Rational Nation USA.Said: "I will be among the first detractors showing earned respect. President Trump the Wimpy, or President Trump the Bigot, or President Trump the Liar, or, well, you get the picture."
I think this Old FART has Hillary confused with Trump!
Will you Progressive Dingbats be respectful next January and call Donald Trump President Trump, as you wand us Republicans to respect the A-Hole in the Oval Office now?
The Dingbats have no respect, Real First Lady. They'll be sticking their fingers up their pie hole in an attempt to relieve their constipation and puke up a storm of vile retorts.
Trump has attended... and WON... 6 debates already. He doesn't need to give Fox another 'GOTCHA' ratings grab moment. He is the ONE candidate that doesn't bow down to the media - and I say, good for him!
The fact the sheeple of the American right believe Trump knows what he is talking about when it comes to both domestic and foreign policy is in and of itself very concerning. It does however explain how they think he won six debates.
A true case of the unthinking following the unknowing.
Love him or Hate him, Donald trump is appealing to the strong minded people, the people who are Fed Up with the path America has been on for the past 7 years. There are the Conservatives who vehemently don't like Trump while so many others do... so what is the deal here? Are the ones who like Trump just naive and stupid? Does snyone really think that his bowing out of the debate is a sign of "cowardness" and that he would be the same with "world leaders"? Are you for real? Do you think that he got as far as he did by being a "coward"? If you do think that way then you are more neive than a 5 year old. Ms. Kelly is not a World Leader. Are the ones who DON'T like Trump paranoid, disillusioned or just plain STUPID? Let us throw out the OBVIOUS disdain from the liberal left Democrats who HATE Trump and any other potential Republican or person to the right of Chairman Mao... What is it about Trump that is appealing so strongly to so many Conservatives? Why do some Republicans love Trump while others hate him? I personally think the very thing that many Conservatives complain about with Trump is the exact thing that appeals to so many other Conservatives. The complaint is that Trump doesn't really stand for a conservative ideology... and that's the point... he is NOT ideological! He seems to say what most of us, those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by giddyness at the chaotic spectacle of his success.have been vocal about here for years... Conservatism is not never having to say that your sorry!.. It’s saying what you feel. . Conservatism is actually the antithesis of Ideology. There are those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by the spectacle of his success. Not being so tied to an ideological difference that you can't see any other possibility before you. It's not just going along with the crowd, but rather going along with the voice that echo’s your feelings. I think Ronald Reagan, knew this although he articulated this much better than Trump. This is precisely what promulgated the "Reagan Democrat" and was highly responsible for his immense popularity. Think about that when you encounter people who hate Reagan or hate Trump, they tend to be the more “Bleeding Heart” type, the people that we call Liberals, and who are now called progressive's". The Conservitives, I mean the real Conservitives ate those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by the spectacle of his success.. And those who don't like Trump because he doesn't fit their mold. How many times do we hear and see the examples of how he's "not a true conservative"? Whether from the left or right, they are the "extremists" and some of them just don’t like Trump, for whatever reason. And how many times have we Conservatives lost the election for the very same reason. "They just didn’t think that he was Conservative enough! ". Well that’s exactly what gave us Barrack Hassan Obama
Anita, I hope I'm able to be by a TV set on the night of the November elections. I'd like to see the liberals blubbering in their tears when their dopey birdbrain (whoever it is, Hildebeest, Martian or Bernie) loses in a landslide to whoever the GOP President elect is.
"The Conservitives, I mean the real Conservitives ate those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by the spectacle of his success.."
Trump has clearly won the war with FOX and it is going to cost FOX MILLIONS in revenue and severely tarnish their reputation with many of their viewers.
I absolutely love it. Trump has single-handily embarrassed the entire FOX empire and is reducing them to ratings beggers.
As painful as it was to watch that O'Riley clip, I really enjoyed watching him beg.....
Reagan did pull it off back then. He was one of the best Presidents we had. I wonder if Mike's America saw your reply here. Mike worked for President Reagan when he was campaigning against Jimmuh The Peanuthead, and throughout Reagan's tenure in office.
Damn you're f'ing stupid redass. No one said it would destroy him. Of course it won't. There are by far too many stupid folks in the republican/"conservative" ranks.
Yeah the REAL AMERICANS who keep the country productive and running sure are stupid. Especially compared to the welfare moochers, convicts and bottom feeders with whom you identify.
Shouldn't you be rubbing one out to the tattered Stalin poster above your twin bed?
If you think this is just between Trump and Megan Kelly, you are more than just neive!
These are the same people that also own and control the Federal Reserve and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, robbed us of Constitutional Rights, our Free Speeh is being threatened, along with our second amendment, and who are relegating our children's school lunches, etc. And sending our Grand Children in to debt for centuries in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State.
This ELECTION is between Donald Trump and the Globalist Criminals that control every aspect of our Government, every NGO that is pushing a Globalist agenda – from the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros, UNESCO, USAID, and the Clinton Foundation. Simply put, this is the most important election in our life time.
Nobody cares about Meghan Kelly. Of all the questions to ask the candidates and the problems facing our country, she decided during the first debate to ask very stupid question that had nothing to do with economics, domestic issues or foreign policy. Trump is right and Fox News has an agenda to elect an establishment republican. Well, I have news for all of you, it's the establishment that made Trump rise because they failed to listen to their constituents.
I think it is a smart thing for Trump to do, actually. For Trump to do the veteran's event it makes more sense than a stupid debate with biased moderators, then why wouldnt he welcome the other candidates to join with him and to help raise money for the cause? I hope he proves he's not just looking for the headlines, and is actually looking to help veterans by allowing others to join him in the quest.And show Fox and Megan Kelly that they can do without them all. These debates have gotten out of hand anyway. First of all there were to many of them, and secondly there moderators think that they have too much power. So good luck to Donald Trump, and I hope to call him Mr. President soon
Have you noticed after reading the shiitty Rag known as Progressive Errection that the A-Hole that writes it NEVER even mentions the 2 lying criminals Hillary or Bill Klingon
Trump bailing on this debate not only proves he's a misogynist, afraid of Kelly's questions and can't really handle tough questions anyway, he's also convinced he should be able to control the media. A sign of what his Presidency will look like. This and the ‘liberal’ CNN covering Trump’s Veterans Event are making righty’s heads explode! TBaggers eating their own! Gotta love it! Anyway...Vets don't want his money:http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/01/27/3743369/trump-veterans-iava/
Stinkprogtards, Pookie Toot-Toot? Come on! You need a new clown routine, such as sniffing your nephew's swamp gas and squealing in a high pitch. At least that would be funny to watch.
Projecting yourself again, Pookie Toot-Toot? From what planet are you projecting yourself from, Pookie Toot-Toot? Oh wait, you said from Uranus? Muh Muh My! Muh Muh My!
Trump comes out way ahead on telling FOX they are not his boss. libtards of course worship at the alter of the 99% democrap worshipping media. Well, just goes to show what morons they are. I give Trump 1000 points for this move. Who wants some milquetoast panty wearing politician who is afraid to tell some mealy mouthed media entity to go F* Off. Plus debates are nothing more than the seduction of the idiots. Anyone who believes what politicians say at debates is a moron.
Nope. Done that often. Trump just happens to be the biggest liar. Perhaps that's why he is so popular among tea party folks, neo cons, evangelicals, etc?
Sarah's Choice, By (O)CT(O)PUS of The Swash Zone Found on the Progressive Erection’s Blog.
Responding to a domestic violence report last week, police officers arrested a 26-year old suspect for punching and kicking his girlfriend and brandishing a firearm while intoxicated. Is this your typical crime blotter from Any Town USA? Not this time! The alleged offender is Track Palin, oldest son of Sarah Palin.
I can not stress this ENOUGH! No matter how much you IDIOT’S over there try to discredit her, Sarah Palin IS NOT RUNNING FOR ANY OFFICE.. BUT, HILLARY THE BUTCHER OF BENGHAZI IS!
I’ll make a deal with you progressive Imbeciles . If your party and you sheep stops acting like Hitler and the Dictator in the White hose, will stop as well, then my side will stop pointing it out!
You're having problems with subject and verb agreement. There's no better choice for remediation than the Rusty Chucklenuts Conservatory of Grammar and Avisodomy.
Well I have news for you "BOY" Your "STUPID" just by the fact that you use the name "Liberalmann"
The Definition of Liberal is: An idiot who attacks the American right with false, unkind rumors and lies. A left-winger that will do anything to prevent Conservatives from TALKING, including the employing of tactics such as unplugging a reporter's microphone, screaming and yelling at a Republican so they can't get a word in edgewise,
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, and international cooperation. SOURCE
Now, as sure as I am day will be followed by night I am equally sure that the idiot commenter that penned the fallacious definition of liberal, Donald T. Trump The Republican's Choice, will have further ignorant comments to follow up with. Because that is what many reactionaries and conservatives in this day and age do. REGULARLY.
Hey bobo, what did you think of this little debate tidbit.
I was a bit nonplussed by this exchange:
Kelly: Senator Rubio, you've advocated closing down mosques -- we'll get back to you.
Well, you have advocated closing down -- closing down mosques, diners, any place where radicalization is occurring.
------- What happened? Did poor Marco see someone in a keffiyeh chowing down on a lamb kebab somewhere in Miami?
That little exchange was almost as good as Ted "He's Psycho" Cruz suggesting we carpet bomb the Mideast. I know that goes over big with the fringe right.
All craziness all the time last night. Maybe Trump made the right move by boycotting and trying to ride Moose Girl's endorsement.
You right wingers sure are crazy. I was waiting for one of those bobos to claim that ISIS was going to sneak in and poison the water supply of an American city ... oh wait.
And how come neither of you two FOOLS ever say one positive word about the two ass-holes running for the democratic nomination? Ashamed of them both? I guess that you are? Well I can't say that I blame you.
Maybe the two of you should pack up and go to Mexico like Rosie O' and Whoopi Goldberg is threatening to do. And take that Preacher Dave Miller with you!
I have nothing to say with respect to HRC or Bernie Sanders because either of them is much less of a threat to our civil liberties, religious freedoms, freedom of speech, or economic prosperity than the bozos like Trump, Cruz, Rubio or the other wingnuts running for the GOP nomination. Paul and Kasich of course are excluded from the wingnut list.
Speaking of ass-holes, go look in the mirror dimwit.
As to Mexico, I'm quite sure you would be very happy there with the corruption that has historically ran high. You're used to it as it exists in great quantity within your beloved GOP.
You wouldn't recognize a real threat to civil liberties if it bit you on the *ss, RN. Your only 'authentic' guarantee of any is a warm gun in your own hand.
Bernie Sanders reminds me of those old Soviet politburo members we had to deal with in the mid-1980's - before their government collapsed from bad ideology.
Should I care if I get cancer In this wretched, troubled, world Where all seems swiftly headed towards the rocks?
Since we live with devolution, Marred and poisoned with pollution Cancer gives us absolution, Since our kids don’t care enough to wear their socks.
As towards The End we're whirling With flaming batons twirling, And last night's dinner hurling towards the rug
And no one seems to notice As they take positions lotus To escape the awful bother, Despite demur from failing father, To remove the dreadful stench, at which they shrug
And each, emaciated limb Grayish, pale, translucent, slim Flailing in St. Vitus' Dance Keeps death watchers in a trance As with dead, unseeing eyes they watch and long With fading final song for their ultimate demise . I’d be grateful to have cancer It has given me an Answer In this wretched, troubled, world Where my life now lies unfurled Wherever I have travelled All behind me lies unravelled, And backward glances give me naught but shocks. As I see we’ve always headed towards the rocks.
I'm for Bernie Sanders because America needs a true Progressive Coomunist and not another Half with likeHillary's moves to the Left (opposing the Keystone XL pipeline and the TPP, etc) is political posturing. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did the same. I trust that she's being honest in regards to emails and Benghazi, but not in regards to her claim of being Progressive. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, has a long record of Progressivism. He's an honest politician and says nothing just to get votes (he has never run a negative campaign ad). Bernie could absolutely win the General, BTW... And with Republican votes.
He may be honest but his honesty is brutal. He goes on and on and on like he is on the verge of senility. I don't want a president who praises a dictator like Castro and thinks that it's ok to take away people's money and human rights because he provided healthcare.I agree with Rubio,Sanders should be running in Sweden not America
There is a difference between reaction to demagoguery and tyranny and reaction to legitimate authority given by the people to the elected officials. Far too many confuse the distinction.
Who confers "authority" today? The King/ Master with all of his "Divine Rights"? The University with all their "Objective Knowledge"? Or the MSM, with their consitently biased Grand Narratives?
In a democracy, most people yield "authority" to the "university discourse" (S2). In a democracy, S1 falls into grave disrepute, as the Master becomes whoever 51% of the people believe him/her to be.
And IMO, the democratic majority's whim is a rather fickle "authority".
From a recent article in POLITICO that hate-based right wing journal that preaches fascism on a daily basis ;-):
" ... When was the last time you stopped yourself from saying something you believed to be true for fear of being punished or criticized for saying it?
"If you live in America, it probably hasn’t been long.
"That’s not just a talking point about political correctness. It’s the central problem with our national conversation, the main reason our debates are so stilted and useless.
"You can’t fix a problem if you don’t have the words to describe it. You can’t even think about it clearly.
"This depressing fact made Trump’s political career.
"In a country where almost everyone in public life lies reflexively, it’s thrilling to hear someone say what he really thinks, even if you believe he’s wrong. It’s especially exciting when you suspect he could be right.
"A temporary ban on Muslim immigration? That sounds a little extreme (meaning nobody else has said it recently in public). But is it?
"Millions of Muslims have moved to Western Europe over the past 50 years, and a sizable number of them still haven’t assimilated. Instead, they remain hostile and sometimes dangerous to the cultures that welcomed them.
The leftwingnutz from the FCFB's echo chamber who come here to hang out with the cool kids are beside themselves with the results of last nights debate. Trump clearly increases his growing popularity with a show of strength by walking away from FOX the most powerful cable news station in the country.FOX executives called Mr.Trump three times to try to get him to the debate and apologized for anything the Donald deemed a personal slight. Mr.Trump then proceeded to rub FOX's nose in poop by telling them the only way he would show up would be if FOX donated 5 million dollars to the charity of his choice.
The dope's on the left who cant see beyond their nose's spent two days having a chuckle saying Trump was "scared" of Megyn Kelly when actually this whole thing had absolutely nothing to do with Ms. Kelly it was the grand plan of Donald Trump and his organization, which worked to a tee.
And oh yea.... Trump also raised 6 million dollars for veteran's groups last night.
Money went directly to Trump's foundation, not directly to vets. The money Trump's foundation has actually directed to vets in the past has been meager. The info is there for anyone who wishes to study it.
Speaking of echo chambers. You all ought to be very proud. Who's Your Daddy is a right wing reactionary echo chamber equipped with a megaphone of gigantic proportions.
The FBI has been conducting an ongoing investigation into the private email server Hillary Clinton used while she was Secretary of State. hopefully and finally the investigation may result in Clinton being indicted, and thus having to pull her OUT of the race. Recent Polls show that most voters believe it was likely a crime for Madam HillRy to send and receive information that she knew was classified through a private email server. However, these same people don’t think that Clinton will have to face any serious charges for her actions. Can you imagine that, Hillary lying? It's almost inconceivable ! Wow what a shocker.
Thank you. Being called an idiot by you (and other GOP sleepers) is in reality a great compliment.
Please continue to worship the oligarchs and plutocrats with your like minded travelers. You'll make it easier to bring down the walls of your delusions.
That's where you go wrong, RN. Trump supporters are dogs who are now "snarling" at their Masters. The "idiotic" act, is to proclaim that they "snarl" in obeisance to them.
George Bush may not have been the best, but I was proud of him on how he stood that day on Ground Zero with the blowhorn and letting terrorists know that the US will not back down and hunt them down. Wish I can say the same about Hillary and Obama on the day of Benghazi attack
Were we talking about GWB in the aftermath of 911? Did I criticize GWB for his initial response to the 911 terror attack?
Benghazi is a false equivalency and the GOP has wasted its effort time and again trying to make it an issue. I sad and tragic night indeed as we lost American souls. But there was no evidence of wrong doing by the Obama administration. Even your own GOP committee investigating Benghazi found no wrongdoings.
Ambassador Stevens is another one who got in the way of Hildebeest. Hildebeest has a long list of dead people along her pathway to power grabbing. Her unquenchable lust for power will eventually cause her personal demise and nasty downfall. If she manages to weasel her way back into the White House, I fear for Sharlene Wilson's life.
You get the hell out Laura. Your hyperbole and bullshit is pathetic, unfounded, and shows your ignorance and seething hate for America's founding principles.
You Laura personify everything that real Americans stand against.
Poor Crapenter! Someone left a "special gift" in your Scotch and Irish Whisky? Oh wait, you "belched" while chugging it up your piehole, and spewed a stinker into your jenga hooch.
@ -FJ ... Demagogue Hillary now has "popular" competition."
I do not disagree with your statement. It is true.
Sadly the nation only has poor choices. But it is as the people have made it. And the intentional dumbing down of America continues. Brought to us for consumption by the oligarchs. The willing will continue to consume.
Government may be a religion when kings ruled by divine right. A republic with a functional constitutional government who's representatives are PROPERLY elected and money has little influence is not a religion in any conventional meaning of the word.
The Chancler of Germsny who Shaw seems to love so much is just like Obama making the nation weaker,and putting Germany's national security, behind political correctness! She does need to either resign or be impeached, just like Obama! German's should unite and vote for a conservative that will rid Germany of all those unchecked refugees that she has allowed into the country! But they don't have Guns... Whoopie.
Actually finding effective means to keep the militant extremist jihadists out of ones country is definitely sensible. Something all civilized governments should strive to accomplish.
Telling a narcissistic, bigoted, white nationalist, and liar to FTFO as well makes perfect sense.
Poor RN, are you actually ignorant enough to think Donald J. Trump gives a shit what some quacking limey thinks. Hell, Mr.Trump already owns some of the most valuable real estate in the UK and Ireland. The jealousy you goofs exhibit towards The Donald would be comical if not for the pity we feel for you and your ilk.
It seems certain lame brains actually believe those who see Donald Trump for what he is and what his true values are are ignorant. Well, the bottom line is a) that is a falsehood and b) such lame brains are simply projecting.
America never stopped being great Lisa. It the principles and values enunciated in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution (except for slavery being allowed to continue in 1787 and blacks counted as 3/5 of a person) that makes us great.
Trump's make America Great "Again" is hyperbole based in on white nationalism.
Our national make-up is changing with it's greater diversity and a lot of folks just aren't comfortable with the changing realities. Trump plays to this emotion and has become a driver of the political fear and paranoia rage.
It's too bad you (and your fellow travelers) have embraced the irrational.
No you pretzel twister. Trump supporters aren't against diversity they are against people coming here with bad intentions. I guess you missed Sweden and Finland are deporting 100,000 muslim migrant rapists because they are a drain on society. Or did you miss that they crap in the public showers in Germany? If that's diversity then you can have it
RN's jealousy of Donald Trump is astounding. Perhaps its The Donald's success and his lack of any that drives RN's hate. Maybe RN's jealousy is driven because Trump has a drop dead beautiful wife and RN is stuck with a mut. Perhaps RN's jealousy is just the simple fact Donald J. Trump has F^^K YOU money and RN is stuck with crumbs.
Can't say that I'm a big Trump fan, either. But on the other side, Mrs. Clinton Told HER Family One Thing About Benghazi (i.e., that it Was a Planned Terrorist Attack) While Telling the Families of the Four Victims a Totally Different Thing (i.e., that it Was the Result of Some Youtube Video and that the Government Was Going to Go After the Fellow Who Made it) and Has Since Implied that the Families Are ALL Lying (this Despite the Fact that the Father of Ty Woods Has an In-Time Journal Entry Which Substantiates His Version of the Story) and at least Mr. Trump hasn't done anything that venal as far as we know.
By FreeThinke's own words it becomed clear and obvious there are those on the right with every bit as much seething hatred as they erroneously accuse the left of having.
More evidence of the hypocrisy that infects the reactionary right.
Thersites, when I remember how Huff Post crashed after Tony Snow died, just from the sheer wait of the reveling, it still makes my skin crawl. Then a Democrat like Ted Kennedy dies and I looked around the Cons. blogs, and we all had things like "I didn't agree with him but I feel for his family", etc... "more evidence"....Think about every time Cheney has a heart problem and the leftwing comments... so sad.
LISA: Your masthead is fabulous again. No Trump fan here, but that is SO TRUE.
When news broke that Sen. Ted Kennedy had passed away after serving in the U.S. Senate for nearly 50 years, conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart began a sustained assault on Kennedy’s memory, tweeting “Rest in Chappaquiddick.”
Over the course of the next three hours, Breitbart unapologetically attacked Kennedy, calling him a “villain,” “a big ass motherf@#$er,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.”
“I’ll shut my mouth for Carter. That’s just politics. Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement,” wrote Breitbart in one tweet.
"Human excrement." Some smug people have selective memories.
Hi Z thanks for stopping by . The thing about Trump is when the media and the left wingers all pile on people like Trump or Carson or even Palin, they force my hand to defend them because they are disgusting and nasty and it makes me mad to see such orchestrated hate against one person
As Hill'ry passed the magic glass She caught a glimpse of her fat ass. "Mirror, thank you," she just said. “I thought my chances now were dead, “But you have done me lots of good. “I see that I must have black blood."
~ Anne Animus –––––––––––––––––––––––––– *ste·a·to·py·gia
noun Etymology: New Latin, from steat-, stear + Greek pygē buttocks Date: 1879 an excessive development of fat on the buttocks that occurs chiefly among women of some African tribes, especially the Hottentots
Hillary Clinton is a lying, lecherous Leftists who cannot be trusted. In fact here is a list of things that I trust more than Hillary!
Drinking Mexican tap water A rattlesnake with a pet me sign Bill Clinton OJ Simpson showing me his knife collection An elevator ride with Ray Rice A drink offered by Bill Cosby Michael Jackson’s doctor An Obama nuclear deal with Iran A Palestinian with a backpack on a motorcycle Gas station sushi Jimmy Carter’s economic plan Brian Williams’ news reports Loch Ness monster sightings Prayers for peace from Al Sharpton An Obama endorsement Rosie O showing restraint at an all-you-can-eat buffet German co-pilots Nigerian lottos wins The $35,000,000 arab shiek who keeps sending me emails Mexican building codes Duke strippers Chicago governors
Rational Nation USA January 30, 2016 at 7:42 PM...America never stopped being great Lisa. It the principles and values enunciated in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution (except for slavery being allowed to continue in 1787 and blacks counted as 3/5 of a person) that makes us great.
What a fool. What a twit. What a blithering idiot.
Slaves, not free blacks, counted as 3/5ths in the House to diminish the power of the slave states. The slave states had less representation because of a smaller (official) population. That was the ONLY reason that was done not out of some high minded white supremacy that YOU love.
The reason your ilk hates that is because it gave less power to the slave states and made it harder for you to keep negroes as pets.
He, he, he. Mendacious bloviator's nerve struck when called out on his lies. Convinced that everyone is as gullible as Chaw's mindless minions, you, unsuccessfully, tried to paint a great racist conspiracy across America to consider negroes virtually half a human. I, as your ultimate superior, called you out and exposed you, once again, as an empty blatherskite. A veritable nobody.
Our WONDERFUL, SWEET, BEAUTIFUL, SMART, THE PICTURE OF CLASS, (((SARCASTIC ))) Michelle Obama is currently in Hawaii on one of her many, ultra expensive vacations that are being funded by the American taxpayers. And her husband, our president, is probably off golfing somewhere and ignoring important political affairs, so what else is new???
The stupid Republican front-runner Donald Trump is going to 'work something out' on health care after he dismantles Obamacare, he said Sunday. He didn't say what exactly that "something" will be -- but the real estate mogul said he's going to have it under control.
'Nobody knows health care better than Donald Trump,' he said on ABC's 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos.'"
How in hell does Donald Trump know health care when the only thing he's done is build hotels, casinos, and golf courses? What the hell does he know about the intricacies of a very complex issue? We've not heard three words from him about this issues, except now he's bragging that he will "work something out."
His supporters continue to believe this charlatan who has no background in health care, who's never been part of anything that has tackled this enormous issue, and who's never answered a question in detail on health care in America.
Hm...... The Donald was FOR universal single payer health care before he was AGAINST the ACA, aka Obamacare.
And we wait to hear the specifics of the plan he has yet to formulate. But, Trumpy will Make America Great Again and build a beautiful wall along our southern border and make Mexico pay for it. Oh, and he'll deport 11-12 million illegals and let them back in when they go through the proper channels.
Go Trumpy Go!!! American imbeciles will worship your every word that drips with your now famous demagoguery
Chelsea Clinton was recently photographed on an extravagant vacation with her husband Marc Mezvinsky, and daughter Charlotte in Turks and Caicos. While that may not seem too unusual, it’s how much the trip cost that has everyone talking…One night in top villa could cost as much or even more than average American makes in a year! They stayed at the luxurious Amanyara hotel, which is known as ONE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE RESORTS IN THE WORLD. The cheapest villa category in the low season costs $1,500 PER NIGHT, BUT PRICES RANGE ALL THE WAY UP TO $34,000 A NIGHT for a six-bedroom villa, and possibly more in the high season. This news come after it was reported that they had just purchased a $10.5 million apartment at The Whitman, a new condo building in Madison Square Park, New York City, where their monthly mortgage bill will be somewhere in the region of between $52,000 and closer to $60,000 a month. She’s come a long way since they were dodging bullets in Bosnia. Not too bad for someone who’s parents left the White House “Broke”!
Donald J. Trump has been racking up endorsements from a lot of high profile people lately but this just might be the biggest and most important yet. It’s safe to say, Al Sharpton is going to be one angry, race-baiting, tax evading little man. The National Black Republican Association has announced that they are officially endorsing DONALD J. TRUMP Eat your heart out Al.
Lester....you are best served by trotting back to the FCFB's echo chamber....where those mamalukes view you as a knowledgeable voice.....where as the commenters here recognize you as the bafoon you really are.
Hey kettle head, note that the letter r is adjacent to the t which is immediately to the left of the letter r on the keyboard. Mine was an obvious fat finger typo.
The header was a complete letter omission, thus you attempt a false equivalency.
Holly Christ....weren't you the goofball who mentioned a "T" missing from Lisa's header? Perhaps an apology is in order. Or, knowing you are too classless, we should not expect that.
Kettle head, you'd be best served by keeping your idiotic thoughts to yourself. That way you wouldn't look so damned ridiculous to actual thinking folks.
Feeling the BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRN! And which Lester are you referring to, Radical Redneck? Oh never mind…it's both Pookie Toot-Toot and his butt buddy Crapenter: DOUBLE BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRN!
Yeah RN I deleted your nastiness. This isn't an endorsement.I just find it something out of 5000 people they were that close
ReplyDeleteLisa, thanks primarily to Radical Redneck, your blog is nothing but nastiness.
DeleteBut ducky, aren't you forgetting about all your "snark" contributions?
DeleteOh, wait, that IS nastiness. Never mind.
DeleteWow Lisa, just wow! How is it the truth is "nastiness" to you? Oh, that's right, you're a react, er , conservative.
ReplyDeleteRational Nation USA.Said:
ReplyDelete"I will be among the first detractors showing earned respect. President Trump the Wimpy, or President Trump the Bigot, or President Trump the Liar, or, well, you get the picture."
I think this Old FART has Hillary confused with Trump!
Something Trump may very well not be. When his adoring groupies find out it will be hilarious to watch.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWill you Progressive Dingbats be respectful next January and call Donald Trump President Trump, as you wand us Republicans to respect the A-Hole in the Oval Office now?
The Dingbats have no respect, Real First Lady. They'll be sticking their fingers up their pie hole in an attempt to relieve their constipation and puke up a storm of vile retorts.
DeleteTrump has attended... and WON... 6 debates already. He doesn't need to give Fox another 'GOTCHA' ratings grab moment. He is the ONE candidate that doesn't bow down to the media - and I say, good for him!
ReplyDeleteThe fact the sheeple of the American right believe Trump knows what he is talking about when it comes to both domestic and foreign policy is in and of itself very concerning. It does however explain how they think he won six debates.
ReplyDeleteA true case of the unthinking following the unknowing.
Love him or Hate him, Donald trump is appealing to the strong minded people, the people who are Fed Up with the path America has been on for the past 7 years. There are the Conservatives who vehemently don't like Trump while so many others do... so what is the deal here? Are the ones who like Trump just naive and stupid?
ReplyDeleteDoes snyone really think that his bowing out of the debate is a sign of "cowardness" and that he would be the same with "world leaders"? Are you for real?
Do you think that he got as far as he did by being a "coward"? If you do think that way then you are more neive than a 5 year old.
Ms. Kelly is not a World Leader.
Are the ones who DON'T like Trump paranoid, disillusioned or just plain STUPID? Let us throw out the OBVIOUS disdain from the liberal left Democrats who HATE Trump and any other potential Republican or person to the right of Chairman Mao... What is it about Trump that is appealing so strongly to so many Conservatives? Why do some Republicans love Trump while others hate him?
I personally think the very thing that many Conservatives complain about with Trump is the exact thing that appeals to so many other Conservatives. The complaint is that Trump doesn't really stand for a conservative ideology... and that's the point... he is NOT ideological! He seems to say what most of us, those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by giddyness at the chaotic spectacle of his success.have been vocal about here for years... Conservatism is not never having to say that your sorry!.. It’s saying what you feel. .
Conservatism is actually the antithesis of Ideology. There are those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by the spectacle of his success. Not being so tied to an ideological difference that you can't see any other possibility before you. It's not just going along with the crowd, but rather going along with the voice that echo’s your feelings.
I think Ronald Reagan, knew this although he articulated this much better than Trump. This is precisely what promulgated the "Reagan Democrat" and was highly responsible for his immense popularity. Think about that when you encounter people who hate Reagan or hate Trump, they tend to be the more “Bleeding Heart” type, the people that we call Liberals, and who are now called progressive's".
The Conservitives, I mean the real Conservitives ate those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by the spectacle of his success..
And those who don't like Trump because he doesn't fit their mold. How many times do we hear and see the examples of how he's "not a true conservative"?
Whether from the left or right, they are the "extremists" and some of them just don’t like Trump, for whatever reason. And how many times have we Conservatives lost the election for the very same reason. "They just didn’t think that he was Conservative enough! ". Well that’s exactly what gave us Barrack Hassan Obama
Gotta love long obsessive rants by lunatics defending lunatics.
DeleteHEY Pookie Toot-Toot! I see you're on your black market "boner pills" again!
DeleteAnita, I hope I'm able to be by a TV set on the night of the November elections. I'd like to see the liberals blubbering in their tears when their dopey birdbrain (whoever it is, Hildebeest, Martian or Bernie) loses in a landslide to whoever the GOP President elect is.
Delete"The Conservitives, I mean the real Conservitives ate those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by the spectacle of his success.."
How did they taste?
Whew!!! Anita wins the top prize for rambling rant from the right today.
ReplyDeleteIt's better than the Shit the Progressive Idiot writes
DeleteCrapenter passes more gas from his stinkhole again.
DeleteWhen Mrs Trump gets to the White House it certainly will be refreshing. Imagine: a First Lady walking on her hind legs.
ReplyDeleteyep. in a teddy no doubt.
DeleteTrump has clearly won the war with FOX and it is going to cost FOX MILLIONS in revenue and severely tarnish their reputation with many of their viewers.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love it. Trump has single-handily embarrassed the entire FOX empire and is reducing them to ratings beggers.
As painful as it was to watch that O'Riley clip, I really enjoyed watching him beg.....
Hey, look who also skipped the last pre-Iowa debate. Sure destroyed him eh?
ReplyDeleteReagan did pull it off back then. He was one of the best Presidents we had. I wonder if Mike's America saw your reply here. Mike worked for President Reagan when he was campaigning against Jimmuh The Peanuthead, and throughout Reagan's tenure in office.
DeleteDamn you're f'ing stupid redass. No one said it would destroy him. Of course it won't. There are by far too many stupid folks in the republican/"conservative" ranks.
ReplyDeleteWhat a putz you are redass.
Yeah the REAL AMERICANS who keep the country productive and running sure are stupid. Especially compared to the welfare moochers, convicts and bottom feeders with whom you identify.
DeleteShouldn't you be rubbing one out to the tattered Stalin poster above your twin bed?
Real Americans. Which YOU are far from being redass.
DeleteWow, there you go again with your gay fixation on Radical Redneck's rear end again, Crapenter. You need some mental help.
DeleteIf you think this is just between Trump and Megan Kelly, you are more than just neive!
ReplyDeleteThese are the same people that also own and control the Federal Reserve and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, robbed us of Constitutional Rights, our Free Speeh is being threatened, along with our second amendment, and who are relegating our children's school lunches, etc. And sending our Grand Children in to debt for centuries in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State.
This ELECTION is between Donald Trump and the Globalist Criminals that control every aspect of our Government, every NGO that is pushing a Globalist agenda – from the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros, UNESCO, USAID, and the Clinton Foundation. Simply put, this is the most important election in our life time.
ReplyDeleteNobody cares about Meghan Kelly. Of all the questions to ask the candidates and the problems facing our country, she decided during the first debate to ask very stupid question that had nothing to do with economics, domestic issues or foreign policy. Trump is right and Fox News has an agenda to elect an establishment republican. Well, I have news for all of you, it's the establishment that made Trump rise because they failed to listen to their constituents.
Still haven't learned the name is spelled "Megyn", sock puppet?
DeleteMay I suggest matriculation at the Rusty Chucklenuts College of Spelling and Dendrophilia.
Who cares Quacko? American Girl got her point across, B0B0 Toot-Toot!
DeleteI think it is a smart thing for Trump to do, actually. For Trump to do the veteran's event it makes more sense than a stupid debate with biased moderators, then why wouldnt he welcome the other candidates to join with him and to help raise money for the cause? I hope he proves he's not just looking for the headlines, and is actually looking to help veterans by allowing others to join him in the quest.And show Fox and Megan Kelly that they can do without them all.
ReplyDeleteThese debates have gotten out of hand anyway.
First of all there were to many of them, and secondly there moderators think that they have too much power.
So good luck to Donald Trump, and I hope to call him Mr. President soon
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed after reading the shiitty Rag known as Progressive Errection that the A-Hole that writes it NEVER even mentions the 2 lying criminals Hillary or Bill Klingon
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTrump bailing on this debate not only proves he's a misogynist, afraid of Kelly's questions and can't really handle tough questions anyway, he's also convinced he should be able to control the media. A sign of what his Presidency will look like. This and the ‘liberal’ CNN covering Trump’s Veterans Event are making righty’s heads explode! TBaggers eating their own! Gotta love it! Anyway...Vets don't want his money:http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/01/27/3743369/trump-veterans-iava/
ReplyDeleteStinkprogtards, Pookie Toot-Toot? Come on! You need a new clown routine, such as sniffing your nephew's swamp gas and squealing in a high pitch. At least that would be funny to watch.
DeleteHello Mr. Endo. I see you are still obsessed with your anus.
DeleteProjecting yourself again, Pookie Toot-Toot? From what planet are you projecting yourself from, Pookie Toot-Toot? Oh wait, you said from Uranus? Muh Muh My! Muh Muh My!
DeleteTrump comes out way ahead on telling FOX they are not his boss. libtards of course worship at the alter of the 99% democrap worshipping media. Well, just goes to show what morons they are. I give Trump 1000 points for this move. Who wants some milquetoast panty wearing politician who is afraid to tell some mealy mouthed media entity to go F* Off.
ReplyDeletePlus debates are nothing more than the seduction of the idiots. Anyone who believes what politicians say at debates is a moron.
Way to Go Trump !
I wonder if Chrissie Matthews is feeling a sharp pain up his behind? Or perhaps he's yanking his toupee off his head in despair.
DeleteThanks Kid well said
DeleteSo kid, what you're saying is in the debates Trump participated in he was lying.
DeleteI completely agree!
Are you saying that all the other's weren't lying, RN? If so, I hope you click on some of the advertainment's embedded throughout the Internets.
DeleteNope. Done that often. Trump just happens to be the biggest liar. Perhaps that's why he is so popular among tea party folks, neo cons, evangelicals, etc?
DeleteWhy would it surprise you that you have to lie MORE to fool tea party folks, neo cons, evangelicals, etc.?
DeleteThank you Lisa.
DeleteSarah's Choice, By (O)CT(O)PUS of The Swash Zone
ReplyDeleteFound on the Progressive Erection’s Blog.
Responding to a domestic violence report last week, police officers arrested a 26-year old suspect for punching and kicking his girlfriend and brandishing a firearm while intoxicated. Is this your typical crime blotter from Any Town USA? Not this time! The alleged offender is Track Palin, oldest son of Sarah Palin.
I can not stress this ENOUGH! No matter how much you IDIOT’S over there try to discredit her, Sarah Palin IS NOT RUNNING FOR ANY OFFICE.. BUT, HILLARY THE BUTCHER OF BENGHAZI IS!
I’ll make a deal with you progressive Imbeciles . If your party and you sheep stops acting like Hitler and the Dictator in the White hose, will stop as well, then my side will stop pointing it out!
ReplyDeleteYou're having problems with subject and verb agreement. There's no better choice for remediation than the Rusty Chucklenuts Conservatory of Grammar and Avisodomy.
DeleteEnroll now !!!
Quacko the bird wacko clucks off again!
DeleteWow, you are seriously stupid.
ReplyDeleteLiberalmann said
ReplyDelete"Wow, you are seriously stupid."
Well I have news for you "BOY" Your "STUPID" just by the fact that you use the name "Liberalmann"
The Definition of Liberal is:
An idiot who attacks the American right with false, unkind rumors and lies. A left-winger that will do anything to prevent Conservatives from TALKING, including the employing of tactics such as unplugging a reporter's microphone, screaming and yelling at a Republican so they can't get a word in edgewise,
Now, do you want to continue playing games with me, or do you want to Crawl,back under the rock from where you came from?
DeleteEither one would be fine with me.
Just to set the record straight;
DeleteThe Definition of a Liberal
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, and international cooperation.
Now, as sure as I am day will be followed by night I am equally sure that the idiot commenter that penned the fallacious definition of liberal, Donald T. Trump The Republican's Choice, will have further ignorant comments to follow up with. Because that is what many reactionaries and conservatives in this day and age do. REGULARLY.
Hey bobo, what did you think of this little debate tidbit.
DeleteI was a bit nonplussed by this exchange:
Kelly: Senator Rubio, you've advocated closing down mosques -- we'll get back to you.
Well, you have advocated closing down -- closing down mosques, diners, any place where radicalization is occurring.
What happened? Did poor Marco see someone in a keffiyeh chowing down on a lamb kebab somewhere in Miami?
That little exchange was almost as good as Ted "He's Psycho" Cruz suggesting we carpet bomb the Mideast. I know that goes over big with the fringe right.
All craziness all the time last night. Maybe Trump made the right move by boycotting and trying to ride Moose Girl's endorsement.
You right wingers sure are crazy. I was waiting for one of those bobos to claim that ISIS was going to sneak in and poison the water supply of an American city ... oh wait.
Hey you Two liberal idiots tell me this: Sarah Palin is important enough to be mentioned in debates or political discussion for what reason?
DeleteAnd how come neither of you two FOOLS ever say one positive word about the two ass-holes running for the democratic nomination?
DeleteAshamed of them both?
I guess that you are? Well I can't say that I blame you.
Maybe the two of you should pack up and go to Mexico like Rosie O' and Whoopi Goldberg is threatening to do. And take that Preacher Dave Miller with you!
DeleteI have nothing to say with respect to HRC or Bernie Sanders because either of them is much less of a threat to our civil liberties, religious freedoms, freedom of speech, or economic prosperity than the bozos like Trump, Cruz, Rubio or the other wingnuts running for the GOP nomination. Paul and Kasich of course are excluded from the wingnut list.
DeleteSpeaking of ass-holes, go look in the mirror dimwit.
As to Mexico, I'm quite sure you would be very happy there with the corruption that has historically ran high. You're used to it as it exists in great quantity within your beloved GOP.
Bad, stupid, and childish comeback.
DeleteOf course it is; to a stupid person.
DeleteYou wouldn't recognize a real threat to civil liberties if it bit you on the *ss, RN. Your only 'authentic' guarantee of any is a warm gun in your own hand.
DeleteAu contraire -FJ. But you're certainly free to see it your way.
DeleteIf Democrats really believed that the second amendment was an unimportant "civil right", they would all give up their guns first and set an example...
DeleteBernie Sanders reminds me of those old Soviet politburo members we had to deal with in the mid-1980's - before their government collapsed from bad ideology.
DeleteHugh, You have a great description of Sandbaggers! I bet Putin hopes that senile hippy gets into office so that he can "feel the Bern."
DeleteLaura Knows Best, I must correct you: it's not childish. It's infantile.
DeleteWe Can Never Go Back to Manderley Now
ReplyDeleteShould I care if I get cancer
In this wretched, troubled, world
Where all seems swiftly headed towards the rocks?
Since we live with devolution,
Marred and poisoned with pollution
Cancer gives us absolution,
Since our kids don’t care enough to wear their socks.
As towards The End we're whirling
With flaming batons twirling,
And last night's dinner hurling towards the rug
And no one seems to notice
As they take positions lotus
To escape the awful bother,
Despite demur from failing father,
To remove the dreadful stench, at which they shrug
And each, emaciated limb
Grayish, pale, translucent, slim
Flailing in St. Vitus' Dance
Keeps death watchers in a trance
As with dead, unseeing eyes they watch and long
With fading final song for their ultimate demise
I’d be grateful to have cancer
It has given me an Answer
In this wretched, troubled, world
Where my life now lies unfurled
Wherever I have travelled
All behind me lies unravelled,
And backward glances give me naught but shocks.
As I see we’ve always headed towards the rocks.
~ FreeThinke
And after Obungler’s dismal record, there's no way that any Republicsn could loose.
ReplyDeleteI think that President Trump would make a great ticket by naming either Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio as his Vice President.
ReplyDeleteI'm for Bernie Sanders because America needs a true Progressive Coomunist and not another Half with likeHillary's moves to the Left (opposing the Keystone XL pipeline and the TPP, etc) is political posturing. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did the same. I trust that she's being honest in regards to emails and Benghazi, but not in regards to her claim of being Progressive. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, has a long record of Progressivism. He's an honest politician and says nothing just to get votes (he has never run a negative campaign ad). Bernie could absolutely win the General, BTW... And with Republican votes.
ReplyDeleteHe may be honest but his honesty is brutal. He goes on and on and on like he is on the verge of senility.
DeleteI don't want a president who praises a dictator like Castro and thinks that it's ok to take away people's money and human rights because he provided healthcare.I agree with Rubio,Sanders should be running in Sweden not America
Agreeing with idiots seems to be the norm with neo con reactionaries these days.
DeleteIt should surprise no one that you think honesty is brutal. Honesty always cuts the dishonest.
Any reaction to 'demagoguery' and 'tyranny' is a virtue.
DeleteThere is a difference between reaction to demagoguery and tyranny and reaction to legitimate authority given by the people to the elected officials. Far too many confuse the distinction.
DeleteAn elected official with legitimate authority can't be a demagogue OR a tyrant? Who knew?
DeleteWho confers "authority" today? The King/ Master with all of his "Divine Rights"? The University with all their "Objective Knowledge"? Or the MSM, with their consitently biased Grand Narratives?
DeleteIn a democracy, most people yield "authority" to the "university discourse" (S2). In a democracy, S1 falls into grave disrepute, as the Master becomes whoever 51% of the people believe him/her to be.
And IMO, the democratic majority's whim is a rather fickle "authority".
Best appropriate your own Master signifier and stop chasing the Objet Petit 'a designation du jour of the "Democratic Majority" (51%).
DeleteBut chew all the laurel leaves and drink all the sacred Spring water you like, you won't find "authority" in any of the Empty Politics of the Left.
Delete...especially those mesmerized Double-barred Subjects who worship the Emptiest Signifiers of Neo-liberal Capitalism like Hillary.
DeleteFrom a recent article in POLITICO that hate-based right wing journal that preaches fascism on a daily basis ;-):
ReplyDelete" ... When was the last time you stopped yourself from saying something you believed to be true for fear of being punished or criticized for saying it?
"If you live in America, it probably hasn’t been long.
"That’s not just a talking point about political correctness. It’s the central problem with our national conversation, the main reason our debates are so stilted and useless.
"You can’t fix a problem if you don’t have the words to describe it. You can’t even think about it clearly.
"This depressing fact made Trump’s political career.
"In a country where almost everyone in public life lies reflexively, it’s thrilling to hear someone say what he really thinks, even if you believe he’s wrong. It’s especially exciting when you suspect he could be right.
"A temporary ban on Muslim immigration? That sounds a little extreme (meaning nobody else has said it recently in public). But is it?
"Millions of Muslims have moved to Western Europe over the past 50 years, and a sizable number of them still haven’t assimilated. Instead, they remain hostile and sometimes dangerous to the cultures that welcomed them.
"By any measure, that experiment has failed...."
Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-is-shocking-vulgar-and-right-213572#ixzz3yg9rEPR9
The leftwingnutz from the FCFB's echo chamber who come here to hang out with the cool kids are beside themselves with the results of last nights debate. Trump clearly increases his growing popularity with a show of strength by walking away from FOX the most powerful cable news station in the country.FOX executives called Mr.Trump three times to try to get him to the debate and apologized for anything the Donald deemed a personal slight. Mr.Trump then proceeded to rub FOX's nose in poop by telling them the only way he would show up would be if FOX donated 5 million dollars to the charity of his choice.
ReplyDeleteThe dope's on the left who cant see beyond their nose's spent two days having a chuckle saying Trump was "scared" of Megyn Kelly when actually this whole thing had absolutely nothing to do with Ms. Kelly it was the grand plan of Donald Trump and his organization, which worked to a tee.
And oh yea.... Trump also raised 6 million dollars for veteran's groups last night.
Money went directly to Trump's foundation, not directly to vets. The money Trump's foundation has actually directed to vets in the past has been meager. The info is there for anyone who wishes to study it.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of echo chambers. You all ought to be very proud. Who's Your Daddy is a right wing reactionary echo chamber equipped with a megaphone of gigantic proportions.
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Lisa! You've just proven Alinky's 1st Rule:
Delete“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
It's nice not being shut out of the "Left's" MSM echo chamber any more!
DeleteI surely do enjoy the entertainment amply provided by the stalwarts of both political extremes. :)
DeleteNarcissus enjoyed "Echoes", too. :)
ReplyDeleteHillRy Clinton and other jackasses like her give the USA a bad name .
The FBI has been conducting an ongoing investigation into the private email server Hillary Clinton used while she was Secretary of State. hopefully and finally the investigation may result in Clinton being indicted, and thus having to pull her OUT of the race. Recent Polls show that most voters believe it was likely a crime for Madam HillRy to send and receive information that she knew was classified through a private email server. However, these same people don’t think that Clinton will have to face any serious charges for her actions. Can you imagine that, Hillary lying?
ReplyDeleteIt's almost inconceivable !
Wow what a shocker.
That's why we need someone like Donald Trump, he the one to put Hillary.out of our lives.
ReplyDeleteYeah, "he the one" alright. Demagogue Donald will make America "Great Again".
ReplyDeleteDamn there is a lot of gullible people proud to be a GOP'er.
Demagogue Hillary now has "popular" competition...
DeleteRN, I never realized that you are such an idiot before, but I have finally.seen the light
DeleteYOU ARE.
Thank you. Being called an idiot by you (and other GOP sleepers) is in reality a great compliment.
DeletePlease continue to worship the oligarchs and plutocrats with your like minded travelers. You'll make it easier to bring down the walls of your delusions.
That's where you go wrong, RN. Trump supporters are dogs who are now "snarling" at their Masters. The "idiotic" act, is to proclaim that they "snarl" in obeisance to them.
DeleteThink about that Thersites. I've have.
DeleteYou've have? Wow've!
DeleteThe "new" boss ain't the same pre- '68 boss, RN. Best "think" again.
DeleteRecall here Lacan’s challenge to the protesting students in ‘68: “As revolutionaries, you are hysterics who demand a new master. You will get one.”
Notice how the old traditional father/boss has "no authority". The University discourse has supplanted the Master's discourse in primacy.
DeleteBut then as an "objectivist" you must "enjoy" the post-modern. You're no "analyst". :)
George Bush may not have been the best, but I was proud of him on how he stood that day on Ground Zero with the blowhorn and letting terrorists know that the US will not back down and hunt them down. Wish I can say the same about Hillary and Obama on the day of Benghazi attack
ReplyDeleteWere we talking about GWB in the aftermath of 911? Did I criticize GWB for his initial response to the 911 terror attack?
DeleteBenghazi is a false equivalency and the GOP has wasted its effort time and again trying to make it an issue. I sad and tragic night indeed as we lost American souls. But there was no evidence of wrong doing by the Obama administration. Even your own GOP committee investigating Benghazi found no wrongdoings.
Get over it.
Ambassador Stevens is another one who got in the way of Hildebeest. Hildebeest has a long list of dead people along her pathway to power grabbing. Her unquenchable lust for power will eventually cause her personal demise and nasty downfall. If she manages to weasel her way back into the White House, I fear for Sharlene Wilson's life.
DeleteRN, if you and your Progressive friends hate America so much, you are free to get the hell out!
ReplyDeleteWhile we still have the freedom to to so.
You get the hell out Laura. Your hyperbole and bullshit is pathetic, unfounded, and shows your ignorance and seething hate for America's founding principles.
DeleteYou Laura personify everything that real Americans stand against.
Poor Crapenter! Someone left a "special gift" in your Scotch and Irish Whisky? Oh wait, you "belched" while chugging it up your piehole, and spewed a stinker into your jenga hooch.
Delete@ -FJ ... Demagogue Hillary now has "popular" competition."
ReplyDeleteI do not disagree with your statement. It is true.
Sadly the nation only has poor choices. But it is as the people have made it. And the intentional dumbing down of America continues. Brought to us for consumption by the oligarchs. The willing will continue to consume.
The euphoria of power is all consuming.
DeleteGovernment... the secular religion.
DeleteGovernment may be a religion when kings ruled by divine right. A republic with a functional constitutional government who's representatives are PROPERLY elected and money has little influence is not a religion in any conventional meaning of the word.
DeleteThere hasn't been a timocracy since Plato's Republic, and it was a utopia ('ou topos' translated, "nowhere").
DeleteThe Chancler of Germsny who Shaw seems to love so much is just like Obama making the nation weaker,and putting Germany's national security, behind political correctness! She does need to either resign or be impeached, just like Obama! German's should unite and vote for a conservative that will rid Germany of all those unchecked refugees that she has allowed into the country!
ReplyDeleteBut they don't have Guns... Whoopie.
Laura, try to have an enjoyable weekend. You need to de-stress. Go out to dinner, perhaps a dance or a concert. It will do you good.
ReplyDeleteLisa, love the spelling on your new header. The individual must have attended the Shackelford School of Spelling and Grammar.
ReplyDeleteWow. Aping the ultimate ape Ducky (2nd only to Mooch-Hell Ubunga).
DeleteYou are one sad sack that defies any human description.
Still trying to pass your Turing test, Redass?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh wow a whole "t" is missing. What an idiot
ReplyDeleteIntelligent people with a sense of humor used to describe that as "straining our gnats while swallowing camels," Lisa. ;-)
DeleteSuch types always take great pain to avoid getting the point of any worthwhile thought that seems at odds with their prejudiced point of view.
No FreeThinke it's a bit of levity.
DeleteActually finding effective means to keep the militant extremist jihadists out of ones country is definitely sensible. Something all civilized governments should strive to accomplish.
Telling a narcissistic, bigoted, white nationalist, and liar to FTFO as well makes perfect sense.
Opps! FTFO should read KTFO. :)
DeletePoor RN, are you actually ignorant enough to think Donald J. Trump gives a shit what some quacking limey thinks. Hell, Mr.Trump already owns some of the most valuable real estate in the UK and Ireland.
ReplyDeleteThe jealousy you goofs exhibit towards The Donald would be comical if not for the pity we feel for you and your ilk.
It seems certain lame brains actually believe those who see Donald Trump for what he is and what his true values are are ignorant. Well, the bottom line is a) that is a falsehood and b) such lame brains are simply projecting.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your weekend.
Yeah Trump wants to make America Great. Only a moron would think that's a bad thing
ReplyDeleteAmerica never stopped being great Lisa. It the principles and values enunciated in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution (except for slavery being allowed to continue in 1787 and blacks counted as 3/5 of a person) that makes us great.
DeleteTrump's make America Great "Again" is hyperbole based in on white nationalism.
Our national make-up is changing with it's greater diversity and a lot of folks just aren't comfortable with the changing realities. Trump plays to this emotion and has become a driver of the political fear and paranoia rage.
It's too bad you (and your fellow travelers) have embraced the irrational.
Enjoy what's left of your weekend Lisa.
At least he wants to keep/make it great unlike Obama who never saw America as great otherwise he wouldn't want to fundamentally transform it
DeleteWhatever Lisa. You've swallowed the shallow irrational bullsh*t the white oligarchs and plutocrats that own you have worked hard to make sure you do.
DeleteNo you pretzel twister. Trump supporters aren't against diversity they are against people coming here with bad intentions. I guess you missed Sweden and Finland are deporting 100,000 muslim migrant rapists because they are a drain on society. Or did you miss that they crap in the public showers in Germany?
DeleteIf that's diversity then you can have it
RN's jealousy of Donald Trump is astounding. Perhaps its The Donald's success and his lack of any that drives RN's hate. Maybe RN's jealousy is driven because Trump has a drop dead beautiful wife and RN is stuck with a mut. Perhaps RN's jealousy is just the simple fact Donald J. Trump has F^^K YOU money and RN is stuck with crumbs.
ReplyDeleteCan't say that I'm a big Trump fan, either. But on the other side, Mrs. Clinton Told HER Family One Thing About Benghazi (i.e., that it Was a Planned Terrorist Attack) While Telling the Families of the Four Victims a Totally Different Thing (i.e., that it Was the Result of Some Youtube Video and that the Government Was Going to Go After the Fellow Who Made it) and Has Since Implied that the Families Are ALL Lying (this Despite the Fact that the Father of Ty Woods Has an In-Time Journal Entry Which Substantiates His Version of the Story) and at least Mr. Trump hasn't done anything that venal as far as we know.
ReplyDeleteThat and he isn't a damned socialist!!
ReplyDelete_ A Paean to the Goddess of Peons _
ReplyDelete__ ______ (Who Ain't No Peony) _____
Hail Hillary, head full of space,
Ever lacking in charm and grace.
Hillary, dear, how your red eye gleams
Inspiring infants to have bad dreams,
And adults to suffer much churning of guts
And fears like the death of a thousand cuts
Hillary! Hillary, full of disgrace
Your surgically altered, still hideous face
Inspires much loathing, disgust and dismay
As does the sound of your Midwestern bray.
Cursed art thou, and curs'd be the Brute
Who married you once then produced homely fruit
As Queen of all that is anti-erotic,
You favor, instead, what is cruel and despotic.
Hillary, Goddess of Ethos Collective,
I hate you so much, I've run out of invective!
~ FreeThinke
By FreeThinke's own words it becomed clear and obvious there are those on the right with every bit as much seething hatred as they erroneously accuse the left of having.
ReplyDeleteMore evidence of the hypocrisy that infects the reactionary right.
DeleteMore evidence of the hypocrisy that infects the defensive Left.
Thersites, when I remember how Huff Post crashed after Tony Snow died, just from the sheer wait of the reveling, it still makes my skin crawl. Then a Democrat like Ted Kennedy dies and I looked around the Cons. blogs, and we all had things like "I didn't agree with him but I feel for his family", etc...
Delete"more evidence"....Think about every time Cheney has a heart problem and the leftwing comments...
so sad.
LISA: Your masthead is fabulous again.
No Trump fan here, but that is SO TRUE.
When news broke that Sen. Ted Kennedy had passed away after serving in the U.S. Senate for nearly 50 years, conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart began a sustained assault on Kennedy’s memory, tweeting “Rest in Chappaquiddick.”
DeleteOver the course of the next three hours, Breitbart unapologetically attacked Kennedy, calling him a “villain,” “a big ass motherf@#$er,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.”
“I’ll shut my mouth for Carter. That’s just politics. Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement,” wrote Breitbart in one tweet.
"Human excrement." Some smug people have selective memories.
Hi Z thanks for stopping by . The thing about Trump is when the media and the left wingers all pile on people like Trump or Carson or even Palin, they force my hand to defend them because they are disgusting and nasty and it makes me mad to see such orchestrated hate against one person
DeleteSomebody doesn't watch MSNBC, listen to Mike Malloy, or read the Dail Kos.
DeleteHope for Resurrection in Steatopygia*
DeleteAs Hill'ry passed the magic glass
She caught a glimpse of her fat ass.
"Mirror, thank you," she just said.
“I thought my chances now were dead,
“But you have done me lots of good.
“I see that I must have black blood."
~ Anne Animus
noun Etymology: New Latin, from steat-, stear + Greek pygē buttocks
Date: 1879
an excessive development of fat on the buttocks that occurs chiefly among women of some African tribes, especially the Hottentots
— ste·a·to·py·gous\ or ste·a·to·py·gic
Hillary Clinton is a lying, lecherous Leftists who cannot be trusted.
ReplyDeleteIn fact here is a list of things that I trust more than Hillary!
Drinking Mexican tap water
A rattlesnake with a pet me sign
Bill Clinton
OJ Simpson showing me his knife collection
An elevator ride with Ray Rice
A drink offered by Bill Cosby
Michael Jackson’s doctor
An Obama nuclear deal with Iran
A Palestinian with a backpack on a motorcycle
Gas station sushi
Jimmy Carter’s economic plan
Brian Williams’ news reports
Loch Ness monster sightings
Prayers for peace from Al Sharpton
An Obama endorsement
Rosie O showing restraint at an all-you-can-eat buffet
German co-pilots
Nigerian lottos wins
The $35,000,000 arab shiek who keeps sending me emails
Mexican building codes
Duke strippers
Chicago governors
Lets not forget that Obama is the one who makes deals with those who shout DEATH TO AMERICA, and Hillary said that she liked that deal.
ReplyDeleteRational Nation USA January 30, 2016 at 7:42 PM...America never stopped being great Lisa. It the principles and values enunciated in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution (except for slavery being allowed to continue in 1787 and blacks counted as 3/5 of a person) that makes us great.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fool. What a twit. What a blithering idiot.
Slaves, not free blacks, counted as 3/5ths in the House to diminish the power of the slave states. The slave states had less representation because of a smaller (official) population. That was the ONLY reason that was done not out of some high minded white supremacy that YOU love.
The reason your ilk hates that is because it gave less power to the slave states and made it harder for you to keep negroes as pets.
I am fully aware of the wording of the constitution as well as the meaning.
DeleteI am fully aware as well that you radical redass are white supremacist and racist.
As for seething hate... YOU are full poo f it
Frankly redass you can go f*ck yourself. You are a POS not worth anyone's time.
He, he, he. Mendacious bloviator's nerve struck when called out on his lies. Convinced that everyone is as gullible as Chaw's mindless minions, you, unsuccessfully, tried to paint a great racist conspiracy across America to consider negroes virtually half a human. I, as your ultimate superior, called you out and exposed you, once again, as an empty blatherskite. A veritable nobody.
DeleteI. So. Own. You.
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ReplyDeleteAh, some things never change.
ReplyDeleteDucky, you get your size 12 MS-13 baseball cap yet?
Our WONDERFUL, SWEET, BEAUTIFUL, SMART, THE PICTURE OF CLASS, (((SARCASTIC ))) Michelle Obama is currently in Hawaii on one of her many, ultra expensive vacations that are being funded by the American taxpayers. And her husband, our president, is probably off golfing somewhere and ignoring important political affairs, so what else is new???
ReplyDeleteHer planet sized ass might be in Hawaii, but her tail is still hovering around Chicago.
DeleteShe's riding that gravy train until the Presidential EBT card goes dry.
DeleteIf The Donald wins Iowa tomorrow church will be out....he will run the table.
ReplyDeleteOpps. First roadblock I guess
DeleteWill Hillary be campaigning in an orange jumpsuit with DOJ on the back?
ReplyDeleteLasr Sunday on one of those TV shows:
ReplyDeleteThe stupid Republican front-runner Donald Trump is going to 'work something out' on health care after he dismantles Obamacare, he said Sunday. He didn't say what exactly that "something" will be -- but the real estate mogul said he's going to have it under control.
'Nobody knows health care better than Donald Trump,' he said on ABC's 'This Week with George Stephanopoulos.'"
How in hell does Donald Trump know health care when the only thing he's done is build hotels, casinos, and golf courses? What the hell does he know about the intricacies of a very complex issue? We've not heard three words from him about this issues, except now he's bragging that he will "work something out."
His supporters continue to believe this charlatan who has no background in health care, who's never been part of anything that has tackled this enormous issue, and who's never answered a question in detail on health care in America.
Hmmm...just what did a former community organizer know about healthcare?
ReplyDeleteYou wingnutz are so damn scared of The Donald you resort to silly talk.....
Hm...... The Donald was FOR universal single payer health care before he was AGAINST the ACA, aka Obamacare.
ReplyDeleteAnd we wait to hear the specifics of the plan he has yet to formulate. But, Trumpy will Make America Great Again and build a beautiful wall along our southern border and make Mexico pay for it. Oh, and he'll deport 11-12 million illegals and let them back in when they go through the proper channels.
Go Trumpy Go!!! American imbeciles will worship your every word that drips with your now famous demagoguery
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ReplyDeleteChelsea Clinton was recently photographed on an extravagant vacation with her husband Marc Mezvinsky, and daughter Charlotte in Turks and Caicos. While that may not seem too unusual, it’s how much the trip cost that has everyone talking…One night in top villa could cost as much or even more than average American makes in a year!
ReplyDeleteThey stayed at the luxurious Amanyara hotel, which is known as ONE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE RESORTS IN THE WORLD. The cheapest villa category in the low season costs $1,500 PER NIGHT, BUT PRICES RANGE ALL THE WAY UP TO $34,000 A NIGHT for a six-bedroom villa, and possibly more in the high season.
This news come after it was reported that they had just purchased a $10.5 million apartment at The Whitman, a new condo building in Madison Square Park, New York City, where their monthly mortgage bill will be somewhere in the region of between $52,000 and closer to $60,000 a month. She’s come a long way since they were dodging bullets in Bosnia.
Not too bad for someone who’s parents left the White House “Broke”!
Donald J. Trump has been racking up endorsements from a lot of high profile people lately but this just might be the biggest and most important yet. It’s safe to say, Al Sharpton is going to be one angry, race-baiting, tax evading little man.
ReplyDeleteThe National Black Republican Association has announced that they are officially endorsing DONALD J. TRUMP
Eat your heart out Al.
Lisa, and libtards too stupid to know the 2nd mouse gets the cheese. :)
ReplyDeleteHaha good one kid and oh so true
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ReplyDeleteRN, your stupidity pertaining to politics is amazing... try to wrap your bald head around this...
Which one of those combos cant destroy Hillary/Castro
Hey kettle head; your list so you tell us.
DeleteAnswer his question, Crapenter.
DeleteLester....you are best served by trotting back to the FCFB's echo chamber....where those mamalukes view you as a knowledgeable voice.....where as the commenters here recognize you as the bafoon you really are.
ReplyDeleteHey kettle head, note that the letter r is adjacent to the t which is immediately to the left of the letter r on the keyboard. Mine was an obvious fat finger typo.
DeleteThe header was a complete letter omission, thus you attempt a false equivalency.
I believe YOU owe me an apology kettle head.
Kettle head, being insulted by a ignoramus like yourself is a HIGH COMPLIMENT.
DeleteThe knuckle draggers dream ticket... Cruz/Rubio.
ReplyDelete"air'r"???? Is that a word you made up Lester.
Holly Christ....weren't you the goofball who mentioned a "T" missing from Lisa's header? Perhaps an apology is in order. Or, knowing you are too classless, we should not expect that.
Kettle head, you'd be best served by keeping your idiotic thoughts to yourself. That way you wouldn't look so damned ridiculous to actual thinking folks.
DeleteThis is before RN sold his soul to the progs
ReplyDeleteDamn Lisa, I actually though there was some hope for you but I must now admit I was wrong.
DeleteSo unfortunate.
hahaha poor RN. So unfortunate for you
DeleteNo Lisa. for you. But really, "Frankly my Dear I don't give a damn".
DeleteWell, to my fellow Trumpsters out there, Rick Santorum did win Iowa in 2012...
ReplyDeleteyes I recall
ReplyDeleteYes Lisa.....ole Les so enjoys sniffing Shaws ass.
ReplyDeleteKettle head, BTW, you're classless as well as stupid.
ReplyDeleteIowa picks corn... New Hampshire picks Presidents...
Haha love the analogy Rusty
DeleteAnd kettle head rusty picks his nose.
ReplyDelete....it wasn't a pick...it was a scratch... it was a scratch I tell you...
Rusty Shackelford February 2, 2016 at 10:02 AM...Yes Lisa.....ole Les so enjoys sniffing Shaws ass.
ReplyDeleteWith its continental size, that be his full time gig.
Feeling the BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRN! And which Lester are you referring to, Radical Redneck? Oh never mind…it's both Pookie Toot-Toot and his butt buddy Crapenter: DOUBLE BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRN!