Monday, July 22, 2024

Lest We Not Forget

 Call me crazy but I thought when you s--- at your job, you get a demotion, not a promotion.


  1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 23, 2024 at 4:58 AM

    Then please explain why your misogynistic racist party nominated a rapist, insurectionist, felon, and a man who failed miserably the first time out. As well as his 5 times bankrupt, his failed Trump U scam which he paid 25 million for, and so much more.

    The hypocrisy (and ignorance) of this post represents MAGA, the GOP, and Fuhrer Trump to a tee.

    1. Because the haters were trying to stop him . Better get aboard the Trump train haters because people who really care about the country are on it for real not for fake

    2. republiturds want to rehire the guy that did such a horrible job he got fired. Not only was he fired, but impeached as he was on his way out for attempting to illegally retain the position.

    3. 🔺Poor Ichabod Derpwood Assface bin §atan~§ander$666!🔺

      He just wet and dumped in his gay thong panties and Klan Burqa.

    4. Assface wishes death upon all the Trump family members and their in laws.

    5. Jesus Ricado RomeroJuly 24, 2024 at 5:02 AM

      More Q-Tara delusion and lying.

      Although I doubt many tears would fall if the great Orange Turd were called home by Satan.

      I know I'd have very dry eyes. Maybe even a hint of a smile.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. d0nald tЯump needs to go to prison for at least a few years before he croaks. His crooked spawn Eric, d0nald junior and Ivanka junior also deserve prison sentences.

      I don't wish death upon any tЯump family member, liar. That's what YOU want re the Biden, Obama and Clinton families. You have admitted it many times. You want to see Hillary Clinton's grandchildren hung. You wrote about your evil desires to see young children executed on your foxturds blog.

    8. Mystere and Q-tardo are on the same page re idiotic nicknames because Mystere and Q-tardo are the same person. Mystere, Q-tardo and Rattrapper are 3 of Ed Endo's accounts. These are NOT three different people.

      btw, d0nald tЯump was not shot. As per Christopher Wray, "As I said, I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear".

    9. d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot! d0nald tЯump was NOT shot!


  2. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 23, 2024 at 6:51 AM

    If that is true, we'll, I only feel deep sadness and disbelief fot a very ignorant and confuser population.

    Kamala is going to crush the great Orange Turd.

    1. Kamala is the Affirmative Action appointee. Just like the DEI Secret Service Appointments

    2. I don't need to be saved by her .I need someone who's going to save the country .I don't need another woman to stick up for me because I do not need saving ,but my country does.

    3. Jesus Ricado RomeroJuly 23, 2024 at 11:34 AM

      Our fabulous effective President Biden saved America from the felon in 2020. Kamala is going to strengthen that when she buries the racist misogynist Trump and the Christian Nationalist neo-Nazi GOP.

      American democracy will be safe for at least 4 more years. By then hopefully Trump and is neo-Nazi MAGA scam are gone from the American Lexicon.

    4. Another Bidet pants burrito from Ricardo...

    5. "Kamala is the Affirmative Action appointee. Just like the DEI Secret Service Appointments" You mean like Clarence Thomas? Tim Scott? Byron Donalds? You didn't think that comment through, did you Pumpkin? Also, Kamala was elected, not appointed. Try to do better, if you even can.

    6. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 24, 2024 at 5:59 AM

      They cannot do better. They take their cues from one addled brained, orange hued, very confused and befuddled narcissist, insurectionist, rapist, and felon.

      The loss of $135 million to the deluded one's campaign must sting. Thank you Elon Musk.

      May the light dawn in many more so the coffers of the Anti Christ Trump dries up completely.

      VP Kamala Harris - $231 million raised and counting.

      America Is Back!

      Harris will win in a historic Landslide as America ONCE AGAIN rejects the authoritarian neo-Nazi Trump.

  3. I just confirmed that Border Czar Kamala Harris has not even talked with Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens even once who has been in the position for over the past year.
    And the same goes for retired BP Chief Raul Ortiz who disclosed back in March that he never “had even ONE conversation” with the Border Czar during the two years he held the position under the Biden Administration.

    1. Soros, Obama and whoever else sat in a smoke filled room and decided that this is who's going to be the candidate. Money talks

    2. You confirmed shit peter. And you know it. You're a filthy liar. Exactly like you're Fuhrer.

    3. The German New Zealander Peter Thiel and the Canadian South African Elon Musk purchased the VP slot for 45 million per month. Vance is the bought and paid for VP that our wealthy overlords want to be predisent when tЯump kicks the bucket. GOP is the party of, by and for the billionaires.

      Kamala Harris was selected by the people. A vote for Joe Biden was a vote for Kamala Harris. All the people who voted "Biden" in the primary were voting for Harris. She is second in line to the presidency.

    4. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 23, 2024 at 1:53 PM

      And, with the firm committed support of intelligent, thoughtful, and truly patriotic Americans VP Kamala Harris WILL leave the great misogynistic Orange Turd and Just Dumb Vance in the dust as she captures leadership of the nation.

      The Orange Turd and Just Dumb Vance will be licking their deep wounds.

    5. Well, it looks like Musk fooled d0пдld tЯump into placing Vance on the republiturd ticket. He just said he isn't giving the agreed to 45 million a month. Though he still supports the orange turd. 😂 😂

    6. Assface Ichabod Derpwood Sanders shows his feces fixation again. Perhaps that comes from shoving his face up his gay buddies' buttocks at his Paris Tennessee gay brothel on Highway 69.


  4. Biden was dragged .
    , yelling. kicking and screaming from his throne under the threat of force. But he’s out, and “Out” is OUT, nothing can be re-done!

  5. Wallow in your delusions and ignorance. The BLUE'S gonna wipe the floor with the Orange Turd and his sycophants.

    Get ready for the greatest CRUSHER of political indecency and bullshit in modern history.

  6. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 23, 2024 at 1:23 PM

    The GOP now owns the only almost octogenarian top of a ticket. The sleepy bewildered dementia addled wannabe Fuhrer.

    I love the GOP hypocritical misogynistic look!

    Keep it up PLEASE!

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 24, 2024 at 6:59 AM

      Love reading your lies, delusions, and abject ignorance.

      You represent EVERYTHING that is WRONG with America.

      But do not worry. VP Kamala Harris, soon to be President Kamala Harrisis, is going to fix that for ya.

      Only the very deluded and ignorant are continuing to follow the insurectionist, narcissist, rapist, tax fraudster, pathological liar, aging dementia addled octogenarian, misogynist, and neo-Nazi scum.

      You cannot run from the truth. It will forever haunt your constricted polluted worl view.

  7. Continued:
    The Progressive Communist democrat shock troops, including Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the pro-Hamas terrorist supporters, are still rioting and destroying private and public property.
    The Progressive Communist democrat media propagandists are following the objectively false talking points: Joe Biden was a great president and a man of accomplishment., Kamala Harris is a qualified presidential candidate. Things are getting better, and the progressive communist democrats are the party of change and hope rather than the party of slavery, segregation, and Marxist revolutionary racial and sexual exploitation.
    Considering how quickly the delegates dropped into line and the money bomb exploded with hundreds of millions of dollars, it suggests that Kamala Harris was the recipient of a palace coup declared by former President Barack Obama and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
    The County is crumbling and these people think that they have been appointed KING to do whatever they want to behind closed doors!…
    With the progressive communist democrats in disarray, it’s every man and woman for themselves, and leakers and whistleblowers are lining up for the immunity train to avoid investigation and prosecution in a new regime.

    The corrupt Department of Justice recently told a federal judge that it has managed to locate transcripts that they previously denied having and which documented President Joe Biden’s handling of classified material in talks with his biographer. We also found that the White House edited the transcripts of the Special Counsel’s Biden interview and that the actual tapes would not be provided.
    .In an apparent tit-for-tat move, Representative Andy Ogles initiated an effort to impeach Vice President Kamala Harris shortly after she became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. The grounds for impeachment are based on high crimes and misdemeanors involving Kamala's role as “border czar” and “extraordinary incompetence” in enforcing immigration laws, and for not invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from office following his dismal debate performance late last month that raised serious questions about his health and cognitive ability.
    The Real, and the Big question is, do the GOP representatives have the colones to do to the Democrats what they did to President Donald Trump? I'm afraid not!

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 24, 2024 at 7:00 AM

      Ditto to my preceeding comment.

  8. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 24, 2024 at 6:47 AM

    The seismic shift created by the outpouring of support and dollars to our electrifying VP Kamala Harris and the reversal by Elon Musk of $135 million in support for Trump is legendary. And the GOP and the MAGAverse are crapping in their pants.

    1. Seismic shifts tend to cause things to crumble, especially when something is done in a shady and corrupt manner.

  9. The control freaks the MAGAverse are going to have trouble finding a space for their BS and delusions after January 2025.

    Soon to be President Harrs and America is going to shut your antiquated backward thinking vision down.

    America is moving forward to a brighter and more enlightened vision for our ALREADY great nation.

    The Democratic Party IS the light and path to an even stronger and brighter future FOR ALL.

    1. Stronger as in a chokehold and brighter as in a fiery inferno.

  10. The evil genocidal Netanyahu of the Zionist State of Israel, the man who has allowed and encouraged the destruction of 40,000 innocent Palestinian women, children, and non combatant men.

    He is evil. No better than Putin or the Islamic extremist who have EVERY right to hate his and Israel's guts.

    For him to be allowed to address our Congres is disgrace and should be condemned by all honest truly spiritual people.

    Netanyahu us, like Trump a liar. At least Trump wasn't directly responsible for the DEATH OF OVER 40,000 innocent human soups.

    Netanyahu's propaganda is no better than any other propagandist.

    The sooner Netanyahu goes the better the planet will be.

    1. He’s doing very well, And He promised that he’s going to slow down when he reaches 100, 000.

    2. Soon to be X- vice president Harris is going to be going back to doing Blow- Jobs after she becomes unemployed.

  11. Isreal is the oppressor state and has been for FAR To long m

    1. Wishing harm and destruction of Israel brings serious judgement against the one who instigates harm. The previous leader of Iran who died last June in a crash is a big example.

  12. Netanyahu, the MIC, and MAGA, busy finding EVERY excuse to make war not peace.

    The wise know violence only begets more violence and death. We've been waring somewhere, or suporting war somewhere with weapons since the end of WW II. Proving my point.

    INSANITY: Doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

  13. Netanyahu has no interest or intention of ending the war in Gaza. Like Trump in 2020, his only real interest is remaining in power.

    1. Soon to be X—vice president Harris is going to be going back to doing Blow- Jobs after she becomes unemployed.

    2. Speaking ill against God's leaders is a very bad idea.

    3. Nuttenyahoo and tяump are Satan's chosen leaders.

    4. Why here you are, my butt buddy Dervish! Thank you so much for your years of loyalty to me. When I leave the White House, I want you to come work for me in Delaware. You've done such a great job wiping me clean, and I need you at my retirement house to continue your great service.

  14. Be very careful about poking the bears. The BIG BEAR will not tolerate it. Attacking Jews is a BAD BAD BAD BAD, BAD THING! THE BIG BEAR will gore you for it.

  15. One butcher, Netanyahu is who we're talking about. The rest of the Jewish people are wonderful.

    The whittle weenie "big bear" will gore no one personally. He himself is a pussyfied gargoyle.

    1. Keep poking the Big Bear! When the Big Bear comes at you, you won't be able to get ahead of it.

  16. This is the best example of what a dogshit leader Joe Biden and his IDIOTIC replacement Kamala is. His ambiguity puts him in Hamas camp with the murderers and rapists. He should just STFU and let Bibi finish those Hamas assholes off. MAGA This is the best example of what a dogshit leader Joe Biden is. His ambiguity puts him in Hamas camp with the murderers and rapists. He should just STFU and let Bibi finish those Hamas assholes off.


  17. It’s extremely sad when foreign pundits are better informed than American Democrat voters.
    More ominous was the Dementia addled Biden mumbling, then telling us he’s staying on “to finish the job.” As if he hasn’t done enough damage to our country and to the safety and security of American families. Joe Biden has become a Clear and Present Danger to the Security of America.
    Was the deal Biden made with Obama and Pelosi that he drop out of the campaign and finish out his presidency?
    America is in a twilight zone where there is no president or there are two, pseudo presidents..
    And they’re all illegitimate to boot.
    This country being run by a criminal cartel behind the scenes even more so than a Banana Republic.

  18. The American people won’t be fooled or distracted.
    I will tell you ABOUT THE real Kamala Harris,. Kamala was the one who Bailed out t he Rioters who Burned down Cities, who threw Bricks at our Police, who Looted the stores and made them close up shop, and leave town, Who called for De-Funding our Police, who wanted the Borders Opened so that other countries could emptu their Jails, and Nut Houses and send them to crash our Borders. Who is responsible for the Insane Inflation we have now. Who is all for the Crazed people to burn our American Fag, and to replace it with Palestinian Flags, who were for invading the USA Collages and harass the Jewish Students, to destroy School property, the Vandalize our Statues and Monuments with Spray pain, the Protest in favor of Hamas a Terrorist Gang of Criminals who Attacked Israel and Raped their Women, and Young Girls, and Beheaded Babies, and Murder them, who took 250 Hostages that re only 105 of them alive today. This is who Kamala Harris is. So when You Jewish people think about voting for this Moronic Anti- American person, Think Again.

  19. Yesterday Bibi Netanyahu, reminded America of how important they are? Running towards values that some radicals in America are running from
    He introduced the IDF soldiers who fought it pulled the heart strings. A man ran 8 miles with his rifle to protect his citizens, another man who lost a leg but pumped his fist a la Trump with some passion, perhaps just happy to be alive and still in the fight. Nothing appeals to me more than courage and it was nice to see the examples.
    He opened the eyes of the Biden/Harriss Voters.
    This was a message to America to remember their values? Sometimes Americans forget and take for granted how vital civil liberty and religious foundations in their system matter. I would argue a Judeo-Christian foundation. Clearly she doesn't take her jobs seriously. Why does she think she deserves to be President, when she DOESN’T!

    She had one job. ONE JOB. Secure the border, and she LOUSED that up. .
    A real President like Trump, or Bibi would turn Gaza into a parking lot

  20. Yesterday Bibi Netanyahu, reminded America of how important they are? Running towards values that some radicals in America are running from
    He introduced the IDF soldiers who fought it pulled the heart strings. A man ran 8 miles with his rifle to protect his citizens, another man who lost a leg but pumped his fist a la Trump with some passion, perhaps just happy to be alive and still in the fight. Nothing appeals to me more than courage and it was nice to see the examples.
    He opened the eyes of the Biden/Harriss Voters.
    This was a message to America to remember their values? Sometimes Americans forget and take for granted how vital civil liberty and religious foundations in their system matter. I would argue a Judeo-Christian foundation. Clearly she doesn't take her jobs seriously. Why does she think she deserves to be President, when she DOESN’T!

    She had one job. ONE JOB. Secure the border, and she LOUSED that up. .
    A real President like Trump, or Bibi would turn Gaza into a parking lot.

  21. sal, peter, and anon, if the three of you had 6 brain cells among you we'd be very surprised. None of your drivel is accurate. It's rightwing talking points lacking any credibility. Your lying felon Fuhrer has you and your pea sized intellect in his hip pocket. But don't get excited cause your neo-Nazi wannabe Fuhrer Trump is going down in November by a much larger amount than the SOB did in 2029.

    1. I’m sure you already know where you can STICK IT!

    2. And while you’re at it, get some new names to use. These are really LAME.

    3. And I'm sure YOU realize that I realize just how ignorant and deluded YOU are.

      Lameness is YOUR specialy.

      So, your BS means nothing to me.

      But, carry in. I know you will.

    4. Keep it up, Leslie Elden Carpenter III! Your budda god is still asleep on the job. Perhaps you need to bang your bongos even louder to wake your budda up?

    5. Seems your god has been absent for a damn long time. Likely been missing in action through beginning less time.

    6. Bow down to my butt crack, oh Harvey Milk Pinkerton my buttboy. Sniff the incense burning from my anal orifice, Harvey Milk Pinkerton and worship me, my Bigly Shemale ManChild.

  22. Davey Boy asked
    “ Then please explain why your misogynistic racist party nominated a rapist, insurectionist, felon, and a man who failed miserably the first time out. As well as his 5 times bankrupt, his failed Trump U scam which he paid 25 million for, and so much more.
    The hypocrisy (and ignorance) of this post represents MAGA, the GOP, and Fuhrer Trump to a tee.”my answer is ; maybe for the same reason that your party nominated a Senile Asshole, for president and a with famous WHORE for his VP.

    1. Your ignorance, exposed in your reified false beliefs, should embarrass you deeply.

  23. Soon to be X- vice president Harris is going to be going back to doing Blow- Jobs after she becomes unemployed.

  24. Your pathetic misogynistic and racist ignorance defines your very own character. You're proud of a very unflattering and gross presence.

    As sad as it is disgusting.

    1. Eat Horse Mauve! DaveyBOY
      Now is that better?

    2. Naw, that's your specialty. Enjoy!

  25. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 25, 2024 at 10:41 AM

    The legendary negativity and disingenuousness of the GOP in general and Trump's fake MAGA specifically was the reason for Trump's 2020 landslide loss and the 2024 loss will dwarf the 2020 loss.

    So, keep doing the SAME things while expecting to win.

    MAGA/GOP is truly an insane political zoo.


  26. Les CarpenterJuly 25, 2024 at 5:42 PM
    Just Dumb Vance and peter3nj hold reified views (beliefs) that are deeply representative of the ignorance of prior eras. Beliefs the majority of our people reject.


  27. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 25, 2024 at 3:43 PM

    Well, truth is truth. Wisdom is wisdom. Decency is decency. Honesty is honesty. Integrity is integrity. Intelligence is Intelligence.

    And neither of those two possess any of those.

    Nor apparently do you anymouse.

  28. Dave Dubya said...

    "So Vance is doing something a real hero never does. Brag about his service"
    So after your Snotty Asinine Remark Davey Boy, WHAT'S THE ANSWER? WHAT THE HELL DID SHE DO?

  29. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 26, 2024 at 10:32 AM

    Whatever she did, which is: prosecutor, attorney general, senator, VP, and soon to be President. She is going to prosecute the case against Trump's and Just Dumb Vance with vigor, honesty, and she'll have the octogenarian (almost) babbling and playing the victim role like the incompetent fool that he has become. A felon, sexual assaulter, misogynist, racist, tax fraudster, narcissist, liar, insurrectionist, 5 children with 3 mammas, adulterer, and the list goes on.

    VP Kamala Harris is going to trounce the great Orange Hued Babboon and his running mate Just Dumb Vance.

    1. HEY DAVEY BOY, What don't you call '"VP Kamala Harris" WHAT SHE REALLY IS,, AND WHAT EVERYBODY ELSE is calling her these day,... A "DUMB GIGGLING HYENA"!

    2. Probably because it is a fu*king bald faced lie. That's why moron.

  30. Only a MORONIC, IDIOT like the Author of that RAG called Progressive, There is NO doubt that her commenters Like Leslie the Jew Hater needs an Enema Badly when he wrote that Stupid Comment about JD Vance being "Stupid" because he can run Rings around the Giggling Hyena Kamala the VP WHORE! Soon to be a Civilian. Yes the Giggling Hyena Kamala who now is "Claiming" that she was NEVER the Border CZAR!
    The Joke is on her that POS who was a Bed-Friend to every one, and Anyone that would give her help to further her Dream Job

    1. Sorry Davey BOY VP Kamala Harris is going to trounce the great Orange Hued Babboon and his running mate Just Dumb Vance.

    2. Peter peter pumpkin eater had a wife but couldn't keep her. So, he put her in a pumpkin shell and there he kept her very well.

      As the misogynist peter displays the misogyny that Trump, the MAGAverse, and the gop rally around.

      Bigots, racists, misogynist, and liars. MAGA and the gop. Making America a backwards country as it attempts to regain the 18th century.

  31. They have already revved up the regime-run propaganda machine to change the narrative that Vice President Kamala Harris is:

    African-American (she is not; she is Indian and Jamaican)
    Organically selected (no one voted for Kamala Harris in a primary, and the party elites selected her because they had no other choice).
    Intelligent (she is not).
    Accomplished (she is not; her record of accomplishment is nil).
    Articulate (she is not; she is lost without a teleprompter).
    She has sensible, moderate values (she has no core values).
    She is well-liked (even measured against Hillary Clinton, she is not).
    She is tough on crime (unless you are not a member of the elite with connections).
    Honest and ethical (she is not).
    She was not responsible for the Southern Border Disaster (she is).
    She is not a Marxist (she is not; she is an out-and-out unprincipled communist demanding an equal outcome for everyone and policies based on equity).
    She is a radical (she is pretending to be moderate).
    She claims she is the proud product of public education (most of which was in Canada and elite schools).
    She claims she supports Israel (she gives aid and comfort to those who support terrorists).
    It is not a complete and utter disaster (she is).
    Remember the 51 intelligence experts who signed a letter telling us that Hunter Biden’s laptop was likely Russian propaganda when the FBI/DOJ knew it was authentic?

    Remember when 16 Nobel Prize-winning economists signed a letter endorsing President Biden’s economic policies while criticizing Donald Trump’s economic policy?
    Well, they are rerunning the same playbook and with the same expectation that it will be widely covered in the media.
    40 Former DOJ Officials Endorse Kamala Harris for President

    A group of former and current Department of Justice (DOJ) officials endorsed Vice President Harris for president, saying the “stakes could not be higher” and warning of the implications of another term for former President Trump.
    Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch was joined by more than 40 DOJ officials in thanking President Biden for his years of service and his “historic decision to put the nation first and pass the torch to the next generation of leaders.

    1. You seem just a bit confused.

  32. Measure up how JD VANCE started HIS Career, against
    How Kamala Harris started Hers
    Vance in the US Marines. And Harris in bed.

    1. As the horsesh*t flows off the finger tips of a rightwing moron.

  33. There Just Isn't any end the the MADNESS of the Leftist these days.
    The Leftist organizers of the Paris Olympics are facing a backlash after an apparent drag queen parody of
    Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper featured in the opening ceremony.

    Far-Right politicians criticised the skit, with Marion Maréchal, a member of the European Parliament, apologising to “all the Christians of the world who felt insulted” by the performance.

    The controversial scene featured at the end of the four-hour show, when, in heavy rain, a group of around a dozen performers, including drag queens, struck poses behind a long table.

    At the center was a woman wearing a headdress that resembled a crown, while holding her hands out in a heart shape. She was flanked by drag performers, and other artists who danced alongside her.

    1. Bla, bla, bla more homophonic bullshit from a crazy looney filled with hate.

  34. You ignorant racists and idiots gave zero wisdom or common sense.

  35. There is only ONE TOPIC THAT REALLY MATTERS in the 2024 -2025 Election. And That’s The BORDER
    The border is either going to be closed, or it isn't. And will remain Open That's the entire Ballgame -- WE ARE EITHER GOING TO STOP THIS INVASION MADNESS And (elect Trump) or We Are Not and elect Cackles) the Idiotic Hyena The rest of this crap - Abortion, Orange man bad, JD Vance’s Intelligent’s or Kamala's Leftist VP candidate doesn't matter. The OPEN BORDERS have already done a great damage to the country. Crime is already WAY UP. Personal safety is WAY UP, RAPE is WAY UP - Rents are WAY UP, The Prices at the Grocery Store are WAY UP as the Illegal Compete for the Limited Supply of Housing. As they loot our stores, and other businesses, as they tie up beds in the Hospitals. We Will Either Get this under Control, or the Country Will Be Ruined in 4 More Years. Or less with that Giggling Hyena, who thinks this is all a Joke or a Game, As she told Barrack Obama on the phone, “It’s going to be lots of Fun”! .
    Yes she thinks this is FUN!This is the key question he should ask voters.

    We need to ask ourselves Is this who we want for our President Some on that thinks this is Fun?
    Who will allow more illegal immigrants into the country, Trump or Harris?
    Who will stop this Crime, the Rapes, the Murders of our children, Who will allow the Fentanyl brought into the country? Who will bring down the high prices? Who will being Respect back to our Country?
    Donald J. Trump will close the Border "The Illegalize will remain in Mexico or thy will GO HOME like he did before.
    If the US needs more workers, they can come in Legally, after Being Vetted.

    The Democrats are in the middle of a their massive plan to take over the national electorate by importing tens of millions of Third World wretches, largely dependent on government money and services, and then to convert them all into Voting Democrat citizens. In a country that is now evenly divided, those tens of millions of Democrats will determine our political future for decades to come, probably for the remaining life of this Country.
    Our Countries Life Depends on how this election ends.

  36. More crap from the sewer⁸⁷s of racism and bullshit. Stupid blind bigots of the far rightwing neo-Nazi cabal of Trump, MAGA, the GOP, the CORRUPT scotus, and idiots like you are the crap thuis nation can do without.

    We are going to bury the racist misogynist cabal that is MAGA and the GOP.


    1. Another projector extraordinaire.

  38. Progressive HunterJuly 27, 2024 at 8:20 AM

    Hey DAVEYBOY have you always been a moronic Lying asshole-Progressive or is this something new you're trying?
    Have you always been a Ass Kisser to Shaw or are you trying out for the Part?

    1. No, but YOU have always been one who projects mightily.

  39. Progressive HunterJuly 27, 2024 at 8:23 AM

    How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

    She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

    Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers
    If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote

  40. You're so full of shit, just like your neo-Nazi wannabe Fuhrer, you're eyes must be black.


  41. At this point in time, many of forums that are similar to this one have become a venue for complaints about Jews , and places for Democrats to come out from under the rocks, and even people I thought were decent are crawling out from under the woodwork with demeaning remarks about Jews. With Jews, having to hire police or the military to stand post at synogogues, etc. Jews being warned not to wear their Jewish jewelry, does America really want to be part of spreading the Jew-hate? I would think not. But still we can see it Happening.

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 27, 2024 at 11:17 AM

      Ignorance and delusion must follow you all of your days.

      Netanyahu is a Zionist Butcher hoping to exterminate the Palestinians. A fine people.

      As are the true and non violent Jewish people.

      The genocidal butcher Netanyahu must go soon. He, like so many hateful people are but a pox on humanity.

  42. We are shocked, utterly shocked I tell ya! Shocked that the Democrats would stoop so low as to distort the meaning of the words of a Republican!
    And to purposely misrepresent, and mislead people about what The nominated Republican VP Vance is all about.
    Say it aint so Democrats please say that someone on that SHITBlog didn’t call JD VANCE “”Dumb”. Because you would have to be an IGNORANT POS to even think that way. Ain’t I correct Les Carpenter!
    What has this world come to?

  43. Everything, and I mean everything the fabulous Democratic Party and it's candidates say about rethuglicans is true. Taken from the rethuglicans own racist misogynistic uttering and outright lies.

    1. Now that I got that off my mind, I feel tingles up my tenderloinz, LOL! LOL! LOL!

  44. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJuly 27, 2024 at 1:32 PM

    Okay, J(ust) D(umb) Vance then.

    He's earned the title so, we are happy to acknowledge that truth.

    Sorry. Truth is Truth.

    You idiots of the MAGAverse have earned the disdain of all decent, honest, compassionate, and loving people all across this land.

    Consider this... when MAGA discontinues calling President Obama the halfrican, Michelle Obama the Mooch or Micheal, VP Kamala Harris the laughing hyena and she slept her way to the top maybe, possibly then, we'll stop refering to JD as Just Dumb.

    So, stop being hypocrites. We know that is really really tough for the GOP and MAGA.

  45. A well-placed Democratic Party source said they have heard the same, telling The Post that Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York Senator Chuck Schumer wanted to hold “a mini primary” which Obama believed that Kamala Harris could not and would not win.
    As a Biden camp suggested that he should quickly endorse someone other than Kamala Harris to defy Barack Obama
    Multiple sources told The Post that Obama had wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” at the convention.Obama, the anti-Semitic communist-in-chief who hates America, Whites, and Israel and is pro-terror state Iran, may have another Middle East front open against Israel with Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah, ramping up attacks on Israel

    1. And here I made it east for even you to understand.

      I'd rather not waste much breath on you. So, read the link.
      See the TRUTH for yourself incase to don’t remember as She (Kamala, is counting on)
      Whether it's my words or Texas, or own words or the article, it should matter to you,,,, BECAUSE YOUR CANDIDATE IS LYING TO YOU IN HER VERY OWN FIRST WEEK AS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. .

  46. I'll make this short and sweet. As the media and the left try to sweep her record on the border under the rug, they are all trying to claim she was never made the Border Czar. But a House Proclamation on March 24, 2023, on the very same day she was appointed by Biden to the same, called for her removal as Border Czar.
    Don't fall for the from either one of those LYING Democrats lies. And Do Your Own Research.
    Read it for yourself, But if you don’t want to, HERE IS THE TRANSLATION!
    /253/text ://
    Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Vice President Kamala Harris should be removed from her position as the head of the Biden administration’s strategy to address the root causes of migration.
    Whereas, on March 24, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris was named “Border Czar” in charge of leading efforts to stem migration across the United States-Mexico border;
    Whereas Vice President Harris has visited the southern border once since President Biden appointed her to lead efforts to stem migration across the United States-Mexico border;
    Whereas border security is national security and the ongoing influx of migrants poses a significant threat to the public health and safety of our communities;Whereas, under the Biden administration, a historic number of illegal immigrants, violent criminals, and deadly drugs have flooded into our communities through the southern border;
    Whereas over 4,500,000 migrants have illegally crossed our southern border since January 2021; When Kamala Harris was Joe Biden’s “Border Czar!

  47. It has became apparent that Kamala Harris is now Resorting to Provable Lies to Further Her Campaign.
    In her own statements that she made less than 5 years ago, she now refutes, and then goes accusing Trump of lying when he points that out the Truth..
    for instance the one about her desire to ban fracking, or about HER BEING THE BORDER CZAR!
    or about the state of the economy! or about Biden's mental capabilities.
    what's up with that you Democrats
    She should be great enough of a leader by now to at least admit when she's changed her mind about something. UNIMPORTANT, but NOT these things,
    You Democrats are acting like sheeple being led to the slaughter, allowing her to tell you these LIES right to your face.
    If she can get away with doing that, then think of what she can do if ashe were to be elected President!.
    Statements she made only less than 5 years ago, she now refutes, and then goes accusing Trump of lying when he points that out to you!. Foe example, about the State of the Economy!
    Or about Biden's Mental Capabilities. which she know damn well all these years!
    If she lies so.boldly about her policies now in her effort to try and get into the W.H, what will she lie.about when in the presidents seat?. The media didn't do themselves any favors covering up the last three years, their credibility is shot.

  48. OVER ....the last 4 years democrats and liberals be it in congress or MEDIA have accused or Made accusation and innuendo about DONALD TRUMP putting him in a negative light these same brainless democrats and liberals say where did this nut job shooter come up with the idea to shoot TRUMP ...DUH ...WAKE UP ? The people mentioned are just as responsible as the shooter is pray for Donald Trump, he is our last chance to save our country.

  49. Scum of the earth, Trump and MAGA. Dirt beneath honest people's feet. Filth before the eyes of decent folks. As well as desperate little parasites.

  50. The Israeli Olympic team was not allowed to wear their yellow “Bring Them Home” pins at the Olympic games.
    So they decided to spell it out with SWIMMERS for the entire world to see it!
    And where were the Americans?They were VERY SILENT!


  51. How insane is this. This was a coup in the DNC. No Democrat voter who supports Harris’ presidency can lecture anyone on democracy.

    She was installed by the DNC and donors. They literally just told Democrat voters they don’t care about their desires. The last time Harris was subjected to the democratic process, she was 5th amongst Democrat candidates.

    Trump was made the GOP nominee by the will of the people. Harris has been declared the Democrat nominee by backroom think tanks and hidden decision makers

    If you’re a democrat who values democracy, you ought to be rather angry that your party has decided to move forward without considering your (or any democrat) vote
    There is no true election to see who the nominee is, when the Democrats are concerned. …Because the nominee has already been selected, declared, and had hundreds of billions thrown at her...
    Any so called “election” would be a farce by any measure. It couldn’t be any more obvious, just take a good look at what was done by the Head of the Democratic Party.

  52. Another gas attack from the MAGAverse of fear, delusion, and ignorance. With their heads buried in darkness and hate they toil on in their desire to believe a lie, a con man, and a felon.

    Such disgraceful actions.

  53. The gaslighting has started in earnest. The problem is that we were there. We know Kamala's record. And we are well aware that she climbed the political ladder by being on her Knees. .

  54. Kamala Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews, as she Kicks Off Her Campaign With Major Snub to Prim Minster Netanyahu.. Vice President Harris would have sat directly behind Netanyahu’s podium during the Wednesday event. Instead, last week , Biden’s campaign had scheduled her to speak in Indianapolis. To Collage Students ( During the Summer?)
    The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.
    Harris is receiving lots of flack from Zionist organizations over the comments she made about student protests in support of Palestine in an interview with The Nation earlier this month. The Zionist Organization of America accused Harris of endorsing “Arab Islamist criminality,” among other Racist remarks

  55. VP Kamala Harris, very soon to be President, is so far beyond your pea sized intellect and childish insults it has no effect because it is nothing but hateful MAGAverse bullshit.

    It is Trump, you, the GOP, and the cultists that surround themselves around Trump doing all the gaslighting.

    You people are pathetic.

  56. Netanyahu never should have been allowed in our Capitol. He is a pathetically vicious, heartless, genocidal, Zionist. One the USA should be horrified by rather than giving him objects of destruction so he can butcher more innocent Palestinians.

    Netanyahu carries the mark of Satan.

    1. The Prick above said"
      "Netanyahu carries the mark of Satan."
      I think he's thinking about HIMSELF!

    2. Your conditioning has been a roaring success! And you didn't rleven realize you've been conditioned. LMAO!


  57. Kamala said that the only way she would back Israel is if they approved of a two party state going forward in the war between gaza and Israel. One state controlled by the moderates for the Palestinian. This would allow israel to control its land the way they choose and strengthen their rights to exist as the Palestinians couldn't act like like they had a right to live in it

  58. A two state solution with the Palestinians having full complete control over their lives, territory, and affairs is the ONLY solution. The only honorable, peaceful, and compassionate solution.

    VP Kamala Harris is, spot on and absolutely correct.

  59. Trump is at a Rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota
    Trump is going off script a lot tonight and the crowd is going crazy.. The auditorium is packed to capacity and the overflow crowd outside is even larger!
    While Kamala Harris has a room of 68 people at her event in Philadelphia
    This should be shown over and over. There are 2 visions of “Democracy”


  60. Are we supposed to Ignore the fact that a non-present, incompetent leadership has compromised our national security, and the government appears to be run by unelected political appointees.

    Should we Ignore our decimated economy and the profligate government borrowing and expenditures that have produced rampant inflation and skyrocketing prices for food, fuel, housing, and the other necessities of life.

    And should we Ignore those who are killing the fossil fuels industry, the lifeblood of our economy, to further the communist wealth redistribution scheme known as climate change.

    And Ignore our crumbling healthcare system that is increasingly unaffordable and an ongoing catastrophe since Obamacare and their insurance company surrogates.

    And should we Ignore the invasion of illegal aliens who are decimating our infrastructure and social safety nets and who are bankrupting our cities and states.

    And Ignore our chaotic jobs market that is severely impacted by illegal immigration, those who demand burger flippers earn $40,000+, and those who are killing the gig economy while trying to unionize all workers.
    And Ignore the fact that our premier intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been politically captured and weaponized against the American people who support an opposing political party.

    And Ignore the redistribution of funds meant to improve our damaged and decaying infrastructure and have been redirected to social programs that benefit the government bureaucracy, contractors, consultants, lawyers, charities, and tax-exempt non-government organizations and do little for the intended recipients.

    They must want us to Ignore the proxy wars that are draining our military stockpiles and exploding our borrowing to pay for Ukrainian pensions.

    And Ignore the rampant anti-Semitism and the attack on white Christian males while they Burn our Flag, and Hoist up that RAG the Flag or the Palestinians!.
    Should we also Ignore the barbaric terrorists who killed children in front of their parents and burned babies alive, and RAPPED the women and took 250 Hostages more then half of them have been Killed by now and blame those attempting to protect themselves.

    WE WILL NOT Ignore their rampant crime, and those mutate criminals into victims while attempting to disarm millions of law-abiding citizens to create a sizeable government-dependent victim pool.

    And we will not Ignore and affirm those with psycho-sexual pathologies, leading them to believe they are furry animals or those who support those who would torture or murder them in a heartbeat if they appeared on foreign shores.
    And we will not Ignore those who would label you a racist, misogynist, homophobe, transphobic, or other pejorative term to silence you when you speak the truth.

    But most importantly, ignore the fact that the democratic party has been infiltrated and captured by the very communists who were and are our enemies. And they DARE to say that our Candidate wants to "End Democracy"

    Bottom line Is That We will NOT Ignore this Giggling Dummy who thinks that she will become the President! No Way, It's NOT Going To Happen!

    And you want to vote for the progressive communist democrats who are destroying America from within? Or vote for an incompetent fool because she is a black woman?

    1. There is no "progressive communist democrats" destroying America. That is merely your MAGA diseased mind whispering in your ear.

    2. VP Kamala Harris WILL be our next President for 8 years.

      Your MAGA GOP, the neo-Nazi party of the anti-American rightwing, will shrivel and die, just as your anointed Fuhrer wannabe is shriveling and dying slowly every time he opens his lying maw.

  61. 12 children were Killed by a Hamas Rocket today.
    I thought the Palestinians wanted a ceasefire in their conflict with the Jews?
    Guess I was wrong and so were the liberal media and Kamala that pressed for it.

  62. If you are an Independent, you will never know the truth if the Dems stay in charge….the Dem machine has been lying for 30 years and the Dem Media (CNN, MSNBC, etc, etc) have helped the Dems cover up countless events….if there is a Dem Pres in 2024, we will never know why Joe was forced out, we will never know who put money in the encrypted bank accounts of the Butler shooter, we will never know why we had such terrible inflation under a Dem President, we will never know why KJP lied over 5000 times in press conferences, etc, etc, etc!!!!!!

  63. Why don't one of you Morons tell us exactly what kind of authority you imagine Kamala Harris has on the border. :lol:

  64. Naw, you're incapable of grasping truth or seeing reality.

    Figure it out for yourself. If you ever become capable of doing so.

  65. Concerned AmericanJuly 29, 2024 at 9:01 AM

    Maybe Kameltoe needs to move into a tent under an overpass in Oakland if equity is what she truly desires. Why should she lead a life of privilege and wealth while the majority have less than she does?

  66. Why don't you take a long walk off a short pier?

  67. BTW Shaw your blog is what I put in my Birds Cage every morning.
    And it comes in very handy.
    Happy Birthday

  68. Chuck Schumer advises Trump to drop Vance and pick a new VP candidate.
    Does anyone else have some advice for Schumer. Besides me?

    1. Vance is your guy. We are soooo happy the Guy with the Orange Hue picked him. We can't think of a more fitting running mate for him. He exemplifies Trump and the misogyny of the GOP quite well.


  69. The Democratic Bigwigs had Threatened to Forcibly Remove Biden From Office Unless He Quit


    1. As calls for Biden to bow out mounted, Biden insisted he would continue, but party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.

    2. The lying stories the MAGA zombies cook up in their magamush minds.


  70. Jo Truth 101" Kelly
    You always be my fav . More happiness to you big Bro, I mean Sis.

  71. I just heard that the one on the TOP of Kamala’.list for VP is Forrest Gump

  72. As the idiots prove once again that they are, indeed idiots.

  73. If GOD Forbid Kamala Harris wins in 2024, will this affirm the Democrat Parties position that they know what is best for their subjects and going forward they will refer to their Chamber of donors, mainstream media, Party Seniors (Obama, Pelosi etc) and Super Delegates to produce the greatest politician possible.
    We can SAY goodbye to both the Democratic Party, and to America.

    1. Delusions gotcha Petet, and gotcha real good.

  74. Is Chuck Schumer a Palestinian?
    Because he sure acts like one!

  75. “Democrats can try to rebrand Kamala, but voters are already realizing Kamala’s more radical than Biden ever was.

    *Defund the police
    *abolish ICE
    *decriminalize border crossings
    *ban natural gas exploration
    *get rid of private health insurance
    *government-run daycare. We can’t afford Kamala Harris- a dangerous Marxist who wants to turn America into San Francisco.”
    Jesse Waters

  76. Kamala is not a radical. She's center left and your hobgoblin mentality ain't flying in broader America. The Trumpublican MAGA party is a misogynist racist party and America ain't having it. Women and the young will save America from the old white guys party.

    1. We are not going to be Part of your idiocy

    2. Of course. You're an integral part if your own.

  77. Nope, Chuck Schumer is Jewish with a mind as well as compassion.

    1. The Mind of an IDIOT

    2. Continue your projections. We know it makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

  78. Kamala is violating U.S. law by providing support to Hamas a terrorist organization

  79. Bullshit. VP Kamala Harris is doing exactly what is right AND sensible. Butcher Netanyahu deserves shunning and great disdain for his genocidal actions in Gaza.

  80. In MY Honest OpinionJuly 30, 2024 at 10:56 AM

    You cannot trust Kamala Harris, who is a communist pledging to use the all-powerful government to create a larger and more authoritarian government environment, raise your taxes to confiscatory levels, and redistribute the efforts of your hard work to those that deign not to work to create “equal outcomes” even among illegal aliens.

    Like all socialist and communist systems in history, the only things that become equal over time are poverty and miser

  81. Kamala Harris us NOT a communist and unless you're ignorant of what dictatorial authoritarian communism actually is you are simply blowing smoke from yout posterior.

    I suggest you return to your Good Book and read, over and over again, what your Savior Jesus taught in his teachings of love, compassion, and kindness for all living beings without exception.

  82. Vice President Kamala Harris has churned through her office staff, raising questions about her management style and leadership abilities as she advances unchallenged toward the Democratic presidential nomination.

    Researchers who analyzed payroll data found an “extraordinarily very high” exodus rate from Ms. Harris’ vice presidential office. Those who have worked for her over the past decade report that she was a tyrannical boss who terrified her employees, cursed constantly, discouraged direct eye contact and made employees stand at attention when she entered a room.
    One Democratic official whose son worked as an intern for Ms. Harris during her years as California’s attorney general (2011-2017) wrote in late 2019, after she launched her failed presidential bid, “There is another side of Kamala Harris which the general public does not know.”
    I guess that people don’t change.

    1. Mamala will never become President.

    2. Kamala Harris is God's chosen leader.

  83. And you this how? Since YOU are not a democratic operative or an official entity that would know.

    What you and your counterparts in the make believe MAGAverse imagine and then believe in your MAGA minds is nothing but hogwash that no one in touch with actual reality buys.

    But, you do do you well

  84. Fuad Shukr WHO WAS behind 1984 attack on Americans too
    It’s Being reported that the ASS-WIPE IS as dead as a door nail
    The IDF says the Beirut strike targeted Hezbollah commander behind deadly Majdal attack.
    Reports name target of strike as Fuad Shukr, who heads the Lebanese terror group’s precision missile project and WAs wanted by US for his role in 1983 Marines barracks bombing
    If so well done Israel, tht’s a VERY GOOD START.

  85. This Murder Attempt of Trump was a Sign of How Desperate the Left is to Hold on to Power
    How far will the Left go to hold on to power? They dragged the Country through three years of fake Russian Collusion, two impeachments, 91 fake indictments, cheating in elections and now they literally try to kill the man. So, it begs the question: What will they do next?

  86. Why don't one of you Progressive Morons tell us exactly what the BORDER CAZAR Kamala Harris has done ai the border. :lol:


  88. Kamala Harris Kicks Off Her Campaign With Major Snub to Netanyahu, Lets see just how far that Gets her.
    She is nothing but Trouble , and this proves it. If you are a Jew, and Vote for that Creep, then you'll get what you deserve.

  89. I truly think that we should vote with our Remote Controls and Boycott NBC during the entire length of the Olympics. After last evening's Drag Queen Debauchery (and to the religious types their blasphemy) in front of millions of people including children I think those with moral fiber

  90. The big question magA magA maN is this... do you ever see reality when you are aware?

    Methinks absolutely not!

  91. Wow! Just Wow!!

    VP Kamala Harris is lighting the Democratic Party and voters on fire. Her crowds are dwarfing the wee whittle trumpy events.

    VP Kamala Harris is the future as she will bury wee whittle trumpy and his shoe shine boy Just Dumb Vance.

    America is BACK from the disaster of trump's non administration of 2017 to 2021. Thanks to the brilliant job by President Biden. I our NEXT President, VP Kamala Harris WILL carry on Biden's excellent work and MAKE AMERICA BETTER THAN IT AS EVER BEEN.

    So, get aboard the Harris train and help Make America the Best It Can Be.


    1. Salvatore, you misspelled her name - it's M-A-M-A-L-A.

      Mamala Hoebama Hairballz hates Jews.

  93. The comments from the zombie brigade of MAGAts are becoming increasingly amusing as the lying continues.

    1. Leslie Elden Carpenter III and his butt buddies 0xCaCa Dave Miller, Dave Dubya and Assface Ichabod Derpwood Assface bin §atan~§ander$666 will be crying foul when Mamala's KooKoo Train derails and crashes violently and Bigly very soon.

  94. As the rat man extraordinaire continues his childish diarrhea from his dungeon of hallucinations.

  95. Throughout her career as a senator and then vice president, Kamala Harris developed a reputation as a difficult boss who struggles to retain staff due to the atmosphere of suspicion and disorder that tends to develop among her subordinates.
    Only four of the initial 47 staffers Harris brought in with her in 2021 are still employed in her office, as of March 31, 2024, Open the Books found: Yael S. Belkind, assistant to the chief of staff, Nasrina Bargzie, former associate counsel and current deputy council, Oludayo O. Faderin, former associate director and current deputy director of west wing operations, and Olivia K. Hartman, former advance coordinator and current deputy director of scheduling.
    One minute she's a Bitch with a capitol “B” the next she Gaggles too much.
    From April 2023 to March 2024, 24 individuals left their jobs in Harris’s office....In about 4 more months Kamala will be in America's rear-view mirror
    She's no Barrack Obama that's for sure. Plus unlike Obama, Kamala must defend the Biden/Harris record of Disaster, and that’s not gonna be so easy.
    Trust me Kamala will be standing on the unemployment line next January !

  96. A perfect example of early lawfare was in Alabama vs. NAACP in the 50's. The state demanded the NAACP's donor list. Obvious intimidation. They refused and it went all the way up to SCOTUS who slapped the state down. The AG tried it again a different way and got slapped down again., and a third time This scene played out again recently in my fine state, where the AG demanded certain organizations that opposed the ruling regime's policies submit a donor list. Despite the prior rulings. That Attorney General was KAMALA HARRIS. And she was slapped down again in court

  97. A verifiable link please. Cause nothing on this site is ever true. Trump and MAGA are scared sh*tless of the truth.

  98. In a move of retaliation Israel had targeted Hamas’s brutal Murdering leader Ismail Haniyeh in a strike in Tehran, the capital of Iran, after he attended the inauguration of the country’s new president, reformist politician and heart surgeon Masoud Pezeshkian, who was sworn in with enthusiastic chants of Death to America, Death to Israel.. The retaliation was ment for what these animals had done earlier to a group of Children on a Soccer field.
    So we can safely say that two top officials of both Hamas and Hezbollah killed in one day.. I suspect that the Ayatollah and his followers are not sleeping well tonight.
    Also targeted only 48 hours after on the same day was Fuad Shukr, who was sent to meet his maker. Hezbollah’s second-in-command, in another stealth strike in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

    Fuad Shukr was the Hezbollah commander responsible for the rocket barrage that killed 12 children in the Israeli Golan Heights, as well as a 1983 bombing that killed 241 U.S. service personnel in Beirut. The weapons were supplied by Iran. Here's to Israel's steadfast resolve and a nod to the betterment of humanity. Hopefuly a lesson was learned, but I doubt it.

  99. As suspected, Kamala Harris, in reading out her lies about what took place in her private meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, eased up pressure on the terrorist organization holding and torturing Jewish hostages (now going on 10 months) and instead putting the blame on Israel
    Biden gave or enabled Iran, a state sponsor of terror organizations, billions of dollars by which they could fund HAMAS to massacre Jews.

    Why are these not considered a violation of the law that prohibits providing support to terrorist organizations? It sure seems that Democrats are willing to throw their support against these “RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS” (oops….I almost forgot Obama and Ms Kamala said don’t use that phrase…..I guess that it makes the Muslim Savages look bad, when they target Jews !. Could it be that Kamala supports “Terrorism” Oh No, she wouldn’t do that! World she?.

    1. 40,000 innocent Palestinians murdered by the butcher Benjamin Netanyahu. Do you blame THEM fotmr hating Israel?

      Netanyahu, to stay in power, will prosecute the war until all Palestinians are dead and the entire Middle East is embroiled in a much broader Middle East war.

      VP Kamala Harris IS absolutely correct Sal. It is you who that is confused.

  100. Dave Miller said..."Thersites, go back in your hole."

    Did the PHONY MEXICAN MINISTER say a naughty thing?

  101. Nope. He said EXACTLY the right and proper thing.

    1. Both You and Him are Full of Shit.

  102. How about that interview yesterday? Trump really, really let his racism and misogyny show. Showed America who he really is. A fraud unfit for ANY public office at any level. Trump is a petulant spoiled child who has never been held accountable for anything his entire life.

    Trump is a charlatan, a fraud, a liar, a felon, and so many more character flaws. He and Just Dumb vance are in for a shellacking come November.

  103. Davey Boy wrote “
    Trump is a charlatan, a fraud, a liar, a felon, and so many more character flaws. He and Just Dumb vance are in for a shellacking come November “



  104. Joe Biden did such a great job for America,that his OWN Party, the Democrat Party kicked him out of the presidential race. !

  105. The Democratic party is 100% corrupt. They will eat their own if it suits them and by the way, this isn't the first time

  106. Isn’t it Funny how both Biden, and Kamala were supposed to be at the Association of Black Journalists interview , and the both of them were no shows!
    And nobody mentioned that.

  107. Keep projecting, reinforce the knowledge that the GOP, Trump, and by extention MAGA supporters, are everything you say.

    Thanks for your confirming projections!

    1. Perhaps if you told the truth about Biden, and Kamala people might think that you are more credible.
      But no one does.

    2. I do not want, nor would I accept your approval.

      Anyone who supports a pathological liar, felon, rapist, insurrectionist, misogynist, racist, etc is no better than Trump.

  108. Judge Joe Brown says Kamala is a corrupt witch. He said he met her father and Judge Brown talks about all the perks including a BMW that WIlly got this witch....He said she screwed an NBA player and a she started screwing the Deputy Chief DA. Brown says she is not what she appears to be.


  109. Other than the retarded Male Queers beating up the females The Blaspheming in the Last Supper at the opening ceremonies turned out to be pretty disgusting

    1. Democrats will lie about everything and anything for power. DEI hire Border Czar And Kamala Harris led the biggest coverup in US history. She is completely full of crap

  110. Keep projecting! America knows what you, Trump, and MAGA really are.

  111. Thanks for projecting exactly what Trump would do. You're a star!

  112. The claim that former prosecutor Kamala Harris didn't pass the bar exam came up in 2020 when she was a presidential candidate. Trump repeated it again Wednesday without acknowledging she passed.


  113. It’s a Simple question. When border Czar Harris’s family owned slaves were they Jamaican, or Indian?
    What’s the answer?

  114. Over 50% of young Liberal/Progressive Women have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.
    This is a Proven Fact! Don't Believe it? Look It Up.

  115. Harris was NEVER "Border Czar" and there is NO proven fact. If there was you'd link to it.

    You're a liar. Just like your wannabe Fuhrer Trump the Misogynist/Racist.
