Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Now it Makes Sense

Some more fine works from  Kahinde Wiley


  1. Ok, folks, this week is going to be the ast call for all Collusion, or any other lies, smears, propaganda, or slander post from the Liberals, Progressive crowd, or the Resistance organizations. So please post your Nonsense now!

  2. KAHINDE, eh? Sounds like a MADE-UP pseudo-African name to me, but so what? The woman has talent, but shows signs of having one of those notably UNGRACIOUS, UNGRATEFUL-to-be-ALIVE personalities that demonstrate a SOUR utlook on ife..

    Look at the faces of the Negresses she portrays –– including our most recent EX-First Lady. Every one of them has a Snotty, Belligerent, Petulant, Brooding, Hostile, GLOWERING, Vengeful expression on her face.

    The beautifully colored floral backgrounds are anomalous to the primary subjects and serve only to underscore and emphasize the mood of spitefulness, discontent and base ingratitude.

    The extravagant displays of bightly colored posies are also unrealistically FLAT and seem to me more an AFFECTATION designed to call attention to itself than an element of an TRUE personal style.

    As a work of ART I honestly LIKE the painting of Michelle Obama. It DOES have great style, and may be the best thing this Kahinde Wiley has done to date, BUT AGAIN the MOOD is dark, fretful, brooding, ungracious, ungrateful, oddly DISTANT and yes –– ACCUSATORY.

    A missed opportunity for the artist to display at least a SEMBLANCE of NOBILITY.

    What a pity!

    1. Don't humor them by using their "preferred gender pronouns," FT

    2. ...and Kahinde didn't paint the first lady. He did his gay lover's portrait.

    3. ...although murdering a pronoun IS perhaps the best way to "symbolically castrate"(ala "Ouranos") (or behead) an opponent.

    4. Those leaves in the background of the Obama portrait aren't basil leaves, are they?

    5. Prove what? You're the one repeating the absurd conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama (who gave birth to two daughters) wasn't born genetically female. The burden of proof is on you.

    6. Dervy-boy is a bit moody because his pooch Kiké hasn't yet arrived to give his stinkhole a "love nibble" as he calls it.

    7. Amy Sherald painted Michelle Obama's portrait. Kehinde Wiley painted Barack Obama's. You're completely confused but not enough to show us your white supremacist self. Kehinde is not a made up name it is a Nigerian name and Kehinde's father was from Nigeria. But you wouldn't bother to find that out instead you attacked the man's name thinking he was a woman. Everything in your confused and racist comment shows what you are.Well you certainly are not an artist, And I don't care how many black people are your "best friends." You are a racist. And a confused one Too.

    8. I don't know a canine named "Kiké". "Love nibbles" are what the eproctophilia addict Mystere gives his boyfriend's rear in appreciation for a Rikishi "stinkface".

    9. Kahinde "outsources" the backgrounds for his paintings to Chinese assistants. Makes me wonder whether or not there's enough domestic content in the portrait to warrant a "Made in America" label. Truth in advertising demands it should have a "Made in China" one.

    10. ps - I never claimed Michelle was born a man... although I can see why many might believe this to be true.

    11. You said Michelle's portrait was of his (Obama's) gay lover. Are you saying Barack Obama is a woman?

    12. Nope, I'm saying that Kahinde is as queer as a 3 dollar bill.

    13. I don't know or care if Kehinde Wiley if gay. Your "proof" that Kehinde Wiley and Barack Obama are lovers is that Wiley painted Obama's portrait? Were John Howard Sanden and george w. bush gay lovers?

    14. I don't know. But it does explain the penile-like "hidden 6th finger" painted into Barack's freakishly -guyNormus hands.

    15. THE ANGRY GUY wrote to me, and I have responded as FT between his lines below:

      TAG: Amy Sherald painted Michelle Obama's portrait.

      FT: That's good to know. Thanks for the information. It probably explains why I like Michelle's portrait so much more than the others by this Kahinde Wiley person.

      TAG: Kehinde Wiley painted Barack Obama's. You're completely confused but not enough to show us your white supremacist self. Kehinde is not a made up name it is a Nigerian name and Kehinde's father was from Nigeria. But you wouldn't bother to find that out instead you attacked the man's name thinking he was a woman.

      FT: Not confused at all, just not sufficiently informed –– or fully awake yet, I fear. };^)>. At any rate I should have known the artist who painted Mrs. Obama and the one who painted our former president were not the same. Their STYLES are so radically different. Ms. Sherald's approach may be stylized, but it strikes me as far more genuinely ARTISTIC than Mr. Wiley's whose work seems tendentious, overly self-conscious, and too frankly searching for a distinctive identity of its own. In short WiIey's work seems AFFECTED to me as well a EGOCENTRIC yet oddly propagandistic –– vaguely reminiscent of the static, officially-sanctioned Soviet Art during the Stalin years. The name Kahinde struck me as bearing a resemblance to Isolde, Sieglinde and Brunhilde –– three of the most prominent female characters in the music dramas of Richard Wagner. Negroes here in the United States are well know for making up quasi-African-sounding names such as Loqueesha or Tawana, so I believe I deserve to be excused for jumping to the conclusions I reached –– if one could ever be excused for jumping to conclusions, as you certainly did when you reflexively dubbed me a "racist."

      TAG: Everything in your confused and racist comment shows what you are.

      FT: I could say somethng very similar about you, but I am too polite to call you names. I would ask you, however, "WHY are you so TOUCHY? –– so BELLIGERENT? –– so eager to ATTACK? –– and so utterly lacking in CURIOSITY? –– or any desire to understand anyone's point of view other than your own, conditioned, rather extreme form of BIGOTRY and RACISM?"

      TAG: Well you certainly are not an artist, And I don't care how many black people are your "best friends." You are a racist. And a confused one Too."

      FT: Actually I am an artist –– and a very good one too according to critics –– but I am not a PAINTER, though I've studied painting as an observer, and have enjoyed spending much time in Art Museums all my life since childhood.. Frankly, you are much too hotheaded, and too much given to passing judgment on others without knowing anything about them. Why you should feel entitled to approach every person who doesn't cinform to your exceedingly narrow worldview with bristling hostility I don't pretend to know, but it's nakedly apparent, –– and I assure you –– does nothing to sharpen your powers of perception, improve your mind, expand your knowledge or advance your position in this admittedly-difficult, always-challenging world.

      In short you'd do much better to CURB your ANGER, and do your best to channel all that powerfully negative energy into more productive pursuits.

    16. OH! One or two more thought on Kahinde's paintings

      He's a highly-skilled, classically-trained draughtsman –– a true master of the brush. The faces and figures in his body of portaiture are well-modelled and notably realistic. The floral BACkGROUNDS, however, seem more like WALLPAPER designs than anything that could be considered alive.

      Also, as I noted elsewhere, the facial expressions are almost uniformly dour, dreary, nasty, bitter, dejected, fiercely unhappy. That he sets these bgtter, woebegone, accusatory figures in frank imitation of classic poses in the great art of the past betrays a desire to USE his cinsiderable to talent primarily to MOCK, DERIDE and DEFAME heroic characters –– and the greagt a rtists who painted them –– from Western Civilization's proud, illustrious past.

      To be as succinct as posible, Kahinde is more of an agenda-driven GIMMICKIST than a true ARTIST –– at least that is my not uninformed opinion.

    17. FJ,

      It troubles me that you seem far more concerned with Kahinde's professed sexual orientation than you do with the quality of his artwork.

      I don't believe that is a sound basis for criticism of any prominent figure's work, whether you LIKE his work or not.

      I know you greatly admire heroic warriors especially from the annals of history.

      With that you ought to bear in mind that Alexander the Great by all accounts was profoundly homosexual as were many other riminent men from the Hellenic culture of the time.

      WIKI on Alexander's character:

      Alexander earned the epithet "the Great" because of his unparalleled success as a military commander. He never lost a battle, despite typically being outnumbered.[50] This was due to use of terrain, phalanx and cavalry tactics, bold strategy, and the fierce loyalty of his troops.[156] The Macedonian phalanx, armed with the sarissa, a spear 6 metres (20 ft) long, had been developed and perfected by Philip II through rigorous training, and Alexander used its speed and maneuverability to great effect against larger but more disparate[clarification needed] Persian forces.[157] Alexander also recognized the potential for disunity among his diverse army, which employed various languages and weapons. He overcame this by being personally involved in battle,[73] in the manner of a Macedonian king.[156] ...

      Alexander only lived to age TWENTY-SEVEN (!), but left an indelible mark on History.

    18. Before Some ARDENT REFUTATIONIST brings it up:

      WIKI on Alexander the Great's PERSONAL life:

      Alexander married three times: Roxana, daughter of the Sogdian nobleman Oxyartes of Bactria,... and the Persian princesses Stateira II and Parysatis II,... for political reasons. He apparently had two sons, Alexander IV of Macedon by Roxana and, possibly, Heracles of Macedon from his mistress Barsine. ... ]

      Alexander also had a close relationship with his friend, general, and bodyguard Hephaestion, the son of a Macedonian noble. Hephaestion's death devastated Alexander. This event may have contributed to Alexander's failing health and detached mental state during his final months.

      Alexander's sexuality has been the subject of speculation and controversy. No ancient sources stated that Alexander had homosexual relationships, or that Alexander's relationship with Hephaestion was sexual. Aelian, however, writes of Alexander's visit to Troy where "Alexander laid garlands on the tomb of Achilles, Hephaestion and that of Patroclus, the latter riddling that he was a beloved of Alexander, in just the same way as Patroclus was of Achilles."... Alexander may have been bisexual, which in his time was [practically de rigeur].

      Green argues that there is little evidence in ancient sources that Alexander had much carnal interest in women; he did not produce an heir until the very end of his life. However, he was ... young when he died ... Apart from wives, Alexander had many more female companions. Alexander accumulated a harem in the style of Persian kings, but he used it rather sparingly, showing great self-control in "pleasures of the body". Nevertheless, Plutarch described how Alexander was infatuated by Roxana while complimenting him on not forcing himself on her. Green suggested that, in the context of the period, Alexander formed quite strong friendships with women, including Ada of Caria, who adopted him, and even Darius' mother Sisygambis, who supposedly died from grief upon hearing of Alexander's death.

      WHAT a MAN!!!

    19. I couldn't give a crap about the artist's sexual orientation. I just want all the women who swoon over Barrack to understand the high likelihood of contracting AIDS as a result of a sexual encounter with a known bisexual.

    20. the STD risk from swooning is zero. Barack Obama is a known faithfully married hetrosexual.

    21. Everyone who is gay or bisexual does not have AIDS.

    22. How do you know Trump doesn't have AIDS? He's the cheater who has had unprotected sex with a porn star. And who knows how many other women. He does make it a regular practice to "move like a bitch" on ANY woman that catches his eye.

    23. D is for dopey
      E is for evil
      R is for rabid
      V is for valueless
      I is for imbecilic
      S is for septic
      H is for hopeless

      S is for stupid
      A is for asinine
      N is for nonentity
      D is for dreary
      E is for empty
      R is for rude
      S is for surreal

    24. @FreeThinke(LMAO)™ - KAHINDE, eh? Sounds like a MADE-UP pseudo-African name to me ...

      His father is Nigerian, you insufferable jackass.

    25. @Dervish -- Everyone who is gay or bisexual does not have AIDS.
      Not according to Farmer John who is terrified of gays.
      He can't sleep due to nightmares of a transexual sharing a public restroom.

      Old military guy really terrified of any non heterosexual male.

      A lot of Wiley's painting is sticking a thumb in the eye of phobes like himself.

    26. @FreeThinke(LMAO)™ -To be as succinct as posible, Kahinde is more of an agenda-driven GIMMICKIST than a true ARTIST –– at least that is my not uninformed opinion.

      Thanks for stating the freaking obvious, you twit.

    27. I've got nothing against honest gays, mcduck. It's the closetted hypocrites like Barrack that I can't stomach.

    28. @dervish,

      What ever happened to the #metoo "believe the victim?" Isn't that supposed to go for homo's, too?

    29. btw, Dervy - Who ya gonna believe, Stormy Daniels, or a "known faithfully married heterosexual"?

    30. Joe Conservative, Derwood's upset because another one of his flea ridden mutts escaped to get relief from the flea bites. His third pooch is on his or her way to the West Coast for the special flea treatments needed to keep the fleas away.

  3. Obama’s Portrait Painter has painted many pictures of Black People BEHEADING White People, and yet this is the artist that Obamy chose!


      The relatively obscure artist has a very colorful, and controversial, background

      Feb 12, 2018

      Is he the Reverend Wright of the art world?

      Meet Kehinde Wiley, the relatively obscure portraitist former President Obama commissioned to paint himself for the National Portrait Gallery.

      The artist's repertoire largely focuses on placing contemporary black subjects within religious and historical contexts. Here's how the Columbus Museum of Art describes the style:

      "Wiley has gained recent acclaim for his heroic portraits which address the image and status of young African-American men in contemporary culture."

      The artist, who identifies as gay, was born in Los Angeles and studied at the San Francisco Art Institute and Yale University's School of Art. The Washington Post said described his paintings as having "a distinct homoerotic quality."

      "So much of what I do now is a type of self-portraiture," Wiley wrote in an FAQ on his website. "As an undergrad at the Art Institute of San Francisco, I really honed in on the technical aspects of painting and being a masterful painter. And then at Yale it became much more about arguments surrounding identity, gender and sexuality, painting as a political act, questions of post-modernity, etc."

      "Wiley, who has made portraits of LL Cool J, Michael Jackson and Notorious B.I.G., often skewers the pomp and grandiloquence of historical portraiture, painting his subjects in poses familiar from classic works by Napoleon’s propagandist, Jacque-Louis David, or Tiepolo or Peter Paul Rubens (Wiley depicted Jackson on horseback, wearing the armor of a Habsburg king, crowned by angelic flying figures)," the Post wrote Monday. "Many of his works, which engage with hip-hop culture, have a distinct homoerotic quality as well."

      A review of the artist's online portfolio of 100+ paintings revealed none featuring a white subject; in fact, the only time whites were depicted was when their heads were cut off.

      Here are two such paintings: [EXAMPLES SHOWN in the article posted]

    2. Why should he paint a white subject if he doesn't wish to?

    3. I was merely stating a FACT, Canrdo.

      You leftists are supposd to adore FACTS, aren't you.

      Clearly you don't –– unless they come from YOU in your rabid desire always to denigrate something –– ANYTHING –– that doesn't emenate from the anus of Karl Marx or his myriad descendants many of whom have been even more depraved than their Master.

      Your chosen role in life has been to put as negative and unkind a spin on EVERYTHING on which your crabbed, bitter, increasingly enfeebled little mind chooses to focus.

      That makes YOU the living definition of a PERVERT. Your "contributions" to the blogosphere provide ample evidence that your entire miserable, benighted existence has been a COMPLETE WASTE of TIME.

      I'm certain that yours will be one of the most poorly attended funerals on record once you finally cross the bar.

      Afterward, however, there will undoubtedly be Dancing in the Streets expressing pure joy at the fact of your passing.

    4. You're full of crap, FreeStink.

      You make it a point to state that he paints black subjects (E-X-C-L-U-S-I-V-E-L-Y as you emphasized in another post you miserable mediocrity).

      Would you make the same observation of a white painter?
      Of course not. Don't play it small.

    5. WATCH a 2 minute video about the portrait:


  4. Mooch's pic would have been far more authentic if she/he was in the grotto with other monkeys. Surrounded by banana peels and insects

    1. Oh but there is a picture of Michelle just as you said.We found it under the covers of your bed there with the flashlight and a box of tissues.

    2. Moochies picture looked like she really IS a Man

    3. "Moochies picture looked like she really IS a Man"

      And that's why yoo keep the her picture in your bedroom next to your box of tissues, TOM.

    4. Stop acting like silly CHILDREN?. It ill becomes either one of you!

    5. You LOVE that shit and you know it FreeStinke.

    6. The Angry Guy <-------> FreeThinke(LMAO)™

    7. Hey Nursie Poo Poo, the stench is coming from your clogged septic tanks and your outhouses.

  5. How STUPID must the Radical Racist be to not be able to recognize a fellow human?

    1. Please tell me –– just because I'm honestly curious –– do you EVER do anything with your time other than post INSULTS and SCATHING ACCUSATIONS at people you really know?

    2. So, calling a Black person a monkey is just fine in your book, but someone objecting to racism of that sort angers you? Can't say I'm surprised.

    3. D is for doltish
      E is for erroneous
      R is for ridiculous
      V is for vain
      I is for irksome
      S is for silly
      H is for hamfisted

      S is for sadistic
      A is for arid
      N is for nimrod
      D is for demented
      E is for emaciated
      R is for redundant
      S is for stupefying

  6. Dervy-boy just choked on a milk boner and gagged.

    1. I just looked out my window and nobody is there. Even if I had just choked on a "milk boner" you would not know. Although I have no idea wtf a "milk boner" is.

    2. Not his ELEVENTH?

      All day as she'd squirm, fuss and fidget
      She dreamt of Obama's big digit.
      "Oh if he could be mine,
      Life would be so divine,"
      She thought proving that she was an idgit!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What can/should Hillary Blame Her lose on Truthfully?

    James Comey
    The Basket of Deplorable's
    Uneducated, White Supremacists
    Faithless White Women
    Lazy Blacks
    Voter Suppression
    FBI Didn't Try Hard Enough
    The Pussy Grabbers Association of America
    Bernie Sanders's Boys
    Jill Stein
    Obama's stabbing her in the back.
    Mooshelles Jealousy
    Unfair Media Coverage of Her Emails
    Those nasty Old Emails
    The DNC
    George Bush
    Citizens United
    Blame it on the Bossa Nova

    1. Hey Byrdbrain, I'm going to answer your retort on behalf of Mystere. Moonbat Hunter is someone that neither Mystere, Rattrapper or I heard of until we read Lisa's post. So feel free to turn up Rick Dees' Disco Duck and shake your tailfeathers, Byrdbrain. (Quack-Quack! Quack-Quack! Went to a party the other night. All the ladies were treating me right. Moving my feet to the disco beat. How in the world would I keep my beat? …)


    3. This 0ne aka Liberalmann aka Lester Liberalmann aka Lester aka Ralph aka Dotado 411 = John S. Burdick, Syracuse NY. Beard wife = AG Judith C. Malkin, Son = Benjamin Burdick. Professor @ Syracuse University. Home address withheld per mercy. I own you, Pookie Toot-Toot!

  9. That bulge in Michelle's dress is pretty impressive. And kind of makes me wonder if all those stories Ive been hearing about for years are true!.

  10. Lester, RN, says "HRC is less a crook than tRump. She has been investigated every which way but Sunday. So far, ZIP."

    Did you ever hear such BS in you're Life?

    1. The Right on Trump being investigated for 1 year: "Put up or shut up".

      The Right on HRC being investigated for 20+ years: We need to look into Hillary a little more. We almost have enough evidence to send her to prison for a very long time.


    2. We've not been introduced,
      You don’t look very well,
      But when your VICTIMS CRIED
      Something drew me to your side.

      So many men and girls,
      It made me think we might be
      Similarly occupied.

      Shall we FIGHT? (BLAM BLAM BLAM!)
      In a cloud of blind FURY shall we fly?
      Shall we FIGHT? (BLAM BLAM BLAM!)
      Shall we then say “Goodnight" and mean "Goodbye? “

      Or TONIGHT,

      When the last little star has left the sky,
      Shall we still be together
      With FISTS FLAILING AT each other
      On the clear understanding
      That this kind of thing can happen,
      Shall we FIGHT?
      Shall we FIGHT?
      Shall we FIGHT?

  11. Replies
    1. HA HA HA HA HA HA! "Col Sanders" is bawling his head off! Who managed to blow up Dervish's outhouse without getting caught? That is so funny, Radical Redneck.

  12. Off topic, but does anyone know if Rosie O'Donell and Kim Ju Dong are really twins separated at birth?.

    1. Off topic, you have a proctology appointment, Thursday, mystere.

    2. And when has YOUR desperately-needed :LOBOTOMY been scheduled, Canardo?

    3. Ducky is the scorched material left behind a lobotomy.

    4. Quackobyrd, you're quacking at some stranger here, not me. My blog team member Donkey's Revenge told you none of us know Moonbat Slayer. You'd be wise to fly to your bath house rendezvous with one of your butt buddies as soon as possible before they service someone else and contract strange diseases.

    5. Woops, I meant Moonbat Hunter. And to you, Moonbat Hunter, welcome aboard! You haven't seen all the moonbat slobs who stink up this blog yet. One of them uses more than 1 alias on other blogs: This One also known as Lester, Liberalmann, Lester Liberalmann, Ralph and a few other hijacked monikers.

    6. Moonbat Hunter, they're bobsy twins separated at birth.

    7. And minutes after mystere post about others' aliases, he responds to his own post with his own alias; rattrapper. Idiot.

  13. Yes, It makes sense now!

    Shaw answers herself as below!
    YOU KNOW WHO said...

    Shaw "Doris" is not a "Doris" it is a troll from WYD and you're right it is a dumbass like most of the WYD posters. Doris is too stupid to understand that you reported what Huffington Post reported. Glad you didn't waste your time with the troll

  14. The artist that painted Michelle Obama put hidden messages in her dress.
    The dress, which was inspired by a gown in Michelle Smith’s Spring 2017 Milly collection, reportedly contains a hidden political message. Speaking with The Washington Post, Smith said that for the collection that season, she was inspired by “desire for equality, equality in human rights, racial equality, LGBTQ equality." Details such as lacing and ties, which were a recurring theme in the collection, were meant to suggest a “feeling of being held back...that we’re not quite there yet.”

    1. Thank you Lisa for that explanation.

    2. Very interesting. Probably true, but all that MAtTERS is the artistic COMPOSITIIN of the portrait which IS very agreeable to the eye, even if the expression on the ex-First Lady's face is brooding, discontented, and ungrateful.

      "DAT Negress ain't got NUTTIN to bitch about, so why she look so damned pissed off? A STOOPID way to be memorialized eff'n y'all ask mee!."

      ~ Hattie McDaniel from Hebben

    3. Lisa, you're so always wrong

      WATCH a 2 minute video about the portrait:



  15. Replies
    1. §;*D=

      WOO HOO! I LUVVIT! That must be what MELANIA sees every time she gets the rare opportunity to enjoy her husband's company in private these days.

  16. Rightards are not smart enough to graps concepts like art unless it's Dog's Playing Cards:

    Two paintings from 2012, depicting the Biblical story of Judith beheading the Assyrian general Holofernes, began making the rounds online on Monday. In Wiley’s rendering, Judith is depicted as a black woman and Holofernes as a white woman. In a New York Magazine piece also from 2012, Wiley explained that the impetus for the work came from the renditions of the Biblical scene by Renaissance artists Caravaggio and Gentileschi.In keeping with his long-running style of painting black subjects in poses based on classic imagery from Western art and iconography, Wiley depicted Judith as a powerful black woman. His reasons for keeping Holofernes white and changing the general into a woman remain less clear.

    Kehinde Wiley critiques the racism of art history while also commenting on contemporary street culture and masculine identity.

    Two paintings from 2012, depicting the Biblical story of Judith beheading the Assyrian general Holofernes, began making the rounds online on Monday. In Wiley’s rendering, Judith is depicted as a black woman and Holofernes as a white woman. In a New York Magazine piece also from 2012, Wiley explained that the impetus for the work came from the renditions of the Biblical scene by Renaissance artists Caravaggio and Gentileschi.In keeping with his long-running style of painting black subjects in poses based on classic imagery from Western art and iconography, Wiley depicted Judith as a powerful black woman. His reasons for keeping Holofernes white and changing the general into a woman remain less clear.

    Kehinde Wiley critiques the racism of art history while also commenting on contemporary street culture and masculine identity.

    This painting references a specific art-historical work, a 17th-century painting by Giovanni Baglione, Judith and the Head of Holofernes (1608). The subject is taken from the apocryphal Old Testament Book of Judith, in which a Jewish town is under attack by the Assyrian army led by the general Holofernes. Judith, a widow from the town, goes to Holofernes under the pretense of helping him defeat the Jews. After he falls asleep, she cuts his head off with his own sword, and the town defeats the army. Wiley translates this image of a courageous, powerful woman into a contemporary version that resonates with fury and righteousness.

    1. Anyway you still look at it...still darkies

    2. Yes, to simpleton assholes like you. Sure.

    3. So the artist was not only untalented, but also unoriginal?

      So much for Roland Barthes "Death of the Author"... and every philosophical theory written by Jacques Derrida on Deconstruction.

    4. Well folks, this week Auteur Theory must be back in vogue with the liberal elites. That's "Progressivism" for you! "You didn't build that" is only for chumps to believe.

    5. It would seem that the post-Structuralists have LOST the argument!

    6. At least we on the Right all know that dogs would never bet on things. It’s incongruous.

  17. My my, This One is an angry little fellow...kind of a typical leftwingnut

  18. Wiley's stuff is not "ART," it is "KITSCH."

    Skillfully produced from a technical standpoint, sure, but loaded with unabashed AFFECTATION. Insincere, tendentious, devoid of any emotions other than vanity and a childsh, nose-thmbing brand of anger at established norms.

    If I had to characterize it in one word, I'd have to say it is SNOTTY.

  19. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t, or wasn’t it RN the ANTI-SEMITE That once made a very disparaging remark about Jewish people!
