Tuesday, September 13, 2016

You Have to treat Women like S----- Debunked

Excuse the Language


  1. WHERE IS HE NOW? HOW LYING HILLARY DESTROYED This Man’s Life To Hide Her Incompetence In #Benghazi!
    Does anyone even care that this American man was picked out of thin air to become a scape goat for Hillary’s incompetence. One day he’s an innocent man making third rate videos and posting them on Youtube…The next day he’s being hauled off to jail for a video he produced that Hillary and her lying staff said inspired a terror attack in Benghazi! This could have been any one of us. Of all the evil things Hillary has done, this has to rank at the top, right below the four dead Americans whose lives she was responsible for in Benghazi, but was unable to give them what they needed to stay alive…
    The Benghazi Butcher rolls on… and that's DEPLORABLE!!

  2. Well, this does seem legit, point for Lisa's side.

    I guess this means Trump is just a swell guy.

    1. I thought we were taking about Hillary here you Jerkoff!

    2. Try again, bright bulb, this post IS about Trump. Ducky, as usual is right.

  3. Breaking: Sen. Hillary Clinton Has Temper, Hate - Wonkette
    Wonkette › breaking-sen-hillary-clinton-...
    Oct 22, 2007 - Hillary Clinton in which she hates on Jews, Irish, sluts, Maureen ... -what Hillary would often refer to Bill around the Arkansas's ... “You fucking Jew bastard.

  4. If you believe in God and are a Christian, or a Jew, you might be a deplorable

    If you believe America is the greatest country on this planet...you might be a deplorable

    If you believe in American exceptionalism...you might be a deplorable

    If you fly the America flag on your property...you might be a deplorable

    If you believe in upholding and abiding by the Constitution...you might a deplorable

    If you believe you should only go in the bathroom of your actual gender...you might be a deplorable

    If you believe in supporting our police...you might be a deplorable

    If you believe in peaceful protests instead of violent riots...you might be a deplorable

    If you believe who is most qualified instead of affirmative action...you might be a deplorable

    If you believe you can run your life better than the government...you might be a deplorable

    Feel free to add on..........
    And Thank You if you Agree

    1. If you cold cock a 69 year old woman at a Drumpf rally - you might be a deplorable.

      ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) - Police say they arrested five people at Donald Trump's rally Monday night in Asheville and...have warrants out for two more people. Police plan to arrest Richard Campbell of Edisto Island, South Carolina for assault on a female. That female is 69-year-old Shirley Teter ...
      She was punched in the face. She says she fell on her oxygen tank and has sore ribs, a sore jaw, and cut her elbow. She later went to the hospital and is thankful she did not break any bones.

      Radical Redass, your tracking bracelet probably puts you at the rally.

    2. Ducky sure knows his woke-iness, "punch a lady".... HA!

    3. Ducky missed the violence that Hillary supporters have been doing to to Trump supporters

  5. ____________ DEFINING the ENEDMY ____________


    When I insult, deride, hector, badger, lampoon and defame The Enemy, "IT" fully deserves every bit of Mockery, Derogation, Cruelty, and Nose-Thumbing Dismissal I can muster.

    HOWEVER, when The Enemy attempts to insult, bully, badger or LIE about ME, "IT" fully deserves every bit of Mockery, Derogation, Cruelty, and Nose-Thumbing Dismissal I can muster. };^)>

    The Enemy is either The Great Deceiver, Himself, or One of His Ardent Disciples. Therefore, The Enemy deserves NO Consideration, and must be shown NO Indulgence, given NO Quarter, NO Mercy, NO Tolerance, WHATSOEVER.

    Never –– EVER –– forget what The Enemy did to Czar Nicholas and His family in the basement of "The House of Special Purpose."

    The ENEMY still eagerly makes EXCUSES for the Savage Bolshevik Beasts.

    The ENEMY is The BEAST –– the Servant, the Handmaiden, the Henchman, the Toady, the SLAVE and ASSKISSER to everything VILE.

    The Enemy cannot be treated diplomatically; "IT" must be DESTROYED.

    [Just be sure you identify "IT" correctly, and know who "IT" is before you start pumping bullets into "IT." };^]>

    1. Don't worry, be happy, cuz everything is gonna be alright.

      Soon you'll be with Senator Joseph McCarthy FreeThinke. :)(:

    2. I have ALWAYS been wth Senator McCarthy, the most seriously maligned, willfully misunderstood man in the history of American politics next to Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover.

      The basic premise of McCarthy's anti-Communist campaign was perfectly CORRECT.

      The Communist Sympathizers and leftist hypocrites who brought him down, then stomped all over his reputation, –– just as FDR and his henchmen blackened then stomped all over Herbert Hoover after he left office –– and J. Edgar Hoover after he died –– were WRONG Ï€–– DEAD WRONG.

      Did I like Senator McCarthy personally?


      Did I admire his style?

      HELL NO!

      Nevertheless, McCarthy saw what the Hollywood, Academic, and Enemedia Subversives were up to long before they become so powerful as to be virtually invulnerable to critical analysis –– a regrettable situation that has spelled DOOM for our country as it was meant to be by our Founders.

    3. That says a hellova lot about you, freestinker and NONE of it is good.

  6. Poor Ducky.....HRC is fading so fast all he can resort to is picking nits about a Trump supporter.

  7. The past few days have been an absolute leftwingnut jackass festival....there are throwing everything they can think of to try and get the spotlight off Hil's failing health and her stupid "deplorable" comment.
    And nothing is helping. I'd bet coming next will be the racist and woman's card.


    Trump Gets Nearly 26 Percent Of The Black Vote In New Poll​

    Republican nominee Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton in South Carolina with 53 percent of the vote in a poll out Wednesday which also shows Trump getting 26 percent of the black vote.

    Trump is leading with 53 percent, Clinton follows with with 37.57 percent, Libertarian Gary Johnson is at 3.4 percent and the Green Party’s Jill Stein got less than one percent in the Trafalgar Group poll. South Carolina is a solidly Republican state so Trump’s lead here isn’t surprising.


  10. News Flash !!
    Progressive Eruptured puts all the Conservative Blogs out of business !
    Congratulations to Shaw for her FAUX Accomplishment

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Attn: Whoopi Goldberg, Cher, Samuel L. Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnell, and all the other l the entertainers, actors, musicians, comedians, journalist, and athletes.
    You exist for my entertainment. Some of you are great. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you can scare the crap out of me. Others make me laugh. But you all have one thing in common, you only have a place in my world to entertain me. That’s it.
    You make your living pretending to be someone else. Playing dress up like a 6 year old. You live
    in a make believe world in front of a camera. And some behind the camera. Some of you sing and dance, some play games with balls, Your entire existence depends on my patronage period. Without myself and people like me all American citizens I might add your NOTHING. Your unemployed.
    I’ll crank the organ grinder; you dance. Like the monkey you are.
    I don’t really care where you stand on issues. Honestly, your stance matters far less to me than that of my neighbor. You see, you aren’t real. I turn off my TV or shut down my computer and you cease to exist in my world. Once I am done with you, I can put you back in your little box until I want you to entertain me again.
    And you? Really? I’m supposed to care what the director of fluffy tripe made for gullible people thinks about global warming or gun control? Get back into your bubble. I’ll let you know when I’m in the mood for something blue and shiny.
    And I'm also supposed to care that you will leave this great country if Trump becomes president? So you know how stupid you sound? Please don't forget to close the door behind you. We'd like to reserve your seat for someone who loves this country and really wants to be here.
    Make me laugh, or cry. Scare me. But realize that the only words of yours that matter are scripted. I might agree with some of you from time to time, but it doesn’t matter. In my world, you exist solely for my entertainment
    So, shut your pie hole and dance, monkey, and get the hell out of America if you want to, but don't just promise me...GO!!"

  13. My post for today, so a lying scum like you doesn't have to steal it:

    Presidential Health
    I have to laugh at these liberal crazies that compare Obama to Trump to try an show Trump is just a fat ass who isn't physically able to be president.
    Obama isn't running for president.
    Physical appearance is not the final say on physical health.
    Clinton passed out Sunday and spent the last few days "resting."
    As usual, the delusional liberals lose this one.
    These liberal crazies are only lucky they are against Trump. A guy who doesn't know how to shut up when he has won an issue.
    Liberal stupidity, lies, and meanness is why this election is nearly tied and will be the main reason Clinton loses, if she does.
    I'm rooting for Trump, if for no other reason that to shove it down the throats of these mean, hate filled, crazy liberals who think attacking with hate is the only way to win an election.


  14. Hillary’s health report full of holes! Doctor claims she took a 'test that does not exist’

    LOL! Crooked Hillary is still lying and she has her doctor lying for her....oh this is pathetic. I feel sorry for the doctor. Probably afraid of "committing suicide" or "having an accident" if she doesn't go along with what Clinton wants.


  15. Breaking: Wikileaks Just Exposed Democrats!

    The Democrats are Calling Pa & Ohio Voters White Trash And Stupid Morons, for voting for Trump.

  16. Considering the lengths to which Hillary Clinton has gone through to hide her “medical condition” from the public even violating Secret Service protocol regarding protectee collapses we still should be suspicious of anything the Clintons put in the public record without independent scrutiny.
    Additionally, pneumonia does not cause the kind of collapse and not a fainting episode like the one experienced at the 9/11 Memorial program. And, considering the lies , the "miss-speak, and half-truths about her condition, the fact that she was taken to Chelsea’s apartment and then appeared fully fit in less than 90-minutes suggests that Hillary was given something more than a few glasses of water.
    In the final analysis, you cannot trust Hillary Clinton as a person, a politician, and certainly NOT as the president.of the United States of America .

  17. Lisa, I'm so sorry you decided to give up on monitoring your blog.

    I'm sure you can see how quickly it degenerates when you tolerate anything and everything.

    I had hoped you'd learned to prefer quality over quantity. Apparently not.

    Too bad!

    1. FreeThinke(LMAO)™, you should think about letting FreeTinke take over your blog.
      It would really move up in class.

  18. PS: I loved your Basket of Deplorables at the top although I'd call them a BASKET of DESPICABLES, myself. };^)>

  19. dont listen to him Lisa, his own blog is going down, so what the hell would he know

    1. Lisa if FT owned your blog, you'd get 2 to 4 commenters here. Like ShW does. And then you'd have to write answere to your own comments like they do.

  20. His blog will never go down as long as he can think of stupid new names to make up to reply to himself.

    1. It's Going Down.
      Because YOU like Obuma refuse to call the Enemy by their right NAME..... Progressive's!

  21. Free Thinke.....up your Metamucil and eat some prunes....then go chase the kids off your lawn.....then after your nap, write an idiotic poem that no one,other then you cares about.....then STFU

  22. Holy Christ.....Hillary is now wearing one of those "help, I've fallen and I cant get up" things.

  23. There has been a million excuses by thr Democratic Faithful after reading and hearing all the various "theories, excuses, lies, and stories about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van and soon after .. From AIDS to Parkinson's , to that coverup BS about pneumonia, to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible thoriies over at "WebMD™.

    My guess is that she had something more and far worse than pneumonia. Something that is pretty shitty, and between whatever it really is that and is associated with giving her that condition and combined with the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up in a nice new Pant Suit whacked her good and Made her condition and whatever it is that she has even worse.

    That said, one question is bugging me.

    This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for the freakin' President.of this country! So do we really want and need someone who is in that poor health and condition?

    And another thing, Wouldn't you think that passing out would have warranted making a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked !

  24. Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar. I don’t mean this as political conjecture, but a proven, verifiable liar. She lied about the Irish peace process, her vote in favor of the Iraq war, her reason for illegally using a personal email server, that her family was dead broke when they left the White House, about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, where Chelsea was on 9/11, who she was named after, Benghazi… and the list goes on. We don’t need a liar-in-chief. We tried that already. It didn’t work.

    Why would ANYBODY what to vote for anyone with s record like hers?

  25. FT is a boring old queen but everybody who has had their comments deleted by him already knew that.

    1. 00000000000000000000000000

    2. Yawn would indeed be the reaction people have when they read your boring chit Freestinker.

  26. And yes I’m very PROUD to be a "Deplorable" a part of America that Hillary and the Democrats call "Deplorable" and I wear that name as a badge of honor. And to be called a "racist" only because I don't want to see my country run over by a buch of ILLEAGALS who are stealing jobs from my fellow countrymen and women, who are stuffing their pockets with welfare money and food stamps, and all kinds of handouts by this President who welcomed them without any kind of validation !

  27. Hillary is nothing but ia liar on almost everything having to do with her and her accomplishments I would also guess that her health report is one big fictional piece of crap as well. If anyone needs to understand what health risks Hillary faces, just look at her photos, and videos

    A picture is worth 1,000 words

  28. On Friday, after Donald Trump’s wildly anticipated ‘Birther’ press conference, Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager admitted the birther rumor was started inside the Hillary Clinton campaign.

    Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 until the Iowa caucuses, admitted on Friday that a Clinton campaign staffer had, in fact, circulated the Birther conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and therefore potentially ineligible to serve in the presidency.

  29. 00000000000000000000000000

  30. You really do have way to much time on your hands FreeThinke.

  31. You really do have way to much time on your hands FreeThinke.

  32. Lester two times Obama phone must be acting up again.


  33. The Leftwingnutz Are Packing Up.

    When Mr.Trump is elected the following said they are leaving.

    BB Idaho----- Canada
    Octo--------- Honduras
    Dave Miller-- Mexico

    I wonder where Ducky and Lester are going?

    1. The Three Mustacares of the Shit House

    2. Considering Costa Rica. Regardless who wins the election.

      Of course it will be HRC. You know that, right Rutherford?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Finally we've seen Hillary's real ugly face and finally she told the world what she really thinks about half of the American people . And I think, for the first time we can believe her.
    We the depolorable have known her face for quite some time now. The left wing bitches surrounding her don't or won't see it because of their blind stupidity in believing her., but there is a reason, she is actually dirty. She has been Trying to get the leftist establishment to think, for the first time we can believe her.
    We the depolorable have known her lying and disgusting face for quite some time. The left wing bitches Who are surrounding her just can't or won't see that she is actually a dirty Bitch who has been trying to get the power that she has always dreamed of for her entire life, and would go , say, lie for no matter what!

  36. Just GO please and take Mexicalie Dave with you. We have more Asshole here in America than we can stumach right now, with rest of the filth that Obama has let in. So GO.

    1. You really ought to enroll in the Shackleford Academy and take the remedial course in spelling and grammar JB.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Note to the Prick-Face aka RN...
      Your on my Ignore list. I don't reply to Ass-holes.

    4. Guess you don't talk to yourself then, eh JB?


  37. Found on a Idiotic Progressive blog.

    This is the second time Trump has suggested assassination for his opponent. Never in our lifetime have we ever heard a candidate suggest assassination for his opponent.

    This thing can never be our president.

    In addition to Trump's giddy suggestion that Hillary's secret service men disarm, and that as a result someone kills her, he told another whopper of a lie about Hillary Clinton and guns.

    Hillary Clinton does not want to take anyone's guns away. If Trump's supporters had any knowledge of our Constitution, they'd know that presidents can't "take away" any of our Constitutional rights. Trump is counting on his supporters' ignorance, and he incites them through his constant barrage of lies and assassination suggestions.

    Hillary Clinton supports the Second Amendment. Period.

    And like Trump's lying about President Obama's birth certificate, Trump is lying about Hillary's support of the Second Amendment.

    I don't know how any sane person can support Trump, our national embarrassment.

    1. Don't you realize you are supposed to give proper attribution or a link JB?

    2. We know Trump wasn't insinuating Hillary be assassinated. Maybe he should have said it the way us level headed people know what he meant like" see how safe she feels"
      But as usual the left-wing nut jobs in the media have a way of using their bias to influence the story line to their view point and depending on stupid people to believe their BS

    3. Who needs a link RN? Her reputation precedes her

  38. There have been speculations about Hilderbeast Clinton’s health for years particularly after she suffered a concussion in 2012. Over the past few months, a photograph of the Democratic nominee for president being helped up the stairs back in February surfaced. In July, some pundits noticed That the Hilderbeast Clinton being helped up the stairs of a stage at a campaign event by her running mate Tim Kaine. Mrs. Clinton laughed off concerns about her health by opening a pickle jar on Jimmy Kimmel Live to demonstrate her strength and vitality. A week ago, Hilderbeast Clinton had a coughing fit while delivering a speech at a Labor Day event. While the coughing episode did renew some focus on the health question, many took the candidate at her word when she said the cough was due to “allergies.” Well, now the scenario has changed.and the cover up was in full force.

    On Sunday, The Hilderbeast Clinton had a ”medical episode” during a September 11 memorial event at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan honoring the victims of the terrorist attack which took place on September 11, 2001. The women aka the Hilderbeast Clinton, who unexpectedly left the event was videotaped getting into a car after staggering and falling. The Hilderbeast Clinton's campaign said that The Hilderbeast Clinton left early due to being “overheated.” Interestingly enough, it was not an especially warm day. The Hilderbeast Clinton was then taken to her lying daughter Chelsea’s apartment which is also in lower Manhattan. When The Old Hag departed from the Hilderbeast's Daughter Chelsea’s apartment several hours later, she appeared to have regained her composure. Several hours later the Hilderbeast Clinton campaign released a statement saying that The seriiol liar Clinton had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. We have since also learned that Mrs. Clinton has cancelled her plans to spend Monday and Tuesday in California at fundraising events and will instead rest at her home in Chappaqua, New York. The Hilderbeast Clinton is reportedly still planning on being in Nevada for some public events on Wednesday.

    Hilderbeast Clinton will turn 69 in October. She has been campaigning at a frenetic pace which would probably challenge most 40-year-olds. If she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, why didn’t the campaign make a formal announcement about the situation then? Also why did her campaign staff continue with plans to send her to the West Coast? Obviously, she wanted to be present at September 11 event because other VIP’s would be there including Donald Trump. Her not being present at the event would have garnered questions and criticisms. However, it still would have been possible for the Hilderbeast Clinton campaign to have issued a statement that Hilderbeast . Clinton was suffering from pneumonia and would have only been able to make a brief appearance.

  39. Wow JB! You've certainly acquired great stamina. Your never ending line of BS is remarkable.

    Keep on proving what most folks already know about you JB.

  40. I have to laugh at these nut-job, koolaide drinking liberal crazies that compare Donsld Trump to Hillary Klintoon try and show Trump is just As much a LIAR as The Hilderbeast is and who isn't physically able to be president. But the Fat Ankeled Thunder Thighs Hilderbeast is.I would agree that Physical appearance is not the final say on physical health. But when we are talking about Hilderbeast Klintoon it's another story.
    Clinton passed out Sunday and spent the last few days "resting.". And she surely wasn't taking a "beauty nap". Because you can't put the words "Beauty, and Hillary in the same sentence.
    As usual, the delusional liberals lose this one.
    These liberal crazies only Know how to say things against Trump. A guy who knows more about honestly that anyone with the name Clinton ever did.
    Liberal stupidity, lies, and meanness is why this election is nearly tied and will be the main reason Clinton loses, And she will.
    I'm rooting for Trump, if for no other reason than to shove it down the throats of these mean, hate filled, crazy liberals who think attacking with hate is the only way to win an election.
    And I can't wait to see the Libersls faces when President Trump makes his victory speech.
