. It's no wonder that they drank the Koolaid for Jim Jones back in his day, as the libs are drinking that Koolaid for Obama today. It was a “wonderful” performance! Wonderfully divisive, and out of touch with the reality of the truth, pridefully hateful, narcissistic, and Fantastic in That We No Longer Have to Hear from Mister Hopey-Changey. Again....
And to the Liberals that thought it was SO Wonderful....Maybe it’s time that you pulled your heads out of your ass’s.. And please make sure the place is thoroughly clean and all the dog feces in the Rose Garden are removed before Mr. Trum and his Family take over.
A group of liberal Hollywood celebrities( LED BY THE USUAL IDIOTS, MAINLY ROSIE O’DONNELL, AND ED ASNER) are threatening a “massive, all-round Hollywood strike” unless Donald Trump resigns. Describing Hollywood as “the base of the entire modern American culture“, the group also claims to be speaking on behalf of “all of humanity.”
“It’s about time people understood that we’re the ones with the power and that the president is there to serve us, not the other way around“, a spokesperson for the group told The New York Times.
“We’re calling for a general strike that would include every single person involved in making motion pictures in Hollywood, starting with the actors and celebrities themselves and encompassing companies in charge of making props, movie memorabilia and even souvenir shops.”
This is what they call BOMB- SHELL NEWS THESE DAYS! George Takei Just Hilariously Ripped Trump Over Sex Tape Allegations!
Does being an actor from 40 years ago in ONE TV show somehow make him one of our Greatest Actors? I Think Not!
Isn’t someone's history and record of accomplishment some kind of indicator? Or is that only a requitement for conservatives? What has this HAS-BEEN Idiot done in life, other than making a clown out of himself for the past 40 years!
Last night after falling asleep after Obama's "Fare-Well" speech, I Tossed and turned most of the night. I kept hearing the cheers and celebrations of the crowd at the 2nd farewell speech of Barack Hussein Obama. Their loudest cheers and standing ovations were for the laws and policies that he passed and helped passed. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE LAWS ARE AN ABOMINATION TO THE ONE AND ONLY LIVING GOD - to our CREATOR.
When I woke up I was reminded of the time Moses went up to the mountain to seek God's face and ask Him what it was He wanted to say to the people. When Moses returned with the 10 commandments, he found the people celebrating, worshiping idols, lusting over gold and riches, having orgies and sex one with another, they could care less if it was man, woman or beast and they did NOT want to hear what God had to say. Sounds familiar?
I saw Illinois, California and New York. Those were 3 states Hillary won in greater numbers. They are the most liberal progressive states in our nation. These are also states who's leaders and lawmakers willfully and knowingly turn their backs on God Almighty.
Martin Letowsky said... “28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time” He CAUSE most of our racial divisions. His stimulus bill didn’t stimulate. His Financial economic reform didn’t reform. His ObamaCare didn’t work, in fact it made things worse. He failed to reform immigration, in fact he made it worse!. He withdrew prematurely from Iraq, and therefor created ISIS He blew the Arab Spring, and help to create the Muslim Brotherhood.. He has ignored the threat from Iran He has made America irrelevant, and a laughing stock! And oh yes he gave us Transgenda Bathrooms.....You must love that one and now you can pee in any bathroom you want, must be a load off your mind, the confusion must of been unbearable....and yes a 19 trillion dollar deficit more then double what he started with...Bravo and yes, he's building a maya mosque for 150 trillion dollars with your money...what we need to reduce the deficit and how about all that tax payers money fighting all them Christian groups and the Redskin logo that failed in court....what we need....a president who waste our money fighting frivolous things to try and bully the people with our money (whether we agree with them or not)) and FAIL.... Speaking of failure....What a smart move to remove the troops out of Iraq....How much has that cost us since and to what end he only plans to "Contain them" which means forever he plans to bomb them and how much will that cost us? I could go on and on....
The Latest Crybabies’s Fake News Bursts Into Flames! THE DEMOCRATS HAVE GONE FROM
- Rigging their Primary to - Engaging in voter fraud in their Primary to - Feeding Hillary the debate questions early to - Hiring thugs to firebomb GOP HQs and hiring thugs to intimidate/beat/bloody Trump supporters to - Declaring not accepting the election results would undermine our democracy to - Attempting to claim the WH based on irrelevant Popular Votes to - Demanding recounts to - Attempting to flip Electoral Vote voters to
They have become the world's pathetic laughing stock.
2016 is going to make 2000 and 'Florida' seem like nothing, as this election has driven snowflakes infinitely more bat-shit crazy than ever before.
They can not / will not accept that they ran the worst candidate in US history. For every bad thing they say about Trump they make Hillary look worse because SHE COULD NOT / DID NOT defeat Trump. Hillary LOST....grow up....get over it. We all know, that your bitter because all your BS didn’t work.. In other words, go Play in Traffic!
SHAW said.. ”Our President-elect is being blackmailed by Russia over his perverted antics.” “WOW this is really explosive. How can this man still be president on Jan 20th?”
"We saw a man of great dignity and honor give a beautiful farewell address last night which included a heartfelt, loving tribute to our beautiful FLOTUS, Michelle Obama.
The next morning we're hearing about the PEE-OTUS and sordid allegations about prostitutes, golden showers, and Russians.
When you vote for a swine, you tend to have to hear about the swill surrounding him"
IF YOU GUESSED THAT IT WAS SHAW . You are correct! Did you see that SHITY Show last night ?,
Buzzfeed and CNN fabricate some fake news and because it denigrates Donald Trump the idiotic leftwingnutz fall for it hook, line and sinker. Those friggin dopes were peeing their pants with glee trying to outdo each others posting's......result, they again look like the loser's they actually are.
Last night after falling asleep after Obama's "Fare-Well" speech, I Tossed and turned most of the night. I kept hearing the cheers and celebrations of the crowd at the 2nd farewell speech of Barack Hussein Obama. Their loudest cheers and standing ovations were for the laws and policies that he passed and helped passed. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE LAWS ARE AN ABOMINATION TO THE ONE AND ONLY LIVING GOD - to our CREATOR.
When I woke up I was reminded of the time Moses went up to the mountain to seek God's face and ask Him what it was He wanted to say to the people. When Moses returned with the 10 commandments, he found the people celebrating, worshiping idols, lusting over gold and riches, having orgies and sex one with another, they could care less if it was man, woman or beast and they did NOT want to hear what God had to say. Sounds familiar?
I saw Illinois, California and New York. Those were 3 states Hillary won in greater numbers. They are the most liberal progressive states in our nation. These are also states who's leaders and lawmakers willfully and knowingly turn their backs on God Almighty.
Political Chic, You are awesome! By the way, I'm one of the California Conservatives fighting back to keep California from the jaws of Satan. Baldy Moonbeam and his drunk sidekick Gaffing Gavin have nearly run California into the ground, but we're alive and fighting back.
I commend Meryl Streep for calling out the orange bully. According to Ann Coulter (another horrible person) what Trump did was OK because he was imitating a "standard retard". I don't care if it was a "coincidence" that what Trump did with his hand reminded people of the specific disability the reporter has. Shows how insensitive Trump is. He didn't think - maybe I shouldn't mock this person using my "standard retard" bit. Why is he mocking anyone using a "standard retard" bit?! There is no good way to spin this.
Hey Deverish There are plenty of videos that debunk the phony allegations, but I purposely posted the one of Ann Coulter knowing how much it makes you guys salivate like rapid dogs
Certainly not this one Anonymous. Nor are they the propaganda machines of Breitbart, FAUX News, or FreeThinke.
Real news if not to be found in the alternative reality traveled by the far out right wing.
Nor is it to be found on the extreme leftist outlets. It is found in credible long form journalism written by journalists that understand what good journalism is and the part facts and honesty play in safeguarding our democratic republic.
You'll love it when there is no longer a free and independent press Lisa? Something our nation's founders recognized is a necessary pillar of our democratic republic.
Did you read Dervish's posts about how Trump and Ryan are Satanists? Or the post by Dervish that says Mrs. Trump is a Russian spy? Or the comment Dervish made that Trump is the anti-Christ? I know you did because your comments agreeing with him are posted on his blog. Keep proving me correct Jew hating racist!
I GOT you with my satire posts, hypocrite. You posted "fake news" to your blog and when I referred to your post on my blog you wrote"Hi Nazi Boy!! Just wanted you to be the first to know, there is no J. Craig Scherf of Duluth MN. I made him up just to watch you do your mental retard bit. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA". That is why you're so mad now. I threw out the bait and you (being the gullible moron you are) jumped on it. And with this comment you also proved how much you hate mentally challenged people (who consider "retard" a slur). But then we already know you hate gay people. Because you're a bigot. Keep proving ME correct, you gay-hating and mentally challenged person-hating bigot!
I just go by what you say, which is how I know you're a gay-hating and mentally challenged person hating bigot. And Luke talks about a "mental retard bit" but he ISN'T referring to Trump. You know, the ACTUAL topic being discussed. He says nothing because he thinks it's great to make fun of mentally challenged persons, just like the guy he rooted for to win the election.
Les, aka RN , I regard you as more like a TURD in the punchbowl, VOMIT on a Damask Sofa, STEEL FILINGS in the Turkey Stuffing, Shit on a Stick, or GROUND GLASS in the Fruit Salad at a party. Also the type who makes OBSCENE PHONE CALLS or DELIBERATELY emits silent-but-deadly FARTS in a crowded elevator at every available opportunity, quietly chuckling to himself
In short –– a TOXIC, WORTHLESS MALIGNANT human being COMPLETLY UNDESIRABLE from every possible aspect.
The very definition of a TROLL.
Now once again, Les, I'm telling you –– and all your wretched kind –– to GET OUT and STAY AWAY from this blog.
After the Fake News" was derailed today, the Liberals have been very quite. The cry baby liberals will never get over it! The all loving left are really just a bunch of phonies! As we can see they are only all loving when they get their way or else they are vicious!!
People are tired of the liberals trying to tell us what to do and what should have been. Why is it that the liberal way is right and conservatives have no right to running this country. I have news for all you liberals, it is time for this country to come back to reality and our way of life that made this country great. Liberals have done nothing but tear this country down after 8 long years of liberal leadership in the white house.
They'll find someone even dumber than Booker. Booker has too big a brain for their tastes. They want someone like Mad Maxine Waters or Hanky Panky "will Guam Tip Over" Johnson to head the Congressional Black KooKoos.
Poor Shaw told Ducky and RN her kitty got so damp listening to Obama's farewell speech she changed her panties three times and finally just put one of her depends on. Funny the effect Obama's words have on that old gal.
So you lied when you wrote on my blog "my family landed on Ellis Island in 1905. they had nothing to do with the Civil War or slavery". Owning slaves is probably a fantasy of yours. I suspect you'd be in favor of bringing back slavery, given your view that African Americans are subhuman.
And you defend RN when he said the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers. You wrote a long explanation defending RN and that statement. Proving you agree with that Jew hate statement. Thank you for proving me correct, yet, again! YOU and RN are the racists, by your own words! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Luke lied: And you defend RN when he said the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers. You wrote a long explanation defending RN and that statement
I know what "long explanation" you refer to. You're talking about a comment I made in response to something TOM wrote, to which I replied that I "took RN's comment to be a Libertarian anti-gun control screed". I still think what he wrote was wrong, stupid, etc and I do not/did not defend him, liar. Zero Jews went "willing to the gas chambers". Anyway, proof that you are TOM, as you refer to a TOM comment, make the same argument TOM makes, and repost that RN comment many times on many blogs just like TOM.
Also, I think it's Mystere Moonbat who likes to have sex with little boys. Although it gives him much more of a thrill when they're dead. Because then they can't fight back.
Not everyone who reads your lies and holds you to your lying words, is me, but your hate and idiot mind won't let you think otherwise. And now you accuse another commentator here of being a child molester. Thanks for proving me correct once again!.
I was replying to Mystere Moonbat's unfounded and baseless allegation with one of my own, idiot. Thanks for proving ONCE AGAIN that you are an idiot. Anyway, I suppose my "long explanation" is something else you discussed in your imaginary discussion with TOM. Imaginary, in that you can't have a "discussion" with yourself. Unless you you suffer from schizophrenia.
Luke: What you don't know is TOM and I have had many discussions about the assholes who attack blogs, like you. I learned the history of RN, Pam, Shaw, and other assholes. (9/29/2016 at 12:37pm #67).
Your totally transparent way of explaining how you know everything TOM knows. Ha ha ha ha ha. Nobody buys your bullshit.
Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo I hear a polka and my troubles are through Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-dee This kind of music is like heaven to me Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo Has got me higher than a kite Hand me down my soup and fish I am gonna get my wish Hoop-dee-doin' it tonight
When there's a trombone playin' I get a thrill, I always will When there's a concertina stretched about a mile I always smile 'cause that's my style When there's a fiddle in the middle Oh, it really is a riddle how he plays a tune so sweet Plays a tune so sweet that I could die Lead me to the floor and hear me yell for more 'Cause I'm a hoop-dee-doin' kind of guy
Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-de-doo I hear a polka and my troubles are through Ha, ha, ha Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo Hoop-dee-dee hoop-de-dee This kind of music is like heaven to me
Oh, hoop-dee-doo hoop-hee-doo Hoop-dee-doo hoop-dee-doo Has got me higher than a kite Hand me down my soup and fish I am gonna get my wish Hoop-dee-doin' it tonight
When there's a trombone playin' Ah, ha, ha, ha He gets a thrill I get a thrill, I always will He always will When there's a concertina stretched about a mile I always smile You'll see him smile 'Cause that's my style Oh, that's his style When there's a fiddle in the middle Oh, it really is a riddle how he plays a tune so sweet Plays a tune so sweet that we could die Ah, yes lead me to the floor and hear me yell for more 'Cause I'm a hoop-dee-doin' kind of guy
Ooooh, hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo It's got us higher than a kite They're in clover, we're in bloom When we're dancin' give us room Hoop-de-doin' it with all of our might Rain may fall and snow may come Nothin's gonna stop us from Hoop-dee-doin' it Hoop-dee-doin' it Hoop-dee-doin' it tonight
Quackobyrd's gizzards are flying! Pookie Toot Toot's pink Civic just blew by! I hear a loud flush swooshing at the Swoosh Zone! Uh oh, I smell something stinky.
Dear Mr. President, and “Leader of the Free World”
I’m sure that you and ALL of your loyal followers remember those words, “For the first time, I can say that I am proud of my country”. No, these aren’t my words, they are the words of your wife when you took office in 2009. This set the tone for the kind of President you’d be and the kind of legacy you left behind. Well, I’m not that sure that she still is so proud, because each time I see her on the news, or anywhere else, I get the impression that she is Angry at the world!
Wasn’t there anything that Michelle could be “Proud” of America for in her entire life? Nothing America has done in Michelle Obama’s adult life, which goes back about 26 years to 1982, has made her proud of her country? Nothing? Not winning the Cold War? Not our regular and orderly transitions of power based on the rule of law? Not winning the second world war and freeing millions of people who were held hostage to that maniac Hitler? Not the fact that we feed and defend the world, not that we lead in science and technology research, not that we elected the first black president in 1992…Nothing? How about the advancement of Blacks in America, where we see so many Black Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Politicians, Police Officers? How about when George W. Bush nominated the first African-American to be Secretary of State? Were you proud when George W. Bush nominated the second African-American to be Secretary of State? Were you proud when Geroge H.W. Bush nominated Colin Powell to the top positions in the US military? Weren’t you proud of that? And the list goes on and on! Nothing has made Michelle Obama proud of her country in her entire adult life? You weren’t even proud of the hundreds of thousands who died fighting for this Country? Your speech to your adoring fans screaming “Fore more years!” makes for a good sound bite and video clip, but it doesn’t paint the picture of the tens of millions of regular Americans that voted you twice and gotten stabbed in the back for it. Yet you seemed to be pretty damn Proud of sitting in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years! Did it take over 20 years to decide that it was a Racist Church? You stood in front of hundreds of veterans and promised that their lives would be better after you took office, that they would get the care that their country owed them. Eight years later, the VA is more broken than ever and my brothers and sisters in arms are committing suicide at an all time high. You ignored the advice of wartime Generals and pulled troops out of an unstable country and gave rise to ISIS, the evilest group of people on the planet. This is your legacy. Well let me say that with the election of Donald Trump, I am proud of my country again
Obama's speech about how great things are especially, things like the economy, and race relations - are you kidding me? The economy, and race relations are better? Nothing can be further from the truth! The Hollyweird tards spouting off at every opportunity between their yoga class and plastic surgery sessions, the Democrats hanging a painting depicting cops as pigs shooting blacks, and on and on. The hundreds and hundreds of murders in our Cities especially in Chicago. The innocent people especially children being gunned down in their homes and in playgrounds! And you have the nerce to say that things have been “Great”!
Didn’t these people learn from the drastic beating that they took in the election that LYING DOESN’T PAY! And that the name calling such as calling Mr. Trump a “Bozo”, and the "Orange Clown" only made things worse for them! - Just how dense can they be? YOU GOT BEAT BY TRUMP. If that isn't a wake up call, what the hell will be????
Having claimed that Trump is the anti-Christ and his wife a Russian spy, now Dervish is claiming Trump and Ryan are Satanists because they follow the cultist Ayn Rand. That certainly describes the Ayn Rand cultist RN and his anti-Jewish and bigoted statements RN has made publicly, but Trump and Ryan have made no such public statements. We have not heard Trump, or Ryan claim that the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers as RN has, or have we heard Trump, or Ryan use the word nigger publicly as RN has. The lefties claim Trump is an illegitimate president even though Trump won the Electoral College fairly. Certainly Trump has no mandate by the fact that he lost the popular vote, but that didn't stop Bush from claiming he had a mandate from the American people. The lefties are in to total false hyperbolic accusations ever since they lost the election. From calling Trump Hitler to claiming Putin hacked the election to make Trump the winner. The intelligence investigation said it had no evidence that voting machines were hacked, or that the vote count was anything but real. If you want to claim some Americans were swayed by oratory that's probably true. That's why campaigns spend millions on advertising. If stupid Americans can be made to change their minds because of a 30 second political ad, no doubt they can change their minds over constant lies that become truths in their idiot minds, but that's not illegal, in fact, it's common in most elections. I would hope these "Chicken Little" liars would spend their time on more real fights. like making sure Trump appointees pass basic ethics screenings. Instead most of the nominees will be agreed to on Wednesday without those basic screenings. The loudest voices protesting those screenings not being complete are top Republicans. I guess we will have to count on Republicans to fight Trump while the Democrats sit on the sidelines. It was nice of Ms. Streep to condemn all lovers of football, but besides stroking her own popularity it will do nothing to stop Trumps son-in law from becoming part of the White House staff, which is a real and serious conflict of interest. She might have done a better service by alerting Americans to the fact that when Republicans kill the ACA they will at the same time kill federal funding for planned parenthood. As usual the Democrats are not only picking the wrong fights, but the real issues that must be fought are not being fought and Republicans will get everything they want, which is dangerous. Of course I can always count on these lefties to come here and condemn some of the best music the 20th century turned out, because of course, that is most important to them. Just let me say, as Trump turns America in to a laughing stock and fires up the drums of war, that music might be the only thing to fall back on to get away from the depression of reality. So on with the personal insults from the lefties like Dervish, Ducky, RN, and the rest of these idiots while ignoring the real serious issues. Kind of like Nero playing while Rome burned. So keep crying Hitler, anti-Christ, Satanist, Russian spy, and all the other false accusations while Republicans roll over the Democrats and Democrats become useless as a minority power and a laughing stock of ridiculous "Chicken Little" screamers. Bottom Line is that Shaw, RN, Ducky, and especially Devish are Dispicable and Deplorable Lying Slimeballs
You are an idiot. Looks like you're proud of it, too. I already informed you that the post you're talking about is satire. I wrote it (in part) to see if you'd take the bait. SO GULLIBLE! Ha ha ha ha ha.
Thanks for posting my post Luke. NO Dervish, you told me that, thus proving and admitting what I have been saying all along - that you post nothing but lies. I'm not gullible, I enjoy using you own words to prove you are a lying asshole. Thank you for proving me correct again. Now back to your fake news blog. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Luke posts nothing but lies. Lies from your comment: (1) You are replying to some other Luke, when that Luke is YOUR account (2) "you told me that". What is the "no" for? You agree with me. I did tell you that. Also the post is LABELED as satire. It's at the bottom, under "labels". I have other satire posts on my blog.
I enjoy using your own words to prove you are a lying asshole. Thank you for proving me correct again. Now back to your blog of lies. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
As we already know too well, and we have seen this since Our Dear leader has been in office, the liberal Hollywood crowd is not only unhinged, but they have had access to the White House for eight years, and they can chat with the President at any given time. . They had open invitations to the best parties given on the taxpayers dime. One phone call and they had the President touting their favorite cause. Now, all that has changed. Trump marks them as irrelevant and will ignore them except to tweet how they don’t matter any more than the guy or gal working 40+ hours per week to make ends meet. So it’s no wonder that Meryl Streep was so unhinged the other night at the Golden Globe Awards. She was protecting her own interest. .
We loved you madly once, or so you thought. But now your reign is soon to come to naught. This makes your story sad for us to tell, So let’s be kind, and just forget the hell You and Michele have given. Left unsaid, We sweetly choose to sing to you, instead.
Farewell, Obama, Adios, Addio, Adieu! Farewell, Obama. It was no fun, and now it’s done, WOO HOO! Still now and then, vain Obama, When you are strutting with the stars beyond belief, We’ll recall all the stress and the high drama, Vanished now with a sigh of relief!
Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Climbing high into the sun; Here they come zooming to meet our thunder, At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun! (Give 'er the gun now!) Down we dive, spouting our flame from under, Off with one heckuva roar! We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey! Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!
Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder Sent it high into the blue Hands of men blasted the world asunder, How they lived God only knew! Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer Gave us wings ever to soar, With scouts before and bombers galore, Hey! Nothing'll stop the US Air Force!
Here's a toast to the host of those Who love the vastness of the sky, To a friend we send a message Of his brother men who fly. We drink to those who gave their all of old, Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold. A toast to the host of men we boast, the US Air Force.
Off we go into the wild sky yonder, Keep the wings level and true! If you'd live to be a grey-haired wonder, Keep your nose out of the blue! (Out of the blue, boy!) Flying men guarding the nation's border, We'll be there, followed by more, In echelon we carry on! Hey! Nothing'll stop the US Air Force!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThe less said about Leftist BATSHIT the better.
ReplyDeleteIGNORE IT.
Don't even bother to DERIDE it.
Whenever CRAP like this comes up, just CHANGE the SUBJECT.
You mean crap like (m)Ann Coulter?
DeleteShe's got an intellect that matches yours. I'll give you that FreeThinke(LMAO)™.
How incredibly flattering, Canardo! How I wish i DID have Ann's intellect.
DeleteYou know something FreeThinke, sometimes I actually feel sorry for Quackobyrd. It takes a strong stomach for him to wade through tar to get to the crack for some cheap snorting and highs. The dingbat must be highly addicted to the drug if he is extremely desperate to get a cheap thrill from snorting it.
DeleteIt's all good.
ReplyDeleteUnless it's not.
ReplyDeleteIT'S NOT!
DeleteH/T Adrienne.
ReplyDeleteTrump did this schtick many times actually. Lot more than 2.
And gee meryl streep - how do you feel about the 4 mop heads you are paying for who tortured the disabled white guy ???????????????
I hate libtards. Won't give them the time of day anymore. Wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
I'm curious, exactly how is Meryl Streep paying for the 4 "mop heads"?
DeleteRethugs are so ruled by emotion that they often make no sense.
Ducky "Boy" is another poor pothitic , snowflake! Let's hope that perhaps asshole like him might all shoot themselves because they're so distressed because he knows that when The Donald takes office his kind are going to be history!
Deleteit is very enjoyable, seeing these insane meltdowns by idiots like him, Shaw, RN, and the other cry-babies and bedwetters.
Well said Lady Pinkbottom! If Quackobyrd ever attacks you anywhere else, feel free to stop by any one of my sites to give me a heads up. I have some sites dedicated to exposing trolls like him.
DeleteHe'll stop by and give you head all right.
DeleteHey Shaw, when is the last time you had a Craniotomy?
ReplyDeleteI think you long over due.
DeleteShenehneh's still around? What's in the Boston Piggy pigslop?
DeleteI refused to watch the Golden Globe Speech Part 2 of Obama’s last night, aka Obama's Fair well Speech. I already knew exactly what he was going to say, and from what I read about it this morning, I wasn’t to far off. Was I hearing things or did Obama use the race card a few times before he finally walked on Water on his way out! I knew that he couldn’t walk out gracefully without taking a few “Pop Shots” at Trump and the Republicans on his way out in his final speech! Why is it that if anyone points out the bad in which absolutely exist among the black race in America (just like it does within any other race that is found wrong when they do wrong in America or for whom commits an act of violence or crime in which they are called out for), that somehow they (who are in many cases the victims of such crimes), are being labeled as racist if there are black people involved ?? Why is it that the "good citizens/people", are being automatically seen as racist, etc. or they are being physically labeled racist etc. Even if and when it’s the Facts, and the Truth! Nothing NEW there, he did exactly as I expected , and I predicted. But the Liberals ate it up, and I’d bet that they had a thrill run up their leg, like Chris Mathews did.
ReplyDeleteIf they are the rightful accusers who just happen to be white in a case when pointing the finger at their perp who just happens to be black in a case (or) worse if you are black then you are called an uncle Tom, a sell out or etc. if point the finger as it should be pointed at the perp who just happens to be black if found wrong in a case ???
As I watched the segments of the speech on the late news last night, I thought saw a Louis Farrakhan reincarnation up there in Obama tonight perhaps a bit less dramatic, and it lacked the drama of a Preacher at his pulpit ,but all those libs were just eating it up as he carried on with his Jim Jones cultist style heart felt speech in which he gave complete with tears and all. It's no wonder that they drank the Koolaid for Jim Jones back in his day, as the libs are drinking that Koolaid for Obama today.
It was a “wonderful” performance! Wonderfully divisive, and out of touch with the reality of the truth, pridefully hateful, narcissistic, and Fantastic in That We No Longer Have to Hear from Mister Hopey-Changey. Again....
And to the Liberals that thought it was SO Wonderful....Maybe it’s time that you pulled your heads out of your ass’s.. And please make sure the place is thoroughly clean and all the dog feces in the Rose Garden are removed before Mr. Trum and his Family take over.
DeleteA group of liberal Hollywood celebrities( LED BY THE USUAL IDIOTS, MAINLY ROSIE O’DONNELL, AND ED ASNER) are threatening a “massive, all-round Hollywood strike” unless Donald Trump resigns. Describing Hollywood as “the base of the entire modern American culture“, the group also claims to be speaking on behalf of “all of humanity.”
ReplyDelete“It’s about time people understood that we’re the ones with the power and that the president is there to serve us, not the other way around“, a spokesperson for the group told The New York Times.
“We’re calling for a general strike that would include every single person involved in making motion pictures in Hollywood, starting with the actors and celebrities themselves and encompassing companies in charge of making props, movie memorabilia and even souvenir shops.”
This is what they call BOMB- SHELL NEWS THESE DAYS!
ReplyDeleteGeorge Takei Just Hilariously Ripped Trump Over Sex Tape Allegations!
Does being an actor from 40 years ago in ONE TV show somehow make him one of our Greatest Actors? I Think Not!
Isn’t someone's history and record of accomplishment some kind of indicator? Or is that only a requitement for conservatives?
What has this HAS-BEEN Idiot done in life, other than making a clown out of himself for the past 40 years!
George Takei is a disgrace to the Japanese American community.
DeleteYou disgrace the autistic community but you still post.
DeleteLast night after falling asleep after Obama's "Fare-Well" speech, I Tossed and turned most of the night. I kept hearing the cheers and celebrations of the crowd at the 2nd farewell speech of Barack Hussein Obama. Their loudest cheers and standing ovations were for the laws and policies that he passed and helped passed. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE LAWS ARE AN ABOMINATION TO THE ONE AND ONLY LIVING GOD - to our CREATOR.
ReplyDeleteWhen I woke up I was reminded of the time Moses went up to the mountain to seek God's face and ask Him what it was He wanted to say to the people. When Moses returned with the 10 commandments, he found the people celebrating, worshiping idols, lusting over gold and riches, having orgies and sex one with another, they could care less if it was man, woman or beast and they did NOT want to hear what God had to say. Sounds familiar?
I saw Illinois, California and New York. Those were 3 states Hillary won in greater numbers. They are the most liberal progressive states in our nation. These are also states who's leaders and lawmakers willfully and knowingly turn their backs on God Almighty.
Martin Letowsky said...
ReplyDelete“28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time”
He CAUSE most of our racial divisions.
His stimulus bill didn’t stimulate.
His Financial economic reform didn’t reform.
His ObamaCare didn’t work, in fact it made things worse.
He failed to reform immigration, in fact he made it worse!.
He withdrew prematurely from Iraq, and therefor created ISIS
He blew the Arab Spring, and help to create the Muslim Brotherhood..
He has ignored the threat from Iran
He has made America irrelevant, and a laughing stock!
And oh yes he gave us Transgenda Bathrooms.....You must love that one and now you can pee in any bathroom you want, must be a load off your mind, the confusion must of been unbearable....and yes a 19 trillion dollar deficit more then double what he started with...Bravo and yes, he's building a maya mosque for 150 trillion dollars with your money...what we need to reduce the deficit and how about all that tax payers money fighting all them Christian groups and the Redskin logo that failed in court....what we need....a president who waste our money fighting frivolous things to try and bully the people with our money (whether we agree with them or not)) and FAIL....
Speaking of failure....What a smart move to remove the troops out of Iraq....How much has that cost us since and to what end he only plans to "Contain them" which means forever he plans to bomb them and how much will that cost us? I could go on and on....
Spoken like a true uninformed Fox watcher.
DeleteR.I.P. Pookie Toot Toot!
DeleteEat, drink and be merry, Lester Liberalmann! Blog Rikishi is livid. RIP Blog Rikishi is livid!
DeleteThe Latest Crybabies’s Fake News Bursts Into Flames!
- Rigging their Primary to
- Engaging in voter fraud in their Primary to
- Feeding Hillary the debate questions early to
- Hiring thugs to firebomb GOP HQs and hiring thugs to intimidate/beat/bloody Trump supporters to
- Declaring not accepting the election results would undermine our democracy to
- Attempting to claim the WH based on irrelevant Popular Votes to
- Demanding recounts to
- Attempting to flip Electoral Vote voters to
They have become the world's pathetic laughing stock.
2016 is going to make 2000 and 'Florida' seem like nothing, as this election has driven snowflakes infinitely more bat-shit crazy than ever before.
They can not / will not accept that they ran the worst candidate in US history. For every bad thing they say about Trump they make Hillary look worse because SHE COULD NOT / DID NOT defeat Trump.
Hillary LOST....grow up....get over it. We all know, that your bitter because all your BS didn’t work.. In other words, go Play in Traffic!
DeleteSHAW said..
ReplyDelete”Our President-elect is being blackmailed by Russia over his perverted antics.” “WOW this is really explosive. How can this man still be president on Jan 20th?”
DeleteQuackobyrd, you got tarred and feathered again!
DeleteWho said the below?
ReplyDelete"We saw a man of great dignity and honor give a beautiful farewell address last night which included a heartfelt, loving tribute to our beautiful FLOTUS, Michelle Obama.
The next morning we're hearing about the PEE-OTUS and sordid allegations about prostitutes, golden showers, and Russians.
When you vote for a swine, you tend to have to hear about the swill surrounding him"
Did you see that SHITY Show last night ?,
Buzzfeed and CNN fabricate some fake news and because it denigrates Donald Trump the idiotic leftwingnutz fall for it hook, line and sinker. Those friggin dopes were peeing their pants with glee trying to outdo each others posting's......result, they again look like the loser's they actually are.
ReplyDeleteOFF TOPIC
DeleteBoozefeed is the go to fast food place for Pookie Toot Toot, Nursie Poo Poo and Quackobyrd. The turd soup is their favorite meal.
DeleteLast night after falling asleep after Obama's "Fare-Well" speech, I Tossed and turned most of the night. I kept hearing the cheers and celebrations of the crowd at the 2nd farewell speech of Barack Hussein Obama. Their loudest cheers and standing ovations were for the laws and policies that he passed and helped passed. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE LAWS ARE AN ABOMINATION TO THE ONE AND ONLY LIVING GOD - to our CREATOR.
ReplyDeleteWhen I woke up I was reminded of the time Moses went up to the mountain to seek God's face and ask Him what it was He wanted to say to the people. When Moses returned with the 10 commandments, he found the people celebrating, worshiping idols, lusting over gold and riches, having orgies and sex one with another, they could care less if it was man, woman or beast and they did NOT want to hear what God had to say. Sounds familiar?
I saw Illinois, California and New York. Those were 3 states Hillary won in greater numbers. They are the most liberal progressive states in our nation. These are also states who's leaders and lawmakers willfully and knowingly turn their backs on God Almighty.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSuch histrionics, FreeThinke(LMAO)™.
DeleteDon't you think you're overstating this?
What's wrong Quackobyrd? Did you run out of dung beetle pie?
DeletePolitical Chic, You are awesome! By the way, I'm one of the California Conservatives fighting back to keep California from the jaws of Satan. Baldy Moonbeam and his drunk sidekick Gaffing Gavin have nearly run California into the ground, but we're alive and fighting back.
DeleteThey tap your sorry ass for the inauguration yet, manure?
DeleteOr couldn't you get away from your gig at the Hoboken Holiday Inn?
I commend Meryl Streep for calling out the orange bully. According to Ann Coulter (another horrible person) what Trump did was OK because he was imitating a "standard retard". I don't care if it was a "coincidence" that what Trump did with his hand reminded people of the specific disability the reporter has. Shows how insensitive Trump is. He didn't think - maybe I shouldn't mock this person using my "standard retard" bit. Why is he mocking anyone using a "standard retard" bit?! There is no good way to spin this.
ReplyDeleteHey Deverish There are plenty of videos that debunk the phony allegations, but I purposely posted the one of Ann Coulter knowing how much it makes you guys salivate like rapid dogs
DeleteBad video to chose, because she actually CONFIRMED the mockery of "retards". Debunked? I see the opposite.
Delete"... salivate like rapid dogs"?
DeleteThat would be Sean Hannity Lisa.
ReplyDeleteCNN is dominated by dimocraps almost entirely and, as we all know, dimocraps are lying scum
Not complicated. Just like the Jackass above!
At all
Streep ROCKS.
ReplyDeleteAs in dope, Swooshy?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFAUX News as we all know is dominated by republicruds and conservaturds almost entirely. As we know most are lying stinking sh*t logs.
ReplyDeleteBS It's the left wing media who are the tge champions of "fake news"
DeleteBS, it's the right wing media who are the champions of fake news.
DeleteBut when one is existing in an alternative reality it is understandable that they have it backwards.
The path to real news and actual reality is out there Lisa. Isn't it time you begin the task of looking for it?
What news outlets are your path to reality RN?
DeleteShaw's blog
DeleteCertainly not this one Anonymous. Nor are they the propaganda machines of Breitbart, FAUX News, or FreeThinke.
DeleteReal news if not to be found in the alternative reality traveled by the far out right wing.
Nor is it to be found on the extreme leftist outlets. It is found in credible long form journalism written by journalists that understand what good journalism is and the part facts and honesty play in safeguarding our democratic republic.
A true non answer like the coward you are, thanks.
DeleteThat's what swirls out of the Swoosh Zone. HEY NURSIE POO POO: DID THE TURD SOUP MAKE YOU FULL?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJerry Critter said...
ReplyDelete" He refused to take questions from CNN. What a baby?"
He even had his nose up in his speech. That was such a script
DeleteJerry Critter is obviously a moron.....why would Mr.Trump take a question from a fake news organization?
ReplyDeleteVery bright move by our new President.
I am going to love this when President Trump shuts down these morons with their "waste of time "questions
DeleteYou'll love it when there is no longer a free and independent press Lisa? Something our nation's founders recognized is a necessary pillar of our democratic republic.
DeleteWow! Just WOW!!!
So funny to watching Trump reap what he sowed.
DeletePookie Toot Toot, don't anger your uncle Stinky. He's joining forces with Blog Rikishi.
DeleteBreitbart and FOX News are examples of fake news organizations. CNN not so much.
ReplyDeleteDid you read Dervish's posts about how Trump and Ryan are Satanists? Or the post by Dervish that says Mrs. Trump is a Russian spy? Or the comment Dervish made that Trump is the anti-Christ?
DeleteI know you did because your comments agreeing with him are posted on his blog.
Keep proving me correct Jew hating racist!
I GOT you with my satire posts, hypocrite. You posted "fake news" to your blog and when I referred to your post on my blog you wrote "Hi Nazi Boy!! Just wanted you to be the first to know, there is no J. Craig Scherf of Duluth MN. I made him up just to watch you do your mental retard bit. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA". That is why you're so mad now. I threw out the bait and you (being the gullible moron you are) jumped on it. And with this comment you also proved how much you hate mentally challenged people (who consider "retard" a slur). But then we already know you hate gay people. Because you're a bigot. Keep proving ME correct, you gay-hating and mentally challenged person-hating bigot!
DeleteJust going by what YOU say! HA HA HA HA HA
DeleteWhich OF COURSE proves you to be a HUGGGGE LIAR!!!
Thanks for proving me correct AGAIN!!!
I just go by what you say, which is how I know you're a gay-hating and mentally challenged person hating bigot. And Luke talks about a "mental retard bit" but he ISN'T referring to Trump. You know, the ACTUAL topic being discussed. He says nothing because he thinks it's great to make fun of mentally challenged persons, just like the guy he rooted for to win the election.
DeleteLes, aka RN , I regard you as more like a TURD in the punchbowl, VOMIT on a Damask Sofa, STEEL FILINGS in the Turkey Stuffing, Shit on a Stick, or GROUND GLASS in the Fruit Salad at a party. Also the type who makes OBSCENE PHONE CALLS or DELIBERATELY emits silent-but-deadly FARTS in a crowded elevator at every available opportunity, quietly chuckling to himself
ReplyDeleteIn short –– a TOXIC, WORTHLESS MALIGNANT human being COMPLETLY UNDESIRABLE from every possible aspect.
The very definition of a TROLL.
Now once again, Les, I'm telling you –– and all your wretched kind –– to GET OUT and STAY AWAY from this blog.
In other words BEAT IT, BOZO.
I don't.
DeleteI do find fools (like you) amusing however.
Stick a sock in it, FreeThinke(LMAO)™
DeleteQuack off, Nursie Poo Poo and quackobyrd! Go "play" with yourselves.
DeleteAfter the Fake News" was derailed today, the Liberals have been very quite. The cry baby liberals will never get over it! The all loving left are really just a bunch of phonies! As we can see they are only all loving when they get their way or else they are vicious!!
ReplyDeletePeople are tired of the liberals trying to tell us what to do and what should have been. Why is it that the liberal way is right and conservatives have no right to running this country. I have news for all you liberals, it is time for this country to come back to reality and our way of life that made this country great. Liberals have done nothing but tear this country down after 8 long years of liberal leadership in the white house.
With Obama on his way out the door it looks like Cory Booker is running for the position of Head Nigger of the democratic party.
ReplyDeleteThey'll find someone even dumber than Booker. Booker has too big a brain for their tastes. They want someone like Mad Maxine Waters or Hanky Panky "will Guam Tip Over" Johnson to head the Congressional Black KooKoos.
DeletePoor Shaw told Ducky and RN her kitty got so damp listening to Obama's farewell speech she changed her panties three times and finally just put one of her depends on.
ReplyDeleteFunny the effect Obama's words have on that old gal.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteSee!! There RN goes again!
DeleteYup! There he blows!
DeleteIt's the fake RN again. But you know that. Proof of how much of a liar you are. Just like MMSC. Thanks for proving me right, liars.
DeleteYes, as a matter of fact I do love niggers. In fact my great,great,great grandfather bought a whole slew of them.
ReplyDeleteSo you lied when you wrote on my blog "my family landed on Ellis Island in 1905. they had nothing to do with the Civil War or slavery". Owning slaves is probably a fantasy of yours. I suspect you'd be in favor of bringing back slavery, given your view that African Americans are subhuman.
DeleteAnd you defend RN when he said the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers. You wrote a long explanation defending RN and that statement. Proving you agree with that Jew hate statement.
DeleteThank you for proving me correct, yet, again!
YOU and RN are the racists, by your own words!
Sandbaggerz and Nursie Poo-Poo are nothing more than NAMBLA trolls.
DeleteLuke lied: And you defend RN when he said the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers. You wrote a long explanation defending RN and that statement
DeleteI know what "long explanation" you refer to. You're talking about a comment I made in response to something TOM wrote, to which I replied that I "took RN's comment to be a Libertarian anti-gun control screed". I still think what he wrote was wrong, stupid, etc and I do not/did not defend him, liar. Zero Jews went "willing to the gas chambers". Anyway, proof that you are TOM, as you refer to a TOM comment, make the same argument TOM makes, and repost that RN comment many times on many blogs just like TOM.
Also, I think it's Mystere Moonbat who likes to have sex with little boys. Although it gives him much more of a thrill when they're dead. Because then they can't fight back.
Not everyone who reads your lies and holds you to your lying words, is me, but your hate and idiot mind won't let you think otherwise.
DeleteAnd now you accuse another commentator here of being a child molester.
Thanks for proving me correct once again!.
I was replying to Mystere Moonbat's unfounded and baseless allegation with one of my own, idiot. Thanks for proving ONCE AGAIN that you are an idiot. Anyway, I suppose my "long explanation" is something else you discussed in your imaginary discussion with TOM. Imaginary, in that you can't have a "discussion" with yourself. Unless you you suffer from schizophrenia.
DeleteLuke: What you don't know is TOM and I have had many discussions about the assholes who attack blogs, like you. I learned the history of RN, Pam, Shaw, and other assholes. (9/29/2016 at 12:37pm #67).
Your totally transparent way of explaining how you know everything TOM knows. Ha ha ha ha ha. Nobody buys your bullshit.
ReplyDeleteHoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo
I hear a polka and my troubles are through
Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-dee
This kind of music is like heaven to me
Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo
Has got me higher than a kite
Hand me down my soup and fish
I am gonna get my wish
Hoop-dee-doin' it tonight
When there's a trombone playin'
I get a thrill, I always will
When there's a concertina stretched about a mile
I always smile 'cause that's my style
When there's a fiddle in the middle
Oh, it really is a riddle how he plays a tune so sweet
Plays a tune so sweet that I could die
Lead me to the floor and hear me yell for more
'Cause I'm a hoop-dee-doin' kind of guy
Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo
Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-de-doo
I hear a polka and my troubles are through
Ha, ha, ha
Hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo
Hoop-dee-dee hoop-de-dee
This kind of music is like heaven to me
Oh, hoop-dee-doo hoop-hee-doo
Hoop-dee-doo hoop-dee-doo
Has got me higher than a kite
Hand me down my soup and fish
I am gonna get my wish
Hoop-dee-doin' it tonight
When there's a trombone playin'
Ah, ha, ha, ha
He gets a thrill
I get a thrill, I always will
He always will
When there's a concertina stretched about a mile
I always smile You'll see him smile
'Cause that's my style Oh, that's his style
When there's a fiddle in the middle
Oh, it really is a riddle how he plays a tune so sweet
Plays a tune so sweet that we could die
Ah, yes lead me to the floor and hear me yell for more
'Cause I'm a hoop-dee-doin' kind of guy
Ooooh, hoop-dee-doo, hoop-dee-doo
It's got us higher than a kite
They're in clover, we're in bloom
When we're dancin' give us room
Hoop-de-doin' it with all of our might
Rain may fall and snow may come
Nothin's gonna stop us from
Hoop-dee-doin' it
Hoop-dee-doin' it
Hoop-dee-doin' it tonight
Quackobyrd's gizzards are flying! Pookie Toot Toot's pink Civic just blew by! I hear a loud flush swooshing at the Swoosh Zone! Uh oh, I smell something stinky.
DeleteDear Mr. President, and “Leader of the Free World”
ReplyDeleteI’m sure that you and ALL of your loyal followers remember those words, “For the first time, I can say that I am proud of my country”. No, these aren’t my words, they are the words of your wife when you took office in 2009. This set the tone for the kind of President you’d be and the kind of legacy you left behind. Well, I’m not that sure that she still is so proud, because each time I see her on the news, or anywhere else, I get the impression that she is Angry at the world!
Wasn’t there anything that Michelle could be “Proud” of America for in her entire life?
Nothing America has done in Michelle Obama’s adult life, which goes back about 26 years to 1982, has made her proud of her country? Nothing? Not winning the Cold War? Not our regular and orderly transitions of power based on the rule of law? Not winning the second world war and freeing millions of people who were held hostage to that maniac Hitler?
Not the fact that we feed and defend the world, not that we lead in science and technology research, not that we elected the first black president in 1992…Nothing? How about the advancement of Blacks in America, where we see so many Black Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Politicians, Police Officers? How about when George W. Bush nominated the first African-American to be Secretary of State? Were you proud when George W. Bush nominated the second African-American to be Secretary of State? Were you proud when Geroge H.W. Bush nominated Colin Powell to the top positions in the US military? Weren’t you proud of that?
And the list goes on and on! Nothing has made Michelle Obama proud of her country in her entire adult life?
You weren’t even proud of the hundreds of thousands who died fighting for this Country?
Your speech to your adoring fans screaming “Fore more years!” makes for a good sound bite and video clip, but it doesn’t paint the picture of the tens of millions of regular Americans that voted you twice and gotten stabbed in the back for it.
Yet you seemed to be pretty damn Proud of sitting in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years! Did it take over 20 years to decide that it was a Racist Church?
You stood in front of hundreds of veterans and promised that their lives would be better after you took office, that they would get the care that their country owed them. Eight years later, the VA is more broken than ever and my brothers and sisters in arms are committing suicide at an all time high. You ignored the advice of wartime Generals and pulled troops out of an unstable country and gave rise to ISIS, the evilest group of people on the planet. This is your legacy.
Well let me say that with the election of Donald Trump, I am proud of my country again
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ReplyDeleteObama's speech about how great things are especially, things like the economy, and race relations - are you kidding me?
ReplyDeleteThe economy, and race relations are better? Nothing can be further from the truth!
The Hollyweird tards spouting off at every opportunity between their yoga class and plastic surgery sessions, the Democrats hanging a painting depicting cops as pigs shooting blacks, and on and on. The hundreds and hundreds of murders in our Cities especially in Chicago. The innocent people especially children being gunned down in their homes and in playgrounds! And you have the nerce to say that things have been “Great”!
Didn’t these people learn from the drastic beating that they took in the election that LYING DOESN’T PAY! And that the name calling such as calling Mr. Trump a “Bozo”, and the "Orange Clown" only made things worse for them! - Just how dense can they be? YOU GOT BEAT BY TRUMP. If that isn't a wake up call, what the hell will be????
Busting SHAW'S Balls As Well As Her Goofy Friends Balls Is Going To Make The Next EIGHT Years Great!
DeleteHaving claimed that Trump is the anti-Christ and his wife a Russian spy, now Dervish is claiming Trump and Ryan are Satanists because they follow the cultist Ayn Rand. That certainly describes the Ayn Rand cultist RN and his anti-Jewish and bigoted statements RN has made publicly, but Trump and Ryan have made no such public statements. We have not heard Trump, or Ryan claim that the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers as RN has, or have we heard Trump, or Ryan use the word nigger publicly as RN has.
ReplyDeleteThe lefties claim Trump is an illegitimate president even though Trump won the Electoral College fairly. Certainly Trump has no mandate by the fact that he lost the popular vote, but that didn't stop Bush from claiming he had a mandate from the American people.
The lefties are in to total false hyperbolic accusations ever since they lost the election. From calling Trump Hitler to claiming Putin hacked the election to make Trump the winner. The intelligence investigation said it had no evidence that voting machines were hacked, or that the vote count was anything but real. If you want to claim some Americans were swayed by oratory that's probably true. That's why campaigns spend millions on advertising. If stupid Americans can be made to change their minds because of a 30 second political ad, no doubt they can change their minds over constant lies that become truths in their idiot minds, but that's not illegal, in fact, it's common in most elections.
I would hope these "Chicken Little" liars would spend their time on more real fights. like making sure Trump appointees pass basic ethics screenings. Instead most of the nominees will be agreed to on Wednesday without those basic screenings. The loudest voices protesting those screenings not being complete are top Republicans. I guess we will have to count on Republicans to fight Trump while the Democrats sit on the sidelines.
It was nice of Ms. Streep to condemn all lovers of football, but besides stroking her own popularity it will do nothing to stop Trumps son-in law from becoming part of the White House staff, which is a real and serious conflict of interest. She might have done a better service by alerting Americans to the fact that when Republicans kill the ACA they will at the same time kill federal funding for planned parenthood.
As usual the Democrats are not only picking the wrong fights, but the real issues that must be fought are not being fought and Republicans will get everything they want, which is dangerous.
Of course I can always count on these lefties to come here and condemn some of the best music the 20th century turned out, because of course, that is most important to them. Just let me say, as Trump turns America in to a laughing stock and fires up the drums of war, that music might be the only thing to fall back on to get away from the depression of reality. So on with the personal insults from the lefties like Dervish, Ducky, RN, and the rest of these idiots while ignoring the real serious issues. Kind of like Nero playing while Rome burned.
So keep crying Hitler, anti-Christ, Satanist, Russian spy, and all the other false accusations while Republicans roll over the Democrats and Democrats become useless as a minority power and a laughing stock of ridiculous "Chicken Little" screamers.
Bottom Line is that Shaw, RN, Ducky, and especially Devish are Dispicable and Deplorable Lying Slimeballs
You are an idiot. Looks like you're proud of it, too. I already informed you that the post you're talking about is satire. I wrote it (in part) to see if you'd take the bait. SO GULLIBLE! Ha ha ha ha ha.
DeleteThanks for posting my post Luke.
DeleteNO Dervish, you told me that, thus proving and admitting what I have been saying all along - that you post nothing but lies.
I'm not gullible, I enjoy using you own words to prove you are a lying asshole.
Thank you for proving me correct again.
Now back to your fake news blog.
Dervïsh likes to slurp his turds! ~~~~((
Deletemystere, now that President Water Sports is in the open we know why he holds such appeal to you.
DeleteLuke posts nothing but lies. Lies from your comment: (1) You are replying to some other Luke, when that Luke is YOUR account (2) "you told me that". What is the "no" for? You agree with me. I did tell you that. Also the post is LABELED as satire. It's at the bottom, under "labels". I have other satire posts on my blog.
DeleteI enjoy using your own words to prove you are a lying asshole. Thank you for proving me correct again. Now back to your blog of lies. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
I enjoy using you own words to prove you are a lying asshole.
DeleteBut you've never done it.
DeleteBuh BYE, Barry!
ReplyDeleteAs we already know too well, and we have seen this since Our Dear leader has been in office, the liberal Hollywood crowd is not only unhinged, but they have had access to the White House for eight years, and they can chat with the President at any given time. . They had open invitations to the best parties given on the taxpayers dime. One phone call and they had the President touting their favorite cause. Now, all that has changed. Trump marks them as irrelevant and will ignore them except to tweet how they don’t matter any more than the guy or gal working 40+ hours per week to make ends meet. So it’s no wonder that Meryl Streep was so unhinged the other night at the Golden Globe Awards. She was protecting her own interest. .
ReplyDelete___________ FAREWELL, OBAMA ___________
ReplyDeleteWe loved you madly once, or so you thought.
But now your reign is soon to come to naught.
This makes your story sad for us to tell,
So let’s be kind, and just forget the hell
You and Michele have given. Left unsaid,
We sweetly choose to sing to you, instead.
Farewell, Obama,
Adios, Addio, Adieu!
Farewell, Obama.
It was no fun, and now it’s done,
Still now and then, vain Obama,
When you are strutting
with the stars beyond belief,
We’ll recall all the stress
and the high drama,
Vanished now with a sigh of relief!
~ FreeThinke (with apologies to Cole Porter)
8 days away! Only 8 days away!
ReplyDeleteThe White House will be white again!
And you'll still be a lowlife jackass.
DeleteOff we go into the wild blue yonder,
ReplyDeleteClimbing high into the sun;
Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,
At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun! (Give 'er the gun now!)
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,
Off with one heckuva roar!
We live in fame or go down in flame.
Hey! Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!
Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder
Sent it high into the blue
Hands of men blasted the world asunder,
How they lived God only knew!
Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer
Gave us wings ever to soar,
With scouts before and bombers galore, Hey!
Nothing'll stop the US Air Force!
Here's a toast to the host of those
Who love the vastness of the sky,
To a friend we send a message
Of his brother men who fly.
We drink to those who gave their all of old,
Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold.
A toast to the host of men we boast, the US Air Force.
Off we go into the wild sky yonder,
Keep the wings level and true!
If you'd live to be a grey-haired wonder,
Keep your nose out of the blue! (Out of the blue, boy!)
Flying men guarding the nation's border,
We'll be there, followed by more,
In echelon we carry on! Hey!
Nothing'll stop the US Air Force!
~ Capt. Robert Crawford