Meanwhile millions werespent to seal Obama's college records.
I wonder does anyone remember the media asking
the smartest man in the room what his views on
evolution were? Yeah me niether
Walker has won three tough elections in the past few years. Because he had the balls to take on the state workers unions he has been vetted left,right,front and center by outside money.The best thing the leftwingnutz have is "he dropped out of college." And to top it off they sent out the Dean Scream to trumpet it. Walker is their worst nightmare...a successful conservative governor of a blue state who kicked the crap out of the unions.
That was great. Remember all the human debris occupying the capitol and throwing tantrums? And the dhims throwing a hissy fit and running out of state - so he ran the vote without them.
He took out the compulsory provision out of the teachers union. Guess what, nobody wants anything to do with their miserable asses. LOL!
He absolutely owns them - their bulbous heads pop en masse non stop.
Oh snap........some group beheaded over 20 Egyptians....who the hell did this? Was it the Mormons? Maybe it was those damn Christians...they pulled this same shit 1,000 years ago? Maybe the Jews did it? Could be the Catholic's,those pricks have enough money to do anything.It could be any of them.The one thing we do cant be the muslim's.......they are after all peaceful folks.
Egypt says that they will avenge ISIS’s Beheadings of 21 Egyptians! So what does that say? I’ll tell you what it says! It says that makes two countries who will do, and has done more than Obama has done. Oh wait a minute, I’m sorry... HE DID SAY THAT HE WOULD “Bring the guilty ones to as “swift” JUSTICE”! LMFAO !! Don't Hold Your Breath. It Ain't Gonna Happen.
Does he mean after he’s finished playing 18 holes of golf, or when he comes back for his vacation in Hawaii.
Now where, and when have we hear that before!!
Are these the "Peaceful Muslims" that Obamy is always speaking about?
there you go AOW . The progressive libs have expert lawyers who were ready for this. They have a whole team of people, not just in this country, who are capable of doctoring this stuff up. Considering how well versed the libs are at damage control, it's no suprise.
Call me ignorant, stupid, misguided or whatever you like, but that is my observation! And I don't like anyone who would force other people to accept their lifestyle or behavior. Or forcing their religious beliefs on others is wrong, just imagine how they would feel when the same is done to them!
Ms. Lard Butt needs to lose a few and eat the lunches she forces on our kids and make her own kids eat the same food she is forcing on our kids,concentrate on her own diet before she tries to become the Food and Morals police. .
While Obama Our MESSIAH fiddles, and strikes a golf balls, and as the world burns to the ground. Jordan and now Egypt are waking up and striking back against their own muzzie extremists ...GOOD ... let the rest of the Middle East rise up against these loons and exterminate them from planet Earth. I wish that Our President was that swift and decisive.
Dear Mr. President Obama Please understand that you can not reason with cancer, it must be destroyed or it will destroy you. I hope you have come to understand this - now - and will stop playing patty-cake and taking half-way measures to kill-off these ISIS animals... But I’m glad to see that someone in the World that is taking ISIS serious, while Commander Obozo is about to play the back 9. Instead of everyone battling ISIS and extremists like they should be, Obama now decides that he should wait and ger Congress’s approval, why this time is what I’d like to know? Unless he’s waiting to be nominated for another Nobel Peace Prize! But ah yes, bin Laden is dead and GM is still alive! Whoopie.
I grieve for you dopes....although you are “smart” enough to know the truth sell your souls to that phoney snake oil salesman.
We interrupt all these fine comments, from all of our fine friends to bring you a word from our sponsors …. “ Hi My Conservative Friends, Bigtimer the Blogmister here ..
Ya Say You Got Shitstain in Our Country`s Whitehouse
Here’s the latest, direct from the Horse’s mouth. if you can stomach it: Here’s all you need to know, if you can stomach it: This is directly from Our Dear leader In a new Buzzfeed video, titled “Things Everyone Does But Doesn’t Talk About,” President Barack Obama makes funny faces in a mirror, poses with a selfie stick, and pretends to shoot hoops.
Yes my friends, Barack Hussein Obama has denigrated the office of his presidency like no president before him ever has, and hopefully no president after him ever will! He’s sunk to a new level to the likes of which we’ve never seen, he’s an embarrassment and proves that day after day…but today’s selfie had to be the topper of toppers…so far!
I haven’t any words left to say, hopefully some of you do and will post it later. And the audacity of Dear Leader to act like ten year old in front of cameras thinking he’s so friggen cool, just like a dumbass basketball player that just made a Dunk-shot. . He’s a disgrace…a despicable disgrace and a total disgrace to our nation.
Sorry, Obama will be regarded as one of the most accomplished Presidents in recent history and no bluster or conjecture from the likes of you will change that. You say nothing.
you mean even before anyone knew who he was. Keep routing for the loser who cares not a twit about you but only his legacy. He is laughing at all of you who kiss his butt. You are so blinded by ideology you can't even see what is right in front of you. So sad.
Oh so true PC. According to this admi we don't want to "rush" to any decision. Sounds good in a talking point but in realty where none of the progressive minds dwell ,what exactly are they waitng for?
Calling all you Dudes and Dudettes to haul your ass’s on over to Who's Your Daddy, the internet’s favorite conservative blog. And give support to our Good Friend Lisa, who Fights the Good Fight, for you and for me, and never tires..
If you’re like me, and I’m assuming there are quite a few of you who are, sometimes you reach a point where you can no longer sugarcoat your political arguments, or put up with all that Liberal Bull-Shit. You hear the same asinine, lies, “miss-speaks” changing of History, and False Statements constantly repeated, you just hit a point where you want to stand up and say, “Look you babbling Progressive buffoons, let me spell it out for you very simply.”I’m not going to put up, cover-up, the lies that President Obama and or his henchman, flunkies, lackeys, stooges’ spews any longer. And I Want his kind of Socialist, Big Intrusive Government, That Never Does Anything Good, Out of My Life!
I’m simply sick of Lefty, Marxist rhetoric that those who’ve driven you to the brink of insanity and their Liberal News-fed bullshit.
I truly believe that we will never win a war against terrorism without these other countries. Obama is not committed to fight against these Muslims . It must be done by Muslims who stand together against it. And they are finally doing it. Three cheers for Jordan and Egypt. A real American leader that wished to destroy these barbarians would have done so a long time ago, when the first America was beheaded. This fool of a president will never get it done. Had Obama and Company been in power in 1941 half of the nation would be speaking Japanese, with the other half speaking German right now.
You are of course right. Extreme Islamiic jihadist mentality has ALWAYS been a problem for the Muslim world to deal with and resolve. Reality is the majority of terrorism in the muslim world ok s Muslim against Muslim.
Our founders, including George Washington warned against becoming involved in foreign entanglements. Our choice to ignore his as well as other founders wisdom is why we are reaping the current world realities.
Switzerland has remained neutral during world conflicts and she has been left unscathed by war. Ever wonder why that is?
The reason is the Swiss people never had the desire for amassing influence and power like the U.S. did after WW II. We could learn from the Swiss and should re-learn from our founders. As republican President Dwight David Eisenhower said in his farewell address to the nation in 1961 the greatest threat to our freedom and liberties was the threat of a growing Military Industrial Complex. His words were prophetic.
But the Reich Wing power and control freaks, along with the profit hungary MIC must have conflict and war. It is what they do.
What a fucking idiot. For the millionth time, the Nazis were just one more horrendous left wing socialist regime. Maybe their name: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party) would give most sentient beings a clue.
He doesn't want to get it done. All he can muster up is lip service Obama is going to crush America and cut us down to size, turning us into the world’s filthiest third world nation in history. He is of the progressive mindset of hating America and believing he has a better way. It's part of his fundamental transformation. And most people are clueless about what that means
The American people support Israel, and know this agreement with Iran is a bad idea. We do not trust Iran in the least. What mystifies me is why is President Obama and SOS Kerry seeking out such an agreement This is why Obama doesn't want Netanyahu to speak to Congress.
There are many in the US who are looking forward to hearing PM Netanyahu speak to Congress. Our Congress represents the American people, not this President or their political parties. We want to know what Bibi Netanyahu has to say, not kept in the dark like our President sometimes does. We remember what Iran has called the United States and Israel, even if our President seems to have forgotten. We are friends with Israel, and welcome PM Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to the peoples house.
Our congress represents the smallest segment of the American people in over 70 years. Check out the 2014 turnout of eligible voters. Get educated. Put the fiction hustlers and political snake oil salesmen aside.
Yes we are friends with Is real. We are also friends with Saudi Arabia, a known supporter of Islamic terrorism. We as hypocrites as a nation and it is mostly driven by republicans.
Most Americans know the truth when they hear it, and Bibi Netanyahu is so wonderfully articulate and believable when he is defending his country that he scares the Democrats. And lets not forget that President Coconut Head Hussain was programed in Reverend Wright's church where it was not fond of Jews.
Another prime example of the dangerous religion known as the far left. Yes they support Obama's illegal wars without question or hesitation, when it’s beneficial towards the Muslims, but don’t support them when American’s are Beheaded! Go figure.
Lisa, let me know it you need any help removing the trash that is Radical Racist Redneck from your premise. I'd be more than happy to oblige.RRR real give the Stench Trench a very bad name.
The American Medical Association released the results of a three year study. During the three years the AMA surveyed 4,800 men. They found that of the subjects who described themselves as either progressive or left leaning 88.6% of that group stated that they sit down to pee. I guess the results of this study is pretty much what most sensible people believe of liberal men,so it doesn't come as much of a surprise.
RR,I think the "Stench Trence" that Radical Nancy talks about is actually his wife. After all.....there are only two things that smell like shrimp and shrimp is one of them.
IATC, Classless? Yeah right. Of course the regulars of this blog, and the numerous sock puppets, are just so damn classy now aren't they?
Yup, especially Radical Redneck and Rusty Shackleford. Oh, and not to forget the Kid. As well as the rest of the low information out of touch with reality folks.
You know, the one who hang on every single reactionary right wing line of BS no natter how ridiculous and idiotic it is. You clowns are not conservatives or libertarians in any reality based sense of the concepts. Nope, youse guys are simply whining throwbacks to a past long gone. Reactionary dimwits and proud of it is what you folks are.
It's a shame you folks have chosen not to use that grey matter that evolution as refined and improved of the evolutionary process. But since most of you folks are likely deniers and think man was created 6,000 yrs. ago there is I'm sure bliss for you ion your ignorance.
Carry on oh Benighted of the Flock of Sheeples, you're never ending search for the absurd and ridiculous has ben a fruitful one for which no doubt you are extremely proud.
BTW IATC, your closing line speaks to your reactionary classiness.
Folks, we have more impotant issues to face other that trading insults with these Liberal freakazoids.. After two disastrous wars! Ballooning national debt! A wrecked economy! Our citizen getting their heads chopped off, ISIS running wild all over the world. Our freedoms are in jeopardy, Terrorists killing innocent people, and especially Americans all over the world. and all that Obama can think about is issuing orders that could so that as many as five million people who are in the U.S. illegally can’t be deportation, and same-sex marriage. Way to go, you freeken Idiot.. Just read what the Commie-indoctrinated/brainwashed Liberal idiots in the comments section here, and over at the progressive’s board say and that should tell you more than enough. Most of us are awake, and yes we are waiting for all of the members of Congress who think as we do, and who want to see significant changes in the way this government operates to wake up as well! The problem isn’t with the new Congress, it’s with the House of Horrors & the rest of the Government Gone Wild Agencies that is being run by these Socialist Freaks. Now we have to wake House Speaker John Boehner and the rest of the republicans and conservatives, and proceed with our strongest weapon, the “Impeachment of Barack Obama” who has thumbed his nose at Congress, and has failed to uphold The Constitution that he swore to uphold..
Have no fears my friends, Obama will get those terrorists. He just wants to wait until after the Spring Break Vacation for his daughters, and Michele's trip to Japan. Just have a little patience . Rome wasn't built in a day.
Christ Jesus said, "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."
BUT, as Pilate asked, "WHAT IS TRUTH?"
I wouldn't presume to say, but I know one thing for absolute certain sure: We will NEVER get anything even remotely resembling TRUTH from the ENEMEDIA.
Here's some Stupid for Breakfast... Obama STILL calls Islam a Religion of Peace!
And here’s some breaking news: Ím hearing rumors that President Obama is working hard to st up an American Super Team of Basketball players to challenge ISIS in a All-Star game that would be held at the Barclays Center, in Brooklyn, Jay Z's stadium!
The Librules don’t want to admit it, but we know it’s true. Humanity is under attack all over the world from a bunch of Islam extremists known as ISIS who is hell bent to impose its barbaric savage objective on the rest of the world. It’s not a secret, we have already witnessed their horrific, brutality, and savage attacks on non-Muslims in Middle East nations such as Lybia, and Syria etc. as well as Sharia law .
Unfortunately, what we haven’t witnessed, and what is not entirely clear to me is the lack of response from our president. Instead, what I have witnessed is that Israel is losing support from its biggest ally America, and visa versa. From back when Obama demanded that Israel retreat to its pre-1967 borders as a starting point for negotiations with the Palestinians, President Obama confirmed what many have suspected for some time: he is not a friend of Israel. And with his present actions, and attitude regarding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, we can clearly see where his support lies. Iran has been threatening to destroy Israel for as long as I can remember, and Israel must take that seriously. As Iran approaches the nuclear weapons Israel is surrounded by hostile, undemocratic states and an array of terrorist organizations that have as their objectives to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. So please as Obama and his administration publicly attack Israel. Remind us again all you Obama loving Liberals and Liberal Jews on these boards just how Obama would never do anything to harm Israel?
Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."
"Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
Anyone who fails to support this policy in light of present events is not only a moron, he's a God-DAMNED moron. these vicious savages must be ANNIHILATED. They are HUMAN VERMIN -- nothing more.
The left has a penchant for thuggery,the AFL-CIO,OWS,The Weather Underground. Then they get Hollywood to do a video to pledge allegiance to their man-God. Since the Tea Party creation and the 2010 congressional victory,the left has become increasingly unhinged
We just went through the 100th anniversary of Ronnie Raygun, birth, and all week, conservatives have been trying to outdo each others remembrances of the great conservative icon, by patting each other on their backs and posting all kinds of lies. No, But Raygun was not the man conservatives claim he was. This image of Reagan as a conservative superhero is myth. And did I mention that Saint Raygun gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants? Isn’t that interesting, something that the GOPeers never seem to mention. . My impression of Ronnie Raygun, having lived through his miserable presidency and “legacy”, was he is and always was largely a figurehead, a puppet ruler tasked with putting a good and noble face on the dark business of dismantling all of the most significant and beneficial gains that the American people fought for and won during the 20th century. And the conservatives picked up on this line of nonsense and ran with it Almost every one of Reagan’s major themes has been proven not only wrong but disastrous.
What a moronic thing to say!! You want to know the real reason people don't want to be liberals?
This is some of the best liberal reasoning I've seen yet. "Screw the facts. We have an agenda to uphold. Just read the comments from the idiot above You and that blog author that you seem to copy and cherrish so much are both a POS Liars. Any unemployed adult that still lives in their mom's basement doesn't give two shits about the real world, lacks any emotionally driven thinking skills and basis in reality. And that includes LIBERTARIANS! Liberals love Same-Sex Marriage! Liberals defend criminals when they're the right color! Liberals hate success. But want the successful and some of these people want to burn them down. There's a lot I hate about liberals., I just havan't the space or the time. As for you, "Foxie Snooze Morin" you're just a moron. And bt the way, the Jerk Store called, and they're running out of you!
Your diction and grammar are so deficient I can only assume you are a low functioning fringe right graduate of the Rusty Chucklenuts Academy of Language.
Millions were not spent and they weren't sealed. But nice try,. Back to Glenn Becks lap.
Oh FACTcheck is the new Progressive damage control site.
DeleteHere at the smut hut all a leftist has to do is post something factual and then watch the fringe right tribe that rubs poo in its hair go wild.
ReplyDeleteWalker has won three tough elections in the past few years. Because he had the balls to take on the state workers unions he has been vetted left,right,front and center by outside money.The best thing the leftwingnutz have is "he dropped out of college." And to top it off they sent out the Dean Scream to trumpet it. Walker is their worst nightmare...a successful conservative governor of a blue state who kicked the crap out of the unions.
That was great. Remember all the human debris occupying the capitol and throwing tantrums? And the dhims throwing a hissy fit and running out of state - so he ran the vote without them.
DeleteHe took out the compulsory provision out of the teachers union. Guess what, nobody wants anything to do with their miserable asses. LOL!
He absolutely owns them - their bulbous heads pop en masse non stop.
Oh snap........some group beheaded over 20 Egyptians....who the hell did this? Was it the Mormons? Maybe it was those damn Christians...they pulled this same shit 1,000 years ago? Maybe the Jews did it? Could be the Catholic's,those pricks have enough money to do anything.It could be any of them.The one thing we do cant be the muslim's.......they are after all peaceful folks.
ReplyDeleteEgypt says that they will avenge ISIS’s Beheadings of 21 Egyptians!
ReplyDeleteSo what does that say? I’ll tell you what it says! It says that makes two countries who will do, and has done more than Obama has done. Oh wait a minute, I’m sorry... HE DID SAY THAT HE WOULD “Bring the guilty ones to as “swift” JUSTICE”! LMFAO !! Don't Hold Your Breath. It Ain't Gonna Happen.
Does he mean after he’s finished playing 18 holes of golf, or when he comes back for his vacation in Hawaii.
Now where, and when have we hear that before!!
Are these the "Peaceful Muslims" that Obamy is always speaking about?
Who is funding these barbarians?Saudi Arabia?
DeleteBy the way all you TOTAL A-Holes over on that “Progressive” board, as well as the author .... Scott Walker's views on evolution are totally relevant.
ReplyDeleteWhat were BHO's SAT scores? Just askin'.
ReplyDeletethere you go AOW .
DeleteThe progressive libs have expert lawyers who were ready for this. They have a whole team of people, not just in this country, who are capable of doctoring this stuff up. Considering how well versed the libs are at damage control, it's no suprise.
And you think this only happens on the liberals watch Lisa?
DeleteI rest my case.
uh pretty much yes. "I" rest my case
DeleteCall me ignorant, stupid, misguided or whatever you like, but that is my observation! And I don't like anyone who would force other people to accept their lifestyle or behavior. Or forcing their religious beliefs on others is wrong, just imagine how they would feel when the same is done to them!
ReplyDeleteMs. Lard Butt needs to lose a few and eat the lunches she forces on our kids and make her own kids eat the same food she is forcing on our kids,concentrate on her own diet before she tries to become the Food and Morals police. .
DeleteWhile Obama Our MESSIAH fiddles, and strikes a golf balls, and as the world burns to the ground.
ReplyDeleteJordan and now Egypt are waking up and striking back against their own muzzie extremists ...GOOD ... let the rest of the Middle East rise up against these loons and exterminate them from planet Earth. I wish that Our President was that swift and decisive.
Dear Mr. President Obama
Please understand that you can not reason with cancer,
it must be destroyed or it will destroy you.
I hope you have come to understand this - now -
and will stop playing patty-cake and taking half-way
measures to kill-off these ISIS animals... But I’m glad to see that someone in the World that is taking ISIS serious, while Commander Obozo is about to play the back 9.
Instead of everyone battling ISIS and extremists like they should be, Obama now decides that he should wait and ger Congress’s approval, why this time is what I’d like to know? Unless he’s waiting to be nominated for another Nobel Peace Prize!
But ah yes, bin Laden is dead and GM is still alive! Whoopie.
I grieve for you dopes....although you are “smart” enough to know the truth sell your souls to that phoney snake oil salesman.
Yet you 'sold your soul' to the dry drunk and his evil VP who started his whole mess. Nice try.
DeleteSo then if Obama wasn't up for the job he shouldn't have applied.
We interrupt all these fine comments, from all of our fine friends to bring you a word from our sponsors ….
ReplyDelete“ Hi My Conservative Friends, Bigtimer the Blogmister here ..
Ya Say You Got Shitstain in Our Country`s Whitehouse
Here’s the latest, direct from the Horse’s mouth. if you can stomach it:
Here’s all you need to know, if you can stomach it:
This is directly from Our Dear leader
In a new Buzzfeed video, titled “Things Everyone Does But Doesn’t Talk About,” President Barack Obama makes funny faces in a mirror, poses with a selfie stick, and pretends to shoot hoops.
Yes my friends, Barack Hussein Obama has denigrated the office of his presidency like no president before him ever has, and hopefully no president after him ever will! He’s sunk to a new level to the likes of which we’ve never seen, he’s an embarrassment and proves that day after day…but today’s selfie had to be the topper of toppers…so far!
I haven’t any words left to say, hopefully some of you do and will post it later.
And the audacity of Dear Leader to act like ten year old in front of cameras thinking he’s so friggen cool, just like a dumbass basketball player that just made a Dunk-shot. . He’s a disgrace…a despicable disgrace
and a total disgrace to our nation.
Sorry, Obama will be regarded as one of the most accomplished Presidents in recent history and no bluster or conjecture from the likes of you will change that. You say nothing.
Deleteyou mean even before anyone knew who he was. Keep routing for the loser who cares not a twit about you but only his legacy. He is laughing at all of you who kiss his butt. You are so blinded by ideology you can't even see what is right in front of you. So sad.
DeleteOh so true PC. According to this admi we don't want to "rush" to any decision. Sounds good in a talking point but in realty where none of the progressive minds dwell ,what exactly are they waitng for?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCalling all you Dudes and Dudettes to haul your ass’s on over to Who's Your Daddy, the internet’s favorite conservative blog. And give support to our Good Friend Lisa, who Fights the Good Fight, for you and for me, and never tires..
ReplyDeleteIf you’re like me, and I’m assuming there are quite a few of you who are, sometimes you reach a point where you can no longer sugarcoat your political arguments, or put up with all that Liberal Bull-Shit. You hear the same asinine, lies, “miss-speaks” changing of History, and False Statements constantly repeated, you just hit a point where you want to stand up and say, “Look you babbling Progressive buffoons, let me spell it out for you very simply.”I’m not going to put up, cover-up, the lies that President Obama and or his henchman, flunkies, lackeys, stooges’ spews any longer. And I Want his kind of Socialist, Big Intrusive Government, That Never Does Anything Good, Out of My Life!
I’m simply sick of Lefty, Marxist rhetoric that those who’ve driven you to the brink of insanity and their Liberal News-fed bullshit.
When Walker wins, wins, and wins again: we can expect the usual reasoned, rational and deeply thoughtful reaction from the left.
ReplyDeleteJackassery as only the jackass known as Radicsl Racist Redneck can perform.
DeleteRN is proof positive there are no lifeguards at the gene pool!
DeleteI truly believe that we will never win a war against terrorism without these other countries. Obama is not committed to fight against these Muslims . It must be done by Muslims who stand together against it. And they are finally doing it. Three cheers for Jordan and Egypt. A real American leader that wished to destroy these barbarians would have done so a long time ago, when the first America was beheaded.
ReplyDeleteThis fool of a president will never get it done.
Had Obama and Company been in power in 1941 half of the nation would be speaking Japanese, with the other half speaking German right now.
You are of course right. Extreme Islamiic jihadist mentality has ALWAYS been a problem for the Muslim world to deal with and resolve. Reality is the majority of terrorism in the muslim world ok s Muslim against Muslim.
DeleteOur founders, including George Washington warned against becoming involved in foreign entanglements. Our choice to ignore his as well as other founders wisdom is why we are reaping the current world realities.
Switzerland has remained neutral during world conflicts and she has been left unscathed by war. Ever wonder why that
The reason is the Swiss people never had the desire for amassing influence and power like the U.S. did after WW II. We could learn from the Swiss and should re-learn from our founders. As republican President Dwight David Eisenhower said in his farewell address to the nation in 1961 the greatest threat to our freedom and liberties was the threat of a growing Military Industrial Complex. His words were prophetic.
But the Reich Wing power and control freaks, along with the profit hungary MIC must have conflict and war. It is what they do.
Reich Wing
DeleteWhat a fucking idiot. For the millionth time, the Nazis were just one more horrendous left wing socialist regime. Maybe their name: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party) would give most sentient beings a clue.
Petroleum clad fool.
He doesn't want to get it done. All he can muster up is lip service
DeleteObama is going to crush America and cut us down to size, turning us into the world’s filthiest third world nation in history.
He is of the progressive mindset of hating America and believing he has a better way. It's part of his fundamental transformation. And most people are clueless about what that means
You are right racist boy. You are a huge FUCKING IDIOT.
Delete^"I know you are but what am I?" - part 14366^
DeleteWhat a keen wit - whenever will you headline Vegas?
ReplyDeleteThe American people support Israel, and know this agreement with Iran is a bad idea. We do not trust Iran in the least. What mystifies me is why is President Obama and SOS Kerry seeking out such an agreement This is why Obama doesn't want Netanyahu to speak to Congress.
There are many in the US who are looking forward to hearing PM Netanyahu speak to Congress. Our Congress represents the American people, not this President or their political parties. We want to know what Bibi Netanyahu has to say, not kept in the dark like our President sometimes does. We remember what Iran has called the United States and Israel, even if our President seems to have forgotten. We are friends with Israel, and welcome PM Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to the peoples house.
Our congress represents the smallest segment of the American people in over 70 years. Check out the 2014 turnout of eligible voters. Get educated. Put the fiction hustlers and political snake oil salesmen aside.
DeleteYes we are friends with Is real. We are also friends with Saudi Arabia, a known supporter of Islamic terrorism. We as hypocrites as a nation and it is mostly driven by republicans.
Check out the 2014 turnout of eligible voters
DeleteYes! Love it! It gave the REAL Americans...
You really are dumb ignorant person RRR.
Dumb, stupid, and ignorant RRR. Keep on being you. You're a natural leader of dimwits.
DeleteWhoever knew Rhoid Nation was in the FBI?
Most Americans know the truth when they hear it, and Bibi Netanyahu is so wonderfully articulate and believable when he is defending his country that he scares the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteAnd lets not forget that President Coconut Head Hussain was programed in Reverend Wright's church where it was not fond of Jews.
Another prime example of the dangerous religion known as the far left. Yes they support Obama's illegal wars without question or hesitation, when it’s beneficial towards the Muslims, but don’t support them when American’s are Beheaded! Go figure.
ReplyDeleteLisa, let me know it you need any help removing the trash that is Radical Racist Redneck from your premise. I'd be more than happy to oblige.RRR real give the Stench Trench a very bad name.
ReplyDeleteRRR real give the Stench Trench a very bad name.
DeleteExcellent grammar polyester king.
Go home to Mommy racist boy. Truth is truth, something you know little to nothing about.
DeleteYou're a waste of perfectly good O2.
Of all the millions of sperm, YOURS is the one that makes it?
Darwin's law. Survival of the FITTEST.
DeleteSurely you must remember your science. Oh, that's right, you're into biblical mysticism.
How about that thar glow-bull wormening! Oh no, I think we're melting!
ReplyDeleteThe American Medical Association released the results of a three year study.
ReplyDeleteDuring the three years the AMA surveyed 4,800 men. They found that of the subjects who described themselves as either progressive or left leaning 88.6% of that group stated that they sit down to pee.
I guess the results of this study is pretty much what most sensible people believe of liberal men,so it doesn't come as much of a surprise.
Rusty, I've found the genesis of the stank in Mrs RN's hoo-hah. RN was the only "man" she'd ever been with so she still had her cherry.
DeleteNow her cherry's so old it has fruit flies!
And that JOKE is so old it has ling white whiskers, RR. ;-)
DeleteRR,I think the "Stench Trence" that Radical Nancy talks about is actually his wife. After all.....there are only two things that smell like shrimp and shrimp is one of them.
ReplyDeleteHe, he, he...
DeleteYou two make a phenomenonal duo. Two POS posing as Lincoln Logs floating in your cesspool, aka the Stench Trench.
ReplyDeleteFilth draws filth and you two are right at home together. Live it cause ya ain't got nothing else.
How come YOUVE found a home here. If this is a stench trench?
DeleteWhere do you think the stench comes from?
DeleteRational Nancy......did you address your wife valentine card to Stench Trench?
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should stop RR......Rational Nancy may bring some indictments,he could get his lawyers Octo and Little Rubber Ducky.....hahahahahahahahah
Original shit but it still stinks like all the rest of your rancid utterances.
ReplyDeleteHey RN you classless MORON, why don't you go back to your Stink Shack, Ducky is calling you, he need some help defending the Witches Horse Shit.
DeleteIATC, Classless? Yeah right. Of course the regulars of this blog, and the numerous sock puppets, are just so damn classy now aren't they?
DeleteYup, especially Radical Redneck and Rusty Shackleford. Oh, and not to forget the Kid. As well as the rest of the low information out of touch with reality folks.
You know, the one who hang on every single reactionary right wing line of BS no natter how ridiculous and idiotic it is. You clowns are not conservatives or libertarians in any reality based sense of the concepts. Nope, youse guys are simply whining throwbacks to a past long gone. Reactionary dimwits and proud of it is what you folks are.
It's a shame you folks have chosen not to use that grey matter that evolution as refined and improved of the evolutionary process. But since most of you folks are likely deniers and think man was created 6,000 yrs. ago there is I'm sure bliss for you ion your ignorance.
Carry on oh Benighted of the Flock of Sheeples, you're never ending search for the absurd and ridiculous has ben a fruitful one for which no doubt you are extremely proud.
BTW IATC, your closing line speaks to your reactionary classiness.
Now, FO.
ReplyDeleteOh Nancy.....why don't you go ponder for a bit......
Folks, we have more impotant issues to face other that trading insults with these Liberal freakazoids.. After two disastrous wars! Ballooning national debt! A wrecked economy! Our citizen getting their heads chopped off, ISIS running wild all over the world. Our freedoms are in jeopardy, Terrorists killing innocent people, and especially Americans all over the world. and all that Obama can think about is issuing orders that could so that as many as five million people who are in the U.S. illegally can’t be deportation, and same-sex marriage. Way to go, you freeken Idiot..
ReplyDeleteJust read what the Commie-indoctrinated/brainwashed Liberal idiots in the comments section here, and over at the progressive’s board say and that should tell you more than enough.
Most of us are awake, and yes we are waiting for all of the members of Congress who think as we do, and who want to see significant changes in the way this government operates to wake up as well!
The problem isn’t with the new Congress, it’s with the House of Horrors & the rest of the Government Gone Wild Agencies that is being run by these Socialist Freaks.
Now we have to wake House Speaker John Boehner and the rest of the republicans and conservatives, and proceed with our strongest weapon, the “Impeachment of Barack Obama” who has thumbed his nose at Congress, and has failed to uphold The Constitution that he swore to uphold..
Have no fears my friends, Obama will get those terrorists. He just wants to wait until after the Spring Break Vacation for his daughters, and Michele's trip to Japan.
ReplyDeleteJust have a little patience . Rome wasn't built in a day.
DeleteChrist Jesus said, "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."
ReplyDeleteBUT, as Pilate asked, "WHAT IS TRUTH?"
I wouldn't presume to say, but I know one thing for absolute certain sure: We will NEVER get anything even remotely resembling TRUTH from the ENEMEDIA.
Here's some Stupid for Breakfast... Obama STILL calls Islam a Religion of Peace!
ReplyDeleteAnd here’s some breaking news:
Ím hearing rumors that President Obama is working hard to st up an American Super Team of Basketball players to challenge ISIS in a All-Star game that would be held at the Barclays Center, in Brooklyn, Jay Z's stadium!
The Librules don’t want to admit it, but we know it’s true. Humanity is under attack all over the world from a bunch of Islam extremists known as ISIS who is hell bent to impose its barbaric savage objective on the rest of the world. It’s not a secret, we have already witnessed their horrific, brutality, and savage attacks on non-Muslims in Middle East nations such as Lybia, and Syria etc. as well as Sharia law .
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, what we haven’t witnessed, and what is not entirely clear to me is the lack of response from our president.
Instead, what I have witnessed is that Israel is losing support from its biggest ally America, and visa versa.
From back when Obama demanded that Israel retreat to its pre-1967 borders as a starting point for negotiations with the Palestinians, President Obama confirmed what many have suspected for some time: he is not a friend of Israel. And with his present actions, and attitude regarding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, we can clearly see where his support lies.
Iran has been threatening to destroy Israel for as long as I can remember, and Israel must take that seriously. As Iran approaches the nuclear weapons
Israel is surrounded by hostile, undemocratic states and an array of terrorist organizations that have as their objectives to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
So please as Obama and his administration publicly attack Israel. Remind us again all you Obama loving Liberals and Liberal Jews on these boards just how Obama would never do anything to harm Israel?
Amen to that. How can you disagree with any of that!
ReplyDeleteObama is making progress with Iran just like Jimmah Carter.
ReplyDeleteHe is probably conspiring with them
Those who would be kind to the cruel are sure to be cruel to the kind."
"Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
Anyone who fails to support this policy in light of present events is not only a moron, he's a God-DAMNED moron. these vicious savages must be ANNIHILATED. They are HUMAN VERMIN -- nothing more.
FT, the cowardly censor has been active.
DeleteMuch more thin skinned than the usual true believer, he is.
Shut up, fuckface, no one wants to listen to your shit. ;-)
DeleteYour message of love which has been posted on several blogs even gets ignored at the smut hut.
DeleteNot much of a testimonial for your status, FT.
Incredible. Do you really need to ask why leftists are inferiour? Top to bottom. Every. Single. One.
ReplyDeleteThe left has a penchant for thuggery,the AFL-CIO,OWS,The Weather Underground. Then they get Hollywood to do a video to pledge allegiance to their man-God.
DeleteSince the Tea Party creation and the 2010 congressional victory,the left has become increasingly unhinged
With all the ice everywhere in NYC, how will the Worst Lady climb the outside of the Empire State Building?
ReplyDeleteThe Bushes created ISIS. You can't whitewash that fact no matter what these idiot GOPeers say.
ReplyDeleteThe question is not how they were created but what are we going to do about it?
DeleteAnd who created 9/11?
ReplyDeleteWe just went through the 100th anniversary of Ronnie Raygun, birth, and all week, conservatives have been trying to outdo each others remembrances of the great conservative icon, by patting each other on their backs and posting all kinds of lies. No, But Raygun was not the man conservatives claim he was. This image of Reagan as a conservative superhero is myth. And did I mention that Saint Raygun gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants? Isn’t that interesting, something that the GOPeers never seem to mention. .
My impression of Ronnie Raygun, having lived through his miserable presidency and “legacy”, was he is and always was largely a figurehead, a puppet ruler tasked with putting a good and noble face on the dark business of dismantling all of the most significant and beneficial gains that the American people fought for and won during the 20th century. And the conservatives picked up on this line of nonsense and ran with it Almost every one of Reagan’s major themes has been proven not only wrong but disastrous.
Now where is the publish button?
One of Boston Piggy's piglets shows up.
ReplyDeleteRusty Shackelford: You sounds like an idiot babbling #$%^@!&% floundering idiot radical asshat
What a moronic thing to say!!
ReplyDeleteYou want to know the real reason people don't want to be liberals?
This is some of the best liberal reasoning I've seen yet. "Screw the facts. We have an agenda to uphold.
Just read the comments from the idiot above
You and that blog author that you seem to copy and cherrish so much are both a POS Liars.
Any unemployed adult that still lives in their mom's basement doesn't give two shits about the real world, lacks any emotionally driven thinking skills and basis in reality. And that includes LIBERTARIANS!
Liberals love Same-Sex Marriage!
Liberals defend criminals when they're the right color!
Liberals hate success. But want the successful and some of these people want to burn them down.
There's a lot I hate about liberals., I just havan't the space or the time.
As for you, "Foxie Snooze Morin" you're just a moron. And bt the way, the Jerk Store called, and they're running out of you!
Your diction and grammar are so deficient I can only assume you are a low functioning fringe right graduate of the Rusty Chucklenuts Academy of Language.
DeleteWell, I guess that everyone can't be the intellect and moron that you are.
DeleteThe Diction Dick has reinfested the thread. Where's the Lysol™?
DeleteKeeo this in mind, that I really don't give a Rat's Ass what you left wing lunatics think about my diction or grammar.
DeleteBy the way, as anyone seen the pictures of that Pervert Joe Biden putting his hands all ove the wife of Obama's newest stooge
ReplyDeleteTurkey buried in snow! Below Zero in Boston! Frost in New Orleans! HOW 'BOUT THAT THAR GLOW-BULL WOMENING!
ReplyDeleteStop Glow-bull Wormening! Whatever it takes! Shut down the ecomony! It's supposed to be cold now!
Let's hope that Boston gets another 5-10 feet of snow. It might clean up the stench .
ReplyDeleteNothing known to Man can clean up that Stench!
DeleteNewest scandal 35 years ago Scott Walker told a girl in grade school she has cooties
ReplyDeleteSo what?
ReplyDeleteI did the same thing last night!
ReplyDeleteThat's not half of it Lisa......on Halloween night when he was 10 years old he soaped the window of a local candy store.
hahaha Any idea what Obama did? No me either.