Friday, May 10, 2024

School board in Virginia votes to restore Confederate names


Woodstock, Virginia, May 10 (Reuters) - The education board for a rural Virginia county voted early on Friday to restore the names of Confederate generals stripped from two schools in 2020, making the mostly white, Republican district the first in the U.S. to take such an action.

By a 5-1 vote, the Shenandoah County board overturned its 2020 decision that stripped a public high school and elementary school of their original names honoring three military leaders of the pro-slavery South in the Civil War.


  1. President Joe Biden significantly shifted his policy toward Israel this week by threatening to withhold U.S. weapons if the Israeli government moves forward with a full-scale invasion of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, while also pledging “ironclad” support for the Jewish state in a speech condemning the rise of antisemitism.

    But Biden’s NEGATIVE position has created ai different lines of division within his own Democratic Party. The president now faces A RASH OF NEW CRITICISM FROM MANY lawmakers and VOTERS in battleground states where his position on Israel carries the most political risk for his efforts to win re-election.

    1. He's the most weakest leader we've ever had me .He has no decision-making skills. It's all about politics and votes .that's why we we're the s***hole we're in.

    2. Heinrich Duesseldorf the 2'ndMay 18, 2024 at 8:57 AM

      Sounding exactly like trump. The dumbest, most ignorant, and absolutely the most ineffectual, incompetent, and sleazy POS "president" this nation has ever had to suffer with.

    3. Homer Q. EntwistleMay 18, 2024 at 11:04 AM

      It was absolutely heartening to hear Presdent Biden put a hold on shipments of hardware of death to the Zionist government of Israel and the genocidal Butcher Netanyahu.

      Over 35,000 innocent Palestinian deaths and over 79,000 wounded or maimed innocent Palrstinians.


  2. Homer Q. EntwhisleMay 11, 2024 at 8:24 AM

    As the modern conservative racists continue to PROVE who they are. Teaching kids to other all but white folks and to be xenophobic.

    1. 🔺Dervish Sanders hides behind his fake ID🔺

    2. 🔺Heinrich Duesseldorf the 2'nd🔺Homer Q. Entwhisle🔺= The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders🔺

  3. You’ll always be the Love of My Life. I am so proud to be your husband. Thanks for ALL the wonderful years we’ve had together. Happy Mother’s Day Honey!

  4. Joey Biden the Habitual LIAR is now trying to appease his voting base by trying to act like 'Joey B" supports Israel! .

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 18, 2024 at 10:54 AM

      Once again, the MAGA facist potatoehead anymouse has confused our exceptional President Biden for the former guy. The pathological liar, ignoramus, rapist, and insurrectionist trump. The founder of The MAGA Facist of America.

  5. As someone once saids about Joe Biden and his PHONY Democratic Party!
    He's the most weakest leader we've ever had me .He has no decision-making skills. It's all about politics and votes .that's why we are in the s***hole that we're in.
    But in 6 months that will all be over!

  6. Most of the people that vote are pretty damn ignorant about politics, but they vote anyway. . They have "opinions" but these "opinions" are usually not from this person's own thought process, but just someone else telling them what to think. Or someone that they hear on some TV show, or some IMBECILE on a show like "The View" or on CNN and that's how, and that's why Joe Biden go elected. A bunch of Morons were allowed to vote.

    I think there are plenty of examples of this on that "Progressive" board.
    Many of those people should be in a Lunatic Asylum, and not in a Voting Booth. We'll see as we get closer to the election in November how the Democratic Party will continually manipulate those week minded Progressive people and people will say silly things that make no sense.

    But here's an example from the current political climate with the Israel/Palestine issue.

    It often amazes me that people support either side, when most have no real reason to do so. The narratives coming out of both Hamas are strong, sweeping the western world, at the very least. China and Russia seem to just use the issue to provoke the west into having internal conflicts about external matters and it seems to work. Their own people don't seem to give a damn.

  7. Wake up Americans our military is currently hand cuffed in the stand down mode by the dementor and thief, as over 17 million illegals enter our country goes un vetted. Biden is vowing to mot sent any Aid to Israel and yet is supplying the Palestinians . WE NEED TO GEY RID OF THAT IDIOT AS SOON.AS POSSIBLE!

  8. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 12, 2024 at 8:09 AM

    The military is not the answer. What we need is to get rid of is hate, donnie trump, the gop, and the BS cons spew daily.

    BIDEN/HARRIS and the full DEMOCRATIC SLATE 2024!

    Wake up America! The American dream is being killed by cons and republicans.

    <bSAVE AMERICA! VOTE DEMOCRATIC 2024! Continue the economic progress and job creation. Follow truth. Not con bullsh*t.

  9. More Evidence Biden Being Out Of Touch With Ordinary Americans1
    Why are some people still supporting Joe Biden even though there is more substantiated evidence of his being totally Out of Touch.

    1. Again, projecting the ignorance of the MAGAverse!

    2. 🔺Again, Dervish using a fake ID🔺

    3. Mystere: Again, Dervish using a fake ID.

      Impossible for it to be "again", as I have made NONE of the comments you have decided (using your pea brain) are mine.

    4. 🔺Ichabod Derwood Sanders suffers Mystere Derangement Syndrome.🔺

  10. How do you stop a jigaboo from drowning? Take your fucking foot off his face!


  11. As the trump MAGA swamp creatures infest the once decent landscape of America the SWAMP CLEANERS must work overtime working to eliminate the filth and scum they ooze out on every path they travel.

    1. 🔺Leslie Elden Carpenter III of Belcherville Massachusetts hiding behind a fake ID🔺

    2. AMEN TO THAT.

    3. Mystere: Leslie Elden Carpenter III of Belcherville Massachusetts hiding behind a fake ID.

      Edward Tsutomu Endo of Cypress California faked a comment from Les Carpenter above. A comment in which the racist Edturd (aka "Mystere" aka "Mr. E") laughed about murdering a Black person.

    4. 🔺Dervish Sanders of Paris Tennessee confessed to faking Leslie Elden Carpenter III with that racist Les Carpenter remark.🔺

      Dervish Sanders is the KKK Grand Kleagle of Henry County Tennessee, headquarters in Paris Tennessee.

  12. I'm going to watch and see what happens when the school board and the activists get into a cat fight over this.

  13. Isn't it wonderful to see smart young college graduates protesting the unjustified genocide of innocent Palestinans during graduation ceremonies this past weekend? The Zionist government of the butcher Netanyahu will ultimately be responsible for the eventual demise of Israel.

    1. Go Fuck yourself, and the Woman that brought you into this world!

    2. Such an intelligent thought from a MAGAhead. No doubt an Evangelical X'tian that marinates in that loving X'tian hate that is SO supportive of Mr. Zenophobe himself, donnie the rapist trump.

    3. I'm feeling pissed off right now.
      If this war doesn't stop before October, President Biden is screwed.

  14. The Debonair DudeMay 13, 2024 at 7:09 AM

    The Muslim terrorist’s have sworn to keep repeating October 7th until every last Jewish baby, child, man, and woman are found and tortured to death. We should thank Israeli for not allowing them to carry out their threat!
    Israel Is destroying their ability to carry out their threat of genocide. Joe Biden doesn’t seem to give a damn about it.
    Please Remember That in November When You Vote For Donald Trump.

    1. Well, since Netanyahu the butcher has no problem engaging in genocide against the Palestinian Imnocents it is understandable why Muslims and all non violent people across the globe are sick of the Zionist genocide of Palestinians.

    2. Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Woo hoo! Woo hoo!

    3. As the trumpist cultist and supporter of Zionist Genocide hides behind another's label. Stil The Coward it's always been.

  15. JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...
    "I for one am thankful Joe Biden is president in these times and quite frankly nobody else."


    1. Hey anymouse, when you approach even a smigeon of the wisdom of JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly, which is most highly unlikely, intelligent people might take a momment to at least consider what you say BEFORE laughing.

  16. Yes, i HAVE no DOUBTS That if Donald Trump were President NOW, The War Would Be Over Already!
    A President Trump would have provided Israel with the weapons they needed to finish this War. . Some are saying the war would have been over and with LESS civilians being killed. That is a Win Win for both sides. I am sure the Palestinians caught in the cross-fire would agree as well. Probably no protests on summer campuses all across the USA as well. Also, no need for an impeachment (like Joe is going to receive). What do you think.
    Would Trump would have done a superior job at managing this skirmish with these Lousy Terrorists ?
    Or maybe if Trump were President these Shit-Head Mouslims would not have made that Brutal Raid on the Israeli's in the First place!

    "President Trump said just last night that he would absolutely provide Israel with the weapons they need to finish the job," Cotton said. "This would have never happened on President Trump. Trump's watch. It didn't happen on his watch. And if he were president, this war would have probably already been over with much less civilian suffering in Gaza because he would have backed Israel to the hilt from the beginning."

    1. As trump the ignorant starts WW III w/his genocidal butcher brother Netanyahu. And the cultists of the MAGAverse cheer.

  17. The Shit-Head Dave Dubya is now calling himself Ziggy Snapfish.
    Same Asshole, Same stupid Posts, Same Douchbag

    1. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 13, 2024 at 9:15 AM

      You should be so smart anymouse.

    2. You're probably right, god probably didn't give you the firepower of Dave. It shows.

  18. We have a President, and a bunch of Shit-Bag Progressive Senators, Congressman, and women corrupted, pieces of shit dirtbags that are Enemies of American freedom and sovereignty in Washington that are going to bring this country down to the level of a 3rd world nation.

    1. You MAGAturds doth project too much.

  19. Please Watch what we call ‘our Vice President “.

    1. You mean our honorable esteemed Vice President Kamala Harris? The soon to be First Women President of the DSA (Divided States of America). An America divided by the neo-Nazi trump and his cultists.

  20. Lets Look at all the election fraud it took to put Biden in the White House. And Now, after 3 1/2 years of Biden’s total failure, Biden is going to have to depend on fraud and corruption even more this time. That's why he left 20 million illegals break into our country, that's why he's falsely prosecuting Trump, that's why he's depriving his opponents of their right of free speech, that's why he allows social media to feed the voters propaganda and contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to Democrats, that's why he's pushing uncheckable mail in ballots, that's why he fights against purging ineligible voters from voting rolls. AND THATS WHY he will never pass a requirement to have an ID to vote, Back to MAGA before it's too late

    1. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 14, 2024 at 5:48 AM

      The integrity of the 2020 election was PROVEN to be the most accurate, fairest, and freest election in US history. Time and again. Telling the trump lie thousands upon thousands of times still will NOT make it the truth.

      So, grow up liar.

    2. Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo!

    3. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 15, 2024 at 10:57 AM

      Another xenophobic trumpista is the imposter above. One who likely supports the Zionist Genocide of Palestians.

    4. 🔺Horatio Hornblower the 4th = Dave Dubya🔺

  21. The Soros family members are not nice people.

    Their bankrolling of bleeding heart district attorneys has been a cruel insult to the many victims of violent thugs.

    Now they wish to censor the media before November 5.

    And Alex Soros, which I hear is far worse than George, has taken over for him.

    Something to look forward to.
    Just as interesting as it is that the Biden administration has already censored information about his Son, the Hunter Biden scandal last election, telling media sources like Twitter that it was Russian disinformation when it was actually 100% legit.

    It is equally interesting that OVER 17% of he voters said they would have not voted Biden had they known but did not because it was censored.

    Yet there are no consequences, no $800 million coming out of the pockets of the Biden family that has American families about $10,000 poorer every year due to his economic policies. Meanwhile, none of them pay taxes on the millions the Biden family has received from over seas, including from countries that we are NOT exactly friendly with.

    1. Thank the universe for all the fine people like the Soros family. It us families like the trump family that sprang from evil seed that the universe will eventually wash out.

    2. 🔺Says 90 year old Leslie Elden Carpenter III of Belcherville Massachusetts, in his trailer, smoking his butt' 'shrooms.🔺

  22. Donald Trump isNOT a cheezie Politician like the rest of them we currently have!
    He’s a LEADER, Politicians are a Dime a Dozen, Leaders like he is are not!
    If you need any Proof, you just need to look at who we have right now!

    1. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 15, 2024 at 10:38 AM

      Yeah, a narcissistic diven, and negative focused lying jackass of a "leader" that only deluded cultist will follow.

      But this is America. Rapidly becoming a deluded entity of extreme obscurations and deep delusions.

    2. "Rapidly becoming a deluded entity of extreme obscurations"

      What a grammar champ!


  23. Rick Monday saved from being lit on fire.
    When Rick Monday, who served six years in the Marine Corps Reserves, realized what was happening, he rushed the arsonists, reached down with his right hand and snatched the flag away from them, barely breaking his stride as he jogged toward the third base line and handed the soaking-wet stars and stripes to Dodgers pitcher Doug Rau.

    A crowd of 25,167, many listening to Vin Scully’s call on their transistor radios, gave Monday a standing ovation. When Monday came to bat an inning later, the Dodger Stadium scoreboard flashed the message: “Rick Monday…You made a great play.”

    Jim Roark’s photograph of Monday clutching the flag as he ran past the unsuspecting intruders, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, was heralded by former Los Angeles Times columnist Jim Murray as “the most famous picture of its kind since the flag-raising at Iwo Jima.”

    Monday received a congratulatory phone call from President Gerald R. Ford after the game and would later receive the Presidential Commendation for “Service to Others.” On the 30th anniversary of the event, the United States Senate issued a resolution commending Monday’s efforts — and a copy of that document is preserved in the collection at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.

    Monday was hailed by Congress as an American hero for his “courage and patriotism,” and his actions were especially praised by the service men and women that he and his wife, Barbaralee, regularly visit at veteran’s hospitals, all of which makes Monday feel a bit.


  24. Fairfax County Virginia declares Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter this year!
    There are 365 days in a year and they choose Easter? Really? This transgender crap needs to stop. They're a small minority and receiving far far too much attention.

    1. Great! OUTSTANDING!

      Easter was a PERFECT day to recognize the transgender community. It is EXACTLY as Jesus preached. Love for all of the universes creations. It is, as it should be.

  25. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve! LMAO!

    1. God made neither Adam or Eve. But of course myths are very stubborn things to break.

  26. What we are witnessing today in our OWN homeland an almost inexplicable resurgence of virulent anti-Semitism since the days pf the Nazis in World War II, a conflict that involved virtually every part of the world. And we are seeing the same thing spreading around the entire world today. While there is nothing new about anti-Semitism, what is surprising is the degree to which it is embraced by our rather secular government, educational institutions, and Non-governmental Actors, and paid for stooges by the Disgusting Leftist George Soros and friends. What is the difference between the antisemitism of today, and the anti-Semitism of the 1030's? The thing that distinguishes anti-Semitism from other forms of prejudice is the lethal nature of Mass Anti-Semitism we are seeing in our Colleges and how quickly, and easily it spreads to others and the ease at which it appears to be increasing in both Europe and right here in the United States
    Is there really any difference between our “President” Jihad Joe and the Unholy Alliance Between the Progressive Communist Democrats and Islamist's? No, not if you really think about it, not if you think about how Jihad Joe Biden was put into office! And WHO put him there!
    Ask yourself , what, if anything, has changed, and how did I miss such a monumental change and so quickly?
    The radical side of the Progressive Communist Democrats and the very Islamist's who would kill anyone that stood against anything that would stop them form completing their objective in a heartbeat without further thought or concern. This is the Socialist Democratic Party of today.
    Did you really thing that this walking Potato- head was in Charge? Then Shame on you!

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 16, 2024 at 8:31 AM

      What we're experiencing is the realization of just how misguided and ignorant we have been. The next generation and those beyond (if humankind doesn't destroy itself first) will hopefully be much more enlightened than prior generations.

    2. And the answer is GET RID OF BIDEN, and ALL OTHERS LIKE HIM!

  27. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 17, 2024 at 7:11 AM

    Correction: Get rid of trump and ALL OTHERS LIKE HIM!

    Save our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC from the facists of the trumpist MAGA cult.

  28. The important thing is that I felt safe under President Trump. Under this moronic jerk, I don't feel safe. The economy stinks, groceries are outrageous, medicines have increased and I didn't worry about what my grandkids were being taught in school.

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 17, 2024 at 8:49 AM

      trump is not an individual that any sane person would trust or feel safe anywhere near the SOB.

    2. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 17, 2024 at 2:37 PM

      Says ALL smart folks.


  29. Biden’s Claim:
    Inflation was at 9% when U.S. President Joe Biden took office in January 2021.

    The FACT is that Inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office. It reached 9.1% nearly a year and a half into his presidency, coinciding with a period of rapid economic growth.

    1. But, but, but, it was the rapist/insurrectionist as*hole that fu**ed up the nation before his slimy as* was voted out in a landslide. Verified multiple times by people who are far more honest than the pathological liar el donaldo johnny boy trump. A useless human form destined for hell.

    2. 🔺Ziggy Snapfish aka Leslie Elden Carpenter III just described himself.🔺

      Bowing down to a dead fat man statue as if it were a god and smoking weed & shrooms in a beat up trailer is a destructive sin, Leslie. Shouldn't you be joyriding around in the Al Bundy Liberty Mutual Dodge with Limu Emu, making public appearances instead?

  30. Little Girl……”Mommy, What is that Weird Looking Thing Over There ?

    Mother….”Thats a Democrat Honey, Don’t Go Near It”.

    1. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 18, 2024 at 8:31 AM

      Ahh, confused again. The ever present state of trump MAGA Facists of America.

      Of course it be the con republican rapist/insurrectionist trump that anymouse is really referring to. All honest decent folks know it.

  31. Just When You Thought That It Couldn't Get Any DUMBER...

    Shaw Kenawe said..."The only good thing to come out of the Trump presidency is the fact that we discovered Trump and his Evangelicals do NOT care about family values, good character, or telling the truth. "
    Once again She doesn't say ONE WORD about the IMBECILE currently in the While House.

    1. That's because they are All IMBECILES, therefor they can't notice any difference.

    2. Ginger FinklesteinMay 18, 2024 at 7:21 AM

      That is because President Biden is far from the imbecile that trump has ALWAYS been. Our outstanding President Biden saved America from the ABSOLUTE disaster that trump had started my and would have made MUCH worse had the rapist and insurrectionist been reelected.



    I ca remember when Richard Nixon tried to illegally withhold an audio tape on the basis of 'Executive Privilege'. The liberal media FEASTED on that for months and Nixon was eventually (and justifiably) forced to resign from the presidency!

    But now Biden's handlers have gotten Attorney General, Merrick Garland, in on illegally defying the House Oversight Committee demand for these audio tapes that concern Biden's mishandling of classified documents that relate directly to matters of national security!

    The Democrats say that the House Oversight Committee should just accept that Biden's contention that a transcript they had somebody make of the audio tapes is sufficient and that the actual source material must not be released -- because Biden's handlers are afraid that they would make Biden look like what he is: a senile, deteriorated old man who is too decayed even to adequately secure classified documents, and to make accurate assessments and decisions that are demanded of the President of the United States!

    Liberals say that Republicans just want to have the audio tapes so that they can use Biden's own words against him. That's beside the point, and what Democrats THINK that Republicans might do with Biden's own words is not important. If his words on that tape make Biden out to sound like a demented, senile imbecile, that is NOT some Republican's fault! Merrick Garland shows all of us what kind of person he is by defending the White House in refusing to turn over the audio tapes to Congress!

    1. Grover DinklestieinMay 18, 2024 at 7:37 AM

      More lying BS from the MAGA Facists of America. The great pathological liar and his imbicilic morons in the gop sh*t caucus in congress are again proving their ignorance and abject stupidity.

  33. Hey LOOK Eveveybody thr Moronic JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly ca write more than One Sentence!. Or did he have his Mommy help him?

    "Pathetic republicans have deluded themselves to think that they are a modern day Samurai in that their devotion to blind loyalty and obedience makes them somehow honorable. How history judges these fools is of no consequence to them as virtually all of them will never read a history book".

    What? The Hell does that suppose to mean?

    1. It means you and your felliw MAGA Facists of America are eithet ignorant orSTUPID. Feel free to choose which.

  34. If by any chance in the world Joe Biden is elected would become the OLDEST MAN ever to serve as President. Obese, poor diet, no exercise, unable to walk reasonable distance, , remember his speeches, and Biden’s dementia is becoming more, and more obvious every time he’s photographed .
    The same dementia he’s been suffered from his first day in office.

    1. Well, the obese fat guy, that of course would be fat as* orange trump, and the guy who falls asleep in court, slurs and mumbles his words, lies through his teeth regularly, stumble up and down steps, and suffers from dementia, again that would be trump the rapist/insurrectionist, will lose the 2024 election in a landslide much bigger than 2020.

      BIDEN/HARRIS 2024 - Save America from trump's MAGA FACISM!!!

    2. Try again, that didn’t work!

  35. It has become extremely simple to recognize the mentally handicapped, mentally defective, retarded, subnormal , action of the mentally disabled president by simply listening to him speaking, and lying about his past, or just watching him walk from the White House to a Helicopter.
    It’s almost embarrassing, seeing him falling a little flight of stairs, or walking off
    the podium, not knowing where to go next!

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 20, 2024 at 1:23 PM

      Projections of your mind are but delusions of your own ego's fabrications posturing to protect itself and solidify it's false beliefs. MAGA has an epidemic of said affliction.

  36. Three days ago the New Jersey Shore was swamped with 80, 000 Maga supporters as Donald Trump hit the stage in Wildwood for a sunset rally on the beach.

    The former president arrived an hour-and-a-half late on Saturday at about 6.30pm local time for the event which was attended by 80,000 supporters, according to his campaign officials.

    Thousands of fans gathered on the beach and along the boardwalk throughout the day wearing Trump masks and American flag-themed outfits, watching Trump csll Biden a “Total Moron”.

  37. Deluded self absorbed individuals worshiping a rapist, insurrectionist, narcissist, zenophobe, pathological liar, serial adulterer, dictatorial authoritarian, and fake christian.

    But you go MAGAbots. You're in for a huge disappointment.

  38. What Is the Definition of Insanity?

    The Democrats Screwing the Blacks for Centuries and They Are Still Getting 90% of Their Votes.

    1. Johnathon SnagglepussMay 21, 2024 at 4:53 AM

      Typical delusional beliefs of the white supremacists or Christian nationalists.


  39. I am Sick, and disgusted by the Progressive Communist Democrats in the Obama/Biden Administration who sought to acknowledge the death of Ebrahim Raisi a Despicable Mass Murderer widely known as the "Butcher of Tehran" for his 1988 signature on an execution order that led to the deaths of thousands of innocents and other dissidents who opposed the despotic and theocratic Islamic regime, and responsible for the 1988 execution of thousands of Iranian prisoners Not to mention the disgusting systematic rape of women to prevent them from entering the afterlife as a virgin and the Hanging and Roof-Tossing of Gays. It is estimated that a minimum of a Few Thousand and as many as 30,000 Were Killed by Hanging or Firing Squad.
    What is also known is the Despicable speed and efficiency of killing, with hangings using forklifts every half hour, and the Dumping of Dead Bodies in piles on trucks, a method and pace that traumatized the executioners themselves. Virgins were systematically raped before their execution, to circumvent the Islamic prohibition on killing virgins and to prevent women and girls from reaching heaven
    But then again, the Progressive Communist Democrats have screwed both the Americans and the Iranians, starting with former President Jimmy Carter, the father of Islamo-fascism, including former President Barack Obama, who single-handedly resuscitated Iran's faltering economy and set them on a path to nuclear-armed ballistic missiles capable of striking the United States, to President Joe Biden, who has relaxed sanctions on Iran and allowed billions of dollars to flow into Iran's state-sponsored terrorism that is directed at a U.S. ally.
    where politicians play, lived a crooked shyster, slick in his way.
    His name was Joe Biden, with a smile so wide, but beneath the grin, dark secrets did hide.
    He promised the people the moon and the stars, but his hands were deep in the cookie jars.
    There is no doubt in MY mind that the Democrats cannot be trusted with the safety and security of the United States, its Sovereignty, the Rule of Law, or Our Economy.
    What does it say about the progressive communist democrat party when they nominate an individual, Barack Obama, with a sketchy background and known associations with domestic terrorists and communists, to be the President of the United States?

    A President who uses the power of America to resuscitate and revitalize Iran’s economy, a hostile foreign power whose mantra is “Death to America?” Putting Iran on the path to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missile delivery systems?

    Even worse, what does it say about the progressive communist democrat party when they nominate another individual, Joe Biden, who is mentally unable to fulfill the role of the President of the United States and is surrounded by acolytes of his sketchy predecessor, Obama?

    1. The Honorable Mustafa MohammedMay 21, 2024 at 4:59 AM

      Ignorance did not need to go far to find you Peter. And you've marinated in ignorance to the point of insanity.

  40. I felt safe under President Trump.
    But Under this jerk, I don't feel safe. The economy stinks, groceries are outrageous, medicines have increased and I didn't worry about what my grandkids were being taught in school.

    1. Well, if "your guy" wins legitimately in 2024 (he won't as America isn't that stupid in its majority) i hope you've prepared yourself for the ensuring disaster and disapointment.

    2. Eat Shit sonny boy it ain’t gonna happen

    3. Your delusions and ignorance are glaringly bright. And, no thank you. You can eat you own shit anymouse. Or anyone elses for that matter.


  41. The IDIOT' known as Joe Biden is the most corrupt person in DC for the entire 52 years that he's been practicing his criminal behavior! All he's ever done is take bribes to sell out America to our enemies, laundry money! ALL he's accomplished in that 52 years is enrich him self & his BIDEN CRIME FAMILY! He's a Treasonous Sonsabitch that belongs in GITMO waiting to be "DISPATCHED " for TREASON!

    1. Thou doth project too much anymouse.

  42. Biden doesn't want an audience during the first (and probably the only) debate.
    One reason for this that has become clear is Biden farts often and loudly.

    He was in a meeting with black Democrats this weekend and Biden cut one so loud everyone was at first trying to stifle their laughter, but they all eventually burst out laughing causing Biden to turn and salute God knows what. I guess the invisible person he likes saluting.

    Like I had said last week, Biden sh*ts himself on a regular basis, and anyone who has met him in person knows he cannot control his flatulence like he used to. All of that ice cream has caused him to have uncontrollable greasy farts that reverberate through any venue. So if you see him turn and salute the air, he probably just farted. He may also be big into crop dusting. That's when you let out one long fart while walking and everyone in the immediate area gets a whiff of it.

    1. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 22, 2024 at 10:37 AM

      The fact you spend your time worrying about somebody farting (a normal and neccessary bodily function) and somebody sh**ting themselves (not true) speaks to your ignorance and dishonesty tommy foo foo.

    2. 🔺The Ichabod Dervish Z Sanders🔺

  43. Just in case anyone is interested SEC Mayorkas is on TV Lying his Scumbag ass off and blaming Trump for how he & the ASS-WIPE JOE have BROKEN OUR BORDER, snd is RUINING OUR COUNTRY.

    1. Johnathon Snagglepuss Sr.May 22, 2024 at 12:53 PM

      Bla, bla, bla... usual lying bullshit from the ignorant anymouse.

  44. There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that President Joe Biden is unfit to serve as the President of the United States and the Commander-in-Chief.

    Not only is he physically impaired and experiencing balance and stability issues, but he is grossly cognitively impaired to the point where his memory malfunctions to the extent he is not well grounded in time and location. He experiences difficulty reading the teleprompter and often slurs his words into incoherent sounds. Moreover, he is a habitual liar who says anything that comes to mind.

    Unfortunately, his wife, and his handlers, and Obama acolytes, have a vested interest in maintaining power for as long as possible. No Matter What the Consequences may be

    In addition to limiting his public appearances and providing extensive directions with pictures, Biden still gets it wrong and spouts any nonsense. That may come to him.

    You cannot even trust his recorded communications, which often require several attempts to patch together even a 15-second statement, and or his judgement in speaking off the cuff.

    1. Johnathon Snagglepuss Sr.May 22, 2024 at 12:55 PM

      You've described your neo-Nazi trump perfectly. Could not have dome better myself!

    2. 🔺Leslie Elden Carpenter III🔺


  45. Here we go again.
    And the LEFT as in half this countries population, knows that Joe Biden is using the same hate rhetoric almost word for word , as the same type of tool that made Germany align itself with one of the ugliest most evil leader in our world history. Hitler . The point being the right is willing to go in that direction to stay in power.
    Let me see, it’s Joe Biden who uses Hitler’s quotes word for word, with is ugly Red Drapes hanging as a background doing as Hitler did to take control of the stupid and hate driven people WITH NON STOP LIES, FAIRY TALES, HATE AND UGLINESS, Slamming his fists on the podium, and shouting, Yup here we go again. Keep in mind his second wife explained to us that he had a book on his bed stand that he read nightly called "My new order" by Hitler and she made the point that it is significant because the piece of shit never reads anything. This is a book of all his speeches that he used to bring the stupid and hateful in his country to support him and make him look like a God. Sounds familiar?
    We are by no means to be considered the other side of the isle , or the opposition, or a group with just a different opinion. And Mr. Trump is his name , NOT your POLITICAL OPPOSITION!
    The Progressives are the evil, this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be seen and treated as such, the So Called “ Maga People” . It's either them or democracy. You can pick
    It’s Joe Biden who has allowed these Pro-HAMAS PAID Intruders to block Jewish student from entering their campus’s
    It’s Joe Biden who is using the DOJ to go after his political enemies!
    It’s Joe Biden who is made America a haven for Hamas and antisemitism!
    And It’s Joe Biden who threw open the Southern Border and invited MILLIONS of Illegal Aliens that is RUINING this Great Country!!
    It’s Joe Biden who is allowing Outside George Soros Terrorists to do their Hatred to America.

    1. You're either one of the most ignorant a-holes around or else you're no more honest, with zero integrity than your beo-Nazi Fuhrer wannabe trump.

  46. The Debonaire DudeMay 24, 2024 at 6:56 AM

    I will fly my Flag on Memorial Day.

    I WILL NOT DEMEAN THAT BEAUTIFUL FLAG BY FLYING IT UPSIDE DOWN. I will not sully the memory of those who died to save and preserve this nation by pushing some political bullshit.
    We ALL can Pick another day, or anther holiday to do things like that, to Protest, or to say what’s on your mind . Although I may feel exactly as you do. I do not believe that this is the day to do anything but to Honor those who made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICES
    So, to all our fallen Sisters and Brothers and to their Families, and Loved ones our thanks to you is not enough. May God Bless All Our Personnel in Our Service be safe be blessed.
    In honor of the sacrifices of the fallen and their friends and family, everyone who has paid the ultimate sacrifice. Let us give our thanks.
    Thank You to Our Men and Women that have given their lives for our freedom, our freedom to do and say what we want, our freedom to come to places like this and opinionated without persecution. Thank you for protecting the thing that makes us Americans, our voices. Thank you to our fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, relatives and friends who put their lives on the line and have lost them for the sake of our freedom, the good, the free, the proud and the brave.

    And with great pride and humility in semblance of all those who have served and died so that I may speak my mind.
    Memorial Day is the day we honor those that have lost their lives for all we hold dear.
    May God bless all of those, their family and friends that have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our way of life. This day is for that, and for that only. I know you want to go our and buy things that are on Sale, and to eat hot dogs until your sick in the stomach. And I know that’s the American way of today. Just remember to think about Our fallen Sisters and Brothers and to their Families and what they have done to give you the opportunity to eat all those Hot Dogs is all that I ask.

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 24, 2024 at 7:27 AM

      While i share neither your Christian beliefs or a fond affection fot the military, i do share your hoest heartfelt expression of respect for our fallen soldiers and your respect for the American flag and everything it is supposed to stand for and at one time came close to those lofty ideals.

  47. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 24, 2024 at 10:44 AM

    Celebration Time across the globe.

    The UN International Court has ordered Netanyahu and his Rightwing Zionist regime to IMMEDIATELY cease their genocidal efforts now centered in Southern Gaza.

    The United States should IMMEDIATELY and COMPLETELY stop funding their genocidal activities in Gaza.

    Praise to the UN International Court.

    1. Your Jew hate has been fully exposed, The Ichabod Dervish Z Sanders. Poking God in the eye is a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAAAAAAD thing! Your ticket to Fire Lake...

    2. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 25, 2024 at 10:57 AM

      Hate is the very tone of your ignorant, delusional, ego driven babble of bullshit. god is furious with the entire western world for its historical dominance and terrible mistreatment of others not looking like, speaking like, or thinking exactly as they do.

      You hate, driven by your extreme ignorance, will, be your undoing rat man.

    3. 🔺Says the turd taco and butt blast burrito eater Ichabod Dervish Sanders, the fake Mexican-Cuban butt clown.🔺

    4. Says the sewer scum and asswipe ratman..

  48. A legal immigrant offers free airplane tickets to people who claim to hate the U.S., if they promise to move to the communist or Sharia country they claim to love, and never come back.

    1. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 24, 2024 at 4:17 PM

      You best rush to grab em then bozo.

  49. Biden Says, "What Was The Question".

    As Biden stumbles through press conference with Kenyan president: He stopped, and stumbled through his papers and remarked. ‘WHAT WAS MY QUESTION?’if that’s not enough to disqualify this man as a supposedly “impartial” moderator of the most important presidential debate since Lincoln-Douglas, Jake Tapper was openly hostile toward anyone who questioned the dubious election results of 2020, refused to report on the Hunter Biden laptop story and compared Trump to Adolf Hitler for his stance on illegal immigration.

    “Heck, with That Kind of Resume, We Might as Well Have Jill Biden Moderate the Debate:
    The whole poit is how can a Nation like the United States of America have a man who is border-line Dementia possibly due to Alzheimer's, who has no idea what the heck he is doing, or where he is running thi country. Especially at the desperate time this country is in.
    How can we allow this Senile Man to have the code to our Nuclear system?
    The President of the United States, always accompanied by a military aide carrying a satchel containing nuclear launch codes, has sole authority to order nuclear warfare or respond in kind to such an enemy attack.
    Now the Countries top Politicians of the current president’s own party are asking President Joe Biden to surrender that unilateral power. How can

    1. Pull your head from the sewer of conservative ignorance and bullshit before you lose your mind completely anymouse.

  50. A Lady Named WhatshernameMay 24, 2024 at 3:44 PM

    Back in the good old days, it was the dream of every family to send their kids off to a good school; and some of the best schools in the country were considered the traditional 7 Ivy league schools, ones such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania. Other elite schools were seen with as just as much esteem, such as Stanford, NYU etc.

    Yet, the tides are surely turning as more and more so called “elite” schools have been turning out over privileged, entitled snowflakes, for lack of a more eloquent term, unprepared for the rigors or common sense of the real world. In a struggling economy thanks to a certain Character named “Brandon”, and skyrocketing tuition inflation for the past several years, parents must be thrilled to see their children are taking “rigorous” coursework in “advanced gender studies”, critical race theory, mandatory diversity courses, electives about Beyonce or Taylor Swift, and extracurricular like protesting anything and everything not to their liking, including abolishing campus police, decolonizing the college, decrying their “oppression” and of course, most recently, engaging in violent protests over Israeli-Palestinian relations leading to many arrests and criminal charges!

    One cannot put the blame solely on the students however: Faculty have misbehaved just as badly, and perhaps even worse… They should be setting the example of how to function in society! The plagiarism scandals rocking Harvard University, which ousted former President Claudine Gay and also exposed several other faculty members at Harvard including Harvard’s Chief Diversity Officer. The repercussions of such dishonesty that would get any student expelled? “Dr.” Gay, who stole work from the (real) Dr. Carole Swain, is still employed by Harvard and still makes $900,000 a year, a salary 99% of America could only dream of! In light of that, is it a wonder that Harvard’s admissions for next year have had a significant decrease? If you have the brains for Harvard’s slim acceptance rate, you pretty much have the entire market of elite schools open to you, and why choose the school now associated with plagiarism?

    This is not to lessen the (dis)credit other so called elite schools have earned recently: Just in time to ruin commencement for thousands of hardworking graduates across the country, the violent, destructive and entitled protests over Palestine have led to cancelling the school-wide commencement at universities such as Columbia due to safety concerns, striking (literally) fears of antisemitic violence towards Jewish students, the destruction of campus property, and disruptions academically and socially across many campuses, tainting many of the class of 2024’s final memories of college and ability for all to turn in assignments on time for finals! It’s been obvious that these riots go beyond student grassroots efforts: The elites fueling this chaos are behind it, giving these activities funding, support and even getting career criminals and groups like Antifa involved! Even radical Leftist professors have joined in! Yet, do you believe for a moment Palestine and the rest of the Middle East would lift a finger to do anything if we were struggling through a humanitarian crisis? Or even remotely accept the highly Leftist snowflakes into their culture who claim to be speaking for them? The answer lies in the thousands of Israelis they sought to slaughter on October 7th, starting this whole fiasco!

    I could not be more grateful to have graduated college long before this lunacy, with a degree applicable to the real world and opportunities to further my education at schools without such lunacy being tolerated.

  51. ALady Named WhatshernameMay 24, 2024 at 3:45 PM

    My Alma mater may not be front page news, or as well known worldwide, but these days, that’s a blessing! I only wonder what (Continued)..some parents, footing the bill, are thinking about their kids attending school in this chaos, or worse, participating in the lunacy and entitled behavior! Aside from a minority of equally brainwashed parents, I assume most of the silent majority were initially proud their kids got into an elite school, only now to have regrets about sending them there now they’re becoming radical Lefties!
    However, the threat of a parent withdrawing financial support pales in comparison to not being able to get a decent job in the workforce to pay for your life! More importantly long term for the student: What do employers make of this new entitled generation who does not hesitate to disrupt and destroy everything with which they find fault? Some employers are not hiring from these so called elite universities due to exactly that. Aside from radical Leftist organizations, most employers need a stable, hardworking individual who is willing to learn and grow in the company. Someone who isn’t afraid to work hard and go above and beyond to shine as a matter of personal and professional pride. What most employers’ worst nightmares are, are these new college grads who feel nothing but ungratefulness and entitlement to have everything catered their way 24/7. Those who will at a moment’s notice, be in HR complaining about something not being woke enough, how offended they are, or worst case scenario, actively disrupt the company just as they did in school last semester!
    To the students who are causing these disruptions, I know this will fall on deaf ears for most of you, but for the minuscule percent who would read this far, hear me out: I know you think you’re doing this for some noble cause; you want to decry what you see as genocide happening right before your eyes. You think the more you disrupt your and everyone else’s college experience somehow it makes you the more moral, more just person. However, the best of intentions can still create the worst impact! I bet there is a side you have not considered as you destroyed property, engaged in disruption and even violence: What about your classmates who are not as privileged as you and their right to the college experience free from violence and disruption? Free from cancelled events, memories, and disrupted academics? Have you considered the hard work, often multiple jobs, and barriers first gen students from all backgrounds had to overcome to walk across that stage at the commencement you disrupted? The sacrifices their parents put in decades earlier to give them a chance at college? What about Jewish students and their collective cultural trauma from antisemitism past and present? Have you thought about the grandparents in the audience who may have lived through the worst horrors of hatred, or whose parents did? The 30’s and 40’s is still in living memory for many. What about any student who just wants one thing that isn’t polarized by today’s contentious political climate? Do you honestly believe ripping up your degrees, pretending to be prisoners, and flying silly slogans is helping Palestinian civilians one bit? Or is it just making you feel good about yourself and your “moral superiority”?

  52. A Lady Named WhatshernameMay 24, 2024 at 3:46 PM

    To the vast majority of the Class of 2024, I’m so sorry you had yet another experience tainted by Leftist agendas and politics where there should be unity and celebration of your wonderful academic achievements. You were the high school class of 2020, an experience tainted for a different agenda, and now having yet another graduation disrupted at these so called elite universities and colleges. I’m sure when you chose to go to the schools you did, you were proud to call them your home for the next four years, and excited to make memories and create valuable networks for your futures. I’m sure your family and friends were also ecstatic for the wonderful opportunity you earned. No one expects their dream school could become the nightmare for future employers when they read that name on your resumes and CVs, for scandals and disruptions you took no part in and wanted no part of. It’s frankly unjust you may feel the need to “explain yourself”, or ride out the awkwardness in silence hoping to minimize where you spent your last four years when the hiring manager or recruiter mentioned your alma mater in a “surprised” tone. I’m sorry you may have sat through a graduation disrupted by more protests, and wondered if it’s safe to stay, or at the very least, be associated in some way in this digital age, with the disruption by simply being in the room. I’m sorry your parents, who made many sacrifices of their own to get you to that day, also have to sit through these disruptions. In spite of all this though, I hope you still found the chance to celebrate your graduation your way, on your own terms.

  53. Quite the rambling meandering tale of discontent. Works well to lull one to nodding off.

    1. She makes MORE sense than you do!

    2. Certainly so. For the conditioned and reified beliefs of the many who have always been, and remain completely without spiritual or philosophical curiosity.

  54. There is no doubt in MY mind that the Brutal Terrorist group Hamas, the elected governing body of Gaza, did breach an existing cease-fire and viciously attacked Israel on October 7, which resulted in the death and the brutal Rapes, and torturing of 1,200+ INNOCENT VICTIMS and continues to hold approximately 125 INNOCENT HOSTAGES. Likewise, there is no doubt that this is an act of genocidal war against Israel by an Iranian-funded and Trained Proxy. NO MATTER WHAT THESE MORONIC PROGRESSIVES Above are Saying.

    Yet the “So Called” United Nations Court of Justice has ordered Israel to “Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
    The NY Slimes has a long history of aligning themselves with Americas Enemies. But hey, the brilliant seem to love the Slimes. And now it seems as if our “brilliant” yet Delusional president is sowing his True Colors as he is slowly, but SURELY siding with the Radical, Terrorist group Hamas as he has decided to hold back on shipping military weapons to Israel our strongest Alley in the area.
    It was always my thought that if, and when any of those fanatics, and radicals seek to go to war, they should be given what they ask for. In Spades!
    The Israeli action in Rafah is necessary to end the existence of the genocidal terrorists known as Hamas and is an action that is crucial to the protection of the Israeli population and the survival of the State of Israel.

  55. All Hail the United Nation's compassionate order for Israel to cease its butchering of innocents (over 35,900 and counting deaths of innocent Palestinians). Violence leads to more violence ad infinitum. Ignorance produces hate and violence. Both Hamas and Israel are ignorant. But in this instance Israel is the more ignorant.

    1. PS.... THERE IS NO such thing as "Innocent Palestinians"


  56. Critics on Social Media dragged President Biden over video footage showing what appeared to be a small showing of supporters greeting the president’s motorcade in the deep blue city of Atlanta, where he held a fundraising event and delivered Morehouse College’s commencement speech.
    Crooked , Sleepy Joe Biden –Who Was Dazed and Confused, as Usual – Shuffles down the Short Stairs in Atlanta ahead of his day of pandering. He ignores questions, RNC research posted Saturday as Biden landed in the city.
    If a presidential motorcade passes through town but absolutely nobody cares did it really pass through town?" RNC Research asked in a follow-up question, accompanied by video footage Showing Largely Empty Streets dotted with some people filming the motorcade.

    Humm, So, one has to wonder, If a presidential motorcade passes through town but absolutely nobody cares did it really pass through town?

    1. The illusion you create in YOUR mind IS your relative reality.

  57. Democrat leaders Never Change except to become ever more Arrogant, Stupid, and Divisive, as . NY Governor Kathy Hochul just as Hillary Clinton did dismisses half the country labeling us "Clowns" because we don't bow down to The Biden Regime.

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 25, 2024 at 9:28 AM

      Thou doth project too much.

  58. Back when the War in Vietnam was popular I joined the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee. This later evolved into Democratic Socialists of America.

    When I belonged to DSOC virtually every one in it supported Israel against the Palestinians. I thought about joining Democratic Socialists of America. I did not when that organization changed sides. I still identify loosely with the left, but my support for Israel has always been unconditional.

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 25, 2024 at 9:32 AM

      I guess you support indiscriminate killing and denial of statehood for a population no less deserving than Israel. Guess that means what? Hypocrisy? Seems to be.

  59. life to seems to be getting miserable for those idiotic Progressive Pro-Palliation Protesters ! Is that what the Dems / Socialists are all about. From inflation to deficits to blocking the traffic for the Protester to make everyone’s life miserable? , Do you relish on ruining peoples day.”

    You seem to be another Democrat / Socialist protected class that includes criminals and tyranny groomers now includes Islamic Terrorist Huggers. There is a dedicated bail fund for Hamas groupies who block traffic on roads and bridges. Started by Kamala Harris If they're arrested, they can get free bail money of which the Democratic /Socialist fund-raising platform will get a cut of the money.

    So if you're stuck in traffic by Islamic Terrorist Huggers blocking your way to work, doctor's appointment, etc., congratulate the Dems / Socialists who are making money on your misery. So not to worry, Kamala will bail you out.
    In the Leftist state of California. Surprising enough the California Highway Patrol is warning that tactics used by these "unlawful" Anti-israel Protesters that blocked roads and created a traffic nightmare yesterday on the Golden Gate Bridge and along Interstate-880 in Oakland "will not be tolerated any longer. They finally have wised-up, and Woken -Up.. They are now saying that the protesters are facing numerous charges including unlawful assembly, resisting and delaying officers and false imprisonment. Well good for them. A Little late, but better late than never!

    1. There are more conservatives in California than the what the cabal wants you to believe. The conservatives are rising up and getting ready to take California back.

    2. Righto Slow Mo.

  60. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 25, 2024 at 9:37 AM

    Protest, protest, and protest some more the self centered, zenophobic, and hateful ideology of western individualism Gome amuck. Protest until the conditioned zombies of the west finally get it. If they ever do.

  61. Shaw, would you Please take your TDS friends somewhere else to post their IDIOTIC nonsense as I REALLY don't want to have to deal with those IDIOTS, or for that matter YOU either anymore.!
    Their Childish Bullshit has made me tired of listening, and reading. Take the whole lot of thm and get the HELL OUT OF HERE!

    1. Geraldo Jameson DuarteMay 26, 2024 at 7:05 AM

      Well, truth has that effect on liars and cultists.

      Reflect deeply on what Memorial Day Means Lisa.

      Good day.


    1. Geraldo Jameson DuarteMay 26, 2024 at 11:06 AM

      No goddamn way bigot. But you can kiss mine. Your days of enjoying white supremacy and Christian Nationaalism is SOON over.

  63. Does any brother or sister here know how I can get a hold.of the Prince of Darkness? That be Donald J. Trump for anyone that doesn't know that.

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 27, 2024 at 3:57 PM

      Nope. As always... mistaken you.

  64. As the Israeli Zionist government continues its brutally and murder of innocent Palestinians. And the world watches the inhumane and completely unnecessary deaths of thousands upon thousands of women and children. Netanyahu and the Zionist government of Israel will answer to the universe for its brutal inhumanity.

  65. The Debonaire DudeMay 27, 2024 at 6:20 AM

    Today is Memorial Day a day that we commemorate our brave soldiers who died or were seriously wounded to safeguard the precious freedoms that we all enjoy. Of course, do not wish "HAPPY'"on this day, as there is nothing "Happy" about it.
    Our nation owes a GREAT debt to its fallen heroes a debt that we can never fully repay.
    Memorial Day Weekend is the time to remember the honored dead who paid the ultimate price for this great nation.
    As we reflect on these sacrifices, let us honor their lives and consider and condemn those who would waste their magnificent contribution to America by knowingly collaborating with our enemies or restricting our God-given inalienable rights that enshrined in our Constitution, and make that document so great..
    Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the Men and Women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2024 occurs on Monday, May 27.
    So, in between the Beers and the Hot Dogs, and all the Department Stores Sales that exist, I hope you take a moment to reflect on why Memorial Day exists.
    Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting Cemeteries or Memorials, and/or holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it also marks the beginning of the summer season.
    Those politicians, city, State, or Nation wide and others who overly or undermine or subvert our Constitution are every bit the foe of every American as if they were standing on the battlefield under arms.
    Freedom is being squandered by these Self-Serving Traitors selling out our nation and its citizens for temporary political power, or profit.
    While our troops fought, and continue to fight to protect each one of us and our Nation, today's political leadership, from the Corrupt, Incompetent, Uncaring Politicians, the bureaucratic cadre of Progressive Communist Democrats, the activist judiciary that creates laws , and those big technology multinationals that surreptitiously provide aid and comfort to our enemies, you are all little more than traitors in the battle to preserve America and American freedoms.
    I can still remember that day when Joe Biden looked at his watch while the Caskets of the Dead Soldiers killed in Afghanistan were being removed from the Airplane that brought them home.
    Be grateful for your freedom; remember, it should never be taken for granted. In just a few cycles of progressive communist democrat intervention, we have seen our national resolve, military strength, and stature within the international community eroded by corrupt, incompetent, and uncaring progressive communist democrats. Our enemy appears to own the Democrat Party, which should rightly brand itself as the U.S. Communist Party.
    Remember Who We Are and What We Stand for and Kick the Bastards that do not agree to the Curb.

    1. You just had to run into the MAGA conservative fascist muck didn't ya dude? Figures. It's all ya goddamned morons are apparently capable of.

      I'll spend my day any way I choose. But for your info it will be thinking about how we can actually make this nation the great nation it COULD be if we ever stop the destruction of peoples lives caused by weapons of death we supply select groups of political and or religious allies. Making us as guilty as a nation of the destruction of innocent human life as the Zionist solder firing the kill shot or dropping the bomb.

      Consider the definition of insanity and tell me again how we and other controlling aggressive nations aren't totally insane.

      And then there's the planet and all life on it... and how the ignorant, greedy, and grasping human form is managing to destroy our planets ecosystem and environment. All while MAGA cons look the other way and party like the good times will never end.

      I could go on but it's time to reflect on the true purpose of Memorial Day and the true fallen heroes that we thought had succeeded in ridding the world of Nazism and Facism only to find both are rising threats in our own nation under the Trump moniker MAGA.


    2. And then there's a planet just for you Dave Dubya, it’s called the Planet of the Apes

    3. As the moron above continues its projections.

    4. Emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal
      Sounds like a case of Obstruction of Justice to me!

      When will that Biden stooge Garland,, file charges against the phony Kerry,and Joe Biden's AG Garland? Id Ever!

    5. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 28, 2024 at 10:19 AM

      Receipts please. Lacking receipts your statement is merely MAGA babble.

  66. The MORONIC KELLY OF the. idiocy Progressivess blog IdMay 27, 2024 at 10:29 AM

    h 101" Kelly
    Only the magat crowd of which the many faces of JoeC could interpret his latest comment as anything but pure drivel. Indeed it would take a deluded and willfully ignorant mind to take that as anything but nonsense.

    1. Such high intelligence and truth the bottom feeders will never understand. It simply isn't in their genes to grasp such simple truth.

  67. Hey Davey Boy Don’t be scared to use your real name, you’ve already exposed yourself. You hate America and we all know it !

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 28, 2024 at 10:23 AM

      Quite the contrary oh anonymous cultist. It be you that hates America by pining for MAGA and Trump's neo-Nazism.

  68. The Mega Maga ManMay 28, 2024 at 4:50 AM

    It is now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. However, it’s essential to consider that Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings, athe largest private gas player in Ukraine, where Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, served on the board with zero experience in petroleum, Ukraine, or Ukraninan legal matters. He was the gateway to Joe Biden's political influence.

    So it is needless to say, these people fear a Trump Presidency and will try anything, and I mean anything, to stop him. Hence all these trials with Kangaroo Courts.

  69. Another mega pile of caca from the gas blast from Mega Maga man.

  70. Biden is SO desperate for Trump to be found guilty, that he’s even going to make one of his STUPID speeches from the White House AFTER the trial results are announced.

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 28, 2024 at 10:30 AM

      When we find out if America wants truth, integrity, decency, liberty or fascism. We'll know by the verdict.

      Innocent equates with neo-Nazism and trump.

      Guilty equates with liberty, decency, integrity, and truth and President Biden.

      We'll soon know. Prison population should increase by one. DJT.


  71. It seems that Henry Snapshit’s keeper forgot to feed him this morning, hence his drooling, and growing.

  72. All the drooling bullshit springs from MAGA neo-Nazi cultists like you anonymous.

  73. Once again, a failing, washed-up actor, Robert Di Niro, plays a “tough guy” in a bid to maintain relevance and possibly snag a prestigious position in the Biden Administration.
    Saying that “A Donald Trump Victory Means U.S.’ Government Will Perish from the Earth”
    “I love this city. I don’t want Donald Trump to destroy it., Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country. And eventually he could destroy the whole world.”.
    Yes, It was NO DOUBT that the Biden Campaign Unleashed the Trump Derangement Syndrome Patient Robert De Niro to say that CRAP Outside New York Courthouse
    and perhaps get to the Jury inside the Courthouse and influence them to find Trump Guilty!
    Shouting “This is my neighborhood, downtown New York City.I grew up here and feel at home in these streets. I feel comfortable.”
    “The Twin Towers fell just over here. Just over there. This part of the city was like a ghost town, but we found we would not allow terrorists to change our way of life.”
    The Pathetic 80-Year-Old Washed-Up Actor reading from a Made Up Script. Was Ranting and Raving and even CURSING people in the near by crowd. Saying F-Y to them.

  74. After reading that Shit-Rag aka Progressive Blog , I sow the Authors post about Donald Trump Never serving in the Armed Forces.
    I'd like to ask the Following.
    Did that Winnie anti-Semitic Schmuck Les Carpenter Serve?
    Did that Big Mouthed, Little shit-head Davy Double something or other Serve?
    Dis that other Winnie the Mexican Lover Miller Serve?
    Did any of those Asswipes serve? .... I'd BET NOT!

  75. The Morons of the Biden campaign is holding an urgent press conference at the Trump trial.

    And Guess Who Their Expert? Was Robert De Niro wearing a COVID-19 Mask.
    De Niro is a clown... he is super rich and super pampered and doesn't know what its like to live in Biden's real world... I think he is also worried Trump will have his ass audited too.
    Those cheap booster shoes are adorable, but it was to bad they didn’t do any good, as he still looked like a Midget. . Good to see he's taken the training wheels off them

    Biden's campaign holding a press conference outside the courthouse where the Poltical prosecution of the former President and current political foe of Biden's administration.
    So to prove the trial isn’t political they held a rally at the court house.

    To prove they’re just like you they sent an unhinged millionaire to talk for them.

    To prove they aren’t lunatics they wore face diapers outside.

    This is the most dead nuts Bidumb fucking thing ever

  76. The clown car if cons continuing their pathetically stupid, pointless, and lying bullshit. Making their famed cult leader donnie little boy trump proud of his little trump turdlings.

  77. A Masked Robert De Niro, along with 6 Bodyguards show up to help Biden’s campaign at Trump’s Trial Courthouse Reading a speech calling Trump a clown and so-on.
    The Unhinged leftist Robert De Niro proves all over again that Hollywood doesn't exactly produce Rocket Scientist’s.
    These Washed-Up Actors, etc are the true threat to Democracy.
    And Biden, or whoever it was at the White House who set this up this SHAM today is a COMPLETE IDIOT.
    De Niro is a Clown... he is Super Rich and Super Pampered and Doesn't Know What its like to Live in Biden's Real World
    Even a Hollywood Clown like him should know better then to tell us to vote for someone who has one foot in the grave and is destroying our country
    In the background you can hear people changing FJB.
    So De Nero use the F word at people in the Crowd.

  78. Robert De Niro ROCKS!!

    TOM, struggling with his delusions as he follows his cult leader, donnie "little man" trump. America's raging neo-Nazi.

    1. You Mother was really good for an Old Lady last night.

    2. Jill Biden said the election is about choosing "good over evil".
      “To me, it's nothing more than simply calling anyone who votes for Trump as being "evil". This is not some dude off the street, this is the Dumb ass First Lady!!!!
      I have NEVER seen an administration that is this divisive. I thought Obama was bad, but these people take the trophy. They spend ALL of their time demonizing one side, and scaring the other!

    3. Fear gotcha real good eh


  79. No matter what they do, or try to do, Donald keeps on winning. Through all of this Witch Hunt, and this Kangaroo Court, Trump stands up for his rights and he keeps on winning through it all , We see it in the polls, we hear it on the streets, and even in social media. He's also winning as you watch the sweat dripping from the Democrats and the desperation setting in as evidenced by his campaign sending that old washed-up actor Robert De Niro to the courthouse and made a FOOL out of himself. . Democrats can't win for losing

  80. Let me preface this post by saying that I believe the entire Alvin Brag court case against Donald Trump, presided over by Judge Juan Merchan, is an Obama/Biden/DOJ political hit job against a Viable Presidential Candidate.
    I think that the two lawyers on the jury will vote Not Guilty on all charges. They will understand the massive overreach and consequences of allowing this clown show to convict. Plus they have a vested interest in not legitimizing this novel legal farce.
    The Biden administration is trying their BEST to get a Guilty verdict by holding at Press Conference outside the Court at the Trump trial.
    Their expert speaker is Robert De Niro

    Never, Ever, Ever, EVER underestimate how Liberals/Progressives ' brainwashing can override intelligence, common sense, education and training.
    I also believe that Trump’s actions were legal, and the conduct of both prosecutor Bragg and Judge Merchan was so egregious as to constitute prosecutable felonious interference in a presidential election and subornation of perjury..
    The only way this doesn't hit the Appellate Court
    I say it's 50/50 chance that they will be hung on all counts or a complete Acquittal
    And, while I hope that a jury member, acting against type, hangs the jury and creates a mistrial, I also hope that former President Trump does not exacerbate the situation with needless foolishness.
    If the jury returns a Guilty verdict, it will be tragedy of Justice.

    1. Rampant unbridled ignorance is rampant in whittle donnie "the rapist/insurrectionist trump" MAGA cultists club.

  81. De Niro is a Clown... he is super rich and super pampered and doesn't know what its like to live in Biden's real world... I think he is also worried Trump will have his ass audited too..
    Also those booster shoes of his are adorable. It’s Good to see he's taken the training wheels off his tricycle
    It was really nice to see him working at Biden's campaign holding a Press Conference Outside the Courthouse where the Political prosecution of the former President and current political foe of Biden's administration is being held, but come to think about it.... Isn’t it ILLEGAL to Campaign.outside of a Court House?

    How so very Communist of him. Each day, the real Authoritarian Party is being exposed
    So to prove the trial isn’t political they held a Moron Speak at the court house.
    To prove they’re just like you they sent an Unhinged millionaire to talk for them.
    To prove they aren’t lunatics the Idiot wore a face diaper outside in the street..
    This is the most Dead Nut Bidumb thing that the Delusional Senile Fool has done ever
    Di Nero should have stuck to his trade, he lost 10's of thousands of his Fans doing that Charade.

    1. De Niro ROCKS!!

      He speaks the unfurnished truth about neo-Nazi trump and his intentions. But mesmerized slobbering cultists are apparently too stupid or delusional to see it.

  82. The Debinair DudeMay 30, 2024 at 6:13 AM

    I Think that it’s time we told the Celebrities, and the Athletes of American just how LITTLE we think of them. And just how UNIMPORTANT they really are. It's high time they really knew just how little they influence our real lives.
    And that we really need Policemen, Firemen, Doctors, Teachers, Auto Mechanics, Plumbers, etc. But do we really need any of these Holier then Thou, Sanctimonious Football, Basketball, Players, or these Self Centered, Unimportant Hollywood, and TV “Entertainers”?
    Do we really need LeBron James, or Michael Vick, Latrell Sprewell, Terrell Owens, or do we really need some of those Entertainers, Actors, and Actress’ than make us vomit like Miley Cyrus, Robert de Niro, Kathy Griffin, Cher, Chelsea Handler, Rosie O’Donnell, Bill Maher, Alyssa Milano, Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Jane Fonda, Joy Behar, and Madonna, and the list goes on, and on, and on.
    Does America really need to see the outrageous idiotic Snoopy Dog’s Trump assassination joke or Kathy Griffin’s disgusting beheading stunt? I don’t think so. And aren’t you sick of Alec Baldwin’s stupidity on that dumb Saturday Night Show!
    Do you really want to spend your money watching a Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar featuring a Trump-like actor being assassinated?
    And how about the real life event of Steve Scalise actually being VERY SERIOUSLY Shot at a Politicians Baseball game!
    And how about those stupid Academy Award shows that spend the night attacking President Trump? Do you call that Entertainment? Or is it a A Trump bashing bonanza?
    Do you think that Robert de Niro saying "F--k Trump" at last year’s Tony Awards, or Meryl Streep slamming the then-President-elect as a "bully" at the Golden Globes!.
    Is this the kind of “Entertainment” that American has dumbed down to? Hollywood is only Out of Touch, their Out of their Minds!

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 30, 2024 at 6:48 AM


      Because the TRUTH about the con trump should be shouted from the rooftops and across the airways. As well as in every credible magazine and newspaper.

  83. The Debinair DudeMay 30, 2024 at 6:14 AM

    Yesterday Robert DeNiro surrounded by two of the cops that were attacked at the insurrection spoke before a crowd of reporters in front of the courthouse where trump's trial is being held. Fox and the rest of right-wing media went apoplectic complaining that Biden was politicizing the trial. Perhaps they didn't notice that trump regularly makes political statements outside his trial every day.
    DeNiro looked like, and sounded like a raving Lunitic that had just escaped from tne NUT HOUSE. As the Cultist DeNiro showed up to Anti-Trump press conference wearing a Mask Outdoors in the Summer.
    De Niro is a Clown... he is Super Rich and Super Pampered and Doesn't Know What its like to Live in Biden's Real World... I also think he is worried Trump will have his ass audited if he wins the Presidency.
    Trump has also had a string of VP hopefuls and family members who openly made political statements admitting they were there to emphasize trump's political standing.
    I think that the Democratic Party is heading in to hell not only with its talk about Socialism, Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Reparations, but the election of people who are preaching it. .And this latest thing happening in the Basement of Congress behind CLOSED doors is the last straw! I had never thought that I’d live to see anything such at that happening here in the USA ! I wouldn’t have blinded twice if someone had told me that about the USSR.
    The party, and news media is filled with all this kind Impeachment talk, and they talk about us Republicans with Hate? And the lies that are being told to make their COCK and BULL stories sound credible is a unbelievable as the Tooth Fairy. But the Pussy Haters are buying every bit of it.
    And how about ALL those HOAX’S, are they not Hate Cries? You bet your bippy that they are. There isn’t a bigger Hater in the news these days than that Maggot Jussie was. But now we are seeing more of the same with these “So Called” Witnesses. Liberal College “Professors”, and these Scorned, Despicable, Unworthy, and Rejected Trump Haters!
    But what we don’t hear about the 81 year old man being assaulted in a New Jersey Sam's Club for wearing a MAGA hat. He was told by a Hoodlum to take it off and when he didn’t, he received a right cross to his face.

    1. Horatio Hornblower the 4thMay 30, 2024 at 6:50 AM

      As the rants of the trump trained baboons continues.

      Fact free, full of lies.

  84. Today was a TERRIBLE Loss for America and the US Justice system.
    I can only hope that we will survive this awful sham.

  85. Jesus Ricado RomeroMay 30, 2024 at 6:02 PM

    Justice appropriately served by a jury of 12 of donnie "the convict" trump's peers.

    The delusional ignorant MAGAverse will continue to be as ignorant and delusional as it always has been. As witnessed by the comment from anonymous above.

  86. How's whittle donnie the whiner" twump doing today. Licking his whittle hurt bulging ego?

    Whittle donnie went to court,
    Of all 34 counts he was guilty.

    12 American Patriots ruled,
    The cover meant to save his ass was in fact a bad mistake.

    But for whittle donnie trump,
    Whose life has been nothing short of gas & stink
    Justice finally collected its due!

  87. Replies
    1. Jesus Ricado RomeroJune 1, 2024 at 8:16 AM

      Nothing but child's play. Or, wallowing in ignorance if you prefer.

  88. It Doesn't Take a GeniusMay 31, 2024 at 2:44 PM

    As ignorance, delusion, and the victim mentality overtakes the entire horde of the MAGA cult of whittle whiney trump.

    The moron is where he's at BECAUSE the idiot BROKE the law. And his cultists are too wilfully stupid to get it.

  89. I have hedged my bets going on four years now as to whether Trump can win in November. Given the Democrat willingness to shred the Constitution and rule of law along with their lack of all sense of fairness, ethics, simple justice to destroy their opponent and get what they want, I was not confident we could overcome their weaponization of government and cheating the system.

    After yesterday's disgusting and outrageous display of Robert De Nero rant in the street and across from when Donald Trump was in the the middle of that SHAM Trial, and then that Disgraceful verdict and the insanity of the pure injustice done, and seeing the response of EVERYBODY who still have ethics, even some who are never-Trumpers and/or call themselves Democrats--I am now confident Trump will win in November and will have more solid support backing him up than ever.

  90. Horatio Hornblower the 4thJune 1, 2024 at 7:36 AM

    The democrats are the ONLY people honoring and respecting the Constitution and Rule of Law. The cons and rethuglicans are, and have been the clar and present danger to our democratic republic and the rule law.

    Wittle DonnieTwump uis a thug and is supported by thugs.
