Saturday, January 10, 2015

An Inconvenient Fact


  1. Idiot. It's about the poles melting.

    1. Lisa doesn't seem to understand that the size of the glaciers matters.

    2. That would make it inconvenient for her.

    3. I suppose the North Pole only matters if the South Pole doesn't,

      It's all about cherry picking the data with Leftists.

    4. SIZE is ALWAYS a problem for eunuch, androgynous leftists like RN.


    5. Hey, look what the brown smelly river swept in, Racist Radical Redass.

    6. Lisa doesn't seem to understand that the size of the glaciers matters.

      I must have missed where all the coastal areas are under 10' of water. My bad.


  2. Replies
    1. "Climate change is a natural phenomenon while pollution is caused by man. We are definitely accelerating the process of climate change, but we cannot predict the rate or extent of climate change that can be attributed to man," Singh said.
      So we are definitely accelerating the change but it's okay because we haven't calculated the rate.

      Yes sir Farmer, that really knocks the lefts position for a loop.

      You screwed up so badly on this one be sure to pick another sock puppet for your next post.

    2. Oh, and the article does sate that glaciers are receding which Lisa is apparently denying.

    3. Receding. Like the unfortunate matter still occupying your skull?

    4. So sayeth the one with the empty cranial cavity, Racist Radical Redass.

    5. So we are definitely accelerating the change but it's okay because we haven't calculated the rate.

      Calculating the rate is useful only to those who would attempt to "insure the world" against changes to the status quo and attempt to recompense perceived "winners and losers" in a process of world wealth re-distribution. Personally, I think the "lawyers" should stop worrying about their commissions and accept the fact that climate changes, and the time periods over which they change are sufficiently slow so as to perceive anyone as a "victim" of a "humanly accelerated" climate change/ rising oceans is to "thinking persons" prima facie ridiculous.

    6. The glaciers advance... the glaciers recede. SO it has always been. So it will always be. Deal with it.

  3. Hey everybody, Speedy G(onzales) is back, loaded with lots and lots of data.

  4. Global warming became the focus of activism at the time of the Earth Summit in Rio, in 1992. Bush 41 signed a climate-change treaty, agreements to reduce carbon dioxide emissions below 1990 levelse,but America was the principal target, and everyone knew it then and everyone knows it now

  5. There seems to be a very close correlation between these people and folks who deny the facts of climate change. Since they reject the undeniable scientific fundamentals of evolution how can anyone take them seriously on any issue concerning science? Why would their opinions matter? And once again that Old Right-Wing Conspiracy theory trump's real and actual science.
    Those Right-Wing conspiracy lunatics connect global climate change, etc. whenever they have to conceal the truth about how bad things really are.
    Libs want law abiding citizens to give up their guns, which are protected by the Constitution. 99% of gun owners, are law abiding want to protect their families, their homes and their BODIES from attack/criminals/scumbags etc. Libs want to force gun owners to lose their gun rights.
    Good luck trying to link anything THAT Al Gore is involved with to real and actual science..
    But if you libs continue to engage in stupidity, you are free to send your money to the false prophet Al Gore. We don't need Al Gore and his fellow Communist Globalists controlling peoples lives with more oppressive Government intervention. I'll take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman, rather than with Al Gore and his fellow Communist assholes.

    Now on another topic, not that I’m trying to change to subject BUT I just read this and I thought that it’s important enough for you people to know it as well. Did you know that it cost us tax payers $7.7 million just for Air Force One to fly to and from Honolulu
    while the Obamas and friends who accompany them pay for their vacation home rentals on or near Kailua Beach, yes my good friends, taxpayers foot a multimillion dollar tab for everything from a stand-by ambulance to the fuel for Air Force One!!

    The taxpayers also pick up the bill for the Honolulu Police Department escorts who guard Obama, the first lady Michelle and the first daughters Malia and Sasha around the clock. These figures were just released by Honolulu Police Department spokeswoman Michelle Yu show that the Honolulu Police Department spent $277,000 on overtime costs during the Obama’s 16-day vacation.

    Records obtained by Judicial Watch in Washington said “the flights to and from Honolulu for the December 2013-January 2014 Christmas vacation totaled 36.9 hours at $210,877 an hour, which comes to a flight expense alone of $7,781,361.30.and thats a lot of money. In other words....Screw you America.

    1. The Left is interested in one thing and one thing ONLY, Indy. and that is to acquire ABSOLUtE POWER. They would like to SILENCE and END all opposition and be able to tell every one of us exactly what to do with EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of our time.

      They will stop at nothing to accomplish this end. What they DO of course, is to MANIPULATE every single ISSUE to work to THEIR political advantage no matter who they hurt or how much they damage the country.

      They for NOTHING but POWER.

      As I'm sure you know, they consistently take an anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom of Choice, anti-Christian, anti-American position on EVERYTHING from eating PEANUTS in public to determining the kind of TOILET you are allowed to install in your privately-owned house.

      They also do everything possible to alienate children from their parents, because children are easier to mold and manipulate when controlled by the State than by their individual families.

      They continually LIE and CHEAT and continually ACCUSE and VILIFY all who don't agree with them in order to get their way, while ALWAYS claiming to be on the moral high ground, because THEY will tell you they are working for the BETTERMENT of ALL MANKIND.

      In short they are as full of Shit as a Christmas Goose and at least ten times more toxic.

      The proof of what I am saying lies in their ardent defense of Muslims and any other filthy faction that seeks to undermine, damage and destroy our way of life. Even when they KNOW those factions would just as soon arrest, torture and kill THEM, they STILL aid and abet those people, because their hatred for America, Christianity and Capitalism is much, much greater than any residual love they might have for LIFE.

      It's uglier than sin and much less enjoyable, but that's the way it IS.

      Notice now how ALL they can do to "refute" what I've said is to INSULT and UPBRAID ME, DENY the TRUTH and SPEW CHERRY-PICKED "FACTS" to further THEIR sick, treasonous agenda.

    2. Every civilized country understands that Climate Change caused by man is real. It's amazing how the right wing media in the US has so many idiots believing otherwise.

  6. Nice rant. While meandering through the weeds why not do a comparative analysis of travel and vacation expenses of USA presidents back to RWR that was picked up by the taxpayers. All adjusted for inflation ir course.

    Ready, Set, Go...

    1. And another moron weighs in.. Of course shift the blame to "the other presidents" You have fun with that !

      By the way, who the hell is RWR? I'm shocked that you aren't blaming George Bush as the other assholes usually do.

    2. Oh I got it now, Ronald Wilson Reagan, I should have know. Typical of you assholes.

    3. #1... An analysis adjusted for inflation is NOT shifting responsibility. Rather it would be relevant data from which one draw rational conclusions.

      #2... No blame was placed. The blame placing was in FACT dome by your compatriot.

      #3... Whose the a-hole again?


  7. So George Zimmerman was arrested again! George Zimmerman took another Thug off the streets PERMANENTLY. No, he's not a hero. But he’s NOT a murder either. . Since he was rightfully acquitted the liberal establishment and the media has made numerous attempts to phony up charges against him. All of which have failed. We don't know what will happen this time. But I'm glad George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. Florida and America is a bit safer for it.
    Zimmerman is a victim of the liberal bleeding hearts , is just an average man who did the right thing for himself and his community. And Trayvon Martin is still dead. Killed legally by a concerned citizen and neighborhood hero! In fact I’d bet that there's probably at least another kid who is alive today because of it. Zimmerman is just an average man who did the right thing for himself and his community. He had trial and the jury found him NOT Guilty, and the world is probably a better place for what he did.

    But the bleeding Heart Liberals just won’t let go of it. Because he killed their Poster Boy, a poor SIX FOOT unarmed “TEEN” who was just walking around in the dark in Private property eating his eating Skittles and drinking Arizona Iced tea, oh and did I forget to mention and (prescription only) Robitussin DM!!! . And so it goes, another black youth Thug dead trying to pursue an illegal high, and break in to someone’s home. ..while trying to get away from the Creepy Cracker George Zimmerman.

    And of course...the Trayvon Martin, Bleeding heart supporters, will deny this. Truth, and facts are the thorns in sides of the race baiting, Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson. Trayvon, was a troubled YOUNG MAN who would have looked exactly like Obama’s Son... If he had a son!! ...who evidently wanted to show his brawn. He just picked the wrong guy, to show it to. Tragic yes, but there are thousands of horrible tragedies such as this, that have happened to all races, in our country. Since this incident, and after. Has anyone asked themselves, why this particular incident was chosen, to make a national political issue out of it?.

    1. You really are a deluded fool HS. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt; until this rant of yours. You have erased all don't as to your lack of sanity.

      Zimmerman is a POS, period. Put aside the TM case and just look at his history of domestic abuse and aggravated assault charges. The dude is a walking talking time bomb. He is a danger to society and in need of serious psychiatric intervention.

    2. As for being a POS? You have him confused with the Progressives Bunch.

    3. George Zimmerman is a victim of the liberal media, is just an average man who did the right thing for himself and his community. And Trayvon Martin is still dead. Killed legally by a concerned citizen and neighborhood hero! In fact I’d bet that there's probably at least another kid who is alive today because of it.

    4. The dude is a walking talking time bomb. He is a danger to society and in need of serious psychiatric intervention.

      All true. But he is one Hell of a shot!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Nice lunatic rant and deflection from the topic. Yeah, keep telling yourself this if it makes you feel better in your little world of hate, lies and fear. But, smart people know full well Zimmerman is nothing but a thug and murderer. If the constant reminders of this with his actions every few months in the 'liberal' media doesn't convince you, you're stupid.

    7. murderer.

      Hey anencephelic, I seem to remember something being read saying "not guilty". Better put the wheels back on your house as Mr Zimmerman will soon own it as here we have a very clear case of libel.

      Sucks to be you (in EVERY conceivable way)

    8. How the fuck does a shot at close range (extremely close) constitute "one hell of a shot" asshole?

    9. One shot - one kill! No wasted ammo: no wasted effort

  8. Just because he's a stupid guy, dosnt make him a murderer.
    Anyone who kills a Black Thug is a murderer in the eyes of these Liberal ass-holes,

  9. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's as simple as this: the Holy Trinity of leftism is anti-white, anti-straight, and anti-Americanism. Sarah not only none of them, she is loudly, proudly and gleefully their absolute antithesis.

      She drives a stake into their tiny dark hearts 24/7 by merely existing white, straight and pro-American. Plus she and her entire family are attractive, comfortable in their skin and obviously care deeply for each other. Traits deeply foreign and terrifying to miserable, malcontented and universally unloved leftists.

      Like dogs and snakes they exist in two incompatible universes. And they know theirs is inferior and they are stuck there. Deeply miserable, hateful and unhappy individuals - all of them.

      She yanks them all like a yoyo's string. And none have any self-control to resist.

    3. You're right as rain, RR, but wouldn't it be nice not to have to put up with their incessant catcalls, insults and endless barrage of bullshit, which THEY will DARE to tell us with a STRAIGHT FACE is "RATIONAL DISCOURSE?"

      In MY temple anyone who tried to piss on the patrons from the Peanut Gallery gets THE BOOT -- a good swift kick in the ass -- and remains forever BANNED.

      It's not that I don't like to discuss opposing views, but I won't have my blog used as a public toilet.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Yes and the likes of disgusting racists like RR still have a voice at your 'temple.' But...censoring the truth is always the modus operandi of the fascist right. You're more interested in having your little circle jerk of lies than a credible discourse.

    6. fascist right

      Hey shitbag, fascism is a leftist ideology through and through. It devolved from the Italian Fascisti party which was just one more miserable leftist totalitarian group. You willingly identify with every conglomeration of human sewage throughout time.

      You are a useless preponderance of DNA. Dismantle NOW!

    7. SEE? what did I tell ya? Right on cue.

      Bada Bing! Bada Boom!

      They just cain't heppit.


    8. I love it when libs have their heads handed to them,good going RR and FT

  10. I can’t breathe”, “hands up, don’t shoot,” “ What do we want? We want to shoot Cops” the protesters were New York a few days back, there was nothing but mayhem that ensued..purposely. What the creatures involved did was totally deplorable, disgusting and despicable to say the very least. These heartless bastards were disrespectful and they displayed it for everyone to view. This was brought to you by the some of the filthiest, scummiest of two-toed sloths that roam this earth…the lowest of the low.
    What the hell has happened to American society?

    1. You seem to be confused and marginally literate TLAZ. But we sympathize.

    2. Naturally leftist dipshit says nothing about the cop killers and other useless street rabble, and goes right for (lamely) insulting the poster for the temerity to bring it up.

      Warped, twisted, hate and rage fueled fool.

    3. You are one of those ASS-HOLES that think Conservatives Are Racist’s because we dare to call it like it is, and yes, call a spade a spade.
      We Conservatives like most people who dare to tell the truth believe that Black Racism lives! The hate is out there, for everyone to see. We see it very clearly today in the Black leadership, and the whites who support those worthless creeps like Al Sharpton, Bill Di Blasio and his racist wife and people that people that stiffel free speech with political correctness! And people like our President who are totally trampling on the Constitution.
      The Civil Rights movement has totally lost it’s charm because of the Morons who are their leaders these days. Civil Rights has been the liberals favorite bed-time story for too long now. There is no longer a need for it. We have Blacks teaching our Kids, we have Black Doctors in our Hospitals, Black lawyers, Black Mayors, Congressmen and women, Governors and yes even a Black Attorney general and a Black president. What the hell else do you tree huggers want? You have been excessively sympathetic to these people for much to long. So long that we now have welfare queens milking our system dry! You people hold the view that the majority are responsible for any minority plight whatsoever, and that minorities can never, ever be responsible for their own condition! Well with that kind of thinking these people will never stand on their own two feet.
      De Blasio'sgot into office by promising to reform police practices (meaning he would discontinue STOP AND FRISK) that and his Son’s “Afro” put him into office last year. And in recent weeks his backing of the protestors and throwing the Police under the bus and all but blaming the decision of the Grand Jury, and his intense criticism of the NYPD let to the protest and the killings of the two Police Officers Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
      And the sad part of the story is than once again our dear leader put his two cents into where it didn’t belong. And we all know Dear Leader lies through his teeth every single time he opens his mouth with every single word that is emitted from it… And that gets my blood boiling. Bill Clinton lied and you know where that got him, Obama lies and the media covers it up for him, and that in powers the Black community. .Obama and Holder are racist azzholes. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are a couple of half-assed ‘black’ gangsters. Harry Reid is a dried out old turd. And thats why this country is in the shape that it’s in. And YOU along with your progressive cronies are certainly no better.

      The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency

    4. Eric Garner brought his own tragedy on by being a douchebag just like Trayvon Martin was.

    5. Hey Radical Racist Redass, spin doesn't change reality.

      And, my comment was not in
      reference to cop killers

      But since you brought it up; the
      bastard can rot while maggots
      eat their eyes out.

      BTW TALZ, the real danger to America and her liberty is folks like you and RRR.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I notice the fringe right low functionals didn't hesitate to shift the topic to race after they got a redass supporting Lisa's inaccurate thesis.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ...only if by "inaccurate" you mean NOT cherry picked. Like the ridiculous notion that 2014 was the hottest year ever.


  13. Love It Lisa. People that believe in man made GW are morons with a capital F.

  14. And people who believe human activity has absolutely impact on the environment are even bigger morons with a capital F.

    1. If that's true why do you encourage petroleum drilling and refining via your wardrobe?

  15. They do RN ,ever see the trash left behind at liberal protests aka OWS and the Climate Change Rally? Then see how pristene the areas that had Tea Party rallies were left

  16. Lisa, I was thinking bigger than garbage on the ground. But you knew that and just chose to ignore it.

    But I agree with your last sentence.

  17. Lisa,you have to understand RN thinks in the macro. He is a thinker of great thoughts.....he's on a different plain then most average humans...he has evolved well beyond the rest of us.....he has reduced knowledge to one line RNismns that are far beyond our concept of understanding and as you can see by his personal photo his head continues to enlarge caused by his increasing brain power.....

  18. Another fart in the wind from ole Rusty Shackelturd. Chief sock puppet and bullshitter extraordinaire.

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  20. Lisa doesn't seem to understand that the size of the glaciers matters.

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  23. Hey there, Lisa! 🌟

    I just finished reading your article, "An Inconvenient Fact," and I couldn't help but share my thoughts. First of all, I have to say your writing style is fantastic! You managed to tackle a rather complex topic with such clarity and passion; it's evident how much thought and research you've put into this. Your opening paragraph drew me in immediately, and your storytelling skills are truly remarkable. The way you presented the facts and figures was both engaging and eye-opening.

    I appreciate how you shed light on the inconvenient truth about climate change and its impact on our planet. It's essential for us to be informed about these issues, and your article serves as a wake-up call. Your call to action at the end really resonated with me, and I'm inspired to do my part in reducing my carbon footprint. Please keep sharing your insights and knowledge because your voice is undoubtedly making a positive impact on the world. Can't wait to read more from you, Lisa! 💚🌍
