The Democrats have balls of brass. Conservatives’ are made of glass. The former sound in far lands hinter; That latter shatter, then they splinter. Giving the Old Nick his due Never works out well for you!
Sheesh, and if you had any brain at, that defies all imagination. Now, if you had a heart.....nope, that doan about some courage? Naw, that ain;t there....youse just a little teapot, short and stout.
Les Carpenter of Rational Nation, USA, if you have something constructive, pleasant, helpful, and encouraging to say, please share it with us, instead of sniping and mentally thumbing your nose at others, which is ALL you EVER do.
If you'd bothered to read what I've said on the subject without trying to conjure up your next snide put down, you might have seen that I concur hearty with the basic thrust of what the president SAID.
I share those sentiments, and have no desire to punish anyone who has lived here quietly, helpfully, respectfully and productively for a number of years -- especially if they have children in our schools who have never known life anywhere else but these United States.
Thugs, hoodlums, gangsters, drug dealers, and pregnant women who come here STRICTLY for the FREE BENEFITS Democrats have dangled at them from across the border, -- TAKERS and BLOODSUCKERS who have no intention of ever WORKING to make any kind of CONTRIBUTION to OUR society, should be summarily DEPORTED.
What most of us Conservatives object to is the MANNER in which the president has taken it upon himself to act unilaterally. It is arrogant, swaggering, bullying, truculent, defiant behavior, despite the splendidly calculated dignity and sweet reasonableness with which he delivered last night's address. We also question whether or not he really does have the power to make such huge sweeping changes in the way we conduct the nation's affairs without consulting congress.
We also question the wisdom and propriety of his working with such open antagonism towards The Will of People as expressed in the 2010 an 2014 elections.
Nor I for yours, Canardo, -- you've seen to that in recent weeks -- BUT "The Reading Public" ought to be exposed -- at least once in a while -- to something besides endless quips, torrents of verbal abuse, and abundant evidence of mental infirmity.
What I wish he had done was through the congress not bypass them altogether . He only did it now to pick a fight with repiblicans. If he wanted it so bad he could have done it "legally" with his fillerbuster proof majority,but IMO I think he didn't do it for fear of losing the 2012 election just like he postponed certain elements if the ACA.
Hey, he asked Congress for an Immigration Bill and they did nothing, as usual. So, they can shut him up by passing one of their own. But they won't and Obama will once again will have shown what cynical fools the GOP really are
BS Obama is S--- stirring, divisive, nasty little man who plays dirty politics. He didn't ask them for a bill,he just wanted a yes or no vote on the senate bill. He is better suited as Chicago agitator. He turned the WH into a joke
Canardo loves sparking division His quips make a ragged incision All he does is belittle, Cares not one jot or tittle For amity –– only derision!
Of his practice of Critical Theory I am sure we have all become leery Incessant attacks Put a load on our backs That frays tempers and renders us weary.
And yet our queer gadfly called Ducky, Who seems not to know he is lucky To live in The States, Our good luck he berates In manner that reeks of horse puckey!
Free, you've made it clear you desire no communication from us "lefties" so why do you persist?
Even when we don't address you, you respond, both here and on your blog.
As for your words here, you support the conservative right. And when they act unilaterally, and with swagger, arrogance and certitude, it is fine. Apparently, as long as it is in another country that is.
Your words are a perfect description of the foreign policy of the GOP and of late the Dems as they have systematically "extolled" American values at the end of a gun.
Folks like you have supported this attitude for years. The problem is that you are upset now as our politicians bring the same attitude with which we have treated the world to our shores.
Think man. Freely...
And as you essentially said to me... keep your response to yourself. I don't want to read it, or hear it. I respected your wishes, I expect you to respect mine.
Thank you Dave. I'm glad you're showing your true colors at last. You always tried to appear so "decent" and "fair-minded" it made me sick to my stomach, because I could see right through your smarmy, self-righteous act from day one.
As for what I post at my blog, what I choose to accept or reject there, and what I choose to respond to in or out of the blogosphere, get this and get it straight:
It's none of your God-damned business.
I don't run around to other people's blogs trying to mock, scorn, harass, bully and otherwise irritate or intimidate the blog hosts and hostesses trying to stir up trouble, just so I can get cheap thrills.
Neither do I waste my time gathering "evidence" all over the blogosphere of "offensive" behavior on the part of others so I can make a shrieking Holy Show of fake Righteous Indignation, and furiously claim "victimhood."
I rarely attack anyone, unless I've been persistently harassed and insulted. If you insist on addressing me, however, I will respond, if I choose. And I don't give a damn what anybody thinks of me -- least of all you, and that coterie of dyspeptic, perpetually snotty, belligerent, vain, conceited malcontents you hang around with.
I've never been in this game to try to gain popularity, but only tell the truth, as I am able understand it. No one deserves to be attacked and insulted for that.
If you do NOT address me, I have no interest in what you might have to say, because I know we will never see eye to eye on anything of importance.
That den of psychotic predators run by the two-faced she-devil you consort with on a regular basis has cured me once and for all of ever trying to build a cordial, meaningful relationship with people of your despicable political ilk ever again.
It has nothing to do with responsible disagreement, but everything to do with deceit and sheer, unmitigated nastiness.
I'm fed up sick and tired with trying to be pleasant and considerate to people who never offer anything in return but a ration of shit.
Sorry, but whether you think so or not, you asked for it.
Nice, you list the same tired old lies and fake scandals right out of Fox News and follow each one up with a racist video. Good for you for always reminding how stupid and mean winguts really are.
His to know, yours to discover, Canardo. I don't like initials and acronyms either. Much too reminiscent of FDR's foul smelling Alphabet Soup in which he nearly boiled nation to death.
Anyone with a quarter of a brain recognizes a) Shackleford is guilty of precisely that which he accuses other of ALL the time, and b) FreeThinke us full if shit.
I for one of no doubt many are fed up with your disingenuous, pompous, condescending, utterances.
The dude who made a big deal about mirrors while trashing those who dared to disagree (you FreeThinke) lost all credibility with anyone but the rodents of the extreme right.
Sorry, but rather either of you think so or not you asked fot it.
Les Carpenter, if you had the faintest inkling of what a disgusting troll your ardent sycophancy to the Queen of the Nether Regions has made of you, you would make haste to go into the kitchen, grab the sharpest knife in the drawer, and slit your throat from ear to ear.
In other words, if you could see your fatuous, impotent, utterly pathetic self as others see you, suicide would be your only option.
If you weren't such a miserable, two-faced, ass-aching son-of-a-bitch, I'd feel sorry for you.
Jersey, old dear, the subjects we choose to discuss and our thoughts and feelings about them may not be agreeable to you, but I, myself, never LIE, and neither do Lisa, AOW, SilverFiddle, Finntann, Hugh Farnham, Viburnum, FJ-Theristes & Co, Andie, CI, Mustang, Leticia, Z or any of the myriad others who oppose on principle the inherent despotism embedded in the tenets of Progressive Nanny-Statism.
We see things differently from you, but that doesn't make us "liars," any more than you are a "liar."
I think you honestly believe you are telling the truth, which is why I have a good deal of sympathy for you, because I think you mean well but you've been seriously miseducated.
Most of the others, however, have made it obvious they would heckle harass, bully, intimidate, lie, steal, cheat or even kill just to gain hold of the Levers of Power. Achieving DICTATORIAL POWER under the guise of Helping the Under-Privileged is ALL those people care about.
That makes them despicable in my eyes.
The philosophy I believe in and fervently support would REDUCE government power, REDUCE its ubiquitous, domineering presence in every aspect of our lives, and REDUCE the power the Professional Prevaricators that make up the Enemedia have on the public, by properly EDUCATING our children about the virtues of thrift, of thinking for oneself and the terrible dangers of falling prey to Mass Conformity to the Dictates of an Almighty Centralized Power.
In the words of Joseph Hopkinson (Hail, Columbia!):
... Let Independence be our boast, Ever mindful what it cost, Ever grateful for the Prize, Let its Altar reach the Skies.
Firm, united let us be Rallying 'round our Liberty As a Band of Brothers joined Peace and Safety we shall find."
Think about it Jersey. Base your philosophy on Love of Liberty not on hatred and resentment of perceived "privilege" and "advantage."
Our philosophy encourages personal fulfillment through unfettered, constructive endeavor -- the "pursuit of happiness," as you, personally, see fit.
The Left would have you be nothing more than a cog in the ever-more complex, mystifying, confounding, oppressive machinery of government -- a Slave to the State.
Whatever you may want to think right now, I assure you, you do NOT want THAT.
Canardo, you are so tediously predictable, and SUCH a caricature of yourself, you've ceased to irk. All I have left in regard to you are peals of unrestrained laughter.
Truly, you have reduced yourself to the level of a BUFFOON.
GOP Intel Report Debunks Its Own Party's Nutty Benghazi Theories
Congressional Report Confirms Benghazi! Was Never A Scandal
Megyn Kelly Admits Fox News Uses 'Amnesty' To Fire Up Haters
House Republicans Sue To Raise Health Care Costs For Poor Americans
THIS JUST IN! President Lincoln side steps Congress to enact the Emancipation Proclamation!
Your sources are notorious left-wing propaganda mills, and therefore, highly suspect. I've had leftists tell me the same thing about The Wall Street Journal, which they, apparently, want to regard as a latter-day equivalent of Der Stuermer.
Pilate asked, "What is Truth?" in all sincerity. He didn't know, and neither do you or any of the rest of us.
As Hume said, "Reason is but the slave of Passion."
When it comes right down to it, all we have are our feelings, and I feel -- very strongly -- that you are nothing more than an ideologue -- a Cultural Marxist operative without heart, brain, or conscience.
As such you deserve only to be studiously ignored.
Thank you for affirming my observation about the Left, Ducky. It's a great help when one of their own corroborates factual assertions given by a member of the Right.
Obama says ”Illegal’s are as American as any of us!” Oh Really? Is that a fact?
Well maybe as mush as HE, but nt nearly as much as me!
What a bunch of horse shit that is. If they loved America they'd come here the legal way. Not as a tribe of Illegal animals, the reality of the fact is they hate America and are proud of stealing jobs, govt benefits and IDs from American citizens. not paying taxes and sending US dollars over to “Their Country” Why even have a border? Why not just open them all up and screw it all? Let the whole fucking world vote in our elections and enjoy our fruit. THis is what you piece of shit liberals want? Right? Let the US become a Mexican Drug Trafficking vehicle. Why the hell not? Why just limit our support of affirmative action to American, Lets open up our bleeding hears the whole Funked Up world. Let the Muslims come on in, and blow up our skyscraper, the Africans in and spread their dirty deceases all over the purple mountain majesties, from sea to shining sea! Why not? There are literally BILLIONS of people in the world who would love to come here and just go on welfare and live off the white man.
Isn’t there more than enough killings, stabbing, shootings, drunken driving, going on in the country as it is? For God’s sake, a person has to put their life in jeopardy these days just walking to the store to buy Groceries. Isn’t there more than enough Rapes, Cellphone grabbing, little children getting shut just playing in playgrounds, drive -by shootings, pushing people in front of trains, Isn’t there enough? Do we need any more? The New York Times reports that about 4.5 million illegal aliens in the U.S. drive on a regular basis, many without licenses or insurance, or even the ability to read road signs written in English. So we’re going to give there people more chances to kill us? Meanwhile, in California they just voted to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Isn’t that great. More Drunken drivers on the roads. The Department of Homeland Security estimates that immigrants legal and illegal’s comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails today. It has gotten to be such a problem that Americans forget what a barbaric society we have in our neighbor to the south. ISIS and other hostile Muslims fill up the media’s screen with their headchoping activities, but Mexico is not far behind in savagery. In fact, Mexico should be grateful for murderous Muslims who take attention away from Mexican gangsters also employing horrific terror to achieve their goals.
One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails And that PRICK Obozo calls them "the best and the brightest". Fact is most illegals are welfare bums and want to come here and just live off the white man. He makes my skin crawl ..
I'm sure what Obama meant in saying Mexicans are just as American as anyone was that they are fellow human beings. If you prick them, they bleed, etc.
While some of the details in your lengthy diatribe may be factual, most of it is a virulent outpouring of mean-spirited conjecture, insult and intolerance.
I happen to have had a good deal of inadvertent experience with "illegals," and have for the most part found them amiable and astonishingly resourceful. Many are highly intelligent, and extremely grateful for whatever employment they've been able to get. For the most part their work ethic is exemplary. In this regard I find them remarkably similar to my maternal grandparents whom I remember very well. Their conduct under very challenging circumstances would provide an excellent role model for American Youth as it is today.
The motives you ignorantly ascribe to these people are as spurious as they are contemptible.
In reality, they are no different in spirit from the ancient Asians, who traversed what-was-then the Aleutian Land Bridge tens of thousands of years ago presumably seeking a better, more hopeful life for themselves and their children. Those ancient Asians ultimately spilt up, migrated all over the Western Hemisphere and developed into the hundreds of vastly different tribes we've referred to as "Indians" for several centuries.
Each of those tribes developed its own language, culture and mores. Some fared better than others. All had something from which we could learn and profit were we not blinded by ignorance, stupidity and militant prejudice.
Reality trumps "Theory" -- and "Law" -- every single time.
Let's start with this to keep track of the latest in the trumped-up Benghazi scandal. TO ALL YOU RABID BENGHAZI HYSTERICS: YOU WERE ALL WRONG! You MORONS right wingers were aching for a scandal and they glommed onto this tragedy to make it one. In their minds, this is a made-to-order scandal, and no amount of evidence that proves it isn't will shake their belief that it is. But you can't reason with unreasonable Idiots people. The problem is that media outlets like FAUX NOOZ and internet sites repeat that this was a scandal, and people who are too busy or to apathetic to find out the truth will take the propaganda as it's fed to them. The Republican led House committee investigating the Benghazi tragedy for the last two years has found there was:
NO COVER-UP NO CONSPIRACY NO STAND DOWN ORDER NO MISSTEPS NO INTELLIGENCE FAILURE. The hard-right-wing, T-baggers, bloggers, pundits, and squash-headed dickwards commentators @FAUX NOOZ will now all admit that they participated in a cirque l'ignorance in service to smearing not only then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but the entire Obama Administration. But,don't expect any remorse or apology from the ignoramuses, GOPers, who kept pushing the lie that there was a cover-up. The House, conveniently after elections, has found there was no cover-up nor was there an intelligence failure in the Benghazi tragedy. The only intelligence failure was the lie pushed by conservative bloggers on the porn blog or on the sweet old ladies blg or even on the poets blog .. .. here is how the logic goes... The tea party people are convinced there was a coverup and that Obama hung those guys out to dry, on purpose. Not only are they convinced, but, they "knew" it.
Any result that does not validate that view, is in itself, part of the coverup, because what they believe, must be true. It is a circular reasoning that cannot be refuted with any empirical facts. Was what happened a tragedy? Yes. Did people die as a result of bad decisions? Maybe, or even Probably, most notably a decision not to have extra security at that facility ahead of time. Was there a Conspiracy? NO! Was there a Cover -Up? NO!
There was no cover up,Obama,Hillary and Rice all told us it happened because of a despicable video . Hillary even promised the Woods that the video maker would be punished .There feel better now?
I agree. Secret CIA detention facilities and torture sites like Benghazi never happened, Mista Anon. No need to investigate anything. The secure walled "annex" with "burn room" was only used to process high-level visitor visa requests. Really.
Yeah, Farmer, no conservative jumped all in for Vietnam and the mid-East fiascoes? Please stop.
Z isn't familiar with the recent upright behavior of her conservative brethren which brought the liberal infestation here. She isn't familiar with the threatening e-mails and pornography, which Lisa still allows to be posted here. It ha stopped at other sites. Then we have the tender ministrations of Freethinke who supported the vulgar campaign. But in z's world it's all the fault of liberals. Someone who's idea of criticism doesn't get much beyond a blast of "Liberals suck". Refined for the fundamentalist crowd of course.
Her best friends online seem to be a neo-confederate longing for the days when the darkies knew their place and a mentally challenged day trader.
But she gives liberals the tone. Come on Farmer, that's a losing side.
As nothing but an irritant and shit-sling slug, who the fuck are you to tell ANYONE here where to go? Take the "diversity" of dicks out of your mouth and play in traffic you slug, you sloth, you slime.
You are a perfect example of why much MORE bullying should be encouraged. Intense abuse helps train ignorant "minds" like yours what is proper and improper. Like training a dog with food (except the dog is smarter, more useful and smells MUCH better).
Lisa, do you realize this scumbag is 17 of your 66 comments here? It's one thing to let the inferiour show their asses for our amusement, another to let these no - lifers dominate.
Dicky is the epitome of a Slinky™ - he has no purpose whatsoever but is TONS of fun to watch falling down the stairs!
NOPE, Ducky. I've made just fifteen posts in this thread. This is the sixteenth. The difference between yours and mine, of course, is that mine have wit, substance and sincerity, while yours are calculated merely to annoy, and that makes them a ridiculous waste of everybody's time.
Your unfounded accusations regarding false identities are not only completely inaccurate, which I'm sure you know, they are also patently absurd.
"You are a perfect example of why much MORE bullying should be encouraged. Intense abuse helps train ignorant "minds" like yours what is proper and improper. Like training a dog with food (except the dog is smarter, more useful and smells MUCH better)." -------- Sorry, bobo, you broke character. That's you, FT, pure and simple.
well maybe it's going to take another 15 responses for the Dumb Duck to get it through his thick and dense skull.
PS That's another idiotic response by the "Dumb Duck" claim that everyone who writes a negative thought about him and BOY ARE THEY MANY, are false identities
Ducky will NEVER "get it," not because he's stupid, but because he's a Cultural Marxist and an ALINSKYITE.
They're conditioned to ignore realty, and never ever admit they could be wrong.
The idea is to wear down opposition through ATTRITION. They've been at it for a hundred years, and sadly we are just BEGINNING to realize what they have done to us -- we can only hope it's not too late to reverse the trend..
Alinsky was an ANARCHIST. He was not a member of the Fraknfurt school and therefor not a cultural Marxist.
The fact that you are not aware of that distinction is one of many indicators that you should really stop being so preachy.
'd call you a fan of the oligarchy but I know that you are so primitive that what you really want is a return of the aristocracy and all its stagnant rot.
Ducky FT did not call Alinsky a cutural marxist. He called you a cultural marxist "and"an Alinskyite. You talk down your nose out of habit ,that you don't feel a need to comprende'?
Here's something for you progressives to digest for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: In case you didn't hear about it.... Today is World Toilet Day - and my donation is that I just don't give-a-crap about anything you have to say.
But thanks for giving us all those remarkable people like Al Sharpton, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Whoopee Goldberg.
But thanks for giving us all those remarkable people like Al Sharpton, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Whoopee Goldberg. ----- One of these things is not like the others, Not like the others, not like the others. Can the jackass Teabag guess which one Before I finish this post?
Ducky stop with the Teabag reference. For your info they were against Tarp which all the progs were too and they may be the ones who gave any hope of saving this country that the others are flushing down the sewer. Hang in there Ducky,you will be owing them an apology soon and a great big thank you for looking out for your ungrateful arse
You should talk you yellow bellied two faced asshole. I've seen you commont on that fellow asshole friend of yours DS ( sleeping with the devil) what's his name! Where every second word out of that sewer you speak from is a 4 lettered word
The Progressive Walking Zombi Said: “BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! Don't expect any remorse or apology from the partisans who kept pushing the lie that there was a cover-up.”
Well you DoucheBag Liberal, I won't disappoint you, YOUR NOT GOING TO GET ANY REMORSE or APOLOGY! So your not going to be disappointed, If you want to Keep the LIE and the STORY(COVER-UP) Hillary “Cantaloupe Legs” Klinton told the wold then you can keep the Lie and Story! Hoz, that? ... And if you want to “Keep the Liberal Fantasy” that there was no “Cover -Up”tthen you can keep the “Liberal Fantasy”! And Hoz that? But Thanks for the laugh ;-). You people are so unbelievably full of Crap that the brown drops are dripping out out your ears.
The Obama administration is such a cesspool full of Lairs and Fantasies. it’s beyond defending. Are you forgetting or just omitting the facts about the fake video story? And about Hildabeast and Susan Rice coming before the American people lying their asses off? Because they were using real world events, so that the rest of us would get to take umbrage when they turn facts into circle-jerk wishful thinking. So now that this Bull-shit report comes out, mat a time whey Obama’s ass is in Hot Water after getting CREAMED in the Election. You are so hilarious in your stupidity that you thought doing this STUPID BLOG would be meaningful enough to expect remorse or apology from the partisans who believed and still do the LIES and COVER-UPS about that event!!!
So now we find the Idiotic Liberals are finding FUN in the UNNECESSARY Deaths and Cover up of the Sons of these Grieving Patriotic Parents To the parents of the U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the three other Americans murdered by those scumbag perpetrators of the Libyan Benghazi attack
I am sorry you lost your child. I myself have a son and daughter and the one thing I never want to go through, is what you are going through now. I know that President obama vowed to bring the killers to justice, and yes I know that he has promised a lot of thing that he didn’t do and never will, because that’s what LIARS do. They promise and never perform.
As harsh as this sounds your dead kids did die in vain. Right now this country is more worried about this outrageous and shocking" attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that left the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans dead, electing Hillary Clinton’s chance of running and being elected President that they are about catching and bringing these Killers to justice.
"Make no mistake. Justice will be done," Obama said, speaking from the Rose Garden alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton! Well, What, When, and Where are these killers? The Progressive ‘s are dancing in the streets over a stupid, fake, phoney, lying report made by a bunch of Liberal Democrats out to save Obama’s and Hillary’s ass’s . No one is worrying about “Catching and Bringing These Killers to Justice.” They have already forgotten all about those empty words. Yes It’s a tragedy alright. Progressives see the Benghazi controversies as driven by another Obama Scandal Syndrome, wherein conservatives invent scandals. But “What difference does it make?”
If you have been paying attention, bobo and since you are a fringe right winger you probably have not, the leader of the attack is in custody and will stand trial.
Meanwhile, you've been stuffed. Get over it, Teabag.
Lisa, I admire -- and marvel at -- your patience and generosity, but since you don't seem to mind entertaining snotty, belligerent, moronic "Vexations to the Spirit" in copious abundance, I think I'll have to withdraw for a while and just drop in occasionally to lurk and watch from the sidelines.
As I said somewhere else earlier today:
"Tolerating the Intolerable is Intolerable."
Good luck and God bless you, Lisa.
~ FT
PS: You are always more than welcome to come visit me at FreeThinke's Blog.
Lisa, FT does have a very good point. At this point you have 111 comments and 32 are from a vile, nasty, foul cretin who contributes nothing to your blog. This is a seriously obsessed and deranged individual who obviously has nothing else with which to occupy himself (besides his 2" trouser trout). This is just a pure troublemaker (the type, compelled to make everyone else as miserable as him.who would drop a turd in the punchbowl).
Do you really want THAT to be the face of your blog?
Go to any thread, hit control F, type in its name and see how many posts come up. It will and should disturb you.
What obama and hillary said days after the terrorist attacks cannot never be forgotten They lied and covered it up, I don’t care what this new trumped up Cockamamy report says.
Go back to your Kool-Aid progressive drinks nothing more to see here. . and admit that this “report” was a pile of horseshit.
Oh, and by the way!!! If you like your Plan, you can Keep Your Plan”
What I want to know is why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill Cosby piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, stop making babies out of wedlock, and this is paybacks or something? he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?
Why did it take 30 years? That’s the question Barbara Bowman, one of the 15 women to level sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby, asked in her essay in the Washington Post this week. And furthermore, I don't know about the rest of 'em but I wouldn't believe one word out of Janice Dickensons mouth, she has a mouth on her that would put a sailor to shame. And how come the same people who are condemning Cosby today defended Bill Clinton back when HE was accused of the same thing?
So why now? After ALL this time? I think her claim is bogus. But like I said...not sure about the other women claiming this. Problem is, I have a problem with those who speak up so many years later. It just makes me suspicious of motives and agendas. And it is a pivotal question, because the answers speak loudly to what has changed in our culture — and what has not — when a powerful man is accused of rape. Cosby’s history of allegedly drugging young women and then forcing them to have sex has been an open secret in Hollywood for decades. The alleged rapes themselves are said to date back to the 1960s. Cosby has included jokes about drugging young women to make them amorous since 1969 — something called Spanish Fly played a surprisingly big role in the public imagination back then — jokes he repeated live to Larry King in 1991. The attempts by victims to make themselves heard began more than a decade ago. Former model Janice Dickinson now says she tried to write about being assaulted by Cosby in her 2002 memoir but was convinced by her publisher, under pressure from the Cosby camp, to leave her most devastating accusations out. Tamara Green, a California lawyer, told her story on the "Today Show" in 2005 when she was only the “second Cosby accuser.” But there were no consequences for Cosby, and Matt Lauer all but apologized to viewers for doing the interview in the first place. The following year, 13 women were scheduled to testify to their separate tales of drugs and sex in a civil suit brought by Andrea Constand, but she settled with Cosby in 2006 for an undisclosed sum. Over the past two weeks the charges have snowballed, and Cosby has found himself on his heels as Netflix, NBC and TV Land all dropped planned projects featuring him or decided to stop airing some of his existing work.
Yes airport streaking. Someone ought to tell Radical Redass about it so he can add pics of the nekkid dude to the man porn he loves to look at and share with the Porn Queen. Heh.
Rational Nation USA said...
I imagine Rad Red to be part of the baboon family. Except baboons are undoubtedly smarter than he is.
So I say slam em’ every chance you get. They deserve it, all of them.
Me and my boys are in Ferguson and the non-indictment will be read soon. This will bring out the serious scum and give us a great chance for a deep cleansing!
And Lisa; I did not vote FOR President Obama in 2008 or 2012. So I suppose when it comes to drinking koolaid, well, that description seems to fit you and Radical Racist Redneck to a tea.
The deals tonight will be better than black Friday, cause you know nothing makes you feel better about being a terrorist than a free big screen TV and a pair of 300 dollar shoes…Saint Swisher would approve!
You know, I actually thought Blacks in Ferguson would honor the Brown family's requests at non violence. WHAT was I thinking? I actually thought they'd think twice, take the high road.......and I was thrilled when the grand jury decision was made and all was quiet for an hour......
If only......... And I think a lot of the Ferguson folks ARE home with their dignity; let's hope that catches on and not the violent PUNKS' actions.
All the libs are ducking tonight........Barack the Magic Negro called for peace tonight....yea,that worked well.
Tonight you got a first hand view of what the average American deals with....the black guys at the food court in the mall,with their pants down around their asses,gold teeth and their hats on sideways...dropping F bombs every other word. Or the group outside the 7-11 smoking blunts or the ones sitting on the bus stop drinking 40's.
All you bleeding hearts can cry about these thugs being put down,but watching these animals burn businesses tonight was enough to make a person you liberals can take all your crying about this 300lb thug and stuff it up your asses.
Great to see you're back as your usual self Chucklenutz Shackleford. With your racist staements on full display.
The only thing you have right is that the blatant disregard for the rule of law and the resulting anarchy by a very small minority of the population is disgusting shameful. Credit to the Brown family and other blacks that have called for calm and responsibility.
Beyond that law enforcement must be allowed to restore order.
I said the same thing IJ . They just continue to ruin their own lives. You really have to commend Ben Carson's mom. A single mother living in a bad neighborhood and with many struggles turned out 2 very successful men
Ferguson Protesters "We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws"
They only Obey the laws they agree with, just like Obama. !
well the Law has spoken and once again Pimp Daddy Obama don't give a crap about the Law, he only cares about the Poor lil "UN-Armed" Black Teen!
This is nothing more than a case of a violent thug reacting like a typical wise ass Black boy and a president siding with him because of his race.The THUG got what he had coming to him
All people should be locked away under the Patriot act, throw the key away, and make sure they are caged like the monkeys they are, and fed bread and water only until they die. Let them eat and **** in the same cage without ever cleaning the cage. So tired of monkeys getting away with everything. It shouldn't have taken more than a day to clear the good officers name to begin with..
Once again Racist Obama showed his colors and denies that blacks commit more crimes than anyone else and in turn are either arrested or confronted by Police and that they alone determine what action has to be taken to control them by their own actions. Blame others........But NO, he stood there and egged them on... How typical of Obama. ISN’T AMERICA GREAT............ looting and taking stuff ,,,,,,you get everything for free anyway, so what’s your problem? Like your welfare checks , ,, your free food card ...,and free medical and free rent, ...those white Devils that you seem hate so much ... All these people want is instant gratification, and free stuff, and no respect for any authority figures. Until the rioters learn to respect others, this will never change. There will be riots all over the country because it is already planned. That’s what we can expect from these so-called Black Leaders like Sharpton. Look at the mess he’s responsible for in New York, with is Puppet de Blasio. Thank you Grand Jury for coming out with the right decision, justice has prevailed.
You asshats are so mentally challenged you'll never get this shit you produce daily is as much a part of the problem as the shit you perceive liberals produce. You only add fuel to the now raging fires.
Whether you choose to believe it or not YOU are partially responsible for this shit that is going on.
Use the goddamned mirrors your mentor FreeThinke so illustriously spoke of.
Oh that's right. You're pathetically incapable of looking at yourselves and your racism.
They are responsible but the people commiting the violence aren't? We have been trying for 60 years. The ones responsible are the dems and the left keeping these communities down and dependent. Talk about looking in a mirror
I refer you to my comment, "law enforcement must be allowed to restore order." What is unclear about this.
Yes, this small minority are responsible for THEIR actions and as such need to face and accept the consequences of those actions. Is that statement clear to you Lisa?
My point is, nevermind. If you and your friends don't already understand it you never will.
What is your point in this comment RN? This is the comment I was replying to You asshats are so mentally challenged you'll never get this shit you produce daily is as much a part of the problem as the shit you perceive liberals produce. You only add fuel to the now raging fires.
Whether you choose to believe it or not YOU are partially responsible for this shit that is going on.
Use the goddamned mirrors your mentor FreeThinke so illustriously spoke of.
Oh that's right. You're pathetically incapable of looking at yourselves and your racism.
I find it interesting and deeply disturbing that people are willing to destroy the property of others, endanger lives, etc. because a young thug got what was coming to him. I am glad the grand jury refused to indict. NOW the law needs to deal with the thugs who are blaming racism on that event and using violent illegal means to express their anger. Violence in the black community is thier first reaction for any situation, so gee, why am I not surprised? There is no excuse for burning, looting, destroying property of businesses and homeowners who had nothing to do with the decision either way. But the Black Mobs find a way to destruct, and destroy, regardless of the reason.
Brown KILLED himself by attacking a police’s wake up time.
PS, Rational Nation USA, I resent your name calling. Why don’t you go back to that crap-house you hang around at and call those people those names.
What's the matter Rational Nation USA, the verdict didn't go your way?
Did you expect anything different from these uncivilized animals who ran around stealing and burning and throwing things at the police because they didn’t get what they wanted? Is this what they call protesting now?
wowzers...FT said "The Reading Public" ought to be exposed -- at least once in a while -- to something besides endless quips, torrents of verbal abuse, and abundant evidence of mental infirmity. "
Can't figure the guy out. Sometimes he is brilliant. Sometimes he really is FreeStinke. I guess the boxes and paradigms you've found worked for you all your life are hard to break free of. Sad because as the world changes it move away from you if you're incapable of changing a bit along with it.
Well okjimm... A wise person once told me (I can't recall with certainty who it was but I seem to recall it was my lovely better half) talk the brilliant with you and leave the stinke behind. Great advice methinks from the sex that actually uses both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously.
Timely Advice to Republicans:
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats have balls of brass.
Conservatives’ are made of glass.
The former sound in far lands hinter;
That latter shatter, then they splinter.
Giving the Old Nick his due
Never works out well for you!
~ FreeThinke
It would FT if people were honest
DeleteTrue, Lisa, but it's also true that if my aunt had had wheels she could have been a teacart. ;-)
DeleteSheesh, and if you had any brain at, that defies all imagination. Now, if you had a heart.....nope, that doan about some courage? Naw, that ain;t there....youse just a little teapot, short and stout.
DeleteTimely Advice to Tea Baggers and Conservatives in Congress
ReplyDeleteGet a plan other than heel digging and bull shitting.
Les Carpenter of Rational Nation, USA, if you have something constructive, pleasant, helpful, and encouraging to say, please share it with us, instead of sniping and mentally thumbing your nose at others, which is ALL you EVER do.
DeleteAnonymous, you're a sick bastard.
ReplyDeleteApparently Herr Nazie what ever I said to make you write that's, WORKED!
DeleteWill the jibone (Hi, Radical Redass) who keeps sending me e-mail please be advised that I don't open it.
ReplyDeleteSo a bad plan is better than no plan?
ReplyDeleteAre you referring to his immigration plan?
DeleteI still believe you'd have a hard time marking it as anything radical.
Pretty mild message to the fringe right that they have to allow this process to move on and I don't see why you object to that.
If you'd bothered to read what I've said on the subject without trying to conjure up your next snide put down, you might have seen that I concur hearty with the basic thrust of what the president SAID.
DeleteI share those sentiments, and have no desire to punish anyone who has lived here quietly, helpfully, respectfully and productively for a number of years -- especially if they have children in our schools who have never known life anywhere else but these United States.
Thugs, hoodlums, gangsters, drug dealers, and pregnant women who come here STRICTLY for the FREE BENEFITS Democrats have dangled at them from across the border, -- TAKERS and BLOODSUCKERS who have no intention of ever WORKING to make any kind of CONTRIBUTION to OUR society, should be summarily DEPORTED.
What most of us Conservatives object to is the MANNER in which the president has taken it upon himself to act unilaterally. It is arrogant, swaggering, bullying, truculent, defiant behavior, despite the splendidly calculated dignity and sweet reasonableness with which he delivered last night's address. We also question whether or not he really does have the power to make such huge sweeping changes in the way we conduct the nation's affairs without consulting congress.
We also question the wisdom and propriety of his working with such open antagonism towards The Will of People as expressed in the 2010 an 2014 elections.
I addressed my post to Lisa, not you.
DeleteI don't give two warm farts in hell for your opinion.
Nor I for yours, Canardo, -- you've seen to that in recent weeks -- BUT "The Reading Public" ought to be exposed -- at least once in a while -- to something besides endless quips, torrents of verbal abuse, and abundant evidence of mental infirmity.
DeleteI am with Ducky here. Aside from that you're a pompous, egotistical, disingenuous SOB FreeThinke.
DeleteAs well as delusional.
What I wish he had done was through the congress not bypass them altogether .
DeleteHe only did it now to pick a fight with repiblicans. If he wanted it so bad he could have done it "legally" with his fillerbuster proof majority,but IMO I think he didn't do it for fear of losing the 2012 election just like he postponed certain elements if the ACA.
Hey, he asked Congress for an Immigration Bill and they did nothing, as usual. So, they can shut him up by passing one of their own. But they won't and Obama will once again will have shown what cynical fools the GOP really are
DeleteBS Obama is S--- stirring, divisive, nasty little man who plays dirty politics. He didn't ask them for a bill,he just wanted a yes or no vote on the senate bill. He is better suited as Chicago agitator. He turned the WH into a joke
DeleteInstead of pooping all over the blogosphere why is it you don't start your own blog and lay out some ideas of your own
Delete_____ A LIMERICK FABLE _____
ReplyDeleteCanardo loves sparking division
His quips make a ragged incision
All he does is belittle,
Cares not one jot or tittle
For amity –– only derision!
Of his practice of Critical Theory
I am sure we have all become leery
Incessant attacks
Put a load on our backs
That frays tempers and renders us weary.
And yet our queer gadfly called Ducky,
Who seems not to know he is lucky
To live in The States,
Our good luck he berates
In manner that reeks of horse puckey!
~ FreeThinke
Free, you've made it clear you desire no communication from us "lefties" so why do you persist?
ReplyDeleteEven when we don't address you, you respond, both here and on your blog.
As for your words here, you support the conservative right. And when they act unilaterally, and with swagger, arrogance and certitude, it is fine. Apparently, as long as it is in another country that is.
Your words are a perfect description of the foreign policy of the GOP and of late the Dems as they have systematically "extolled" American values at the end of a gun.
Folks like you have supported this attitude for years. The problem is that you are upset now as our politicians bring the same attitude with which we have treated the world to our shores.
Think man. Freely...
And as you essentially said to me... keep your response to yourself. I don't want to read it, or hear it. I respected your wishes, I expect you to respect mine.
It is curious that he doesn't see that calling anyone to the left of Rand Paul hell spawn is not an olive branch.
DeleteThank you Dave. I'm glad you're showing your true colors at last. You always tried to appear so "decent" and "fair-minded" it made me sick to my stomach, because I could see right through your smarmy, self-righteous act from day one.
DeleteAs for what I post at my blog, what I choose to accept or reject there, and what I choose to respond to in or out of the blogosphere, get this and get it straight:
It's none of your God-damned business.
I don't run around to other people's blogs trying to mock, scorn, harass, bully and otherwise irritate or intimidate the blog hosts and hostesses trying to stir up trouble, just so I can get cheap thrills.
Neither do I waste my time gathering "evidence" all over the blogosphere of "offensive" behavior on the part of others so I can make a shrieking Holy Show of fake Righteous Indignation, and furiously claim "victimhood."
I rarely attack anyone, unless I've been persistently harassed and insulted. If you insist on addressing me, however, I will respond, if I choose. And I don't give a damn what anybody thinks of me -- least of all you, and that coterie of dyspeptic, perpetually snotty, belligerent, vain, conceited malcontents you hang around with.
I've never been in this game to try to gain popularity, but only tell the truth, as I am able understand it. No one deserves to be attacked and insulted for that.
If you do NOT address me, I have no interest in what you might have to say, because I know we will never see eye to eye on anything of importance.
That den of psychotic predators run by the two-faced she-devil you consort with on a regular basis has cured me once and for all of ever trying to build a cordial, meaningful relationship with people of your despicable political ilk ever again.
It has nothing to do with responsible disagreement, but everything to do with deceit and sheer, unmitigated nastiness.
I'm fed up sick and tired with trying to be pleasant and considerate to people who never offer anything in return but a ration of shit.
Sorry, but whether you think so or not, you asked for it.
Buh bye!
Good for you FT. That was very on point
DeleteThank you, Ma'am. It needed to be said. I can only hope it never needs to be said again.
DeleteI don't enjoy this sort of thing, but enough is enough.
"Folks like you"?
I said, "people of your despicable political ilk," A-Ninny-Mess.
DeleteIf you intend to quote others, whether in praise or derision, please do it accurately.
Thank you.
Nice, you list the same tired old lies and fake scandals right out of Fox News and follow each one up with a racist video. Good for you for always reminding how stupid and mean winguts really are.
ReplyDeleteSo calling you a wind up monkey is now racist ? Talk about an irrelevant comment
DeleteYou really are clueless, aren't you?
DeleteYou're an Obama Drone
DeleteWell said FreeThinke.......the FCFB's flying monkeys come here with nothing but snide,stupid comments....bravo to you for putting them in their place.
DeleteHis to know, yours to discover, Canardo. I don't like initials and acronyms either. Much too reminiscent of FDR's foul smelling Alphabet Soup in which he nearly boiled nation to death.
DeleteHey bobo, I know exactly what it means and it's a vile vulgar insult to a very decent person who happens to be a little too strong for your liking.
DeleteAnyone with a quarter of a brain recognizes a) Shackleford is guilty of precisely that which he accuses other of ALL the time, and b) FreeThinke us full if
I for one of no doubt many are fed up with
your disingenuous, pompous,
condescending, utterances.
The dude who made a big deal about
mirrors while trashing those who dared to
disagree (you FreeThinke) lost all
credibility with anyone but the rodents of
the extreme right.
Sorry, but rather either of you think so or not you asked fot it.
Bug Bye
Les Carpenter, if you had the faintest inkling of what a disgusting troll your ardent sycophancy to the Queen of the Nether Regions has made of you, you would make haste to go into the kitchen, grab the sharpest knife in the drawer, and slit your throat from ear to ear.
DeleteIn other words, if you could see your fatuous, impotent, utterly pathetic self as others see you, suicide would be your only option.
If you weren't such a miserable, two-faced, ass-aching son-of-a-bitch, I'd feel sorry for you.
Aha, but he Is!
DeleteQueen of the Nether Regions?
DeleteLes never posts at z's.
Wow.what an outright strident slap down from the nurse.What an impressive wordsmith he is.
ReplyDeleteWell,it had to happen....the chemicals from his clothing have finally made their way into his system.
Do you cans have no shame anymore. You guys just lie and lie, incessantly. Don't you feel any moral apprehension at all?
Naw, you're thinking about Shew
DeleteI thought you were going to leave, McGarrett.
DeleteNow toddle off and say hi to Danno.
Jersey, old dear, the subjects we choose to discuss and our thoughts and feelings about them may not be agreeable to you, but I, myself, never LIE, and neither do Lisa, AOW, SilverFiddle, Finntann, Hugh Farnham, Viburnum, FJ-Theristes & Co, Andie, CI, Mustang, Leticia, Z or any of the myriad others who oppose on principle the inherent despotism embedded in the tenets of Progressive Nanny-Statism.
DeleteWe see things differently from you, but that doesn't make us "liars," any more than you are a "liar."
I think you honestly believe you are telling the truth, which is why I have a good deal of sympathy for you, because I think you mean well but you've been seriously miseducated.
Most of the others, however, have made it obvious they would heckle harass, bully, intimidate, lie, steal, cheat or even kill just to gain hold of the Levers of Power. Achieving DICTATORIAL POWER under the guise of Helping the Under-Privileged is ALL those people care about.
That makes them despicable in my eyes.
The philosophy I believe in and fervently support would REDUCE government power, REDUCE its ubiquitous, domineering presence in every aspect of our lives, and REDUCE the power the Professional Prevaricators that make up the Enemedia have on the public, by properly EDUCATING our children about the virtues of thrift, of thinking for oneself and the terrible dangers of falling prey to Mass Conformity to the Dictates of an Almighty Centralized Power.
In the words of Joseph Hopkinson (Hail, Columbia!):
... Let Independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost,
Ever grateful for the Prize,
Let its Altar reach the Skies.
Firm, united let us be
Rallying 'round our Liberty
As a Band of Brothers joined
Peace and Safety we shall find."
Think about it Jersey. Base your philosophy on Love of Liberty not on hatred and resentment of perceived "privilege" and "advantage."
Our philosophy encourages personal fulfillment through unfettered, constructive endeavor -- the "pursuit of happiness," as you, personally, see fit.
The Left would have you be nothing more than a cog in the ever-more complex, mystifying, confounding, oppressive machinery of government -- a Slave to the State.
Whatever you may want to think right now, I assure you, you do NOT want THAT.
Think about it, Jersey. Dumb yourself down and base your worldview on the long discredited American founding myth.
DeleteHoward Zinn rules.
They run on cliches, Jersey but the poor things are so far gone that they haven't had an original thought in decades.
Tell you FT, the pity is so strong that any other reaction is impossible other than rejection of the vile smut merchant you championed.
Canardo, you are so tediously predictable, and SUCH a caricature of yourself, you've ceased to irk. All I have left in regard to you are peals of unrestrained laughter.
DeleteTruly, you have reduced yourself to the level of a BUFFOON.
None what so ever are now dismissed......good thought though....
ReplyDelete"None what so ever sparky..."
ReplyDeletePerhaps the most truthful words ever typed by Shackleford and you Jersey are responsible. Congratulations, job well done!
And in the GOP news today, lol....
ReplyDeleteGOP Intel Report Debunks Its Own Party's Nutty Benghazi Theories
Congressional Report Confirms Benghazi! Was Never A Scandal
Megyn Kelly Admits Fox News Uses 'Amnesty' To Fire Up Haters
House Republicans Sue To Raise Health Care Costs For Poor Americans
THIS JUST IN! President Lincoln side steps Congress to enact the Emancipation Proclamation!
Your sources are notorious left-wing propaganda mills, and therefore, highly suspect. I've had leftists tell me the same thing about The Wall Street Journal, which they, apparently, want to regard as a latter-day equivalent of Der Stuermer.
DeletePilate asked, "What is Truth?" in all sincerity. He didn't know, and neither do you or any of the rest of us.
As Hume said, "Reason is but the slave of Passion."
When it comes right down to it, all we have are our feelings, and I feel -- very strongly -- that you are nothing more than an ideologue -- a Cultural Marxist operative without heart, brain, or conscience.
As such you deserve only to be studiously ignored.
Not exactly, FT. The body of the Journal used to be a source of good reporting before Murdoch took over.
DeleteThe editorial page is straight out of Der Stuermer. You got that right.
Thank you for affirming my observation about the Left, Ducky. It's a great help when one of their own corroborates factual assertions given by a member of the Right.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteObama says ”Illegal’s are as American as any of us!” Oh Really? Is that a fact?
ReplyDeleteWell maybe as mush as HE, but nt nearly as much as me!
What a bunch of horse shit that is. If they loved America they'd come here the legal way. Not as a tribe of Illegal animals, the reality of the fact is they hate America and are proud of stealing jobs, govt benefits and IDs from American citizens. not paying taxes and sending US dollars over to “Their Country” Why even have a border? Why not just open them all up and screw it all?
Let the whole fucking world vote in our elections and enjoy our fruit. THis is what you piece of shit liberals want? Right? Let the US become a Mexican Drug Trafficking vehicle. Why the hell not?
Why just limit our support of affirmative action to American, Lets open up our bleeding hears the whole Funked Up world. Let the Muslims come on in, and blow up our skyscraper, the Africans in and spread their dirty deceases all over the purple mountain majesties, from sea to shining sea! Why not?
There are literally BILLIONS of people in the world who would love to come here and just go on welfare and live off the white man.
Isn’t there more than enough killings, stabbing, shootings, drunken driving, going on in the country as it is? For God’s sake, a person has to put their life in jeopardy these days just walking to the store to buy Groceries. Isn’t there more than enough Rapes, Cellphone grabbing, little children getting shut just playing in playgrounds, drive -by shootings, pushing people in front of trains, Isn’t there enough? Do we need any more?
The New York Times reports that about 4.5 million illegal aliens in the U.S. drive on a regular basis, many without licenses or insurance, or even the ability to read road signs written in English. So we’re going to give there people more chances to kill us? Meanwhile, in California they just voted to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Isn’t that great. More Drunken drivers on the roads.
The Department of Homeland Security estimates that immigrants legal and illegal’s comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails today.
It has gotten to be such a problem that Americans forget what a barbaric society we have in our neighbor to the south. ISIS and other hostile Muslims fill up the media’s screen with their headchoping activities, but Mexico is not far behind in savagery. In fact, Mexico should be grateful for murderous Muslims who take attention away from Mexican gangsters also employing horrific terror to achieve their goals.
One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails
And that PRICK Obozo calls them "the best and the brightest". Fact is most illegals are welfare bums and want to come here and just live off the white man. He makes my skin crawl ..
I'm sure what Obama meant in saying Mexicans are just as American as anyone was that they are fellow human beings. If you prick them, they bleed, etc.
DeleteWhile some of the details in your lengthy diatribe may be factual, most of it is a virulent outpouring of mean-spirited conjecture, insult and intolerance.
I happen to have had a good deal of inadvertent experience with "illegals," and have for the most part found them amiable and astonishingly resourceful. Many are highly intelligent, and extremely grateful for whatever employment they've been able to get. For the most part their work ethic is exemplary. In this regard I find them remarkably similar to my maternal grandparents whom I remember very well. Their conduct under very challenging circumstances would provide an excellent role model for American Youth as it is today.
The motives you ignorantly ascribe to these people are as spurious as they are contemptible.
In reality, they are no different in spirit from the ancient Asians, who traversed what-was-then the Aleutian Land Bridge tens of thousands of years ago presumably seeking a better, more hopeful life for themselves and their children. Those ancient Asians ultimately spilt up, migrated all over the Western Hemisphere and developed into the hundreds of vastly different tribes we've referred to as "Indians" for several centuries.
Each of those tribes developed its own language, culture and mores. Some fared better than others. All had something from which we could learn and profit were we not blinded by ignorance, stupidity and militant prejudice.
Reality trumps "Theory" -- and "Law" -- every single time.
Unfortunately, reality doesn't always trump law.
DeleteOtherwise, straight on.
I think that instead of deporting the Mexicans, we should just deport all Southies, instead!
ReplyDeleteThis be the one. Wicked pissah
DeleteOr another point of view
DeleteLet's start with this to keep track of the latest in the trumped-up Benghazi scandal.
You MORONS right wingers were aching for a scandal and they glommed onto this tragedy to make it one. In their minds, this is a made-to-order scandal, and no amount of evidence that proves it isn't will shake their belief that it is.
But you can't reason with unreasonable Idiots people.
The problem is that media outlets like FAUX NOOZ and internet sites repeat that this was a scandal, and people who are too busy or to apathetic to find out the truth will take the propaganda as it's fed to them.
The Republican led House committee investigating the Benghazi tragedy for the last two years has found there was:
The hard-right-wing, T-baggers, bloggers, pundits, and squash-headed dickwards commentators @FAUX NOOZ will now all admit that they participated in a cirque l'ignorance in service to smearing not only then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but the entire Obama Administration.
But,don't expect any remorse or apology from the ignoramuses, GOPers, who kept pushing the lie that there was a cover-up. The House, conveniently after elections, has found there was no cover-up nor was there an intelligence failure in the Benghazi tragedy. The only intelligence failure was the lie pushed by conservative bloggers on the porn blog or on the sweet old ladies blg or even on the poets blog ..
.. here is how the logic goes...
The tea party people are convinced there was a coverup and that Obama hung those guys out to dry, on purpose. Not only are they convinced, but, they "knew" it.
Any result that does not validate that view, is in itself, part of the coverup, because what they believe, must be true.
It is a circular reasoning that cannot be refuted with any empirical facts.
Was what happened a tragedy? Yes. Did people die as a result of bad decisions? Maybe, or even Probably, most notably a decision not to have extra security at that facility ahead of time.
Was there a Conspiracy? NO! Was there a Cover -Up? NO!
There was no cover up,Obama,Hillary and Rice all told us it happened because of a despicable video .
DeleteHillary even promised the Woods that the video maker would be punished .There feel better now?
I agree. Secret CIA detention facilities and torture sites like Benghazi never happened, Mista Anon. No need to investigate anything. The secure walled "annex" with "burn room" was only used to process high-level visitor visa requests. Really.
ReplyDelete...and the LAST thing that an attack on a secret CIA black site needs is a ridiculous cover story to establish enemy motives.
ReplyDeletewhat a lot of ugliness....LIBERALS TO THE RESCUE OF THEIR HERO :-)
ReplyDeleteLisa, I have to say I'm mightily for liberals sacrificing their firstborns...but do they HAVE children?
Do you?
DeleteLiberals only sacrifice "other people's" firstborns. Like in Vietnam and Afghanistan.
DeleteEveryone knows that.
Yeah, Farmer, no conservative jumped all in for Vietnam and the mid-East fiascoes?
DeletePlease stop.
Z isn't familiar with the recent upright behavior of her conservative brethren which brought the liberal infestation here.
She isn't familiar with the threatening e-mails and pornography, which Lisa still allows to be posted here. It ha stopped at other sites.
Then we have the tender ministrations of Freethinke who supported the vulgar campaign.
But in z's world it's all the fault of liberals. Someone who's idea of criticism doesn't get much beyond a blast of "Liberals suck". Refined for the fundamentalist crowd of course.
Her best friends online seem to be a neo-confederate longing for the days when the darkies knew their place and a mentally challenged day trader.
But she gives liberals the tone.
Come on Farmer, that's a losing side.
but do they HAVE children?
DeleteUnfortunately, occasionally, they get it in the wrong hole and propagate their inferiour species.
The Conservatives went to 'Nam. The liberals, to Canada.
DeleteYeah, black America is conservative.
DeleteAlan Keyes and Clarence Thomas aren't conservative? Who knew?
DeleteNo, I agree, they aren't. Black Americans are too dumb to be Conservatives
DeleteIf you are any example, it doesn't take ANY brains to be one.
DeleteThey have kids Z, it's just that they don't know who tbe fathers are
DeleteDucky people can't post e-mails on a blog
DeleteYou have to admit this is quite heartwarming. And pretty damn funny too!
ReplyDeleteRight on time like the trained racist pig you are.
DeleteWhy not go over to z's and post. She seems to think that
the horrible liberals here are doing you down.
As soon as I stop donkey punching your mom.
DeleteAs nothing but an irritant and shit-sling slug, who the fuck are you to tell ANYONE here where to go? Take the "diversity" of dicks out of your mouth and play in traffic you slug, you sloth, you slime.
You are a perfect example of why much MORE bullying should be encouraged. Intense abuse helps train ignorant "minds" like yours what is proper and improper. Like training a dog with food (except the dog is smarter, more useful and smells MUCH better).
Careful, Freethinke, you broke character in this post.
DeleteThe diction is strictly yours, not your doppelganger, Radical Redass.
How's Trayvon doing these days? I guess he was a musician because now he is decomposing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
DeleteRadical Redneck = Racist Troglodyte
DeleteThose who find his brand of "humor" entertaining are just as bad.
Yo cartoon character, so not mourning a dead useless hoodlum is racist?.
DeleteSo lame. You actually aspire to be Shaw fatass - that is indeed the saddest indictment.
Now head off to Citgo - replenish your wardrobe.
Lisa, do you realize this scumbag is 17 of your 66 comments here? It's one thing to let the inferiour show their asses for our amusement, another to let these no - lifers dominate.
ReplyDeleteDicky is the epitome of a Slinky™ - he has no purpose whatsoever but is TONS of fun to watch falling down the stairs!
DeleteWhich is still short of the total for Freethinke.
DeleteWell short.
N.B. Freethike = Freethinke + Radical Redass + Rusty Chucklenuts
Even if that were true:
DeleteFreethinker = welcome
You = not
Uh oh, look another pervert "bundler" And look who for!
NOPE, Ducky. I've made just fifteen posts in this thread. This is the sixteenth. The difference between yours and mine, of course, is that mine have wit, substance and sincerity, while yours are calculated merely to annoy, and that makes them a ridiculous waste of everybody's time.
DeleteYour unfounded accusations regarding false identities are not only completely inaccurate, which I'm sure you know, they are also patently absurd.
"You are a perfect example of why much MORE bullying should be encouraged. Intense abuse helps train ignorant "minds" like yours what is proper and improper. Like training a dog with food (except the dog is smarter, more useful and smells MUCH better)."
Sorry, bobo, you broke character.
That's you, FT, pure and simple.
well maybe it's going to take another 15 responses for the Dumb Duck to get it through his thick and dense skull.
ReplyDeletePS That's another idiotic response by the "Dumb Duck" claim that everyone who writes a negative thought about him and BOY ARE THEY MANY, are false identities
Ducky will NEVER "get it," not because he's stupid, but because he's a Cultural Marxist and an ALINSKYITE.
DeleteThey're conditioned to ignore realty, and never ever admit they could be wrong.
The idea is to wear down opposition through ATTRITION. They've been at it for a hundred years, and sadly we are just BEGINNING to realize what they have done to us -- we can only hope it's not too late to reverse the trend..
When have you ever been wrong about anything FreeThinke?
Delete^"I know you are but what am I?" part 9,982^
DeleteLet's try one more time, FT.
DeleteAlinsky was an ANARCHIST.
He was not a member of the Fraknfurt school and therefor not a cultural Marxist.
The fact that you are not aware of that distinction is one of many indicators that you should really stop being so preachy.
'd call you a fan of the oligarchy but I know that you are so primitive that what you really want is a return of the aristocracy and all its stagnant rot.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDucky FT did not call Alinsky a cutural marxist. He called you a cultural marxist "and"an Alinskyite.
DeleteYou talk down your nose out of habit ,that you don't feel a need to comprende'?
Lisa, the two are incompatible.
DeletePlease note, I am much closer to a cultural Marxist.
Anarchism doesn't hold any appeal to me.
Turtling again Ducky?
DeleteHere's something for you progressives to digest for breakfast, lunch, and dinner:
ReplyDeleteIn case you didn't hear about it....
Today is World Toilet Day - and my donation is that I just don't give-a-crap about anything you have to say.
But thanks for giving us all those remarkable people like Al Sharpton, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Whoopee Goldberg.
Dont forget HELLary and Poke-a-haunt-ass.
DeleteMature and Intelligent.
DeleteMirrors and such eh?
DeleteBut thanks for giving us all those remarkable people like Al Sharpton, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Whoopee Goldberg.
One of these things is not like the others,
Not like the others, not like the others.
Can the jackass Teabag guess which one
Before I finish this post?
Ducky stop with the Teabag reference. For your info they were against Tarp which all the progs were too and they may be the ones who gave any hope of saving this country that the others are flushing down the sewer. Hang in there Ducky,you will be owing them an apology soon and a great big thank you for looking out for your ungrateful arse
DeleteYou should talk you yellow bellied two faced asshole. I've seen you commont on that fellow asshole friend of yours DS ( sleeping with the devil) what's his name! Where every second word out of that sewer you speak from is a 4 lettered word
ReplyDeleteHow a bill becomes a law, the progressive way...
ReplyDeleteThe Progressive Walking Zombi Said:
Don't expect any remorse or apology from the partisans who kept pushing the lie that there was a cover-up.”
Well you DoucheBag Liberal, I won't disappoint you, YOUR NOT GOING TO GET ANY REMORSE or APOLOGY! So your not going to be disappointed,
If you want to Keep the LIE and the STORY(COVER-UP) Hillary “Cantaloupe Legs” Klinton told the wold then you can keep the Lie and Story! Hoz, that? ...
And if you want to “Keep the Liberal Fantasy” that there was no “Cover -Up”tthen you can keep the “Liberal Fantasy”! And Hoz that? But Thanks for the laugh ;-). You people are so unbelievably full of Crap that the brown drops are dripping out out your ears.
The Obama administration is such a cesspool full of Lairs and Fantasies. it’s beyond defending. Are you forgetting or just omitting the facts about the fake video story? And about Hildabeast and Susan Rice coming before the American people lying their asses off? Because they were using real world events, so that the rest of us would get to take umbrage when they turn facts into circle-jerk wishful thinking.
So now that this Bull-shit report comes out, mat a time whey Obama’s ass is in Hot Water after getting CREAMED in the Election. You are so hilarious in your stupidity that you thought doing this STUPID BLOG would be meaningful enough to expect remorse or apology from the partisans who believed and still do the LIES and COVER-UPS about that event!!!
You go to be kidding!
So now we find the Idiotic Liberals are finding FUN in the UNNECESSARY Deaths and Cover up of the Sons of these Grieving Patriotic Parents
ReplyDeleteTo the parents of the U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the three other Americans murdered by those scumbag perpetrators of the Libyan Benghazi attack
I am sorry you lost your child. I myself have a son and daughter and the one thing I never want to go through, is what you are going through now.
I know that President obama vowed to bring the killers to justice, and yes I know that he has promised a lot of thing that he didn’t do and never will, because that’s what LIARS do. They promise and never perform.
As harsh as this sounds your dead kids did die in vain. Right now this country is more worried about this outrageous and shocking" attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that left the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans dead, electing Hillary Clinton’s chance of running and being elected President that they are about catching and bringing these Killers to justice.
"Make no mistake. Justice will be done," Obama said, speaking from the Rose Garden alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton! Well, What, When, and Where are these killers?
The Progressive ‘s are dancing in the streets over a stupid, fake, phoney, lying report made by a bunch of Liberal Democrats out to save Obama’s and Hillary’s ass’s . No one is worrying about “Catching and Bringing These Killers to Justice.” They have already forgotten all about those empty words.
Yes It’s a tragedy alright.
Progressives see the Benghazi controversies as driven by another Obama Scandal Syndrome, wherein conservatives invent scandals.
But “What difference does it make?”
If you have been paying attention, bobo and since you are a fringe right winger you probably have not, the leader of the attack is in custody and will stand trial.
DeleteMeanwhile, you've been stuffed. Get over it, Teabag.
Good one on Benghazi . We just set a new presidence that we no longer have to be obligated to defend our embassies
ReplyDeleteThings you won't hear about on Fox News: Just yesterday:
DeleteGOP Intel Report Debunks Its Own Party's Nutty Benghazi Theories
Congressional Report Confirms Benghazi! Was Never A Scandal
Lisa, I admire -- and marvel at -- your patience and generosity, but since you don't seem to mind entertaining snotty, belligerent, moronic "Vexations to the Spirit" in copious abundance, I think I'll have to withdraw for a while and just drop in occasionally to lurk and watch from the sidelines.
ReplyDeleteAs I said somewhere else earlier today:
"Tolerating the Intolerable is Intolerable."
Good luck and God bless you, Lisa.
~ FT
PS: You are always more than welcome to come visit me at FreeThinke's Blog.
Will you take Radical Redass with you?
Deletecopious abundance is redundant, FT.
DeleteI just like to expose who/what liberals are FT.
ReplyDelete"Tolerating the Intolerable is Intolerable."
ReplyDeleteLisa, FT does have a very good point. At this point you have 111 comments and 32 are from a vile, nasty, foul cretin who contributes nothing to your blog. This is a seriously obsessed and deranged individual who obviously has nothing else with which to occupy himself (besides his 2" trouser trout). This is just a pure troublemaker (the type, compelled to make everyone else as miserable as him.who would drop a turd in the punchbowl).
Do you really want THAT to be the face of your blog?
Go to any thread, hit control F, type in its name and see how many posts come up. It will and should disturb you.
Look who's gone on to that great big auction block in the sky!
ReplyDeleteLisa, Libtards are Fascists. They love their little dictatortot.
ReplyDeleteLittle is right kid,lol
DeleteWhat obama and hillary said days after the terrorist attacks cannot never be forgotten They lied and covered it up, I don’t care what this new trumped up Cockamamy report says.
ReplyDeleteGo back to your Kool-Aid progressive drinks nothing more to see here. . and admit that this “report” was a pile of horseshit.
Oh, and by the way!!! If you like your Plan, you can Keep Your Plan”
What I want to know is why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill Cosby piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, stop making babies out of wedlock, and this is paybacks or something? he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?
Why did it take 30 years? That’s the question Barbara Bowman, one of the 15 women to level sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby, asked in her essay in the Washington Post this week.
And furthermore, I don't know about the rest of 'em but I wouldn't believe one word out of Janice Dickensons mouth, she has a mouth on her that would put a sailor to shame.
And how come the same people who are condemning Cosby today defended Bill Clinton back when HE was accused of the same thing?
So why now? After ALL this time? I think her claim is bogus. But like I said...not sure about the other women claiming this. Problem is, I have a problem with those who speak up so many years later. It just makes me suspicious of motives and agendas.
And it is a pivotal question, because the answers speak loudly to what has changed in our culture — and what has not — when a powerful man is accused of rape.
Cosby’s history of allegedly drugging young women and then forcing them to have sex has been an open secret in Hollywood for decades. The alleged rapes themselves are said to date back to the 1960s. Cosby has included jokes about drugging young women to make them amorous since 1969 — something called Spanish Fly played a surprisingly big role in the public imagination back then — jokes he repeated live to Larry King in 1991. The attempts by victims to make themselves heard began more than a decade ago.
Former model Janice Dickinson now says she tried to write about being assaulted by Cosby in her 2002 memoir but was convinced by her publisher, under pressure from the Cosby camp, to leave her most devastating accusations out. Tamara Green, a California lawyer, told her story on the "Today Show" in 2005 when she was only the “second Cosby accuser.” But there were no consequences for Cosby, and Matt Lauer all but apologized to viewers for doing the interview in the first place. The following year, 13 women were scheduled to testify to their separate tales of drugs and sex in a civil suit brought by Andrea Constand, but she settled with Cosby in 2006 for an undisclosed sum. Over the past two weeks the charges have snowballed, and Cosby has found himself on his heels as Netflix, NBC and TV Land all dropped planned projects featuring him or decided to stop airing some of his existing work.
yep I wondered about that too IMRC. It's ounds a tad fishy to me as well
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteShaw Kenawe said...
ReplyDeleteYes airport streaking. Someone ought to tell Radical Redass about it so he can add pics of the nekkid dude to the man porn he loves to look at and share with the Porn Queen. Heh.
Rational Nation USA said...
I imagine Rad Red to be part of the baboon family. Except baboons are undoubtedly smarter than he is.
So I say slam em’ every chance you get. They deserve it, all of them.
They are so irrelevant just like the party they support are becoming
DeleteYou slam 'em?
DeleteDon't box outside your weight, bobo.
DeleteBring it on mental midget. Bring it on!
DeletePerfect. I haven't been over to her cesspool in years and I STILL live rent free in their cavernous, empty heads.
Then again, nothing else is there. Nature abhors a vacuum.
Who would you trust? Susan Rice, Lois Lerner, Obama., and the Hildabeast? Or Anyone else?
Me and my boys are in Ferguson and the non-indictment will be read soon. This will bring out the serious scum and give us a great chance for a deep cleansing!
ReplyDeleteI'll be updating body counts regularly...
Thus spake Radical Racist Redneck.
DeleteWhat a clown! Hey KayInMaine, II were was any mention of race?
DeleteYou are a tired, unoriginal leftist cliche'
You wearing your robes for the ethnic cleansing, you racist butt munch?
DeleteLisa, tell me again why this perpetually nasty, mega-creep is allowed to post...
Delete40 in this thread alone.
Ducky why don't you just apologize for being white
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you apologize being cognitively challenged Lisa?
DeleteBecause he's Black
ReplyDeleteFT//is that mine have wit, substance and sincerity, //
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt of the sincertiy.....many alzheimers victims speak with the same sincerity.
Good one okjimm. FreeThinke is very sincere indeed.
ReplyDeleteWay to play up to the fringers. Good flying monkey.
DeleteYou put the cheese in cheeseball.
No Radical Racist Redneck, the ffingers would be you and rest of the the tea guzzling troglodytes.
Deletefringers that is.
Delete^"I know you are but what am I?" - part 9984^
DeleteGod you make it so easy!
Don't they RR?
DeleteThey would rather guzzle the koolaid instead of the tea.
I agree with Gruber,Obama voters are stupid and easily deceived
Radical Racist Redneck, your delusions and denial further defines your character and puts your stunted intellectual growth on full display.
DeleteAnd Lisa; I did not vote FOR President Obama in 2008 or 2012. So I suppose when it comes to drinking koolaid, well, that description seems to fit you and Radical Racist Redneck to a tea.
DeleteSure thing cheese!
DeleteSo you don't vote on principal RN?
DeleteHey, where's Chucklenutz Shackleford been? Radical Racist Redneck needs back-up.
ReplyDeleteYou're up Chucklenutz Shackleford.
ReplyDeleteReady, Set, Go...
Dar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
ReplyDeleteDar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Dar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Dar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Dar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Dar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Dar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Dar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Dar-ren Wil-son *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
DeleteVery dignified...
ReplyDeleteThe deals tonight will be better than black Friday, cause you know nothing makes you feel better about being a terrorist than a free big screen TV and a pair of 300 dollar shoes…Saint Swisher would approve!
ReplyDeleteStatements denouncing violent activity and calls to respect the rule of law are appropriate.
ReplyDeleteInflammatory bullsh*t like your rhetorical garbage Radical Racist Redass has no place in dialog.
Chucklenutz Shackleford where are you?
ReplyDeleteHere you go RN. This will allow you to attract like minded souls. I'm sure even you can come up with $10.
DeleteWell Radical Racist Redneck you found it and we're sure you proudly own several.
DeleteAnother tiresome predictable "I know you are but what am I?" part 9988
DeleteYou know, I actually thought Blacks in Ferguson would honor the Brown family's requests at non violence. WHAT was I thinking?
ReplyDeleteI actually thought they'd think twice, take the high road.......and I was thrilled when the grand jury decision was made and all was quiet for an hour......
If only......... And I think a lot of the Ferguson folks ARE home with their dignity; let's hope that catches on and not the violent PUNKS' actions.
Gov Nixon should have brought in the national guard instead of kowtowing to Obama and Holder
DeleteGreat shooting Officer Wilson!
ReplyDeleteRadical Racist Redneck = Asshole
DeleteAll the libs are ducking tonight........Barack the Magic Negro called for peace tonight....yea,that worked well.
ReplyDeleteTonight you got a first hand view of what the average American deals with....the black guys at the food court in the mall,with their pants down around their asses,gold teeth and their hats on sideways...dropping F bombs every other word. Or the group outside the 7-11 smoking blunts or the ones sitting on the bus stop drinking 40's.
All you bleeding hearts can cry about these thugs being put down,but watching these animals burn businesses tonight was enough to make a person you liberals can take all your crying about this 300lb thug and stuff it up your asses.
Great to see you're back as your usual self Chucklenutz Shackleford. With your racist staements on full display.
DeleteThe only thing you have right is that the blatant disregard for the rule of law and the resulting anarchy by a very small minority of the population is disgusting shameful. Credit to the Brown family and other blacks that have called for calm and responsibility.
Beyond that law enforcement must be allowed to restore order.
Congratulations Officer Wilson.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Feruson Grand Jury
Congratulations America , for getting it RIGHT.
As for the president putting his BIG nose where it don't belong.
And for the dumb ASS's who are burning down their own town.
Have fun with that!
Just like Obama. He doesn't give a crap about our laws either. He's just setting an example for blacks all over the country.
ReplyDeleteYOU Don’t Give a F--- about OUR Laws!
That's OK
Because I Don’t Give a F--- about Your Lives either....
So Burn Baby Burn. Just wait til tomorrow when these assholes what to get a case of Beer or a bottle of Wine, and there's NO place left to get it....
I said the same thing IJ . They just continue to ruin their own lives.
DeleteYou really have to commend Ben Carson's mom. A single mother living in a bad neighborhood and with many struggles turned out 2 very successful men
Ferguson Protesters "We Don’t Give a F--- about Your Laws"
ReplyDeleteThey only Obey the laws they agree with, just like Obama.
well the Law has spoken and once again Pimp Daddy Obama don't give a crap about the Law, he only cares about the Poor lil "UN-Armed" Black Teen!
This is nothing more than a case of a violent thug reacting like a typical wise ass Black boy and a president siding with him because of his race.The THUG got what he had coming to him
All people should be locked away under the Patriot act, throw the key away, and make sure they are caged like the monkeys they are, and fed bread and water only until they die. Let them eat and **** in the same cage without ever cleaning the cage. So tired of monkeys getting away with everything. It shouldn't have taken more than a day to clear the good officers name to begin with..
ReplyDeleteOnce again Racist Obama showed his colors and denies that blacks commit more crimes than anyone else and in turn are either arrested or confronted by Police and that they alone determine what action has to be taken to control them by their own actions.
Blame others........But NO, he stood there and egged them on... How typical of Obama.
ISN’T AMERICA GREAT............ looting and taking stuff ,,,,,,you get everything for free anyway, so what’s your problem? Like your welfare checks , ,, your free food card ...,and free medical and free rent, ...those white Devils that you seem hate so much ...
All these people want is instant gratification, and free stuff, and no respect for any authority figures. Until the rioters learn to respect others, this will never change. There will be riots all over the country because it is already planned. That’s what we can expect from these so-called Black Leaders like Sharpton. Look at the mess he’s responsible for in New York, with is Puppet de Blasio.
Thank you Grand Jury for coming out with the right decision, justice has prevailed.
You asshats are so mentally challenged you'll never get this shit you produce daily is as much a part of the problem as the shit you perceive liberals produce. You only add fuel to the now raging fires.
ReplyDeleteWhether you choose to believe it or not YOU are partially responsible for this shit that is going on.
Use the goddamned mirrors your mentor FreeThinke so illustriously spoke of.
Oh that's right. You're pathetically incapable of looking at yourselves and your racism.
They are responsible but the people commiting the violence aren't?
DeleteWe have been trying for 60 years. The ones responsible are the dems and the left keeping these communities down and dependent.
Talk about looking in a mirror
I refer you to my comment, "law enforcement must be allowed to restore order." What is unclear about this.
DeleteYes, this small minority are responsible for THEIR actions and as such need to face and accept the consequences of those actions. Is that statement clear to you Lisa?
My point is, nevermind. If you and your friends don't already understand it you never will.
Hose them down! First with water: then with 50 caliber!
DeleteWhat is your point in this comment RN? This is the comment I was replying to
DeleteYou asshats are so mentally challenged you'll never get this shit you produce daily is as much a part of the problem as the shit you perceive liberals produce. You only add fuel to the now raging fires.
Whether you choose to believe it or not YOU are partially responsible for this shit that is going on.
Use the goddamned mirrors your mentor FreeThinke so illustriously spoke of.
Oh that's right. You're pathetically incapable of looking at yourselves and your racism.
Starting with you Mista Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting and deeply disturbing that people are willing to destroy the property of others, endanger lives, etc. because a young thug got what was coming to him. I am glad the grand jury refused to indict. NOW the law needs to deal with the thugs who are blaming racism on that event and using violent illegal means to express their anger. Violence in the black community is thier first reaction for any situation, so gee, why am I not surprised?
ReplyDeleteThere is no excuse for burning, looting, destroying property of businesses and homeowners who had nothing to do with the decision either way. But the Black Mobs find a way to destruct, and destroy, regardless of the reason.
Brown KILLED himself by attacking a police’s wake up time.
PS, Rational Nation USA, I resent your name calling. Why don’t you go back to that crap-house you hang around at and call those people those names.
Sorry you were offended. But if the truth offends deal with the truth.
DeleteOh, why not lecture your friends and their sock puppets here?
What's the matter Rational Nation USA, the verdict didn't go your way?
ReplyDeleteDid you expect anything different from these uncivilized animals who ran around stealing and burning and throwing things at the police because they didn’t get what they wanted?
Is this what they call protesting now?
You are a little pathetic piece of shit
And you seriously think anyone with more than three brain cells listens to or gives a damn what you blather?
DeleteGet a life Mistake Anonymous.
Parenting! RN and Dicky style!
ReplyDeleteAgain we see Radical Racist Redneck's true colors on full display. Atta boy; keep it up the Klan is sure to eventually appoint you Grand Wizard.
DeleteAgain, KayInMaine II, where was any mention of race by me.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cartoon.
They can't even tell when they are being laughed at
DeleteApparently Lisa neither can you and your stable of sock puppets.
DeleteBut you do have our sympathy.
Radical Racist Redneck, keep playing that same tune for your buddies. People with a functional brain see through your bullsh*t.
ReplyDeleteWhat a loser you are.
wowzers...FT said
ReplyDelete"The Reading Public" ought to be exposed -- at least once in a while -- to something besides endless quips, torrents of verbal abuse, and abundant evidence of mental infirmity. "
I guess that means he is done blogging. whoa.
I don't think so okjimm. FreeThinke has a lot of FreeStinke left in him.
ReplyDeleteAnd I ain't a progressive...
Time for a beer.
RN....the man reminds me so much of a nursing home patient whose ex-lax has not worked sufficiently
ReplyDeleteCan't figure the guy out. Sometimes he is brilliant. Sometimes he really is FreeStinke. I guess the boxes and paradigms you've found worked for you all your life are hard to break free of. Sad because as the world changes it move away from you if you're incapable of changing a bit along with it.
ReplyDeleteRN....comes a time.....I can find brilliance in many places.....his kind of pretensive intelligence is both fawning and dishonest.
ReplyDeleteWell okjimm... A wise person once told me (I can't recall with certainty who it was but I seem to recall it was my lovely better half) talk the brilliant with you and leave the stinke behind. Great advice methinks from the sex that actually uses both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously.