Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money

Despite a prestigious degree, Bernie Sanders failed to earn a living, even as an adult. It took him 40 years to collect his first steady paycheck — and it was a government check.
“I never had any money my entire life,” Sanders told Vermont public TV in 1985, after settling into his first real job as mayor of Burlington.
Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”
One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.
Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”
Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.
The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off. “The whole quality of life in America is based on greed,” the bitter layabout said. “I believe in the redistribution of wealth in this nation.”

So there we have it folks. Another radical with hate and envy . More Hope And Change BS
Perfect intials


  1. Go Bernie! Even though our voting public has gotten pretty stupid, he will not get elected. If he gets the Dem nod, then every thinking voter in America will be motivated to vote against him, regardless of who the GOP guy is. People in iron lungs will show up at the ballot box.

  2. bUrnie's been known to rant and rave at the fireplace ashes in Vermont's ubiquitous ski lodges. Perpetually mistaking them for his ancestors...

  3. Whatever Bernie Sanders has been or is today, he's a HELLUVALOT more attractive than HILLACUNT, which isn't really saying very much, is it?

    Next to Her Heinous, Bernie Sanders looks like an ANGEL of MERCY. I, personally, am extremely grateful to him for lousing up her campaign.

    He even makes the Brooklyn Accent, usually considered the most offensive form of English ever to emerge, sound like sweet music compared to the rasping, toneless, endless succession of shrieking, roaring sour notes that emanate from the hard palate of Hillabitch.


  4. When I'm in church I am going to light one of the big candle's and pray the dems are stupid enough to nominate Bernie.


    Great FreeThinke. I'm certain your god is VERY proud of you!

  6. Hey baldy, it could have been worse...he could have called you Lesapussy.

    1. Lespicable is more like it.


    2. Hillawhore












      H. Rotten Clinton

      Her Heinous



















      Use them all free of charge, or make up a few more on your own.

    3. Hey Shackleford, being the other piece of dogshit alongside redass you can also go fuck yourself as well.

    4. Now that you've had your fun with word games, and proven yet again what a hate filled despicable individual you are FreeThinke, go pray to your god for her divine forgiveness. I'm sure you've made your god most proud today.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I love to bait the Left
      If just to prove the rumor
      They want to commit theft
      And have no sense of humor.

      They love e'er to accuse
      While exacerbating woe
      It give them an excuse
      To rob others of their dough.

      I love to bait the Left
      To show how very dense
      They are, and how they are not deft
      Just tediously intense.

      ~ Anne Animus

    7. An early symptom of brain cancer
Shows when victims always answer

      Every statement in plain sight

      Hoping to provoke a fight.

      Great comfort from those so afflicted

      Would arrive were they evicted!
Greater comfort still from the diseased

      Would come, if only they'd become deceased.

      Like the famous picnic ant, or whiny wee mosquito

      Most picnickers would cease to rant once vermin is finito.

      ~ Anne Animus

  7. Hmm...lets see...the parents of a student can spend $100,00 on a Bachelor's Degree or pay about $100 more in taxes each year.

    You can pay $500+ a month for health insurance or you can pay a few dollars more each year in taxes.

    Go ahead, vote for any of the GOP candidates who will screw the middle class, but at least you get to be outraged by guns, god and gays. Look at the shiny thing, lemmings.

    Your latest graphic is another lie; Obama saved the economy from a depression with the stimulus (which the GOP cut in half), showed economic growth each month since the Stimulus, saved the auto industry, unemployment down to less than 5%, lowest deficit spending in 50 years, cut deficit by two thirds saving trillions, cut spending, GDP is up, more jobs created, record stock market numbers. Gas prices below $2.00. Most of the debt increases rolled over from the Bush administration which absolutely tanked the economy world wide. And the GOP has done nothing but defeat Jobs Bills. They are out to screw the middle class.

    1. Don't Bogart that joint, my friend, pass it over to me...

    2. Didn't you mean to say, "Don't NIGGER LIP that joint, Red?

      Please don't be politically correct. It ill becomes you.

    3. No I didn't.

      You want to be vulgar for vulgarity's sake? Then use your own words, don't try putting them into my mouth. It's rude.

    4. No I didn't.

      You want to be vulgar for vulgarity's sake? Then use your own words, don't try putting them into my mouth. It's rude.

  8. Replies
    1. He and Bernie Sanders love the taste of it. Notice how many lefties made their money from government?
      They bash the rich because they are green with envy but they should be thanking rich people for paying the majority of taxes that the gov't blood suckers benefit from

    2. Morons like you like to make assumptions of people with whom they disagree. You're too stupid for intelligent discourse, hence your racist and obscenity laden retorts.

      fyi-I've had full time employment for over 40 years and collected unemployment once for 2 months. Is that to your satisfaction?

      But I am a socialist, just like you, in that I use the post office, the fire department and the police, if needed, I use the national parks and forests, the travel on interstate highways...shall I go on you miserable cretin?

    3. Brilliant. Yes. That is the point isn't it? We all pay for our fire and police departments and public schools and use national parks, interstate highways. Yes. We all pay and we all use them. Good to see you understand how you most certainly are a democratic socialist.

    4. It's over Lisa's head Roger Mexico.

    5. Corporatism = Socialism on a slightly smaller scale than Government.

  9. Haha Obama did nothing for the middle class. All he did for them is grow government which hurts the middle class as does big government debt

    Obama's policies have created a less-than-ideal environment for business investment, including new burdens and taxes from Obama’s health care law and additional layers of financial regulation.

  10. He cut Government spending to 1950's levels, you asshat.

    1. Do you even read entire things you post?
      Federal spending is projected to increase through 2039, so much so that by then the federal debt held by the public will reach a point only seen after World War II.

    2. The debt is what hurts the poor and middle class.

    3. Love to hear you explain that one!

      And by the way: Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office:TRUE: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/jan/20/barack-obama/barack-obama-claims-deficit-has-decreased-two-thir/

  11. And with businesses: http://www.politifact.com/virginia/statements/2016/feb/01/ed-gillespie/gillespie-says-more-businesses-are-closing-opening/

    You do know how to use Google, don't you?

  12. More 'False:'

    Ted Cruz: Small business are going out of business 'in record numbers'


  13. This One is on food stamps and applied for SS disability at the age of 45 claiming a "bad back" and depression due to the back.

  14. @ This One... You should understand Lisa and the lion's share of folks here have drank enough Red Juice to float a battleship.

  15. Lesapussy gives advice to a nimrod.....now there's a pair to draw to.

    1. Dogshit #2 shackelford is so stupid it thinks I gave advice when I stated a simple and obvious fact.

    2. Lesapussy gives advice

      What's a Lisapussy? Someone you know intimately Rust-ee?

  16. If Bernie gets elected This One will be at the front of the line to get the free Unicorn that shit's silver dollars that Sanders promised.

  17. Before a turn can be made the libtards need to feel the pain of how 90% tax rates will turn this country into a shit hole. Bring it on. I LOVE to laugh at libtards in pain.

  18. Speaking of a tard you demonstrate quite adequately the ignorance of the conservatard kid.

  19. Thank you Kid that is an important factoid these big government advocates seem to not understand.
    Or when you are on a list of 300 million for a medical procedure

    1. It's more like a hemorrhoid than a factoid Lisa.

      As for your link to a non credible reichwing rag, par for the course.

  20. Well you except the Obamamedia to report it. You can always go on the FB page in her memory

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. And by the way, no matter what that progressive nut-case may say, President Reagan WOULD NEVER Agrees with President Obama! NO WAY, NO HOW...!

  23. More of the typical lying T-Publican BS from an ignorant idiot.

    On the constitutional requirement for a president to nominate a candidate for the SCOTUS even late in his term Ronald Reagan said the following to say.


  24. Nominate is one thing. Recess appoint is quite another.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is quite unlikely that President Obama will use a recess to appoint a justice to the supreme court. It is however quite likely the GOP will ignore the specific wording of the constitution and use their obstructionist powers to avoid a confirmation.

      Idiots abound in the GOP today.

    2. The RNC's pre-emptive strike neutralized president Idiot.

    3. Oh gee, and your point is? Since I already knew the asshole GOP, ignoring the strict wording of the constitution, would use obstructionist tactics.

      Oh my, what a surprise.

    4. lol!

      The Left just muffed it's first and last chance for a SCOTUS majority in decades.

    5. Not following the 2016 election. They'll have more than just one opportunity.

  26. Awwwwwwwww, poor bitter baby. :( You can't have your 350 lb transgendered lesbian communist make a cynical mockery of the highest court.

    My heart BLEEDS for you.

  27. This thread quickly became truly LESPICABLE.

    I don't know how you can stand it, Lisa. More important I don't understand WHY.

  28. The Brute-Force Politics of Judicial Confirmations

    As rethuglicans of modern day continue their obstructionism

    He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments.

    The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session.


  29. Replies
    1. Future historians lacking the bias of Dumpy Trumpy and others will write the history of Obama and his administration Lisa. Trumpy's opinion does not a fact make. Likewise for many democrats.

    2. Agreed. The G(rand) O(bstructionist) P(arty) arguments have absolutely grown boring.

    3. ^Who hates you more - your wife or your offspring?^

    4. Mirror mirror on the wall
      who's the most desirable of them all?

      Why it tis Radical Redneck who is most despicable of them all.
      Said the mirror on the wall.

      Now, FO redass.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I watched the Republican Townhall on CNN

    1. And how did it seem to you? I thought it would be worthwhile to see how Mr. Trump dealt with questions from regular folks in an audience.

      I'm sad to say he DIDN'T. He took only a couple of questions, and never really answered them –– just went on gabbling about how wonderful he is, and how great America will be once's he's president, etc.

      He just rides roughshod over every one in the room.

      I did NOT like it.

  32. OFF-TOPIC, I know, but I think IMPORTANT:


    Did anyone bother to look at Trump's "Town Hall Meeting" on MSNBC last night? It was fascinating. Virtually NO ONE, including the moderators, –– who were unusually friendly, even deferential to The Donald –– was able to get a word in edgewise.

    It was ALL Donald, ALL the time.

    My GOD, what a motormouth!

    Rarely, has so much non-stop verbiage contained so little information or intelligent analysis.

    I felt myself feeling, even as I sat in the comfort of my den, that all the oxygen was being rapidly pumped out of the room.

    Mr. Trump TALKS, –– OH how he talks! –– but does he ever LISTEN?

    I often feel that way when when Big Bully O'Reilly stages "interviews" with his "guests," none of whom is EVER allowed to finish even a single sentence.

    The only defense against asphyxiation is either to CHANGE CHANNELS, or LEAVE the ROOM.

    1. We agree on something. Perhaps this could be called, progress?

    2. More like CANCELLATION, if you ask me? ;-)

  33. I will be so glad when this racist, tyrant, terrorist sympathizer, liar, socialist, worthless president is gone.

    1. More BS hyperbole red meat for the knarling rabid dogs.

  34. "Gnarling" is spelled with a "G" you ignorant sloth.

    1. :) My smart phone's auto spell disagrees with you.

      Now. FO.

    2. Learn to spell it yourself ya douche.


    3. Knarled
      Related to Knarled: gnarled
      a. 1. Knotted. See Gnarled.
      Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.

      There's more than one way to spell it, champ.

    4. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913

      Why don't you cite something more recent, like Hieroglyphics from cave walls?

      Do you work hard to look foolish - or are you a natural?

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Hey Roger, have you seen DVe Miller around the hacienda? He's been missing around these here parts. I thought maybe he's been picking apples for the poor ladies in Cancoon!

  37. The Clarke county DA may have picked Dave Miller up.... word is he was running sex tours for middle aged men into rural Mexico.

    1. He wouldn't know what Sex looked like if Bryonce was trying to find his Pee-Pee with a magnifying glass.

  38. Here's what Snopes has to say about that pant load you posted as a banner, Lisa.

    "In short, it's true Denmark's taxes are far higher than those in the United States, but that's offset by significantly reduced costs to citizens for expenditures such as healthcare, education, and child care. A gallon of gas doesn't cost Danes anywhere near $10, but tax on new cars is 180%. We were unable to find any ranking of Denmark as the "highest-taxed" nation in the world (or even just Europe), and home ownership rates are near what they are in the U.S. (There are far more privately-owned vehicles in the United States than Denmark, however.) Denmark's suicide rate is lower than that of the U.S., and antidepressant usage is higher among Americans. Finally, while some young Danes moved abroad due to high taxes on income, we were unable to find any evidence that was the case for companies."

    1. Screw You, and the ASS you rode in on.

    2. Very feeble response. I believe you need matriculation at the Rusty Chucklenuts Academy of Debate and Symorophilia.

      Tell the admissions desk that Ducky sent you.

  39. Snopes? Snopes,really? Surprised you didn't quote the Huff post or Thinkprogress....six of one, half a dozen of another.

    1. Rusty, this is the dickhead who linked Chaw above as the ultimate comeuppance.

      Think about that...

  40. Ducky, never will a set of facts be allowed to stand in the way of reichwing G(rand) O(bstructionist) P(arty) bullsh*t.

    1. Johnny Bee Good is really rising in the sock puppet hierarchy.

  41. Lesapussy stops by to make one of his idiotic comments....and, once again he shoots blanks.

  42. Did you folks know that Lesapussy's grand daughter finished third in "Best of Class" at the Westminister Kennel Club this week.

  43. Truth in the eyes of a lying idiot like Rusty Shitsford is always considered idiotic.

  44. It was sinful that Lesapussy had his grand daughter on a leash and ran her around the Westminister Kennel club for all to see....good news...the tyke took third place.

  45. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."


~ Eleanor Roosevelt

    Yes, but she should have added, "Morons waste their time and that of every one around them sneering, insulting, and casting aspersions on everyone in sight while taking pot shots at each other."
