Monday, April 25, 2016

The Green War Against the Working Class

There was a time in America that liberals actually cared about working class people. They may have been misguided in many of their policy solutions (i.e., raising the minimum wage) but at least their heart was in the right place.
Then a strange thing happened about a decade ago. The radical leftwing environmentalists took control. These are people who care more about the supposed rise of the oceans than the financial survival of the middle class. The industrial unions made a catastrophic decision to get in bed with these radicals and now they—and all of us—are paying a heavy price.
The latest evidence came last week when another coal giant in America, Peabody Energy Corp., declared bankruptcy. This is the same fate suffered by Arch Coal Inc., Alpha Natural Resources Inc., and other coal producers that have filed for Chapter 11 protection from creditors.
Peabody has stated that the lower cost of natural gas may have been a factor in their decline,  but this isn’t a result of free market policy. This was largely a policy strategy by the White House and green groups.
They wanted this to happen. This was what Clean Power Plant rules from the Environmental Protection Agency were all about.
The EPA set standards by design that were impossible to meet and even flouted the law that says the regulations should be “commercially achievable.” This was a key component of the climate change fanaticism that pervades this White House.
Ideas have consequences. Obama has succeeded in decimating whole towns dependent on coal—in Wyoming, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Illinois.
Progressive liberals don’t seem to care that an estimated 31,000 coal miners, truckers, engineers, construction workers and others have lost their job since 2009 as a result of this global warming fanaticism. Another 5,000 or so could be given pink slips at Peabody.
To the left, the families whose lives are ruined are collateral damage to achieve their utopian dream of saving the planet. The Stalinists who now run the green movement believe the ends justify the ruthless means.
Investors have gotten crushed too as a result of coal’s demise. The coal industry has lost tens of billions of dollars in stock value since 2009—with many of these losses in union pension funds and 401k plans.
What is maddening about all of this is that coal is much cleaner than ever before. EPA statistics show that emissions of sulfer, lead, carbon monoxide, and smog from coal plants have been reduced by 50 to 90 percent in the last 40 years.
(The air we breathe is cleaner than ever. Carbon dioxide, by the way, is not a pollutant—it doesn’t make you sick.)
Global warming fanatics should ask themselves what they are accomplishing. For every coal plant we shut down, China and India build another 10 or so. Our coal is much cleaner and our environmental laws much stricter than China’s and India’s, so this shift of output and jobs from the U.S. to our rivals succeeds in making us poorer and the planet dirtier.
America is the Saudi Arabia of coal. We have an estimated 500-year supply. So for economic and ecological reasons, we should want American coal to dominate the world market, but the mindless environmentalists’ rallying cry is: “Keep it in the ground.”
Do liberals care that the demise of coal could lead to major disruptions in America’s electric power supply?
Of course they don't think that far in advance as with the unaffordable care act


  1. Just as a quick reminder, if our national goal is to create jobs, investing in clean energy is several times more effective than investing in fossil fuel or nuclear jobs.

    Robert Pollin, the President of Pear Energy and a professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, has studied this matter in depth with the Department of Energy and the International Labour Organization. As his Pear Energy team writes:

    “The basic facts are simple. When we invest, say, $1 million in building the green economy, this creates about 17 jobs within the United States. By comparison, if we continue to spend as we do on fossil fuels and nuclear energy, you create only about 5 jobs per $1 million in spending. That is, we create about 12 more jobs for every $1 million in spending — 300 percent more jobs — every time we spend on building the green economy as opposed to maintaining our dependence on dirty and dangerous oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear power.”

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Lisa should also be reminded that the idiots at Peabody took on massive debt assuming that the Chinese demand for coal for steel production would increase indefinitely.

      The demand falls, their projects are suspended and they're left holding a big steamy bag of debt without means to finance it in the face of falling demand but somehow it's the big nasty greens.

      Never discount the ignorance of the right and they will not disappoint you.

    3. Don't know bull. I'd rather have the $200K per year job than the $59K per year job.

      A KW is a KW...

    4. Sources quoted by leftists, BB, are always highly suspect, because they are so heavily AGENDA-DRIVEN.

      Obama VOWED to drive the Coal Business into permanent bankruptcy and extinction. Apparently, he's doing a brilliant job of it. WOO HOO!

      You can say, "GOODY!"

      I call it "FOUL."

      With the LEFT it is NEVER about what the leftists CLAIM it to be.

      Instead, it is ALWAYS about the further usurpation and aggrandizement of ever-increasing, ever-tightening, ever-more oppressive CENTRALIZED POWER.

      The LEFT doesn't want to FREE you, they want to DICTATE to YOU, and make you CRAWL and lick the ground beneath their filthy boots.

      DISTRUST the LEFT with all thy heart, and all thy soul and all thy might.

    5. No Free, it's the right that I distrust with all my heart. After all, there is a thing called history and they've more than proven that they are bad for America, imo.

    6. YES, BB! ;-) I KNOW what I am talking about. Unfortunately, you and the other constantly quibbling, quarreling, ever-accusing, smug, self-righteous leftists are blind to your OWN faults and see only what you THINK you know.

      I admit that to one extent or another that could be said about ALL of us. Do you leftists EVER admit that you even MIGHT be wrong even PART of the time?

      Somehow, I doubt it.

    7. Oh please. I've never once seen a rightie admit to ever being wrong about anything. Again, there's this thing called 'history' so nobody is buying the idea that the right hasn't screwed up royally.
      You said; Unfortunately, you and the other constantly quibbling, quarreling, ever-accusing, smug, self-righteous leftists are blind to your OWN faults

      Seriously? Wow.... Mirror mirror...

    8. "I've never once seen a rightie admit to ever being wrong about anything."

      Oh yes you have! Please don't forget I know THAT for a FACT. ;-)

    9. Liberals nearly suckered me into their camp years ago until someone I started working with in radio set me straight with sources that exposed them for the fraud that they are to this day. When I saw them for what they really are, it became the point of no return. Yes, I see RINOs too such as John Boehner plotting to usurp the will of voters, so yes, corruption goes both ways.

  2. At some point none of this will matter one iota Lisa. Unless the people of this planet find clean, safe, and renewable sources.

    The difference between those who care about the planet and conservatives (republicans) is that the later would rather maintain the status quo and kick the inevitable down to road for a future generation to deal with.

    Short sighted at best and potentially catastrophic at its worst. One thing is certain, the planet's eco system will record the results of decisions made in the past and those being made toady.

    Science is our best bet. And, the choice is ours to make. Hopefully we make the right one for the sake of future generations.

    1. Myself, RN, while I fully support funding wind and solar I think we are going to need nuclear.
      Heresy for a leftie, I know, but I can't reason my way around it.

    2. I have always supported nuclear energy for peaceful uses.

    3. Rational Nation USA, there are quite a number of Conservative Republicans who are looking for great solutions for clean energy. Congressman Ed Royce of Orange County California is one of them along with Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Congressman Darrell Issa. I believe a number of Republican Congressmen and women from California are on the same boat with Royce, Rohrabacher and Issa. I have witnessed Royce addressing these concerns for clean energy at his townhall meetings, where he said he agrees that wasting energy is a bad idea, and we need to do our best to develop clean energy even though we will still need to use fossil fuels while developing clean energy technology. The RINOs and the far left kooks especially Nancy Pelosi are the ones who keep sabotaging the research and development in order to stuff their pocketbooks.

    4. Hey Ducky, this is one time I actually agree with you. Nuclear energy can be done safely if the facilities are built sturdy enough to withstand severe earthquakes and severe tornado storms. As for wind power, something must be done to protect wildlife especially birds from getting maimed and killed by the propellers spinning around. Perhaps a nuclear plant can also have solar panels at the same time generating electricity during daylight hours.

  3. Climate Change, What Do Scientists Say?
    Continuing their efforts to undo the damage already done by leftists in the University, the people at Prager University have released another video exposing "man-made climate change" as a myth concocted by narcissistic Chicken Littles

    Those hysterical bed-wetting, looney-tunes like the 2 who are posting here today shouting “Climate Change”, or “Global Warning” !!! at anyone dissenting from the hive need to understand something... without any proof or evidence.

    Climate study is a theoretical science, unlike structural engineering. We know how to build bridges and other structures based upon applied science and mathematics. As of yet, there is no such mathematical certainty of man's impact on the environment or what if anything can be done about it.
    Climate variation has always been part of the earth's natural cycle
    If the science screamers would put down their hockey sticks and shut their pie-holes for a minute, someone, could tell them that Mother Earth has had some weely, weely bad fevers.
    And believe it or not, Attorney General Loretta Lynch wants to Prosecute ‘Climate Change Deniers’

    This is another reason to vote Republican and get those Crazy People out of office!

    1. Climate change deniers, besides being in a minority on the entire planet, are really a special kind of dumbfu*k.

    2. Stop with your stupid labels moron. Nobody denies the need to move to alternate energy sources.
      We don't need economic sophmorics dictating how to get there. The demand for it will have more companies investing in it. But like it or not we still depend on coal and we have clean burning coal unlike the polluters in China

    3. Pookie Toot Toot, you had a chance to redeem your rotting carcass, and you blew it again with your infantile retort.

  4. I have long been acquainted with Loony Libertarians before and used to find them kind of adorable in a yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about the Federal governments over reach, the rise in taxes and why doesn’t the GOP have more Libertarians in it?
    Libertarians are like the Amish, Cute and Quaint in their own small and old fashioned minds but impractical on a sensible level, and a bit of a bunch of weirdo’s. Libertarians are not control freaks like progressives are, but they are damn close.
    Our “friend”Rational Nation USA , should know the meaning of 'collective' as his fellow Progressive’s the Communists define it. Libertarians have much in common with progressives.
    Both Progressives and Libertarians are social Marxists. Hence Libertarianism is always at war with Conservatism.

    Well now we have a blend of conservative and Libertarian that many people confuse with 'true' conservatism, but it is NOT conservatism. It is the putrid purge from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All Ayn Rand wanted was for people to hate the government and be willing to kill each other to keep their toys. The deepest thought she produced was a complex system of excuses to let your neighbor starve in the street as was common in many parts of the Soviet Union of her time.

    William F Buckley Jr and Whitaker Chambers both exposed Rand for the loveless bitch she was deep in her soul. Both observed that 'Atlas Shrugged' was a fantasy shpeel of a world devoid of God, Christian mercy and charity and any semblance of community. They were quite right to denounce her work, her novels and her values system as alien to the body of Conservative American thought.

    But fast forward to today's corporate America and we find Rand rehabilitated and flourishing under the guise of conservatism again, a.k.a. 'Conservatarians' and it is rotting Conservatism from the inside, like a cancer.

    The take over of the Conservative movement by 'Conservatarians' or Rand Objectivists is a real disaster for the Conservative movement as we enter a new Digital Age in which jobs will be scarce and the party that offers to help other Americans through their adjustment to it will be the majority party for the distant future. Conservatarians cant even put the words together about how to care for other Americans, because deep in their hearts they truly just dont give a shit about anyone but themselves and maybe a few friends.

    Which means that either Conservatism will shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on Conservatism's ass or the Conservative movement will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies.

    1. Brilliant digression, Freethinke.

      Any comment on the Peabody Energy bankruptcy?

    2. Canardo, doesn't bother you that you are ALWAYS wrong? Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but you are NEVER right.

      If I were you, I'd hang my head in shame, quit quacking, and slink away with my tail feathers clamped down.

  5. William F Buckley Jr and Whitaker Chambers both exposed Rand for the loveless bitch she was deep in her soul. Both observed that 'Atlas Shrugged' was a fantasy shpeel of a world devoid of God, Christian mercy and charity and any semblance of community. They were quite right to denounce her work, her novels and her values system as alien to the body of Conservative American thought.

    You're quite right, Rand never considered herself to be a conservative and never pretended to be one. In fact she despised conservative thought and philosophy. Nor was Rand a libertarian because she recognized the natural logical end point of libertarianism is anarchy, something else she despised.

    Certainly I agree JS, unless present day conservatism sheds itself of the anti science, religious fundamentalism, xenophobia, extreme nationalism, pro plutocrat, and neo con pro war footings it is better that it dies a well deserved death.

  6. I know this is preaching to a bunch of lunatic lefties who will most likely not be able to digest the majority of what I’m going to say but at the risk of perhaps I might me wrong , I’ll give it the old attempt. And possibly I can get through to at least one of you here is a good tutorial that explains what Libertarians understand.
    Also I think that most liberals would recognize that absolutism for personal liberty is impossible. At some point, two people's liberties are going to come in conflict. That is what makes liberals so special, we can't be absolutists, which is the principle or the exercise of complete and unrestricted power in government holding values, or principles, etc.
    The fact they choose to deny the existence of a problem global warming for which their dogma has no answers tells me everything I need to know about Libertarians!

  7. I suppose we need to change all the rules we have lived by for centuries just so Bruce? Caitlyn can poop where he, or she wants.I can no longer respect anything this country stands for.

    1. Oh stfu, even Fox News knows this is a bullshit issue intended to get stupid tbaggers riled up:

      Chris Wallace destroys myth of transgender predators: ‘This is a solution in search of a problem’

    2. "Chris Wallace destroys myth of transgender predators: ‘This is a solution in search of a problem’"

      Oh yeah that clears things up...LMAO

    3. Pookie Toot Toot, why do you keep shooting yourself in the rump?

  8. In the words of The Sage of NYC Andrew Dice Clay.....
    "Bisexuals? Look,you either suck dick or you don't suck dick."

    1. Leave Sarah Palin out of this.

    2. This bathroom stink has gotten way out of hand, and I'll say this at the expense of being politically rude: the sick freaks at NAMBLA, Queer Nation, NOW, LGBTQ, Planned Parenthood and a list of other sick degenerate organizations are 100% at fault for this. They've shoved their agenda so far up the places where the sun doesn't shine, and the stench from their rotting carcasses has come full circle. Then they have the gall to accuse family friendly organizations of spewing hate, when these brainless baboons were the ones who created this liberal mess. They don't care about the risks of girls being sexually assaulted in their high school locker rooms by some sexually perverted boy who pretends to feel like a girl so that he could enter the girls locker room to jump some girl's bones. These liberal dimwits also could care less about the safety of a woman at a store's dressing room and public bathroom. This has crossed the line of political correctness vs common decency.

  9. Lisa, once again, score 100 on the header images.

    1. YES, Kid! The Header Image speaks VOLUMES. A brilliant indictment of the shallowness and ineffectiveness of Leftist Policies of Distraction, which is ALL many of these silly, non-pissues –– like Transgender Toilets and Tubman on the Twenty really are.

    2. Yes, there are REAL issues like birth certificates and Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi to deal with, ya know.... (insert eye roll here)

    3. SARCASM, Leftist Talking Points and Facile Taunts and Jibes don't cut it, Blue Bull. Here are a FEW of the REAL problems that beset us. They have little to do with petty Party Politics and the outmoded Left-Right paradigm. They have everything to do with boots on the ground REALITY.

      1. Unparalleled Debt soon to exceed 20-TRILLION

      2. Record numbers on Food Stamps

      4. Very few GOOD JOBS available for Americans

      3. Extreme dissatisfaction with politics as usual from BOTH parties

      4. Upward Mobility, once the hallmark of what it meant to be an American has all-but ground to a halt.

      5. Most public schools providing inferior, sub-standard education, not teaching critical-thinking skills, not really teaching history, but substituting central-government- serving propaganda instead. Functional illiteracy is at an all-time high.

      6. Growing dependence on ever-more-sophisticated ROBOTS, who one day may be able to control and enslave human beings by threat of force.

      7. Dream of home ownership slipping away from the working class.

      8. ISIS, Al Qaida, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah more threatening to world peace than ever. GWB my have messed up the always-bad Middle East and made it worse, but H. Rodham Clinton and Obama have done NOTHING to make it any BETTER. In fact it's worse than ever.

      9. Open Border policy is destroying U.S. Sovereignty. Failure to deport CRIMINAL Illegal Aliens is a crime in and of itself.

      10. And that is only the BEGINNING of what has gone wrong with the USA –– and most of Western Civilization as well. Look at how stupidly childish, spiteful, antagonistic, thoughtless and inconsiderate we've become!

      And by the way most of the much vaunted “gains” in the Stock Market and the Economy since Obama took over are almost entirely ILLUSORY.

      “Why is that,” you ask?

      Because artificial “stimulation” (printing up government-sanctioned fiat [i.e. counterfeit] money in plain English) from the Fed has generated enormous INFLATION, which in turn greatly DECREASES the PURCHASING POWER (value) of the dollar.

    4. Oi vey.
      Much of what you are complaining about - the 'real' problems, anyway - are as a direct result of the idiotic voting of the right who brought us Baby Bush who, though you folks still refuse to admit it, brought us economic near-ruination with wars of choice, tax cuts for the super rich and the creation of countless Islamic extremists due to our blundering stupidity in the ME. Facts may not enter the right wing bubble, but the 'open border' meme is very much outdated and untrue as there has actually been reverse immigration going on for several years and President Obama has deported far more people than both of the Bush's combined!!
      I give up, my friend. There simply is no getting through all the crap that makes up the right wing bubble. Still, the massive hypocrisy of the right is galling and appalling.

    5. Sorry, BB, but you are not THINKING at all, nor have given anything I've said serious consideration. Instead, you just regurgitating canned Leftist Talking Points –– at least that's what it sounds like to me.

      Perhaps you'd like to accuse me of doing the same thing, because I don't accept your point of view, but what good could we ever hope to accomplish if each of us ONLY talks, and neither of us EVER listens?

      It's a lot like turning two radios on in the same room each tuned to a different station.

      What do you get then?

      CACOPHONY! (:-o

  10. Hmmm.....seems Lester would approve of his grand daughter being in a public restroom with a 50 year old guy dressed like a woman. Makes you wonder what else grandpa would be willing to subject the little girl to.

    1. Please keep posting your innuendo and other falacious statements shackelturd as the say much about YOU and nothing about me.

    2. Thanks for proving me correct RN. I don't have to listen to those who want to give you another chance to be civil. I and others gave you many chances over the years to be civil, you can't, TURD.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Isn't there a way to promote clean energy without grinding down the working class and the middle class?

    The Americans who live and work in U.S. coal country are in a pathetic economic condition -- particularly since Obama took over the reins.

    The people in those regions cannot even afford to move to search for and train for new jobs. If jobs are to be found at all, that is.

    These Americans deserve a fair shake, do they not?

    1. Of course they do and it is more Peabody Energy that is responsible than Obama.

      Peabody went into significant debt to finance coal operations in AUSTRALIA that went bust when Chinese demand dropped due to the Chinese getting serious about coal pollution.

      There has been a drop in American electricity production by coal and that is NOT going to reverse (partially because the enrgy companies make money whether its natural gas or coal) so the obvious solution would be to fund alternative development.

      Now, first thing I'm going to hear is Solyndra because it's more important to rag on Obama than actually research green energy investment.
      Two issues:
      Stating up the industries in coal regions would requite subsidies.
      The right would rather rag on Obama than actually look at the problem.

    2. Duck,
      To start up new industries in those regions by using subsidies would mean diverting monies from other programs funded by the government.

      From which programs should those funds be diverted?

    3. Let's start by diverting the tax credits to major oil companies.
      Then let's drop ethanol subsidies.

    4. Duck.
      1. Would those diversions of funds be sufficient? Perhaps you could site dollar amounts comparatively?

      2. Ripple effects of either or both?

    5. Might do something bout the F-35 program next.

  13. You stupid Goopers here have no credibility to write about Harriet Tubman. Your choice to support a man supported by white supremacists. Your endorsement of Trump is an insult to Harriet Tubman, your integrity, and your race!

    1. Hey moron Trump didn't solicit Duke's endorsement.But as we speak I am sure that you are pleased with Terry McAuliffe a big Hillary supporter just signed an order to restore voting rights to 200,000 felons just in time to vote for Hillary,speaking of peas in a pod . I bet you are proud of the democrat voting base

  14. PP, do you realize Tubman was a Republican and a gun owner? Are you really as stupid as you sound or is it an act?

    1. How you doing "anon"?

      Say Hi! to your cabana boy, Radical Redass, for me.

    2. LOL. Ducky. But but but he's so mysterious, don'tcha know. :)

    3. BlueBull is Pookie Toot Toot's sock puppet.

  15. _________ Indifference __________

    Beautiful bland indifference
    enveloped me one day
    Hurrah! thought I. My tears are dry.
    How comforting the gray!

    I knew no biting agony ––
    no gnawing sense of loss.
    I soon did find I did not mind
    the ignorant and gross.

    Then, Love one day was offered me.
    I felt I should rejoice.
    I rose to shout acceptance,
    but found I had no voice!

    ~ FreeThinke

  16. I told my alter ego RR you said hello Ducky....he said thanks and right back at you.

  17. Wow, PP, Ducky and BlueBalls...three of Boston Piggies flying monkeys are impressed how Rusty invaded Piggies echo chamber and took a shit in the middle of the room.

    1. You give yourself FAR too much credit, Rusty. What you actually did was just make yourself look even more pathetic than you do here and that's A LOT. Nice touch with the 'Anonymous', though. lol

    2. What kind of Idiod says
      "I'm gonna be great! You'll be so tired of seeing me be great! I'm telling you, you've never seen anyone as great as I am. And I'm rich. Did I tell you how rich I am? But the poors like me! I like the poors too. And the undereducated? I love them the most!"
      The Trumper is done with trying to act "presidential" because he knows his supporters want him to be himself -- rude and crude -- that's what his supporters want for a POTUS, not someone who's diplomatic and tactful or decent. That's for wusses. The Trumper will be his small-handed vulgarian self and win the presidency. Just watch him!

      The Trumper on John Kasich:
      “He has the news conference all the time when he’s eating. I have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion,” Trump said. “I’m always telling my young son, Barron, always with my kids, all of them, I’d say ‘children, small little bites.’” This guy takes a pancake and he’s shoving it in his mouth, it’s disgusting."

      "Do you want that for your president?" Trump asked the crowd. "I don’t think so”
      "Right. We want an orange psychopath who has no control over what he says. Got it." -- Digby
      When his speeches are slowed down, The Trumper sounds like your drunk uncle at the Thanksgiving table after having downed several glasses of cheap booze!

    3. Yes indeed it's time to change the face on the 30 dollar bill. I've been commenting for years that other countries have wised up and done so . Why not us? Why keep the picture of a racist on our money while we have a government With the authority to change things to normamsy ? I've long suggested that Andrew Jackson be the first to go:! He is the dumped of a miserable racist who deported thousands of people in brutal fashion to miserable concentration camps because he simply didn't want them East of the Mississippi. Many American Indians have compared him to a certain German leader it's impolitic to name . We do not have the need for scum like him on our currency.

    4. Rusty, that explains the extremely loud oinking, barking and slurping noises I heard the other night from the blogosphere. Blue Bull's Turd slurping ticked off Proud Progressive, who was hungry for a morsel. PP's loud oinking and Blue Bull's barking kept Ducky away as the fight over a turd escalated into a brawl.


  18. The racist Jackson will be put on the back of the twenty, not exactly a declaration of getting rid of the old SOB racist. Given the fact that we must get rid of all the founding fathers (and others) images on all sorts of items. I would like to see them get rid of Grant as well . He was responsible for killing more Native Americans than Jackson. To revere these old racists only supports today's racists. I went to the Treasury site and voted for Mrs. Roosevelt. But Harriet Tubman is fine with me. I'm sure this choice had most Americans Googling her name., as the dumb Goopers would know her from a hole in the wall. As most of them have I q's lower than a snakes belly.

    1. Jessie Jackson's going to be on the back of the new $20 bill? That's news to me.

  19. There isn't any transgender bathroom problem, the TBaggers made it worse than it seems to put the heat on the President. It's nothing more that a way to get the base energized to vote. The RNC made up a non-existent problem -- transgender people molesting children in public bathrooms -- and their sheeple go along with the scare tactic without bothering to find out if this menace even exists. It doesn't. Leave it to the loonies to believe in any foolish scare their puppet masters dangle in front of their noses.

  20. Trump was as goofy as usual last night when he boasted about his primary wins. He really believes that his self-loving act will win him votes. He's the most disliked candidate the GOP has ever run for the presidency. He said women don't like Hillary? Has he looked at his number for women? What a jackass.

    1. Trump spent 1/3 of what Hillary spent and is the only candidate in the race taking less SuperPac money than Bernie...

    2. Trump is so disliked, he's got more votes today than Romney got in 2012 and is on track to have more Republican primary votes than any Republican in history..

    3. ps - Why is Trump actually closer to winning his party' nomination than Hillary, PP?

    4. Hey Pee Pee, are you proud of your libtards who caused a nasty traffic nightmare in Costa Mesa California last night? Your hatemongering libtards created discord and tried to incite violence at Trump's rally in Orange County, but the sheriff's department and local Costa Mesa Police were ready and in charge. By the way, I was there to see it go down.

  21. To Blue Bull and ALL the the Leftists who habitually and reflexively mock and scorn the Right from above –– and to the Hotheaded quasi-c9nservatives as well:

    SARCASM, Leftist Talking Points and Facile Taunts and Jibes don't cut it, Blue Bull. Here are a FEW of the REAL problems that beset us. They have little to do with petty Party Politics and the outmoded Left-Right paradigm. They have everything to do with boots on the ground REALITY.

    1. Unparalleled Debt soon to exceed 20-TRILLION

    2. Record numbers on Food Stamps

    4. Very few GOOD JOBS available for Americans

    3. Extreme dissatisfaction with politics as usual from BOTH parties

    4. Upward Mobility, once the hallmark of what it meant to be an American has all-but ground to a halt.

    5. Most public schools providing inferior, sub-standard education, not teaching critical-thinking skills, not really teaching history, but substituting central-government- serving propaganda instead. Functional illiteracy is at an all-time high.

    6. Growing dependence on ever-more-sophisticated ROBOTS, who one day may be able to control and enslave human beings by threat of force.

    7. Dream of home ownership slipping away from the working class.

    8. ISIS, Al Qaida, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah more threatening to world peace than ever. GWB my have messed up the always-bad Middle East and made it worse, but H. Rodham Clinton and Obama have done NOTHING to make it any BETTER. In fact it's worse than ever.

    9. Open Border policy is destroying U.S. Sovereignty. Failure to deport CRIMINAL Illegal Aliens is a crime in and of itself.

    10. And that is only the BEGINNING of what has gone wrong with the USA –– and most of Western Civilization as well. Look at how stupidly childish, spiteful, antagonistic, thoughtless and inconsiderate we've become!

    And by the way most of the much vaunted “gains” in the Stock Market and the Economy since Obama took over are almost entirely ILLUSORY.

    “Why is that,” you ask?

    Because artificial “stimulation” (printing up government-sanctioned fiat [i.e. counterfeit] money in plain English) from the Fed has generated enormous INFLATION, which in turn greatly DECREASES the PURCHASING POWER (value) of the dollar.

    PS: I forgot to mention the flood of illegal DRUGS coming from South of the Border and elsewhere that are destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of young people and robbing them of any chance at a good future.

    Carry on!

  22. Ever since this Yo-Yo has been president the stock market has been essentially flat and has moved primarily sideways. This is markedly a different looking graph over a 8 year period than other similar stretches of time since the stock market came into existence (other than the Great Depression).

    Interest rates are near zero, which has virtually never been the case over our country's economic history: when use of other people's assets costs nothing. And now the federal reserve chairman Janet Yellen is not ruling out NEGATIVE interest rates: charging people to use their money. How is that even possible?

    In the big picture, it's not possible. The artificially low rates right now are a political creation cobbled together by collaboration between governments and banks. How long this will hold, nobody is certain, but most reasonable folk tend to think that interest rates simply have to go up at some point.

    Enter Donald J. Trump to the White House as the next president. Thing will improve at once. Recall that when Barry was inaugurated, both in 2009 and 2013, the stock market fell hundreds of points each time. Stock markets do not like socialists, for obvious reasons.

    And the stock markets started to tank once it became clear that Barry was likely to win the White House: stock markets are forward-looking, and the Big Money didn't like what it was seeing in a young man taking control of our nation who had not a lick of business experience, nor any inclination whatsoever towards solid fiscal discipline. The Big Money saw a tax and spend liberal from a mile away, and the stock market has been in the tank pretty much ever since.

    The moment it becomes clear that The Donald is favored to occupy the Oval Office, just watch what the stock market does at that point: it will be a month or so prior to the election, as polls tend to get things right regarding winners and losers (but not always), and the Big Money will make its move at that point, perhaps late summer, 2016. If you are so inclined to catch the coat tails of Big Money, simply buy equity index ETF's (exchange traded funds) that mirror the S&P 500 and Nasdaq - ticker symbols SPY and QQQ. After the first 9 months in office, 'The Donald Effect' on Wall Street should take the Dow Jones 30 Industrial average from its current 16,500 level to perhaps 22,500 - a swing of a positive 36%.
    Accordingly an investment of $10,000 in either or both of these equities should yield a profit (also called a capital gain, something liberals consider evil) of $3,600 in a year. Of course, when the Donald takes office, he will propose cutting capital gains tax to zero, and that money becomes free and clear.
    Try getting that kind of return out of a CD, there, grampa. Of course, that eye-popping return is predicated upon the election of Donald J. Trump to the presidency of the United States of America.

    Take that to the bank.


      Facts say that you're full of crap....

    2. Listen, BB. I know you in another context, and you're a pretty good guy, so WHAT IS IT that turns you –– and a helluvalotta others –– inexcusably RUDE, UNKIND and ABRASIVE?

      I'll say it straight out to you –– and everyone else:

      If we can't disagree and contradict each other without being disagreeable [i.e. snotty, belligerent, insulting, crude and intolerant, etc.] we have no business making comments in a public arena.

  23. Here are some numbers for Trump and his supporters to think about:

    If Trump is the nominee, he will be the most unpopular presidential candidate since the former head of the Ku Klux Klan, according to Washington Post-ABC News polling.

    Seven in 10 women view Trump negatively, according to recent NBC News-Wall Street Journal polling.

    So do 3 in 4 millennials

    and 4 in 5 Hispanics.

    So women, young people, and Hispanics detest him.

    Trump is viewed favorably by just 34 percent of women — and that's actually better than he scores in most polls, perhaps because "somewhat favorable" was an option. (Gallup found that just 23 percent of women have a favorable opinion.)

    The majority of women really don't like Donald Trump:

    And in a head-to-head matchup, if the election were today, Clinton would trounce Trump among women unless nearly all undecided women broke his way, which is unlikely.
    Bottom line: Trump is a Disaster!

    1. Trump was right if Hillary were a man, women would not like her. Which shows she has zero appeal. She is nothing more than a phony politician "pretending"she is all for the disenfranchised.
      That woman is such a phony. Who wants to hear that voice and the BS that comes out her yap?

    2. Same can be said of Drumpf and Rafael.

    3. If Trump is such a "disaster", how do you explain that Trump is now polling even with Hillary?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. What a magnificent past two days for our Republican presidential nominee Donald J Trump.
    Not only did he power through a five state victory last night by winning every county in each state contested he topped the night off by giving an inspiring victory speech.
    Today future president Trump put the icing on the cake by giving a fact laden foreign policy speech.
    Mr.Trump gave specifics how he, as President will reverse the sad position the present feckless, weakling now occupying the White House has relegated a once proud country into.
    Future President Trump outlined how, as our Commander In Chief he will restore America to its once glorious position of strength and respect world wide.
    Today all Americans should feel a renewed sense of pride knowing that a new strong,respected and yes feared America will see a rebirth in January 2017.

    1. I’ve listened to a lot of foreign policy speeches over the years, and in fact have given a few myself, and I was hoping to hear something that made sense. But I’ve got to tell you; I’ve never seen such a combination of stupid, simplistic slogans, contradictions, and misstatements in one speech. What Donald Trump’s goal today may have been was to convince us that he can be presidential, but instead of doing that he just underscored the fact that he is running the most reckless and dangerous presidential campaign in modern history.

      I found many things troubling, but three that I think are worth pointing out. First, as his advisors pointed out, there were no details in the speech, and instead, we heard a lot tough talk and simplistic slogans and empty promises.
      It was all about the lies, inconsistencies, contradictions and just plain stupidity that came from the Dumper.
      Second, it was incoherent and riddled with contradictions. I can’t list every example, but there were a few which stand out. He talked about regaining the trust of our allies while in effect promising to blackmail them in terms of supporting us. If you don’t help us, we don’t help you kind of talk. He then talked about the importance of Western values but questioned why we would think about supporting democracy in other countries. Then, I think the one that really made the least sense of all. He said he would work with Muslims to fight terrorism, but he has already alienated them with proposals to block them from coming into the country.

      His supporters are not critical thinkers, so they slobbered over the mish-mash of a disastrous speech thinking it was profound, when it was something I imagine a 7th grader could have written by skimming the internet. And what self-respecting woman would vote for this creep?

    2. Who knew that Benghazi was slated to be the cornerstone of the "Hillary Clinton Doctrine"...

  26. What kind of a MORON would write a comment like that one (above mine).
    And What kind of a would think that the moronic fact-free foreign policy speech by Trump.was good?

    Mr.Trump gave no specifics on how he, as President will make America great and he contradicted himself throughout the speech, and said he make our allies love us again, then he says he's gonna make them pay for our protection? No more losing wars only winning wars, then no more getting into wars. Which is it? He did this during the whole speech.

    Oh yeah and no more sending jobs overseas says the jackass who had his products manufacturaed overseas in China and Mexico? Who's fooled by this chump?

    Trump knows squat about foreign affairs unless it's judging a Miss Universe contest or building a golf course. He's an absolute disaster when he speaks without a script, and he stumbled and and hesitated even with the teleprompter in front of him.

    He thinks he can bully other countries into respecting him? Europe and other countries see him as a buffoon and a guy who'd sell his mother if it made him a buck.

    Who are the stupid fools who think this clown could be anything other than a beauty contest judge?
    Geezzz what a bunch of idiots hang out here.

  27. Poor wussified liberals like PP continue to whistle past the graveyard pertaining to future President Trump.
    Red Diaper Baby's like poor deluded PP are far more comfortable with a like minded scared,weakling that Obama has shown himself to be then a strong actual Commander in Chief.
    Other then her constant yelling and screeching, Hillary may actually have bigger balls then Obama.

  28. Oh poor deluded wussified PP, don't you have a mind of your own.
    Obama like weakling PP resorts to cutting and pasting the words of Maddy Albright and doesn't even give the old hag any credit.....shame on you wussy.

  29. After watching Hillary give her half assed victory speech last night it finally became clear why Bill has been out chasing strange pussy for over 40 years.
    Could you imagine having to listen to her screeching day after day after pass for Bubba on this one.

    1. Rusty Chucklenuts, is there a special trigger that causes you to tag off to Radical Redass?

      Not that one of you is any more or less risible than the other.
      I'm just curious.

  30. Just calls em likes I sees them Ducky....your fellow flying monkey PP comes here to spout nonsense and cut and pasted material from others pretending its his/hers.

    And yes, by their actions I think most liberals are indeed pussified weaklings who want a like minded feckless weakling in the White House. IMO liberals are scared of strength in any form and actually view a weakling president as a positive as they do with Obama.

    1. You wouldn't know strength if it was staring you in the face shackelford, let alone possess any strength yourself.

  31. I will say we should be replacing coal plants with Thorium/Molten Salt reactors. 100% safe.

  32. Sounds like a good ,scientific plan Kid .

  33. Lester, seeing your comment comes from a bald headed aged queen in a polyester shit I'd have to say you weren't a very good judge of strength.

  34. Trumps supporters like these stupid sheep here Can not think for themselves, so they slobber over the mish-mash of a disastrous speech that the Orange man made thinking it was so profound, when it was something I imagine a 7th grader could have written by skimming the internet.

  35. What a moronic fact-free foreign policy speech by Trump.
    Mr.Trump gave no specifics on how he, as President will make America great and he contradicted himself throughout the speech, and said he make our allies love us again, then he says he's gonna make them pay for our protection? No more losing wars only winning wars, then no more getting into wars. Which is it? He did this during the whole speech.
    Oh yeah and no more sending jobs overseas says the jackass who had his products manufacturaed overseas in China and Mexico? Who's fooled by this chump?

    Trump knows squat about foreign affairs unless it's judging a Miss Universe contest or building a golf course. He's an absolute disaster when he speaks without a script, and he stumbled and and hesitated even with the teleprompter in front of him.

    He thinks he can bully other countries into respecting him? Europe and other countries see him as a buffoon and a guy who'd sell his mother if it made him a buck.

    Who are the stupid fools who think this clown could be anything other than a beauty contest judge?

  36. Seeing how what shackelford regurgitates is essentially verbal vomit, as well as him being a wimpified Chuck Norris wannabe, his views on what consitiutes strength should be taken with a grain of salt. In other words they are as worthless as the rest of his putrid verbal vomit.

    1. What happened to our recent pledge to reform the style of our rhetoric, Les?

      Can we not learn to disagree without sneering, sarcasm, name-calling and other forms of taunts and insults?

    2. My pledge was to you FreeThinke as well as others who actually share your (and my) expressed desire for civility.

      Rusty ShackelfordApril 27, 2016 at 5:08 PM

      Just calls em likes I sees them Ducky....your fellow flying monkey PP comes here to spout nonsense and cut and pasted material from others pretending its his/hers.

      And yes, by their actions I think most liberals are indeed pussified weaklings who want a like minded feckless weakling in the White House. IMO liberals are scared of strength in any form and actually view a weakling president as a positive as they do with Obama.

      Rusty ShackelfordApril 27, 2016 at 8:25 PM

      Lester, seeing your comment comes from a bald headed aged queen in a polyester shit I'd have to say you weren't a very good judge of strength.

      So, if you truly wish to see civility, courteous rhetoric, meaningful discourse, and an environment were honest intellectual exchange of diverse ideas and opinion hen I respectfully suggest you work on the ones most responsible for the current environment.

      I have no problem disagreeing without sneering, name calling, sarcasm, etc. But in all honesty FreeThinke I'll be damned if I will listen to the taunts, insults, name calling, innuendo, sneering, and sarcasm from those most guilty of it on the right (it almost always passes without comment from you) and say nothing.

      I have pulled in my horns with you FreeThinke, and those who comment and reply as we have on our most recent exchanges I will do the same precisely as I said I would.

      The old saying "look first to clean up your own backyard before criticizing the condition of your neighbors" is, in my opinion very apropos.

      Thanks for your comment FreeThinke,

    3. Using the 5 year old excuse of tit for tat is not a sign of civility RN, just the sign of a potty mouth child, but thanks for proving me correct about you.


    5. Thanks PP you are another uncivil ASS which I can treat like an ASS from now on. Thanks for proving me correct again.
      Great childish response from the uncivil child RN. Thanks for proving me correct again about you RN. TURD!

  37. I don't and won't pledge anything to you morons.

  38. Yesterday Trumpolino gave a feckless foreign policy speech.

    Trumpolino gave few specifics how he as President will reverse the foreign policy positions of the present White House.

    Americans should feel a renewed sense of dread, fear and loathing knowing that a narcissistic, know-nothing carnival barker is the choice of a major political party in this country.

    And those who believe he's fit to lead this country and the world are crazier than Trumpolino.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Take a look around st these far right blogs and the news sites that these morons put up every day to find how "many" of theses idiots who disagree with anything Mr. and Mrs. Obama say. There's one particular blogger who runs around the blogs telling everyone we should avoid vitriol and nastiness when we talk to each other, then this blogger uses vitriol and nastiness to describe the people who live in the White House.

    There's no reasoning with those people because no matter the facts and evidence, they are influenced by their visceral hatred of the Obamas. It's a sickness with no cure. They talk to each other and reinforce their "false facts" and gossip.

    Mrs. Obama's message to the graduates of Jackson State is a message all reasonable people agree with. But the operative word is "reasonable."


  42. What is a "BeckyWhat we do know: The name Becky has become a stand-in for a generic woman, generally white, who is familiar with sexual acts.


  43. Tiptoe Thought the Poo Poo
    (Dedicated to Your Wandering Tribe of Trolls)

    Tiptoe through the poo poo
    At the websites in the blogosphere, then
    Tiptoe thought through the poo poo and see
    Me try to tiptoe ‘round the witless.
    Join me quickly; do it gin-ger-ly,
    And tiptoe through the poo poo with me.

    Knee deep in doo doo we’ll sink
    Sniffing the ungodly stink,

    And when I slip slide through the doo doo
    And you do too
    Will you pardon me
    And sit down in the doo doo with me?

    And when we step out of the poo poo
    at the website
    Will you come with me,
    And wash off all the poo poo with me?

    ~ A FreeThinke Original

  44. The topic's gotten old.
The topic's gotten old.
    Hi Ho the Derry-O!

    The Topic's gotten old.


The comments are a bore.
The comments are a bore.
Hi Ho the Derry-O!
The comments are a bore.


It's time to change the thread.
It's time to change the thread
Hi Ho the Derry-O!
It's time to change the thread.


--- Salamo Moishe Maimonides

  45. There's trouble in paradise... yesterday in a press interview Mrs. Jane Sanders, the candidate’s wife, made it clear that Bernie supporters won’t simply fall in line with Hillary Clinton if he (Bernie) doesn’t get the nomination.. Suggesting that basically none of Sanders’ supporters would vote for Hillary, and that even if Hillary tries to woo them, only a small number will in the end support the Democratic ticket.
    This effort may damage the Democratic party, and set back progressive movement to elect Hillary.
    In the end, Bernie and Jane Sanders are playing a bit fast and loose with their talk. While Bernie promises to support the ultimate Democratic candidate, Jane goes off and suggests that Sanders’ supporters won’t be as magnanimous. It’s a cute passive-aggressive way for the Sanders to have their cake and eat it too. They can claim to be above the fray and support the party’s candidate, while at the same time knifing her in the back, and the entire progressive cause in the process


    Intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself:

    Intolerance of any point of view not one’s own.

    Bias, prejudice, fanaticism, chauvinism, provincialism, narrow-mindedness

    the practice of holding very strong, unreasoning opinions coupled with an unqullingness to consider the views of others

    Obstinate or blind attachment to a particular creed, or to certain tenets; unreasonable zeal or warmth in favor of a party, sect or opinion; excessive prejudice.

    Miss Piss Pot, Ducky, and The Registered Nurse display ALL of these objectionable characterisitics in their relentless series of obnoxious assaults on this and other blogs. However, like most raging fanatics of their kind they are blissfully unaware of their own faults, and must, therefore, be regarded more as objects of pity than contempt.
