Our Ducky may be many things, Lesterino, but "trailer trash" he ain't.
Hey, Ducky, I hope you laid in a least two weeks worth of provisions. It looks like there's no way any of you up there could DARE to venture out of doors. Be careful with that snow shovel. I hope you can get some young people to help you shovel out. Whatever you do, despite our differences, we don't want you to strain your heart. Take care.
I keep wondering who thinks Black lives don't matter....who started the myth? Typical leftwingers, I guess....they matter except if they live in Chicago and are shot by other Black lives, huh? Very sad. I also always hesitate when i see adults using kids to promote racism....never a good idea. What they should be saying is: ALL LIVES MATTER. I'm for that. Heck, I even think it matters when Blacks kill Whites, but who am I to say, right? :-)
You mean that after 80 years of Democrats running Chicago, they've finally run out of ideas for combating gang violence and would be willing to give a Republican a shot at implementing one? That's so very "white" of them!
Stuff it you sanctimonious turd. These girls are being taught, dependence, ignorance and hate right from the get-go. And nihilistic pricks like you think it's wonderful.
You are pure human fertilizer. Except you smell worse.
As American citizens, I think its' all of our responsibility to judge how black youngsters see their lives in Oakland, as in Beverly Hills. As for the sins of activism, you would seem to have a problem with whites becoming more active and involved in their communities, as you are telling Z to both sit down and shut up.
Ducky, wait a minute..can you show me where I said anything about these girls "sinning"? And it's Tea Party not Baggers, and I don't belong to it.
And no, nobody apparently wants to stop Chicago gang violence because we still haven't heard much from the powers that be about it. That's the one thing I had high hopes for Obama about...imagine that? One white cop kills a black kid and Obama spends hours and days and weeks on it; meanwhile fifty black kids are shot by blacks in Chicago and that is disgusting. Maybe he'll have a beer.
It's important that we all see how Black kids in Oakland, and anywhere else, perceive their lives. We need to help them do better in school and fine successful futures; some of us don't believe liberal give-aways help anybody, so stop slamming conservatism. It makes you sound dumb and uninformed. My GOD, how long have you read my, and so many other good conservatives on our blogs, and you STILL have to dish out these mischaracterizations? WHY? What has to happen for these girls to have a future is someone helps them in school and then their careers.... STOP with the gov't freebies, Ducky... Conservatives don't think making Americans dependent is a good idea. We need to create real jobs, we need to help people have pride in themselves again. that's not happening...they're only being taught to dig deeper into the racism that (hate to clue you in) is perpetrated by their own 'leaders'. Get informed.
Z you just proves why the lefties always bash conservatives. Conservatives have more commons sense in the tip of their pinkies than a liberal has in their entire being. And they just hate that so they have to constantly try and make themselves feel superior.That is what jealous children always do.
Good call Z. These girls can be doing so much more instead of this false activism.So instead of selling cookies and interacting with people they are calling themselves radicals. Are we supposed to raise kids who make demands instead of teaching them to become productive members of society? I see they are wearing their Brown Shirts proudly
Did you see the GLEE with which that newscaster told the story? Think he'd be that gleeful if the news teleprompter said "Black girls are beginning to wake up to the fact that they're every bit as talented as White girls and all they need is to believe it, and to realize racism was almost a thing of the past till this president?" Ya, that'll be the day!
Z I noticed the same thing. What an absolute turd that guy is. Tulsa area doesn't suffer fools like the coasts so I'm sure he's getting a tsunami of much deserved abuse
And then Ducky, again, busies himself with avatars and name calling..insults, etc. Gee, Ducky, think this guy's FT, too? You're starting to sound like the nuttiest commenter in the blogosphere! Honestly!
Calm down and address the comments...nobody really cares if they use sock puppets but you.
I thought "looting merit badges" was quite clever. If you had a sense of humor, you might, too.
haha Looting Merit Badge . Progressives cheer on looting and spoiled rich kids protesting at OWS but hard working Tea Party Patriots concerned about the direction of their country? Why they are just domestic terrorists aren't they?
The black lives matter and hands up don't shoot is a media created event. Of course the racist president has to make race an issue at a prayer breakfast because the race card is the only card he has to play.
Now the elite colonist's always want to point fingers at others while all around them is crumbling, right duck.
You make perfect sense in a sober respectful way as usual Skud. Thanks.
If you are still posting at Corrosive Regurgitations, where your wisdom is never appreciated, and almost always jeered at or subjected to rude, dishonest attempts at refutation, I congratulate you for having such an even temper and a strong stomach.
I do wish you'd visit my place once in a while. Good men are in short supply in the blogosphere.
Do you guys really need me to spell it out? Haven't you met the”Brownie”, The Ass-Kisser’s of the Blogs? Ok, here we go - 1) The Registered Nurse who is my vote for the Brown-Nose of the year . and 2) without any doubt, Dave Miller wins by a “Brown Nose”
They both are persons of low or irrelevant wishing to distinguish their-selves as Suck-Up’s to the Wicked Witch of the progressives by sniffing up the bumhole . And they BOTH make me Sick!
In a few short days, we will all celebrate what is now known as Presidents Day. Presidents Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt have always been looked upon as the top Presidents and judged to have been of greatest service to the nation and, incidentally, all three presided over wars that led to American Victories. In contrast, I have very little doubt that future historians will judge President Barack Hussein Obama as the worst President ever to serve in that office. His decisions on domestic and foreign policies have already reached astonishing heights of incompetence! But, let us hope that there may be some good that will come from that, lets hope that his lack of accomplishments may be a factor that will ensure that the voters elect conservatives in the next two or more elections in the future. President Obama has brought nothing to the office of the presidency except his Socialist/Marxist theology, and policies all of which have FAILED thank God. . He was the least experienced, knowledgeable, or even prepared. Obama hasn’t at all been quite what his supporters had expected. After only a few months, even some of his strongest supporters began to see that he couldn't deliver on any of his promises. The people who voted for "hope" and "change" found that they were getting neither. And too soon his two terms have been an endless succession of lies. From his promises about ObamaCare, which has brought nothing but problems and more problems along with broken promises and more lies. His solution to the Great Recession added more debt in his six years in office than the combined debt of every previous President up to Clinton and did not stimulate the economy as promised. The threat from the Islamic extremist has become a thorn in the backside of Obama and the recent beheading’s and the latest Burning -Alive of a Jordanian may have been the straw that brok the Camel’s back. His ignorance of current events, and foreign affairs is vast. He has been protected by the liberal mainstream media, but now the voters, and his supporters have begun to see through all that and in the last Mid-term election, they have turned political power in Congress over to the Republican Party. The U.S. needs do something about the threat and respond to it in a way that doesn’t undermine the fact that America is still the Super Power that it once was. ISIS seems to be Full Steam Ahead on the path of death and destruction due to lack of action by the U.S. Like it or not, as the world's superpower we have to act decisively, and quickly.. So, please pull your head out of the sand Obama. You have done a great job keeping it in the sand the last 6 years. I no longer recognize my country now that it has such an ineffective, efficient, and LAWLESS president. Thus far into your legacy of excessive Taxing and Spending all ruled by executive decision and constant Lies to the American Citizen and Taxpayer!
OMG, another lunatic screed sprewing the usual parrot points based on conjecture and no facts. Yeah, we're now a 'Socialist/Marxist' society after 6 years of Obama. Yeah, he's really destroyed America during his terms. Idiot.
The term "brownie" is racist and should never,ever be used in a personal context. These young girls are dark skinned and calling them brownies is racist. I mean,would we tolerate someone calling the Obama's brownies?
The Twerps on the right are swooning over a Muslim King (remember THEY HATE ALL MUSLIMS BECAUSE ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS!)
They complain about Obama acting like a "KING," but they're complaining that Obama isn't acting like a KING!
Michael Savage and many of their looney heros say that liberalism is a mental disorder. Get just one of these nuts to justify this newest insanity: Loving what they call a "Mudslime."
These Looney Tunes are really, really are loons. And as we approach Presidents Day. Are Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin Really What Founding Fathers Wanted?
Hitler was an atheist too. They always try to say he was a Christian but he turned away from Christianity because he thought he was God just like some other people we know.
it's like ALL NAZIS WERE CHRISTIANS! Show me one person in Germany in 1930 who wasn't either Jewish or Christian. That doesn't make them BELIEVING, Practicing Christians............so to call Christians out as NAZIS is laughable...but it's done. It's like saying HITLER WAS LUTHERAN...so was half of Germany, the north half..the south is Catholic (or they were, the lines are a bit more blurry today than they were then)...
It's even worse when they try to fob off that filthy ETHNIC JEW Karl Marx off as a Lutheran. Please let's not forget the way some people use "facts" to aid and abet utterly false, immoral, dangerous individuals and satanic points of view.
The Brownies, aka junior Girls Scouts, are heavily connected with Planned Parenthood, and have been for decades. They have radical feminist leaders, which is another ding against being supported by people who fear God.
SO, if black lives matter so much to them, why are they so connected with Planned Parenthood, which was founded partially to exterminate blacks, and continues to cause more black deaths by abortion than any other cause.
Typical leftists who cannot live their claimed ideology.
You can see from the response you got who's really 'stupid'.... Yes, Margaret Sanger did start Planned Parenthood with the explicit goal of curing America of Black babies. Even today, the only true CHOICE Leftwingers want to give anybody is the choice to kill babies. Anything else is legislated to death. Very sad.
You, like so many others believe the Angela Davis misinterpretation of a letter Ms. Sanger once wrote.
I would suggest you educate yourself before making statements which are false and easily verified as such by anyone who spends 30 minutes doing the research.
Z, your link is to a site that is heavily influenced by religious beliefs and dogma. The claims in your link are fallacious, not supported by facts, and are totally agenda driven. Sorry, while you and your fellow travelers may choose to believe what is not true it still ain't true.
Why deal with facts when you can roll along with ignorance and myths? Imagine if Democratic politicians had to tell their voters that gravity is only a theory the "jury's still out on it." Who would respect them?
Why is it different for the GOP? Why does the GOP pretend the evolution deniers and skeptics are even sane? Why does the GOP tolerate that level of ignorance?
As we approach the president Day holiday, I’ve been thinking a lot about it, and I’ve come to the conclusion that these’s No question about it , President Obama is one of the all-time great Presidents should definitely be on Mt Rushmore
She must be smoking crack. I hope that it was a joke! Since when do we celebrate those who make our country weaker? Instead of Mt. Rushmore, why don't we put him on the cover of "Mad" magazine, with all the rest of the Idiots.
“These crackers, they’re getting pretty racist these days and that’s a problem for us since they've got something now they haven't had in years, the political pull to make it okay to be a big ol' honkin racist. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. I’ll have those crackers voting Republican for the next 200 years." - Ronald Reagan
Oh aren't these brainwashed little darling wonderful. It brings back memories of Mao's Red Brigade youth "activists" who'd beat their own parents to death if they heard them perpetrating ideological incongruities over the dinner table. I’m sure that they’ll grow up to be good full blown Communists. Now that the Girl Scouts are basically part of Planned Parenthood, all those little Darlings can be knocked up before they are 16 and people will be happy to get rid of their problems, for a fee, of course! Teaching them right, is the LEFTIST way of doing things!
I guess that this the future American Progressives!
As we begin to celebrate President’s Day, it reminds us of the great presidents of yesteryear, like Washington and Lincoln, both of whom were born during this month. For most it is just a day on which there are a sales at the malls, trips to Disneyland, and other such celebrations. However, for all of us, it should acknowledges the two Presidents without whom there would not be a United States of America, amounst a ew others such as Ronald Reagan, Thomas Jefferson, possibly John Kennedy, and Harry Truman.
Presidents Washington, Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt are routinely ranked at the top of the lists of those judged to have been of greatest service to the nation and,
I have little doubt that future historians and others will conclude that President Barack Hussein Obama was the worst President ever to serve in that office along with Jimmy Carter, who I wouldn’t exactly nominate for a spot on Mount Rushmore. Of course, not everyone may think he is the worst but I certainly do. These is no question about it that since his first year in office, I have never seen the country more Divided, so hateful & against one another as they have with Obama in office.. Let me count the way! John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, has invited Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to address a joint session of Congress. He did so without consulting the White House, but we should keep in mind that Obama released five Taliban generals from Gitmo without consulting Congress. Unemployment, well I’m not even going to go there. ObamaCare isn’t working, and was passed only by his lies and his bribery President Obama has brought nothing to the presidency except his Marxist theology. No one I can think of has benefitted from the Obama presidency, except for maybe, the the Shah of Iran, and Joe Biden! His two terms have been an endless succession of lies, and false promises. One thing is for sure, he has been protected by a liberal mainstream media, a liberal Hollywood, and thus the voters have seen through that and thus this past November have turned political power in Congress over to the Republican Party. .
Although there are still fringe extremists and racists in Congress whining that it's time to shut down the government again, that the GOP-written report about Benghazi was a coverup, and that impeachment should be on the table, the Republican Establishment has ruled out doing anything more than humoring them-- if they can. Boehner doesn't have enough votes to keep the government open without help from Pelosi. And instead of impeaching Obama they're going for this cockamamie impeachment-lite strategy-- censuring him. It's just a way to placate the Hate Talk Radio zombies and the congressional tea baggers and gives all of them an opportunity to vent-- like 8 year olds - Calling progressive folks all those vulgar names only points out that you are an undermining provocateur . I would guess funded by some racist organization. . So please RR spread your crap somewhere else -
"The Worst Lady should go there - she can get around via tree branch."
Isn't that her usual mode of transit -- swinging from tree to tree in the upper branches? She does look an awful lot like a gorilla in drag -- a LADY gorilla, of course. We must give her that.
You guys are really TOO, TOO ,much you complain and bitch and moan about President Obama’s spending but your Boy King Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.
Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.
But the very minute a black guy gets into office, you are all screaming for "Cutting Spending".
News Flash! Your Party Sucks. And the Tea-Pee-er blogs are moronic, just like the stupid WINGNUTS that write them! As well as FAUX NOOZ! But unfortunately, the folks who should read this, won't because it interferes with their cockamamie conspiracy theories. The TeaPublican righties live in a bubble where no facts are allowed. Nothing that refutes their idea of Mr. Obama as a traitor, Commie, Marxist, Fascist, America-hating, Kenyan Muslim, can get in. They've lost all connection to reality. The more facts that come out to disprove their conspiracy theories, the more they cling to their fantasies. When people believe in unicorns and fairies, they tend to see them everywhere, instead of reality. You can't help people like that. Especially the slime-ball who posted right above this post.
I've read on far right Tea-Pee-er blogs such moronic statements as"Evolution hasn't been proved" and "there are no transitional fossils, etc." And the people who claim such nonsense are proudly far right conservatives. We've even seen presidential contenders raise their hands to be counted as evolution nonbelievers, which would be the same as raising one's hand as gravity nonbelievers. But we all know how willingly politicians will pander for a couple of votes from the anti-science crowd.
Certain far right Tea-Pee-er blogs celebrate their ignorance and cultist beliefs on evolution and climate change on a daily basis and are positively proud of their ignorance. But that’s what ya get from relying on FAUX NOOZ for all your information.
One of their leading lights, Dr. Ben Carson, a guy who actually had to take biology to get through medical school, and he got there with the help pf “affirmative action” by the way. Only stupid people say these stupidly absurd things about evolution and other scientific theories... Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up from?
Ben Carson: “Evolution Is An Absurd Myth”, 'Give Me A Break' Why deal with facts when you can roll along with ignorance and myths? Imagine if Democratic politicians had to tell their voters that gravity is only a theory the "jury's still out on it." Who would respect them? Carson also said he hopes God will intervene to expose the truth about Obamacare.
If I needed brain surgery and Dr. Carson walked into the room I think I would just take death over his hands going inside my brain. Why is it different for the GOP? Why does the GOP pretend the evolution deniers and skeptics are even sane? Why does the GOP tolerate that level of ignorance?
Instead of increasing in knowledge, they're decreasing in it. And they're proud of it!
Is that all you have what a conservative thinks of evolution,? Who gives a crap? let's see the dems get pounded with that. so was your deciding factor to vote for the loser in chief based on whether or not he believes in evolution? Evolution does not matter in one's ability to run a business,a state or a country? Hitler was an atheist and so was the guy who shot 3 muslims in NC
Weapons grade lack of self-awareness. You parrot your fellow traveler's unearned elitist bilge calling your superiours deniers, all while an enthusiastic "denier" of a real, tangible atrocity the Holocaust. Incredible.
Lisa, Did you see obama's statement on the murders of the three moslem people? Un- $$%^#*&(*^%$# Real You know, considering the statements regards Hasan of FT Hood..... and every other moslem POS that has come into view the last 6 years murdering people in America......
Scott Walker has endured every left wing cliche attack in a blue state, from being against women, to being against the poor etc etc etc. All of these cliches that democrats use the tool bags on the left (like the moronic crapola we see from those jealous Progressives) every time.
Scott Walker is the best shot at winning the white house and the best person that will represent what the majority of this country clearly wants.
Regardless of what you think the main stream media or the morons on the left (tool bags for the democrats who still sell man made global warming) tell us, the majority of this country hate the pathetic insidious politically correct along every stupid fucking cliche from the left. The first of those investigations went belly-up months ago, and now the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that the second one is just about ready to start pushing up daisies. Given Walker’s new prominence as a potential 2016 presidential candidate, Democrats won’t want to let these little crusades die completely – if nothing else, they would love to be able to describe Walker as “embattled” or “controversial” because he’s “under investigation” from everything like not finishing school, to mandatory drug testing for all recipients of food stamps – but it’s pretty clear they are panicking.
Personally, I really do not give a rats Ass how respectful or dis-respectful I come across. The left deserves zero respect, NONE, and so long as there is place for me to vent my frustration over the politically correct asshole hypocrites on the Progressive’s boards, I will vent.
That is until the left wing communists outlaw our freedom of expression for calling out our politicians for being the lying scumbags they are, or calling out the gullible left and showing them how they are being used to push their insidious agendas.
It is fucking pathetic, and if it comes across childish to you then you can take you fence riding bullshit disposition and jam it up your pompous arrogant ass.
I told you before, your middle of the road position is not anything to brag about. Take a side and stop pretending like you are better than everyone for not picking a side. Pick a side and defend it.
Oh never mind. My little words are too childish for you to understand.
Either way, left wing hypocrites are that pathetic, and Scott Walker is attacked incessantly with all of the bag of cliches the left wing has. That, is all they do have and you have to hand it to them. Their hypocritical disposition and cliches has worked on their dumb constituency for over 50 years.
Like I said. The left wing tool bags are so stupid that they chant for HIGHER TAXES and HIGHER SPENDING. That, is how useless they are, cause they will not understand the contradiction.
On Global Warming, some DEGENERATE CLOWN who uses SNOPES as a source of truth and pulls out a dumb quote from another Idiot like Al Gore perhaps and expects everyone else to believe it!!! Is SHE kidding???
My apologies to ALL CLOWNS for the denigration...
Liberals are morons. You are a liberal. That means you are a fucking moron.
The progressives are such a confused group. There is a progressive blog frequented by a government worker who complains about the police, another government worker, and thinks he should have everything people who work for a living have. Then there is the preacher taking money from the rich so he can sit on his computer complaining about the rich. A Raving Nutcase who can't decide which side of the street to stand on and a millionaire hostess who doesn't work but complains about those who do.
They do have one thing in common, They believe Obama is a leader who tells the truth and that they came from Apes (guess they got one of those right).
I'm really tired of this racism from the blacks. Obviously, all lives matter. Then you have these 'news' people congratulating them on their racism and ignorance in their inability to understand how mike brown died because he tried to kill an armed officer with his bear hands.
Someone tell me of an injustice that happens to blacks that doesn't happen to all races. Blacks don't want equality, they want preferential treatment. BS.
Lisa, did you notice the racist moslem imbecile in chief is convinced that the three moslem kkids were killed because of their moslem-ness? All the while, a Major Hasan, screaming alluackbar killing Ft Hood soldiers is just workplace violence. Unreal to have such a piece of shit like this in the white house.
Yes, he is, indeed, a piece of sewage, but the Big O is not the problem. It is the MENTALITY of a slim majority of the American Electorate that PUT him where he is, -- and then KEPT him there after FOUR YEARS of MALFEASANCE -- that is bringing us very quickly to ruin.
A commentator I heard the other day hit it on the head. He felt Obama,although not a Muslim per say grew up with many Muslim's in his support system.Because of his closeness with Muslim's during his formative years he still to this day has a belief that the religion is still one off peace and he cant comprehend or accept the radical savages like ISIS.
If this is in fact our President's premise he will never really take positive action against these savages.
Should get the Teabags' knickers in a twist.
I hear they will be protesting in front of your upper crust home Ducky.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you will invite them in for cookies and milk
Hopefully they will. Any child within 100 feet of Dicky he goes back to the Hoosegow.
DeleteAnd we KNOW how welcome his kind are in prison! LOLOLOLOL!
Upper crust?
DeleteHere's a photo from my porch
Does it look upper crust?
...to a black girl from Oakland? Yup!
Delete...they can't even afford snow! They have to "do without"!
DeleteAnything is 'upper crust' to trailer trash.
DeleteOur Ducky may be many things, Lesterino, but "trailer trash" he ain't.
DeleteHey, Ducky, I hope you laid in a least two weeks worth of provisions. It looks like there's no way any of you up there could DARE to venture out of doors. Be careful with that snow shovel. I hope you can get some young people to help you shovel out. Whatever you do, despite our differences, we don't want you to strain your heart. Take care.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI keep wondering who thinks Black lives don't matter....who started the myth?
ReplyDeleteTypical leftwingers, I guess....they matter except if they live in Chicago and are shot by other Black lives, huh? Very sad.
I also always hesitate when i see adults using kids to promote racism....never a good idea. What they should be saying is:
I'm for that. Heck, I even think it matters when Blacks kill Whites, but who am I to say, right? :-)
Yeah, nobody wants to stop the gang violence in Chicago, right?
DeleteYou got any ideas or is this just more of your whining that you and the Teabags are misunderstood?
Or is it for you to judge how black youngsters see their lives in Oakland?
I'm sure you have an opinion of why activism is sinful.
You mean that after 80 years of Democrats running Chicago, they've finally run out of ideas for combating gang violence and would be willing to give a Republican a shot at implementing one? That's so very "white" of them!
DeleteStuff it you sanctimonious turd. These girls are being taught, dependence, ignorance and hate right from the get-go. And nihilistic pricks like you think it's wonderful.
DeleteYou are pure human fertilizer. Except you smell worse.
As American citizens, I think its' all of our responsibility to judge how black youngsters see their lives in Oakland, as in Beverly Hills. As for the sins of activism, you would seem to have a problem with whites becoming more active and involved in their communities, as you are telling Z to both sit down and shut up.
DeleteSuch a potty mouth, Redass.
DeleteDamn, you're stupid. Have you ever had an original thought, bobo?
You make such a compelling argument.
DeleteOriginal thought? I do think (know) I own you. Like Moochie Ubama at the auction block.
Ducky, wait a minute..can you show me where I said anything about these girls "sinning"?
DeleteAnd it's Tea Party not Baggers, and I don't belong to it.
And no, nobody apparently wants to stop Chicago gang violence because we still haven't heard much from the powers that be about it. That's the one thing I had high hopes for Obama about...imagine that? One white cop kills a black kid and Obama spends hours and days and weeks on it; meanwhile fifty black kids are shot by blacks in Chicago and that is disgusting. Maybe he'll have a beer.
It's important that we all see how Black kids in Oakland, and anywhere else, perceive their lives. We need to help them do better in school and fine successful futures; some of us don't believe liberal give-aways help anybody, so stop slamming conservatism. It makes you sound dumb and uninformed. My GOD, how long have you read my, and so many other good conservatives on our blogs, and you STILL have to dish out these mischaracterizations? WHY?
What has to happen for these girls to have a future is someone helps them in school and then their careers....
STOP with the gov't freebies, Ducky... Conservatives don't think making Americans dependent is a good idea.
We need to create real jobs, we need to help people have pride in themselves again. that's not happening...they're only being taught to dig deeper into the racism that (hate to clue you in) is perpetrated by their own 'leaders'.
Get informed.
Z you just proves why the lefties always bash conservatives. Conservatives have more commons sense in the tip of their pinkies than a liberal has in their entire being. And they just hate that so they have to constantly try and make themselves feel superior.That is what jealous children always do.
DeleteZ Said: "...I keep wondering who thinks Black lives don't matter....who started the myth?..."
DeleteOh, I don't know, maybe the black people witnessing their kind being gunned down indiscriminately on the news every night?
...Yep. And always by their own kind.
DeleteGo talk to your fellow comrades idiot where they all "pretend" to care
DeleteGood call Z. These girls can be doing so much more instead of this false activism.So instead of selling cookies and interacting with people they are calling themselves radicals. Are we supposed to raise kids who make demands instead of teaching them to become productive members of society?
ReplyDeleteI see they are wearing their Brown Shirts proudly
Did you see the GLEE with which that newscaster told the story?
DeleteThink he'd be that gleeful if the news teleprompter said "Black girls are beginning to wake up to the fact that they're every bit as talented as White girls and all they need is to believe it, and to realize racism was almost a thing of the past till this president?"
Ya, that'll be the day!
Lisa "BROWN SHIRTS"....well done! Very appropriate!
DeleteZ I noticed the same thing. What an absolute turd that guy is. Tulsa area doesn't suffer fools like the coasts so I'm sure he's getting a tsunami of much deserved abuse
DeleteWhen do they get their looting merit badge?
ReplyDeleteNo doubt manipulative, self-loathing whites like Dicky and Chaw put them up to it. And like good useful idiots they gleefully sing along.
He Radical Redass has a new avatar.
DeleteVery tasteful, bobo.
Rusty Chucklenuts next?
Got your "power bottom" shirt to wear under your orange jumps yet?
DeleteAnd then Ducky, again, busies himself with avatars and name calling..insults, etc. Gee, Ducky, think this guy's FT, too?
DeleteYou're starting to sound like the nuttiest commenter in the blogosphere! Honestly!
Calm down and address the comments...nobody really cares if they use sock puppets but you.
I thought "looting merit badges" was quite clever. If you had a sense of humor, you might, too.
haha Looting Merit Badge . Progressives cheer on looting and spoiled rich kids protesting at OWS but hard working Tea Party Patriots concerned about the direction of their country? Why they are just domestic terrorists aren't they?
DeleteBrian Williams said he used to be a Radical Brownie when he was a 9-year old black girl in Oakland.
DeleteThe black lives matter and hands up don't shoot is a media created event.
ReplyDeleteOf course the racist president has to make race an issue at a prayer breakfast because the race card is the only card he has to play.
Now the elite colonist's always want to point fingers at others while all around them is crumbling, right duck.
You make perfect sense in a sober respectful way as usual Skud. Thanks.
DeleteIf you are still posting at Corrosive Regurgitations, where your wisdom is never appreciated, and almost always jeered at or subjected to rude, dishonest attempts at refutation, I congratulate you for having such an even temper and a strong stomach.
I do wish you'd visit my place once in a while. Good men are in short supply in the blogosphere.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRadical Brownies, What Do I Think?
ReplyDeleteDo you guys really need me to spell it out? Haven't you met the”Brownie”, The Ass-Kisser’s of the Blogs?
Ok, here we go - 1) The Registered Nurse who is my vote for the Brown-Nose of the year .
2) without any doubt, Dave Miller wins by a “Brown Nose”
They both are persons of low or irrelevant wishing to distinguish their-selves as Suck-Up’s to the Wicked Witch of the progressives by sniffing up the bumhole . And they BOTH make me Sick!
Dave Miller wins by a brown nose-good one
DeleteIn a few short days, we will all celebrate what is now known as Presidents Day. Presidents Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt have always been looked upon as the top Presidents and judged to have been of greatest service to the nation and, incidentally, all three presided over wars that led to American Victories.
ReplyDeleteIn contrast, I have very little doubt that future historians will judge President Barack Hussein Obama as the worst President ever to serve in that office.
His decisions on domestic and foreign policies have already reached astonishing heights of incompetence!
But, let us hope that there may be some good that will come from that, lets hope that his lack of accomplishments may be a factor that will ensure that the voters elect conservatives in the next two or more elections in the future.
President Obama has brought nothing to the office of the presidency except his Socialist/Marxist theology, and policies all of which have FAILED thank God. . He was the least experienced, knowledgeable, or even prepared. Obama hasn’t at all been quite what his supporters had expected. After only a few months, even some of his strongest supporters began to see that he couldn't deliver on any of his promises. The people who voted for "hope" and "change" found that they were getting neither.
And too soon his two terms have been an endless succession of lies.
From his promises about ObamaCare, which has brought nothing but problems and more problems along with broken promises and more lies. His solution to the Great Recession added more debt in his six years in office than the combined debt of every previous President up to Clinton and did not stimulate the economy as promised.
The threat from the Islamic extremist has become a thorn in the backside of Obama and the recent beheading’s and the latest Burning -Alive of a Jordanian may have been the straw that brok the Camel’s back.
His ignorance of current events, and foreign affairs is vast. He has been protected by the liberal mainstream media, but now the voters, and his supporters have begun to see through all that and in the last Mid-term election, they have turned political power in Congress over to the Republican Party. The U.S. needs do something about the threat and respond to it in a way that doesn’t undermine the fact that America is still the Super Power that it once was. ISIS seems to be Full Steam Ahead on the path of death and destruction due to lack of action by the U.S. Like it or not, as the world's superpower we have to act decisively, and quickly.. So, please pull your head out of the sand Obama. You have done a great job keeping it in the sand the last 6 years. I no longer recognize my country now that it has such an ineffective, efficient, and LAWLESS president. Thus far into your legacy of excessive Taxing and Spending all ruled by executive decision and constant Lies to the American Citizen and Taxpayer!
Yeah that ISIS is sure interfering with his Fundamental Transformation isn't it Dude? Thanks for the excellent comment as always
DeleteOMG, another lunatic screed sprewing the usual parrot points based on conjecture and no facts. Yeah, we're now a 'Socialist/Marxist' society after 6 years of Obama. Yeah, he's really destroyed America during his terms. Idiot.
DeleteNaturally, Liberalmann is over at Jenn's bragging how wonderful it is that the little girls are already indoctrinated. The always erudite Dr Moriarty responds with a skillful and thorough beatdown...
ReplyDelete"Excellent news, Comrade Lester!
More urban, ignorant illiterates, fully indoctrinated from an early age with state-approved groupthink.
It makes them soooooooooo much easier to control... and docile, too! (Soon, they'll even be told that their votes actually count for something.)
Yes, the plan is working quite well."
excellent Love Dr Moriarty's comments
DeleteThe term "brownie" is racist and should never,ever be used in a personal context.
ReplyDeleteThese young girls are dark skinned and calling them brownies is racist.
I mean,would we tolerate someone calling the Obama's brownies?
The Twerps on the right are swooning over a Muslim King (remember THEY HATE ALL MUSLIMS BECAUSE ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS!)
ReplyDeleteThey complain about Obama acting like a "KING," but they're complaining that Obama isn't acting like a KING!
Michael Savage and many of their looney heros say that liberalism is a mental disorder. Get just one of these nuts to justify this newest insanity: Loving what they call a "Mudslime."
These Looney Tunes are really, really are loons.
And as we approach Presidents Day. Are Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin Really What Founding Fathers Wanted?
I guess that Republicans love corrupt, lying, draft dodging, anti-Americans like Teddly, Sarah, and Georgie Bush...
ReplyDeleteGo back to sleep loser
DeleteFunny that the posts with the dimmest wit are those of the blog owner.
Deleteyou're a guest here , just remember that.Not a wanted guest,but a guest nontheless
Delete.....and please don't even think of referring to Fox Snooze as a brownie......
ReplyDelete......Fox Snooze is the smartest Gay,black person commenting here......
Uh oh! Internecine warfare on the left! Alliances are fracturing!
ReplyDeleteThat's gonna leave a mark!
Hitler was an atheist too. They always try to say he was a Christian but he turned away from Christianity because he thought he was God just like some other people we know.
DeleteShow me one person in Germany in 1930 who wasn't either Jewish or Christian. That doesn't make them BELIEVING, Practicing Christians............so to call Christians out as NAZIS is laughable...but it's done.
It's like saying HITLER WAS LUTHERAN...so was half of Germany, the north half..the south is Catholic (or they were, the lines are a bit more blurry today than they were then)...
Demented gun loon buddy of yours, Redass?
DeleteExactly Z always twisting the facts until it makes sense to them
DeleteDick, see who his likes were in that article? He was one of YOUR dimwitted, immoral demented tribesmen.
DeleteIt's even worse when they try to fob off that filthy ETHNIC JEW Karl Marx off as a Lutheran. Please let's not forget the way some people use "facts" to aid and abet utterly false, immoral, dangerous individuals and satanic points of view.
DeleteFox Snooze, another Progresive Eruptions sock puppet! Or could it be the Witch herself?
ReplyDeleteJust another plain ol' garden variety self-parodying TROLL hungry for attention.
ReplyDelete........Fox Snooze is a gay,black person commenting from the inner city and as such has a wonderful insight pertaining to issues about gay blacks.
This post is very much reminiscent of the Hitler Youth Movement!
ReplyDeleteLibturd you got out! They gonna deport you? Did that work and she get pregnant?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCOEXIST Baby!
ReplyDeleteThe Brownies, aka junior Girls Scouts, are heavily connected with Planned Parenthood, and have been for decades. They have radical feminist leaders, which is another ding against being supported by people who fear God.
ReplyDeleteSO, if black lives matter so much to them, why are they so connected with Planned Parenthood, which was founded partially to exterminate blacks, and continues to cause more black deaths by abortion than any other cause.
Typical leftists who cannot live their claimed ideology.
You can see from the response you got who's really 'stupid'....
DeleteYes, Margaret Sanger did start Planned Parenthood with the explicit goal of curing America of Black babies. Even today, the only true CHOICE Leftwingers want to give anybody is the choice to kill babies. Anything else is legislated to death.
Very sad.
You, like so many others believe the Angela Davis misinterpretation of a letter Ms. Sanger once wrote.
DeleteI would suggest you educate yourself before making statements which are false and easily verified as such by anyone who spends 30 minutes doing the research.
DeleteI don't know any Angela Davis letter, but I know the internet is loaded with the truth and you clearly need it. thanks.
Totally predictable - subject is something vile and reprehensible, then the Polyester King will rush to its defense.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou, like so many others believe the Angela Davis misinterpretation of a letter Ms. Sanger once wrote.
DeleteTry reading using your skills of comprehension Z.
DeleteZ, your link is to a site that is heavily influenced by religious beliefs and dogma. The claims in your link are fallacious, not supported by facts, and are totally agenda driven. Sorry, while you and your fellow travelers may choose to believe what is not true it still ain't true.
I'm sure it heartens Brian Williams to know he still has one fanboi!
ReplyDeleteWhy deal with facts when you can roll along with ignorance and myths? Imagine if Democratic politicians had to tell their voters that gravity is only a theory the "jury's still out on it." Who would respect them?
ReplyDeleteWhy is it different for the GOP? Why does the GOP pretend the evolution deniers and skeptics are even sane? Why does the GOP tolerate that level of ignorance?
....another cut and paste from Boston Piggy's......stupid people....
ReplyDeleteThat poor creature is in desperate need of a VENOMA.
DeleteI recommend a concentrated extraction from a King Cobra or a Coral snake.
Picture that for a moment, and then laugh your head off. ;-)
You think that is potent enough FT?
DeleteAs we approach the president Day holiday, I’ve been thinking a lot about it, and I’ve come to the conclusion that these’s No question about it , President Obama is one of the all-time great Presidents should definitely be on Mt Rushmore
ReplyDeleteShe must be smoking crack. I hope that it was a joke! Since when do we celebrate those who make our country weaker? Instead of Mt. Rushmore, why don't we put him on the cover of "Mad" magazine, with all the rest of the Idiots.
DeleteHaha Alfred E Neuman
DeleteT the very least their name is racist! THINK! What would happen to a Organization if they were called "Whities" ?
ReplyDelete“These crackers, they’re getting pretty racist these days and that’s a problem for us since they've got something now they haven't had in years, the political pull to make it okay to be a big ol' honkin racist. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. I’ll have those crackers voting Republican for the next 200 years."
ReplyDelete- Ronald Reagan
Teaching kids racism must make progressives feel so proud.
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ReplyDeleteOh aren't these brainwashed little darling wonderful. It brings back memories of Mao's Red Brigade youth "activists" who'd beat their own parents to death if they heard them perpetrating ideological incongruities over the dinner table. I’m sure that they’ll grow up to be good full blown Communists.
ReplyDeleteNow that the Girl Scouts are basically part of Planned Parenthood, all those little Darlings can be knocked up before they are 16 and people will be happy to get rid of their problems, for a fee, of course! Teaching them right, is the LEFTIST way of doing things!
I guess that this the future American Progressives!
As we begin to celebrate President’s Day, it reminds us of the great presidents of yesteryear, like Washington and Lincoln, both of whom were born during this month. For most it is just a day on which there are a sales at the malls, trips to Disneyland, and other such celebrations. However, for all of us, it should acknowledges the two Presidents without whom there would not be a United States of America, amounst a ew others such as Ronald Reagan, Thomas Jefferson, possibly John Kennedy, and Harry Truman.
ReplyDeletePresidents Washington, Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt are routinely ranked at the top of the lists of those judged to have been of greatest service to the nation and,
I have little doubt that future historians and others will conclude that President Barack Hussein Obama was the worst President ever to serve in that office along with Jimmy Carter, who I wouldn’t exactly nominate for a spot on Mount Rushmore.
Of course, not everyone may think he is the worst but I certainly do. These is no question about it that since his first year in office, I have never seen the country more Divided, so hateful & against one another as they have with Obama in office..
Let me count the way! John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, has invited Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to address a joint session of Congress. He did so without consulting the White House, but we should keep in mind that Obama released five Taliban generals from Gitmo without consulting Congress.
Unemployment, well I’m not even going to go there.
ObamaCare isn’t working, and was passed only by his lies and his bribery
President Obama has brought nothing to the presidency except his Marxist theology.
No one I can think of has benefitted from the Obama presidency, except for maybe, the the Shah of Iran, and Joe Biden!
His two terms have been an endless succession of lies, and false promises. One thing is for sure, he has been protected by a liberal mainstream media, a liberal Hollywood, and thus the voters have seen through that and thus this past November have turned political power in Congress over to the Republican Party. .
Boston is buried in Glowball Wormening.. The Worst Lady should go there - she can get around via tree branch.
ReplyDeleteAlthough there are still fringe extremists and racists in Congress whining that it's time to shut down the government again, that the GOP-written report about Benghazi was a coverup, and that impeachment should be on the table, the Republican Establishment has ruled out doing anything more than humoring them-- if they can. Boehner doesn't have enough votes to keep the government open without help from Pelosi. And instead of impeaching Obama they're going for this cockamamie impeachment-lite strategy-- censuring him. It's just a way to placate the Hate Talk Radio zombies and the congressional tea baggers and gives all of them an opportunity to vent-- like 8 year olds -
DeleteCalling progressive folks all those vulgar names only points out that you are an undermining provocateur .
I would guess funded by some racist organization. . So please RR spread your crap somewhere else -
"The Worst Lady should go there - she can get around via tree branch."
DeleteIsn't that her usual mode of transit -- swinging from tree to tree in the upper branches? She does look an awful lot like a gorilla in drag -- a LADY gorilla, of course. We must give her that.
You really are an enlist jerk FT.
DeleteIsn't that her usual mode of transit -- swinging from tree to tree in the upper branches?
DeleteVia her flea infested tail.
And you a total full blown racist jackass Radical Racist Redneck.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are really TOO, TOO ,much you complain and bitch and moan about President Obama’s spending but your Boy King Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.
Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.
But the very minute a black guy gets into office, you are all screaming for "Cutting Spending".
News Flash! Your Party Sucks. And the Tea-Pee-er blogs are moronic, just like the stupid WINGNUTS that write them! As well as FAUX NOOZ!
But unfortunately, the folks who should read this, won't because it interferes with their cockamamie conspiracy theories.
The TeaPublican righties live in a bubble where no facts are allowed. Nothing that refutes their idea of Mr. Obama as a traitor, Commie, Marxist, Fascist, America-hating, Kenyan Muslim, can get in. They've lost all connection to reality.
The more facts that come out to disprove their conspiracy theories, the more they cling to their fantasies. When people believe in unicorns and fairies, they tend to see them everywhere, instead of reality.
You can't help people like that. Especially the slime-ball who posted right above this post.
Nobody cares what you think.. If you call that thinking . Sounds more like one of them crazy left winger froot loops
Delete^Lisa, I think it's time for Chaw to have a timeout. Maybe give her a dum-dum pop to keep occupied^
ReplyDeleteI only mentioned the Worst Lady since it's Darwin's birthday. Her existence proves de-evolution, thus also proving its converse.
ReplyDeleteDon't you realize our FLOTUS most probably IS "The Missing Link?"
DeleteFT that's more a maxim than any kind of question. Anyone delusional enough to disagree is a DENIER!
DeleteFLOTUS: result of consuming cheap beer and Mexican food!
I've read on far right Tea-Pee-er blogs such moronic statements as"Evolution hasn't been proved" and "there are no transitional fossils, etc." And the people who claim such nonsense are proudly far right conservatives. We've even seen presidential contenders raise their hands to be counted as evolution nonbelievers, which would be the same as raising one's hand as gravity nonbelievers. But we all know how willingly politicians will pander for a couple of votes from the anti-science crowd.
ReplyDeleteCertain far right Tea-Pee-er blogs celebrate their ignorance and cultist beliefs on evolution and climate change on a daily basis and are positively proud of their ignorance. But that’s what ya get from relying on FAUX NOOZ for all your information.
One of their leading lights, Dr. Ben Carson, a guy who actually had to take biology to get through medical school, and he got there with the help pf “affirmative action” by the way. Only stupid people say these stupidly absurd things about evolution and other scientific theories... Where do the TeaBrains dig these clowns up from?
Ben Carson: “Evolution Is An Absurd Myth”, 'Give Me A Break'
Why deal with facts when you can roll along with ignorance and myths? Imagine if Democratic politicians had to tell their voters that gravity is only a theory the "jury's still out on it." Who would respect them? Carson also said he hopes God will intervene to expose the truth about Obamacare.
If I needed brain surgery and Dr. Carson walked into the room I think I would just take death over his hands going inside my brain.
Why is it different for the GOP? Why does the GOP pretend the evolution deniers and skeptics are even sane? Why does the GOP tolerate that level of ignorance?
Instead of increasing in knowledge, they're decreasing in it. And they're proud of it!
Is that all you have what a conservative thinks of evolution,? Who gives a crap?
Deletelet's see the dems get pounded with that.
so was your deciding factor to vote for the loser in chief based on whether or not he believes in evolution?
Evolution does not matter in one's ability to run a business,a state or a country?
Hitler was an atheist and so was the guy who shot 3 muslims in NC
DeleteWeapons grade lack of self-awareness. You parrot your fellow traveler's unearned elitist bilge calling your superiours deniers, all while an enthusiastic "denier" of a real, tangible atrocity the Holocaust. Incredible.
Mommy get you new jackboots for Kwanzaa?
RN your comment was insulting .
DeleteSorry if the truth hurts Lisa.
DeleteI can answer a stupid comment hiw I see fit . I don't need your approval .
DeleteLike I said...
DeleteSo Ben Carson admits he loves, and is for affirmative action , does hat makes him a racist ?
ReplyDeleteIf I needed brain surgery and Dr. Carson walked into the room I think I would just take death over his hands
ReplyDeleteWhat do you know Chaw, we actually agree on something.
Dr Carson's skills should be exclusive to brains worth saving.
Lisa, Did you see obama's statement on the murders of the three moslem people? Un- $$%^#*&(*^%$# Real
ReplyDeleteYou know, considering the statements regards Hasan of FT Hood..... and every other moslem POS that has come into view the last 6 years murdering people in America......
I heard ,but not entirely
DeleteYou know, it's really hard to understand why they aren't held in greater esteem!
ReplyDeleteScott Walker has endured every left wing cliche attack in a blue state, from being against women, to being against the poor etc etc etc. All of these cliches that democrats use the tool bags on the left (like the moronic crapola we see from those jealous Progressives) every time.
ReplyDeleteScott Walker is the best shot at winning the white house and the best person that will represent what the majority of this country clearly wants.
Regardless of what you think the main stream media or the morons on the left (tool bags for the democrats who still sell man made global warming) tell us, the majority of this country hate the pathetic insidious politically correct along every stupid fucking cliche from the left. The first of those investigations went belly-up months ago, and now the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that the second one is just about ready to start pushing up daisies. Given Walker’s new prominence as a potential 2016 presidential candidate, Democrats won’t want to let these little crusades die completely – if nothing else, they would love to be able to describe Walker as “embattled” or “controversial” because he’s “under investigation” from everything like not finishing school, to mandatory drug testing for all recipients of food stamps – but it’s pretty clear they are panicking.
Personally, I really do not give a rats Ass how respectful or dis-respectful I come across. The left deserves zero respect, NONE, and so long as there is place for me to vent my frustration over the politically correct asshole hypocrites on the Progressive’s boards, I will vent.
That is until the left wing communists outlaw our freedom of expression for calling out our politicians for being the lying scumbags they are, or calling out the gullible left and showing them how they are being used to push their insidious agendas.
It is fucking pathetic, and if it comes across childish to you then you can take you fence riding bullshit disposition and jam it up your pompous arrogant ass.
I told you before, your middle of the road position is not anything to brag about. Take a side and stop pretending like you are better than everyone for not picking a side. Pick a side and defend it.
Oh never mind. My little words are too childish for you to understand.
Either way, left wing hypocrites are that pathetic, and Scott Walker is attacked incessantly with all of the bag of cliches the left wing has. That, is all they do have and you have to hand it to them. Their hypocritical disposition and cliches has worked on their dumb constituency for over 50 years.
Like I said. The left wing tool bags are so stupid that they chant for HIGHER TAXES and HIGHER SPENDING. That, is how useless they are, cause they will not understand the contradiction.
On Global Warming, some DEGENERATE CLOWN who uses SNOPES as a source of truth and pulls out a dumb quote from another Idiot like Al Gore perhaps and expects everyone else to believe it!!! Is SHE kidding???
ReplyDeleteMy apologies to ALL CLOWNS for the denigration...
Liberals are morons. You are a liberal. That means you are a fucking moron.
Project much The Owl?
Delete^"I know you are but what am I?" - part 13,981^
DeleteMore flatulence from the racist Redneck with the red ass, Radical Redneck.
DeleteThe progressives are such a confused group. There is a progressive blog frequented by a government worker who complains about the police, another government worker, and thinks he should have everything people who work for a living have. Then there is the preacher taking money from the rich so he can sit on his computer complaining about the rich. A Raving Nutcase who can't decide which side of the street to stand on and a millionaire hostess who doesn't work but complains about those who do.
ReplyDeleteThey do have one thing in common, They believe Obama is a leader who tells the truth and that they came from Apes (guess they got one of those right).
Lol Ralph hypocrites every one of them
ReplyDeleteJust like some people I know on the Right side of the aisle .
DeleteI'm really tired of this racism from the blacks. Obviously, all lives matter. Then you have these 'news' people congratulating them on their racism and ignorance in their inability to understand how mike brown died because he tried to kill an armed officer with his bear hands.
ReplyDeleteSomeone tell me of an injustice that happens to blacks that doesn't happen to all races. Blacks don't want equality, they want preferential treatment. BS.
Lisa, did you notice the racist moslem imbecile in chief is convinced that the three moslem kkids were killed because of their moslem-ness? All the while, a Major Hasan, screaming alluackbar killing Ft Hood soldiers is just workplace violence. Unreal to have such a piece of shit like this in the white house.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait till he is out kid. He is the biggest joke. He really is a hateful man
DeleteYes, he is, indeed, a piece of sewage, but the Big O is not the problem. It is the MENTALITY of a slim majority of the American Electorate that PUT him where he is, -- and then KEPT him there after FOUR YEARS of MALFEASANCE -- that is bringing us very quickly to ruin.
DeleteOf course there have never been cases of malfeasance in any republican administrations.
DeleteI want some of whatever you're smoking FT.
A commentator I heard the other day hit it on the head. He felt Obama,although not a Muslim per say grew up with many Muslim's in his support system.Because of his closeness with Muslim's during his formative years he still to this day has a belief that the religion is still one off peace and he cant comprehend or accept the radical savages like ISIS.
ReplyDeleteIf this is in fact our President's premise he will never really take positive action against these savages.
What do you consider positive? Blanket bombing the entire area killing innocent men, women, and children. In other words genocide.
ReplyDeleteCome on Shackelford, be specific as to what in your view constitutes positive action.
Inquiring minds want to know.
.......blow em all to kingdom come......every one of them...men...women....future radicals......
ReplyDeleteThanks for confirming your ignorance Shackleford.
DeleteRadical Brownies, eh? Does that mean they've been heavily laced with pot? ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh WOW I just had a great idea. Why not get the little brownies to SELL pot-laced chocolate brownies door-to-door?
They'd make a bloody FORTUNE for GSA!
Put 'em in VENDING machines too. WOOPEE! WHEEEE!
that would be justified I'm sure FT