Sunday, October 3, 2021


 This guy siting in the White House is the absolute worst president in the history of this nation. 5 Trillion dollars in new spending . Covid positive migrants being dropped all around the country. Healthcare workers being forced from their jobs . If you take $600 from your bank account the government wants to  know about it.The mess left behind in Afghanistan Lies about Haitians getting whipped by border agents without an investigation., another "cops acted stupidly" moment. Corruption at the highest levels being exposed. You are witnessing the demise of America . If anyone thinks this spending will not affect them ,see above meme. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am a PROUD Joe Biden voter. I'll vote for him again in 2024 so he can continue to build back better! If Joe Biden and his allies manage to get their agenda enacted and stop republicans from suppressing their way to a House majority in 2022 and stealing the White House in 2024... Joe Biden could very well end up the greatest president in history.

    2. You don't see racists everywhere? Then you must disagree with what Lisa wrote. "The Democrat party is full of racists. ...everything the Democrats do spews of racism".

    3. So Biden was the dotard you were referring to? Then I withdraw my comment.

    4. So Biden was the Dotard you were referring to? In light of that revelation, I withdraw my comment.

    5. My comment links to a story about Donald tRump's history of racism. So, no. I wasn't referring to President Joe Biden as a "dotard". Both President Biden and ex-predisent tRump are old, but only tRump is "a person exhibiting a decline in mental faculties, especially as a result of aging". Why Kim Jong Un gave him the nickname.

  2. The true Masterpiece of Incompetence was Trump claiming Isis was defeated, releasing 5000 Taliban prisoners (one who now is the de facto President of Afghanistan), creating a pull out agreement with the Taliban without involving the Afghan government, then inviting the Taliban to Camp David on 9/11 in 2019! Then he reneged on an agreement giving visas for Afghan allies and interpreters.

    Trump the traitor got hundreds of thousands killed during Covid with his indifference and incompetence. You wouldn't want an elderly relative treated in a hospital by someone whom they wont catch the virus and die? Are you stupid? Covid positive migrants ARE NOT being dropped all around the country.

    Give me a list of what Trump did for average Americans. I dare you.

    1. ^^On drugs and living in an alternate reality^^

    2. Who would bother?

      Who really cares about anything that YOU SAY

    3. There's no hope for you. You voted for the most incompetent person to ever take office of the White House the man never did a darn thing in his whole career and he's proving why

    4. The Democrat party is full of racists. I don't know where you get off thinking Trump supporters are racist.everything the Democrats do spews of racism. You just keep professing your "non-racism" just so you can pat yourselves on the back


    5. Everything President Joe Biden Has Already Done Since Coming Into Office:

    6. Minus lives in an alternate reality. Everything "this one" writes is true.

    7. LOL. I don't believe in "alternative facts".

    8. You don't believe that the facts surrounding a decision that the powerful have chosen to ignore in making that decision ever existed? Wow...

    9. So Howard Zinn's "People's History" belongs in the fiction section of the library? Okay!

    10. 1. I don't know what "facts" you're referring to. (2) No.

    11. "People's History", much like the 1619 Project and <a href='">lies my teacher taught me</a> are ALL alternative facts.... although there a bit of "alternative fiction" in them as well.

    12. "People's History", much like the 1619 Project and lies my teacher taught me are ALL alternative facts.... although there a bit of "alternative fiction" in them as well.

    13. You don't like truths that rebut your preferred White Supremacist narrative.

  3. Reviving Our Economy

    as Vice President, oversaw implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009, then the biggest economic recovery plan in our country’s history. helped rebuild the American economy and save the American auto industry, lifting us out of the Great Recession
    brokered Senate negotiations between Democrats and Republicans to pass the Budget Control Act of 2011 and avert a federal government shutdown
    led a review in 2014 of federal employment and training programs that reach more than 21 million people per year, retooling $1.5 billion in grants to align with job-driven training best practices

    Expanding Access to Healthcare

    helped pass Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), guaranteeing health coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions and 20 million who were previously uninsured
    helped launch a “Cancer Moonshot” initiative in 2016 to accelerate efforts to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer

    Advancing Women's Rights and Gender Equity

    sponsored the original Violence Against Women Act in 1994, leading to a major decline in intimate partner violence, from 2.1 million victims in 1994 to 907,000 in 2010
    oversaw the confirmation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg as the second woman in the history of the Supreme Court in 1993
    as chair of an all-male Senate Judiciary Committee, advocated the addition of Senators Dianne Feinstein and Carol Moseley Braun

    Climate Change

    cosponsored proposed legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions in 2007
    called for American participation in UN climate negotiations in 2005
    introduced one of the Senate’s first climate change bills, in 1986, leading to the creation of a task force on global warming
    utilized his experience working across the aisle to establish a pragmatic plan to cut carbon emissions and secure a sustainable future (click here to read more)
    oversaw dispersement of $90 billion for clean energy as part of the 2009 Recovery Act. solar power increased 20x between the years 2008 and 2016

    Promoting Peace and Security

    secured the passage of arms limitation agreements in 1979 between the United States and the Soviet Union, reducing the risk of global nuclear disaster
    advocated for economic sanctions against South Africa’s apartheid government
    pushed for U.S. intervention in the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, ending ethnic cleansing and bringing peace to the region
    supported expanding NATO to include Warsaw Pact nations Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, advancing the cause of an undivided, democratic and peaceful Europe

    Protecting our children

    served as primary sponsor of the PROTECT Our Children Act of 2008, helping law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute child predators
    sponsored and introduced the Criminal History Background Checks Pilot Extension Act of 2008, allowing volunteer organizations – such as children’s sports groups – to obtain national and state criminal history background checks on their volunteers

    Policing and criminal justice reform

    Co-authored the 1994 crime bill, which has been credited with decreasing levels of violent crime, but also increasing rates of incarceration. Biden has recognized flaws with the original bill and his proposed policies look to address many of the concerns that resulted (click here to read more)

    Stopping Far-Right Judges

    as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, blocked Jeff Sessions from becoming a federal judge in 1986
    blocked the nomination of Robert Bork, who wanted to roll back advances in civil rights, to the Supreme Court in 1987

    1. Sponsoring and co-sponsoring bills is not the same thing as initiating them

  4. 100 Accomplishments in 100 Days:

    1. A Whoopi doo . everybody gets a gold star for effort?
      Such life-changing policies that he didn't even do just signed on the dotted line.
      Well I hope it you enjoy your upcoming tax increases because they will be passed down to you and me. And don't forget to report to the government when you purchase a couch because it will cost more than $600.
      You're unconditional love knows no bounds.

    2. Were the Millions of ILLEGAL’S who entered the country with 5 percent of them Covid Positive considered part of his Accomplishments?
      Was his “F” up in Afghanistan also an Accomplishment?
      Answer that you DUMB IDIOT!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Frank, 'Millions of ILLEGAL’S?' Are you that stupid or just gullible?

      And yes, the Afghan exit was a mess but Biden followed Trump the Traitor's plan who conveniently left it for the next guy. I'm glad we're finally out, aren't you? Show me a war we lost where the exit wasn't messy.

    5. Lisa; A couch will cost me $600 more? Where do you get this crap, lol!

      This infrastructure plan is paid for by closing corporate loopholes and ending the taz cuts for the wealthy which have been strangling the middle class. Stop listening to lies.

      What in the plan do you disagree with, specifically? Let's hear it.

    6. What's the matter CNN and MSNBC didn't tell you this?

    7. "Close corporate loopholes"="Move jobs to China"

      They don't call him "China Joe" for nothing!

    8. Lisa: This is Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig. Not Biden. And it is doubtful this will happen.

      Joe Conservative: This is not about jobs it about closing tax shelters. It's time the rich fucks on the right do their patriotic duty and pay up.

      Do you agree or not?

    9. ^^spokewoman for the party of billionaires.^^

      ....and no, I don't agree. The "rich fucks" in a global economy aren't on the right.

    10. The "right" represents nationalists, NOT globalists.

    11. Yeah, OK. Keep telling yourself that.'s the Democrats who put their money in off shore tax haven and use corporate subsidies and loopholes to short our economy trillions each year? Idiot.

    12. ^^spokesperson for the party of billionaires^^

    13. Globalists are 10x more likely to be billionaires and donate to Democrats.

    14. ^^Can't pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill that's doesn't privilege Democrats^^

    15. LOL! Dotard and congressional republicans talked about infrastructure for 4 years and passed no legislation. The Democrats infrastructure bills WILL be signed into law. And create lots of good paying jobs for Americans.

      And, while zero republicans will vote for it, a lot of them will take credit for what's in it. Lying republican rep: "Hey, constituents, look what I got you. I'm working hard for you. Vote to give me another term".

    16. Nancy already caved on one of them. lol!

    17. Yeah the Democrats just hide their money and trust funds and phony charities like the Clinton foundation and all those Soros groups.

  5. According to a recent exit poll, 44 percent of Biden voters said they were primarily voting against Trump. (only 22 percent of Trump’s voters said they were voting mainly against Biden). ONLY 54 percent of Biden’s voters said they cast their ballots primarily as a vote for him. The rest of Biden’s supporters voted against Trump.

    He was supposed to be the Uniting, soothing, moderate caring antidote to the vulgar blowhard inhabiting the White House. He was the grandfather figure who would move in, restore sanity and calm everything down. Instead, chaos has increased, and the bratty leftwing children are running around with scissors and demanding a a trip to progressive Disney World so that they can play without being disturbed by the Adults. .

    With only Eight months in office , Joe Biden’s presidency is collapsing on every level, that even the Democrats are sick of him.

    Joblessness has been rising for weeks, inflation remains high, his own border chief is warning of a record-breaking migrant surge in October, and the president’s planned private-sector vaccine mandate is still MIA.

    Biden put all his (limited) energy into legislation to transform the nation into Bernie Sanders’ dreamof a welfare state — and that scheme’s imploding too, as Democrats descend into infighting.

    What's Going On? I’ll tell ya what’s going on.
    I have a serious question for you Biden Supporters.... Did you expect him to be a moderate president, or did you expect him to throw in with the far left progressives?
    I’llI go for the straight for the JUGULAR.... Joe Biden is a Trojan Horse. Once they wheeled his wheel-chair him inside the White House the , left-wing pointed-headed progressives took over every corner of the Executive branch, encouraging the far left loony’s in Congress to go for the whole enchilada.
    What’s more, there are 60k more Haitians head our way, and Delusional Joey doesn’t have ANY plan how to protect our border. He has the same plan as he always had , let tem in and give them asylum, and all the Benefits that go with it. Why Not? Hell told them we had open borders, so Come on in!.... Just like any idiots would tell them.....

    He’ll screw that up just like he did in when he planned that IDIOTIC withdrawal from Afghanistan!
    Leave No illegal Immigrant Behind.

    Biden is not up to the task. His in WAY over his Pointed head, This is not an insult, we all grow old, but I think his faculties are declining rapidly, and have reached the point of NO return...The Hard Left is running r him, and We The People will pay the price.
    The way that things have gone so far, you could pick any Republican name out of a hat and anyone that you would have picked would demolish Delusional Joey or Kamala Harris in 2024
    I won’t even mention the Catastrophe at the Border.
    So let’s Face it Senile Ole Joey is a Loser, and his VP pick, Kamala, is even worse. Here’s a “Short” list why!
    The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
    The French pulled their Ambassador
    He pissed off the Canadians by killing the Keystone pipeline
    He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military.
    He took Millions from the Moscow Mayor's Wife .
    And the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
    The southern border is Xiden catastrophe after Donald Trump had it SOLVE
    Runaway inflation will just get worse if the Democrats pass their "infrastructure" bills, that will put us in hock to the Chinese for decades, , not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy's park in San Francisco.
    Biden has already ruined the US energy sector with his stupid EOs.
    Biden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
    Biden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear Button. I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than Joey could even think about !

  6. Nice Copy and Past of Bullshit.

    U.S. job gains surge, easing pressure on Biden over labor market

    No one want's a 'welfare state,' asshole. But it's time to tax the wealthy and stop cooperate loopholes so we can get haelth care for all and rebuild our crumpling infrastructure.

    Funny now righturds didn't care if Trump the Traitor pissed off other nations. Biden's decisions have been solid.

    "...He took Millions from the Moscow Mayor's Wife ."

    Stop it with the flagrant lies. Your post proves you're a moron who will believe anything and bend over to the wealthy, willingly!

    1. Your going to plug "corporate loopholes" how? Close the US loopholes and the corporations will simply move offshore, taking all their US jobs with them.

    2. This isn't about jobs, it's about tax shelters. Idiot.

    3. People w/o jobs don't pay taxes, idiot.

    4. Unemployed people pay taxes? Who knew?

    5. Unemployed people pay taxes every time they buy something, idiot.

    6. ...corporations will simply move offshore.

      They wouldn't if we punished them with taxes and tariffs for moving offshore. And rewarded them with tax breaks for keeping jobs in the US. You lie about there being nothing we can do because you are pro-plutocracy. You lie about being for the working class.

    7. So what measures has Biden put in place to punish them if they move? LOL!

    8. ...and in the absence of those disincentives... they will move.

    9. Why didn't predisent Dotard and the republican-controlled congress enact disincentives when they had complete control? Instead Dotard acted alone, punished farmers, and fixed nothing.

    10. ...and continued to give them more tax breaks and loopholes.

    11. Nope. I supported Bernie Sanders (in part) because of his opposition to job-killing free trade deals. Dotard = "I love free trade".

    12. You wrote in Bernie Sanders in 2020! That was pretty ballsy... throwing away your vote like that.

    13. The article you link to was written before the election. Yet you frame your statement in the present tense. Joe Biden has made no moves toward joining the TPP since the election.

      Bernie Sanders threw his support to Joe Biden after he lost the primary (in which he got my vote). And he told his supporters to vote for Joe Biden in the general election. Which I did.

  7. With this President, Everything is about HIS compliance. There is not one single mandate based on science or need. Everything is about punishing the innocent, Taxpaying American Citizens for non compliant.And yest it’s Fine, and Dandy for these THOUSANDS of Illegal Invaders to enter our Country even WITH being found to be POSITIVE with Covid.


  8. You can carry the American Flag or wear a flag pin or tattoo of our flag, but you are not a patriot if your words don't reflect it's message.

    How about this for a Message?

  9. Lisa, Please Don’t Feed The Animals, ESPECIALLY the Pig’s

  10. from the WSJ

    Based on the scientific evidence alone, an unbiased jury would be convinced that SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus escaped after being created in a laboratory using accelerated evolution (a k a gain of function) and gene splicing on the backbone of a bat coronavirus. Using standard statistical methods, we can quantify the likelihood of the lab-leak hypothesis compared with that of zoonosis. The odds enormously favor a lab leak, far more significantly than the 99% confidence usually required for a revolutionary scientific discovery.

    1. Science: No breakthrough studies have been published [refuting or supporting the lab leak theory]. The highly anticipated U.S. intelligence review, delivered to Biden on 24 August, reached no firm conclusions, but leaned toward the theory that the virus has a natural origin.

    2. New evidence undermines the COVID lab-leak theory — but the press keeps pushing it (excerpt)... Despite mounting evidence that the virus reached humans through natural pathways — from infected animals such as bats — the lab-leak hypothesis recently jumped back into the news ... the theory that the virus' origin can be found in the animal kingdom [is] the view accepted by a preponderance of experts in virology.

      ...three viruses were found in bats living in caves in northern Laos with features very similar to SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. ...those viruses are "more similar to SARS-CoV-2 than any known viruses". ...viruses [have been] found in rats also with features similar to those that make SARS-CoV-2 infectious in humans.

      Two... papers published on the discussion forum present evidence that the virus jumped from animals to humans at more than one animal market in Wuhan, not just the Huanan seafood market. As virologist Robert F. Garry of Tulane [said,] the finding is "a dagger into the heart" of the lab-leak hypothesis.

    3. ^^addresses none of the new evidence presented in the recent WSJ story... just shotguns in new discoveries like that some bats in Laos had Covid... and we already knew it came from bats originally.^^

    4. I'll wait until a non-right biased source says the lab leak theory is likely. Also until a preponderance of experts in virology change their minds.

      btw, you seem to think that, if the lab leak theory does explain what happened, this somehow excuses Dotard's incompetence re his handling of the pandemic? It doesn't.

    5. Glenn Greenwald is a rightee? Wouldn't his husband disagree?

    6. What's the matter Dervy? Still waiting for the NY Pravda Times to confirm the lab leak?

    7. Glenn Greenwald = Dotard supporter. Leftists hate Dotard. And I care what virologists say (like I wrote in my prior comment). Greenwald isn't a virologist.

    8. lol! The founder of the mRNA vaccine isn't believable because he doesn't wear a Che t-shirt? LOL!

    9. The egomaniac isn't the "founder". His research built on the research of others. And there was more research after his before the vaccine was developed.

      And working on a vaccine doesn't have anything to do with looking into the source of the virus. Virologists all wear Che t-shirts = bullplop.

    10. You only believe the ones who wear Che t-shirts...

    11. No. I care about scientific consensus, not t-shirts.

  11. I voted for Joe Biden and do not regret my vote one bit. In fact, I think the guy sitting in the White House may turn out to be one of the absolute best presidents in the history of this nation. Whereas Dotard tRump is easily one of the worst.

    1. And you are perfectly fit for the NUT HOUSE!

    2. God bless Joe Biden! F*ck Dotard. May he be convicted and sent to prison soon :)

    3. ^^Thinks NASCAR fans are shouting "Let's go Brandon"^^

    4. ^^Thinks Dotard was cheered at the world series^^

      Lock him up! btw, I don't give a shit about what vulgar morons at a NASCAR race chanted.

    5. So when's Brandon going to attend a future football game? LOL!

    6. I don't know. He's a NASCAR driver. I don't know anything about him beyond that (if he attends football games). Nor do I care.

    7. Sounds like a modest guy. Joe Biden would be wise to emulate him more.

    8. What bullplop. To donald tRump modesty is a negative character trait. A bigly reason you admire him.

  12. So now we are in a nation where "parading" inside the Capitol building wearing a horned helmet, or putting your Feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk MAKES YOU A TERRORIST. And Patriots are now terrorists, despite being members of an above-board organization that states its mission publicly and has never planned or carried out a terrorist attack, and NO wheapons were used, or even brought in to the building.
    .Same for the Proud Boys, who at best are a street-fighting reactionary opposite of the Antifa, or the Black Lives Matter Thugs.

    Meanwhile a national organization representing school board officials from around the country is appealing to President Biden for assistance from federal law enforcement to address a growing number of violent threats and intimidation against public school officials by “Angry Parents” So if a so called ““Angry Parent” that is expressing the need for these Leftist Teachers to STOP teaching and Poisoning the minds of our Children, by their slanted Marxist views, and anti-American ways, the Parent is in jeopardy of being severely punished.

    .Meanwhile, the leftoids seemed to have enjoyed all the rioting, looting, burning, vandalism in the summer of 2020.And NOTHING SEEMED to have happened to those HOODLUMS, besides being Bailed out by our Vice President

    1. You assholes act like Trump didn't try to overthrow our Democracy and kill the VP by overrunning the Capitol building when both Houses were in session.

    2. Oh like what the Democrats did not accepting the outcome of the 2016 election with all their investigations of false Russia collusion. Just keep supporting Joe 40sicks. He needs all the help he can get

    3. My link is to an article, not a video. And you are the one ignoring reality. Paul Manafort was Putin's man inside the Dotard campaign. The Durham persecution says nothing about this key fact.

    4. Durham is investigating facts..not "plausible" fake Ukrainian black books planted by Democrat Clinton campaign operatives. You need an idiot FBI Director like James Comey to do that.

    5. Nothing was planted. Manafort owed a bigly amount of money to Putin. Why he volunteered to work for the Dotard campaign for free. Durham found nothing. Why he had to pull some bogus charges out of his ass. And quote emails communications that prove nothing (the researcher who used the word "plausible" later changed his mind. As I pointed out to you already multiple times).

    6. Alexandra Chalupa had nothing to do with the collusion between Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik.

    7. ...just a conspiracy for the faking of a certain black ledger to frame Paul Manafort...

    8. AP: records... obtained by The Associated Press confirm that at least $1.2 million in payments listed in the ledger next to Manafort's name were actually received by his consulting firm in the United States. ... Previously, Manafort... maintained the ledger was fabricated and said no public evidence existed that Manafort or others received payments recorded in it.

      Why would Paul Manafort meet with a Russian agent to hand off public polling data, when, if it was public, the Russians could have found it online?

      Framed = LOL.

    9. <a href='">framed</a>

    10. "According to a new report by investigative journalist John Solomon" is not investigative journalism.

      According to John Solomon = Dotard sycophant spin and BS.


  14. Personally I think that we should IGNORE you anyway.

  15. Welcome to America the land of free Money!
    To those of you liberals on this board, who think that we’re not headed towards Socialism, and on the road to Communism have you been listening? Have you been hearing those Rocket Scientists from “The Squad”especially the Loud Mouthed Genius who wants tp De-Fund the police!
    While the government keeps giving out Free Money to people, having them rely solely on them, instead of getting a damn JOB and that’s exactly why so many businesses are shorthanded right now? I’m sure that you all can see all those “Help Wanted” signs allover the place. Why Work? When the government will pay you to stay home and smoke your Pot, and sing Kumbaya?

  16. “This One” Does his best to post vulgarity.....but he doesn’t even realize that it marks him as an imbecile and a Democrat.........or is that redundant?

  17. Black Lives Matter and Antifa have done considerably more violence and damage than anyone on the far-right fid on that So Called Terrible Day January 6th, or any white supremacy groups in recent years. That's a fact - so let's put this in its proper perspective!

    1. That's not a fact and they weren't trying to overthrow our democracy and kill the Vice President, you dolt.

  18. Talk about redundant,lol. Asshole.

  19. Personally, I don't give a rats ass about what these Liberals, say or think. I think that they are born with a mental disorder. Especially their view on Illegal Immigration.
    Some of these big Cities in America like Detroit, Chicago, and New York, are nothing less than a SANCTUARY’S for the HIP HOPPER’S, DOPERS, MURDERER’S, and they are mostly either Illegal immigrants, or members of another minority tribe ..I have lived and worked the majority of my life here in Manhattan, New York, and I’ve seen this one-time wonderful city go from a great place to live in to a cesspool of crime and destruction. ..
    Many cities do not allow police officers to arrest illegal’s any longer especially if they are people “of Color”. This has happened ever since the so called Unarmed People of Color being Killed by Police! (As they call it). Like the shootings of Michael Brown in, Ferguson, and the Gentle Giant Eric Garner in New York.
    Our Mayor in New York, Bill De Blasio is a patsy for minorities, he has been in a war with the Police since the first week that he came into office. Instead of being tough on crime, he told the police that THEYmust change their ways!
    As for our Unemployment rate that Former President brought to ALL TIME RECORDS is now in the Toilet since Joey Bidumb took offer. In fact this past weeks numbers
    as no one should be surprised are further down the tubes than when Biden launched his campaign to Un-Constitutionally force Americans to be vaccinated, resulting in his putting Ten’s of Thousands of Americans out of work. However, I’m sure that the
    Lying Democrats will come up with some convoluted excuse for why the Biden economy sucks ass compared to the GREAT Trump economy.
    The Senile, Delusional Marxist Un-Constitutionally mandates are working because companies and organizations are firing thousands of Americans for refusing to comply with Biden's edict, for exercising their Constitutional freedoms, because medical institutions are refusing to treat / refusing to give these people organ transplants, because Americans are being extorted and forced into compliance.

    Now lets talk a bit about how BiDumb has Screwed Up Race relations.
    If the truth be known the Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage, and protest from the Black community led by the race baiters like Al Sharpton, and the Loons in the House and of course the Drunken Speaker herself. .
    But the lying left doesn’t seem to have any problem with Bidumb and his government demonizing and name-calling unvaccinated Americans, calling them murderers and threats to America and calling concerned parents “ DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” if they disagree with or disapprove of the Left’s Marxist, Liberal Ideology and Agenda. The Majority of Americans have a serious problem with that, as shown by BiDumb’s 38 percent disapproval rating that just recently droped again.
    Our previous Muslim President Barack Hussain Obammy goals is to flood our system with illegals from Mexico and Arab countries like Syrian’s who where flown and released here by the thousands to drain our off our benefits to those who have done nothing but drain our resources..

    It pisses me off to no end when our own President, and his idiots in government, refer to illegal aliens as Immigrants, or simply called Undocumented aliens, and Undocumented immigrants. Describing an illegal immigrant as illegal is legally accurate! So why bother changing the correct term?

  20. President Biden on enacting vaccine mandates: made the following UN-TRUE statement..."We're making sure healthcare workers are vaccinated because if you seek care at a healthcare facility, you should have the certainty that the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you."
    As we have already learned A Vaccinated person CAN get re-infected, and he/she CAN spread the virus.
    Folks, Save us from this Liar, and the Delusional spreader of Misinformation
    The whole country wide mask fiasco is turning regular normal people into monsters. And make no mistake about it, it’s going to get a lot worse, especially if Joey BiDumb keeps that other Moron Dr, Fausi. !

    And he lefties are suspiciously quiet on that statement from Cone Licker
    Many school districts here in New York City that are going to be opening intend to put masks on every kid. And I pity these little kids who are going to have to sit near their classmates wearing a mask all day long. . Will parents allow this? Who knows? But, I’d say that they probably will.... After all, what choice will they have?
    A few days ago while in the Super Market I saw a young mother with her mask on with all 3 of her young children also wearing masks --- including a real little kid in the shopping cart who looked to be about 1 1/2 years old. I’m sorry, but who the hell puts a mask on a little toddler? How do they expect this poor little kid to breath properly?
    What's really scary is seeing so many people with all kings of “THINGS” on their faces. Who knows how clean these things are. I personally think that we are looking for a lot of trouble!! I have been following the rules myself, but to be honest, I’m not too sure that this means a damn thing.

  21. Part Two
    Here, where I live we don't even get the option. Our local school district recently said that schools will open with masks required for all students at all times on School property without exception. The City requires masks of all persons outside one's own home with no exception (except for essential Health reasons ). Just about every store now requires masks of all persons at all times if they want to enter the store, with no exceptions. Try driving a motor vehicle with fogged glasses while starved for oxygen until reaching the public roadway; how safe is that? In my car, I take it off the minute that I get in the car.
    Unfortunately, in the City there are lots of children in New York who lack the luxury of two parents, many children in the City have one parent to love them part-time, but some children lack even that. Last year, the local public school district served thousands of homeless children.And in New York City directly, our Progressive led Government mandates and forbids certain sectors of the economy to remain CLOSED , including any business that operates indoors, from operating at all, such as Gyms, any business that has close seating , such as Bars, Classes, etc. Indoor dinning is partially allowed, with very strict rules. . Consequently, many businesses will sink into poverty. Most jobs, excluding outdoor and remote employment, require nose and moth covers at all times as a matter of compliance with the law. Homeless shelters, food banks, and other charitable institutions mostly closed for fear of spreading the Wuhan coronavirus. They are predicting that approximately 40-60 percent of restaurants, and other businesses will close permanently. In fact we are already seeing it.
    In many parts of the country, every form of violent crime increased dramatically this winter as Democrats and their associated terrorist organizations, protested, rioted, looted, and burned, while attacking the Police Departments all over the Country. . All of this harms children, especially those in unstable and dysfunctional households that number tens of thousands or more in the big cities alone. Such children now lack the opportunity for food, social development, and are suffering from the chaos at home that public schools ordinarily provided.
    I expect that If schools, public buildings like libraries, and homeless shelters do not reopen during freezing weather through the wintertime, then we can anticipate an enormous amount of humans suffering from other harmful conditions, such as chronic hypothermia and frostbite among the homeless population and among those thousands who live in unheated buildings. They might try to take refuge in Subways, the Hallways, and even in supermarkets and other open retailers, but those without masks they won’t, and cannot enter
    But even if and when schools resume their normal operations, the schools will mandate masks for all students at all times in schools and on School property, and even on the buses, if they still run? Schools will NOT allow food, not even subsidized lunches, or water or any other beverages, bathrooms will be monitored, no woodwind or brass instruments, no physical education no sports of any kine, , or extracurricular activities. Obviously the use of masks bring on headaches and who know what else. .

  22. Part Three
    This stifling autocratic culture from our deep-state Maoist masters meanwhile intersects with a countervailing cultural movement that condemns policing, especially against criminals of certain racial or ethnic background. Even last year, the local school districts commonly experienced violent breakdowns in basic student discipline. Given the newfound push to evaluate personal behavior according to race, the new rules may apply only very loosely in practice to certain racial or ethnic groups but exactingly to members of other racial or ethnic groups with unflinchingly severe punishments for even the slightest violation. Or perhaps, all students will rebel and refuse to comply with the new senile Old Feeble President’s wishes What then? Some children want to go to school never again, just as many prisoners wish for a reduction of or early release from their sentences. Many children and teenagers especially will challenge these many inconvenient and seeming ridiculous rules. I didn’t even get to the possibility of having the kids wearing plastic glove so that they don’t touch anything, or anybody.
    Because headaches, due to oxygen starvation, and sound muffled will limit communication, the students will no longer socialize .
    As for taxes, fear not: someone, somewhere will find some an excuse to increase them, to support the public school system, before Schools collapses like everything else. And with fewer children in school, that means easier "social distancing" and less excuse to shift students to fewer classes.
    Anyway, I've spent far too long on this lengthy post. Maybe, just maybe, if by chance enough Republicans win election, then we might preserve a tiny bit of our already lost freedom for a few years, Otherwise, say hello to a Communist dictatorship early next year. And you can find another reason to Blame Donald Trump.

    1. Wow, you ARE a lunatic. The sheer length of your crazy screed proves you also need medication. Eddie.

  23. Trump maybe a lot of things but you can bet your last dollar that he is NOT a socialist, Communist, Muslim loving traitor who follows Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals . I’ll leave that to Hillary and the other Progressive Socialist Democrats like our Senile Delusional Illegal Tough Guy President, who is so eager to “Take you Behind the Barn and Beat the Crap out of you” .He’s more likely to sit on the edge of the swimming Pool and let the Kids play with the Hair on His Legs.
    As for Hillary Clinton! I would NOT trust Hillary Clinton to govern our nation any more than I’d trust Barack Obama, or even that Dumb Ass Joseph Biden
    But right now, I’m for Donald Trump. Yes, he may have a temper problem, but I know that he Loves this country, and only wants whats good for it. .
    Now you can Carry On with your rants about Free Lunches, Free Breakfasts, and turning this country into the Land of "Entitlements" Slavery, The Culture War, Racism, and more of Michelle Obama’s ridiculous bullshit, like her excuse’s for people being be Jobless!
    As if the Socialist Teachers weren’t Obnoxious enough with their contentious exchanges between officials and parents who oppose controversial policies like mask mandates, or teaching critical race theory and more.
    In some cases, parents have been kicked out of meetings for refusing to wear masks, leading to allegations that school boards were trying to silence dissent. In one specific instance, an entire school board was forced to resign after hot mic comments showed board members mocking concerned parents. "

    The socialists are going for total control of the school systems, from grade school thru high school, since they already control the college level.

    I would never have thought that I would see the FBI trying to intimidate parents from free speech here in the USA. Now Biden’s DOJ has issied a memo to the FBI to Kick out any Moms, or Dads that push back to protect their kids from being indoctrinated to the socialist agenda of these Marxist teachers.
    .This is the goal of Biden’s totalitarian state.

    If we do not STOP this bullshit from the liberals, we will soon have NO freedoms whatsoever. No constitution, no Free Speech, No Freedom of Religion, No Rights, and No Choice.
    Parents can't express themselves at SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS because the Marxists do not want their indoctrination to be messed with.

    1. The sheer length of your crazy screed proves you need medication. It was the right who tried to overthrow our democracy on Jan 6 and also tried to kill the VP. Keep being a shill for Trump the Traitor who doesn't give a shit about you.

    2. Too much for you to read?
      I guess an ASSWIPE LIKE YOU. Has a Very short attention span!

    3. This one you think Joe blow cares about you? He's a puppet for the idiots who just want to stay in power at your expense, only you're too ignorant to admit it

    4. It's meant to keep people getting free crap so they keep voting for them until they run out of everybody's money

  24. The Socialist Biden regime released the new plan that Joey intends to counter "domestic terrorism."such as the Parents that speak at School Board meetings..

    It's not by using laws. It's a "domestic terrorist manual" being sent out to the law enforcement agencies (FBI, DOJ, and the CIA, etc). It's a way to circumvent laws and the US Constitution in order to go after their political opponents and labeling them as Domestic Terrorists and all others who dares to disagree with the left.

    It claims racism is the number one problem in America and labels all white supremacists as domestic terrorists. It was written by people who think simply being white makes you racist. Who think being a white Trump support makes you a white supremacist domestic terrorist. It uses vague terms and allows the government total discretion of who fits into that category.

    It goes after people for "anti-government" and "anti-authority" sentiment but doesn't really describe anything specific. So that could include supporting the US Constitution, supporting limited government, and questions about the Wuhan virus.

    It also focuses on "incitement of violence" once again using vague terms. A few examples are given though: if you question the 2020 election, if you even talk about election fraud, if you dare question the Wuhan virus. Those things could supposedly incite violence under the form of domestic terrorism and therefore the Biden regime has given themselves full rein to do as they see fit.
    So I ask you Biden Supporters, Happy Now?

    1. I'm not happy that magaturd sore losers are spreading disinformation, hate and getting violent. But it is good news that the Biden administration is working to deal with it.

    2. He couldn’t deal with the Taliban, so wo are you giving him ANY Credit?

    3. The deal with the Taliban (complete surrender) was negotiated by Dotard. If President Biden had broken that deal he'd have had to surge troops because the Taliban would have resumed attacks. Biden made the right call. Even given the terrible deal "negotiated" by Dotard. Dotard SUCKS at making deals. "The art of the deal" = LOL.

    4. That’s totally Bull- Shit, snd that Lame excuse won’t fly.
      Just like Biden, you are FULL OF SHIT

    5. Go back to that Progress Blog where the rest of the Bull Shitters hang out , your stinking this place up.

    6. Funny, turns out that was another Hillary lie... kinda like Bil Clinton's, "I did not have sex with that woman..."

    7. I didn't hear or read anything HRC had to say about the insurrection Dotard incited. It wasn't a lie. I saw it on TV. Also, that Dotard colluded with Russia has been proven. Paul Manafort handed off Dotard campaign polling data to a Russian agent. That's a fact, not a lie.

    8. Even progressives are laughing at Hillary's Muh Russia lies.

    9. Public polling data aren't "state secrets".

    10. Internal polling isn't "public polling". If it was public, why would Paul Manafort meet with Konstantin Kilimnik to give it to him? Your BS doesn't pass the laugh test. Progressives aren't pro-Dotard. Jimmy Dore got kicked out of the Young Turks for being a pro-Dotard liar.

      "I figured it out, Bill"... Jimmy Dore didn't figure out shit. Jimmy Dore is a dupe who is still lying for Dotard. Matt Taibbi is another useful idiot. How pathetic.

    11. They don't poll the public? Then who do they poll to get the data?

    12. Do internal polling groups only poll the pollsters?

    13. They don't release the results of their polling to the public. But you know that. You just like playing word games. But that doesn't change the FACT that Manafort gave data not available to the public to a Russian agent so Russia could assist the Dotard campaign. There would have been no reason for Manafor to give Kilimnik publically available data (your argument is moronic).

  25. Biden falsely promised to handle the pandemic and to protect Americans, AND Biden promised to get the pandemic under control once elected President. Despite being armed with COVID-19 vaccines thanks to President Trump and despite Biden DECLARING VICTORY OVER COVID-19 in July, on Wednesday / yesterday Johns Hopkins announced more Americans have died from Covid-19 so far in 2021 than in 2020.

    Much like how he called his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, during which he broke his promise not to leave until all Americans had been evacuated before doing just that, a success, Biden prematurely declared victory over the pandemic despite now being responsible for more COVID deaths in his 10 months in office than all the COVID deaths in 2020.
    Face it BiDumb is a TOTAL FAILURE.

    1. What a load. The virus sticking around is fully on the pro-covid republican governors who are working hard to keep the pandemic going with their moronic prohibitions against masks and vaccine mandates. You can't fix stupid. Frank is a prime example of that. Joe Biden is doing an excellent job as president, unlike Dotard. We're deep in this mess with covid thanks to Dotard's mishandling of the pandemic. That fool had no business being president.

    2. Look you little Pig Shit, you are NO match for me.
      Your like a piece of Crap on my finger that I can’t seem to get rid of no matter how much I flick my fingers.
      So I tired of you and your SICK progressive brain washed agenda. So Im going to just leave you with one thought and say Goodbye…
      Wise up, your one time Legitimate Party is Long Gone, and turned into an Enemy Organized bunch of COMMUNISTS.

  26. You must be the ONLY Person in America that think the Senile, Old, Delusional Asswipe is doing a “Good Job”
    How did he do thst? By allowing 13 US MARINES get killed?
    Ot by allowing Millions of illegal immigrants with Corvid swarm into our Country?

    1. Why on earth would anyone including you support that FEEBLE, DUMB, BASTARD? You do realize that the INEPT Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

    2. 'Millions?" STFU, you fucktoad.

    3. You must be the ONLY Person in America that think the Senile, Old, Delusional Asswipe is doing a “Good Job” ... Why on earth would anyone including you support that FEEBLE, DUMB, BASTARD?

      Donald tRump did a terrible job as president. I never supported him.

  27. We have an old Delusional, fool in charge of our Country at a very dangerous time. Because you idiotic Progressives called the Orange man bad.
    Well Potato head IS MUCH WORSE! The Senile INEPT president, the WORST President in American history has a 38% approval rating. And the people are chanting "F*CK Joe Biden" at sporting events now because...why?

    1. Biden is not a traitor like Trump you crusty old fool.

    2. LOL, that's why the biggest stadium chant in the USA today is "F_Ck JOE BIDEN"!

    3. It isn't. Some morons at one NASCAR event doesn't equal "the biggest stadium chant in the USA today". Joe Biden's win sparked street celebrations around the country. Because a majority of the populace hates Dotard and (via their vote) said F*ck tRump!

    4. least not from those that they're paying to entertain them. A quid pro quo comes with expectations.

    5. I'll admit that it is more people than I initially thought who want to have sex with Joe Biden. Gay guys clearly find him very sexy.

      As for your expectations, you can stuff them. If you don't like the commentary from the players re institutional racism, spend your dollars elsewhere. Why aren't these people already boycotting NASCAR, given that they banned the white supremacist flag.

    6. spend your dollars elsewhere. I do.

      Why aren't these people already boycotting NASCAR, given that they banned the white supremacist flag.

      ...they banned this flag? It's about time!

    7. That isn't the White Supremacist flag. I refer to the red one in this picture. Though the blue one (same pic) is also a White Supremacist flag. The flag you linked to is for a party that most African Americans vote for. I think you intended to link to this flag. This is the flag of the party that most racists know represents them.

  28. Kamala Harris will never become President


  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Happy Columbus Day. There, I said it. And I mean it. I don’t wish you a solemn Columbus Day, nor a mournful one, nor still a guilty one. No, I wish you a happy Columbus Day. NO, I'm not speaking to those MISERABLE Biden supporters who don't know their Ass's from their noes. My advice to them is to make a LEFT turn and go the that ASININE Progressive blog when the author of that Shitty Rag will tell you what to do, and who to like. As they do in the Mother Land RUSSIA!

    This is a day to celebrate the contributions of Italian-Americans to our nation’s history. That was the original intent behind the holiday, after all, to elevate Italians at a time when they still faced marked bigotry. But more than that, it’s a day to celebrate a man whose example of courage and determination we need, as they say, now more than ever.
    So Have a Great Day my fellow Italian Americans and all others that appreciate Freedom, and Free Speech.
    Christopher Columbus wasn’t just the man most responsible for opening up the New World to the Old; he was also an example of the American Dream centuries before our nation was born

  32. Happy Columbus Day my Friends. You know that there is no statues, paintings or engraved images of Columbus and for him, because those Idiots who were running around Destroying this country tore them down.

    1. Who cares about Indian savages. Theyre all smallpox ridden, alcohol besotted savages.

      Although maybe we could put them all on the border to scalp the lessers sneaking across MY border!

      Go Columbus go!


  33. Watching the baseball game earlier. The Chicago team has a nigger for a manager? When did we allow this.

    What would niggers know about baseball to make them lead. You need space to play baseball and they all exist in 200 sq foot hovels!


  34. So dragging Down, and defacing the Statues of Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer is a “Good Thing”, but throwing a can of paint on the Statue of George Floyd, a Criminal who was convicted of eight crimes,. and served four years in prison after accepting a plea bargain for a 2007 aggravated robbery in a home invasion where he held a Gun the the Stomach of a Pregnant women is a “Bad Thing” ?
    What a twisted world this has become!.

  35. Abolishing Columbus Day Is as INSANE as it would be to change the Holiday's name to George Floyd Day!

  36. Do you remember the Old, and the REAL America ...When riots were unthinkable, and you only seen them in the news reels happening in other countries, but NEVER here in America . When you left front doors open. When socialism was a dirty word. When ghettos were neighborhoods. When the Flag was a sacred symbol. When criminals actually went to jail. When you weren’t afraid to go out at night. When taxes were only a necessary nuisance. When a boy was a boy, and dressed like one. When a girl was a girl, and dressed like one. When the poor were too proud to take charity. When the clergy actually talked about religion. When clerks and repairmen tried to please you. When college kids swallowed goldfish, not acid. When songs had a tune, and the words made sense. When young fellows tried to join the Army or Navy. When people knew what the Fourth of July stood for. When you never dreamed our country could ever lose. When a Sunday drive was a pleasant trip, not an ordeal. When you bragged about your hometown and home state. When everybody didn’t feel entitled to a college education. When people expected less and valued what they had more. When politicians proclaimed their patriotism, and meant it. When everybody knew the difference between right and wrong. When things weren’t perfect — but you never expected them to be. When you weren’t made to feel guilty for enjoying dialect comedy. When our Government stood up for Americans, anywhere in the world. When you knew that the law would be enforced, and your safety protected. When you considered yourself lucky to have a good job, and proud to have it. When the law meant justice, and you felt a shiver of awe at sight of a policeman. When you weren’t embarrassed to say that this is the best country in the world. When America was a land filled with brave, proud, confident, hardworking people!

    1. I think you need to read a book on American history. There have been riots since its inception. Fool.

    2. No, there has never been a "riot" in which sore-losers violently forced their way into the capitol with the intent of stopping the counting of electoral votes (aka insurrection).

    3. No, but there are Democrat legislators who abandon their state to avoid a vote and prevent a quorum all the time. Should they be tried for treason?

    4. Did the Jan 6 LARPers prevent a counting of electoral votes?

    5. Did the runaway Texas Democratic delegation prevent the heartbeat bill?


  37. Over half of all likely voters say that the 2020 election was stolen

  38. I stopped trying to figure out reason behind the liberal lunacy when climate change and math became racist. There simply is no making sense of these idiots and their supporters.

    1. "...climate change and math became racist?" Wow, you are stupid! Lol!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Although I agree with the policy of getting out of that Mess in Afghanistan, Joe Biden's incompetence as president is being shown.
    Although the MESS started with Obama, Biden just made it worse.
