Donald Trump has attacked women, African-Americans, Muslims, Mexicans, and now the Pope. At this rate, the only people who be left to vote for Trump are the angry white conservative bigots who currently support him.
To a Nazi Knucklehead Moron Swine like you Duckenstein, who is not even capable of rational thought. If you are seriously Pro Bernie than Obama failed. How does his designated successor Hillary have so much problems in the polls. If you honestly support Bernie, then you are saying Obama had eight years and failed. Either that or you are guilty of reverse racism where you are supporting Obama based upon his race and seething antisemitism.
So what did Obama accomplish. Killing Bin Laden happened in spite of Obama. Obamacare has been a job killer. Cheap oil has more to do with the Obama recession and mess in China. In the midterm election Obama got crushed twice. He also did a whole series of executive orders on immigration immediately after the election carnage.
You can look to the mess in Venezuela to see where Sanders mess leads. Who is raping all of the women in Sweden. Exactly why are crime rates soaring in Sweden and the rest of Europe. Obama is an embarrassment to the Presidency and his actions are frequently criminal. Fact crime went down in NYC for two decades. Add a pothead progressive and crime and homelessness soar. Want to look at Chicago run by an Obama Zombie. Sadly we are led by a rather pathetic university Marxist drone who has been socialistically promoted way over his limited ability into the White House. In his lame brained view of the world Muslims are always victims and he can not even mention that these crimes are committed in the name of Islam. He usually gets up after every latest crime warning Americans about Islamophobia and the criminals have nothing to do with Islam.
Obama is a stupid pothead whose ignorance at times is monumental. Unfortunately the best he can do is wait for a grown adult or even a more manly Hillary to come up with a real policy. Sending the brain impaired Gomer Kerry accomplishes nothing. We have the imbecile from the Vatican lecturing the USA about building walls. Yet he remains silent about Pseudostinian execution of colaborators without a trial. When the hypocrisy is pointed out we get silence. Another drag queen with the stupid moniker Duncy Here, or Chaw Kenawe of Progressive Ejaculations made similar remarks about Muslims they would scream about hate crimes.
To this idiotic twosome, Muslims get a free pass on the hate crime angle. If you smoke a tad of pot and bomb a marathon you get a cover on rolling stone. If you butcher people in Paris the media won't call it a hate crime. The term hate crime only applies to those who kill abortionists or Blacks. Chaw's Place used to be excellent reading. However, the air head Chaw Von Himmler has turned a formerly great site into Obama Zombie Head Quarters ISIS apparently raises funds Lois Lerner style. They tax and raise fees and function like a more competent version of the IRS. This is because ISIS unlike most terrorist groups and the Obama administration has a sound business plan. They do not provide Obama phones or Obama care for the locals. Perhaps Gomer Kerry in between his endless reminders he served in Vietnam before knifing his fellow vets in the back could assist ISIS in building day care centers.
Unfortunately, the complex finances means nothing short of an invasion is going to diminish ISIS. It has little structures that can be bombed and taking up real estate is the only option to defeat it. It is a far greater danger to Assad and the Alawites who face genocide and the Iranian proxies Hezbollah than anyone else.
Obama won't protect the Kurds or even deal with the double game being played by his Turkish madman friend. In reality he would have gained leverage has he allowed Putin to spank Turkey.And as for the naming of a new Supreme Court Jester, Obama is a lame duck and should sit this one out. Let the issue become a campaign issue and let the next President decide
Obama is anything-but "stupid." He's crafty, wily and extremely adept at getting his way -- or the way of the Oligarchs Who Control Him –– while insidiously defeating thee Will of the People.
It's sad-but-true that being "smart" does not necessarily make you "good." Intelligence, –– like Fire –– , is a neutral phenomenon.
The dumbass voters who voted for Obama the last time around will vote for Hillary, there are very few that care anything other than she is a democrat and will (or so they believe) push through their agenda. The vast majority of democrat voters do not care that she is a rich 1%er, which they claim to despise. They don't care that we lost Ambassador Stevens on her watch. They wont care about her age, the numerous women of Bill's improprieties that she personally destroyed. THEY DON'T CARE, they will vote for her anyway. Hildebeast stood at her lectern on the stage with the the other candidates in '08 and said she was a progressive, as opposed to a democrat. Progressives are Marxists. Saul was a Marxist. To me, that is definitive of her lack of character (on a par with Obama's). I don't have the faith in our voting system that I had in my younger days and believe that our votes are manipulated through the voting machines that are supposed to be programmable (with no paper trail). That said, I can see the Hildebeast being elected by the same percentage points as The man known as B.O. Almost a full 50% of the voting public are so devoted to vote for another inept, lying democrat like they have already elected in Obama, who is and was at the time so unqualified and under qualified for the position it defies logic
Like the Mother whose son was tortured to death by illegal’s endorses Donald Trump, says that the Pope doesn’t care about me, why should I give a DAMN about what he thinks!,
A man who heads a "church" and lives behind walls with armed guards has no business criticizing a man who is trying to protect his country without those walls and armed guards. Trump is correct. No, i am not Catholic and I am a Christian. I simply do not subscribe to baloney and false doctrine either.
Assumptions make an ass out of you and me. Your assumption that I support HRC is, in fact grossly erroneous. While it might make you feel all warm and fuzzy to make erroneous assumptions it is quite foolish.
At this juncture I find it wise to support NO ONE.
There remains nine months to decide who to support. I plan on using it. So should you.
Those Pathetic…Liberal hypocrites never saw a situation they won’t exploit and politicize. And of course, this conflict between Donald Trump and the Pope surprises no one. Their phony righteous indignation of the Popes outlandish comment about The Donald by the Pope saying that Trump is not a Christian is just another one of those sick liberals way of causing a scandal and making Trump look bad.
The Pope said: “Trump is not a Christian?” How many times has Hillary Clinton or better yet Bill Clinton broken the 10 commandments by lying and giving false witness, and committing adultery? As if we didn't know it already. And why would the Pope get involved in this stuff? Isn't it a sin to deliberately malign somebody's character? Has the Pope ever condoned Bill’s or Hillary’s behavior?
Not that Trump wasn't correct in his response to the Pope. He said for any religious leader to remark about another man's faith is disgraceful especially since he has not remarked against Obama's faith. Trump is absolutely correct on this. The only one who knows about any man's faith is God. THE POPE IS NOT GOD.
Trump was 100 percent correct in his response...He said: For a Pope to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as President I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current President. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith. They are using the Pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant.
Does anyone even care what the leftards think or say about the Trump/Pope situation? They overdid it, with the propaganda– and stepped on their own limp noodle-like cranks. There is a Russian saying: “Make an idiot pray, and he’ll smash his head open”. So, these idiots ran with it, but a little too far. Anyone with a brain sees it for what it is. As for the idiots who don’t? Who cares! If no one hires illegal aliens, then very few will come here for work. Who will landscape our yards, clean our bathrooms and work in the kitchens of our restaurants, harvest our crops??? Could it be that Americans who need jobs will? This Pope is a politician, and frankly a poor one at that. This Pope, despite all his talk about being Righteous, doesn't require pedophile priests to be reported to the Police! No, he won’t attack his own, that is for sure. The Pope finds a problem with Donald Trump but not with the ISIS head choppers, or with someone like Jermiah Wright!
So my message to the Pope is...Tend to your flock, and let Trump tend to his. Bottom Line: .....Trump's ratings just went up 10 percent. And a bunch of American Catholics are upset about the Pope’s Out of Line comments
No where in the Constitution does it say we are a Christian nation, no where.
We are a nation of many religious faiths and in fact the Constitution does say something about religious freedom, the freedom to choose.
We are a nation of secular laws and have for the lion's share of our history have maintained a separation of Church and State. As the founders intended.
The Pope is a religious leader and building walls between peoples is not, in his view supported y the Gospel and therefore is in his view un- Christian like.
Trump, as usual overreacted and could not bring himself to be presidential. His response to the Pope should have ran something like this... The Pope, and leader of Catholics worldwide is certainly entitled to his opinion and has every right to state his beliefs. In fact I am relatively certain he feels a Papal responsibility to do so. This I accept. I respect His Holiness, but on this issue we simply disagree.
Now, moving on (pick your topic).
Trump should have diffused the situation rather than playing it for possible political gain.
I wonder how the pope feels about someone who voted for a bill that allowed a baby being left to die outside the womb when it survived an abortion. I guess that is un-Christian?
So far not ONE SINGLE COMMENT has been about DR. CARSON's performance at the televised Town Hall Meeting sponsored by CNN. Wasn't THAT supposed to be the FOCUS of this thread?
I have tried to look at the video, but it stops playing about five minutes into the event. !!@)!(*&^#&^?!"(*#{^[%$]%!@!}!!"$#+?
Nevertheless, I have to say that I've been an enthusiastic supporter of Dr. Carson ever since he arrived on the scene.
I am very sorry the American Public is so easily swayed by flamboyant, meretricious gestures accompanied by excessive doses of Sound and Fury that they allow the howling whorishness, hubbub and hellacious hullaballoo to dissuade them from listening to The Still Small Voice of Dr. Carson, a fine man of truly great accomplishment in one of the most demanding fields imaginable with a compellingly beautiful life story.
My personal Dream Ticket would have been CARSON-FIORINA.
Unfortunately the ENEMEDIA early on decided to do everything possible to promote raucous Donald Trump as "The Front Runner," exacerbate tensions between Mr. Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, encourage the Republican debates to resemble the atmosphere of a rowdy, illicit, back alley COCKFIGHT while the moderators studiously IGNORED quieter-but-more solid, well-grounded, well-informed candidates like Dr. Carson, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, and Rand Paul.
The People may have grown inexcusably stupid, but it is the ENEMEDIA who has played a tremendous part in making them that way.
I'm happy to see Dr. Caron still hanging in there, and continue to hope for a miracle to open the eyes of the American Public before it's too late.
A very plausible and strong ticket would be Kasich/Carson.
Carson is a highly intelligent and gifted brain surgeon who obviously has the ability to listen. He is however lacking in foreign policy awareness and has no experience.
Kasich has a wealth of experience, including executive experience as Governor of Ohio. Kasich also has the ability to unite and find governing consensus.
Carson, would essentially be an understudy and learn as well as grow as a VP, preparing him for the future.
Kasich/Carson, a dream ticket for those who value experience, uniting Americans, reasonable and rational compromise, and actually building a stronger union.
Both of these individuals are good and decent people. Which is more than I am willing to say for some others.
Postscript, Jeb Bush is a decent honest person as well with experience. But I don't like dynasty.
Go big, go Trump. Better yet, go for long nose Cruz. Perhaps go for chameleon Rubio.
Ahh yes, the year of impeccable G(rand) O(bstructionist) P(arty) candidates. Making America Great "Again" as it marches to theocratic guided law and further economic stagnation and a declining middle class.
By all means trudge on to diminishing returns, great walls, and perpetual military conflict.
Yes, America needs to feed the insatiable dragon of Big Government and elect Bernie King of America. All will be right in the world once THAT happens...
U.S. High Court Rejects Republicans on North Carolina Voting Map
The U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for a new congressional voting map in North Carolina this year, rejecting a Republican bid to reinstate district lines thrown out by a lower court.
The order was one of the high court’s first since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. It came without published dissent . A three-judge panel said Feb. 5 that the original map, drawn by the state’s Republican-controlled legislature, unconstitutionally packed too many black voters into two overwhelmingly Democratic districts. The panel gave the state until Feb. 19 to put a new map in place.
In asking the Supreme Court to block the lower-court order, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, a Republican, said it would disrupt the scheduled March 15 congressional and presidential primaries. McCrory said election officials had already distributed thousands of absentee ballots and hundreds of those ballots had been returned with votes.
Democrats now hold just three of North Carolina’s 13 U.S. House districts, including seats occupied by Representatives G.K. Butterfield and Alma Adams, both of whom are black.
Even the most hard-core, unapologetic, dyed-in-the-wool Obama lovers , aka the Progressive's must be ashamed of and hard-pressed to justify his decision to not attend the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Whatever his reasoning may be, it undeniably demonstrates a lack of dignity, lack of statesmanship, lack of respect, and lack of leadership. Instead it makes him look increasingly petty, small, and weak. This President never ceases his efforts to divide America along racial, religious, and political lines. He is a disgrace to America.
The limits of our patience has run out! And we are at the end of the rope, we’re of sick of intolerance for traditional American morals and values. We’re tired of being called racists and bigots by racists and bigots. We’re tired of Third World illegal aliens and visa overstayers pouring into our country to commit crimes, dilute our culture with non-assimilatory sub-cultures, and leech off our prosperity and hard work. We’re tired of language being inverted and weaponized – ‘Progressives’ and ‘Liberals’ are anything but, and Islam is definitely not a ‘religion of peace.’ We’re tired of being cursed out and browbeaten over our God-given right to bear arms by the same mental midgets who defend the dissection of live babies. We’re tired of self-righteous, anti-human propagandists parroting the flagrant farce of ‘anthropogenic climate change.’ We’re tired of the abject filth being pumped out by Hollywood. We’re tired of the garbage being jammed down our kids’ throats in school. We’re tired of being harassed by totalitarian freaks about unisex bathrooms and white male privilege. We’re tired of wretched modern feminism. We’re tired of corrupt socialist politicians, elected by corrupt socialist fools, destroying our Nation!!!
A peaceful democratic rebellion is not possible with folks who lack the capacity to grasp Obama won the presidency TWICE by democratic means. So, I presume the only way the G(rand) O(bstuctionist) P(arty) is going to win its nefarious agenda is by armed rebellion.
In fact the dudes in Nevada and Oregon actually walked that line.
So it is the reichwing GOP that are the screamers RH.
The only reason why Bernie Sanders is doing so well s because the people know that Hillary Clinton has a problem telling the truth. That is bad because our country does not need someone like Sanders. I can not see how anyone could support Clinton. The Democrats have the two worst candidates runnig this time in the history of our country.
LKB, I agree. This election cycle the two worst candidates in our nation's history are running . Donald the narcissist Trump and Ted the chosen one Cruz.
Wiont it be good to have a first lady that doesn't nauseate you anytime you see or hear her or about her policies. We need another Laura Bush, or Mrs. Trump. Anything would be better than what we now have or another Clinton!
I think that both Hillary or Bernine are two liberal'Progressive idiots and would make a ridiculous POTUS. I think That Forest Gump is even better than either one and would make a better president then the two of them on so many levels. In fact, put those two in a boxing ring together and let Them kick each other's ass so that neither one would be available
he problem is that Democrats have trained their dogs in the MSM and their SJWs in Progressive Indoctrination Centers (colleges) to bark at all Republicans, regardless of what they say.
This is the way that I see it. Trump is an American. The Pope is a "citizen" of Vatican City, a walled complex that does not allow outsiders citizenship. Hmmmm, why would a religious leader not stay in his lane, teaching the word of the Lord? The Pope has no dog in this fight, and should stay the hell out of American politics!
I'd take Any of those running on the republican ticket in a heartbeat over the two unpatriotic dirt bags running on the Communist Party aka Democratic.
All I can Say Is ....Whom ever doesn't vote Donald Trump, Don't cry when your EYES become open and you see what a bad choice you made by voting for another corrupt politician!!! Don't cry when Isis attacks and you don't feel safe in your own country!! Don't cry when there is no wall build to keep unwanted evils out! Don't cry when China gets your $ and jobs!! Don't cry when you are stuck in another political correctness society where people are offended if you cough!!Don't cry when our veterans will continue to be treated like second class citizens . Don't cry when there is very minimal good healthcare for you and your loved ones. Don't cry when there are more riots and our police officers can no longer assist you. Don't cry when the free loaders keep living off your tax dollars. Don't cry when you are paying unfair taxes. Don't cry when abortion is the common birth control method. Don't cry when other countries out do US and think we are a joke. Don't cry when your 2nd amendment is taken away and you can't protect your family. Don't cry when your children and grandchildren ask you what happened to the America that once was the greatest country on earth. Don't cry when you have voted for a weak leader!! Trump is bold, strong, wise and is able to help US!! Don't be dumb and vote for the wrong one!!! Go Trump!! ����������������
They are two of the biggest losers ever to run for any elected office let alone the highest office in our land one a known traitor the other a burnt out looser looking to make us a socialist nation neither of them have the merits to even be in this election!!!
If that is so, you have no idea what it means to BE American.
The cornerstone of our system gives everyone the right to hold any opinion –– and express –– any point of view that pleases him, her or it WITHOUT FEAR of persecution, prosecution, or public harassment.
That said I believe the lurking presence of MUSLIMS in our midst far too dangerous for this general rule to apply.
We have already seen the damage that has been done, I fear irreparably, to our way of life by permitting MARXISTS to express themselves freely, but that horse has already left the barn.
If people THOUGHT, instead of letting themselves be SEDUCED by sophists, seducers and charismatic deceivers, I would support unlimited Freedom of Expression. Unfortunately, most behave like SHEEP and are thus far too easily led to the slaughter by any Pied Piper who struts into town.
I doubt very much if there could ever be satisfactory solution to the dilemma this regrettable phenomenon has produced.
Meanwhile, what is YOUR understanding of the meaning of SUPER DELEGATES? Are you for 'em or against 'em? In either case please tell us why.
What is YOUR understanding of the phenomenon they're calling "SUPER DELEGATES?"
Apparently, this fairly recent invention of the ever-scheming De-MOCK-rats (;-) is designed to THWART The Will of the People by cleverly undermining Majority Rule.
I think the country ought to discuss, dissect, scrutinize, and hopefully DEFEAT this D'Rat machination by having it declared unconstitutional.
What's "constitutional" these days, you ask? Apparently anything a shitting president and the Supreme Cunt want to SAY it is. The definition of constitutionality has become as fluid as the blood seeping from a fresh cutlass wound on the body politic.
What do YOU think, –– and more important –– what do you KNOW ––, about the existence of SUPER DELEGATES and the effect they have on our electoral process?
I can assume you want the Electoral College abolished. Were you as disgusted by Bush v. Gore?
I agree with RN that super delegates have become a means to blunt grass roots challenges but you err badly when you bring in the Constitution (the constant fringe right fetish) which doesn't even grant a right to vote let alone determine a political party's delegate selection method.
Next thing you know the bobos here at Lisa's will be lamenting the striking down of the Voting Rights Act. Nothing if not inconsistent, FT.
Regarding the Electoral College, I am an "originalist," and bow always to the superior wisdom and supreme intelligence of our Founding Fathers.
The purpose of the electoral college was to make sure that sparsely populated regions, often rich in natural resources, received more or less equal representation as the cities and their surrounding areas where population density is very high.
Without the Electoral College the most densely populated regions would be in COMPLETE control. Considering who and what urban populations are, especially today, today, we should all be grateful for the electoral college.
Our Founding Fathers were, –– very properly ––, wary of what-Alexander-Hamilton-called "The Whim of The Vulgar Populace." They never intended for "the people" to play a direct role in the election of either the president, OR the senate.
This is the essence of what it should mean to be "A Representative Republic." We never have been, –– and never should be ––, a "Democracy."
This "super delegate" thing is another matter. It has only been around since 1984, and appears to be an invention of the DemonRats, obviously designed to enable them to manipulate their way to unearned victories with greater ease and speed.
Perhaps, the GOP could avail itself of the same methodology, but frankly the GOP is too STUPID to make intelligent use of ANY "winning" strategy. I wish I could believe the GOP has failed to take full advantage of the use of "super delegates," because they are standing on principle, but very sadly, I know better than that.
Hey Radical Redass, the Supreme Court affirmed in Bush v. Gore that “the individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States.”
@FT -- Without the Electoral College the most densely populated regions would be in COMPLETE control. ------- So we have a system where a group of states with a total population below New York City's can control almost a third of the Senate.
Ducky's here February 22, 2016 at 6:06 AM...Hey Radical Redass, the Supreme Court affirmed in Bush v. Gore that “the individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States.”
Hey Duckhead, the electors are not on the ballot, it's a ceremonial position where one hands in the ballot which names the winner. They aren't up for election the candidate is.
It is possible an elector could refuse to present the ballot: it is one last gasp check and balance against tyranny (which should have been used to keep Ozulu in the jungle).
But you already knew the distinction: your mendacity is only eclipsed by your all around vile worthlessness.
You aren't going to put something so lame over on your superiours here - save it for the gutter dwellers in the shooting galleries in Everett, MA.
Obama chose to pay his respects by attending Justice Scalia's visitation. A solemn moment for the President methinks.
Why did Scalia snub the President by not attending the SOTU address? Any thoughts on that?
BTW, reports are Obama was engaged in his constitutional obligation going through dossiers of potential nominees to replace Scalia. What more fitting way to honor Scalia, a constitutional originalist.
And he got elected twice despite Citizens United The dems have a big machine behind them so what's the gripe? I am sure if CU supported mostly democrats, they would be all for it
Following his fourth- (or possibly fifth-) place finish in South Carolina, Jeb Bush has ended his campaign to be president. I said pretty much everything I had to say about him two years ago:
There are over 300 million people in this country, and, granted that 57 per cent or whatever it's up to by now are fine upstanding members of the Undocumented-American community, what is it about the Bush family that makes them so indispensable to the Republic as to supply three presidential candidates within a quarter-century?
Jeb never had a good answer to that question, and his lackluster performance on the stump suggested that there isn't one. But the Donor-Industrial Complex loved him:
'Many if not most of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney's major donors are reaching out to Bush and his confidants with phone calls, e-mails and invitations to meet, according to interviews with 30 senior Republicans. One bundler estimated that the "vast majority" of Romney's top 100 donors would back Bush in a competitive nomination fight.
'"He's the most desired candidate out there," said another bundler, Brian Ballard, who sat on the national finance committees for Romney in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. "Everybody that I know is excited about it." ' "Everybody that I know is excited about it": Mr Ballard really needs to get out of the house more. In an Iowa town hall or New Hampshire diner, nobody was excited about Jeb. ... [The rest of Mark Steyn's article is available at the link above. Worth reading but it gives good reasons why the influence of Bog Bucks is overestimated and greatly exaggerated by The Enemies of Wealth –– i.e. Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Statists and DeminRats };-]>
And indeed there will be time To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?” Time to turn back and descend the stair, With a bald spot in the middle of my hair— (They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”) My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin— (They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)
Do I dare Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
For I have known them all already, known them all: Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; I know the voices dying with a dying fall Beneath the music from a farther room. So how should I presume? ...
~ T.S. Eliot - excerpt from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Black lives matter is based entirely on the disgusting lie that police target black people because of racism. The truth, according to the liberal Washington Post, is that cops kill more white people than black people and that almost everyone killed by police is an active threat to the police or someone else.
Black lives matter ignores this truth and is actively brain washing people, especially young black people, to believe that cops are the problem. Not black on black crime, not out of wedlock births which approach 80% among blacks.
The communist mayor of NY says he and all other parents of black kids have to have "the talk" with their black children about how to avoid being killed by police. They cling to this lie despite the fact that almost all black murder victims are killed by other black people.
Now the President has once again proven that he is a virulent racist who will always, and everywhere side with the enemies of racial harmony and peace. Instead he has chosen again to support the liars, the brain washers and the race hustlers whose goal is division and continued black suffering.
We live in VERY divided times. Unfortunately it is becoming more apparent with the passage of time it is UNLIKELY this nation will ever find the magic formula to become a truly unified nation.
Diversity is good but folks must find a way to ACCEPT that simple fact.
How come the most stable countries and areas inevitably have a homogeneous (and not the homo YOU crave) population? Don't people always seek out and gravitate to those with whom they have the most in common?
"DIVERSITY," as used by the Left, is nothing but a code word for militant DIVISIVENESS –– a splintering into greater and greater numbers of hostile FACTIONS.
If diversity is so "good", why must people with diverse opinions be "made" to "accept that simple fact". It's either self-evident in ALL cases, or its' NOT. And apparently when it comes to diverse opinions, the Left wants "none of it."
Continuing on with the past guiding us will insure what?
Diversity is good in that it results in many thought processes and ideas giving us many choices.
When it comes to government and governing compromises often need be made. That is if society is to maintain a reasonable level of cohesiveness and afford maximum liberty to all .
Everyone should be able to live their personal and family lives as they see fit, so long as it is within the lawn
Your criticism of the "left" also applies to the "right". There are valid posistions held by both conservatives and liberals that reasonable folks can support. That should be self evident. Unless one is a rigid partisan.
The Registurd Nurse wouldn't know the truth if it rose up, and bit his dick off, but he needn’t worry. That could never happen, because the truth couldn't FIND it with a microscope.
You certainly have a weird fixation on my dick FreeThinke.
Truth FreeThinke is certainly not your domain. I know, you never intentionally and knowingly speak falsehoods, but your posistions are often riddled with flaws that can only be explained by your reliance on fatally fkawed opinion.
Your extreme nationalism and inclinations towards white supremacy speak volumes.
And I have known the eyes already, known them all— The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase, And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall, Then how should I begin To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways? And how should I presume?
And I have known the arms already, known them all— Arms that are braceleted and white and bare (But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!) Is it perfume from a dress That makes me so digress? Arms that lie along a table, or wrap about a shawl. And should I then presume? And how should I begin? . . . . . . . . Shall I say, I have gone at dusk through narrow streets And watched the smoke that rises from the pipes Of lonely men in shirt-sleeves, leaning out of windows?…
I should have been a pair of ragged claws Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
~ T.S. Eliot - from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump has attacked women, African-Americans, Muslims, Mexicans, and now the Pope. At this rate, the only people who be left to vote for Trump are the angry white conservative bigots who currently support him.
And that's why I Love Him!
To a Nazi Knucklehead Moron Swine like you Duckenstein, who is not even capable of rational thought. If you are seriously Pro Bernie than Obama failed. How does his designated successor Hillary have so much problems in the polls. If you honestly support Bernie, then you are saying Obama had eight years and failed. Either that or you are guilty of reverse racism where you are supporting Obama based upon his race and seething antisemitism.
ReplyDeleteSo what did Obama accomplish. Killing Bin Laden happened in spite of Obama. Obamacare has been a job killer. Cheap oil has more to do with the Obama recession and mess in China. In the midterm election Obama got crushed twice. He also did a whole series of executive orders on immigration immediately after the election carnage.
You can look to the mess in Venezuela to see where Sanders mess leads. Who is raping all of the women in Sweden. Exactly why are crime rates soaring in Sweden and the rest of Europe.
Obama is an embarrassment to the Presidency and his actions are frequently criminal.
Fact crime went down in NYC for two decades. Add a pothead progressive and crime and homelessness soar. Want to look at Chicago run by an Obama Zombie.
Sadly we are led by a rather pathetic university Marxist drone who has been socialistically promoted way over his limited ability into the White House. In his lame brained view of the world Muslims are always victims and he can not
even mention that these crimes are committed in the name of Islam. He usually gets up after every latest crime warning Americans about Islamophobia and the criminals have nothing to do with Islam.
Well Obama is creating jobs......In Cuba
ReplyDeleteSayeth the Kool Aid lady.
DeleteBlah blah blah
DeleteAs the faithful slurp, slurp, slurp...
Delete...and the terminally Stupid, "No, no, no"
DeleteCrapenter bends over and toots the far left wing flatulence again!
ReplyDeleteObama is a stupid pothead whose ignorance at times is monumental. Unfortunately the best he can do is wait for a grown adult or even a more manly Hillary to come up with a real policy. Sending the brain impaired Gomer Kerry accomplishes nothing.
We have the imbecile from the Vatican lecturing the USA about building walls. Yet he remains silent about Pseudostinian execution of colaborators without a trial. When the hypocrisy is pointed out we get silence. Another drag queen with the stupid moniker Duncy Here, or Chaw Kenawe of Progressive Ejaculations made similar remarks about
Muslims they would scream about hate crimes.
To this idiotic twosome, Muslims get a free pass on the hate crime angle. If you smoke a tad of pot and bomb a marathon you get a cover on rolling stone. If you butcher people in Paris the media won't call it a hate crime. The term hate crime only applies to those who kill abortionists or Blacks.
Chaw's Place used to be excellent reading. However, the air head Chaw Von Himmler has turned a formerly great site into Obama Zombie Head Quarters
ISIS apparently raises funds Lois Lerner style. They tax and raise fees and function like a more competent version of the IRS. This is because ISIS unlike most terrorist groups and the Obama administration has a sound business plan. They do not provide Obama phones or Obama care for the locals. Perhaps Gomer Kerry in between his endless reminders he served in Vietnam before knifing his fellow vets in the back could assist ISIS in building day care centers.
Unfortunately, the complex finances means nothing short of an invasion is going to diminish ISIS. It has little structures that can be bombed and taking up real estate is the only option to defeat it. It is a far greater danger to Assad and the Alawites who face genocide and the Iranian proxies Hezbollah than anyone else.
Obama won't protect the Kurds or even deal with the double game being played by his Turkish madman friend. In reality
he would have gained leverage has he allowed Putin to spank Turkey.And as for the naming of a new Supreme Court Jester, Obama is a lame duck and should sit this one out. Let the issue become a campaign issue and let the next President decide
Obama is anything-but "stupid." He's crafty, wily and extremely adept at getting his way -- or the way of the Oligarchs Who Control Him –– while insidiously defeating thee Will of the People.
DeleteIt's sad-but-true that being "smart" does not necessarily make you "good." Intelligence, –– like Fire –– , is a neutral phenomenon.
Everything depends on how it's employed.
The dumbass voters who voted for Obama the last time around will vote for Hillary, there are very few that care anything other than she is a democrat and will (or so they believe) push through their agenda. The vast majority of democrat voters do not care that she is a rich 1%er, which they claim to despise. They don't care that we lost Ambassador Stevens on her watch. They wont care about her age, the numerous women of Bill's improprieties that she personally destroyed. THEY DON'T CARE, they will vote for her anyway.
ReplyDeleteHildebeast stood at her lectern on the stage with the the other candidates in '08 and said she was a progressive, as opposed to a democrat. Progressives are Marxists. Saul was a Marxist.
To me, that is definitive of her lack of character (on a par with Obama's).
I don't have the faith in our voting system that I had in my younger days and believe that our votes are manipulated through the voting machines that are supposed to be programmable (with no paper trail). That said, I can see the Hildebeast being elected by the same percentage points as The man known as B.O.
Almost a full 50% of the voting public are so devoted to vote for another inept, lying democrat like they have already elected in Obama, who is and was at the time so unqualified and under qualified for the position it defies logic
Like the Mother whose son was tortured to death by illegal’s endorses Donald Trump, says that the Pope doesn’t care about me, why should I give a DAMN about what he thinks!,
ReplyDeleteA man who heads a "church" and lives behind walls with armed guards has no business criticizing a man who is trying to protect his country without those walls and armed guards. Trump is correct. No, i am not Catholic and I am a Christian. I simply do not subscribe to baloney and false doctrine either.
ReplyDeleteNever underestimate the ignorance of the Democratic voting block. All they hear is "free stuff" and "GOP are Racists!"
ReplyDeleteLet's make DuckHead cry!
DeleteIf the Pope wants to interject his leftist political agenda into this American Presidential campaign, he is fair game now!
ReplyDeleteThe Liberal fools, like Ducky, RN, and Shaw are Hillary's only supporters left
ReplyDeleteThe other idiots 5 or 6 are in Berniies camp.
Assumptions make an ass out of you and me. Your assumption that I support HRC is, in fact grossly erroneous. While it might make you feel all warm and fuzzy to make erroneous assumptions it is quite foolish.
DeleteAt this juncture I find it wise to support NO ONE.
There remains nine months to decide who to support. I plan on using it. So should you.
Feel the Bern !!!!
DeleteToo bad he has no gramma
DeleteCrapenter's a Berniebot.
DeleteThose Pathetic…Liberal hypocrites never saw a situation they won’t exploit and politicize.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, this conflict between Donald Trump and the Pope surprises no one. Their phony righteous indignation of the Popes outlandish comment about The Donald by the Pope saying that Trump is not a Christian is just another one of those sick liberals way of causing a scandal and making Trump look bad.
The Pope said: “Trump is not a Christian?” How many times has Hillary Clinton or better yet Bill Clinton broken the 10 commandments by lying and giving false witness, and committing adultery? As if we didn't know it already.
And why would the Pope get involved in this stuff? Isn't it a sin to deliberately malign somebody's character?
Has the Pope ever condoned Bill’s or Hillary’s behavior?
Not that Trump wasn't correct in his response to the Pope. He said for any religious leader to remark about another man's faith is disgraceful especially since he has not remarked against Obama's faith. Trump is absolutely correct on this. The only one who knows about any man's faith is God. THE POPE IS NOT GOD.
Trump was 100 percent correct in his response...He said: For a Pope to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as President I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current President. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith. They are using the Pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant.
Does anyone even care what the leftards think or say about the Trump/Pope situation? They overdid it, with the propaganda– and stepped on their own limp noodle-like cranks. There is a Russian saying: “Make an idiot pray, and he’ll smash his head open”. So, these idiots ran with it, but a little too far. Anyone with a brain sees it for what it is. As for the idiots who don’t? Who cares!
If no one hires illegal aliens, then very few will come here for work. Who will landscape our yards, clean our bathrooms and work in the kitchens of our restaurants, harvest our crops??? Could it be that Americans who need jobs will?
This Pope is a politician, and frankly a poor one at that. This Pope, despite all his talk about being Righteous, doesn't require pedophile priests to be reported to the Police! No, he won’t attack his own, that is for sure.
The Pope finds a problem with Donald Trump but not with the ISIS head choppers, or with someone like Jermiah Wright!
So my message to the Pope is...Tend to your flock, and let Trump tend to his.
Bottom Line: .....Trump's ratings just went up 10 percent. And a bunch of American Catholics are upset about the Pope’s Out of Line comments
No where in the Constitution does it say we are a Christian nation, no where.
ReplyDeleteWe are a nation of many religious faiths and in fact the Constitution does say something about religious freedom, the freedom to choose.
We are a nation of secular laws and have for the lion's share of our history have maintained a separation of Church and State. As the founders intended.
The Pope is a religious leader and building walls between peoples is not, in his view supported y the Gospel and therefore is in his view un- Christian like.
Trump, as usual overreacted and could not bring himself to be presidential. His response to the Pope should have ran something like this... The Pope, and leader of Catholics worldwide is certainly entitled to his opinion and has every right to state his beliefs. In fact I am relatively certain he feels a Papal responsibility to do so. This I accept. I respect His Holiness, but on this issue we simply disagree.
Now, moving on (pick your topic).
Trump should have diffused the situation rather than playing it for possible political gain.
I wonder how the pope feels about someone who voted for a bill that allowed a baby being left to die outside the womb when it survived an abortion.
DeleteI guess that is un-Christian?
Either stick to the topic I specifically commented on or do not expect a reply.
DeleteMy comment had NOTHING to do with PBA or the death of an infant.
Ask me a question related to the Pope's actual statement and Trump's response I will respond.
Other than that, nada.
DeleteRN thinks that his right to be an asshole is written in the Constitution. Where 'o where is it written?
Delete@ Titan: The Free Exercise Clause?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYes Titan Uranus 2 you are correct. Your right to be an asshole guaranteed by the constitution. As long as it breaks no (secular) laws.
DeleteYes, but where in the Constitution, oh pedantic one?
DeleteFarmer, you were more interesting when you posted as Kuhncat.
Delete...and you were more interesting when you posted as beakerkin.
DeleteSo far not ONE SINGLE COMMENT has been about DR. CARSON's performance at the televised Town Hall Meeting sponsored by CNN. Wasn't THAT supposed to be the FOCUS of this thread?
ReplyDeleteWhat performance? It was the same as it's been all along.
DeleteHe stands there looking like he's waiting for the 'ludes to kick in and then mumbles some meaningless boiler plate cliche.
DeleteSo THERE!
DeleteUnlike Obama with his snarky tone waiting for applause pausing after he makes some snide comment against his opposition.
DeleteUnlike Obama with his snarky tone waiting for applause pausing after he makes some snide comment against his opposition.
DeleteI have tried to look at the video, but it stops playing about five minutes into the event. !!@)!(*&^#&^?!"(*#{^[%$]%!@!}!!"$#+?
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, I have to say that I've been an enthusiastic supporter of Dr. Carson ever since he arrived on the scene.
I am very sorry the American Public is so easily swayed by flamboyant, meretricious gestures accompanied by excessive doses of Sound and Fury that they allow the howling whorishness, hubbub and hellacious hullaballoo to dissuade them from listening to The Still Small Voice of Dr. Carson, a fine man of truly great accomplishment in one of the most demanding fields imaginable with a compellingly beautiful life story.
My personal Dream Ticket would have been CARSON-FIORINA.
Unfortunately the ENEMEDIA early on decided to do everything possible to promote raucous Donald Trump as "The Front Runner," exacerbate tensions between Mr. Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, encourage the Republican debates to resemble the atmosphere of a rowdy, illicit, back alley COCKFIGHT while the moderators studiously IGNORED quieter-but-more solid, well-grounded, well-informed candidates like Dr. Carson, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, and Rand Paul.
The People may have grown inexcusably stupid, but it is the ENEMEDIA who has played a tremendous part in making them that way.
I'm happy to see Dr. Caron still hanging in there, and continue to hope for a miracle to open the eyes of the American Public before it's too late.
A very plausible and strong ticket would be Kasich/Carson.
DeleteCarson is a highly intelligent and gifted brain surgeon who obviously has the ability to listen. He is however lacking in foreign policy awareness and has no experience.
Kasich has a wealth of experience, including executive experience as Governor of Ohio. Kasich also has the ability to unite and find governing consensus.
Carson, would essentially be an understudy and learn as well as grow as a VP, preparing him for the future.
Kasich/Carson, a dream ticket for those who value experience, uniting Americans, reasonable and rational compromise, and actually building a stronger union.
Both of these individuals are good and decent people. Which is more than I am willing to say for some others.
Postscript, Jeb Bush is a decent honest person as well with experience. But I don't like dynasty.
Kasich is, and always will be, an establishment Lehman Brothers lackey, baffoon.
DeleteYou might as well vote for Jeb.
DeleteGo big, go Trump. Better yet, go for long nose Cruz. Perhaps go for chameleon Rubio.
DeleteAhh yes, the year of impeccable G(rand) O(bstructionist) P(arty) candidates. Making America Great "Again" as it marches to theocratic guided law and further economic stagnation and a declining middle class.
By all means trudge on to diminishing returns, great walls, and perpetual military conflict.
Shouldn't you be huddling in your safe space over at Progressive Disruptions, RN?
DeleteOne last song for FT... ;)
DeleteA) I do not huddle Mrs. Grundy. Unless playing football.
DeleteB) Contrary to your sheltered view there are NO safe spaces.
But certainly you are free to dream on Mrs. Grundy.
My, you seem to be resigned to great walls and perpetual military conflict then.
DeleteSp quitcherbitchin. :)
Guaranteed -FJ. If a rethuglican is elected president or perhaps even if HRC is elected.
DeleteSo yeah, resigned to the inevitable of continued idiocy, at least for the foreseeable future.
Yes, America needs to feed the insatiable dragon of Big Government and elect Bernie King of America. All will be right in the world once THAT happens...
DeleteFreethinke, I agree a Carson/Fiorina ticket would have been smoking hot!
DeleteRational Nation USA February 19, 2016 at 5:21 PM...As the faithful slurp, slurp, slurp...
ReplyDeleteNo, that's Mrs Rhoid Nation as Rusty and I tag-team her.
I have some more juicy things to post on liberalmann is a dingbat, now that Crapenter dumped more ammo to humiliate himself.
ReplyDeleteU.S. High Court Rejects Republicans on North Carolina Voting Map
The U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for a new congressional voting map in North Carolina this year, rejecting a Republican bid to reinstate district lines thrown out by a lower court.
The order was one of the high court’s first since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. It came without published dissent
A three-judge panel said Feb. 5 that the original map, drawn by the state’s Republican-controlled legislature, unconstitutionally packed too many black voters into two overwhelmingly Democratic districts. The panel gave the state until Feb. 19 to put a new map in place.
In asking the Supreme Court to block the lower-court order, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, a Republican, said it would disrupt the scheduled March 15 congressional and presidential primaries. McCrory said election officials had already distributed thousands of absentee ballots and hundreds of those ballots had been returned with votes.
Democrats now hold just three of North Carolina’s 13 U.S. House districts, including seats occupied by Representatives G.K. Butterfield and Alma Adams, both of whom are black.
A proper decision by the SCOUTS. One small step to improving the democratic process.
DeleteNext to eventually come, striking Citizens United down. One of, if not the worst decision in Supreme Court history.
SCOTUS, not SCOUTS. Damn auto spell check.
DeleteQue bella voce!
DeleteThanks, TAM, I loved it.
Isn't it Che bella voce FT?
DeleteI stand corrected. I'm in awe of your superior knowledge of the Italian language. I had no idea of the broad scope of your erudition!
DeleteMy syntactical lapse, however, takes nothing away from my point. Do you know why I said "What a beautiful voice," albeit in fractured Italian?
Of course. I would have been surprised had you not.
DeleteAll Democrats do is cry about dda Schwartzas!
ReplyDeleteEven the most hard-core, unapologetic, dyed-in-the-wool Obama lovers , aka the Progressive's must be ashamed of and hard-pressed to justify his decision to not attend the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Whatever his reasoning may be, it undeniably demonstrates a lack of dignity, lack of statesmanship, lack of respect, and lack of leadership. Instead it makes him look increasingly petty, small, and weak. This President never ceases his efforts to divide America along racial, religious, and political lines. He is a disgrace to America.
I question whether you believe Scalia not attending the last SOTU address was disrespectful and showed a lack of dignity.
DeleteThe limits of our patience has run out! And we are at the end of the rope, we’re of sick of intolerance for traditional American morals and values. We’re tired of being called racists and bigots by racists and bigots. We’re tired of Third World illegal aliens and visa overstayers pouring into our country to commit crimes, dilute our culture with non-assimilatory sub-cultures, and leech off our prosperity and hard work. We’re tired of language being inverted and weaponized – ‘Progressives’ and ‘Liberals’ are anything but, and Islam is definitely not a ‘religion of peace.’ We’re tired of being cursed out and browbeaten over our God-given right to bear arms by the same mental midgets who defend the dissection of live babies. We’re tired of self-righteous, anti-human propagandists parroting the flagrant farce of ‘anthropogenic climate change.’ We’re tired of the abject filth being pumped out by Hollywood. We’re tired of the garbage being jammed down our kids’ throats in school. We’re tired of being harassed by totalitarian freaks about unisex bathrooms and white male privilege. We’re tired of wretched modern feminism. We’re tired of corrupt socialist politicians, elected by corrupt socialist fools, destroying our Nation!!!
ReplyDeleteThen start an armed rebellion or STFU.
DeleteWhat's wrong with a peaceful democratic political rebellion, Mr Screamer?
DeleteA peaceful democratic rebellion is not possible with folks who lack the capacity to grasp Obama won the presidency TWICE by democratic means. So, I presume the only way the G(rand) O(bstuctionist) P(arty) is going to win its nefarious
Deleteagenda is by armed rebellion.
In fact the dudes in Nevada and Oregon actually walked that line.
So it is the reichwing GOP that are the screamers RH.
Dubya won "democratically" twice. Is Black Lives Matters the "new" Panther Party?
DeleteYou tell us -FJ. Is the BLM movement the "new" Panther Party?
DeleteAwaiting response with your sound reasoning.
Thanks in advance.
FJ's "afraid of the dark".
DeleteOnly Beyonce... who knew?
DeleteWhere could that crazy BLM-Panther connection have come from???? Oh, Amy Goodman... no wonder.
Deletebtw - Are you Coke or Pepsi this year, RN?
DeleteNeither, I refrain from things that unhealthy for you.
DeleteThe only reason why Bernie Sanders is doing so well s because the people know that Hillary Clinton has a problem telling the truth. That is bad because our country does not need someone like Sanders. I can not see how anyone could support Clinton. The Democrats have the two worst candidates runnig this time in the history of our country.
ReplyDelete...but, but, but, the Democrats are our friends!!?
DeleteEven reasonable rational conservatives don't want to be your friend.
DeleteLKB, I agree. This election cycle the two worst candidates in our nation's history are running . Donald the narcissist Trump and Ted the chosen one Cruz.
DeleteI know just the one's you are talking about... your pony pals.
ReplyDeleteWiont it be good to have a first lady that doesn't nauseate you anytime you see or hear her or about her policies. We need another Laura Bush, or Mrs. Trump.
Anything would be better than what we now have or another Clinton!
I TOTALLY AGREE !! I Can't stand her or the LIAR Ms. Klintoon.
ReplyDeleteWe may never get another chance to vote for a brain surgeon and have a bunch of dumb inbred hillbilly Trump supporters to thank for it.
ReplyDeleteI truly respect Doctor Carson.
Carson did Johnny Pee Good's lobotomy.
DeleteI think that both Hillary or Bernine are two liberal'Progressive idiots and would make a ridiculous POTUS. I think That Forest Gump is even better than either one and would make a better president then the two of them on so many levels. In fact, put those two in a boxing ring together and let Them kick each other's ass so that neither one would be available
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletehe problem is that Democrats have trained their dogs in the MSM and their SJWs in Progressive Indoctrination Centers (colleges) to bark at all Republicans, regardless of what they say.
DeleteArf, Arf, Arf.
DeleteThis is the way that I see it.
ReplyDeleteTrump is an American. The Pope is a "citizen" of Vatican City, a walled complex that does not allow outsiders citizenship. Hmmmm, why would a religious leader not stay in his lane, teaching the word of the Lord? The Pope has no dog in this fight, and should stay the hell out of American politics!
I'd take Any of those running on the republican ticket in a heartbeat over the two unpatriotic dirt bags running on the Communist Party aka Democratic.
ReplyDeleteBullshit for the ages.
DeleteAll I can Say Is ....Whom ever doesn't vote Donald Trump, Don't cry when your EYES become open and you see what a bad choice you made by voting for another corrupt politician!!! Don't cry when Isis attacks and you don't feel safe in your own country!! Don't cry when there is no wall build to keep unwanted evils out! Don't cry when China gets your $ and jobs!! Don't cry when you are stuck in another political correctness society where people are offended if you cough!!Don't cry when our veterans will continue to be treated like second class citizens . Don't cry when there is very minimal good healthcare for you and your loved ones. Don't cry when there are more riots and our police officers can no longer assist you. Don't cry when the free loaders keep living off your tax dollars. Don't cry when you are paying unfair taxes. Don't cry when abortion is the common birth control method. Don't cry when other countries out do US and think we are a joke. Don't cry when your 2nd amendment is taken away and you can't protect your family. Don't cry when your children and grandchildren ask you what happened to the America that once was the greatest country on earth. Don't cry when you have voted for a weak leader!! Trump is bold, strong, wise and is able to help US!! Don't be dumb and vote for the wrong one!!! Go Trump!! ����������������
ReplyDeleteSend bUrnie to the showers!
ReplyDeleteI support Hillary!
ReplyDeletewhat makes Hillary Clinton such a loser?
I finally found something that I like about Hillary Clinton. I always knew that I would be able to find something.
ReplyDeleteIt's the way that she Barks like a Dog!
Boy she does that SO well.
Such intelligent thoughts. Your trainers must be impressed.
DeleteWhat happened to Debonair Dud?
ReplyDeleteIs he masquerading as Johnny Pee Good?
I take it that Nevada didn't feel any Bern today, ducky. Too bad. ;(
DeleteDucky, you are even a bigger PRICK then I used to think you were.
DeleteHow is it possible that any one person could be both a prick AND an asshole?
DeleteSounds like someone who needs to go f*ck himself. ;)
DeleteWonder if the Pope will call The Donald and send his best wishes on his resounding victory tonight.
ReplyDeleteIn Everett tonight there are two cops and a priest trying to talk Ducky off the ledge....the ledge of a two story building.
ReplyDeleteThey are two of the biggest losers ever to run for any elected office let alone the highest office in our land one a known traitor the other a burnt out looser looking to make us a socialist nation neither of them have the merits to even be in this election!!!
ReplyDeleteTopped only by Trump the lying narcissist demagogue and Cruz the modern day McCarthyite for lack of merit.
ReplyDeleteIf that is so, you have no idea what it means to BE American.
DeleteThe cornerstone of our system gives everyone the right to hold any opinion –– and express –– any point of view that pleases him, her or it WITHOUT FEAR of persecution, prosecution, or public harassment.
That said I believe the lurking presence of MUSLIMS in our midst far too dangerous for this general rule to apply.
We have already seen the damage that has been done, I fear irreparably, to our way of life by permitting MARXISTS to express themselves freely, but that horse has already left the barn.
If people THOUGHT, instead of letting themselves be SEDUCED by sophists, seducers and charismatic deceivers, I would support unlimited Freedom of Expression. Unfortunately, most behave like SHEEP and are thus far too easily led to the slaughter by any Pied Piper who struts into town.
I doubt very much if there could ever be satisfactory solution to the dilemma this regrettable phenomenon has produced.
Meanwhile, what is YOUR understanding of the meaning of SUPER DELEGATES? Are you for 'em or against 'em? In either case please tell us why.
What is YOUR understanding of the phenomenon they're calling "SUPER DELEGATES?"
ReplyDeleteApparently, this fairly recent invention of the ever-scheming De-MOCK-rats (;-) is designed to THWART The Will of the People by cleverly undermining Majority Rule.
I think the country ought to discuss, dissect, scrutinize, and hopefully DEFEAT this D'Rat machination by having it declared unconstitutional.
What's "constitutional" these days, you ask? Apparently anything a shitting president and the Supreme Cunt want to SAY it is. The definition of constitutionality has become as fluid as the blood seeping from a fresh cutlass wound on the body politic.
What do YOU think, –– and more important –– what do you KNOW ––, about the existence of SUPER DELEGATES and the effect they have on our electoral process?
Do you ever read your own words FreeThinke?
Now for super delegates, never thought it a good idea.
BTW, for a self identified man of culture your language leaves much to be desired.
Undermining majority rule?
DeleteI can assume you want the Electoral College abolished.
Were you as disgusted by Bush v. Gore?
I agree with RN that super delegates have become a means to blunt grass roots challenges but you err badly when you bring in the Constitution (the constant fringe right fetish) which doesn't even grant a right to vote let alone determine a political party's delegate selection method.
Next thing you know the bobos here at Lisa's will be lamenting the striking down of the Voting Rights Act.
Nothing if not inconsistent, FT.
the Constitution (the constant fringe right fetish) which doesn't even grant a right to vote
DeleteAnyone surprised that this venal anti-American turd would call the Constitution a fringe document for fringers?
BTW waterhead, the Amendments are part of the Constitution so it is chock full voting rights directives. All over the place.
You lose. You lose again.
Regarding the Electoral College, I am an "originalist," and bow always to the superior wisdom and supreme intelligence of our Founding Fathers.
DeleteThe purpose of the electoral college was to make sure that sparsely populated regions, often rich in natural resources, received more or less equal representation as the cities and their surrounding areas where population density is very high.
Without the Electoral College the most densely populated regions would be in COMPLETE control. Considering who and what urban populations are, especially today, today, we should all be grateful for the electoral college.
Our Founding Fathers were, –– very properly ––, wary of what-Alexander-Hamilton-called "The Whim of The Vulgar Populace." They never intended for "the people" to play a direct role in the election of either the president, OR the senate.
This is the essence of what it should mean to be "A Representative Republic." We never have been, –– and never should be ––, a "Democracy."
This "super delegate" thing is another matter. It has only been around since 1984, and appears to be an invention of the DemonRats, obviously designed to enable them to manipulate their way to unearned victories with greater ease and speed.
Perhaps, the GOP could avail itself of the same methodology, but frankly the GOP is too STUPID to make intelligent use of ANY "winning" strategy. I wish I could believe the GOP has failed to take full advantage of the use of "super delegates," because they are standing on principle, but very sadly, I know better than that.
Hey Radical Redass, the Supreme Court affirmed in Bush v. Gore that “the individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States.”
Delete@FT -- Without the Electoral College the most densely populated regions would be in COMPLETE control.
So we have a system where a group of states with a total population below New York City's can control almost a third of the Senate.
Maybe they get "super delegates".
Ducky's here February 22, 2016 at 6:06 AM...Hey Radical Redass, the Supreme Court affirmed in Bush v. Gore that “the individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States.”
DeleteHey Duckhead, the electors are not on the ballot, it's a ceremonial position where one hands in the ballot which names the winner. They aren't up for election the candidate is.
It is possible an elector could refuse to present the ballot: it is one last gasp check and balance against tyranny (which should have been used to keep Ozulu in the jungle).
But you already knew the distinction: your mendacity is only eclipsed by your all around vile worthlessness.
You aren't going to put something so lame over on your superiours here - save it for the gutter dwellers in the shooting galleries in Everett, MA.
The GOP does a superlative job at gerrymandering.
Delete^Gerrymandering the Senate?^
DeleteWords alone can't describe what a foolish, ignorant idiot you are.
No jackass, the statement is true. Not my problem you can't grasp it.
DeleteMy sympathies on your f'ing stupidity redass.
it seens that Obama’s trip to Cuba is more important than Justice Scalia’s funeral!
ReplyDeleteThat says something!
It does, indeed, but what DOES it say by your lights?
DeleteObama chose to pay his respects by attending Justice Scalia's visitation. A solemn moment for the President methinks.
DeleteWhy did Scalia snub the President by not attending the SOTU address? Any thoughts on that?
BTW, reports are Obama was engaged in his constitutional obligation going through dossiers of potential nominees to replace Scalia. What more fitting way to honor Scalia, a constitutional originalist.
Who gives a Shit what "He" chose to do!
DeleteHe should have done the RIGHT thing.
And you are a prick for saying that.
It is true everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if they are wrong as you so often are JBG.
DeleteRN Said
Delete"Why did Scalia snub the President by not attending the SOTU address? Any thoughts on that"
maybe this is why
On that issue Obama was spot on.
DeleteNow, answer the question in your own words Lisa. If you can.
And he got elected twice despite Citizens United
DeleteThe dems have a big machine behind them so what's the gripe? I am sure if CU supported mostly democrats, they would be all for it
ReplyDeleteBush Whacked
by Mark Steyn
Steyn on America
February 21, 2016
Following his fourth- (or possibly fifth-) place finish in South Carolina, Jeb Bush has ended his campaign to be president. I said pretty much everything I had to say about him two years ago:
There are over 300 million people in this country, and, granted that 57 per cent or whatever it's up to by now are fine upstanding members of the Undocumented-American community, what is it about the Bush family that makes them so indispensable to the Republic as to supply three presidential candidates within a quarter-century?
Jeb never had a good answer to that question, and his lackluster performance on the stump suggested that there isn't one. But the Donor-Industrial Complex loved him:
'Many if not most of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney's major donors are reaching out to Bush and his confidants with phone calls, e-mails and invitations to meet, according to interviews with 30 senior Republicans. One bundler estimated that the "vast majority" of Romney's top 100 donors would back Bush in a competitive nomination fight.
'"He's the most desired candidate out there," said another bundler, Brian Ballard, who sat on the national finance committees for Romney in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. "Everybody that I know is excited about it."
"Everybody that I know is excited about it": Mr Ballard really needs to get out of the house more. In an Iowa town hall or New Hampshire diner, nobody was excited about Jeb. ... [The rest of Mark Steyn's article is available at the link above. Worth reading but it gives good reasons why the influence of Bog Bucks is overestimated and greatly exaggerated by The Enemies of Wealth –– i.e. Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Statists and DeminRats };-]>
Who gives a shit?
DeleteIt is intriguing to watch republicans reject Jeb and opt for a more crude, rude, and dangerous variety of essentially the same road to destruction.
ReplyDeleteAmericans are an odd lot. But, we're exceptional.
I wish that Free Thinker would start his own new blog if he can't access his old blog so that we don't have to wast time and space with his bull shit.
ReplyDeleteAnd indeed there will be time
ReplyDeleteTo wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—
(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”)
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin—
(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume? ...
~ T.S. Eliot - excerpt from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Black lives matter is based entirely on the disgusting lie that police target black people because of racism. The truth, according to the liberal Washington Post, is that cops kill more white people than black people and that almost everyone killed by police is an active threat to the police or someone else.
ReplyDeleteBlack lives matter ignores this truth and is actively brain washing people, especially young black people, to believe that cops are the problem. Not black on black crime, not out of wedlock births which approach 80% among blacks.
The communist mayor of NY says he and all other parents of black kids have to have "the talk" with their black children about how to avoid being killed by police. They cling to this lie despite the fact that almost all black murder victims are killed by other black people.
Now the President has once again proven that he is a virulent racist who will always, and everywhere side with the enemies of racial harmony and peace. Instead he has chosen again to support the liars, the brain washers and the race hustlers whose goal is division and continued black suffering.
On George Washington's Birthday. The father of our country no longer gets a day because "all Presidents" get a day.
ReplyDeleteIn today's "everybody gets a participation trophy" America, we dumb everything down so that nobody's feelings are hurt.
Sorry George, but Black lives Matter!.
True enough, but in case you haven't noticed Black LIES matter even more than black LIVES.
DeleteI hadn't noticed.
DeleteIs the house white supremacist going to give us some details?
SHUT UP, you Vicious Volcano of Vacuous, Valueless Verbal Vomit! }:-)>
DeleteGot the alliteration bug, eh Freethinke.
DeleteAnd I thought the holiday was for Beyoncy and Jay-Z
ReplyDeleteJohnny Pee Good, do you mean Beyonce?
DeleteWhat does a head banger like yourself listen to. It must be quite diverse.
Has this Moron (Duchy here)run out of stupid things to say at that Shit Pit aka Progressive blog so he's here now!
ReplyDeleteWe live in VERY divided times. Unfortunately it is becoming more apparent with the passage of time it is UNLIKELY this nation will ever find the magic formula to become a truly unified nation.
ReplyDeleteDiversity is good but folks must find a way to ACCEPT that simple fact.
Diversity is good
DeleteIt is? Prove it!
How come the most stable countries and areas inevitably have a homogeneous (and not the homo YOU crave) population? Don't people always seek out and gravitate to those with whom they have the most in common?
"DIVERSITY," as used by the Left, is nothing but a code word for militant DIVISIVENESS –– a splintering into greater and greater numbers of hostile FACTIONS.
DeleteYou are FOS FreeThinke.
Deleteredass, you are a flaming as*h*le as well as ignorant.
SHUT UP, you Vicious Volcano of Vacuous, Valueless Verbal Vomit! }:-)>
DeleteIf diversity is so "good", why must people with diverse opinions be "made" to "accept that simple fact". It's either self-evident in ALL cases, or its' NOT. And apparently when it comes to diverse opinions, the Left wants "none of it."
DeleteContinuing on with the past guiding us will insure what?
DeleteDiversity is good in that it results in many thought processes and ideas giving us many choices.
When it comes to government and governing compromises often need be made. That is if society is to maintain a reasonable level of cohesiveness and afford maximum liberty to all .
Everyone should be able to live their personal and family lives as they see fit, so long as it is within the lawn
within the law.
DeleteYour criticism of the "left" also applies to the "right". There are valid posistions held by both conservatives and liberals that reasonable folks can support. That should be self evident. Unless one is a rigid partisan.
Well FreeThinke, I assure you the sentiments you expressed are indeed mutually held.
DeleteBTW FreeThinke, chill. A man of your advancing age shouldn't allow their blood pressure to spike. It could be fatal.
Oh poor dumb Lester....months ago Dumb Dora began his death knell for Donald Trump.
ReplyDelete"He wants to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, that's it he's done."
"He said the illegals were rapist, that's it he's done."
"He said to ban Muslim's from entering the USA, that's it he's done."
Lester, what's your next prediction of Trumps demise?
Better yet, since you're such an f'ing genius (as well as a liar) you tell me.
DeleteBTW, enjoying your new hovel out west shakelford?
Yes, Diversity is good . And I do my best to treat everyone equally. That's why I always use Ducky when I get my Shoes Shined.
ReplyDeleteWhat an idiot JBG. No wonder you're in the tank for Trump.
DeleteAfrican Americans are voting for Trump, did you hear that Ducky?
ReplyDeleteYour people are for Trump!!
25% of African Americans said they would vote for Trump over HRC.
DeleteJust for some perspective.
Does that includ Ducky?
DeleteApparently you missed this JBG. Gallup: Trump Has Highest Unfavorable Rating of Any Candidate Ever
DeleteDamn those inconvenient facts, eh JBG?
The Registurd Nurse wouldn't know the truth if it rose up, and bit his dick off, but he needn’t worry. That could never happen, because the truth couldn't FIND it with a microscope.
You certainly have a weird fixation on my dick FreeThinke.
DeleteTruth FreeThinke is certainly not your domain. I know, you never intentionally and knowingly speak falsehoods, but your posistions are often riddled with flaws that can only be explained by your reliance on fatally fkawed opinion.
Your extreme nationalism and inclinations towards white supremacy
speak volumes.
Have a good day FreeThinke.
Really JBG, you ought not spend so much time projecting.
DeleteFunny how you squeal about weird fixations RN, especially since you're fixated on Radical Redneck's rear end, calling him Redass all the time.
DeleteNo squeal, just fact. As for redass, he has a red hue about himself and he's an ass. Hence the name redass.
DeleteDucky is a spade!
ReplyDeleteYou and your trailer trash buddy, mystere, ever get that DNA thing straightened out on the Maury show?
DeleteWhich one of you is Johnny Pee Good's baby daddy?
And I have known the eyes already, known them all—
ReplyDeleteThe eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase,
And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin,
When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall,
Then how should I begin
To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?
And how should I presume?
And I have known the arms already, known them all—
Arms that are braceleted and white and bare
(But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!)
Is it perfume from a dress
That makes me so digress?
Arms that lie along a table, or wrap about a shawl.
And should I then presume?
And how should I begin?
. . . . . . . .
Shall I say, I have gone at dusk through narrow streets
And watched the smoke that rises from the pipes
Of lonely men in shirt-sleeves, leaning out of windows?…
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
~ T.S. Eliot - from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
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ReplyDeleteSorry! I posted that last item on the wring thread.