Thursday, May 11, 2023


I guess this is what Joe meant when he said "I don't work for you"


  1. Face it Joe Biden is a RETARDED IDIOT!

  2. Hey Shaw , I know that you come here to read. So Ill address you here because you won’t print what I have to say on your pathetic blog.

    It’s the to Get Over your Obsession with Donald Trump, Biden and the Biden CRIME FAMILY is the front page headlines these days. Stop being so stupid. No one cares about the Cocked up Trump stories anymore

  3. I don’t blame the people are crossing the border. I blame the reckless abandonment that lies at the feet of that Walking Retarded Zombie Mr. Potatoehead Joe Biden & more precisely his handlers

  4. In the near future, everyone on earth – except the “elite,” of course – will have to drastically reduce their standard of telling viewers that it is no longer an option to live an “ultra-low carbon lifestyle it is a requirement if the planet is to be saved from man-made so-called climate change.

  5. Font let Shaw and her idiotic followers tell you anything different,
    Because bank records show Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden & an unknown "Biden" got incremental payments adding up to $1,065,692 after their associate received a $3 million China wire. Dems now trying to distort facts.

  6. The alleged laptop was in the FBI's possession WHILE tRump was president. Why didn't he order them to expedite their investigation into it? Perhaps, after being told by the FBI there is NOTHING incriminating on the laptop, tRump decided it would be a better strategy to not bring actual charges (if ANY could be brought) but to lie about it for political benefit?

    House republicans are STILL lying about Hunter Biden's alleged laptop. I have YET to hear that ANYTHING of substance has come out of their "hearings" into it. Why there won't be any charges brought before the next presidential election (I doubt). If that were to happen, people would find out there is little or nothing to the allegations. Then republicans couldn't use any (imaginary) wrongdoings to attack our fantastic president Joe Biden with. And harm his reelection chances.

    1. Stand up and take a bow, Dervy.

    2. Dervish Sanders stands up for his boyfriend in the 0ffal 0ffice again.

    3. Hunter Biden ist sehr sexy im neuen schwulen Regenbogen Badeanzug verkauft bei Target. Ich kribble meinen hintern hoch, wenn ich ihn seinen penis herumjigeln sehe.

    4. Ich kribble mein hintern loch denken über Hünter 's großen poh poh wackelt in meinem anus.

  7. The lawless border crisis is not by mistake.
    It is a calculated move by Biden & the democrats & the DNC to let in as many million illegal migrants into the country as possible
    The man leading this corrupt & fraudulent
    effort is Department of Homeland Security Secretary,Mayorkas.
    Mayorkas looks you straight in the eye & lies & says the border is secure & under control. He does so even when testifying under oath in theCongress . He just outright lies ! Videos show the chaos & lack of order. Millions have illegally been let go unchecked intothe country !
    This illegal entry is phase one of the conspiracy. The second phase is to find a reason, an excuse to
    allow these millions of newly let immigrants to votein the elections.
    The democrat machinery will plot methods for these non citizens to vote unchecked!
    They will find ways where unvetted, unchecked ,unverifiable mail in ballots will count just like in 2020.
    They are experts in playing the system !
    This concerted, calculated & sinister effort is the only way they can win the elections this time around
    What is mind boggling is, other than this favoring the ruling class democrat politicians & elites &operatives , how does it benefit other democrats,
    liberals, independents & conservatives & other citizens ?


  8. I just Received This:
    “For the past 3 years all we have heard is that Biden is a demented old fool that does not know what he had for breakfast and now all of sudden you are telling us he is a criminal mastermind behind decades of money laundering and influence peddling.”

    And The Answer Is : YES!


  9. I truly feel that Progressives feel that the policies in Russia would be better than in the USA

  10. My question to all you Democrats, As we already know you are 100 percent for bringing those Smelly, Rotten, Disgusting, Drugged out Illegal's into the country, my question is before they are brought in, do you want your illegals inspected for drugs, weapons, diseases and vaccinations? Yes or No
    Sorry, the vaccinations option has already been discontinued by YOUR PRESIDENT, Joey Biden.

  11. Shaw, you have to be kidding with all that BS about Trump, and NOTHING about Joey ann his Crime Family! . For example...: Biden lets a Chinese spy balloon fly over the United States for a week and POOF magically, he and his family magically just received millions from China. Because. Remind me again, what exactly what does Biden businesses actually DO? What products do they make worth millions? Name one thing, go ahead, I'm waiting!.


  12. I believe that Biden is losing the control of whatever piece of his Brain that he may have left.- He is mumbling, blabbering, and even forgetting what he wa going to say in the middle of saying it.
    His sentences are getting jumbled and repetitive, and his vocabulary is getting smaller all the time.
    He really is starting to suffer from cognitive decline, but since he's still raking in the money from his Son’s shenanigans he'll keep on keeping on as long as possible.

  13. Remember that “mystery “ balloon that floated over America and changes direction spies on multiple sites for a full WEEK! Biden waited a week to shoot it down, snd then pocketed who knows how much $ days later. The Biden family got millions from China, Romania or Ukraine, and FOR WHAT?
    But Donald Trump gets impeached TWICE over a mere allegation. But this just got SWEPT UNDER THE RUG!

  14. Note to Shaw!
    Lets STOP bashing Republicans, and take a good look at your OWN party.
    Your IDIOTIC PRESIDENT Biden was a dimwitted Idiot back in 1988, he pandered to get votes. He lied and plagiarized and was caught. Because Americans didn't take well to this bullshit, Biden was all but humiliated and had no alternative but to quit his 88' presidential campaign. NOW? What has changed in the last 35 years? NOTHING!

  15. After four months of investigation, House Republicans who promised to use their new majority to unearth evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden acknowledged on Wednesday that they had yet to uncover incriminating material about him, despite their frequent insinuations that he and his family have been involved in criminal conduct and corruption.

    At a much-publicized news conference on Capitol Hill to show the preliminary findings of their premier investigation into Mr. Biden and his family, leading Republicans released financial documents detailing how some of the president’s relatives were paid more than $10 million from foreign sources between 2015 and 2017.

    Republicans described the transactions as proof of “influence peddling” by Mr. Biden’s family, including his son Hunter Biden, and referenced some previously known, if unflattering, details of the younger Mr. Biden’s business dealings. Those included an episode in which he accepted a 2.8-carat diamond from a Chinese businessman. G.O.P. lawmakers also produced material suggesting that President Biden and his allies had at times made misleading statements in their efforts to push back aggressively against accusations of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden.

    But on Wednesday, the Republicans conceded that they had yet to find evidence of a specific corrupt action Mr. Biden took in office in connection with any of the business deals his son entered into. Instead, their presentation underscored how little headway top G.O.P. lawmakers have made in finding clear evidence of questionable transactions they can tie to Mr. Biden, their chief political rival.


    1. πŸ”ΊAnother stinky fart passed by Dervish Sanders!πŸ”Ί

    2. Mein Hintern Wangen Rummel jedes Mal, wenn ich Haken mit Hunter, LOL! LOL! LOL!

    3. Mein Meemaw bekam einen Boner, als ich mein autografiertes Tattoo von Joe Biden auf meinen dick fetten Hintern Wangen zeigte. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

      Mein fetter Hintern wehte einen super schΓΆnen nassen Boner Furz! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    4. Klaus Klugscheißer is a sicko. "Mein Hintern Wangen Rummel jedes Mal, wenn ich Haken mit Hunter, LOL! LOL! LOL!" = "My butt cheeks rumble every time I hook up with Hunter, LOL! LOL! LOL!"

  16. Did You Hear about Biden's Un-american Race-baiting Commencement Address at Howard University, where He Told The BLACK AUDIENCE that America’s WORST THREAT was WHITE SUPREMACY!
    Image that! tSo, we White’s are he most dangerous terrorist threat to our country is Biden and his puppet masters. It's apparent he's looking to pit Black against White in a race war. He just gave these graduates permission to blame Whites for all their problems.
    I detested our first communist race-baiting president Barack Hausen Obama, but I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE OUR CURRENT RACIST PRESIDENT, JOE BIDEN!

    These were his EXACT words! Now remember that he was speaking to a Black audience.!!!
    “ After being — no longer being Vice President, I became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania for four years. But in 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, crazed neo-Nazis with angry faces came out of the fields with — literally with torches, carrying Nazi banners from the woods and the fields chanting the same antisemitic bile heard across Europe in the ‘30s. Something that I never thought I would ever see in America.
    Accompanied by Klansmen and white supremacists, emerging from dark rooms and remote fields and the anonymity of the Internet, confronting decent Americans of all backgrounds standing in their way, into the bright light of day. And a young woman objecting to their presence was killed”

    You can always tell when Joe Biden is lying through his False Teeth when he says.. “I’m not joking.”
    This is the Man, the President of the United States that told us that HE WAS THE PRESIDENT WHO WAS GOING TO UNITE US!

  17. There is Overwhelming Evidence of Corruption in the Biden Family..There's just much too much out there to be ignored.

    The explosive new evidence of the Biden family's corruption is breathtaking ! At the very least there is Bribery, and very possibly even Treason

  18. The JOKE of the Century!
    Joe Biden did not receive ONE PENNY from his Son's business deals!

  19. Shaw: What part of what you blabber, don’t you understand that I just don't care about, as EVERYBODY already knows that you are so OBSESSED with Donald Trump that you have become a Big BORE, and extremely monotonous!

  20. Trump is by far the leading candidate for being elected to the Presidency between all candidates in both parties, yet the Big Mouthed liberals are up in arms for his (invited) Town Hall appearance on CNN.
    Someone needs to tell them that then need to Sit Down, and Shut Up.

  21. A Former Marine, was captured on video holding Jordan Neely in a chokehold on an F train in Manhattan, resulting in Neely’s death, is expected to surrender and face charges as early as Friday.

    The Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, yest the very same District Attorney alson known as “Turn them Lose Bragg” has reportedly made the decision to file charges, which was not presented to a grand jury.
    Daniel Penny, a former U.S. marine who put Jordan Neely, a homeless Black man, in a fatal chokehold on a New York subway, has been charged with second-degree manslaughter.
    A former U.S. Marine sergeant who killed a homeless Black man by putting him in a chokehold on the New York City subway earlier this month was charged with manslaughter on Friday in a Manhattan criminal court, hours after he surrendered to police.

    A viral video showed Daniel Penny putting 30-year-old Jordan Neely in a chokehold while they rode on an F train in Manhattan. Neely died from a compression of the neck, the medical examiner said, but Penny's lawyers said their client did not mean to kill him.

    According to witnesses, Neely, who was known to impersonate Michael Jackson in the subway system, was annoying other passengers, and complaining loudly about being hungry and saying he was ready to die when Penny came up behind him, gripped him around the neck and restrained him on the floor of the subway car.

    1. If the marine was bent on killing the Homeless man he would not have used a restraining hold. As the toxicology report said

  22. SHAW! You are either really dumb or seriously ill informed, or both and you are intentionally lying as always! And my money is on that last one.


  23. We don't have a "president." We have a decrepit pedophile who has been compromised by the Chinese communists, and who peddled influence so that his crack-addicted whore-mongering son could support his Drug habits

    1. Why do all you IDIOTIC Leftists try to defend t Crooked Crackhead Hunter Biden?
      I ‘ll never understand it!

  24. The Trump Family got rich through Real Estate. The Biden Family got rich selling influence to foreign Countries.


  25. Time after time, Adam Schiff had lied when he was telling us that he had classified information that proved Trump was guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, but he constantly refused to produce his so-called proof of Donald Trump’s misconduct.
    So it was Adam Schiff's phantom Whistleblower that led to a sitting United States President being Impeached, not just once, but twice both times under FALSE accusations. That professional liar is completely incapable of telling the truth about anything. Schiff is an compulsive liar.
    And frankly, I’m surprised that Shifty Schiff isn't mentioned more in the Durham Report. But the Silence from the White House and Democrats like Shifty Adam Schiff is deafening after the report came out. Why am I surprised when this was so predictable?
    And now that we have dozens of REAL Whistleblowers coming forward from the IRS, the FBI and Secret Service with real and incriminating evidence against Joe Biden and his family and yet they are being silenced. But wait a minute just a few years ago, Adam Schiff produced an ANONYMOUS whistle blower who SOMEHOW overheard a phone call that got President Trump impeached. Does this sound like a government with a true system of justice to hold ALL our leaders accountable?
    So technically, it appears that Adam Schiff participated in a coup to overthrow the legitimately elected President of the United States. Therefor Slimy Adam Schiff should be tried for treason, not just removed from Congress.
    Don’t you think that it's time that we held these left wing liars, and corrupted crooks, and cheats accountable!

  26. According to the Durham Report, the plan by Hillary Clinton to create a FALSE story, and the LIE linking Donald Trump to Russia was briefed in August of 2016 by CIA Director John Brennan to former President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director James Comey.

    1. As we get closer to the 2025 Presidential election we are seeing more, and more Republicans become candidates for the office of the Presidency, they also become candidates for the Democratic’s Smears, Name Calling, and Lies, , Dehumanization, Defamation, Demonization & Character Assassinations.
      This is equal vilification and smears, for Women as well as Men candidates, White or Black , Minority and Ethnic Candidates ! The Socialist-Democrats make No exceptions. This is what they really mean when talking about equality, and Biden’s “Unity”.

      The most qualified, the smartest, the most proven, the most experienced, the most Patriotic will all be the biggest targets, by these American Haters. .
      The Democrats will do this in different degrees depending on which Republican candidate is a potential to win. Trump was and still will be the TOP target, and as soon as he’s indited Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley will become the top targets as well, in fact we are starting to see that right now. .
      The corrupt and fake media and the so called "Journalists" will be there, as always, to carry the dirty water, and lying for the Democrats and further their Propaganda and their Fake, and Dirty misinformation.
      Be ready, the race has started and will escalate as we move closer to the elections of 2024.
      Also we have thank Fox news, and especially Tucker Carlson, who had showed us the real peaceful video footage of the January 6th protests that the left has been callin g am “Insurrection” ever since the first day. I believe that it was first given that False name by Fancy Nancy Pelosi and he Lap Dog Chuck Schumer.
      It's unimaginable that any group of people or any party would be upset to see the truth, unless the truth is not part of the agenda.
      It shows the "Horned man" with the cape peacefully being led and walking into the various rooms of the Capitol by one of the Capitol Policeman. . This man has been jailed for a very long time. This is just one example of innocent footage & innocent people being locked up. Compare this footage with the violent footage of the Riots and destruction, and the Fires & Vandalism and anarchy that took place for several months in a row throughout the entire nation in 2020.
      The Travesty and the Injustice Here Is Shameful, and Disgusting.

  27. The Doctor's WifeMay 17, 2023 at 5:12 AM

    Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against “Corrupt” FBI Director Christopher Wray
    This is pure bravery and unwavering American patriotism on her behalf. Un-American Chris Wray has had it coming and he needs to be humiliated out of office.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. πŸ”ΊWhat's this, RayRay? Did someone hump you from behind again?πŸ”Ί

    3. Mystere loves getting jumped in the behind.

    4. Mystere loves getting HUMPED in the behind. Autocorrect "fixed" my prior comment.

    5. Dervish Sanders has a sick fantasy of jumping others in the behind.


  28. Special Counsel John Durham's report on the Donald Trump “Russian Collusion” scandal proves it was initiated by non other than the 2016 Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton and that her plan to launch the scandal was briefed to President Obama, Vice President Biden, US AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey, and others in advance
    by Former CIA Director Brennan.

    Durham makes clear 'Russian Collusion' was a criminal political scandal,there was never any evidence to support it, and the FBI should NEVER have opened an investigation.

    An individual not receiving any attention for her part in her own ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVING A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE is former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

    As President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Obama's Cabinet, and Obama's treasonous partisanly weaponized federal agencies (NSA, CIA, FBI, & DOJ) all together carried out their attempted coup and that Speaker Nancy Pelosi led a second attempt in Congress.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly told the American people that she would NOT allow the 1st Impeachment of President Trump to go forward unless she and Democrats had 2 things 1st:
    1. Bipartisanship to move forwatd with Impeachment

    2. Hard evidence of 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump
    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats / Democrat Party in the House of Representatives, had purposely LIED to the American people.

    The FACT that she did not have bipartisanship she promised to move forward with Impeachment was IMMEDIATE

    The FACT that she and Democrats had NO EVIDENCE was demonstrated during the Impeachment, through her attempts to force the US Senate to cinduct their Impeachment hearings according to HER rules, and through her own attempted defense of proceeding with the Impeachment.
    Don’t Forget that Nancy Pelosi Swore She Had “Cold Hard Evidence” of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Family – A COMPLETE LIE. And Don't forget that it was Adam Schiff who lied DAILY through all the hearings.
    It seems that Lying is a requirement to be a Democrat!
    Because it comes to them so naturally!
    The FACT Speaker Pelosi had no evidence and thus no reason to attempt to Impeach President Trump was CONFIRMED by Special Counsel Durham's 'Russia Collusion' report.

    With ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, and ZERO bipartisanship Speaker Pelosi intentionally led Congressional Democrats in a failed attempted treasonous political coup against a President of the United States.
    So what happened, Nothing! No charges, No trial, No anything! And they are still spouting their Lies.
    Until there are legal consequences, then they will keep it up
    History will now forever show that:
    The Former 1st Lady, the Former Sect of State, and 2016 Democrat Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton initiated / attempted the 2nd (SECOND) Largest Criminal Political Scandal in US history by implementing her 'Russian Collusion' scandal in an attempt to criminally interfere in the 2016 Presidential election.

  29. Please believe me when I say I’m not trying to insult you with my next comment, but perhaps the reason why your blog won’t/didn’t get as many hits as the progressives ones do, it’s because that they have more interesting things to say than you do. Based solely on your comments for this blog and the last one, I can tell that you are a Right-leaning person. You prescribe to the majority thought process of relative truth, which is very much in vogue with popular media. Perhaps people are more interested in a counter-cultural blog such as this, than anything that would reinforce or support the view of popular media. Again, I’m really not trying to be insulting but rather bring up possible reasons why their blog is popular and yours isn’t/wasn’t.
    In today’s society. Anybody that tries to stick up for traditional or conservative values is consistently mocked and/or torn down. Just look at all the scorn heaped on Phil Robertson for expressing a personal opinion. Or at the nutty Basketball owner, or Paula Deen.

    Compared to other commenters such as The Redneck you usually take the time to engage the content and not just dismiss it or the author. At the very least I can respect you for not resorting to such cheap “comments” such as “You’re an @$$hole” or “F**k You!”.
    Getting a reaction doesn’t necessarily make your point stick well, especially if you use an admittedly crowd drawing tactics. That sort of comparison is like saying Howard Stern is effective because of his being a shock jock and doing excessive stunts and the like. He gets a reaction, but one can say that he’s still a crude individual in using that as a method: even if it’s technically effective.

    I’d say I’m only partly left leaning, but I lean more towards the Libertarian’s point of view. and it’s in terms of civil liberties and the like. But you should be the “Shaw” of the right and you’d see how your blog would flourish.

  30. Nancy Pelosi called Harry Reid into her office one day and said, "Harry, I have a plan to win back Middle America in 2014!"

    "Great Nancy, but how?" asked Harry.

    "We'll get some cheesy clothes and shoes, like most Middle Class Americans wear, then stop at the pound and pick up a Labrador retriever. Then, we'll go to a nice old country bar in Montana and show them how much admiration and respect we have for the hard working people living there."

    So they did, and found just the place they were looking for in Bozeman, Montana. With the dog in tow, they walked inside and stepped up to the bar.

    The Bartender took a step back and said, "Hey! Aren't you Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi?"

    "Yes we are!" said Nancy, "And what a lovely town you have here. We were passing through and Harry suggested we stop and take in some local color."

    They ordered a round of bourbon for the whole bar, and started chatting up a storm with anyone who would listen.

    A few minutes later, a grizzled old rancher came in, walked up to the Labrador, lifted up its tail, looked underneath, shrugged his shoulders and walked out. A few moments later, in came another old rancher. He walked up to the dog, lifted up its tail, looked underneath, scratched his head and left the bar.

    For the next hour, another dozen ranchers came in, lifted the dog's tail, and left shaking their heads.

    Finally, Nancy asked, "Why did all those old ranchers come in and look under the dog's tail? Is it some sort of custom?"

    "Lord no," said the bartender. "Someone's out there running around town, claiming there's a Labrador Retriever in here with two assholes!"

    1. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  31. I, for one, am sick of pandering but I am not at all shocked or suprised by the political partisanship in the President’s, Government’s, and, the medias , way of handling our problems, or appointments. However, I am shocked that so many judges are blatantly biased and willing to “Go Along” with these one-sided opinions to Blacks, Transvestites, and Other Minorities to the extent that incompetent individuals are being placed in high positions, and given in power.. For example, Biden’s nomination for the head of the head of Transportation, woth the nomination of Pete Buttedgeedge, who is 100 percent NOT qualified for that position.. Mayor Pete had problems with that right from the first day of the explosion, and the fire, noxious smoke and chemical spill in that East Palestine train derailment will be shown to be much worse than the Admin is currently admitting. Will he be FIRED? Of course not. Pothole Pete and and Myorkas both need to be Fired but they won't even be called out. They are doing exactly what the Democratic Party wants, ignoring American Citizens... This President is more interested in the welfare of the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT crossing into our country than he is about the American Citizens who are being victimized! In fact Now it looks like the toxic cloud from Ohio has reached into Canada

    And how about that FAA who knows nothing, not even the jargon, of aircraft operation and safety. Even the newest private pilot is more knowledgeable than this fool who the administration knowingly nominated while he was being investigated for corruption in California.

    Biden needs to FIRST fire the Vice President who is the BIGGEST Joke of an appointment that had ever happen in this country , then fire himself. But of course that won’t be happening .
    Buttigieg, is treating the Tran Derailment in Palestine the way Vice President Harris and President Biden treated / treats the Open SW Border - refusing to go himself until it is absolutely necessarily / until forced to do so.
    This whole administration is inept, incompetent and at times just plain stupid. Joe is in Poland with his globalist friends and showing his love for Ukraine. While he despises the people in East Palestine, Ohio. This also tell us about what Hazmat is and is not. Cause we spent Hundreds of Billions of dollars and even Trillions with the EPA involved and used old ways to deal with the environmental damage after the train accident.

    Your long winded rant sounds like an old fool repeating (or copy and pasting) illogical BS. Trump put more unqualified judges in federal position than any president in history. Most are lunatic right wingers which will affect us for years to come. Thins like personal freedoms and safety. Some never even had courtroom experiences.

    Buttigieg didn't cause this rail accident and we are in the early stages to resolving the aftermath. So, STFU. Trump did withdraw a requirement for faster braking on trains that carry highly flammable materials.. And he did end regular safety audits that were required by railroads. He also prevented a pending rule to require hazardous material trains to have at least 2 crew members. He slashed EPA funding and he put a chemical industry CEO in charge of the EPA who made considerable corporate friendly changes.

    So again, STFU!

  32. The current DUMBacratic Party is hoping BiDumb, who is a manipulative liar and totally dishonest, will run again.

    1. Let him run, bumble and stumble in front of America again. Maybe he'll poop his pants again in front of the camera while debating. Get your popcorn stash now. The clown show will continue, as usual.

    2. You are talking about dotard donald tRump.

    3. Hi I Tell The Truth. I have a special seat reserved for you. You'll be seated next to Joseph Biden and his son Beau Beau as a dignitary at the barbecue luau.πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ– Do you like your bacon extra crispy?πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ There's also plenty of chocolate chocolate chip ice cream in the stash, all you can eat!πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  33. A former aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is now a senior official within the New York State Communist Party.

    Records, first reported on by The New York Post, show 33-year-old Justine Medina worked for Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign for much of 2020, earning around $35,000. So the real question is Where did that Ditsy Headed Moron get all that money she is spending on Rent, etc.

  34. The House Weaponization Committee held a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill. Three government whistleblowers from the FBI testified before Congress on Thursday morning. On Wednesday Chris Wray’s FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who espoused questioned the aggressive tactics by the FBI in targeting Trump supporters , conservatives, and pro-Life Americans, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday. FBI agents Marcus Allen, Garrett O’Boyle, and Steve Friend had already been suspended for questioning the agency’s handling of the January 6 case and stating their beliefs that the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives. And once again the Leftist's showed that they would rather have the FBI exposed as a corrupted agency, then have their party insulted and exposed as the FILTH they really are. .

  35. Despite the high inflation, the cost of goods skyrocketing, th debt ceiling Crisis, our Transpetation Pete Buttigieg is asking Congress for $20 million in his department’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget — to develop female crash test dummies.

    Specifically, dummies representing “small-sized adult females,” according to the DOT’s pitch for its “cutting-edge safety and accessibility research initiatives.”
    Why don’t they just use Male crash test dummies that identify as Female.
    When Buttigieg appeared before a House Appropriations subcommittee Yesterday to discuss his budget ask, Rosa DeLauro commended him for “including the critical funding that would accelerate the development” of the distaff dummies.

    Tucker Carlson ripped into Buttigieg and Rep. DeLauro on Thursday night for not focusing on real issues.
    This guy is crazy. In fact this entire administration. is a clown show

  36. Crooked, corrupt, charlatan, demagogue, entitled with a superiority complex , careless , power hungry & selfish & a total fraudster ! Shameless ! As for the current President, the media has covered for this president over and over, even interfering and suppressing info, because they KNOW he's a crook and nothing but a crook, just like his crooked Son, and the rest of the family!
    The above are just some of the qualities that describe Hillary Clinton. Not only did she destroy the lives of many innocent people & almost destroy President Trump, she destroyed the morale of millions of Americans and slandered the Russians. We as Americans deserve to know if our President is a crook, or if he, or she is going to be one!
    Like Hillary, this president has dragged the country into the toilet, and we have seem these political hoax’s one after the other with no regard about how it effected the country or its people.
    Billions of man hours of time and billions of dollars were wasted on a completely made up Pelosie’s and Hillary’s FALSE “ Russian Collusion” Hoax’s ! Not to mention the Jussie Smollett’s the disgraced Empire TV star’s FAKE Police report about being attacked by Trump supporters “a hate crime in reverse”

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin may be no saint, but Hillary slandered him as well as the Russians multiple ways and times.
    She was the one in collusion with Obama, Biden, the FBI , the DOJ and other intelligence agencies and officials
    Everybody involved, including Mueller & Comey were aware of the falsity of the claim.
    Almost as disturbing, if not more disturbing was the collusion between the media AND the democrats & government agencies involved in the fraud.
    The way they pushed this falsity forward & the way they constantly attacked Trump & his followers was demonic. It’s obvious, without any uncertainty, whatsoever, that the MSM is controlled by sinister government agencies & its operatives & that they are all agents of the democrats & their party !
    They were all part of a misinformation campaign, propaganda AND gaslighting against the truth.
    Their goal was to invalidate Trump, his millions of followers and decent patriotic Americans.
    If it were not for the Senate being majority Republican, the witch of San Francisco , Nancy Pelosi, Hillary and the other corrupt players would have succeeded in impeaching Trump, the President out of office !
    Under Biden the country is no longer a Republic or democratic & is sadly falling down !
    The DOJ, the FBI and many other institutions
    need to be corrected unless we want to go down the path of a banana republic, socialist dictatorship!
    Hillary Clinton and her co conspirators, like James Comey will forever live in infamy !
    God protect freedom and the Constitution, which was so wisely written to prevent tyranny of government against its people.
    God bless America !

    1. Durham report = bullplop

    2. Durham Report = Dirty Liberal Secrets Exposed
