Thursday, November 20, 2014
Ready For Tonite's Tantrum?
So what will happen tonight ? Not sure exactly what,but surely I know why.This is how Obama has run his entire presidency. Blaming others,finger pointing ,whining and most of all playing dirty politics.
He is nothing short of a sore loser who is acting like a 13 year old who does not care about the American people. He prioritizes illegals over citizens.
Don't be convinced that this is a great thing. They will tell you that these young people ill be paying taxes. Not the case. The case is they will now be eligible for free health care,education,food stamps,housing,etc.
So be prepared for him to blame congress ,you know the ones he claims he wants to work with,and his usual foot stomping rhetoric,while creating 5 million new democrat voters,but I think it is going to be a lot more than 5 million,a lot more.
I don't believe it will be extreme.
ReplyDeleteI think there will be a halt to most deportations for any reason but felony conviction.
Temporary work visas may be granted and children who were brought to America at a very young age given a process to grant citizenship.
Actually, pretty reasonable.
I imagine Charles Krauthammer and his ilk will be screaming about the imperial presidency and impeachment but that's going nowhere.
This may well demonstrate a level of political savvy that he hasn't shown before.
No doubt he wants to put Boner in a corner.
...and that's about it.
DeletePretty reasonable.
Now it's up to the Teabags to get up off their collective arse.
If you weren't such a childishly contemptible SNEERING little SNOT, Canardo, ;-) I'd tell you I AGREE with the basic thrust of most of your initial statement.
DeleteIF you could find sufficient humility in your perpetually captious, rebellious, rebarbative soul to read the lengthy statement I posted below, you might see that our sentiments regarding illegal immigrants may not be as far apart as you would naturally assume.
well I hope not but I think people will still continue to pour over and get amnesty.
ReplyDeleteRight now many are coming to the border now are claiming they are there for "amenstia"
I just think of my friend who was threatened with deportation when she was 40 even though she was brought her from Germany when she was 5 and had to go through the process
If you really think, Lisa, you should realize that your friend from Germany, who was brought here as an innocent child of five, should NEVER have been subjected to "the process."
DeleteWhy? Because it's legalistic, Draconian and INHUMANE that's why.
No innocent people should be made to suffer, because our miserable, inept, corrupt, self-serving, power-mad politicians failed to get their act together on an issue that SHOULD have been confronted and dealt with honestly and earnestly at least a hundred years ago.
Yeah, let the GOP shut down the government becasue they don't want to collect billions of additional dollars in taxes. Idiots.
ReplyDeleteReagan, Bush Also Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation
Libdudd, your lack of knowledge of history could fill every library in the USA. So Ubama will make them safe from deportation if they pay taxes and pass a "background check". WTF- they are all criminals. They broke the law when they made their illegal entry. Plus, since they are not being deported now until they commit a serious crime, do you think that they will allow their income to be reduced by taxes and labor rules? Sorry Les, even illegal invaders are smarter than you are.. Synonymous1
DeleteHey Ducky Lucky, how come you don't call this PRICK "this One" a sock puppet. I'd just call him a a PRICK like you.
Delete2 words-Simpson Mazzoli
ReplyDeleteLiberaldude continues to regurgitate the same old untruths. Lester is disinformed when it comes to how the three branches of government are meant to interact. He reads Proggy pages such as Huffington-Puffington and believes whatever they post....Synonymous1
DeleteHere's the leftwinger problem; If this bill is fantastic and everybody loves it, it's wrong because of how it's being handled. This is AMERICA if nobody else has noticed. And stop the bunk about Republican Exec Orders; Reagan signed an amnesty BILL, he worked and listened and did what he could. And no president has done anything this sweeping, particularly after having announced over the years that what he's decided to do is actually unconstitutional and would make him 'emperor'. How quickly we forget.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope and pray this deal is good for America; it doesn't have to be good for lawbreakers but something has to be done.
Please join Republicans and even Liberal Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley who's been talking about the unconstitutionality of so much about this president till he's finally apparently going to be representing Boehner in some law suit. TURLEY, LEFTWINGER. One with integrity!
Great image, Lisa...!!
Boner's law suit was withdrawn and only served to make the Republicans look like even bigger fools.
DeleteObama looks like the fool since this election was a referandum of his policies
Delete@Z -- XX, I TOTALLY understand what you mean. I even just lost XXXXXXX’s friendship forever by emailing him back just now that I didn’t hate the plan as much as I’d thought I would … until I listened to the truth on FOX and hate it more now!
Now THAT's the voice of an open mind.
Just stunning.
Z he is on now,as predicted, first thing he did was blame congress
ReplyDeleteThe quintessential democrat. Great pic.
ReplyDeleteYes, there will be awesomely-epic lying by the liar in chief. Has there ever not?
What a waste of 10 minutes
ReplyDeleteI commend Congress for working so hard at doing nothing on this issue.
ReplyDeleteThat damned RWR and GWB, they got away signing EO's on immigration, as did other GOP presidents almost without notice. Damn un-American constitution shredders.
Oh wait... that's right, they were not men of the wrong color.
Yeah that's what it is racism ,thanks for the ignorant comment
ReplyDeleteSorry Lisa but you are going to have to get rid of Ducky or lose me.
ReplyDeleteThis blog has turned into a bad comedy
Aw look another wingnut who can't stand opposing viewpoints. Typical! Lol!
DeleteI say let Ducky continue to make an ass of himself on this page. Like "This One" fka Lester Liberalmann et al , They are bereft of ideas so all they have left is childish insults. In the past I became pissed at these bozos, but now I enjoy them and their (com)posts for their active ignorance. Laughing is good for your health! Synonymous1
Deleteexactly Syn there is no logical explanation so we either punch a wall or laugh.
DeleteUltimately, when we allow these "MARAUDERS" free reign, they invade your home, and do the moral equivalent of throwing [ails full dog dirt, urine and vomit all over your walls, floors, ceilings and upholstered furniture. This not only makes the place unattractive, it renders it inhospitable and gives it a putrid smell.
DeletePersonally, I don't think that's funny.
As the blogosphere proves again an again in a thousand different venus, the vast majority cannot handle "freedom" without abusing it to the point where it practically begs for arbitrary despotic control.
A terrible dilemma one must admit.
The FOUNDERS,however, understood this very well, and that is why THEY designed the original Constitution to limit the influence of "the vulgar populace" severely.
Too bad the populists took over with the election of Andrew Jackass -- our first "COMMON" president.
DeleteIn January 2017, let every self identifier get a plane ticket home and a bill for all the social services he received while in this country.
ReplyDelete...I would hand them $5k, a good years wages in Mex to "self deport", ship them home by plane or bus, and implant them with a microchip so if they attempt to cross the border again, an R.F. "curtain" will cause great pain and they will opt not to try it again. Trying to collect from them may not be cost-effective. My approach would be low in cost and permanent. They will warn their amigos in the future....Synonymous1
DeleteThe president did a great deal of alking about the how terrible i was for people to be forced to live in “The Shadows.”
ReplyDelete"The Shadows" is a great place be. You get to live free from the Iron Grasp of the IRS making a constant threat to your survival if you don't pay tribute to the Great God Gubmint. If I were a non-citizen and wanted to be truly "free," I know I'd have a much better chance with the INS than it's evil sibling the IRS.
The early settlers seeking freedom from religious persecution, and the opportunity to try to make a fortune and "be somebody," –– and later the pioneers who opened the West –– were not subject to the strangling, Draconian brands of economic tyranny and the constant monitoring, close supervision and ever-tightening restrictions on their personal choices and behavior imposed by the "Progressives" we must suffer with today.
Today's illegal immigrant is MUCH closer to the original settlers and the pioneers in Spirit and in Truth than we who have been skillfully conditioned to function as Cogs in a Great Machine –– i.e. Slaves to an Almighty and ever-living Nanny State.
THINK about that before you start trumpeting canned talking points and stale shibboleths about "The Rule of Law."
I listened to the president on C-Span last night, and have to say I was impressed by his "tone." Mr. Obama does "sincere" very well when occasion demands. I found myself agreeing with most of his sentiments, and rather liked the dignity with which he expressed them. HOWEVER, since he has proved himself over and over to be a LIAR –– a totally political animal who can prevaricate with a straight face before the cameras with uncanny skill, and a comely, presentable individual with a deep, pleasant, well-modulated baritone voice –– I find it impossible to BELIEVE anything he says.
HOWEVER, he parsed his words very carefully and DID make it clear that this Relief from the Threat of Deportation would be TEMPORARY. So what good could that possibly do anyone? It's a like Temporary Stay of Execution for a convicted murderer. All it does is prolong the Agony of Uncertainty.
Laws are only as good as the people who write them. I see no reason whatsoever to respect "laws" fabricated by The Party of Asses -- i.e. Marxian-Fabian-Socialist-Communist-Progressive- Liberal-Statist DemonRats who've been working ceaselessly, tirelessly and ruthlessly for over a hundred years to DESTROY the Founder's Vision and replace it with TYRANNY.
I never said a I TRUSTED King Barack. I only said I liked most of what he SAID. My post today at FreeThinke's Blog features SHOW ME from My Fair Lady. If that reference is too subtle for most to grasp, they oughtn't to be allowed to vote. ;-)
Now there's a quintessential loony diatribe by a wingnut with far too much time on his hands and malice in his heart.
DeleteHey Loser Liberalmann: You are a Progressive drone. Your heart is blackened by malice and envy while your head is empty of original thought. I will not go into what is in your hands. Piss off, Liberaldude. LYL!!! Synonymous1
DeleteSpeaking of Jackass = Furher Freethinke
DeleteLeave it up to Dear Ruler! First he tries to present amnesty as a free market solution and accuses Republicans of violating their own principles. Then the Secular Humanist Ubama quotes the Bible. Does he believe that creating five million new "employables" and dumping them onto a shaky job market is sound economic policy? Either Dear Ruler believes what Jonathan Gruber says about "stupid Americans" or he is a 'stupid American" himself. IMHO, it is about growing the welfare roles and showing the Legislative branch that they, as well as the Constitution are no longer relevant . ...Synonymous1
ReplyDeleteSo, brilliant bulb what would be YOUR solution to the immigration problem that multiple congresses have kicked down the road for years and multiple presidents (both repub and dem) have signed EO's on?
DeleteReady, Set, Go!!!
Like Obamacare,it sucks and unaffordable but it's better than nothing right?
ReplyDeleteIf you say so Lisa.
ReplyDeleteRefer to talking points script for follow up.