Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Debate Wrapped Up In One Picture


  1. Are you kidding me? Is the best that the Democrats have?

    If it is, then I can’t wait for the debate between the two parties, no matter who they are.. Those people on stage are a bunch of pandering idiots preaching to each other's choir. There is no difference between them whatsoever, and Republicans are afraid of none of them. Good luck Democrats (if that’s what you really call yourselves) , you will need it!

    I was shocked to see that bunch of old fogies in that geriatric side-show , slapping each-other on their backs, kissing each others behinds! Did they really come there to debate or to push Hillary over the top and make excuses for her behavior, her lies, and cover-ups! And to say “enough of Hillary’s E-mails”! Was he kidding, and then to talk about ethics?
    This party of left-wing losers wasn’t a debate! It’s no wonder they are called “Leftards” ! Personally, I’d call them a lot worse.
    One Jackass saying “I’m against it, the other saying . I’m for it. and Hillary stood there with that stupid looking GRIN on her sour face!

    Bernie the Socialist wants to break up he banks. So does that Mummy O'Malley, and Hillary doesn't. And they called that issue more significant that the email scandals ?
    And did you see the way the brushed over Benghazi so fast! I guess that wasn’t “significant” enough either! But then again, what difference did it make (to that bunch)!
    No one wanted to nail Hillary’s ass to the post when it was so easy to.

    One moron, was for the Iran deal, two were is against it, the other one didn’t even know who Iran was! LOL He just wanted to break up the banks! After that he was lost.
    And the funny part is that after reading some of the Liberal blogs, all the losers are declaring a victory!
    The only adult there was Webb, which the analyst claimed should be a Republican. And that was most probably the only truth that was said the entire night. And the poor guy, kept saying, “how cone I’m getting as much time as the others” ... well DUH! Maybe because he made too much sense, or because he might have actually said something that was made sense ! Debate? There wasn’t anything there that would even pass for as a debate! Just a bunch of far-left progressive nut-jobs pandering..

    Oh, yeah and Donald Trump has Funny Hair!

    1. If you tbaggers had any brains you'd realize that the Dems want to send your kids to college. The GOP wants to send your kids to war. Idiots.

  2. Anyone who calls themselves an American and tries to rationalize the sanity of any of those candidates (Psychopaths), causes me loads of concern!


    Rehabilitates Her Image through the expert, polished application of poised, good-humored BRAZEN EFFRONTERY

    She has perfected her act, was able to sweep aside all negative assertions as to her character and motivation, and was given much support by her closest, supposedly fiercest rival Bernie Sanders.

    And we must admit it –– SHE LOOKED ATTRACTIVE.

    O’MALLEY acted as a tall, dignified, well-spoken PROP in a pageant-like showcase designed to glorify Mrs. Clinton

    Only Jim Webb, rudely treated by moderator, Anderson Cooper, as though Webb were a party crasher, and Lincoln Chaffee, a pleasant-but-fatuous-looking individual who appeared out of synch by continually reminding us that he has never been associated with even a hint of scandal in his career seemed mildly at odds with the CLINTON BOOSTING EVENT.

    LINK: The Debate Lesson: America Now Has an Openly Socialist Party

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. And Hillary continued the lies and half-truths that she told over the course of the past 2 years , and she even added a few.

  6. Finally a debate where the real issues are discussed instead of the ridiculous fear mongering at the GOP debates. You dolts wouldn't know what was in your best interests if it bit you in the ass.

    1. Maybe in your reality
      Same BS we have heard from libtards for 50 years

    2. 2 biggest anti-American turds on the net are now allied. What a shock!

    3. Lisa, give me a short list of things the GOP has done for the middle class in the past 50 years.

    4. Since all your syphilis addled "brain" can conceive for helping someone is condescendingly handing out someone else's money, the list will be far shorter. But here's one of which you could never concieve - taxing them less and NOT strangling them with regulations.

  7. he's lying to one of his own........this mamaluke has a real issue with the truth.


  8. ....liar, liar RN's pants are on fire......

  9. ShackelTurd , having fun among your fellow adolescent travelers?


  10. ...actually just enjoy telling you exactly what you are......a f^^kin liar....

    1. ShackelTurd again projecting as well as proving my point.

  11. PART ONE

    The Debate Lesson: America Now Has an Openly Socialist Party


    October 13, 2015 11:05 PM

    Sure, this batch of candidates sounded like a bunch of loons. They contended socialism is mostly about standing up to the richest one percent and promoting entrepreneurs and small business; climate change is the biggest national security threat facing the nation; college educations should be free for everyone; all lives don’t matter, black lives do; Obama is simultaneously an enormously successful president in managing the economy and the middle class is collapsing and there’s a need for a “New New Deal” which is in fact an Old Old Idea, considering how FDR called for a Second New Deal in 1935.

    The audience in Nevada applauded higher taxes, believes that Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to answer any more questions, supports the complete shutdown of the NSA domestic surveillance program, and that Obamacare benefits should be extended to illegal immigrants. There are kindergarten classes with more realistic assessments of cost-benefit tradeoffs than the crowd watching this debate at the Wynn Las Vegas.

    So yes, the candidates sounded like hard-Left, pie-in-the-sky, free-ice-cream-for-everyone, Socialist pander bears. But they do so because that is what the Democratic Party’s primary voters demand.

    Don’t blame them; blame the party rank-and-file that craves these promises, rhetoric, and worldview. With that in mind, Hillary Clinton is the class of the field on that stage, and the only real obstacle to the nomination that remains is a Joe Biden bid.

    Compared with everyone else, she’s polished and knows what she’s doing. Even when she’s being robotic and inauthentic, she’s remembering her talking points, pivoting to her preferred issues. The software upgrades to her personality may look awkward when she’s alone, but she’s still a much, much better candidate than anybody else on that stage.

    Sure, she was duplicitous, but she’s a Clinton; that’s baked in the cake — for example Hillary said during the debate she had hoped that the Trans Pacific Partnership would be the gold standard; in her book, she said it was the gold standard.

    Read more at:

  12. PART TWO of Jim Geraghty's article in Nat'l Review (edited)

    In one of the few surprises of the night, Bernie Sanders did his best to try to save her on her troubles with her personal e-mail server. He’s an old fool if he thinks Hillary will return the favor when he needs it.

    Martin O’Malley, who sounded tough in cable-news interviews, wimped out in the end once he saw the audience’s roaring applause to Sanders’s declaration that the issue was settled and nobody needed to hear any more about “her damn e-mails.”

    Sanders may rock the arenas when they’re filled with progressive grassroots activists, but his style doesn’t transfer well to a broader audience. He’s the party guest whom you instinctively don’t want to talk to, who begins shouting immediately, who grabs your lapel and spits a bit as he jabs his finger into your chest for emphasis. He’s Senator Larry David. You want to get away from his perpetually irritated (and irritating) ranting, but he just won’t stop talking, and he won’t let you gently back away or escape the conversation.

    Every two-minute answer from Sanders felt like ten minutes of shouting — and he had the audacity to give Hillary grief about shouting.

    Beyond his giant wimp-out on Hillary’s e-mails, O’Malley was more pleasant to listen to, but is ultimately going to be a non-factor in this race. When Sanders finished his call for a revolution, O’Malley turned to the camera and said with a big smile, “What we need is a green-energy revolution!” And for a moment, he waited for applause that didn’t come.

    The Democratic audience wasn’t in a mood for innovation. They are in a mood for populist revenge against people who have more than they do. Sanders shouts, O’Malley whispers. ...

    Jim Webb pointed out how affirmative action disadvantages poor whites, the need to respect the rights of gun owners, the seriousness of foreign-policy threats that Democrats rarely acknowledge — like cyber threats, hacking (ahem), and China. He was the lone voice of reality saying,“With all due respect to Senator Sanders, I don’t think the revolution is going to come, and I don’t think the Congress is going to pay for all this.”

    Webb would have had a good chance of winning the Democratic nomination in 1948. You almost have to wonder how Webb would be doing in the GOP presidential primary, but at a key moment, Webb flinched, saying he wouldn’t have a problem with extending Obamacare benefits to illegal immigrants.

    But give him style points for his declaration that his biggest enemy was the man who tried to kill him with a grenade . . . a man who’s not around any more.

    It seemed as if Webb complained he wasn’t getting enough time or enough questions every single time he was called on by Anderson Cooper.

    Lincoln Chafee was there, and he thought Cooper was hard on him when he asked about one of the first votes he took in he Senate.

    Read more at:

  13. Geraghty, a narrow minded political hack the rightwing tea leaf readers consider a source of valid information. Replete with opinion, innuendo, fact free claims, and outright BS the tea brigade loves it.

    Perhaps the conservatives,. or I should say reactionaries biggest contribution to America rests in its continual efforts to the process of dumbing down America and working to create their alternative reality.

    1. "We learn more about Peter from what he says about Paul than we learn about Paul."

  14. I Sooooooooooooooooooooo could go for a Huckabee/Carson ticket. We could totally stamp out faggotry!

    1. And you'd be the first to go, dumbfuck.

    2. ^Lool a 3rd Grade "I know you are but what am I?"^ RN USSR sockpuppetting as an EVEN BIGGER IDIOT?
