Friday, April 21, 2023

Next Time Someone Says The World laughed at Trump



  1. Replies
    1. Get a clue Eddie Endo, you anal obsessed Bōlī.

    2. Hey there, Pookie Toot-Toot! Don't worry, that's what you are, not me.

  2. Is there a way to stop our kids from Theorizing America? And can China be more thrilled that our own Kids are doing China’s work for them,. Because our punk kids whose parents don’t give a damn and who are dying from Chinese candy laced with Fentanyl
    There is more deadly fentanyl being seized by our border officials in Texas, and Arizona than at any of the nation’s ports of entry in the world., making this an epicenter for fentanyl trafficking into the United States.
    There is Lithium, fentanyl, cocaine . . . all produced or controlled by various Mafias in Asia and feasting on our CHILDREN, our economy, our trade, and our bodies. And what does our leadership do about it? Throw open the Southern Border wider and to more of these so called “illegal immigrants”, who I call Corrupt Barbarians.
    And the Chaos of these teens, are hurting property and people on City streets Is giving China what they love “America Is on its Way Down” and NOBODY’S going to be there to pick it back up If this continues.
    Just this past week there was 3 nights of rioting and looting and the beating up of a young White girl by Hundreds of these young Punks . There is a Video of them surrounding the Girl and beating her to the ground by mobs of these Savages. It shows her terrorized by a mob of young people who brutally attacked, beat and robbed her. It ended with her being sent to a hospital for treatment.
    The Girl was identified as 18 to 24-years old, she was with a 22-year-old male that was also a victim during the attack, the Chicago police said.

    The MOB of Savages surrounded the victims, and kicked, and beat the victims several times before taking their personal property and fleeing in an unknown direction, the police report said. No arrests have been made in the incident, while the victims were transported to the University of Illinois Hospital with multiple injuries.
    Meanwhile we have a senile old, Delusional, money grubbing, Hair Sniffer in the Oval Office whose shenanigans make Bill Clinton look like a Boy Scout even with his giving the Chinese whatever they want, including our technology while he and his wife enjoy the Perks of being the President, calling his opposition names because they Want To Make America Great Again! Boy are we getting Hosed, Conned, and Screwed

  3. I have HAD IT with all this White, Trump, and America bashing. I feel like I see all it as leftist propaganda and I l turn off any show, walk out of any performance or speech if they start bashing me as a “White”, or American…. It’s so ironic the very country they bash is the one giving them the right and freedom to do so.Like Kneeling down at the sight of our Flag, or the playing of our Anthem. Because they are SO DAMMED “Oppressed” Oppressed while making those Multi- Mullions of dollars for throwing a Ball around. Sand living in those Gated Mansions, with Walls around them.
    While protestors flew the American flag as a symbol of freedom We are seeing Antifa and BLM burn the flag in America’s streets. And the Gay Community prefer to fly the Rainbow Flag, also known as the “Gay Pride flag or simply the “Pride” flag, is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride and LGBT social movements. The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the spectrum of human Sexuality and Gender! Does this mean they don’t have any “PRIDE in the American Flag? Humm.. That merits further discussion at an other time.
    I’d like to see them do that in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, or any other country That I am GLAD I am NOT in.
    They should know, and Consider the Risks that the Cuban protestors took flying the American flag. Despite the threat of prison, torture and death, they dared fly the Stars and Stripes because they knew it represents freedom and defiance of tyranny. The Cubans are not unique in flying the American flag during freedom protests, just the most recent. Hong Kong protestors did it last year when the Communists decided to end what freedom remained there.
    For Goodness Sake, these people need to go spend some time in places like that to appreciate everything this GREAT Nation gave them, and spoiled them rotten (literally) ROTTEN..
    Perhaps a conversation with a few Cuban refugees, or maybe even their own Grandparents might provide them with some valuable insight.

    1. Trump is a traitor and you are a dumbfuck.

    2. Pookie Toot-Toot, you just described yourself.

  4. The Orange Turd, dotard donald trump is a pants-pooping, diaper-wearing, farting, low IQ, cognitively impaired, fake Christian, rapist, corrupt, racist, misogynist clown :P

    1. Good list of the Orange Turd's attributes, but you forgot "delusional", "sociopathic", "sniffing drug addict", "insurrectionist traitor" and "mass murdering". dotard donald is not only the worst president in US History, he is one of the worst human beings to have ever lived. He is an utterly vile POS. A plague on humanity. As are the members of his White Supremacist, homophobic, transphobic, hate-filled death cult.

      God Bless our fantastic president, Joe Biden!

    2. tRump's "solution" for ending the war in Ukraine? "I'd tell one guy this and I'd tell one guy that". WTF?

  5. The reason democrats will vote for him is he is a democrat. After all they voted for a guy who campaigned from his basement so his position on anything does not matter..
    And lets remember the obvious fact that he's been in politics, as a senator and the vice president, and now that he’s the president, he still is grossly disingenuous, and somewhat of an Idiot who don’t seem to knw what the hell he’s doing, or coming or going. Any informed person would know EXACTLY what he stands for, ant it ain’t for America. That any fool could see, even Ray Charles.

    And talking about Idiot’s, the idiot Kamala Harris, Biden's failure of a "Border Czar", blames Republicans for the Border Crisis. So, lemme' get this straight: Her Boss the Delusional Joe Biden clearly says that there NO “Crisis” at the border, but it's the Republicans fault. This administration, and it’s “Leader” has just earned its spot as the Absolute WORST IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION.

    And Kamala Harris is the reason they SHOULDN'T attempt to remove Biden from office... let's just grin and bear it until after 2024. Just thinking of her become the President put Hairs on my Legs.
    (To repeat an Idiot’s Remarks).
    In fact I strongly believe that “Dr”. Jill, and her band of woke morons chose Kamala Harras as the VP knowing the thought of her being President is enough to DETER any thoughts of removing Biden from office until after 2024. So let's just grin and bear it until 2024. After all we have been able to for 2 years, so what’s another 2 years.

    Just ask the Chinese.



    1. they're laughing at people for voting for dimwitted Biden

  7. So, first the Ido number 1. Joe Biden says there are more things to be concerned with than our porous border.
    Then idiot number 2 Kamala Harris, Biden's failure of a "border czar", blames Republicans for the border crisis.

    So, let me ' get this straight: There's no crisis at the border, but it's the MAGA Republicans fault.
    This administration has just earned its spot as the absolute worst in the history of our nation

  8. The Real and Conservitive Dave MillerApril 24, 2023 at 5:48 AM

    This is something that is TOTALLY unacceptable.
    A popular celebrity figure and an LGBT figure is putting on DRAG QUEEN shows for children that is approved of by our State Politician
    who is inviting adults to bring their Children to see, and hear these LGBT Stories.
    Why is this happening. People will not allow a straight man or a straight woman to have such a show for children. Doesn’t make any sense why is this happening in America. This leads to the weakness in our society and we need to do something about it if you want to make sure that America remains number one most powerful country in the world. Equal rights for all we don’t have that right now
    Don’t we have enough problems here in America? We have a HUGE Border Crisis , we have a HUGE DRUG Crisis, and now we have an LGBT groomer admit how he targets children. He goes after children who don’t have father figures in their life.. You knew we’d have a problem in America when they legalized dope all over the country Making Men feminine, our horrible eating habits including junk food and high sugary food in diets making men weak. So something has to be done about this. We need a stronger society it is very important that society remains healthy and strong so that way America can maintain its position as the number one global superpower. we have a problem with in American folks ….
    So something has to be done about this. We need a Stronger Leader. We need a stronger society it is very important that society remains healthy and strong so that way America can maintain its position as the number one global superpower.

    1. Dear "The Real and Conservitive Dave Miller" I am you bigliest fan and I love you to pieces.

  9. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has AFFIRMED your right to own Guns, so don’t let Biden or any of his Stooges tell you otherwise.
    It’s YOUR American Right.



  11. Last week an 18-year-young man died when doctors tried to create a vagina for him during a sex change using part of his colon.
    His colon was being used because the puberty blockers stopped growth of his genitals, which meant there wasn’t enough tissue to do the penile inversion surgery.

  12. In MY Honest OpinionApril 25, 2023 at 12:14 PM

    Mike one of the THREE people left that still Comment at the Progressives IDIOTIC RAG that she calls a "Blogg" STUPIDLY said...

    "Let's hear that bizarre laugh of yours now Tucker."

    Are you saying that to Don Lemon Mike? I guess not, you Hypercritical Idiot!

  13. The DNC says that Biden wont debate in the primary!

    Of Course he won't, He doesn't want to get those 3-4 Hairs on his Legs Standing Up again !

    1. Cancel Culture which is promoted by Leftists who seek to destroy lives by waging a war as a excuse to abuse citizens who don't conform to the Leftist’s Police State.
      Today any Man is likely to lose his career for saying anything even slightly offensive to Women. Of course, I’m not referring to someone who has gone to far, or who has “Assaulted” a Women either Physically, Verbally, or Sexually. And I’, not speaking about Domestic Violence -by assault by a Husband or a Boyfriend
      80% of Americans believe that cancel culture is a problem in this country but we won’t stand up to the 20% who tell us otherwise. Enough is enough!
      Cancel Culture is a way of organizing a movement to get someone fired or demanding someone take action or suffer some sort of consequence because they have offended your political views or feelings. Before it was just Letter Writing, or Boy Coting, but now it has gone full Circle and they just want it to be ENDED, PERIOD!
      It has gone beyond what is acceptable
      I have three words for Cancel Culture “Knock It Off”
      We’ve got to stop using the nondescript words and phrases imposed upon us by those whose entire mission is to destroy our country. These destroyers are not progressives or liberals — they are communists. Their plan is no different from that of the old Soviet Union, which is worldwide domination.

      The “isms” didn’t work out for the communists the first time around because no one would take their advice and “rise up” or “overthrow.” This was particularly true in America, where there were no “class struggles” beyond those created by communists as a strategy to divide us and conquer us. So, they re-tooled. All that you see in our society today is a new concerted effort to achieve what the communist states could not accomplish over 72 years, not even after murdering tens of millions of innocents.
      After cheating the Election, the Left has gone full Fascist..
      This is what happens when the looney tunes stupid shit liberal nut jobs take over a party
      Our worry should be that these modern-day communists have been so successful in the land of the free. We must measure their success by observing our city, state, and national governments. Who is Biden, and what does he propose? Who runs Portland, Minneapolis, Detroit, Baltimore, and what are their ideas? The “race card” has become their primary tool to energize their growing base — that and the brainwashing inside our taxpayer-funded schools.


  14. We must repudiate this nonsense of a “Progressive” party. They are not progressive; let’s stop calling them that. Nor are these people “Liberal.” Neo-Marxists have hijacked these two terms to mask who they really are. Let us stop cooperating with these new-age communists to hide what they truly believe. Let’s begin calling them what they are: communists. They believe the same things Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot believed. Our fathers and grandfathers stood up to communists to preserve our Republic; should we be less vigilant in safeguarding America — if not for ourselves, then for our children and grandchildren?
    Foremost of the many reasons to criticize “cancel culture” is that the grounds for cancellation change constantly. People who were considered politically correct yesterday are today’s racists and Fascists.
    Who could have predicted two years ago that the Muppets and Dr. Seuss would be condemned for racism. And Mr. Potato Head for Gender reasons which is as RIDICULOUS as it gets. Of course, there is no guide line, only principle. The SJWs are just making it up as they go along because of the feeling of power they get from cancelling each new victim.
    Bill Maher had his own show on TV called "Politically Incorrect". That show came to an end after he got on TV and said that the 9/11 Terrorists were brave for flying planes into buildings and our own leaders/servicemen were cowardly for firing missiles from thousands of miles away.

    He issued an apology a day later, but the damage was done, and the “Boss Man” fired him. Because that's what the “Boss Man” does.
    Roseanne was kicked off her own show, instigated by the lowlife "daughter" in the show.
    They already got to Aunt Jemima, and Dr. Seuss and canceled them Now, the Latest victim is Pepe Le Pew. And now they are eyeballing Speedy Gonzales. Their Cartoons are going to be their next victims ..
    Its only going to get worse. Much worse. And liberals are STILL keeping their heads in the sand.

    That illustrates a major difference between the left and the right. For the most part, conservatives want to live their lives in peace. They get involved in politics when the left tries to foist some new utopian absurdity on the country. Politics is a distraction and an annoyance for those with better things to do and they resent having to take time out to deal with leftist nonsense.

    The left, on the other hand, defines itself through politics and the “great struggle” against the evil de jour and they find the feeling of power they get when they cancel someone intoxicating. That’s why they keep coming up with new things to cancel and constantly must identify new sources of supposed Fascism, racism and whatever new One misstep or slip dredged up from your past, one “wrong” idea, that stupid thing you did you have a pic of from literally decades ago, and boom! you’ve been cancelled by the mob! “Off, off with his/her/their head!” is the new rallying cry in the Left’s woke cultural revolution. Some prominent examples include cancelling various books by beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss, cancelling public figures because they wore an ill thought out costume decades ago as a young and dumb college student, tearing down statues and erasing history out of school curriculum, deciding that classic literature and movies aren’t woke enough for not holding contemporary woke ideas, boycotting various businesses and brands

    The ever changing “enemies list ” is nothing new. By now pretty much everyone has heard of the term “cancel culture”. From your favorite stores, restaurants, movies, books, public figures, and even famous historical figures, no one is immune!
    The only difference is today’s SJWs are so childish as to guillotine Mr. Potato Head. When the struggle is against Children’s TV shows, books and toys, it’s pretty clear that the SJWs are overgrown kindergartners. I continue to be surprised that our society even puts up with the tantrums of those want to be Communists

  15. The Firing of Tucker Carlson shows us that the government has gotten too big and too Far Left. They are using any means possible to silence the Republican/Conservatives and anyone who threatens their narrative. This is NOT the America that I can remember. Joe Biden and company has done what Obama tried to do, or perhaps he is doing it now behind the scenes

    1. they will be sorry when we can only get our info from Stare Run Media. But then again, Biden supporters are useful idiots so that would suit them just fine. Tucker already has a new job so perhaps it was no surprise to him.

  16. The “Potatohead”, the “Clown in Chief” the Senile , Puppet who fumbles, and Stumbles, and Stutters in Incoherent Half Sentences is saying he will run for a second 4 year term ! When the man walks it looks like he has pooped in his pants !
    The man can hardly survive 4 more days & he wants to wait for 2024 to be elected again.
    The democrats pretend & want us all to believe that there is nothing wrong with Biden.
    The man has been Incompetent for over 40 years, and is given the job of exiting thousands of people out of Afghanistan? And look at what happened when he did! We lost 6 Billion dollars worh of equipment. And he has been on the wrong side of domestic & foreign issues since he first became Senator!
    There is absolutely no doubt that he is being controlled by some major powers from within & from abroad.
    It is bizarre to pretend he is in control or that he is competent.
    Catastrophe after catastrophe is his legacy !
    If the democrats don’t have another candidate to run it is an abomination!
    This man is so deep in treason & corruption that it is hard to believe that anyone would vote for him.
    His ineptness & incompetence are not even really age related.
    It’s just Biden.
    The world & America are in trouble & in true danger.
    Everything that could be wrong has gone wrong since he got “ elected”
    Domestically, inflation, gas prices, food prices, energy costs, crime , division & mob rule & rioting & murder & theft are the highest ever.
    He has made transgender matters the most important issue & crisis when it is really not ! Wokeism, white supremacy, cancel culture & the border are a disaster.
    Foreign policy is even more disastrous !

  17. It's a great day in America
    When we see an ASSHOLE like Don Lemon fired

    1. Along with Tucker, fucktard.

    2. Poor Pookie Toot-Toot! His boyfriend got fired from CNN! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  18. It's getting worse: Biden can't remember when or where he was born

  19. The big question of the day is why would Tucker Carlson be fired from Fox News? Its no question that he was the highest rated news program on National Tv One can say whatever they want about Tucker Carlson whether they like him or not …. the question is why in the world with a news networks get rid of the most popular journalist?

    One can see why people questions any of f the news networks these days. Compared to say the days of Mike Wallace or Peter Jennings.

    There is today as we know a 3party system in Washington… they agree with a host of things including the funding of the Russia Ukraine war and coronavirus lockdowns when they FIRST did occur…two major issues of our lifetime historically speaking. Tucker was a big critic of the Russia Ukraine war and American involvement of it, Carlson was also a critic of the vaccines and the lockdowns that came with the coronavirus issue. …So did some higher power ie in the pharmaceutical industry or someone from Ukraine convince Fox News to silence Tucker effectively against the will of the American people. ….Because really it should be the American people the audience of course should be deciding who is on the primetime lineups in the news….. that’s always how it has been working if somebody is no good they will be put off the air and they can’t get the ratings of course they’re not going to last…. but those who can manage to hang onto the ratings leads always get the big contracts and last for years on end.

    Now to put things into perspective I am FAR from being a fan of Dylan Malvaney The trans TikTok star who supports very controversial public positions…. but if all of a sudden he was to be banned off of TikTok It would raise integrity questions for TikTok for silencing free speech including what one can call popular free-speech considering the millions of followers Dylan has.. After all the man has 10 million followers so this point really is undeniable …whether one likes Tucker Carlson or not it doesn’t make sense for a company in a capitalistic society to just get rid of somebody with massively high ratings without asking was there something bigger at play like that a politician or a pharmaceutical company or a foreign politician specifically from Ukraine most likely, maybe even China…. influence this outcome of Tucker Carlson being removed from the Fox News lineup.

  20. You have to admit; this is all awfully strange, in light of the Dominion settlement why would Fox bite the hand that feeds it?
    Tucker has the number one cable news show.…firing him makes no sense at all. .
    What’s working ‘behind the scenes’? Hopefully a dream ticket…..Tucker Carlson / Ron DeSantis? Who knows it may be .just what America needs right now

  21. Joe Biden has committed treason through his son Hunter Biden & other Biden family members.
    Antony Blinken had 51 intelligence officers lie about Hunter’s laptop and its contents.
    He had them send a letter stating that it was all ” Russian disinformation” !
    Here is a perfect example of quid pro quo
    and of course bribery.
    Blinken was then appointed the Secretary of State! Coincidence? I don't think so!

  22. It’s Day 867 of the coup, the theft of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.

    As part of his second inaugural speech, Abraham Lincoln said:

    "On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it ~ all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war ~ seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.”

    We are at war. It is a war for this nation’s soul. That’s almost become a cliché. The culture of a nation, the principles that it aspires to, might be considered it’s soul.
    This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles that have become known as Western Civilization, and even with it’s flaws, there has been no better attempt at a government and a nation than the United States of America.
    Most nations have been formed from clans and ethnic groups. America was formed on an ideal that welcomed members of other clans, and despite the efforts of the democrats, other ethnicities.
    Now those ideals are being attacked, That is an attack on the foundation of this nation.
    The pollution of our values, to include perversion and murder of our youth and the overrunning of our borders by groups not in sync with our limited government founding threatens all of us. Threatens to divide us, both politically and perhaps militarily. This would be a huge mistake and play into the hands of our external adversaries. But it’s as if our political and cultural opponents

  23. So the Republican House bill Bans Trans athletes from competing in women sports “ ! And whata ya know, NOT ONE DEMOCRAT voted for this ! What happened to ALL OF YOU who were always fo Women’s Rights? Where are you now? Shame, Shame on you all.
    This is the madness this country is facing. You have to pass a bill to keep men from physically competing with Women in sports .
    What a Shame and a Disgrace.
    Are the “Women Liberals and Women Liberation Organizations “ for or against Biological Men competing with women in Sports ? !

    Tell us how Protecting Liberal Extremist Domestic Terrorists who have firebombed over 70 churches, Women’s Clinics, and Pro-life organizations are “Fighting for the country”.
    What happened to the “Women of the Hands Across the Aisle” Coalition that gave that eye-opening presentation on the Transgender movement and its pursuit in Eradicating Women and Women’s rights in Employment, and in Sports? Where are you all now?
    What Happened to those Progressive, lesbian and straight, religious and agnostic women on the panel who left no doubt in the audience’s mind that radical Transgender activists will not erase all male and female sex distinctions in society. What happened to those Women, that argued regardless of their Political persuasion? What happened to the Public schools have a duty to serve all Children? Where are they?
    You were so upset about a Beer company supporting civil rights, maybe you might want to start with your Children, and your fellow Women!

  24. We don't want Joe Biden anymore, we need someone younger with better ideas. And RFK, Jr. is just a younger leftoid who would do 95% of the trouble that Biden is doing.

  25. New York Times Downplays Joe Biden's Decline: ' Says American Government Can Function Without A Healthy President'

    That just goes to show you how the liberal media will protect Biden and not question his Dementia, Demented mind

    1. Hell, we did it with Reagan, he was a vegetable his last two years.

  26. Last week, an IRS agent alleged the improper politicization of a tax probe into the president’s son. The whistleblower alleged two Biden administration political appointees within the DOJ are working to block charges against Hunter for tax violations – against recommendations.

    In addition, the whistleblower alleged that the U.S. prosecutor assigned to the case requested to be named as a special counsel in the probe to provide a degree of separation between the probe and President Joe Biden. That request was apparently turned down by Joe Biden’s attorney general.

    According to the poll, among all likely voters, 69 percent say it is a serious scandal, including 55 percent who say it is VERY SERIOUS!

  27. "transphobia" - = the correct assessment that TRANS GENDERS are completely sick delusional and can be violent communist and often are nutcases

    1. Several really outstanding Woman have been ignored, and actually erased from history by idiots, why? Because they don’t like the way the story goes. It doesn’t meet with their Stupid idealistic way of being dishonest to the American public. The point is that this is a question that Joe Biden Should have NO say in the matter.

      When a Man takes the spotlight from a remarkable “woman” is beyond all reason. It’s truly grotesque, and absurd. Why is “Lia” Thomas the latest NCAA Woman of The Year when “she” beat all biological women by several seconds in competitions where fractions of seconds determine records and winners? Why is Dr. “Rachel” Levine named one of 12 Women of the Year as an influential woman by USA Today when there are so many other Real Women in the military and in medicine/healthcare who have just as, if not more distinguished, and notable achievements“She” wouldn’t even come close to winning if “She” were a biological Female! And another thing, most of us don’t give a Damn if some Guy pretends to be a Girl or some Girl pretends to be a Boy. But we do object to biological Males using the Ladies Rest Rooms, especially in schools. And in schools, biological Males shouldn’t be in the Females’ gym locker rooms, it’s dumb, and idiotic, and I think that only Mental cases, and Perverts will agree. ...Should Transgenders be banned from Female sports events altogether? The REAL question is “Should a biological Male be allowed to compete against Women in Women's sports?” And the answer should be ONLY BIOLOGICAL Females show be allowed to compete in Women’s Sports!

  28. REAL Female athletes have to Stand up and Speak out.
    And as another poster put it, if they would stop showing up at events to compete, something will get done in a hurry.

  29. The writer/author of the Progressive Eruptions blog seems to have an Obsession with writing about Donald Trump, But never seems to Complain about the MORON-In Chief who now Occupies the Oval Office.
    Wake Up Stupid, our country is in deep DO-DO.

  30. SHAW; Just a little reminder of the meaning of "family values"
    Charging someone with Rape ..DOES NOT MAKE A PERSON GUILTY IN THIS COUNTRY!

  31. In secret meetings of the Negro race [white liberals] preach the damnable doctrine of social equality which excites the criminal sensualities of the criminal element of the Negro race and directly incites the diabolical crime of rape upon the white women. Lynching follows as swift as lightning, and all the statutes and white self loathing of liberals and the Nation cannot stop it!

    1. My answer to Shaw is ; I don’t waste my time answering FOOLS, like YOU!

  32. The funny thing is, that the Lefties claim they're sane and gonna save America

  33. The Left Badly Needs to Get Rid of Clarence Thomas or any other Conservative…So That They Can Become a Democratic Supreme Court. It’s That Simple!
    Find me the Man and I’ll find you the Crime is alive and well in today’s America; ask Donald Trump. If for no other reason any Conservative Republican, must be eliminated, and terminated. And NO other Conservative, or Republican need apply!
    And Don’t at all think that it wasn’t them that has been silencing FOX News.
    And in the meantime that Potatohead is sitting in the withe House and can’t even address the people live, to tell them that he’s running again in 2024. Who in their right mind even believes this Ice Cream Eating, Ass Grabbing, Hair Sniffing, Delusional Old Goat who can’t even find his own way off the Stage?

    It does appear more and more that O’Boma is in control to continue the destruction that he initiated. Then to learn Biden is being considered by the left for a second term is insane! He can’t even address the American public live to announce it.
    If you believed anything that the Left tells us, then you are as Delusional as Bidumb is.

  34. President Joe Biden came under fire from concerned parents earlier this week after he suggested that "our nation's children are all our children," stressing that there is "no such thing as someone else's child."
    And Deservedly So!


  35. The stuttering, delusional clown is much more comfortable when he's around kids. They're not going to ask questions like why Hunter was sleeping with his sister-in-law and smoking crack naked with his 14-year old niece.... or why Ashley is a pill-popping zombie who requires rehab every 6 months.

  36. One in Three Democrats say they will NOT VOTE FOR Biden in 2024.

  37. Fetterman Chugs a Beer After Spending Two Months in a Psych Ward Following Massive Stroke!
    So let me get this straight! John Fetterman has brain damage and can barely string a sentence together. And now he’s chugging a beer.

  38. Ever since being inaugurated, Joe Biden has been doing everything that he can to make sure America is unrecognizable. Whether it’s infecting the military with Critical Race Theory or negotiating with terrorists on the international stage, Biden is slowly morphing America into his socialist “Utopia.” But one of his biggest blunder by far is his Open Boarder policy. And a close second is his IDIOTIC polkicy on Transgenders in Sports..
    It’s no secret that Joe Biden’s Presidency is an absolute disaster. Everything he has done is destroying the United States at its very foundation. But this report could be the end of Joe Biden.

    While Donald Trump was President, he oversaw a massive enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws. Unfortunately, Joe Biden is so rabidly against Trump that he reversed course when he became president. The result has been an enormous border crisis where tens of thousands are held in cramped conditions.

    And Americans have had enough of Biden fumbling the ball. A new Harvard/Harris poll just came out that showed 80% of Americans believe illegal immigration is a serious issue that needs more attention from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
    So please don’t fall for Uncle Joe’s “Schtick”. Joe Biden is just an old-school political huckster who has gotten too far with his stupid Grim, and his idiotic looking smile, and his empty brain, his slick suit, and phoney backslapping technic!

    Joe Biden’s net worth is about $9 million, but between his tenure as Vice President and his time in the Oval Office as President, Biden’s estimated earnings were about $17.3 million. Biden “was the poorest member” of Congress. To prove his poverty status, Biden was a constant passenger on the Accela Express, routinely taking the Amtrak train from Washington, D.C. to Delaware. Meanwhile, Sonny boy Hunter Biden sat on the board of the Ukrainian Natural Gas company, Burisma, where he was paid a whopping $83,333 per month. Hunter has, and never had ANY experience whatsoever in the energy field . But when his father served as the Vice-President in the Obama Administration, Hunter traveled along on Air Force Two where he was able to make numerous deals with Chinese state-owned firms, and pocket Millions \, and lets not forget the 10 percent for the “Big-Guy”.
    And the Liberal Media covered, and protected “The Big Guy all along. .Remember the New York Times saying that Joe Biden's Decline was not an issue and that “American Government Can Function Without A Healthy President” Why in God’s name would they say such a stupid thing? Other than to cover up for him! It just goes to show how the liberal media will protect Biden and not question his Dementia ridden mind. The New York Times actually admitted is that Joe is OK because they knew that he never was in charge of making any decisions, anyway.
    The NYT hasn't been relevant since we stopped using Outhouses!
    The NYT is acknowledging that we have a brain dead POTUS on our hands.
    Why do you thing RFK Jr. is polling at 19% and that Moon Bat, Cackling Vice President is at 9%?

  39. Along with various lighthearted jokes, Biden took a Stab at Marjorie Taylor Greene during his speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner on Saturday night, saying the congresswoman was "confused."

    "I want everybody to have fun tonight but please be safe. If you find yourself disoriented or confused, it's either you're drunk or Marjorie Taylor Greene,"

  40. The White House Correspondent's dinner was a story of doom & gloom by the worst President in history. It has become a lovefest of the mainstream media, the propaganda arm of the democrat party, & the democrats & their leadership.It was discouraging, depressing & predictable. Bashing Fox News, & Donald Trump & Republicans & conservatism was the main subject.
    The country is less free, more divided & more in disarray & turmoil than ever before, yet this was part of what Biden said:

    "When I ran for President four years ago, I said we are in a battle for the soul of America – and we still are. The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom, more rights or fewer," he said in the video.

    "Every generation of Americans has faced a moment when they’ve had to defend democracy, stand up for our personal freedoms, and stand up for our right to vote and our civil rights. This is ours. Let’s finish the job," Biden continued.
    Many " correspondents" were clapping & cheering Biden on.
    Instead of addressing main issues, the man claims he is in a battle for the soul of America.
    As is typical, when he was speaking, he sounded like a failed preacher rather than President of America & the leader of the free world.
    How embarrassing, how shameful & pitiful

  41. Well whata ya know, The Texas mass killer is an ILLEGAL ALIEN who was deported 5 times. Thanks to our revolving door policy 5 people are DEAD including a little 8 year Child. .

    Build the damn wall and lock down the damn Border already, this is not a political matter! It will save American Lives, including our Children’s ................Do you people live in a Cave or something?

    Maybe we should let Whoopi and the rest of the idiots on the view know about it as they NEVER even mentioned it!!

  42. So the IDIOT-IN-Cheif wants to put Electric into military vehicles by 2030 !
    Well isn't that special! Biden & his INEPT administration are in the twilight zone & in complete idiocy.
    If our military is fighting in a war, our men & women, our children, are they going to be supplied charging stations by the enemy ?
    Do you get a break or time out in war to charge your vehicle battery?
    There is not one priority that Biden & any of his cabinet members get right .
    Most of the batteries are made in China to begin with and China, if not an outright enemy of the US, is not a friend.
    The people now in charge are so reckless, so unqualified & so not up to the task!
    When you’re throwing bombs & missiles & fire to the enemy in a state of war, where hundreds if not thousands of people are being killed, “ climate change” should be a very distant priority.
    You’re shooting canons & all sorts of explosives & flying the fastest fuel consuming jet planes in the world & driving major tanks, “global warming”can be
    Put on hold until that war is over !
    The insanity & incompetence is a trademark of Biden & team.
    They are in an imaginary world & completely clueless bent on the destruction of America at a time when the enemies of the country are united & more numerous & formidable than ever in history !


  43. Parents: Discourage your kids from entering the military until a sane, American president is elected. Nevertheless, Who knew back in the late 1970s that the Village People were the Navy of the future? Who knew? Who knew that our President would be a Lunatic, and allow Transgenders into the Armed Forces?

  44. The American Way of Life is under attack while career politicians destroy our economy and a LUNATIC is sabotaging our nation’s incredible potential. We will take our country back from the corrupt Washington establishment and return power to the American people, where it belongs. We will achieve a future of prosperity, security, and peace — creating once again the greatest economy in the history of the world, defending our borders, restoring energy independence, and leading with strength and pride on the world stage.

    It is time to put America First once more and usher in a glorious new era of faith, family, and freedom. Together, we will save lives, save jobs, and save America. Join me in our unstoppable mission to Make America Great Again.

  45. Why is it necessary for elementary age children to discuss Transgenders, and other sexual topics in class? This is the first I’ve heard about a legislative effort to make this topic “age-appropriate,” but I don’t see why anyone should object. I don’t understand why we can’t allow children to be children while they’re still children. In any case, isn’t this a topic that normally takes place between Mommies or Fathers ,and daughters, in the home environment, and not in School?

    Why Not Talk about Math, History, English? Get those kids back on track! These teachers who are concentrating on Gays and Transgenters, and Diversity, etc., in classes are the ones who caused the fact that kids are Behind….”Fix It, Folks…stop the Rubbish…..This isn’t a Teacher’s thing! Teach What Kids Really Need to Know! And Let Children Be Children.

  46. Trump is the worst gaff machine as he is not only stupid but evil.

  47. Lester Carpenter is the Biggest A Hole on these boards

  48. Alvin Bragg is the smartest jigaboo in the DA's office, LOL!

  49. Personally I think that biggest and perhaps the most important LIES told by the progressive communist democrat regime is by the Incompetent, Inept, and Unqualified White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre,, who has the Gaul to stand right before the White House Press Corps and the American people and tells us LIES like the “Illegal Immigration Has Gone down by More than 90 Percent.” That is one the most a blatant lies of the Century! Just look for yourself at the Long the lines of illegal’s crossing the border and the statistics by the Border Patrol. There are more, and more of these people crossing the boarder every day, and much more to come this week. And that’s simply because of the inaction ( lack of action) taken by this President.
    Also when a President is seen as a dishonest or untrustworthy President, it encourages the citizens to be angry and frustration, and brings on these Protests, and Strikes,,and Even Violence, leading to more serious actions which threatens the rule of law. And that leads to even more serious actions such as Mob Violence, Looting, Arson, and yes even the use of Gun, and more Violence, such as Murders.

    The American citizens, simply can not and refuse to accept, and believe the lies of this blatantly corrupt progressive communist democrat regime that is trying to destroy America from within.
    I am particularly disgusted with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. At least when Former Press Secretary Jen Psaki lied, she did it without having to read every untruth sentence from a book that had the Pre-arranged answers as Karine Jean-Pierre so obviously does.
    And to make matters even worse, last week White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called Barack Obama the “President.” While speaking to the press, she stated “President Obama announced that, pardon me, I meant President Biden.” as she then make light of the situation
    Freudian Slip? Maybe!

    Also she had told us that “This Administration Has Taken the Border Crisis Very Seriously Since Day One”
    Do any of you liberals believe that?

  50. I truly can care less about if the fascist left will label me a racist for this thread I am posting. When I see advertisements on television, if I didn't know any better I'd think we are living in a third World Country like Africa for example, and not in America. The majority of advertisements are now bein dominated by Black actors and actresses, and by actors of other Nations. . Well, what makes that interesting is, the percentage of Black people in America is 13.6%, yet they are in they majority of advertisements. And to make my example even more so, there are more advertisements using people from India than ever before, ask yourself why? Wht are there are many So, why not ask why are there not more advertisements featuring Latinos instead of Black people? There are much more Latinos in America than Black people, and there are even much more White people in America than Black, or Latino people - yet Black people seem to dominate the TV advertisements. Do we live in Africa and I am just not aware of it and I am using stats for America instead of Africa? Don't EVER talk to me about “White privilege” ,because that’s just plain BS.... the only racial privilege in America today is Black privilege that is the only race that has a privilege.
    Does the Black Lives Matter group have anything to do with this? I wonder..
    As for me, I would not mind at all seeing some advertisements featuring Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Eastern Indians and giving them some identity and significance as well. Why are some of these ethnicities being ignored? Supposedly, we live in the melting pot known as America and not Africa, perhaps corporations should do a better job of diversity instead of caving in to Black privilege.

  51. If Democrats hadn't cheated an election then January the 6th would have never happened! Ever think of that?
    The Jan 6 that the lying Democrats describe didn't happen. There was no “Insurrection”. Your idiot in the House, like Adam Shiff, and Chuck Schumer compared it to the attack on Pearl Harbor for christ sake. Talk about FAKING it. Those comments where Ridicules

    Those Democratic House members so conveniently forgot al about the 6 months of Democrats rioting with Democrats and Black Lives Matter, and Antifa running amok rioting, looting and burning, and their SO CALLED Demonstrations and Political Violence in America was far worse than the comparative small group of people that got rowdy in the Capital Building.

    It was already proven that it was a Sham Committee and they didn't want the public to find out the real truth. There weren’t any Guns, or other weapons on January 6th How can you have an “Insurrection without Guns? It’s impossible. The committee should have been named 'Operation BS”
    It was the Fascist left-wing scum and their ilk that's been for Defunding the Police, and the Fascist scum Antifa (the real fascists) attacking the Police during their violent riots. Oh, and it was the Leftwing ilk who had phrases like "Pigs in a Blanket, Fry em like Bacon" in reference to law enforcement. So Don't try and act all righteous and come off as a supporter of law enforcement now. you hypocritical Leftists.

  52. Here is another economic indicator that Biden's policies are destructive to businesses, and to our ECONOMY . Things are not bad, but are only going to get worse until we put Trump back in office..
    I was announsed today that Burger King one of America’s favorite restaurants is going to close 400 Restaurants!
    Four Hundred! Do you realive how many people are going to be LOSING their Jobs?
    JOE BIDEN is destroying America, it should to be oblivious to every one by now.
    His bad decision to allow the printing of many billions of dollars out of thin air.
    His bad decision to send most of those billions of dollars to his money-laundering buddy in Ukraine.
    His bad policy to reduce America's energy independence, thus reducing the supply of fuel gasoline and diesel which forced gas prices up. That affects the entire supply chain, which forces all prices to go up.

  53. President Biden has just issued an official proclamation declaring that transgender Americans "shape our nation's soul" and established a holiday relating to the group this week.
    My God! What has happened to America??
    Biden issued the proclamation Thursday to mark March 31, 2023, as the Transgender Day of Visibility, a day some transgender activists have renamed to "day of vengeance."

    "Transgender Americans shape our Nation's soul -- proudly serving in the military, curing deadly diseases, holding elected office, running thriving businesses, fighting for justice, raising families, and much more," Biden wrote in the Thursday morning proclamation.

    "Today, too many transgender Americans are still denied…rights and freedoms," the president's statement continued. "A wave of discriminatory state laws is targeting transgender youth, terrifying families and hurting kids who are not hurting anyone. An epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, in particular women and girls of color, has taken lives far too soon.
    I wonder how the parents of those 6 unfortunate dead people feel about Joe's proclamation?

  54. The Man with the Golden ArmMay 8, 2023 at 9:13 AM

    Biden and his Lefty supporters like Dervish Sandwich, Dave Moronavich, and Shaw Peewee, couldn't care less about people who work for a living in the private sector, as anyone not wearing blinders has already deduced.

  55. The Hypocrisy Comment of the year.
    Les Carpenter, “ Rational Nation USA” called someone Stupid!

  56. More and more evidence is pointing towards Joe Biden," Comer said. "Obviously, Joe Biden was involved in all this despite the fact that he lied to the American people, despite the fact that his press secretary continues to lie about it.”
    We know that The Big Guy got 10%, but what did the Little Guys get? And how many members of the Biden crime family were involved in Hunter’s influence-peddling schemes? We may never know the full story of just how corrupt this superannuated kleptocrat who pretends to be president of the United States and his family really are, but now House Republicans are expanding their investigation of the Biden crime organization..Joe Biden is even more corrupt than Hillary Clinton was in her “Hay Day”.
    Oh,I’m sorry, they call it the Biden “family,” you know, like the Gambino “family” — to include more of Old Joe’s relatives. At the very least, we should get a glimpse into how “the public service” today is a highly lucrative endeavor for an amoral, unscrupulous liar such as Old Joe.. Now we know that NINE members of the Biden Crime Family are under investigation.
    The chairman said the report he will release on Wednesday will show the Biden family received money from many more countries than previously known and that the number of family members who benefitted is much larger.

    “We're going to produce an additional five Biden family members, more countries, more LLCs, more bank accounts," he explained. "This thing is much bigger than anyone would have ever predicted, and it all points towards Joe Biden”
    Just how many whistle blowers are needed for the DOJ and the FBI to act?


  57. Will somebody please ask the Bunch of Donkeys at Show's Love Feast why Joe Biden has committed treason through his son Hunter Biden & other Biden family members.
    Antony Blinken led 51 intelligence officers to lie about Hunter’s laptop & its contents.
    He had them send a letter stating that it was all ” Russian disinformation” !
    Here is a perfect example of quid pro quo
    & bribery.
    Blinken was appointed Secretary of State !

  58. Essentially, girls are prone to wanting to fit in with their peers, in addition to more frequent emotional and hormonal issues, that are causing girls to disproportionately seek to change their gender.The numbers speak for themselves.

  59. Attempting to explain that 81 million people “voted”, or possibly “Voted” for Joe Biden, a Inept, Stuttering, Blabbering, Delusional, Crazy Man in 2020 has been another lie and a hoax perpetuated by the Democrats and Leftists and the Main Stream Media
    Maybe, and that’s a BIG maybe, and possibly with extreme calculation and manipulation, and UNDERHANDED, help of the DOJ and the crooked FBI and other crooked government agencies.
    That with the help by the now exposed corrupt Antony Blinken, and his phoney 51 intelligence officers that somehow signed a letter that the Hunter Biden story was Russian Hoax further reinforces this view .
    Among the 51 intelligence officers were Clapper and Brennan perhaps the two highest intelligence officers in the nation, who by the way were also found to be crooked..
    We know that with the excuse of COVID all voting rules &andregulations were changed almost overnight!
    The changes were particularly consequential in the “ swing states” !
    The voting that took place was worse than that which takes place in a controlled Dictatorship!
    The other laughable and the totally ridiculous explanation of why Biden got so many votes is that voters “ voted against Trump”
    and not for Biden.
    This is a completely false narrative and pure “plausible “ but a fake explanation !
    Plausible denials & in some cases plausible explanations are tools that the left and totalitarian regimes have used for decades.
    Our “intelligence officers” , all 51 of them know this method of disinformation & propaganda .
    The US fought against this kind of misinformation and propaganda successfully
    during the Cold War with the USSR & other such regimes for decades. That it has been used in our own country is very sad and extremely disheartening !
    Trump may have been brash and even rough on the edges for most politicians , but his love for his country was UNQUESTIONABLY CLEAR and his policies were Extremely Successful because he ran the country like a leader and CEO, result oriented & businesslike !
    He did it in a very considerate and humane & efficient way and lifted up all ranks of Americans including all of the minorities !
    The propagandists will want you to think otherwise including “ Make America Great Again” , “MAGA” as being racist &and of being “White Supremacy” ,but I for one just CAN NOT SEE how anyone could find a saying like Make America Great Again” racist, or bad in ANT way, shape or form!
    None of this could be further from the truth, NONE.
    Nor for any objective & discerning citizen, who loves this country and could see what has happened to it in the past few years! .
    Unfortunately there are millions of people that lack objective reality & are easy targets for being brainwashed, mostly by one liner misnomers & headlines !
    How can I possibly explain the “Fact” that 36% NUT JOBS still approve of this Inept, Stuttering, Blabbering, Delusional, Crazy Man?
    This is way beyond me!

  60. Today “May the Tenth” Republicans will be making a big announcement on the Hunter Biden investigation and the China ties.
    James Comer says going to be Joe Biden's "Day Of Judgement"
    Look Out, it’s going to be an EYE OPENER for many people.

  61. Live RIGHT NOW : The Republicans are holding major announcement on Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the rest of the Biden Crime Family investigation the China ties, the Romania ties, and the Treason that was going on all over the world. Comer says it's Joe Biden's "Day Of Judgement”
    And yet the Progressive blogger, and the rest of the Democrats call us CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, and that there isn’t any proof of the Biden’s Crouption! Well there is now.
    Yet these Progressives would rather write, and talk about “Trumpers' verdict in the E. Jean Carroll trial”, and Congressman George Santos
    Not ONE SINGLE WORD about .Biden and his families business dealings, and why our Adversaries paid these Biden Family Members over $10 Million Dollars!
    Yes, the committee has presented the various documents that showed the Biden's extensive financial transactions with the Chinese Communist Party among other countries receiving millions, (up to $10 million...) for some businesses that have NO known expertise! In other words “Shell” companies. This is getting ugly for the Biden Family. Wow...this is just mind-blowing depths of corruption,
    It seems as if the Biden family members and business associates CREATED of over 20 companies that they had millions of dollars wired to their Bank accounts. This was Major Influence Peddling to countries such as Ukraine, Romania, Russia, and China
    But we see NO MENTION of the most " "Devastating Inflation in 41 years, and since we have Joe Biden in office Russia , China, and Iran, all who have all joined forces against us.
    Meanwhile our banks are failing like never before in the countries history
    Energy costs are higher than ever including the Gas that we all use, the food prices in the Super Markets have almost doubled since Biden took office. We can’t afford to eat in the restaurants as we did for all those wonderful years.
    How does that fit into Bidens “Build Back Better” policy?
    I would appreciate the 37% who “Still” approve of the job Joe Biden is doing to explain it to the rest of us, HOW IS THAT BUILDING Back Better??
    Build Back Better? Is he kidding? Business are closing their doors, they are liquidating their stock, and breaking their leases just to GET OUT!.
    There just isn’t any customers left anymore, they really have no other choice.
    Here in New York City I see all kinds of empty buildings, all over town.
    This Build Back Better Deal, is a Bust!
    Thanks to our president, and the rest of the Biden Crime Family!!

    So Tell Us Again How Trump Took “HUSH” money From A Pron Star!

  62. POLITICO: "Comer fails to link president in Biden family probe"

    Comer "doesn’t show any way Biden's decisions were influenced" or "that he had direct knowledge"

    "No link has publicly emerged, and that didn't change"


    1. Laughing won’ make this go away you POS.
      Lets see who gets the last Laugh. When that POS IN THE WHITE HOUSE gets thrown out!

    2. "Anonymous May 10, 2023 at 11:47 AM
      POLITICO: "Comer fails to link president in Biden family probe"

      Comer "doesn’t show any way Biden's decisions were influenced" or "that he had direct knowledge"

      "No link has publicly emerged, and that didn't change"


      🔺Passing from the stinkhole of Fartbreath Dervish Sanders🔺

      Be careful about gloating with glee, Dervish. After all, you don't have the last laugh.

  63. "The House Oversight Committee just fizzled in public when it issued its largest collection of findings in its investigation of possible Biden family financial conflicts or crimes but found none.

    On Wednesday, the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), and the rest of his Republican lieutenants on the Committee unveiled their most extensive collection of findings to date.

    As one might expect by now, their work fails to tie Biden to anything nefarious, never mind receiving illegal payments from his family’s business.

    Nor is there any blockbuster information concerning the Biden family.

    “Asked if he would ultimately be able to prove his central thesis, Comer sidestepped: ‘I don’t think anyone in America … would think that it’s just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money.”

    Comer’s bold statement lacks any evidence, mere speculation.

    House Republicans seemed to have one mission or “platform” to justify winning the House during the mid-terms. They were going to investigate and stop the Biden administration’s “weaponization of government,” and they would connect the dots on the “Biden crime family and prove that the President was compromised.”

    And now, here they are, investigating a nothingburger as promised.

    The House GOP Oversight Chairman went on to promise, “We believe that the president has been on to “this” from the very beginning. Obviously, we’re going to continue to look,” and then characterized his four-month-long investigation as being in the “beginning stages,” promising that the committee would continue to look for evidence.

    POLITICO obtained the 30-page memo from the GOP (Convenient) that focused on payments from China and Romania. According to the GOP memo based on Committee-obtained bank records, Biden family members, business associates, and related companies received more than $10 million from companies run by foreign nationals.

    Notably, there is no assertion, let alone an allegation – even from Comer – that any payment impacted any Biden decision nor that the President benefitted.

  64. Yesterday, James Comer held a press cobfetence during which he exposed evidence showing the entire Biden family (12 members, to include Joe Biden, his son Hunter, his brother, and 9 others) engaged in a massive money laundering scheme.
    The Evidence of crimes committed by the Bidens included:
    - Official Treasury Department / IRS / BANK Financial records of the Biden Family

    1. Yesterday, James Comer held a press cobfetence during which he exposed evidence showing the entire Biden family (12 members, to include Joe Biden, his son Hunter, his brother, and 9 others) engaged in a massive money laundering scheme.

      LOL! No. Comer did not. Good luck with that, Assholes! LOLOLOL!

  65. The thought of Biden ramming his fingers into little girls disgusts me !

  66. If you bothered to watch James Comet the House Oversight and Accountability Committee chairman say the Biden family and its business associates created more than 20 companies and received more than $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden served as vice president, and that some of these payments could indicate attempts by the Biden family to "peddle influence."
    Maybe you would be more educated. And the Navy flunk-out and Druggie Hunter Biden has a net worth of $230,000,000. How did that happen for a no skills druggie dropout?

    Trump was impeached for a legitimate phone call. Biden has classified documents all over the place. Biden misused the CIA & FBI to call Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian Disinformation".

    I'm sure there are tons of other articles of impeachment, so Lets get it done!

  67. Wow! Steve Doocy to James Comer this morning:

    "You don't actually have any facts to that point. You've got some circumstantial evidence. And the other thing is, of all those names, the one person who didn't profit -- there's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally."

