I'm not saying any such thing Lisa. I am saying money talks. I am saying the majority of black folks do not support Trumpf (and they have good reason for not supporting him), and I am saying that it if people like Redass and you Lisa that are the VERY FIRST to claim blacks who support democrats do so because they live on the plantation and want the "free stuff".
Bottom line? You and Redass are among the most dishonest and shallow people in this nation.
Hey Rational Nation USA, I've been reading your CRAP for years now, and here is my advise to you and your friends under that rock where you constantly post your shit! Go take a bath with a Toaster . But be sure it's plugged in!
Poor Crapenter! I Ain't Got No Blog struck your nerves again. Do you need Mr. Wilson's nerve medicine to calm you down? Call your buddy Dennis The Menace Kucinich to see if he has the old recipe.
Love the header picture Lisa. True. You've got it going on. As to the Vid, yes, we must wonder how long people can remain as stupid as rn. 8 years of oBAMa, and the highest UE rate for black folks. What is so hard about this? oBAMa is an enemy of the USA (if not civilization itself) and more-so an enemy of the black folks.
Thanks Kid.Democrats act like they are there to help but they are the biggest racists because what they are really saying is this is your pay for your vote What is so hard is the left taking responsibility for the denigration of a two parent home. . They are good as diversion,I will give them that
Spot on Lisa.... the leftwingnuts hate this subject. They have no response when confronted by facts. Fact that the unemployment rate for blacks is over 15%....fact that the unemployment rate for blacks under 20 years of age is over 50%. All those libs suffering from white guilt can worship at the Obama alter even though nothing has been done for the black community the past eight years.
Whatever's wrong with our society letting candidates for president like Clinton,and Samders say stupid things without major rebuke clearly reflects how the democratic party has declined.
Hey Rational Nation USA, I've been reading your CRAP for years now, and here is my advise to you and your friends under that rock where you constantly post your shit! Go take a bath with a Toaster . But be sure it's plugged in
a'The comedian, who operates on social media under the moniker “The Philly Offensive,” put the signs up on his own accord for his and everyone else’s entertainment. He’s in no way associated with Wawa, but he used their stores without their knowledge to see how welfare users and sympathizers would react to the truth."
How can you make a country stronger when you have all these foreign leeches and moochers draining our country and they get handed everything on a silver platter. And citizens of this country have to live on the street and starve because you have a president that hates America and it's people and trying to make this into a 3rd world nation.
Isn't it amazing what efforts a dumb ass like SHAW will go to just to slander a opponent of Hillary's. Here is the STUPID post that the Sicko posted today;
This "morally sloppy" woman, who is admired by the evangelical Christian right, gave her blessing and endorsement to Donald Trump. And he happily accepted it, which shows how shallow and fraudulent those who pretend Sarah Palin and Donald Trump represent " Christian family values" are.
It is strikingly evident to anyone with a moral compass that, compared with the evangelical Christian right's heroes, Palin and Trump, the Obama family is far and away better at parenting than Palin would ever hope to be, and the Obamas are a far better model of marital fidelity and devotion than Trump is.
So Lisa, are you considering going to a "team members only" format like FreeThinke has recently done? Or put another way moving to full blown echo chamber.
Tribalism is apparently alive and well on the interlubes.
The video is cute –– very appealing. Unless the woman with the big gaps between her teeth is a well-trained character actress, her testimony has to spontaneous and utterly guileless. You can't "pay" ordinary people to express themselves with such obvious enthusiasm in front of a camera. You MIGHT be able to get them to say those WORDS, but the warmth, vigor and perfectly natural body language would be missing.
If you've ever heard a young child read passages from the Bible at a church gathering, you'd know exactly what I mean.
The primary characteristic of leftists is their adamant determination to pretend in the face of myriad evidence to the contrary that anyone who does not think exactly as they claim to do must either be a faker or an idiot.
So you Libs are saying that Obama who was born in Kenya to an American mother, can be president. And Cruz who was born in Canada to an American mother, can not? . WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE!
Taxpayers have spent almost $73 million on President Barack Obama’s travel for political fundraisers and vacations, according to federal documents obtained by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.
The latest tally comes after the Air Force released documents showing the public’s share of the cost for Obama and his family to travel to California for a fundraising swing was more than $2 million. This brought the known total expense to taxpayers for non-government related travel on Air Force One to $72.8 million — more than $10 million per year.
Interesting, but I suspect it's par for the course. Running for and being the president is a very expensive proposition anyway you slice it. We may thank TV for that.
BUT ...
WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO with the VIDEO Lisa put up for our consideration?
I personally believe that No one in the FBI nor any other government Agency will ever make a move to bring Hillary to justice. She is more likely to become President than punished for her lies and deceit.
The GOP has done nothing for the poor or middle class in decades except fear and hate monger while they take away more services and give massive tax breaks to corporations. Idiot.
With the very first debate FOX made it obvious they are a pro-Establishment, anti-Insurgent organization. Ergo a new motto was born:
I don't believe Mr. Trump is AFRAID of ANYBODY. I think he is just expressing his )thoroughly justified DISGUST at the agenda-driven machinations of our Free-but-Foolish-and-Decidedly-Unfair Press –– and entity I have long referred to as the ENEMEDIA.
What effect Mr. Trump's move may have on the result of the Iowa Caucuses I can't presume to know, but it certainly has handed every one of Mr. Trump's enemies a boatload of blethering BS to fling at him.
Shut up RN you sound like all the rest of the far left loons with the same BS name calling. If Obama was treated like this, you and the rest of the left wing morons would have been defending him like he was you little boy.
Who???? And I mean who has more balls then Donald Trump???
The usual leftwingnutz will try to denigrate Mr.Trump for telling the Big Bear, Fox to stick the debate up their ass.... when in all actuality he is showing them just what F^^K YOU money can do. He just today sinched Iowa. This guy is amazing.
With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for anyone that can beat Hillary
I don't really care for Cruz. He reminds me of Obama Too scripted and likes the sound of his own voice with no real solutions except he just goes against everything,with no plan
Blogger has declared itself no longer compatible with my browser, Anita. I, myself, have NO ACCESS to the CONTROLS at my own blog. I CANNOT POST NEW ARTICLES, and CANNOT MONITOR CONTENT. I have called in "techsperts" at great expense, and they've been NO HELP whatsoever.
Obviously I AM able to post comments here and elsewhere, but as far as FreeThinke's blog is concerned, consider it OUT of BUSINESS, unless and until Blogger gets over its stupid rejection of my browser.
There is also an Outmoded Modem Problem with my internet access provider. I've neglected so far to try to get them to replace it, because it is HELL to try to get through to the bastards.
Freethinke, if you have a smartphone, try bloggeroid. I use this app when I post by smartphone on my Blogger blogs. It works like a charm when a browser on a computer causes problems connecting to Blogger. It's also possible someone might have hacked your Google account and changed settings on your blog.
The IDIOT’S over at Shaw’s place think that they are SO cite calling Trump names the way that they do. But please tell me when Hillary went on Fox or any station that wasn’t a Liberal station or that had the audience stacked in her favor!
When did the presidential elections become Megan Kelly vs Trump? I don't see her treating any other contender as she does Trump.. She must really be worried that he is going to win.
Trump will not be bullied by the media. He knows how to walk away from a bad deal. The fact that Fox had Micheal Moore on just shows how irrelevant Fox has become. Fox will have it's lowest debate ratings and sponsors will pull out. Trump did the right thing and I will watch his townhall to raise money for Vets that night instead.
Megan Kelly needs to move to CNN and FOX will loose viewship if they keep on the way she is..- She is Very self absorbed and getting harder and it’s getting harder to watch this women. Megan Kelly is a absolute liberal. She is the wolf in sheep's clothing. Donald Trump is a genius. And he’s not attending the Fox debate because Fox News is no longer fair and balanced.
Not too long ago (2011), Trump flattered Megyn Kelly on her moderating ability, and he trashed the T-GOP candidates who would not show up for a debate, calling them "disloyal" and "lacking courage."
Fast forward to 2016, and see disloyalty and lacking courage ala The Donald become a badge of honor for him now that HE'S disloyal and a coward.
And the Phoney Lisa E. said Brave, brave Sir Donald!: Donald Trump has announced that he will not be participating in Thursday’s Fox News debate, after the network refused to budge on his demand that Megyn Kelly be removed as a moderator. So is he serious?
TRUMP: "I won't go to the Fox debate if that woman is there. She's MEAN to me!" Hahahahaha! What a gigantic wussy wuss! Hahahahahahahaha!
Do you mean a a gigantic wussy wuss, like drawing a Cowardly Red Line? Hahahahaha
Justice Barack Obama? It could happen if Hillary Clinton wins the White House.
At a campaign event in Deocorah, Iowa, on Tuesday, the Democratic hopeful noted that the next president could have to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices – and she seemed delighted when a voter proposed Obama as a contender.
"Wow, what a great idea. No one has ever suggested that to me, I love that, wow," Clinton replied. "He may have a few other things to do but I tell you that's a great idea."
Maybe, Lisa, but why do you suppose that REPUBLICAN presidents from EISENHOWER on down have chosen some of the most dangerously liberal or limp-wristed moderate Supreme Court justices? Earl Warren? Sandra Day O'Connor? David Souter? Bernard Roberts? And that very old guy Justice Stephens, who stayed on the bench well past his time for the SOLE PURPOSE of making absolutely SURE that a fellow LIBERAL took his place. remember that?
I no longer have ANY faith in Republicans. ALL they seem able to do is shoot themselves in the foot –– at OUR expense –– over, and over, and OVER again.
In My eyes, Trump Is a Genius! If you liberals were as smart as him, you would see that this, this is the way a real leader negotiates! He has often said, he would walk away from deals with World Leaders, and he knows that they will come back and he'll get a better deal! Not like Obama did with Iran. If you think he's scared of a little Wimpy turn-coat Megan “smart ass “ Kelly, you are so wrong! You watch, this will come out great for him. When Trump is President, negotiations around the World will change. Trump will bargain the best deals instead of us getting screwed by every World Leader.
Can anyone actually remember the last time Obama was asked a tough question about anything? Remember when Obama was caught on camera telling Russia's Medvedev that he’s have more flexibility after election? His exact words were :"This is my last election ... After my election I’ll have more flexibility." Whenever Obama has to meet with a “World Leader” from a Comunist nation when the going gets tough, Obama picks up all his Legos and goes home. Trump has concluded that he no longer needs these debates to advance his campaign, and he's probably right. If he wins Iowa, NH and South Carolina, I'm not seeing how they stop him at this point. There will be NO stopping him then. Instead everyone is piling on Trump, hoping that this brings him down with the schmucks who are running on the Democratic side. Trump owns them, when he is there they are talking about him , when he is gone they are talking about him when they hate him they are talking about him if they love him they are talking about him all the Republicans are talking about him and all the democrats want to run against him. it is Trump all the time every where And when Fox News want to interview him when he’s the nominee, or when he’s the President, he could tell them where to go. I’ll be watching his fund-raiser for Wounded Warriors and donating to a worthy cause, and not running to the Golf Course when he is needed somewhere else instead of listening to a ridiculous “cat-fight” debate! Where was Hillary when the Conservative talk show hosts wanted to interview her? You Liberals are just used to double-standards. I don't think Hillary will ever be on Fox News, or on any other Conservative station or be interviewed by anyone without having a STACKED audience with Stacked questions. and I don't think anyone will say things like 'a president might get asked tough questions. So go ahead and take cheap shots at Trump now. And I’ll take mine at Hillary!
I saw some things in an industry trade magazine for radio and television interviews that might be quite interesting and quite revealing to liberals. Whenever some press agent offers an interview appointment in these trade magazines, they tell the media agencies what questions to ask the guest. They give the media agency a page of approved questions that the agency must agree to stick to and not deviate from, otherwise, the press agent will not allow the media agency to interview the proposed guest. I've seen a list of softball questions one agency provided for prospective agencies to ask Hillary Clinton when she was still Secretary Of State a few years ago. When I read what the media agencies were mandated to stick to, it made me disgusted and sick, especially when the press agent forbade the media agencies from asking about Benghazi and the death of ambassador Chris Stevens.
I can't for the life of me figure out or understand why the FBI isn't investigating Hillary and Bill's latest crime spree as modern day espionage! Clearly all of the evidence is right there in front of them...
Hillary: Make contact as Secretary of State with foreign enemies of the U.S.A. all over the world and post USA secrets and classified documents on their secret personal server stashed at their NY home to be downloaded by foreign enemies after they receive an e-mail address by e-message where they can electronically transfer funds to a tax exempt U.S.A. charity that never gave more than 10% to legitimate charitable causes and kept 90% for themselves, and then download documents...
Bill: Make mundane speeches for millions of dollars all over the world to justify foreign enemies receiving an e-mail address to access their secret personal server via e-mail accounts given to them by Hill and her loyal aids.
The saddest part of the entire thing is the people running for President of the greatest Nation on the Planet are of such low character it is mind blowing! This is the best America has to offer?? Really folks, a socialist and a crook/liar/murderer for the Democrats...Go figure.
Trump has done... and WON... 6 debates. He doesn't need to give Fox another 'GOTCHA' ratings grab moment. He is the ONE candidate that doesn't bow down to the media - and I say, good for him!
And by the way DUCKY, I read your ASININE comment about me, and the only reason why I didn't answer you is because I chose to ignore everything that you write
Wimpy T will remain on the outside looking in at the Democratuc President who will nominate President Obama to the SCOTUS. And he will be confirmed by a democratic senate.
It must be comforting living in your familiar box Lisa; never straying from the cherished old paradigms that your oligarch masters so carefully crafted for you and your fellow sheeple.
I saw this video on Mike's America blog as well. I said that the moonbat virus can't keep everyone infected forever, and that there is hope for the moonbats getting cured.
Should I care if I get cancer In this wretched, troubled, world Where all seems swiftly headed towards the rocks?
Since we live with devolution, Marred and poisoned with pollution Cancer gives us absolution, Since our kids don’t care enough to wear their socks.
As towards The End we're whirling With flaming batons twirling, And last night's dinner hurling towards the rug
And no one seems to notice As they take positions lotus To escape the awful bother, Despite demur from failing father, To remove the dreadful stench, at which they shrug
And each, emaciated limb Grayish, pale, translucent, slim Flailing in St. Vitus' Dance Keeps death watchers in a trance As with dead, unseeing eyes they watch and long With fading final song for their ultimate demise . I’d be grateful to have cancer It has given me an Answer In this wretched, troubled, world Where my life now lies unfurled Wherever I have travelled All behind me lies unravelled, And backward glances give me naught but shocks. As I see we’ve always headed towards the rocks.
She matured, didn't she...great video. I am not a big Trump fan; but I tell my liberal friends who laugh about him and ask how anybody could like him..."It's not so sad he's so popular, what's REALLY sad is what Obama's done to MAKE Trump so popular....that we NEED a mouth like Trump's in America today" THAT is REALLY sad.
C-SPAN unearthed footage Monday of then-Sen. Joe Biden arguing in 1992 that President George H.W. Bush should not nominate a Supreme Court justice until after the election that year.
Biden, now the Vice President of the United States, may wish now that he’d kept that to himself as President Obama has announced he will nominate a replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia in the coming weeks. Republicans have argued Obama, who will be out of office next January, should allow the next president to pick a nominee.
“It is my view that if a Supreme Court justice resigns tomorrow or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not, and not, name a nominee until after the November election is completed,“ Biden said. “The Senate, too, Mr. President, must consider how it would respond to a Supreme Court vacancy that would occur in the full throes of an election year.”
I wonder how much green the lady was showered with for her Trumpaline endorsement.
ReplyDeleteWhy RN are you saying she can't think for herself? Sounds bigoted to me
DeleteI'm not saying any such thing Lisa. I am saying money talks. I am saying the majority of black folks do not support Trumpf (and they have good reason for not supporting him), and I am saying that it if people like Redass and you Lisa that are the VERY FIRST to claim blacks who support democrats do so because they live on the plantation and want the "free stuff".
DeleteBottom line? You and Redass are among the most dishonest and shallow people in this nation.
Radical Redass believes The Jerry Springer Show isn't staged.
DeleteDucky believes that the Oscars are too white...
DeleteWho's the fool?
Well, let's just say, Farmer that if it comes to to a stiff like Jada Smith versus Charlotte Rampling ... you figure it out.
DeleteMaybe Spike Lee thinks he's Godard.
Spike doesn't even deserve a Thalberg, let alone an Oscar (honorary or otherwise).
DeleteI wonder how much moonbat hooch Lester Crapenter drank and what proof rating it had…probably 190 proof hooch.
DeleteHaha lefties are the ones who make black people think they need the democrat party for their survival . Like LBJ said
ReplyDeleteYou really are well trained Lisa. A glowing example of the right's success in their relentness dumbing down of America.
ReplyDeleteHow does it fell to be a loyal sheeple Lisa?
Hey Rational Nation USA, I've been reading your CRAP for years now, and here is my advise to you and your friends under that rock where you constantly post your shit! Go take a bath with a Toaster . But be sure it's plugged in!
DeletePiss off idiot. Or, take a long walk off a short pier. You'd make great marine life food.
DeletePoor Crapenter! I Ain't Got No Blog struck your nerves again. Do you need Mr. Wilson's nerve medicine to calm you down? Call your buddy Dennis The Menace Kucinich to see if he has the old recipe.
DeleteLove the header picture Lisa. True. You've got it going on. As to the Vid, yes, we must wonder how long people can remain as stupid as rn. 8 years of oBAMa, and the highest UE rate for black folks. What is so hard about this? oBAMa is an enemy of the USA (if not civilization itself) and more-so an enemy of the black folks.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kid.Democrats act like they are there to help but they are the biggest racists because what they are really saying is this is your pay for your vote
ReplyDeleteWhat is so hard is the left taking responsibility for the denigration of a two parent home. .
They are good as diversion,I will give them that
Spot on Lisa.... the leftwingnuts hate this subject. They have no response when confronted by facts. Fact that the unemployment rate for blacks is over 15%....fact that the unemployment rate for blacks under 20 years of age is over 50%.
ReplyDeleteAll those libs suffering from white guilt can worship at the Obama alter even though nothing has been done for the black community the past eight years.
Whatever's wrong with our society letting candidates for president like Clinton,and Samders say stupid things without major rebuke clearly reflects how the democratic party has declined.
ReplyDeleteHey Rational Nation USA, I've been reading your CRAP for years now, and here is my advise to you and your friends under that rock where you constantly post your shit! Go take a bath with a Toaster . But be sure it's plugged in
ReplyDeletePiss off idiot. Or, take a long walk off a short pier. You'd make great marine life food.
DeletePoor RN Crapenter! Did Bernie Sandbaggers pass gas in your face when you spent a Weekend At Bernie's?
DeleteHa,ha, ha, RN sounds like he's someone hit a nerve!
ReplyDeleteA lot of Obama supporting welfare moochers are furious over some special signs that are popping up at Wawa grocery stores in Philadelphia.
ReplyDeleteThe signs tell the leeches that their stores are no longer going to be accepting food stamps and to GET A JOB! Lol, its funny but TRUE!
Wow I just looked this up,apparently it's true
Deletea'The comedian, who operates on social media under the moniker “The Philly Offensive,” put the signs up on his own accord for his and everyone else’s entertainment. He’s in no way associated with Wawa, but he used their stores without their knowledge to see how welfare users and sympathizers would react to the truth."
Wow, apparently it's not.
Is there a sign reading "...number of buildings condemned" as you enter Everett, MA?
DeleteYou know, like McDonalds with the number of burgers served.
How can you make a country stronger when you have all these foreign leeches and moochers draining our country and they get handed everything on a silver platter. And citizens of this country have to live on the street and starve because you have a president that hates America and it's people and trying to make this into a 3rd world nation.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing what efforts a dumb ass like SHAW will go to just to slander a opponent of Hillary's.
ReplyDeleteHere is the STUPID post that the Sicko posted
This "morally sloppy" woman, who is admired by the evangelical Christian right, gave her blessing and endorsement to Donald Trump. And he happily accepted it, which shows how shallow and fraudulent those who pretend Sarah Palin and Donald Trump represent " Christian family values" are.
It is strikingly evident to anyone with a moral compass that, compared with the evangelical Christian right's heroes, Palin and Trump, the Obama family is far and away better at parenting than Palin would ever hope to be, and the Obamas are a far better model of marital fidelity and devotion than Trump is.
Since Barry's a homo, why would he change beards?
DeleteGood question Radical Redneck. Shelley won't change beards too.
DeleteSo, you have a problem with the truth?
ReplyDeleteOf course you do. You're a reactionary living in the shadows of the 1950's.
Thanks you so much for your daily dump.
No, I have a problem reading Horse Dong!
DeleteThanks for confirming the accuracy of my observation.
DeleteSo Lisa, are you considering going to a "team members only" format like FreeThinke has recently done? Or put another way moving to full blown echo chamber.
ReplyDeleteTribalism is apparently alive and well on the interlubes.
Esther way, WTF do you care?
DeleteThe video is cute –– very appealing. Unless the woman with the big gaps between her teeth is a well-trained character actress, her testimony has to spontaneous and utterly guileless. You can't "pay" ordinary people to express themselves with such obvious enthusiasm in front of a camera. You MIGHT be able to get them to say those WORDS, but the warmth, vigor and perfectly natural body language would be missing.
ReplyDeleteIf you've ever heard a young child read passages from the Bible at a church gathering, you'd know exactly what I mean.
The primary characteristic of leftists is their adamant determination to pretend in the face of myriad evidence to the contrary that anyone who does not think exactly as they claim to do must either be a faker or an idiot.
So you Libs are saying that Obama who was born in Kenya to an American mother, can be president. And Cruz who was born in Canada to an American mother, can not? . WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE!
ReplyDeleteObama was NOT born in KENYA. He was born in HAWAII.
DeleteClinging to a stupid LIE –– or MISUNDERSTANDING, if you prefer –– does considerable DAMAGE to the Conservative Cause, and NOTHING whatsoever to HELP.
Taxpayers have spent almost $73 million on President Barack Obama’s travel for political fundraisers and vacations, according to federal documents obtained by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.
ReplyDeleteThe latest tally comes after the Air Force released documents showing the public’s share of the cost for Obama and his family to travel to California for a fundraising swing was more than $2 million. This brought the known total expense to taxpayers for non-government related travel on Air Force One to $72.8 million — more than $10 million per year.
Interesting, but I suspect it's par for the course. Running for and being the president is a very expensive proposition anyway you slice it. We may thank TV for that.
DeleteBUT ...
WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO with the VIDEO Lisa put up for our consideration?
Did you watch it?
If so, what did you think of it?
I personally believe that No one in the FBI nor any other government Agency will ever make a move to bring Hillary to justice. She is more likely to become President than punished for her lies and deceit.
ReplyDeleteMany, I'm sure, would agree with you, Anita. The question that needs to be answered, though, is WHY SHOULD THAT BE the CASE?
DeleteBut WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO with the VIDEO Lisa put up for our consideration?
Did you watch it?
If so, what did you think of it?
ReplyDeleteThe GOP has done nothing for the poor or middle class in decades except fear and hate monger while they take away more services and give massive tax breaks to corporations. Idiot.
ReplyDeleteNot too sure but I did not like her attacks in tbe first debate. It was uncalled for and unprofessional
DeleteWith the very first debate FOX made it obvious they are a pro-Establishment, anti-Insurgent organization. Ergo a new motto was born:
I don't believe Mr. Trump is AFRAID of ANYBODY. I think he is just expressing his )thoroughly justified DISGUST at the agenda-driven machinations of our Free-but-Foolish-and-Decidedly-Unfair Press –– and entity I have long referred to as the ENEMEDIA.
What effect Mr. Trump's move may have on the result of the Iowa Caucuses I can't presume to know, but it certainly has handed every one of Mr. Trump's enemies a boatload of blethering BS to fling at him.
Wimpy T, afraid of Megyn Kelly backs out of Thursday's republican debate. With tail between his legs he whines and plays the victim card.
ReplyDeleteAmong the loyal Trump lovers it will have little to no affect. It should however destroy his credibility.
It remains to be seen.
The debates are a waste of time, and the credibility impaired Press confer nothing upon nobody.
DeleteI disagree, Thersites, the enemedia can do, and has done GREAT HARM for many decades.
DeleteIn general the electorate are like sheep. They have NO MJNDS and will go wherever they are TOLD to go, by the LOUDEST, MOST INSISTENT voices.
Truth, Justice, Fairness, and Decency are conspicuously absent from the political process.
The ENEMEDIA exists to EXPLOIT the Bottomless Pit of Ignorance in which the electorate flails as it falls deeper every day.
Shut up RN you sound like all the rest of the far left loons with the same BS name calling.
DeleteIf Obama was treated like this, you and the rest of the left wing morons would have been defending him like he was you little boy.
Who???? And I mean who has more balls then Donald Trump???
ReplyDeleteThe usual leftwingnutz will try to denigrate Mr.Trump for telling the Big Bear, Fox to stick the debate up their ass.... when in all actuality he is showing them just what F^^K YOU money can do.
He just today sinched Iowa.
This guy is amazing.
With Cruz we finally have the option to vote in a conservative and unbelievably most of you are gonna vote for a guy that has more liberal positions in his closet than Obama. It just blows my mind that you all can so easily kick your convictions to the curb just to vote for anyone that can beat Hillary
ReplyDeleteI don't really care for Cruz. He reminds me of Obama Too scripted and likes the sound of his own voice with no real solutions except he just goes against everything,with no plan
DeleteThe DOUCHBAG Rational Nation USA said..
ReplyDelete"Wimpy T, afraid of Megyn Kelly"
Good point. But so what? Who cares about HRC? You're right though. Wimpy T is a fraud.
ReplyDelete"Who cares about HRC?"
What is Sanders' Secret Service handle - "Lampshade"?
ReplyDeleteNO, Canardo, it's AUSCHWITZ.
DeleteNow, now, Freethinke.
DeleteResponding to the periodic screen name spoofing that goes on here at the smut hut is very low class.
FT, why can't I access your blog?
ReplyDeleteBlogger has declared itself no longer compatible with my browser, Anita. I, myself, have NO ACCESS to the CONTROLS at my own blog. I CANNOT POST NEW ARTICLES, and CANNOT MONITOR CONTENT. I have called in "techsperts" at great expense, and they've been NO HELP whatsoever.
DeleteObviously I AM able to post comments here and elsewhere, but as far as FreeThinke's blog is concerned, consider it OUT of BUSINESS, unless and until Blogger gets over its stupid rejection of my browser.
There is also an Outmoded Modem Problem with my internet access provider. I've neglected so far to try to get them to replace it, because it is HELL to try to get through to the bastards.
What browser are you using? Yours seems like a quite unusual dilemma.
DeleteFreethinke, if you have a smartphone, try bloggeroid. I use this app when I post by smartphone on my Blogger blogs. It works like a charm when a browser on a computer causes problems connecting to Blogger. It's also possible someone might have hacked your Google account and changed settings on your blog.
DeleteOk, I got it.
ReplyDeleteThank you Lisa, for allowing me to contact FT.
@ Teabagger... Trump or Clinton, basically the same. Both are liars and neither can or should be trusted.
ReplyDeleteRational Nation USA.........pull my finger...
DeletePull your own. If you're still capable of doing so.
DeleteThe IDIOT’S over at Shaw’s place think that they are SO cite calling Trump names the way that they do. But please tell me when Hillary went on Fox or any station that wasn’t a Liberal station or that had the audience stacked in her favor!
ReplyDeleteWhen did the presidential elections become Megan Kelly vs Trump? I don't see her treating any other contender as she does Trump.. She must really be worried that he is going to win.
Trump will not be bullied by the media. He knows how to walk away from a bad deal. The fact that Fox had Micheal Moore on just shows how irrelevant Fox has become. Fox will have it's lowest debate ratings and sponsors will pull out. Trump did the right thing and I will watch his townhall to raise money for Vets that night instead.
Megan Kelly needs to move to CNN and FOX will loose viewship if they keep on the way she is..- She is Very self absorbed and getting harder and it’s getting harder to watch this women. Megan Kelly is a absolute liberal. She is the wolf in sheep's clothing. Donald Trump is a genius. And he’s not attending the Fox debate because Fox News is no longer fair and balanced.
I agree 100%. Trump can't be bought and I think they do not like that.
DeleteYou would. You're a Trump groupie. Eat up his lies. Ignore his democratic party proclivities.
DeleteOh wait... you becoming a liberal Lisa? Trump supports universal health care and subsidies for business.
Ducky is a freaken comedian... who would've ever thought?
ReplyDeleteIf Ducky is a comedian you're a master comedian.
DeleteThank you, I take pride in my material.
DeleteShaw Kenawe said...
ReplyDeleteNot too long ago (2011), Trump flattered Megyn Kelly on her moderating ability, and he trashed the T-GOP candidates who would not show up for a debate, calling them "disloyal" and "lacking courage."
Fast forward to 2016, and see disloyalty and lacking courage ala The Donald become a badge of honor for him now that HE'S disloyal and a coward.
And the Phoney Lisa E. said
Brave, brave Sir Donald!:
Donald Trump has announced that he will not be participating in Thursday’s Fox News debate, after the network refused to budge on his demand that Megyn Kelly be removed as a moderator. So is he serious?
TRUMP: "I won't go to the Fox debate if that woman is there. She's MEAN to me!"
Hahahahaha! What a gigantic wussy wuss! Hahahahahahahaha!
Do you mean a a gigantic wussy wuss, like drawing a Cowardly Red Line? Hahahahaha
Justice Barack Obama? It could happen if Hillary Clinton wins the White House.
ReplyDeleteAt a campaign event in Deocorah, Iowa, on Tuesday, the Democratic hopeful noted that the next president could have to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices – and she seemed delighted when a voter proposed Obama as a contender.
"Wow, what a great idea. No one has ever suggested that to me, I love that, wow," Clinton replied. "He may have a few other things to do but I tell you that's a great idea."
Sure, a "great idea" for him to continue destroying this country!
Deleteapparently now to be appointed SCJ you have to be a left wing radical so Bary fits that bill perfectly
ReplyDeleteMaybe, Lisa, but why do you suppose that REPUBLICAN presidents from EISENHOWER on down have chosen some of the most dangerously liberal or limp-wristed moderate Supreme Court justices? Earl Warren? Sandra Day O'Connor? David Souter? Bernard Roberts? And that very old guy Justice Stephens, who stayed on the bench well past his time for the SOLE PURPOSE of making absolutely SURE that a fellow LIBERAL took his place. remember that?
DeleteI no longer have ANY faith in Republicans. ALL they seem able to do is shoot themselves in the foot –– at OUR expense –– over, and over, and OVER again.
WIth "friends" like that we don't need enemies.
Eisenhower was perhaps the last republican with any real merit. With the pssible exception of Reagan. And that is a strenuous stretch FreeThinke.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIn My eyes, Trump Is a Genius! If you liberals were as smart as him, you would see that this, this is the way a real leader negotiates! He has often said, he would walk away from deals with World Leaders, and he knows that they will come back and he'll get a better deal! Not like Obama did with Iran.
If you think he's scared of a little Wimpy turn-coat Megan “smart ass “ Kelly, you are so wrong! You watch, this will come out great for him. When Trump is President, negotiations around the World will change. Trump will bargain the best deals instead of us getting screwed by every World Leader.
Can anyone actually remember the last time Obama was asked a tough question about anything?
Remember when Obama was caught on camera telling Russia's Medvedev that he’s have more flexibility after election? His exact words were :"This is my last election ... After my election I’ll have more flexibility."
Whenever Obama has to meet with a “World Leader” from a Comunist nation when the going gets tough, Obama picks up all his Legos and goes home.
Trump has concluded that he no longer needs these debates to advance his campaign, and he's probably right. If he wins Iowa, NH and South Carolina, I'm not seeing how they stop him at this point. There will be NO stopping him then.
Instead everyone is piling on Trump, hoping that this brings him down with the schmucks who are running on the Democratic side.
Trump owns them, when he is there they are talking about him , when he is gone they are talking about him when they hate him they are talking about him if they love him they are talking about him all the Republicans are talking about him and all the democrats want to run against him. it is Trump all the time every where
And when Fox News want to interview him when he’s the nominee, or when he’s the President, he could tell them where to go.
I’ll be watching his fund-raiser for Wounded Warriors and donating to a worthy cause, and not running to the Golf Course when he is needed somewhere else instead of listening to a ridiculous “cat-fight” debate!
Where was Hillary when the Conservative talk show hosts wanted to interview her? You Liberals are just used to double-standards.
I don't think Hillary will ever be on Fox News, or on any other Conservative station or be interviewed by anyone without having a STACKED audience with Stacked questions. and I don't think anyone will say things like 'a president might get asked tough questions.
So go ahead and take cheap shots at Trump now. And I’ll take mine at Hillary!
The name is spelled "Megyn". No big deal but you use the same misspelling as another dope posting as "TeaBagger".
DeleteI bet a forensic study which factored out the sock puppets would leave about three unique teabags posting here.
I saw some things in an industry trade magazine for radio and television interviews that might be quite interesting and quite revealing to liberals. Whenever some press agent offers an interview appointment in these trade magazines, they tell the media agencies what questions to ask the guest. They give the media agency a page of approved questions that the agency must agree to stick to and not deviate from, otherwise, the press agent will not allow the media agency to interview the proposed guest. I've seen a list of softball questions one agency provided for prospective agencies to ask Hillary Clinton when she was still Secretary Of State a few years ago. When I read what the media agencies were mandated to stick to, it made me disgusted and sick, especially when the press agent forbade the media agencies from asking about Benghazi and the death of ambassador Chris Stevens.
DeleteI can't for the life of me figure out or understand why the FBI isn't investigating Hillary and Bill's latest crime spree as modern day espionage! Clearly all of the evidence is right there in front of them...
ReplyDeleteHillary: Make contact as Secretary of State with foreign enemies of the U.S.A. all over the world and post USA secrets and classified documents on their secret personal server stashed at their NY home to be downloaded by foreign enemies after they receive an e-mail address by e-message where they can electronically transfer funds to a tax exempt U.S.A. charity that never gave more than 10% to legitimate charitable causes and kept 90% for themselves, and then download documents...
Bill: Make mundane speeches for millions of dollars all over the world to justify foreign enemies receiving an e-mail address to access their secret personal server via e-mail accounts given to them by Hill and her loyal aids.
The saddest part of the entire thing is the people running for President of the greatest Nation on the Planet are of such low character it is mind blowing! This is the best America has to offer?? Really folks, a socialist and a crook/liar/murderer for the Democrats...Go figure.
You forgot Benghazi, bobo.
DeleteWell then I'll remind him!
DeleteQuacko's Queer resorts to calling his enemies B0B0 when he can't quack out anything intelligent.
DeleteTrump has done... and WON... 6 debates. He doesn't need to give Fox another 'GOTCHA' ratings grab moment. He is the ONE candidate that doesn't bow down to the media - and I say, good for him!
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way DUCKY, I read your ASININE comment about me, and the only reason why I didn't answer you is because I chose to ignore everything that you write
Boy, that's a loss.
Delete... and whose sock puppet are you, Debonair Dud?
Trumpy the Wuss has won zero debates, and, unless you are an idiot you know that fact.
ReplyDeleteI guess he'll just have to take the Presidency as a consolation prize. First order of business - Supreme Court Justice John Ashcroft.
DeleteWimpy T will remain on the outside looking in at the Democratuc President who will nominate President Obama to the SCOTUS. And he will be confirmed by a democratic senate.
ReplyDeleteMan you lefties just can't get the nails in your own coffins fast enough
DeleteIt must be comforting living in your familiar box Lisa; never straying from the cherished old paradigms that your oligarch masters so carefully crafted for you and your fellow sheeple.
DeleteRN, the chemicals from that polyester shit you wear has finally reached your brain.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of sheeple.
DeleteHas this Moron (Duchy here)run out of stupid things to say at that Shit Pit aka Progressive blog so he's here now!
ReplyDeleteI saw this video on Mike's America blog as well. I said that the moonbat virus can't keep everyone infected forever, and that there is hope for the moonbats getting cured.
ReplyDeleteWe Can Never Go Back to Manderley Now
ReplyDeleteShould I care if I get cancer
In this wretched, troubled, world
Where all seems swiftly headed towards the rocks?
Since we live with devolution,
Marred and poisoned with pollution
Cancer gives us absolution,
Since our kids don’t care enough to wear their socks.
As towards The End we're whirling
With flaming batons twirling,
And last night's dinner hurling towards the rug
And no one seems to notice
As they take positions lotus
To escape the awful bother,
Despite demur from failing father,
To remove the dreadful stench, at which they shrug
And each, emaciated limb
Grayish, pale, translucent, slim
Flailing in St. Vitus' Dance
Keeps death watchers in a trance
As with dead, unseeing eyes they watch and long
With fading final song for their ultimate demise
I’d be grateful to have cancer
It has given me an Answer
In this wretched, troubled, world
Where my life now lies unfurled
Wherever I have travelled
All behind me lies unravelled,
And backward glances give me naught but shocks.
As I see we’ve always headed towards the rocks.
~ FreeThinke
She matured, didn't she...great video.
ReplyDeleteI am not a big Trump fan; but I tell my liberal friends who laugh about him and ask how anybody could like him..."It's not so sad he's so popular, what's REALLY sad is what Obama's done to MAKE Trump so popular....that we NEED a mouth like Trump's in America today" THAT is REALLY sad.
Interestin Z. Amazing that we are at this stage
ReplyDeleteC-SPAN unearthed footage Monday of then-Sen. Joe Biden arguing in 1992 that President George H.W. Bush should not nominate a Supreme Court justice until after the election that year.
ReplyDeleteBiden, now the Vice President of the United States, may wish now that he’d kept that to himself as President Obama has announced he will nominate a replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia in the coming weeks. Republicans have argued Obama, who will be out of office next January, should allow the next president to pick a nominee.
“It is my view that if a Supreme Court justice resigns tomorrow or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not, and not, name a nominee until after the November election is completed,“ Biden said. “The Senate, too, Mr. President, must consider how it would respond to a Supreme Court vacancy that would occur in the full throes of an election year.”