Saturday, December 26, 2015

Marijuana Has a Huge Carbon Footprint

yearly greenhouse-gas pollution of the $40 billion per year marijuana industry is responsible for about 3% of all electricity use or 8% of household use. Indoor growers use high-intensity lights that are 500 times more powerful that a standard reading lamp. They also use several other high energy industrial practices.  The closest comparison for these massive, industrial-style grow facilities are data centers, which consume about two percent of the nation’s electric power.

Read more:

It turns out that grass (Marijuana) is not all that green, particularly if it is grown indoors.  Evan Mills, Ph. D, a longtime energy analyst at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, last week released his independent study that examined the carbon footprint of the indoor marijuana industry.

Marijuana production has raised other environmental concerns. Each Marijuana plant said to need between 3 and 5 gallons of water per day to grow to fruition, which significantly raises its carbon footprint.  The Bay Citizen, a San Francisco publication, reported last year on the risk of pot being tainted with pesticides used by growers. Even though 17 states allow growing Marijuana for medical purposes, it is a controlled substance under federal law and U.S. regulatory agencies do not supervise how it is grown or monitor the pesticides used in its cultivation.  Mills also  notes that marijuana growers often raise indoor carbon dioxide levels to four-times natural levels to boost plant growth.


  1. NOW do you what harm Central Planning inevitably, and almost invariably, does to the quality of life on earth?

    Before the GOVERNMENT got involved and tried –– first to FORBID –– and now to PROMOTE –– the use and sale of marijuana, it grew naturallyin deserted city lots, open fields, was cultivated only in coffee cans on windowsills, in window boxes and suburban garden plots. In those lovely far away days it and was considered –– and often called –– WEED.

    Now that the forever-interfering, ham-fisted forces of GOVERNMENT REGULATION have declared marijuana LEGAL, it has turned into a multimillion dollar cash crop grown "scientifically" indoors at VAST EXPENSE with HARMFUL RESULTS to the precious ENVIRONMENT. Not only that, "scientific" cultivation has made the once-humble weed far more potent –– and potentially more harmful to the body –– than the old coffee can variety.

    Mankind is forever shooting itself in its proverbial foot whenever it tries to fool around with Mother Nature by Government Edict.

  2. The government's so called "war on drugs", with millions in tax payer money wasted each year, and in the process having created the largest prison population in the "free" world is one o the the largest government failures ever.

    Yet we continue to do the same thing(s) over and over and over again.

    1. I must agree with you that government has mismanaged our money in the "war on drugs" by spending tax money recklessly. Mankind isn't very wise, as shown by the abuse of substances that can harm the body when used with reckless abandon.

  3. Gotta protect the profits of the investors. ;)

  4. And it is only legal in 23 states. Imagine how large the carbon footprint will be when libs get their way of making it legal in all 57 states,lol

  5. Imagine the efforts that will be expended and the millions more spent on the war on drugs by conservatives if they should ultimately prevail. As well as the incarceration of hundreds of thousands more for non violent activity.

    Hey Lisa, what is Trumps newest lies. I've not been paying attention of late as the festive holiday spirit has consumed my most of my energies.

    57 states indeed. Keep hanging on to that one because it is just SO relevant.

    1. Oh yeah RN and Hillary and Obama are so forthright aren't they?

    2. The facts are that to some degree all politicians stretch the truth and occasionally lie Lisa. True for both democrats as well as republicans.

      What is troubling is the degree to which Trump lies . That isn't the greatest problem however. The granddaddy of problems is that his supporters are apparently oblivious to the truth and one can only believe they are willingly so.

      76% of his statements are either partially false, false, or pants on fire. That is an alarming number and REAL AMERICANS will see to it that he is ever president of this unique and secular nation.

      By comparison both President Obama and HRC are pillars of truthfulness

    3. If you like your doctor, you can keep him...

      Such "Pillars of truthfulness"

  6. Wind turbines aren't "green", either; the fact that they constantly need a fossil fuel backup (the result of their piss-poor 10-30% efficiency), the fact that they have the highest resource intensity of any current form of energy, the fact that they kill off thousands of endangered species every year (from the Indiana Bat to the American Bald Eagle), etc..

    1. It's a sad fact that they need to use natural gas as a backup fuel when the turbines fail to produce enough power, isn't it Will? Too bad they can't burn garbage or sewage for backup fuels. Ashes can be used to fertilize soil.

  7. Oh Lester, you leftwingnuts are becoming so concerned about Trumps success its becoming comical.... you folks just cant wrap your heads around why people of all backgrounds find him appealing. You twits try to denigrate Trump to no avail and try to really denigrate his supporters, again with zero results. It must be quite trying for you donkeys, no one cares what you people think.

    1. First dimple brain I go not give a rat's ass about Trump's success nor do I begrudge him his success. It's his DISHONESTY and BIGOTRY that concerns me. But by all means support your lying windbag of rancid oral flatulence Shackelford.


  8. The leftwingnuts will be jumping off roofs when president Trump puts Air Force One in mothballs and uses his own 757 and puts a mini casino in the White House.

  9. It’s not because he’s black, it’s because he’s RED! Obama’s Marxist policies are destroying our economy, causing the poor to be poorer, devaluing our money, increasing our debt, destroying our healthcare, raising energy costs, dividing us by groups, dissing our allies and appeasing our enemies.

  10. Well done Mr. Obama, well done.
    As 2015 comes to a close it's important for us to review the major, successful battles President Obama won.

    Well done, Mr. Obama, you have another year to go, and we hope you continue winning more battles:

    1. lol!

      No battles were listed... so perhaps it really was A "GOOD" year! :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


  12. And now its time for Hillary to take over the ship. In think the best is yet to come for America and Hillary will make it so. This election is going to be an exciting one, she'll have Bill, Chelsea, and the Obama's campaigning with her!! And with them in her corner beating that bunch of GOP clowns will be a cinch.

    1. It's just a shame that Captain Hillary's crew has holed all the lifeboats.

    2. you meant the sinking ship that Obama has created. Yeah let Hillary plug the hole,puleeeez!

  13. Jim Webb, one of the former Democratic presidential candidates left and who has been all but completely ignored by his party has called Hillary Clinton's leadership "INEPT." Now appears that he will be considering shifting his candidacy for president as an independent. For that, I say Good For You Mr Webb!
    These are serious times, and he sees that his party has been taken over by crazy people.
    A vote for Hillary is a vote for the further decline of the United States of America.
    Mr. Webb also said that he would directly attack Hillary Clinton for her tenure as Secretary of State including her part in handling the Benghazi attack, where our American diplomat, and 3 Navy Seals were killed in a 2012 terror attack.
    Wow an honest democrat who would have thunk! I guess that he was much too of a Normal Individual for the Democrats.

    1. Jim Webb was the only Democrat in the candiate pool who was at least half sane. The rest of the candidates are bent far left. My blog buddy Rattrapper just wrote a new post on my blog, calling the Democratic candidates the New Leave It To Beaver cast.


    NOW do you what harm Central Planning inevitably, and almost invariably, does to the quality of life on earth?

    Before the GOVERNMENT got involved and tried –– first to FORBID –– and now to PROMOTE –– the use and sale of marijuana, it grew naturallyin deserted city lots, open fields, was cultivated only in coffee cans on windowsills, in window boxes and suburban garden plots. In those lovely far away days it and was considered –– and often called –– WEED.

    Now that the forever-interfering, ham-fisted forces of GOVERNMENT REGULATION have declared marijuana LEGAL, it has turned into a multimillion dollar cash crop grown "scientifically" indoors at VAST EXPENSE with HARMFUL RESULTS to the precious ENVIRONMENT. Not only that, "scientific" cultivation has made the once-humble weed far more potent –– and potentially more harmful to the body –– than the old coffee can variety.

    Mankind is forever shooting itself in its proverbial foot whenever it tries to fool around with Mother Nature by Government Edict.

    1. What don't you understand about the principles our democratic republic was founded on FreeThinke?

    2. Instead of asking stupid questions, why don't you respond to the argument with an intelligent counter-argument?

      If you are incapable, as i suspect you are, of addressing the points raised either with substantive support or reasoned rejection, don't you think it would be better simply to keep quiet?

      The reason I will not permit you to post at my blog is not because I refuse to tolerate opposing points of view. It's because I will not stand for anyone whose sole purpose in blogging is to act as a chronic irritant to muck up my space.

    3. I did, one you disagree with and therefore don't like.

    4. Which is quite typical of the rightwing PC police, of which you obviously are one.

      Good day FreeThinke and do have yourself a Bang Up New Year.
