Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The look on your face when it's finally proven what you stand for is wrong!


  1. Replies
    1. Angela Dinglebury said

      She looked as though she were attending her mother's wake, or that she'd just been made aware that her Depend had gotten filled to overflowing. PHEW!

    2. She is mourning her utter loss of significance and relevancy, Angela.

      People of her depressing ilk are always thining primarily of THEMSELVES, while they PRETEND to be Great Humanitarians.

      As Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

      Poor Mme Pelosi isn't fooling very many many anymore, and she's beginning to know it. I could almost feel sorry for her, but her bogus, self-serving ideology is so unspeakably vile it's all-but-impossible to forgive her for adopting it.

    3. Non sequitur.

      America in 2010 was 80% "urban". By definition, only 20% of Americans can today be called "rubes".

    4. Meriam Webster: RUBE (definition) 1 :an awkward unsophisticated person: rustic. 2: a naive or inexperienced person.

      We can go with definition #2 or you can replace "rube" with "dupe" (which would be more accurate anyway). I should have written "currently 39 percent of people have been duped by Trump" in any case. I apologize for my imprecision.

    5. Gee, that's still more than were "duped" by Bernie...

    6. btw - You do know that the bandwagon fallacy is still a fallacy.

    7. Bernie told the truth. Nobody was duped by Bernie. Trump lied to gain support. There are people who STILL believe his lies. Not only are they dupes, but they are willing dupes.

      The bandwagon fallacy does not apply. As per your link "The fallacy occurs... when the appeal is offered in place of a convincing argument". There was, however, a convincing argument that HRC was the superior candidate.

    8. There was also a pretty convincing argument that HRC rigged the primary. Talk about your "willing dupes"!

    9. ...but then again, Vermonters are pretty "rustic" when compared to the rest of Americans. :)

  2. The lying orange turd's speech did not prove that anything Nancy Pelosi stands for is wrong.

    1. Vladimir Maladicto alla Puttanesca-Bravo said

      The first part of your statement is sheer idiocy, the second part is easily disproven by Nanny Pelousy, herself. Everything she says is a blatant, corrosive lie, everything she has done, and everythng she pretends to believe in has born nothing but bitter, thorny, toxic or inedible fruit. Her followers are weak, pathetic dupes, miseducated and brainwashed to the point where their souls are no longer their own. They and all their kind will reap the whirlwind. It is the duty of decent, God-fearing American patriots to prevent malevolent forces like San Frananny from dragging our beautiful country down into the Abyss to join North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, the Middle East, Central and South Ameica, the brutal Tinpot Dictatorships of Sub-Saharan Africa. and all the other corrup tailed or failing states that comprise the Turd World.

    2. "Vladimir" gives himself away with his name. He is obviously a Russian troll. One of the Russian trolls employed by Vladimir Putin to gin up support for his puppet Trump by spreading lies. Lies about the WONDERFUL minority leader Nancy Pelosi, in this case.


    3. ______________ SOTU REVIEW ______________

      Presiden Trump has already been privately criticized for "parroting" Bill Clinton's SOTU of twenty-odd years ago. To this I said:

      If a REPUBLICAN expresses and idea, it’s automatically regarded by the ENEMEDIA as unspeakably VILE. If a DEMOCRAT should say the same thing, however, the presstitutes will immediately say it deserves to be inscribed in 24K gold letters on the frieze of one of the District of Columbias’s many whited sepulchers

      Now, gthose of you who delight in harping on the president's widely reported use of vulgar, inappropriate language – at a PRIVATE meeting ––, the president has faltly denied saying the ugly-if-singularly-appropriate word. Why are you apparently eager to believe that he did say ut? And "at this point what difference does it make” anyway? ];^}>

      President Trump’s style last night could only be described as dignified, restrained, –– even a bit subdued –- but he remained admirably focused on others he deemed worthy of recognition, applause and compassionate consideration throughout.

      His addresst was strong without being unduly belligerent or bellicose regarding our adversaries abroad. His leisurely-paced delivery of the carefully prepared address was flawless, –– poised, relaxed, obviously sincere –– and impressively generous in its regard for the needs and feelings of others. I didn’t count them, of course, but the number of times he said “I” were notably sparse.

      I was never an admirer of Mr. Trump in the past, but I have been mightily impressed with how beautifully he has grown since he first entered the race to take on the daunting, always thankless task of trying to lead the Free World to a much needed Renaissance before the darkness of tyrannical Globalist Socialism administered by an Oligarchy of Self-Serving Moguls and Intellectual Morons imposes mutually-shared poverty and degradation on all of us forever.

      May God protect our president, as He continues to bless America!

    4. Joey The Lying Orange Turd Kennedy's speech didn't prove that Nancy Pelosi is wrong? Are you sure he's sane? He looked like he was foaming at the mouth. Are you sure he doesn't have rabies?



    Anyone Who Disagrees Was Either

    A) –– Not Listening,

    B) –– So Blinded by Prejudice and So Steepted in Leftist Propaganda Generated By the ENEMEDIA, That He Could Not Comprehend It,

    C ) –– Mentally Ill

    D) –– An Absolute Moron.

    There are No Other Logical Conclusions to be Drawn.


    Madam Pelosi made a sorry spectacle of herself last night.

    1. Only 30% of the American voters swallow that bullshit, FT. No matter how far and wide you spread it, the facts matter, and the fact is that a majority of the American people detest Trump. You can SCREAM! about the "enemedia" from now until the cows come home with more cowcrap, but that doesn't change the facts. The media reports the fact that Trump is a liar, a fraud, and Putin's bitch. PERIOD! END OF DISCUSSION.

    2. SATAN always ROARS his loudest, when DECENCY and GOOD SENSE appear to be WINNING, Mike. If you want to serve Satan, as you obviously seem wont to do, please be aware that you do it at the risk of losing your immortal soul – the most precious thing you have or will ever have, –– whether you know it or not.

      I wish you the best of luck in overcoming the evil that has taken possession of you.

      God loves you, but you must RECOGNIZE Him before you can benefit from His Love.

      "May the peace of God that passeth all understanding fill your heart and mind through Jesus Christ, our Lord."

    3. I wish FreeThinke the best of luck in overcoming the evil that has taken possession of him. Mike obviously has nothing to worry about. At least in regards to his CORRECT views on Trump. Trump is an EVIL racist. Satan sees the work Trump is doing and he smiles. Satan sees dupes like FreeThinke defending his servant (Trump) and he smiles.

      FreeThinke, with his dedication to the EVIL Trump, serves Satan, and HE should be aware that he does it at the risk of losing his immortal soul.

    4. Perfectly said FT, thanks.Yes indeed, The President Hit it Our of the Ball Park.

    5. The H8ers have nothing to do but h8, FT.

    6. So, you weren't a "h8er" of Barack Obama, Thersites?

      The evidence shows that FreeThinke serves Satan.

    7. Tu quoque must be the order of the day! :)

    8. Thanks, Thersites. And the Trolls have nothing to do but toss limitless amounts of RAW SEWAGE and TOXIC WASTE into the mix.

      I'd rather deport our wadering tribes of trolls and militant morons than wage blanket warfare on our decent, hardworking Illegal aliens from South of the Border who do not deserve PERSECUTION.

    9. From the Wikipedia page for "Tu quoque"...

      "It is a fallacy because the moral character or past actions of the opponent are generally irrelevant to the logic of the argument".

      OK, Thersites, but you MADE NO ARGUMENT! I didn't take the "logic of your argument" into consideration when I replied because you didn't put one forward. Don't listen to h8ers because they're h8ters? No argument. No logic. Stuff your "logical fallacy".

    10. Mama Tagliatelle Merdaverdi-Putridissima said

      It's better not to talk to assholes, Thersites. All they ever do is SHIT all over you.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. If you know this is happening you have a DUTY to call the police RIGHT NOW, Paul. But the FACT is that you are a LIAR. What you write above (many times/trolling this blog) is a LIE. What Paul's LIES above prove (beyond any doubt) is that he is a TROLL. As I have proven here (this being the reason why Paul is so mad at me).

    2. You have a DUTY to support the President, and not be part of the #resistance.

      Tu quoque is definitely the order of the day!

    3. So, you supported Barack Obama, Thersites? No, and it isn't relevant because Tu quoque? That surely is convenient. It only works while Trump is predisent, however. I'll be sure to put forward the same "argument" when the next president (a progressive Democrat) assumes office.

    4. Yes, I did. I didn't engage in any acts of "civil disobedience" during his entire presidency. :)

    5. Oh, wait, isn't "civil disobedience" your DUTY, as well? Never mind. I forgot that I was dealing with a Thoreauian hyper-moralist.

    6. I live in a small town in the red state of TN. There have been no marches nor acts of "civil disobedience" anywhere near me.

      Anyway, I was referring to support by way of words. You were blogging in support of Obama when he was president? Can you give an example of something you wrote IN SUPPORT of Obama? I'm really interested in seeing this support (if it exists).

    7. And who is the "Thoreauian hyper-moralist" (Thoreauvian?) that you're dealing with? What does this person have to do with the conversation at hand? You're referring to FreeThinke?

    8. Sure. I credited President Obama for the passage of Maryland's Gay Marriage proposition.

      And gee, who could the hyper-moralist be? The one who see's racism behind every Republican Immigration proposal???

    9. Now I'm a "hyper moralist" when, in a prior thread, I was a libertine. LOL. Anyway, you're in favor of gay marriage? Letting that secret out here might attract the attention of Mystere. Next he'll be asking if favor gay marriage because a certain "butt boi" has caught your eye. LOL.

    10. btw ...and who said I was "for" gay marriage? I simply gave credit where credit was due. Gay marriage never would have passed in Maryland had not Obama come out "FOR" it in the run-up to the Maryland vote.

    11. Youuuuuuu raaaaaaaaaaaannng, Dervish? "A certain buttboi…"? Showing your true self again, eh Derwood? Accusing Thersites of being for gay marriage when he only stated that the voters in Maryland voted for it after that weak kneed 0bama pushed for it prior to the vote was not very bright of you, Dervy boy. You just stirred up a bee hive, opening yourself up to some blog bee stings.

  5. Sanders response tells it all:
    Kennedy 2020

  6. An Article of Impeachment Against Donald J. Trump
    David Leonhardt

    The first article of impeachment against Richard Nixon argued that he had “prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice.” One of the two impeachment articles that the House passed against Bill Clinton used that identical phrase. In both cases, the article then laid out the evidence with a numbered list. Nixon’s version had nine items. Clinton’s had seven. Each list was meant to show that the president had intentionally tried to subvert a federal investigation.
    Given last week’s news — that Trump has already tried to fire Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating the Trump campaign — it’s time to put together the same sort of list for Trump. Of course, this list is based only on publicly available information. Mueller, no doubt, knows more.
    1. During a dinner at the White House on Jan. 27, 2017, Trump asked for a pledge of “loyalty” from James Comey, then the F.B.I. director, who was overseeing the investigation of the Trump campaign.
    2. On Feb. 14, Trump directed several other officials to leave the Oval Office so he could speak privately with Comey. He then told Comey to “let this go,” referring to the investigation of Michael Flynn, who had resigned the previous day as Trump’s national security adviser.
    3. On March 22, Trump directed several other officials to leave a White House briefing so he could speak privately with Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, and Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director. Trump asked them to persuade Comey to back off investigating Flynn.
    4. In March and April, Trump told Comey in phone calls that he wanted Comey to lift the ”cloud” of the investigation.
    5. On May 9, Trump fired Comey as F.B.I. director. On May 10, Trump told Russian officials that the firing had “taken off” the “great pressure” of the Russia investigation. On May 11, he told NBC News that the firing was because of “this Russia thing.”
    6. On May 17, shortly after hearing that the Justice Department had appointed Mueller to take over the Russia investigation, Trump berated Jeff Sessions, the attorney general. The appointment had caused the administration again to lose control over the investigation, and Trump accused Sessions of “disloyalty.”
    7. In June, Trump explored several options to retake control. At one point, he ordered the firing of Mueller, before the White House counsel resisted.
    8. On July 8, aboard Air Force One, Trump helped draft a false public statement for his son, Donald Trump Jr. The statement claimed that a 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer was about adoption policy. Trump Jr. later acknowledged that the meeting was to discuss damaging information the Russian government had about Hillary Clinton.
    9. On July 26, in a tweet, Trump called for the firing of Andrew McCabe, the F.B.I.’s deputy director, a potential corroborating witness for Comey’s conversations with Trump. The tweet was part of Trump’s efforts, discussed with White House aides, to discredit F.B.I. officials.
    10. Throughout, Trump (and this quotation comes from the Nixon article of impeachment) “made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States.” Among other things, Trump repeatedly made untruthful statements about American intelligence agencies’ conclusions regarding Russia’s role in the 2016 election.
    Obstruction of justice depends on a person’s intent — what legal experts often call “corrupt intent.” This list is so damning because it reveals Trump’s intent.
    He has inserted himself into the details of a criminal investigation in ways that previous presidents rarely if ever did. (They left individual investigations to the attorney general.) And he has done so in ways that show he understands he’s doing something wrong. He has cleared the room before trying to influence the investigation. He directed his son to lie, and he himself has lied.

    1. Soooo, you are putting all your chips on Mueller, will you consider suicide if nothing comes of the witch hunt

    2. Mueller isn't hunting witches. He's hunting colluders and money launderers. Or so I presume given what I've read. We won't know what he's come up with until he's ready to present it. I can GUARANTEE you that it won't be nothing, however. I'll wait and see if Trump gets "elected" a second time before deciding to kill myself or not... for the record.

      What about you? Would Rusty consider suicide if, after the midterms come and go and Nancy Pelosi assumes the presidency (assuming a successful impeachment initiated by a Democratic majority in both houses)? :)

    3. Mueller is cherry picking Trump's biography looking for a crime. Nearly two years into it, he's still coming up 'empty'.

    4. "Mueller is cherry picking Trump's biography looking for a crime. Nearly two years into it, he's still coming up 'empty'."

      This is what chowderheads who know nothing about what is actually being investigated by Mueller and his team say. Mr.T has absolutely zero information on what evidence Mueller's team has acquired. Zero. But Mr. T. is absolutely sure about his ignorance.

    5. lol! What does the chowdah head above "know"? Zip. If Mueller HAD evience, there'd be charges. There are none. 'Empty' pretty well sums it up.

    6. Sure, "none". If you consider multiple charges levied against 4 Trump campaign and administration associates (with Flynn pleading guilty) to "none". LOL!

      There may yet be charges against DJT Junior and Jared Kushner. Trump is next. That's the way these things work. You start at the bottom and work your way up.

  7. Replies
    1. She CAN'T, PJ. The problem is n BLOGGER's inadequate SOFTWARE, which doesn't erfit blog ownerss to EXCLUDE persistent trols and other objectionable POISONalities.

      To control this, a blogowner would have to go on PERMANENT COMMENT <ODERAION, and then DELETE all the unwanted garbage –– too BIG a JOB for a person who has a career or a family to attend to!

      Switching to Discus or WordPress could help, but it's a hassle.

    2. IMO "This One" is an intelligent commenter that any blogger should be happy to have contribute to the discussion on their blog. "This One" is welcome on my blog any time he wishes to comment.

      BTW, this from a group of whiners who complain about comment moderation on Shaw's blog. You desperately wish to comment on Shaw's blog, but want to (or do) filter out dissenting voices on your blogs.

      I write this, btw, assuming that Political Junky is talking about "This One". If PJ is referring to the troll Paul, then I am in 100% agreement. Paul is a very persistent and nasty troll.

    3. pShaw's the biggliest censor in Boston.

    4. Maybe so, but it is her blog. She must be a big Tom Brady fan. I wrote a comment about him being a cheater (re deflategate) and she didn't publish it. She didn't re-write it to say something else, though.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Did everyone get a gander at Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer at the SOTU last night...they looked like two 80 year olds waiting for the early bird at Applebees

    1. More lke waiting to get a COLONOSCOPY, if you ask me.;-)

    2. I could literally hear what was going through Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi's minds when I saw their faces during Donald Trump's speech: "Doi-Doi, DoiDoi! BOING BOING BOING BOING!" I wonder what was in Hoyer's danish and coffee that night. I wonder if someone poured syrup of ipicac into Nancy Pelosi's $1000.00 bottles of moonshine hooch. Their dumbfounded looks on their faces were beyond priceless. Hoyer looked like someone poured salt onto his danish meatballs, while Pelosi looked like she fell off the wagon after taking a swig of her moonshine hooch. PRICELESS! Hee hee hee hee!

    3. You suffer from auditory hallucinations, Mystere? My advice is that you seek help from a mental health professional immediately. It's quite possible that some antipsychotic medication could be of help.

    4. .How ya doin' Dervish? Another one of your pooches hopped the train and stopped by for a flea bath. Kiké followed the breadcrumbs Jigaboos left behind and came, begging for Alpo and Milkbones. And by the way, I saw the sour looks on Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi's faces as Donald Trump derailed their gravy train. I agree with Mystere; their faces did say "Doi doi doi doi, boing boing boing boing" on camera. Too bad you're spirtually blind and deaf. Satan has a chokehold on your soul, Dervish.

    5. No Derwood, I don't need your liberal 'shrooms. I don't do drugs. I have a healthy mind and I think for myself. Too bad you have no sense of humor with that liberal hive mind mentality. I have a sense of humor even when it's at the expense of conservatives. Too bad you've been blinded by Satan to the point you can't laugh when two of your liberal clowns become the butt of jokes.

    6. Is Satan's voice included in your auditory hallucinations? Is that who tells you to hate gays, Muslims, "libtards", etc? What was funny about the Orange Turd's sotu speech, btw, was how, when there was applause, he'd step back, stick his chin in the air and bask in the adulation. Applause coming a lot of the time after he'd take credit for trends that started under Obama.

      Too bad you've been blinded by Satan to the point you can't laugh at the ridiculousness of the Orange Turd with the over inflated ego who thinks everyone loves him. I'm going to be laughing even harder when the verdict is in on his presidency (which should come by 2020 at the latest)... which will be that he was one of the worst presidents ever.

      FYI, by antipsychotic medications I did not mean "shrooms". And people who need antipsychotic medications should take them. I don't buy your BS about your mind being "healthy". No surprise that you're bigoted against mentally ill people (despite being one).

    7. Poor Derwood! You ate too many 'shrooms again. I pity you, Derwood. Satan and his demons are laughing at you, yet they fear guys like me and others here when we expose the truth to you.

    8. Why would Satan fear someone he's done such an excellent job duping?

  9. I agree (gasp) with Ducky...ban anonymous comments.

  10. Replies
    1. BRAVO, Lisa! Now if you could jus get rid of DERVISH, DUCKY, THIS ONE, and NURSIE POO-POO, we might really be able to get soewhere worth going.

      It isn't that I don't want to see a variety of opinion, but INSULTS MOCKING, SARCASM, SNEERING, TAUNTING and BROWBEATING as fell as endless REPETITION do NOT constitute decent, responsible ways of discussing and debating political issues.

    2. It isn't that I don't want to see a variety of opinion...

      That is EXACTLY why you wish to get rid of the intelligent commenters on the Left. By the way "Nursie Poo-Poo" comments on your blog. I check in from time to time and see his comments regularly.

    3. There are intelligent commenters on the Left?

      Apparently "intelligence" is a poor substitute for "wisdom".

    4. You don't have to get too intelligent to rise above debate that includes "blog Rikishi stinkface" retorts.

    5. FreeThinke, if ever there was a Nursie Poo Poo it would be someone conservative backwards ideology would approve of.

      But yes, Lisa made a good decision. Now we'll just have to wait to see how well she controls the most egregiously offensive among your group. And you do know who they are.

  11. I will try to keep on top of the insults. Sometimes I like to leave them there to expose them

  12. The news keeps getting worse for Pelosi, Schumer, Hoyer and the rest of the Democratic Party, now that Donald J. Trump has declassified the memos of the FBI Russia probe. I'm ready to laugh at their dumbfounded looks on their faces as they suffer more humiliating defeat in their political careers. Next big move will be the fulfillment of the prophecy that several Supreme Court Justices will be forced to resign when the scandal of corruption in the court comes to pass, resulting in the resignation of several liberal justices as a result.

    1. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with FISA warrants. LOL.

    2. Dervish, the man who prophesied that Donald J. Trump would become President despite the Democrats pouring in huge sums of cash also prophesied that Trump would be appointing several justices to replace a number of them getting caught up in a scandal. Just wait, Dervish. It'll take a few years before the scandals surface. Donald Trump will be like Jesus Christ turning the tables over at a synagogue, chasing the crooks out with a whip. The Democratic Den Of Thieves will be the purging of the DNC, with RINOs getting spanked as well.

  13. One laast thing I want to say about the look on Pelosi's face: It looks like she bit into one of Gavin Newsom's sour grapes at his NAPA winery.
