Hillary Clinton was ecstatic. and grinning ear to ear at the Democrat debate also known as the Democratic Snooze Fest” when retarded old fart Bernie Sanders the Proud, Self acclaimed Socialist and one of the front runners of the "Democratic Socialist" said that self-serving Line as well as Hillary’s,"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Enough of the emails. Let's talk about the real issues facing America" Madam Hillary Clinton was so delighted that she shook Old Bernie’s hand with that shit-eating grin on her face while her head Bobbled up and down like the Bobbleheaded Pig faced liar she is. However her glee is shot lived because Old Bernie doesn’t have the last word about this matter as it is up to the FBI, and not a washed up Old fart like Bernie Sanders. And Madam Hillary still is not out of the woods with the Benghazi event. Many people like myself want to see her held accountable for her actions, or lack of actions while representing the people of this once great nation. We want to see ALL "anti-American scum" especially government official help accountable. There are many wives, mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, cousins, friends of those killed in Benghazi that disagree with Old Bernie and the rest of the crew! And we find it remarkable anyone would not want Hillary held accountable for the death of their loved ones. And Jesse Jackson and Chelsea were dancing in the aisles! But as Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does" Yes, Bernie Sanders fans, and the Hillary lovers and all the other progressives were whooping it up and hollering and applauding at last weeks debate by claiming the scandal was just another GOP smear, or another “Right-Wing Conspiracy” but the feds have the last world on these matters so we will see. We will also see what happens when the Bernie Sanders, Hillary Show continues.
People keep putting whores in office by the ballot box. Influence is bought by powerful wealthy interest groups and politicians as a result of their sellout are beholden to them. And Citizen United made an already existing corrupt system worse.
Washington DC is simply the stable where the pimps and whores gather to do there business.
Yes FreeThinke I believe the great majority of senators and congress critters are attorneys. Which could explain why true tort reform isn't easy.
I agree it's a HUGE problem that attorneys have polluted so much of Congress and all politics. Lawyers don't produce anything, except for graft, corruption and pedophilia. The mentality of lawyers has never been to grow, or create anything, it's always about taking and dividing what's already there. Congress should be restricted to entrepreneurs, artists, engineers, etc - those that know how to PRODUCE
Notice, the last 2 Dhimmicrud pResidents have been attorneys and, currently, their 2 biggest wretched wannabes both are too. The last attorney Republican President was Nixon - how'd that work out?
That being said attorneys can have their use: Chris Collinsworth of NBC Sunday Night Football is an attorney and he certainly provides much more insightful and intelligent analysis than the usual dumbass ex-jock in the booth (looking at you Dan Fouts).
http://mysteresmoonbatslayerclub.blogspot.com/2015/10/uh-oh-what-did.html?m=0 // <--< We won't forget Bernie's big booboo either! His big mouth may have given the Hildebeest a false sense of security, but it's not going to last. Personally, I hope Hildebeest gets politically trampled by one of her opponents in the primaries.
Lisa, I thought the repeal was a horrible thing. What I'm trying to understand is why you came to the same conclusion. I'm really curious. Yours is not the standard conservative boilerplate on this one, Lisa.
Question everything, even the existence of god. (Paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson) Thus the curiosity as to how Lisa came to her position on GS repeal.
A question asked or an observation made absent judgment equals an "unwelcome guest"? Glad conservatism is losing its iron grip on increasing numbers of enlightened Americans.
So the Benghazi Panel interviewed Huma Abedin for Six Hours behind closed doors! I wonder why this was done behind closed doors? What are they afraid they might find? Shouldn’t we be curious why it was behind closed doors? Humer or “Hummer” served as Her Thighness’s assistant at the time of the Benghazi attacks on the Embassy in Benghazi, when the four Americans were slaughtered.
What are the odds that the Hildebeasts special confident is a muslim with ties to the brotherhood, and the Obomanations special confident, Valerie Jarrett, is also a muslim with ties to the brotherhood..... WHAT ARE THE ODDS, that this regime just gave Iran the nuclear bomb....it boggles ones mind Huma Abedin, Carlos Danger’s, aka Anthony “The Pig” Weiner’s wife has gotten many privileges. Why because she can hang Hildebeast about Benghazi and all her other lies. My question is why would the State Dept hire someone whose family is involved with the Muslim Brotherhood? Raised in Saudi Arabia by Muslim parents
This is the same Huma Abedin who makes $500,000 a year, for what? What does she do besides being Hillary's assistant and her girlfriend? At any rate, I still am wondering WHY would anyone want to support a woman who deliberately lied not only for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying women who were victims of her husband's behavior, but to cover up the murders of 4 Americans?
Yawn.... Witnesses Disprove Benghazi Allegations Against Clinton As Republican Conspiracy Collapses http://www.politicususa.com/2015/10/18/witnesses-disprove-benghazi-allegations-clinton-republican-conspiracy-collapses.html
Donald Trump Said: The World Trade Center Came Down In George W. Bush’s Reign! Trump is correct, and the attack did in fact happen under George W. Bush’s... George Bush however did not take it lying down and became the biggest fighter of radicals and terrorists the world has ever known......Trump didn't blame Bush, he only stated (factually) that it happened on Bush's watch. Bush may have had lots of faults but being an America-hating Marxist Muslim is not one of them, that’s FOR SURE!. Slick Willy running from Somalia and abandoning west Africa after the Black Hawk down incident set up the entire OBL and Al-Qaeda enterprise......Just like Obola running away from Iraq has given us ISIS......democrats and liberals running from responsibility have given us all the headaches we have, domestic and otherwise. I am not stupid enough to blame him for 9/11. The real blame began with Bubba. if Bill Clinton would have done his job as President! ...he's the first President that had the perfect opportunity to have Bin Laden killed and he passed it up because he was to busy with his intern.
Just look at Obama's treasonous nuke deal with Iran! And tell me who is afraid to call the enemy what they are!
Really? You simplistic loser. How much has Soros pledged to the Dems in this campaign? The Koch brothers pledged close to a billion and they are noted environment killers and want to screw the middle class outright. They can buy and sell Soros many times over, you asswipe.
A 12 year old sweet looking little Black Girl died yesterday after being shot in the head while sitting at home in her own living room . The gun shot came from the street into the house from a "gang member" who was not yet found. This was the second shooting and killing of young innocent children on the same block in Hempstead , Long Island ( a Black neighborhood) in 2 years. And yesterday in an unrelated shooting Another child, this time. 3 year old was shot and killed with his father’s gun, one that was *illegally purchased* from a Chicago gang member, by a *former* Chicago gang member, the father himself, but this isn’t HIS fault. Year right!!!. According to every Libtard comment I have found on line so far at least 2/3 of them are blaming ALL gun owners and the NRA, some saying the NRA encourages things such as this.
So, to you anti-gun Libtards that DO read here; feel free to weigh in and tell us all how gun bans, restrictions, confiscations and rigid gun laws are working out. Go ahead, take a shot at it, no pun intended, I really want to hear your ideas on what kind of gun laws could or would have stopped this from happening. Go ahead an tell us again how "Black" lives matter, when these Blacks are killing each other will un-licensed guns. Tell us how more gun laws are going to stop these Animals from shooting each other, by having stricter background checks! Luckily in this case the Police were able to arrest the boys’ animal father, a 25-year-old named Michael Santiago, on a felony child endangerment charge. The police said that The savage bought the gun on the street, and kept it on top of the refrigerator and even showed the boy where the gun was. Well, what did he expect after he showed it to a 3 year old and a 6 year old, as well and he made sure that they knew where it was kept. So where is the responsiblity? On the Gun Laws? Or on the stupid wild animal parents who allowed the children access to a loaded gun? And now they have a dead 3 year old. Let's hope the bastard rots in jail. And yeah Bernie Sanders an the rest of those clowns say that "Only Blak lives matter"
Ahhh....... simplistic one liners for consumption by the AADD crowd.
Yes Maggie, the world owes you a debt of gratitude.
And don't forget Ronald Reagan, the oldest US president yet to be sworn into office at the time of his 1st inauguration in 1981.
Conservatism serves but one purpose. To slow down the pace of progress so as to allow for necessary course correction in the never ending pursuit of a more perfect union.
Our enlightened and radically inclined progressive founding fathers are no doubt smiling. Somewhere.
Go ahead you stupid liberal Jackass, switch the topic as you creeps always do and about Mr. Reagsn and something that happened 30 yeas ago. My only surprise is that you didn't "Blsme Bush" You need to go back to one of your other idiot liberties like Dave Miller , for some better material . Funny how you Jerks never bring up those Past Idiotic Presidents like Carter, Clinton, and the King of them all the Loser in Chief Barack Bin Obama. Tell us again about that bunch of Old Geezer that were on that podium spewing that horse manure last week about how ONLY Blsck Lives Matter !. And how the whole county is sick an tired about hearing about Hillary's email corruption .
he didn't even switch the subject because his comment had no subject matter. Surprisingly Chucky Schummer didn't stick his two cents in like he always does demanding that we have minimum sentences for those caught with illegal guns. But noooooo because then that would be racist to get the guns out of the hands of criminals and gang bangers. Thy wan to take them out of the hands of responsible gun owners.
You make more sense when you post as Debonair Dud .
Anyway, it has been explained many times to you and you are just too thick to understand. The laws in Chicago can't prevent the importation from surrounding states and even communities in Illinois with much more lax gun laws. Bulk buys by straw purchasers allow Chicago to be flooded.
The laws would need to be nationwide.
Meanwhile, you sound like someone who will put a round through his foot accidentally so be careful and in consideration of your fellow citizens, don't carry it outside your home.
I love your spin here, but no cigar for Duchy you dumbass. That's why they say "Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience"
What a Crock of crap this dumbass Duck spews... Hey did you know that Bill Clinton took welfare and food stamps from the poor to Balance the budget on the backs of the very poorest Americans? Hey Duckass maybe Obama wants to Bullshit our country , but Americans are much to smart to keep on falling for his Crap. As for you, if you love that creep so much then I suggest that you follow him back to Kenya when we get rid of his ass.
To Stupid To Have a Blog, a great rant showing once again your jackassery. Plesse keep reminding everyone the reactionary right (tea party) has little if anything to offer. Except of course a return to 1790-1860 politics and social conventions.
Keep babbling nonsense dude, you're helping to insure the era of democratic dominance.
So this Libaturd Rational Nation USA, or Lester, or what ever the hell his name is these days, I’ll just go ahead and just call him “MORON” Another LEFTY who believes that Ronald Reagan was a Terrible President! These are the same idiot Moon-Bats who Idolize and worship Obama. The same dumb-ass liberals who are still blaming Bush & Cheney, for everything including the floods in New Orleans... I personally believe that Rational Nation USA, or Lester is a twit, a big-time twit and a certified member of the Progressive Eruption Squad. and a egotistical piece of crap, just like his Progressive Leader . that said; there is no way that Rational Nation USA, or Lester, or any other member of that squad, including Ducky, Dave Miller, or those other “Critters” that hang out there bowing to the Author of that Stupid Ass-Wipe Rag.. , Yes Rational Nation USA, the Gang Lords and their animal member are going to continue killing people and innocent children because, 1. they don’t have any respect for life. And 2. they just don’t care, because that’s the way they were brought up. Gun confiscation, and/or extreme regulation simply does not work, not among the Gangster’s way of life. The guns you have to worry about are the guns that are in the hands of criminals and gang members, these are guns owners who do not give a rats ass about Gun Laws. Yes, a liberal is someone who wants guns out of honest citizens' hands but who also wants more lenient sentencing for criminals who use guns for robbing, and killing. These are the people that Liberals want to protect! All that you, or anyone else would accomplish with a gun confiscation would be the LEGAL, RESPONSIBLE gun owners, people like ME and the people who are law abiding... The outlaws will give you their guns, and they don’t give a dame about Laws. So let me make a suggestion Rational Nation USA, or Lester; make a effort to take ALL of the illegal guns from the hands of the illegal and irresponsible owners, reinstate “Stop and Frisk,” lock up the illegal guns owners and throw away the key and then leave the honest folks alone. That would be the best solution for you wouldn’t it? Chicago, and New York has the stickiest Gun Laws in the Nation, and yet has they more homicides than any city in the nation, So, let me ask once again; how is all that gun control working out for you there in Chicago, or in New York, with that Progressive mayor DiBlasio who stoped, “Stop and Frisk”?
Oh, wait, what am I thinking? I’m sorry Lester , I forgot that you want all guns to be outlawed, so in your demented Libtard mind, no honest gun owners would have any guns... Great idea... just try to get mine!
Obama happens to be the twice elected president of the United States. I did not vote for him... either time.
I have owned firearms. I have hunted. I am an advocate fo responsible firearm ownership and effective background checks and waiting periods.
I, unlike you believe ideas, all ideas deserve an equal shot at being heard and discussed. Unlike you I realize the country's founders were in fact radical progressives of their era. Progress is not the enemy of liberty nor is it end of America that you choose to believe it is. Science and technology is only dangerous when in the hands of and used by nefarious individuals and organization. Rightwing reactionary conservatives lmmediately come to mind. As do leftwing totalitarian regimes and dictators.
Now, go back to your sandbox of delusions and hyperbolic megaphone and pretend you know what you are babbling about.
The point, RW, is that responsible gun owners aren't a problem, ergo "guns", are not the problem. Idiots are the problem (with or without guns, but worse with them) If they didn't have guns, they'd simply use swords, knives and explosive devices. they could find at hand.
The new crime statistics released by the agency reveal that out of 11,961 murders performed within the U.S. in 2014, 660 were committed unarmed, 1,567 were committed with knives and only 248 murders were known to have been committed using rifles of any type, including single-shot long arms and “assault rifles” routinely demonized by gun control groups.
At $2 a pop, the feds collect hundreds of millions for access to a stupid database on gun owners filled with private info (medical records) that no one in government is supposed to have...
The Pennsylvania State Police (“PSP”) serves as a state point of contact for NICS.1 Before a federally licensed importer, manufacturer or dealer transfers a firearm to an unlicensed person, the importer, manufacturer or dealer must request, by means of a telephone call, that PSP conduct a criminal history, juvenile delinquency history, and a mental health check.2 The licensee and the purchaser must provide such information as is necessary to accurately identify the purchaser, and the licensee must inspect photo identification of the potential purchaser or transferee.3 The licensee may not transfer the firearm until he or she receives a unique approval number from PSP for the purchase.4 The licensee must also collect from the buyer or transferee and forward to PSP a fee equivalent to the cost of conducting the background check, but not exceeding $2 per buyer or transferee, and issue a receipt containing the approval number to the purchaser or transferee.
The feds did 18 million background checks last year. That means, the feds earned $36 million from their "Instacheck" program.
Wanna know how many federal prosecutions there were for criminals attempting to purchase weapons that this program stopped? 1 out of every 2,000 false applications.
$5.1 billion Estimated federal and state taxes (business and excise) generated by the industry in 2012, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation... that's $17 fromr every gun in America
The NRA and the loonies of the "they're coming to grab your guns" brigade are proud of you Lisa.
Meanwhile sensible Americans will continue to work towards finding a reasonable and intelligent solution for reducing firearm violence in the US while retaining firearm ownership rights for responsible law abiding citizens.
Why not simply offer Americans $100,000 for every gun they turn over to the oligarch's? Let's face facts. The Left is too cheap to solve America's problems.
A reasonable buy back of unregistered guns and firearms suck as automatic weapons
Moron. A Class 3 fully auto license is extremely difficult to pull off making fully autos rare and creating a HUGE premium on the price. The few who have them unregistered are hard core gangbangers and towelheads. I'm sure they'd skip to your hippy dippy buyback/transparent confiscation attempt.
What part of "shall not be infringed" do you meatheads refuse to understand...Lock N' Load!
Tell you what, when you and the other wannabe Stalinists come for my guns you can have them! One bullet at a time.
A reasonable buy back of unregistered guns and firearms such as automatic weapons/assault firearms makes sense. Combined with enacting sensible uniform national regulations, including thorough background checks and "cooling off" periods.
You're just another dimwit with a pea for a brain.
Well American Girl, it was the conservative hordes that brought up the "age thing" with reference to the democratic candidates that are in first and second place polling.
Further oh ye intelligent one, there was no bitching going on I making a simple and truthful statement.
Go ahead you stupid liberal Jackass, switch the topic as you creeps always do and about Mr. Reagsn and something that happened 30 yeas ago. My only surprise is that you didn't "Blsme Bush" You need to go back to one of your other idiot liberties like Dave Miller , for some better material . Funny how you Jerks never bring up those Past Idiotic Presidents like Carter, Clinton, and the King of them all the Loser in Chief Barack Bin Obama. Tell us again about that bunch of Old Geezer that were on that podium spewing that horse manure last week about how ONLY Blsck Lives Matter !. And how the whole county is sick an tired about hearing about Hillary's email corruption .
The United States has confirmed that Iran tested a medium-range missile capable of delivering a nuclear weapon in "clear violation" of a United Nations Security Council ban on ballistic missile tests, a senior US official said on Friday. "The United States is deeply concerned about Irańs recent ballistic missile launch," US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said in a statement. "After reviewing the available information, we can confirm that Iran launched on Oct. 10 a medium-range ballistic missile inherently capable of delivering a nuclear weapon," she said. "This was a clear violation of UN Security Council Resolution. So just as I and so many other Americans thought, in the first place, it is pretty clear now that Iran does not care what the US thinks...nor anyone else. How do you Libatards feel about that so called “Great Deal” Obama made with these lying, untrustworthy SOB’S now? The Obama administration should have been more concerned about their honesty or lack of it while negotiating with the Iranian terrorist country. Now we hear nothing from this Muslim Administration in Washington DC. In US new outlets; why is that? What are they hiding from the American people? They're all laughing at us in Tehran, and all around the world, they're crying, because they all knew (except us) that you can never trust these people.
How can snyone let alone vote for but support Hillary Clinton That Two-faced, corrupt, greedy, above the law swindler. She'll do and say anything to hold onto power.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton was ecstatic. and grinning ear to ear at the Democrat debate also known as the Democratic Snooze Fest” when retarded old fart Bernie Sanders the Proud, Self acclaimed Socialist and one of the front runners of the "Democratic Socialist"
ReplyDeletesaid that self-serving Line as well as Hillary’s,"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Enough of the emails. Let's talk about the real issues facing America"
Madam Hillary Clinton was so delighted that she shook Old Bernie’s hand with that shit-eating grin on her face while her head Bobbled up and down like the Bobbleheaded Pig faced liar she is. However her glee is shot lived because Old Bernie doesn’t have the last word about this matter as it is up to the FBI, and not a washed up Old fart like Bernie Sanders.
And Madam Hillary still is not out of the woods with the Benghazi event. Many people like myself want to see her held accountable for her actions, or lack of actions while representing the people of this once great nation. We want to see ALL "anti-American scum" especially government official help accountable. There are many wives, mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, cousins, friends of those killed in Benghazi that disagree with Old Bernie and the rest of the crew! And we find it remarkable anyone would not want Hillary held accountable for the death of their loved ones.
And Jesse Jackson and Chelsea were dancing in the aisles! But as Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does"
Yes, Bernie Sanders fans, and the Hillary lovers and all the other progressives were whooping it up and hollering and applauding at last weeks debate by claiming the scandal was just another GOP smear, or another “Right-Wing Conspiracy” but the feds have the last world on these matters so we will see.
We will also see what happens when the Bernie Sanders, Hillary Show continues.
Of course they're in the tank together, but may I remind HerThighness, that it's the FBI's decision, and not Bernie Sander's, or anyone else’s!
DeleteHear that Mr. obama!
I didn't read it all but it makes sense.
DeleteStay focused.
I wonder what the Clintons promised him to say that
ReplyDeleteALL politicians are whores, Lisa. They have to be in order to survive the atmosphere in Washington, DC. The same is true for lawyers.
DeleteAnd aren't most of the legislators also lawyers?
People keep putting whores in office by the ballot box. Influence is bought by powerful wealthy interest groups and politicians as a result of their sellout are beholden to them. And Citizen United made an already existing corrupt system worse.
DeleteWashington DC is simply the stable where the pimps and whores gather to do there business.
Yes FreeThinke I believe the great majority of senators and congress critters are attorneys. Which could explain why true tort reform isn't easy.
Dear mr Free Thinke, or should I say Dear Idiot;
DeleteIf you do not understand why that's a bad thing you are an even bigger fool than I thought..
I agree it's a HUGE problem that attorneys have polluted so much of Congress and all politics. Lawyers don't produce anything, except for graft, corruption and pedophilia. The mentality of lawyers has never been to grow, or create anything, it's always about taking and dividing what's already there. Congress should be restricted to entrepreneurs, artists, engineers, etc - those that know how to PRODUCE
DeleteNotice, the last 2 Dhimmicrud pResidents have been attorneys and, currently, their 2 biggest wretched wannabes both are too. The last attorney Republican President was Nixon - how'd that work out?
That being said attorneys can have their use: Chris Collinsworth of NBC Sunday Night Football is an attorney and he certainly provides much more insightful and intelligent analysis than the usual dumbass ex-jock in the booth (looking at you Dan Fouts).
Dedicated to all the Women Mistreated by Bill Clinton and the Bimbos Too!
One little kiss, a moment of bliss,
___ then hours of deep regret
One little smile, and after a while,
___ a longing to forget
One little heartache left as a token
One little plaything carelessly broken
Remember the night,
___ the night you said, "I love you"
______ Remember?
Remember you vowed
___ by all the stars above you
______ Remember?
Remember we found a lonely spot
___ And after I learned to care a lot
You promised that you'd forget me not
___ But you forgot to remember
Into my dreams you wandered it seems,
___ and then there came a day
You loved me too, my dreams had come true,
___ and all the world was May
But soon the Maytime turned to December
You had forgotten, do you remember?
Remember the night, ___
the night you said, "I love you"
______ Remember?
Remember you vowed
___ by all the stars above you
______ Remember?
Remember we found a lonely spot
___ And after I learned to care a lot
You promised that you'd forget me not ___
But you forgot to remember .
~ Irving Berlin (1888-1989)
You mean the former philanderer in chief!
Deletehttp://mysteresmoonbatslayerclub.blogspot.com/2015/10/uh-oh-what-did.html?m=0 // <--< We won't forget Bernie's big booboo either! His big mouth may have given the Hildebeest a false sense of security, but it's not going to last. Personally, I hope Hildebeest gets politically trampled by one of her opponents in the primaries.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope that she does.
DeleteHey bobo, learn how to imbed a link.
Hey quack boi, get the baboon tar out of your feathers!
DeleteBy the way, I loved the video
ReplyDeleteI liked it also
DeleteThanks for the h/t! :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDucky's here October 17, 2015 at 2:17 PM...Hey bobo, learn how to imbed a link.
ReplyDeleteCopy/pasting too challenging for you LeRoy?
Is that because you are a moolie?
Those pass for insults at the trailer park, bobo?
DeleteWork on your material, Goober and say Hi to Aunt Bee.
Hey schvatza, would you ever recognize yo' daddy if you ever saw him not behind a plexiglas shield?
DeleteShouldn't bUrnie Sanders be stamped with one of them "caution extremely flammable" signs you see on gas cans?
Ducky's not a schvatza. He's got the answer to all the world's problems... just ask him, he'll tell ya!
DeleteYou can also try some Fugitol
ReplyDeleteHow about Trilaffin? ;-)
DeleteFt, triLaffin only works for some things - fugitol works on everything :)
DeleteLisa, you disagree with the repeal of GS? I'd love to know how you came to that.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, you guys better get ready for a big does of Hilaritin. Lord knows I'll be laughing my rump off.
Jersey McJones said;
Delete"I'll be laughing my rump off."
Like anyone here give a crap
Ya don't want to do THAT, Jersey.
DeleteIf you laughed your rump off, you'd have nothing left to work with.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteFT, I wish we could up votes here at Lisa's place. Hahhaa
DeleteYou of all people should disagree with it Jersey. Remember the cause of tge great depression ? Banking expansion and market manipulation
DeleteLisa, I thought the repeal was a horrible thing. What I'm trying to understand is why you came to the same conclusion. I'm really curious. Yours is not the standard conservative boilerplate on this one, Lisa.
Jersey one can have different views on different things
DeleteYes JMJ, how Lisa came to that would be Interesting.
ReplyDelete"Better the Empty House than the Unwelcome Guest."
ReplyDelete~ Nancy Astor
"Better the Empty House than the Unwelcome Guest."
DeleteAmerican Girl~ 2015
Question everything, even the existence of god. (Paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson) Thus the curiosity as to how Lisa came to her position on GS repeal.
ReplyDeleteA question asked or an observation made absent judgment equals an "unwelcome guest"? Glad conservatism is losing its iron grip on increasing numbers of enlightened Americans.
So the Benghazi Panel interviewed Huma Abedin for Six Hours behind closed doors! I wonder why this was done behind closed doors? What are they afraid they might find? Shouldn’t we be curious why it was behind closed doors?
ReplyDeleteHumer or “Hummer” served as Her Thighness’s assistant at the time of the Benghazi attacks on the Embassy in Benghazi, when the four Americans were slaughtered.
What are the odds that the Hildebeasts special confident is a muslim with ties to the brotherhood, and the Obomanations special confident, Valerie Jarrett, is also a muslim with ties to the brotherhood..... WHAT ARE THE ODDS, that this regime just gave Iran the nuclear bomb....it boggles ones mind
Huma Abedin, Carlos Danger’s, aka Anthony “The Pig” Weiner’s wife has gotten many privileges. Why because she can hang Hildebeast about Benghazi and all her other lies. My question is why would the State Dept hire someone whose family is involved with the Muslim Brotherhood? Raised in Saudi Arabia by Muslim parents
This is the same Huma Abedin who makes $500,000 a year, for what? What does she do besides being Hillary's assistant and her girlfriend?
At any rate, I still am wondering WHY would anyone want to support a woman who deliberately lied not only for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying women who were victims of her husband's behavior, but to cover up the murders of 4 Americans?
Our first lesbian President... anybody think she'll "come out" before November 2016?
DeleteTalking to yourself, Farmer?
DeleteWitnesses Disprove Benghazi Allegations Against Clinton As Republican Conspiracy Collapses
Hey This One -Ducky said
DeleteHey bobo, learn how to imbed a link.
Good one Lisa! But sadly, quack boi's stuck up Pookie Toot-Toot's head.
DeleteDonald Trump Said: The World Trade Center Came Down In George W. Bush’s Reign!
ReplyDeleteTrump is correct, and the attack did in fact happen under George W. Bush’s... George Bush however did not take it lying down and became the biggest fighter of radicals and terrorists the world has ever known......Trump didn't blame Bush, he only stated (factually) that it happened on Bush's watch.
Bush may have had lots of faults but being an America-hating Marxist Muslim is not one of them, that’s FOR SURE!.
Slick Willy running from Somalia and abandoning west Africa after the Black Hawk down incident set up the entire OBL and Al-Qaeda enterprise......Just like Obola running away from Iraq has given us ISIS......democrats and liberals running from responsibility have given us all the headaches we have, domestic and otherwise.
I am not stupid enough to blame him for 9/11. The real blame began with Bubba.
if Bill Clinton would have done his job as President!
...he's the first President that had the perfect opportunity to have Bin Laden killed and he passed it up because he was to busy with his intern.
Just look at Obama's treasonous nuke deal with Iran! And tell me who is afraid to call the enemy what they are!
Who initiated the operation in Somalia?
DeleteOh my, it was Daddy Bush?
Did the real blame begin there, butt head?
So it's perfectly fine to abandon an operation (and sentence thousands to a horrible death) as long someone else initiated it?
DeleteTypical leftist, their so-called minds never evolve past 3rd grade.
Look! We have another simplistic moron here! Yeah, I guess it's also OK with your that Reagan cut and ran in Lebanon, huh?
DeleteImagine what it would be like if This One, Ducky and RN ever got together and spent a noght on the town...
DeleteNo comment on Reagan Cutting and running, eh? Only a juvenile dumbfuck response. Typical.
DeleteTbaggers who believe this crap (in the video) are beyond drugs.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they just need another hit on the Hopium crack pipe?
DeleteAh, more dispatches from the Libertarian sandbox.
DeleteThanks for that, Farmer.
De nada... but it's really too bad that you can't tell the difference between a paleo-conservative and a libertarian.
DeleteAnd leftwing lap dogs believe everything Master Soros feeds you
DeleteReally? You simplistic loser. How much has Soros pledged to the Dems in this campaign? The Koch brothers pledged close to a billion and they are noted environment killers and want to screw the middle class outright. They can buy and sell Soros many times over, you asswipe.
Wow the JERK put a whole sentence together!
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh........socialism is wonderful.....until you run out of other people's money......
Thank you, Margaret Thatcher.
DeleteRight that explained it all including this!
ReplyDeleteA 12 year old sweet looking little Black Girl died yesterday after being shot in the head while sitting at home in her own living room . The gun shot came from the street into the house from a "gang member" who was not yet found. This was the second shooting and killing of young innocent children on the same block in Hempstead , Long Island ( a Black neighborhood) in 2 years.
And yesterday in an unrelated shooting Another child, this time. 3 year old was shot and killed with his father’s gun, one that was *illegally purchased* from a Chicago gang member, by a *former* Chicago gang member, the father himself, but this isn’t HIS fault. Year right!!!. According to every Libtard comment I have found on line so far at least 2/3 of them are blaming ALL gun owners and the NRA, some saying the NRA encourages things such as this.
So, to you anti-gun Libtards that DO read here; feel free to weigh in and tell us all how gun bans, restrictions, confiscations and rigid gun laws are working out. Go ahead, take a shot at it, no pun intended, I really want to hear your ideas on what kind of gun laws could or would have stopped this from happening.
Go ahead an tell us again how "Black" lives matter, when these Blacks are killing each other will un-licensed guns. Tell us how more gun laws are going to stop these Animals from shooting each other, by having stricter background checks!
Luckily in this case the Police were able to arrest the boys’ animal father, a 25-year-old named Michael Santiago, on a felony child endangerment charge. The police said that The savage bought the gun on the street, and kept it on top of the refrigerator and even showed the boy where the gun was.
Well, what did he expect after he showed it to a 3 year old and a 6 year old, as well and he made sure that they knew where it was kept. So where is the responsiblity? On the Gun Laws? Or on the stupid wild animal parents who allowed the children access to a loaded gun? And now they have a dead 3 year old. Let's hope the bastard rots in jail.
And yeah Bernie Sanders an the rest of those clowns say that "Only Blak lives matter"
Wow, you are really too stupid for words, lol!
DeleteThis grammar is so poor this could have been posted only by Debonair Dud .
DeleteMay I suggest matriculation at the Radical Redass Academy of Grammar and Race Baiting.
Ahhh....... simplistic one liners for consumption by the AADD crowd.
ReplyDeleteYes Maggie, the world owes you a debt of gratitude.
And don't forget Ronald Reagan, the oldest US president yet to be sworn into office at the time of his 1st inauguration in 1981.
Conservatism serves but one purpose. To slow down the pace of progress so as to allow for necessary course correction in the never ending pursuit of a more perfect union.
Our enlightened and radically inclined progressive founding fathers are no doubt smiling. Somewhere.
Go ahead you stupid liberal Jackass, switch the topic as you creeps always do and about Mr. Reagsn and something that happened 30 yeas ago.
DeleteMy only surprise is that you didn't "Blsme Bush"
You need to go back to one of your other idiot liberties like Dave Miller , for some better material .
Funny how you Jerks never bring up those Past Idiotic Presidents like Carter, Clinton, and the King of them all the Loser in Chief Barack Bin Obama.
Tell us again about that bunch of Old Geezer that were on that podium spewing that horse manure last week about how ONLY Blsck Lives Matter !. And how the whole county is sick an tired about hearing about Hillary's email corruption .
I fully understand your anger that is no doubt fueled by your intellectual shortcomings and dishonesty.
DeleteBut plug on in the dense fog that envelops your mind. America is leaving you behind to play in your sandbox of delusions.
Ooooh, look at RN's sand castle...
DeleteIt's true! You really are the King of the Sandbox!
he didn't even switch the subject because his comment had no subject matter.
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly Chucky Schummer didn't stick his two cents in like he always does demanding that we have minimum sentences for those caught with illegal guns. But noooooo because then that would be racist to get the guns out of the hands of criminals and gang bangers.
Thy wan to take them out of the hands of responsible gun owners.
What has zero subject matter are the sock puppet comments of your empty headed legions.
ReplyDeleteBut nice attempt anyway Lisa.
I just heard a loud gurgling noise coming from the Swoosh Zone. I smell sewage oozing out...
Delete...wait, wait, the Hildebeest popped out of the pinko commode! It's covered with Swoosh Nation's black tar.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou make more sense when you post as Debonair Dud .
DeleteAnyway, it has been explained many times to you and you are just too thick to understand. The laws in Chicago can't prevent the importation from surrounding states and even communities in Illinois with much more lax gun laws.
Bulk buys by straw purchasers allow Chicago to be flooded.
The laws would need to be nationwide.
Meanwhile, you sound like someone who will put a round through his foot accidentally so be careful and in consideration of your fellow citizens, don't carry it outside your home.
I love your spin here, but no cigar for Duchy you dumbass.
DeleteThat's why they say "Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience"
What a Crock of crap this dumbass Duck spews... Hey did you know that Bill Clinton took welfare and food stamps from the poor to Balance the budget on the backs of the very poorest Americans? Hey Duckass maybe Obama wants to Bullshit our country , but Americans are much to smart to keep on falling for his Crap.
As for you, if you love that creep so much then I suggest that you follow him back to Kenya when we get rid of his ass.
To Stupid To Have a Blog, a great rant showing once again your jackassery. Plesse keep reminding everyone the reactionary right (tea party) has little if anything to offer. Except of course a return to 1790-1860 politics and
Deletesocial conventions.
Keep babbling nonsense dude, you're helping to insure the era of democratic dominance.
So this Libaturd Rational Nation USA, or Lester, or what ever the hell his name is these days, I’ll just go ahead and just call him “MORON” Another LEFTY who believes that Ronald Reagan was a Terrible President! These are the same idiot Moon-Bats who Idolize and worship Obama. The same dumb-ass liberals who are still blaming Bush & Cheney, for everything including the floods in New Orleans...
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that Rational Nation USA, or Lester is a twit, a big-time twit and a certified member of the Progressive Eruption Squad. and a egotistical piece of crap, just like his Progressive Leader . that said; there is no way that Rational Nation USA, or Lester, or any other member of that squad, including Ducky, Dave Miller, or those other “Critters” that hang out there bowing to the Author of that Stupid Ass-Wipe Rag.. ,
Yes Rational Nation USA, the Gang Lords and their animal member are going to continue killing people and innocent children because,
1. they don’t have any respect for life.
And 2. they just don’t care, because that’s the way they were brought up.
Gun confiscation, and/or extreme regulation simply does not work, not among the Gangster’s way of life. The guns you have to worry about are the guns that are in the hands of criminals and gang members, these are guns owners who do not give a rats ass about Gun Laws.
Yes, a liberal is someone who wants guns out of honest citizens' hands but who also wants more lenient sentencing for criminals who use guns for robbing, and killing. These are the people that Liberals want to protect!
All that you, or anyone else would accomplish with a gun confiscation would be the LEGAL, RESPONSIBLE gun owners, people like ME and the people who are law abiding... The outlaws will give you their guns, and they don’t give a dame about Laws.
So let me make a suggestion Rational Nation USA, or Lester; make a effort to take ALL of the illegal guns from the hands of the illegal and irresponsible owners, reinstate “Stop and Frisk,” lock up the illegal guns owners and throw away the key and then leave the honest folks alone. That would be the best solution for you wouldn’t it?
Chicago, and New York has the stickiest Gun Laws in the Nation, and yet has they more homicides than any city in the nation,
So, let me ask once again; how is all that gun control working out for you there in Chicago, or in New York, with that Progressive mayor DiBlasio who stoped, “Stop and Frisk”?
Oh, wait, what am I thinking? I’m sorry Lester , I forgot that you want all guns to be outlawed, so in your demented Libtard mind, no honest gun owners would have any guns... Great idea... just try to get mine!
DeleteI did not say Reagan was a terrible president.
Obama happens to be the twice elected president of the United States. I did not vote for him... either time.
I have owned firearms. I have hunted. I am an advocate fo responsible firearm ownership and effective background checks and waiting periods.
I, unlike you believe ideas, all ideas deserve an equal shot at being heard and discussed. Unlike you I realize the country's founders were in fact radical progressives of their era. Progress is not the enemy of liberty nor is it end of America that you choose to believe it is. Science and technology is only dangerous when in the hands of and used by nefarious individuals and organization. Rightwing reactionary conservatives lmmediately come to mind. As do leftwing totalitarian regimes and dictators.
Now, go back to your sandbox of delusions and hyperbolic megaphone and pretend you know what you are babbling about.
The point, RW, is that responsible gun owners aren't a problem, ergo "guns", are not the problem. Idiots are the problem (with or without guns, but worse with them) If they didn't have guns, they'd simply use swords, knives and explosive devices. they could find at hand.
DeleteThe new crime statistics released by the agency reveal that out of 11,961 murders performed within the U.S. in 2014, 660 were committed unarmed, 1,567 were committed with knives and only 248 murders were known to have been committed using rifles of any type, including single-shot long arms and “assault rifles” routinely demonized by gun control groups.
The Left couldn't formulate an actual problem to solve if their very lives depended upon it.
DeleteA "background check" isn't going to screen "squat". Hell, the government doesn't even usually prosecute known criminals for firearms violations
DeleteKnow why? Criminals don't have any money. Legal gun owners do. Guns are just a left wing State and Federal Government revenue stream...
DeleteThere are 300 million guns in America. Each one generates tens of $ for the States and Feds in licensing and registration fees.
DeleteAt $2 a pop, the feds collect hundreds of millions for access to a stupid database on gun owners filled with private info (medical records) that no one in government is supposed to have...
DeleteThe Pennsylvania State Police (“PSP”) serves as a state point of contact for NICS.1 Before a federally licensed importer, manufacturer or dealer transfers a firearm to an unlicensed person, the importer, manufacturer or dealer must request, by means of a telephone call, that PSP conduct a criminal history, juvenile delinquency history, and a mental health check.2 The licensee and the purchaser must provide such information as is necessary to accurately identify the purchaser, and the licensee must inspect photo identification of the potential purchaser or transferee.3 The licensee may not transfer the firearm until he or she receives a unique approval number from PSP for the purchase.4 The licensee must also collect from the buyer or transferee and forward to PSP a fee equivalent to the cost of conducting the background check, but not exceeding $2 per buyer or transferee, and issue a receipt containing the approval number to the purchaser or transferee.
The feds did 18 million background checks last year. That means, the feds earned $36 million from their "Instacheck" program.
DeleteWanna know how many federal prosecutions there were for criminals attempting to purchase weapons that this program stopped? 1 out of every 2,000 false applications.
$5.1 billion Estimated federal and state taxes (business and excise) generated by the industry in 2012, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation... that's $17 fromr every gun in America
Wow the dumbfuckery of those looney tbaggers posting here
Deleteis hitting new lows.
...but I'm sure that you won't be happy until you've hit the bottom! :)
DeleteThe NRA and the loonies of the "they're coming to grab your guns" brigade are proud of you Lisa.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile sensible Americans will continue to work towards finding a reasonable and intelligent solution for reducing firearm violence in the US while retaining firearm ownership rights for responsible law abiding citizens.
Why not simply offer Americans $100,000 for every gun they turn over to the oligarch's? Let's face facts. The Left is too cheap to solve America's problems.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou're proving my point, ya cheap skinflint!
DeleteFor a party that hates money, your bunch are cheaper than Scrooge's at Christmas.
A reasonable buy back of unregistered guns and firearms suck as automatic weapons
DeleteMoron. A Class 3 fully auto license is extremely difficult to pull off making fully autos rare and creating a HUGE premium on the price. The few who have them unregistered are hard core gangbangers and towelheads. I'm sure they'd skip to your hippy dippy buyback/transparent confiscation attempt.
What part of "shall not be infringed" do you meatheads refuse to understand...Lock N' Load!
Tell you what, when you and the other wannabe Stalinists come for my guns you can have them! One bullet at a time.
Molon Labe!
A reasonable buy back of unregistered guns and firearms such as automatic weapons/assault firearms makes sense. Combined with enacting sensible uniform national regulations, including thorough background checks and "cooling off" periods.
DeleteYou're just another dimwit with a pea for a brain.
Now, FY.
Wouldn't a "knife" buy back be 5x as effective as an automkatic weapon/assault firearm program? Maybe a "sword" ban?
DeleteWouldn't a "knife" buy back be 5x as effective as an automkatic weapon/assault firearm program? Maybe a "sword" ban?
DeleteWhatever Ur Anus tells you dude, or dudette.
DeleteIt's alway funny to see how the Leftists always dig up someone who is dead to bitch about.
ReplyDeleteLike the Progressive loots do to Mr. Reagan.
Well American Girl, it was the conservative hordes that brought up the "age thing" with reference to the democratic candidates that are in first and second place polling.
ReplyDeleteFurther oh ye intelligent one, there was no bitching going on I making a simple and truthful statement.
Oh the hypocrisy of the die hard conservatives.
Rational Nation USA October 19, 2015 at 5:56 AM...I fully understand anger that is no doubt fueled by intellectual shortcomings and dishonesty.
ReplyDeleteSays it all! First honest and truthful thing you've ever spewed.
Of course, in response to this:
DeleteAmerican GirlOctober 19, 2015 at 5:34 AM
Go ahead you stupid liberal Jackass, switch the topic as you creeps always do and about Mr. Reagsn and something that happened 30 yeas ago.
My only surprise is that you didn't "Blsme Bush"
You need to go back to one of your other idiot liberties like Dave Miller , for some better material .
Funny how you Jerks never bring up those Past Idiotic Presidents like Carter, Clinton, and the King of them all the Loser in Chief Barack Bin Obama.
Tell us again about that bunch of Old Geezer that were on that podium spewing that horse manure last week about how ONLY Blsck Lives Matter !. And how the whole county is sick an tired about hearing about Hillary's email corruption .
AG is just another dimwit just as you are Redass.
Now, go FY.
The United States has confirmed that Iran tested a medium-range missile capable of delivering a nuclear weapon in "clear violation" of a United Nations Security Council ban on ballistic missile tests, a senior US official said on Friday. "The United States is deeply concerned about Irańs recent ballistic missile launch," US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said in a statement. "After reviewing the available information, we can confirm that Iran launched on Oct. 10 a medium-range ballistic missile inherently capable of delivering a nuclear weapon," she said. "This was a clear violation of UN Security Council Resolution.
ReplyDeleteSo just as I and so many other Americans thought, in the first place, it is pretty clear now that Iran does not care what the US thinks...nor anyone else.
How do you Libatards feel about that so called “Great Deal” Obama made with these lying, untrustworthy SOB’S now?
The Obama administration should have been more concerned about their honesty or lack of it while negotiating with the Iranian terrorist country. Now we hear nothing from this Muslim Administration in Washington DC. In US new outlets; why is that? What are they hiding from the American people? They're all laughing at us in Tehran, and all around the world, they're crying, because they all knew (except us) that you can never trust these people.
Ducky, You are just about the most pathetic piece of crap that I have ever read or heard.
ReplyDeleteAnd that goes for Rational Nation USA as well,
DeleteHave you been introduced to Radical Redass and Rusty Chucklenuts?
ReplyDeleteHow can snyone let alone vote for but support Hillary Clinton That Two-faced, corrupt, greedy, above the law swindler. She'll do and say anything to hold onto power.
Damn you are either super dumb or willfully ignorant, one or the other.
DeleteOf perhaps you just have selective reading habits. Most right wing reactionaries do.