Thursday, May 12, 2022

Change of Pace

 When you're a huge  Queen Fan and you come across this.


  1. the right wing has always been the about curtailing rights and the left has always been about expanding rights. I'll stick with expanding the rights of our people. The fascists on the right have no idea what a hornets nest they've poked this tim

  2. Knowing how to speak American English should be an required for entering the country

  3. Wondering If BlueBullShit has ever had an Abortion?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Will America under traitor Joe and Garland stand up to black bigot crooks in high places?
    I feel that Former President will be the last Administration that was for the USA as we knew it.
    Had Hillary won we’d still be like Frogs in a boiling pot of hot water. one degree at a time. Thankfully, Trump’s unexpected victory threw the America Haters into panic And we got at least 4 years of success, until XiBiden, and Harris worked with the CCP to launch a bio`weapon and used that to shut down the US Economy. This enabled them to cheat in the tens of million of votes in November. Do you think your vote in 2022 or 2024 is going to matter?
    The democratic loves of the CCP will be the destruction of the US economy. Adding, as they plan, $5 Trillion in new debt this year will likely cause the US dollar to lose it’s status as the world reserve currency. The choice is to either reopen the economy or destroy the economy, XiHarris and XiBiden will choose the later..

    I absolutely think that. America has seen its’ last “free and fair” election….Trump was the last fairly elected president

    I'd Bet that A-Hole Blue Balls America Would think that Old Delusional, Senile, Vegetable who's in the Stolen White House wouldn't think so

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. XiBiden, and Harris worked with the CCP to launch a bio`weapon and used that to shut down the US Economy. ... I absolutely think ... Trump was the last fairly elected president.

      You absolutely think that because you're absolutely crazy. Putin helped tRump get elected. The voters went bigly for Joe Biden because tRump was a terrible president. In 2024 tRump should be unable to run again because he should be in prison and barred from the ballot for staging an insurrection. donald tRump and his republiturd supporters (politicians and voters) hate and want to destroy democracy and our freedoms.

    3. "black bigot crooks" are what trumpturd White Supremacists worry about.

  6. 🔺🔺🔺Assface Dervish and his boyfriend BlueBalls come here to beat off with themselves.🔺🔺🔺

    1. First Edward uptheEndo spews hate for gay men, then goes on to praise the music of a gay man. He also likes the music of Elton John. LOL!

    2. Assface Dervish speaks from his behind. Who cares about the sex life of a dead man? The music was great.

    3. The black beaner and his twink boy in the video are the worst singers ever.

  7. Now let's get back on topic: this is cool watching a dad and son vibing to great music!

    1. ...written and sung by a gay man.

      Quote: Alexis Petridis of The Guardian ... felt it was "a direct product of [Mercury's] hedonism and promiscuity: an unrepentant, joyous, utterly irresistible paean to gay pleasure-seeking. ... Brian May was not a fan of the song as he felt it was celebrating the hedonistic and risky lifestyle of Mercury. He added that he struggled with the lyrics at the time, because it was about a difficult period in Freddie's life when the singer was "taking lots of drugs and having sex with lots of men".

      Might be why Edward uptheEndo thinks it is "great music"... He too likes doing lots of drugs and having sex with lots of men.

    2. Assface Dervish Sanders projects his queer sex life to ruin a blog about great music.

    3. You're the one who praises gay men whose music you like, uptheEndo. Then, to quell your cognitive dissonance, say everyone should ignore the fact that they were (or are) gay.

  8. All over the White House, and in “Nancy’s House” these Socialist are all talking about the Buffalo shooting, and about how dangerous the “White Supremacists” are, and how much they are all supposedly part of the Republican base.

    According to the Lliberals, in Congress, and in the White House you can be proud of your American Heritage if you're NOT White, but you're not allowed to be proud of your Heritage if you're White, just ask Joey, or Nancy , or Al Sharpton..
    I used to think Biden was bing ignorant on purpose. But that seems to be more of his default position.

  9. Why is Bidin not responsible for the Border Crisis, Gas Crisis, Murder Crisis, the Afgan Withdrawal Crisis, Covid Death Crisis, Russian Crisis, Iran Crisis, Inflation Crisis, and even the Disinformation Crisis. I have to wonder just what is he responsible for? After all he was elected because he had supposed to have had a plan. What was that plan intended to do other than harm the poor and middle class and see covid deaths exceed one million His “Plan” to United the country fizzled the first day agter he took his Oath, and has gotten worse since. He can’t even get to send his “Vice President” down to the border to try and solve the CRISIS catastrophe that they are responsible for.

    Why is it that the only answer to everything is to throw money at it. There is a shortage of baby formula because the government is working against the manufacturers and not with them. How is 28 million going to solve this. It is a blame game because the administration dropped the ball and didn't mention it until a week ago. Spin, Spin to make incompetence look OK and as biden does well, blame everyone else instead of taking actions to fix something. How many things has he screwed up that were someone else's fault. Start with Afghanistan, it was their government, then the people, then their soldiers, then the civilians then our soldiers. It is a never ending blame others and do nothing. Does he have such a short memory that he can’t even remember what is causing EVERY Crisis thay he’s responsible for? Two weeks ago the high Gas Prices were Putins fault according to Biden. Now his Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is saying that it was the Pandemic that put Americans in such a bad mood that they are complaining about everything! WHAT? Gas Price have risen by over 50 cents per Gallon in only a few days! How can anyone with even a half a brain say what she said? But did anyone really expect them to actually take the blame for their failed policies?

    Lets look at the FACTS! Inflation is at the highest in well over 40 years! And the Democrats still continue spend more and more making it worse!
    Shortages still are continuing to keep the Super Market shelves empty due to the Democrats shutting down the Economy during Covid that accomplished NOTHING!.
    We Continue to have a SERIOUS Border that is uncontrolled with MILLIONS of ILLEAGLE”S crossings since Kamala was put in charge of it
    The Crime rate is spiking across the country as crimes are reduced to misdemeanors by Democrats in Democratic run Cities.
    We have an Iran deal overseen by Biden who essentially doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.
    And they are saying that Inflation is going to hit us by the end of the year is going to be a disaster. Biden says that combating inflation is his “Top Domestic Priority.” But he certainly isn’t doing anything about it. In fact his cure for everything is MORE SPENDING! Inflation affects Gas Prices which effects everything brought to us by Truck, and Aircraft. . As even the cost of fuel affects prices because of transportation costs.
    So All That I Can Say Is.... Hold On To Your Hats, It’s Going To Be A Very Bumpy Road Ahead.

  10. To the Building Manager Barbara Leeb

    In referance to the so called “EVENT” hald at Pool side today I would really like to know why some of the Building RULES are made for some of the Residents and not for us all!
    For example,
    Rule #1. NOT more than 4 Guests are allowed at the pool.
    Rulle #2. NO Food is allowed at the Pool side.
    Rule #3. NO Alcoholic beverages allowed at pool side, But Nothing like a Six-pack, or a Martini on a hot day

  11. To the Building Manager Barbara Leeb

    In reference to the so called “EVENT” held at Pool side today I would really like to know why some of the Building RULES are made for some of the Residents and not for us all!
    For example,
    Rule #1. NOT more than 4 Guests are allowed at the pool. And NOT 28 Guests!
    Rule #2. NO Food is allowed at the Pool side.
    Rule #3. NO Alcoholic beverages allowed at pool side, But Nothing like a Six-pack, or a Martini on a hot day
    Rule #4 No Reserved Chairs! However the 3 (THREE) young Ladies that came earlier were observed reserving 7 lounge chairs by putting Towels on them,
    So Ms. Leeb, I ask you are these so called “Rules for every resident, or only for the Special Elite? Or perhaps they pay a Higher Building Amenity charge than the rest of us do?

    1. PS As You Know, That's What You Have a Party Room For.

  12. Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research, hence the name Monkeypox.’ One may wonder, at this point, why anyone would want to keep a bunch of monkeys.
    Here is the reason why! The first human case of Monkeypox was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic section of the Congo during a period of effort to eliminate smallpox. So first, Democrats were e”Ffing” around with monkeys, obviously trying to infect them with smallpox, and the monkeys, who are generally smarter than Democrats, grabbed the syringes and stabbed a few of the Democrats with them, thereby infecting several Democrats, who had moved to other areas. Areas that were run by the Democrats such as California, Massachusetts, New York, , Connecticut, Colorado, and Nevada, and other places in Africa, such as the Congo, where there is an abundance of Africans who are staunch Democrats.
    The Monkeypox pandemic has finally breached the shores of the United States, with the CDC confirming a staggering 1 infections so far. In response, America's favorite, and most trusted doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, issued a statement recommending people stop the spread of Monkeypox by covering their eyes, ears, and mouth.
    And just Yesterday Nancy Pelosi said she's not going to allow the Republican’s to take back Congress, and be ruled by a bunch of White Supremacists.
    When Biden sais .”everyone should be concerned, but that the Democrats won’t allow it even if they had to use another virus to steal another election.

    Thank you for allowing me to shed some light on this problem. People living in heavily populated areas of Democrats or Africans should take extraordinary precautions
