Friday, February 16, 2018

This One's For You Dervish

So basically there WAS Russian meddling, there was NO COLLUSION and the Russians did not meddle in favor of any particular candidate but for the sole purpose of sowing discourse among Americans, of which they succeeded. We all fell victim to the Russians intention to sow discourse among all of us. According to  Attorney General Rod Rosenstein it DID NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION, after all that was not their intention.
These Russians posed as Americans, and for example one thing they did was, they planned both a pro Trump and an anti Trump rally on the same day in New York, by posing as Grassroots Americans. They don't care about Democrats or Republicans liberals or conservatives they care about Russia VS America. It's time we all come together as Americans because we're all falling for "divide and conquer" being perpetrated by the Russian government, and it makes us weak as a nation


  1. Who wrote this? "Sowing discourse?" Why don't you fking learn to express yourselves in your native language before you pretend to know what you're talking about. Dumb shits. All of you. PS. Mueller isn't finished with this. There'll be other indictments. Count on it.

    1. Yup, you bet. It ain't over until the fat lady sings.

    2. yep he is going to keep digging because he has to justify all the money he is making for this investigation

    3. Ah, no, Mueller will do his job. He will continue until he brings the investigation to a close. When there is no more relevant information.

      Mueller is an honorable and patriotic man. Truth and justice are his interests. Unfortunately you choose not to recognize this.

    4. How do we know if Dervish isn't a Russian troll?

    5. How do we know Beanie isn't a Russian troll? He thinks Antifa is pro-Trump. That's a give-away right there.

    6. Russian bots sew confusion on both sides. You're definitely the Russian bot!

    7. The implication that Bernie Sanders just "whirls around in circles" is kinda funny though!

    8. That "Russian bots sew confusion on both sides" sounds to me like something a Russian bot would say. Because (as everyone knows) Russian bots are largely pro-Trump. PROOF POSITIVE Beanie is a Russian bot. That or a trumpdupe.

      Slate: " October 2016, a team from Oxford University's Project on Computational Propaganda found that pro-Trump bots tweeted with debate-related hashtags seven times more than pro-Clinton bots during the third presidential debate".

    9. I wonder how many Bernie bots the Russians made...

  2. Oops, yet another leftwingnut with an anger issue. Today they are acting like it's Nov.9,2016 all over again....tisk tisk

  3. Rushy is whistling past the graveyard here. Since Trump became president he's been saying the Russia investigation is a hoax and a witch hunt. Now he has to eat his treasonous words. The Russian investigation is no hoax it's real. What kind of president doesn't defend his country but only defends himself? A weak, yellow coward, that's who.

  4. Guess who approved the visas for the 13 Russians that were just indicted? JOHN KERRY. It's Happy F*ck Off Friday MAGA!

    1. Heinz and Kraft will be filing for bankruptcy soon, I'm sure.

    2. You do know that Heinz and Kraft merged, don't you Dervish?

    3. I don't give a shit. I buy generic or store brand generally. Why should I pay for advertising? You're the one who (apparently) has been buying their products up until now. One would think you'd have stopped buying them long ago.


    4. As I pass through my incarnations
      ___ in every age and race,
      I make my proper prostrations
      ___ to the Gods of the Market Place.
      Peering through reverent fingers
      ___ I watch them flourish and fall,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings,
      ___ I notice, outlast them all.

      We were living in trees when they met us.
      ___ They showed us each in turn
      That Water would certainly wet us,
      ___ as Fire would certainly burn:
      But we found them lacking in Uplift,
      ___ Vision and Breadth of Mind,
      So we left them to teach the Gorillas
      ___ while we followed the March of Mankind

      We moved as the Spirit listed.
      ___ They never altered their pace,
      Being neither cloud nor wind-borne
      ___ like the Gods of the Market Place,
      But they always caught up with our progress,
      ___ and presently word would come
      That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield,
      ___ or the lights had gone out in Rome.

      With the Hopes that our World is built on
      ___ they were utterly out of touch,
      They denied that the Moon was Stilton;
      ___ they denied she was even Dutch;
      They denied that Wishes were Horses;
      ___ they denied that a Pig had Wings;
      So we worshipped the Gods of the Market
      ___ Who promised these beautiful things.

      When the Cambrian measures were forming,
      ___ They promised perpetual peace.
      They swore, if we gave them our weapons,
      ___ that the wars of the tribes would cease.
      But when we disarmed They sold us
      ___ and delivered us bound to our foe,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "Stick to the Devil you know."

      On the first Feminian Sandstones
      ___ we were promised the Fuller Life
      (Which started by loving our neighbour
      ___ and ended by loving his wife)
      Till our women had no more children
      ___ and the men lost reason and faith,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "The Wages of Sin is Death."

      In the Carboniferous Epoch
      ___ we were promised abundance for all,
      By robbing selected Peter
      ___ to pay for collective Paul;
      But, though we had plenty of money,
      ___ there was nothing our money could buy,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "If you don't work you die."

      Then the Gods of the Market tumbled,
      ___ and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
      And the hearts of the meanest were humbled
      ___ and began to believe it was true
      That All is not Gold that Glitters,
      ___ and Two and Two make Four
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings
      ___ limped up to explain it once more.

      As it will be in the future,
      __ it was at the birth of Man
      There are only four things certain
      ___ since Social Progress began.
      That the Dog returns to his Vomit
      ___ and the Sow returns to her Mire,
      And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger
      ___ goes wabbling back to the Fire;

      And that after this is accomplished,
      ___ and the brave new world begins
      When all men are paid for existing
      ___ and no man must pay for his sins,
      As surely as Water will wet us,
      ___ as surely as Fire will burn,
      The Gods of the Copybook Headings
      ___ with terror and slaughter return!

      The Gods of the Copybook Headings (1919)
      ~ Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

  5. Putin's influence campaign was intended to affect the outcome (in favor of Trump) and it DID. Angry Guy is correct. Mueller isn't done. It's time to come together behind impeaching Trump and Pence and elevating Nancy Pelosi to the Presidency :)

    1. OMG.....Dervish got hold of the opium pipe again

    2. Dervish did comment on numerous blogs that Nancy Pelosi was his masturbation fantasy

    3. Looks more like you're the one with an opioid problem ruthie.

    4. Rusty lied in his prior comment. I never wrote anything of the sort on "numerous blogs".

    5. You hijacked other bloggers' names to write those retorts, Dervish.

    6. What retorts? The one where Mystere writes "Thanks for the heads up, Rusty!". You're saying that's me?


    7. As I pass through my incarnations
      ___ in every age and race,
      I make my proper prostrations
      ___ to the Gods of the Market Place.
      Peering through reverent fingers
      ___ I watch them flourish and fall,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings,
      ___ I notice, outlast them all.

      We were living in trees when they met us.
      ___ They showed us each in turn
      That Water would certainly wet us,
      ___ as Fire would certainly burn:
      But we found them lacking in Uplift,
      ___ Vision and Breadth of Mind,
      So we left them to teach the Gorillas
      ___ while we followed the March of Mankind

      We moved as the Spirit listed.
      ___ They never altered their pace,
      Being neither cloud nor wind-borne
      ___ like the Gods of the Market Place,
      But they always caught up with our progress,
      ___ and presently word would come
      That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield,
      ___ or the lights had gone out in Rome.

      With the Hopes that our World is built on
      ___ they were utterly out of touch,
      They denied that the Moon was Stilton;
      ___ they denied she was even Dutch;
      They denied that Wishes were Horses;
      ___ they denied that a Pig had Wings;
      So we worshipped the Gods of the Market
      ___ Who promised these beautiful things.

      When the Cambrian measures were forming,
      ___ They promised perpetual peace.
      They swore, if we gave them our weapons,
      ___ that the wars of the tribes would cease.
      But when we disarmed They sold us
      ___ and delivered us bound to our foe,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "Stick to the Devil you know."

      On the first Feminian Sandstones
      ___ we were promised the Fuller Life
      (Which started by loving our neighbour
      ___ and ended by loving his wife)
      Till our women had no more children
      ___ and the men lost reason and faith,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "The Wages of Sin is Death."

      In the Carboniferous Epoch
      ___ we were promised abundance for all,
      By robbing selected Peter
      ___ to pay for collective Paul;
      But, though we had plenty of money,
      ___ there was nothing our money could buy,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "If you don't work you die."

      Then the Gods of the Market tumbled,
      ___ and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
      And the hearts of the meanest were humbled
      ___ and began to believe it was true
      That All is not Gold that Glitters,
      ___ and Two and Two make Four
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings
      ___ limped up to explain it once more.

      As it will be in the future,
      __ it was at the birth of Man
      There are only four things certain
      ___ since Social Progress began.
      That the Dog returns to his Vomit
      ___ and the Sow returns to her Mire,
      And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger
      ___ goes wabbling back to the Fire;

      And that after this is accomplished,
      ___ and the brave new world begins
      When all men are paid for existing
      ___ and no man must pay for his sins,
      As surely as Water will wet us,
      ___ as surely as Fire will burn,
      The Gods of the Copybook Headings
      ___ with terror and slaughter return!

      The Gods of the Copybook Headings (1919)
      ~ Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

  6. *BREAKING* Obama's Secretary of State John Kerry Approved the U.S. Travel VISAs for the 13 Russian Operatives that was just Indicted by Mueller for Election Tampering

  7. *BREAKING* Obama's Secretary of State John Kerry Approved the U.S. Travel VISAs for the 13 Russian Operatives"

    Yes. They didn't say on their VISAs that they would be meddling in US election to elect Trump. They were ordinary VISAs. Meanwhile Trump cannot say Russia investigation is a hoax or witch hunt, He now can eat those words and I hope he chokes on them the way he had to choke on his words about Obama not being a natural born American. Trump is a fking lying coward. a POSPOTUS.

    1. Good try, But NO Cigar!
      John Kerry is the one who is in Hot Water... Not the {resident!

      But Shaw, and all of you Libs insulated that it was Donald Trump who was the one who colluded with Russians?

    2. He said "No Collusion" Morons. The Meddling was done to both candidates. They didn't meddle in favor of one candidate or the other. But everyone was so quick to attach it to Trump. Why not Hillary?

    3. 4 things we learned from the indictment of 13 Russians in the Mueller investigation. [Excerpt] 1. It doesn't say the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, but doesn't rule it out either.

      Trump said (yet again) there was no collusion. Rosenstein did NOT.

      The indictment further says "the troll farm had decided whom it was supporting by February 2016, when the primaries were getting off the ground, and it instructed its specialists to use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump — we support them).

      "They didn't meddle in favor of one candidate or the other" is FALSE.

    4. Translation: I will believe what I want to believe regardless of the facts.

    5. Russian bots are pro-Trump. Maybe Beanie is a Russian bot?

    6. ...and even worse, the Bernie Bros think they're too smart to be fooled by Russian bots, and so are in denial over it.

    7. I was never a "Bernie Bro". I switched to HRC when she became the nominee. Plus, I don't use Twitter and get ZERO news from Facebook.

    8. You don't have any Facebook friends who post? I feels sorry for you, Dervish. Zero Facebook friends...

    9. My SIL wished me a happy birthday in December. I didn't see her message until this month. I don't look at Facebook that often. Anyway, if you consider birthday wishes and family photos to be "news", then I guess you got me.

    10. You don't have a single relative as passionate about politics as you are?

      Now I feel bad for the country.

    11. No. They are all a lot less passionate. They all voted, however. Unlike 50% of all eligible voters. But that's a reality you must be aware of. All my immediate family members, btw, hate Trump and can't believe such a incompetent lying buffoon actually won. And I have spoken with them about that. Not on FB though.

    12. Sounds like you live in a bubble, Dervy. Try breaking out of your zip code every once in a while.

    13. Bad idea, Joe Conservative. We don't want hillbilly snake mosque Muslims running around in urban areas.

    14. I've never met a "hillbilly snake mosque Muslim". Is that even a real demo, or one Mystere imagined?

    15. Dervish is of the "Whirling" variety of Sufi Moslems.

    16. I haven't converted to another religion. I certainly would not do so because blog idiots insist that I'm a member of a religion that I know very little about.

    17. It's such fun singing Songs of Doom
      Here in Blogger's Romper Room
      Intoxicating more than Meth
      Is the foetid Breath of Death.
      'Tis wondrous to behold the Sighs
      Accompanying our Demise!
      Gabbling here in Romper Room
      Makes joy in contemplating Doom!
      More fun even than coition
      Is the constant opposition!
      Harmony is oh-so boring
      And doubtless soon would see us snoring!
      Life for some sans sneers and sniping
      Would be reduced to weak shrill piping!

      ~ Anne Imus in Mourning

  8. Here's proof that Shaw makes up her own posts, or changes the real comments that propl write

    The below WAS NOT WRITTEN BY ME, although I did write a different comment on her blog that was NOT published.

    The Reasonable One,

    Oh give it time, Bubba, give it time! Mueller will not be trifled with. Believe me.

    Trump is the biggest danger to the United states of America.

    February 16, 2018 at 4:30 PM

  9. The REAL Villains are:
    Hillary Clinton.
    John Kerry.
    Loretta Lynch.
    And the list goes on and on and on.

    But Robert Mueller’s big Russian indictment today confirms John Kerry’s State Department approved VISAs for two of the alleged Russian operatives.

  10. Does this mean Hillary is really the president?

    1. No, but it does mean you struggle a lot with reality and truth ruthie, aka rusty.


    2. As I pass through my incarnations
      ___ in every age and race,
      I make my proper prostrations
      ___ to the Gods of the Market Place.
      Peering through reverent fingers
      ___ I watch them flourish and fall,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings,
      ___ I notice, outlast them all.

      We were living in trees when they met us.
      ___ They showed us each in turn
      That Water would certainly wet us,
      ___ as Fire would certainly burn:
      But we found them lacking in Uplift,
      ___ Vision and Breadth of Mind,
      So we left them to teach the Gorillas
      ___ while we followed the March of Mankind

      We moved as the Spirit listed.
      ___ They never altered their pace,
      Being neither cloud nor wind-borne
      ___ like the Gods of the Market Place,
      But they always caught up with our progress,
      ___ and presently word would come
      That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield,
      ___ or the lights had gone out in Rome.

      With the Hopes that our World is built on
      ___ they were utterly out of touch,
      They denied that the Moon was Stilton;
      ___ they denied she was even Dutch;
      They denied that Wishes were Horses;
      ___ they denied that a Pig had Wings;
      So we worshipped the Gods of the Market
      ___ Who promised these beautiful things.

      When the Cambrian measures were forming,
      ___ They promised perpetual peace.
      They swore, if we gave them our weapons,
      ___ that the wars of the tribes would cease.
      But when we disarmed They sold us
      ___ and delivered us bound to our foe,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "Stick to the Devil you know."

      On the first Feminian Sandstones
      ___ we were promised the Fuller Life
      (Which started by loving our neighbour
      ___ and ended by loving his wife)
      Till our women had no more children
      ___ and the men lost reason and faith,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "The Wages of Sin is Death."

      In the Carboniferous Epoch
      ___ we were promised abundance for all,
      By robbing selected Peter
      ___ to pay for collective Paul;
      But, though we had plenty of money,
      ___ there was nothing our money could buy,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "If you don't work you die."

      Then the Gods of the Market tumbled,
      ___ and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
      And the hearts of the meanest were humbled
      ___ and began to believe it was true
      That All is not Gold that Glitters,
      ___ and Two and Two make Four
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings
      ___ limped up to explain it once more.

      As it will be in the future,
      __ it was at the birth of Man
      There are only four things certain
      ___ since Social Progress began.
      That the Dog returns to his Vomit
      ___ and the Sow returns to her Mire,
      And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger
      ___ goes wabbling back to the Fire;

      And that after this is accomplished,
      ___ and the brave new world begins
      When all men are paid for existing
      ___ and no man must pay for his sins,
      As surely as Water will wet us,
      ___ as surely as Fire will burn,
      The Gods of the Copybook Headings
      ___ with terror and slaughter return!

      The Gods of the Copybook Headings (1919)
      ~ Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

  11. If Rod Rosenstein pronounced “No Americans knowingly cooperated with the Russian interference” (as he did) and added “the interference in no way impacted the outcome of the 2016 election” (as he did), isn’t it time to wrap up the idiotic "Special Counsel" that he initiated?

    It's over leftist scum.

    Once again WE OWN YOU!

    1. Wrong.

      As per the Washington Post, "...we simply don't know what else is coming down the pike, and any ties to Trump campaign officials may have been withheld from this indictment to avoid disclosing details of an ongoing investigation".

      Additionally, "...Rosenstein also specified that the indictment doesn't determine whether Russia's interference effort changed the results of the 2016 election. He said there was no allegation in the indictment of any effect on the outcome of the election. Some Trump allies quickly got excited about that, thinking that it meant Russia didn't win the race for Trump. But that's not what Rosenstein said. He was merely saying that the indictment doesn't make a determination — just as the intelligence community's report back in January 2017 made no determination".

      It is NOT over.

    2. How high and long are the conglomeration of these fucked chickens gathering outside your hovel?

      Higher and longer than Moochie Ubunga's tail I bet.

    3. There is no such person as "Moochie Ubunga". Just like these fucked chickens you speak of, "Moochie Ubunga" does not exist. Unless it's you who's fucking them and it's your hovel they are stacked outside of. I could believe that.

    4. Grating on our nerves with irksome bahs

      Offered in a bilious spirit vile

      Fill with nasty thoughts some ancient Kas*.

      Use your time for something more worthwhile.

      Could you for once relent, and quit your jeering?

      Kindergarten kids show better manners.

      Your comments sound too often like Bronx cheering.

      Oh why must you into our works throw spanners ––

      Using oafish taunts and gibes and sneers?

      Regale us please, instead, with something pleasant.

      Surprise us after all these noisome jeers.

      Entertain –– enlighten –– give a present ––

      Let your mind subject itself to scouring

      Filth away that keeps you dark and glowering.

      ~ N.M.E. Dein

  12. Tough day for you leftwingnutz, but keep you chins up don't get down in the dumps and for goodness sake tamper down the anger. A couple notches

  13. Red and Rushy, you two are perfect examples of right wing idiots. Rosenstein was talking ONLY about the current indictment. Mueller will have more coming. This is not over. You know it and so does the rest of the country. There are more indictments in Mueller's pipeline. We've gone from hearing Trump say the Russia thing is a hoax and a witch hunt and made up to hearing 13 Russian were indicted today for meddling in the 2016 election to get Trump elected. And you two matakos are doing a happy dance? Please. Continue to crow. It'll be fun to watch you eat it.


    1. As I pass through my incarnations
      ___ in every age and race,
      I make my proper prostrations
      ___ to the Gods of the Market Place.
      Peering through reverent fingers
      ___ I watch them flourish and fall,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings,
      ___ I notice, outlast them all.

      We were living in trees when they met us.
      ___ They showed us each in turn
      That Water would certainly wet us,
      ___ as Fire would certainly burn:
      But we found them lacking in Uplift,
      ___ Vision and Breadth of Mind,
      So we left them to teach the Gorillas
      ___ while we followed the March of Mankind

      We moved as the Spirit listed.
      ___ They never altered their pace,
      Being neither cloud nor wind-borne
      ___ like the Gods of the Market Place,
      But they always caught up with our progress,
      ___ and presently word would come
      That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield,
      ___ or the lights had gone out in Rome.

      With the Hopes that our World is built on
      ___ they were utterly out of touch,
      They denied that the Moon was Stilton;
      ___ they denied she was even Dutch;
      They denied that Wishes were Horses;
      ___ they denied that a Pig had Wings;
      So we worshipped the Gods of the Market
      ___ Who promised these beautiful things.

      When the Cambrian measures were forming,
      ___ They promised perpetual peace.
      They swore, if we gave them our weapons,
      ___ that the wars of the tribes would cease.
      But when we disarmed They sold us
      ___ and delivered us bound to our foe,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "Stick to the Devil you know."

      On the first Feminian Sandstones
      ___ we were promised the Fuller Life
      (Which started by loving our neighbour
      ___ and ended by loving his wife)
      Till our women had no more children
      ___ and the men lost reason and faith,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "The Wages of Sin is Death."

      In the Carboniferous Epoch
      ___ we were promised abundance for all,
      By robbing selected Peter
      ___ to pay for collective Paul;
      But, though we had plenty of money,
      ___ there was nothing our money could buy,
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
      ___ "If you don't work you die."

      Then the Gods of the Market tumbled,
      ___ and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
      And the hearts of the meanest were humbled
      ___ and began to believe it was true
      That All is not Gold that Glitters,
      ___ and Two and Two make Four
      And the Gods of the Copybook Headings
      ___ limped up to explain it once more.

      As it will be in the future,
      __ it was at the birth of Man
      There are only four things certain
      ___ since Social Progress began.
      That the Dog returns to his Vomit
      ___ and the Sow returns to her Mire,
      And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger
      ___ goes wabbling back to the Fire;

      And that after this is accomplished,
      ___ and the brave new world begins
      When all men are paid for existing
      ___ and no man must pay for his sins,
      As surely as Water will wet us,
      ___ as surely as Fire will burn,
      The Gods of the Copybook Headings
      ___ with terror and slaughter return!

      The Gods of the Copybook Headings (1919)
      ~ Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

  14. Oooo, looks like this leftwingnut also had his weekend ruined by Rosenstein....take a deep breath and calm down sparky

    1. Rusty had his weekend ruined. After all these months of Trump claiming it was all a hoax. Here we have definitive proof that was bullshit. No hoax, 13 Russians indicted. This alternate reality Rusty has created in his mind (in which Lefties are upset by the indictments) indicates to me that he's terrified that Trump will be impeached.

    2. Dervy boi's getting upset because 2 of his pooches, Jigaboos and Kiké, got a flea bath, leaving him short of fleas to snack on. And now, his third mutt is on his or her way to get the fleas exterminated, thus eliminating Dervish's crunchy snacks.

    3. My guess is that your comment is pure fiction. On the other hand, Jigaboos and Kiké could neighborhood dogs Mystere kidnapped in order to sniff their farts. And Ratty might have done something worse (re his previous "beast boinker" comment).

    4. Hmmm… maybe I should play nice and tone it down a notch.
      I don't want Dervish to go hungry.
      I got word he consumed several pounds of 'shrooms after writing his retorts and is now short on food.

    5. You should exercise caution, Mystere, and not eat all your shrooms at once. Overdosing on psychedelic mushrooms can lead to serious psychological symptoms. You might find yourself in a hospital and later forced into a drug rehab program. Your boyfriend Rikishi might be quite cross with you if that happens. He might have to take time off from wrestling to arrange for your treatment.

    6. Grating on our nerves with irksome bahs

      Offered in a bilious spirit vile

      Fill with nasty thoughts some ancient Kas*.

      Use your time for something more worthwhile.

      Could you for once relent, and quit your jeering?

      Kindergarten kids show better manners.

      Your comments sound too often like Bronx cheering.

      Oh why must you into our works throw spanners ––

      Using oafish taunts and gibes and sneers?

      Regale us please, instead, with something pleasant.

      Surprise us after all these noisome jeers.

      Entertain –– enlighten –– give a present ––

      Let your mind subject itself to scouring

      Filth away that keeps you dark and glowering.

      ~ N.M.E. Dein

  15. Dervish is in his own alternate reality....

    1. The Russians haven't perfected their bot AI. Give it a few more years and Dervish could pass a Turing test.

    2. Dervish's 'shrooms got flushed into the Swooshie Nation USSR Septic tank.

    3. You seem really fixated on "shrooms". You do them a LOT, right? It would explain why you post so very many INANE comments.

    4. I was referring to comments about eating fleas (and the like). I suppose you find such commentary quite intelligent. I wasn't referring to comments in which people voice differing political opinions. As ill informed and wrong as I might find yours to be.

    5. Your opinions aren't in-formed. Their handed to you on a plate.

    6. Of course. And Joe Conservative, member of the cult of Trump, thinks for himself.

    7. Thanks Dervish. And I thought that you were too dumb to see it. :)

    8. Hey Dervy boy! Your third pooch Schweinhund just got off the freight train to get de-wormed and cleaned of fleas and ticks. He coughed up a bunch of red 'shrooms as he hopped off the train. He should be back home in time for St. Patrick's Day, healthy and fit.

    9. Grating on our nerves with irksome bahs

      Offered in a bilious spirit vile

      Fill with nasty thoughts some ancient Kas*.

      Use your time for something more worthwhile.

      Could you for once relent, and quit your jeering?

      Kindergarten kids show better manners.

      Your comments sound too often like Bronx cheering.

      Oh why must you into our works throw spanners ––

      Using oafish taunts and gibes and sneers?

      Regale us please, instead, with something pleasant.

      Surprise us after all these noisome jeers.

      Entertain –– enlighten –– give a present ––

      Let your mind subject itself to scouring

      Filth away that keeps you dark and glowering.

      ~ N.M.E. Dein

  16. FYI Dervish Trump said colusion was a hoax, not the Russian involment

    1. THANK YOU, Rusty! That needed to be said,

    2. That Trump said collusion was a hoax, not the Russian involvement IS A LIE! But OF COURSE it needed to be said. It's the lie the trumpy Right is currently pushing. And, as we all know, this is a crowd that is really good at taking it's marching orders when they are sent down (via tweet). DUPES! LOL.

  17. Trump in an interview with Larry King 9/8/2016: I don't know. I've been hearing about it. I've been reading about it. I think it's probably unlikely. I think maybe the Democrats are putting that out, who knows? But I think that it's pretty unlikely, but you know, who knows?

    It is PRETTY UNLIKELY that there was Russian involvement in our election according to Trump.

    Trump tweet from 12/15/2016: If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act? Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?

    Trump questions Russian involvement.

    Trump tweet from 2/16/2017: The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!

    The "story" of Russian involvement is "fake news". Collusion not mentioned.

    Trump tweet from 2/26/2017: Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media, in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks!

    No reference to collusion. Trump is referring to Russian election meddling and saying that is "fake news".

    Trump tweet from 9/22/2017: The Russia hoax continues, now it's ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary?

    Facebook ads are a separate issue from collusion. Here Trump is asserting Russia buying FB ads is part of the "hoax".

    1. This is so stupid I stopped real after the first paragraph

    2. That Trump has been saying all along that Russian involvement in our election was a hoax is indeed "so stupid". Yet he has been, as my comment proves.

    3. Has he? Seems I recall Trump said that COLLUSION was a hoax. And on THAT count, he was RIGHT!

    4. Yes to your first question (see my comment above). As for your second assertion... Mueller hasn't released his findings yet. What we do know is that DJT Junior colluded. He was sent an email asking if he wanted to attend a collusion meeting and replied "I love it". Later he CONFIRMED that he attended the collusion meeting. And, according to Bannon, the chance that DJT Jr didn't take the Russians up to meet his father was ZERO.

    5. BTW, if predisent Trump has always acknowledged Russian interference (and has only been denying he or anyone in his campaign colluded) then why did he decline to impose additional sanctions as passed overwhelmingly by Congress?

      Additionally, Flynn colluded when he told the Russian ambassador that the Trump administration would roll back Obama administration sanctions. And Mueller gave Flynn such a sweetheart deal because he agreed to testify against Trump. Or whoever it was that told him to deliver that message. Flynn didn't get a deal for nothing. Common sense tells you that. He has implicated someone high in the Trump administration (or Trump himself).

    6. All the times tRump has said the Russia investigation is a HOAX!:

      "The Russia story is a total hoax," Trump said in an April 5, 2017

      "The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax, when will this taxpayer funded charade end?" Trump wrote on Twitter on May 8, 2017.

      "Stock Market hit another all-time high yesterday - despite the Russian hoax story! Also, jobs numbers are starting to look very good!" Trump tweeted on July 15, 2017.

      He also tweeted about it on Sept. 22, 2017, writing, "The Russia hoax continues, now it's ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary?"

      In an interview with The Wall Street Journal on July 25, 2017, Trump said he was "disappointed" with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation and repeated his assertion that the probes are a "hoax."

      "Honestly? It's the thing they did best," Trump said, referring to Democrats. "They did a rotten job of running. But to convince people about this hoax, that was probably the thing that they did best, but it is one great hoax. No, Russia did not help me, that I can tell you, OK?"

      Whenever tRump says "honestly" grab your anti-liar spray and fumigate the place. Like the people here who support tRump, "honesty" is just another word for nothing true to say.

    7. Gee,

      Why would Trump ask Russia for Hillary's e-mails on national television if he thought Russian interference a complete hoax?

      You can't have it both ways, Dervy.

    8. The Steele dossier was filled with Trump stories collected from Russians and funded by the Clinton Campaign. Where's the investigation into Clinton-Russian collusion, Dervy?

    9. Who knew that merely OPPOSING Russia sanctions could be PROOF of collusion? For once American and Russian national interests (against globalism) coincided... and the globalist scream, "It's COLLUSION". It isn't collusion. It's "karma".

    10. Why would Trump ask Russia for Hillary's e-mails on national television if he thought Russian interference a complete hoax?

      Trump never thought Russian interference was a hoax. He only said and tweeted that it was (SEE MY PRIOR COMMENT). HE WAS LYING, but that does not mean he did not say and tweet that the entire idea that the Russians interfered was a hoax (SEE MY PRIOR COMMENT).

    11. 126 characters was all the space Twitter gives him. You need to add your own "qualifiers". If you haven't the "charity" to understand him (and need everything to be literally and explicitly stated), I think we can all agree as to who the "idiot" is. The one who reads all the "small print" disclaimers.

    12. There is video! You know damn well that Trump said many times that the ENTIRE "Russia meddled in our elections" narrative (now PROVEN correct) is a hoax. If you don't know this your'e a f*cking moron. No need to act offended, however, as I am sure you're f*cking with me (I don't think you're a moron, I think you're a LIAR).

    13. Who knew that merely OPPOSING Russia sanctions...

      By not imposing the sanctions Trump is inviting Russia to continue their meddling. "Meddle all you like. There will be zero repercussions" is what he is saying. And WHAT THE HELL does the US not wanting Russia to interfere in our elections have to do with globalism????

    14. As per the video, what part of "Trump later said he was joking" don't you understand?

    15. ...and the "hack" of the DNC was still likely an "inside job". There's a dead staffer, and even Julian Assange says it wasn't "the Russians".

      There was other Russian "interference", but the DNC never let any official governmental entity like the FBI analyse their servers.

    16. Russia-Russia is a product of the paranoiac-critical method, not Occham's Razor.

    17. Why did Russia want Hillary to lose? Was it because she would continue the globalist economic project and Trump wouldn't? They've been fighting the global post-WWII economic order since the Warsaw Pact.

    18. They didn't "like Trump". They hated the "globalism" that tempted Ukraine and the Balkans to leave their economic sphere of influence.

    19. Russian sanctions are a globalists tools. That's why a subordinate like Flynn would confidently tell the Russian Ambassador that sanctions would be eliminated. Things would be different under Trump.

    20. America under Trump wouldn't impose sanctions on Russia. They'd sell more and better arms to Ukraine.

    21. Nothing says "stay the f*ck out" like an M-1A Tank battalion.

  18. Some suffer from selective listening and selective reading. They only hear and read that which fits their fantasy.

    Republicans and conservatives like ruthie, aka rusty excel at this.

    1. And this is even dumber than Dervish ‘s

    2. You chosen ignorance TOM is the dumbest of all.

    3. Rational Nation USA is a Sociology, Dumbass

  19. What is the explanation….seems to be more and more mass killings….

    1. Guns???

    If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
    No….it’s not inanimate objects that are the ultimate cause.

    ….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

    In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

    2. Well, there was the St Valentine’s Day Massacre….and the Texas Tower…but, today we have incidents like the school shooting, and I heard on the news that Chicago sends police to funerals, where people are shooting others who they claim caused the the death they were memorializing.

    And this….
    “6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.”
    6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.

    It’s practically commonplace today.

    But, no… not the availability of guns….it’s the degradation of the culture.

    It's something else.....something that didn't begin with the start of this nation

    1. Part of the the "degradation of the culture" is that gun nuts like the commenter above will defend no action on reasonable gun control legislation using baloney arguments about pencils misspelling words. If the speller didn't have a pencil they couldn't misspell a word (they couldn't write period). Same as a person without a gun can't shoot someone.

    2. Reasonable gun control means a scope required for targets more than 100 yds out.

    3. If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around, does it make a sound?

      If truth and knowledge is made available and it is avoided does it make a difference?

    4. ...only if we can agree as to what is to be done with it.

    5. ZERO gun control (which Thersites JUST advocated) means someone could go into a gun shop, TELL the salesman he wanted a gun to shoot up a school, and the salesman would be obligated to sell him a gun. Thersites is clearly insane. Knowledge and truth mean nothing to someone who is insane like Thersites.

    6. Sounds like you disagree with Kant's Categorical Imperative. You must really hate "freedom".

    7. So Thersiies, in a civil society, where honest and legitimate differences exist as they do, how do you believe they should be resolved?

    8. Through civil behavior, not "resistance". What a difference between "The West Wing" and "Our Cartoon President". Notice any differences in level of "civility"?

    9. The Left couldn't "exhort" the nation to virtue. They now proport to "ridicule" us to it.

    10. Perhaps during the parabasis, you can try tossing us audience members bags of peanuts...

    11. If that doesn't work, you can always resurrect the old Dionysian Chorus (Plato, "Laws").

    12. That mental peewee Dervish just beat the cake with his retort saying that if there were no gun control laws, a salesman at a gun shop will not be able to tell a customer no if the customer says he wants a gun to shoot up a school. What did you snort before writing that stupid retort Dervish? Never mind, don't reply back.

    13. I can really feel the love, Dervy. :)

      tit-4-tat's a b*tch.


  21. Since it's a federal crime for foreigners to interfere in U.S. elections, when can we expect the indictment of Christopher Steele, who lied to federal officials and fed them false information? Riddle me that.

    1. Little Red Pencilneck advertizing to the world his ignorance. Go for it Red!

    2. Really? How?

      Make your case frothing garbage head.

  22. I don't have to much patience for Liberals who stick their Heads in the sand and blame everything including the leaking Kitchen sink of President Trump, but gave a Free Pass to Crooked Hillary and Barack Obama.

  23. Shaw saysthat the people from here don’t refute anything that she says...

    Perhaps they don’t bother to refute you Shaw, because when they do, you don’t publish their replies,or you just rewrite their comments!

  24. Dervish SandersFebruary 17, 2018 at 10:51 AM...ZERO gun control (which Thersites JUST advocated) means someone could go into a gun shop, TELL the salesman he wanted a gun to shoot up a school, and the salesman would be obligated to sell him a gun.

    That's what your kind is advocating as long as it was a homo, or some other bizarre protected species.

    REAL Americans have signs reading "we reserve the right refuse service to anyone without exception"

    Man you are dumb.


    Special counsel Mueller:Russians conducted
    ´information warfare´against US during
    election to help Donald Trump win

    CNBC, by Dan Mangan, Mike Calia

    Trump claims vindication in tweet following Mueller indictment of Russians Trump claims vindication following Mueller indictment of Russians 11 Hours Ago | 00:57 A federal grand jury has indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged illegal interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they strongly supported the candidacy of Donald Trump, special counsel Robert Mueller´s office said Friday. The indictment says that a Russian organization called the Internet Research Agency sought to wage "information warfare" against the United States and to "sow discord" in the American . . .

    1. "ESTHER" said:

      I have a question for Mueller - Why in the world would Putin have wanted Trumpto win?

      Answer - he wouldn’t.

      I have no doubt that Putin has Illary’s 33,000 deleted emails - after all, what Russian president wouldn’t get his intelligence agency to hack into a server with the url “”?

      Putin could have blackmailed Illary every minute of every day of her presidency. He could have shared those emails with his pals in other countries and let them blackmail her as well - Iran? North Korea? Cuba?

      Finally, he knew from 30 years of evidence that she was for sale.

      Trump is none of those things. Anyone with some honesty and a bit of functioning logic has known all of this for almost 2 years.

      Which means that Mueller and his team, supposedly intelligent lawyers all, are conducting a sham investigation and a witch hunt while the true culprit is sitting in her web in Chappaqua like Tolkien’s Shelob.

    2. "SAPHIRA" said

      I wonder if he´s going to indict Nigel Farage next.

      While he´s at it, why doesn´t he indict Barack Obama for using tax dollars to meddle in an Israeli election.

    3. "BONGO" said:

      The goal of all of this is to stir the mob to demand another election.

    4. "DRUSILLA" said

      Why didn´t foreign meddling in our previous elections concern the FBI?

      Secondly, why didn´t our meddling in foreign elections ever concern the FBI?

    5. NADERONO" said:

      the question that I have raised since day one of Foddergate. The LAST candidate he would want to help is Donald Trump. A Lofo helpless enough to take this bait only serves to confirm Darwin´s theory of devolution.

    6. "TUDORA" said:

      Why in tarnation would Putin want to help Trump win? Putin could´ve run circles around the PIAPS; around Trump, not so much.

    7. "BEEFTRUST" said:

      All the reports I´ve heard include the hacking of the DNC e-mails but fail to mention that hacking was attempted against the RNC as well only its cybersecurity was robust enough to prevent penetration. Surely the media just forgot and are not being one-sided for political reasons.

    8. "NO NUDNICK" said:

      Putin knew that the Clinton´s were for sale from the transfer of our missile technology to China for campaign dollars to the fraudulent sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia for millions in kick backs to the Clintons!!!! No way Putin wanted Trump to win. Just more fake news from the msm propaganda machine like the Florida shooter was a white supremacist instead of a psychotic drug laden misfit who had mass killer written on his forehead which everyone ignored.

    9. "RANKEN PHYLE" said:

      What did they do for Trump that the enemedia didn´t do for Clinton?


    10. "DILBERT DIMPLEBY" said:

      Our judicial system is an embarrassment. Apparently, Mueller thinks all American voters are as stupid as democrat voters. Those of us who are not sheep, can read and decide on a candidate without tweets telling us how to think.

    11. STEPHEN DEAD ALAS!" said:

      Looks like the Enemdia´s very illegal collusion with the very illegal Coup is still in full swing. When their heads implode our sympathy for them and their next of kin will be 0%.

    12. "OONA KAPLAN O'NEILL" said:

      !!News Flash!! !!News Flash!!

      It´s not the Russians tampering with our elections that we need to be concerned with. It´s the democRATs!!

    13. "JOHNNY DRAGONETTO" said:

      Putin wanted Hill to be President.He already paid her and her old man,millions.He was waiting for his payback.Didn´t get any with Trump.

    14. "SAM MASTERSON" said:

      If you want to talk about sowing seeds of discontent, isn’t that what this entire investigation is intended to do? This whole investigation is nothing but a figleaf for Hillary and an attempt to undermine Trump by sowing seeds of discontent.The real crime is the investigation itself, and the misuse by the Democrats of our levers of power.

    15. "KOWADUNGA" said:

      The fly in the MSM´s ointment is that Trump did not need any help to win and that´s killing them. Nearly the whole US map was painted red on election night and I don´t believe 13 Russians could accomplish that. The PIAPS failed through her own volition, get over it.

    16. "PAPPY YOKUM" said:

      SMOKE SCREEN!! Mueller has noticed his Buds at FBI AND DOJ are on the Hot Seat. Nunes and Grassley are still moving forward, diging up more and more proof that it wasn´t the Russians who were corrupt, it was the Rogue employees in our own Government. So, Mueller decided to throw up this smoke screen to try to get the Public away from their interest in what is happening in Washington. Not going to work!! We´re zeroed in on everything coming out of the Nunes/Grassley investigation. Nice try though!


      Mueller nabs 13 Russians in Probe...investigation far from over.

      Note to Mueller about ending witch hunt...
      To quote the late John Belushi from "Animal House" movie..."Did we give up when the GERMANS bombed Pearl Harbor? "Nothing is over till we say it´s over."

      To Mueller...we have probably been doing the same thing to them because that´s the spy game.

      Note to Mueller...I doubt very much that Putin is preparing extradition papers to get these spy´s into our country for prosecution.

      Note to Mueller...End the witch hunt. As Obama famously said in lost.

    18. "AREOLA BROWN" said:

      And the reason they did that was because Hillary was such a put together, hard liner, up-scale fighting´ negotiator with all the answers to Putin´s what ever. Her clever handling of Benghazi proved it. She was so brave and all facing down that sniper fire in bosnia! Right? And what Russian leader could withstand her fierce Pro-America stand? Oh, Susanna! Yeah- I can see why Russians would want a tough, business oriented, highly successful negotiator to be America´s leader. Hahahaha! CNBC people and Mueller- what a combo!

    19. "EAMON BOLIVAR" said:

      Wasn´t James Carville sent to Israel to help defeat their Prime Minister?

      Didn´t Barack Obola interfere with the British brexit vote, threatening retaliation against the British people?

      Remember what Lady Lucifer said about all of this. She said there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and that a billionaire family in NYC provided the ´analytics´ to the Russians, to target rust belt states for Trump.

      Herr Mueller´s investigation will never end. It will become the equvalent of the Inspector Javert pursuit of a thief whole stole a loaf of bread in Les Miserables, rithless and unending.

    20. "VITORRIO DE JURE" said:

      I heard Rosenstein live Friday when he made the announcement. He clearly said:

      1. the Russians worked against Hillary
      2. and for Trump
      3. and also worked against Trump.

      The newscast 2 minutes later reported 1 & 2. But omitted 3.

      3 is clearly exculpatory to Trum[ in the Russian Trump collusion story and the media suppresses it.

      And they wonder why we call them fake news!

      I searched the internet, finding a news report about the Russians working against Trump was like searching for the Holy Grail.

    21. "FIORELLO DORAMAN" said:

      Flat Out Lies. The Russians staged simultaneous demonstrations for and against Trump. Their pathetic efforts were attended by a handful of people. No one read their facebook ads. Mueller comes up with nothing.


      Let´s change the subject. Right?? Especially as the former Director of the FBI with many friends there. This was a way of throwing a bone to the American people who are paying for this stupid charade.

      Sorry Bob, your impeccable reputation is now tainted with this jerky assignment. You can thank Hillary Clinton and her gang for originally concocting this ploy. You should have known better and baled out of this nothing burger job months ago.

      I guess you had to come up with something to give us and this is your way of justifying this ridiculous investigation based on nothing but Democrat sour grapes.

      As for the Russians trying to meddle in our elections... nothing new there. We know all about them. There´s even a current and popular TV serial called The Americans about a Russian undercover couple based in Washington DC trying to interfere in our country´s politics.


      FTA: "to ´sow discord´ in the American political system by using fictitious American personas and social media platforms and other Internet-based media."

      - Really? Like Obama´s Pajama-boy did? Or the fake polls? Or like the "unnamed sources" and "a source who desires to remain anonymous?"

      "The defendants also engaged in operations to "denigrate" Republican primary opponents of Trump such as senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Florida´s Marco Rubio, the indictment said."
      - As a Ted Cruz supporter, I think I met some of these Russian dupes right here on

      "None of the defendants is in custody."
      - IOW, this is another Mueller "nothing-burger" indictment. So far as I know, there is NO U.S. Statute against false personas on the Internet. Most people don´t even connect to the Internet, much less follow some B.S. Twitter feed.

      Mueller is burning taxpayer dollars to cover Hillary´s and the DNC's backsides with their collusion with Russia for money through the Uranium One sale to fund their Party and Campaign. That´s the "collusion" and quite easily proven.


      Special Council Ribert Mueller should be investigating the Democrats voter fraud, and intentional m8s-INFORMATION warfare conducted by the Democrat ditto heads - CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.

      Thats the REAL crime.

    25. "PHILIPPE d'AMOUR-PROPRE" said:

      This is merely a way to justify his investigation and all the money he has spent so far. What does this have to do with breaking down Manafort´s door at 6 AM and holding them under gunpoint while their entire household was ransacked? Getting illegal FISA warrants to surveil Flynn, Carter and hence everyone in his world for years?

      Brennan, Clapper, and all of them were whining 2 years ago that the Russians were trying to interfere in our elections. The word interfere was misused from the get go... to imply they actually produced election fraud with the help of Trump! COLLUSION That was the whole basis of the SP probe.

      Why was there never any mention of Russian collusion with the Hillary camp in all the months leading up to this? Because Mueller wasn´t looking at that. No indictments for Steele? Blumenthal? Shearer? How can that be?

      This is a sham. Cut your loses and take what little you got, Mueller, because the American people are on to your scam.

    26. "INFRA DIG" said:

      What the Democrat lawyers on the Mueller team effectively did when they composed the indictment was to give the Democrats a talking point by insinuating that the alledged Russian conspirators worked against Hillary Clinton and in favor of Donald Trump. In other words, with the indictment as a basis, the Democrats can now go on indoctrinating their low information voter base and others who simply hate President Trump that the Russians stole the election from Clinton and gave it to Trump even though there is no evidence that such a theft actually occurred.

    27. "BOSS CARTWRIGHT" said:

      The apparent reason for this indictment to be made public at this time is that Robert Mueller, with his investigation under attack, needed some basis to inform the public that Russians came to the USA to sow “discord” in the election, giving Mueller a basis to keep his investigation going, with the objective of undoing the election by removing President Trump from office after charging him with obstruction of justice involving a crime that never existed. Otherwise the indictment would have been kept secret with efforts made to encourage those Russians to travel to the USA where they could be apprehended.

      Remember in order to carry out their alledged criminal conspiracy, those 13 Russians had to enter the USA as early as 2014, long before Trump ever announced that he was running for President. To do that those Russians applied for and received visas to enter the USA by the Obama Administration.

      If there was any “collusion” between US politicians and foreign countries to effect election results, it was between the Democrats and Mexico. Before the election Mexican consular officers stationed in the USA conducted voter registration drives encouraging Mexican citizens in the USA, both illegally and legally, to vote for Hillary Clinton who had called for a massive amnesty for illegal aliens. Effectively Mexican agents employed in the US Spanish language media consistently called for their audiences, most of them Mexicans, to vote for Clinton. A few weeks before the election, Barack Obama appeared on Spanish language TV and effectively encouraged foreigners to vote for Clinton if they felt like they were citizens, but that’s not what the law says, as only US citizens can lawfully vote in US elections. You would have to be pretty naive to believe that those efforts did not cause large numbers of Mexican citizens to unlawfully vote in the election.

    28. "IARFULLA BALOGNA' said:

      Assume a world wide shadow government Assume a rich America loving candidate who was never going to use their money or join their Bohemian Grove. He knew all the globalists, and paid them to play. One day, after some soul searching, he was "woke" to see the Spiritual as well as Cultural war. He sees his America leaderless, with whorish compromised Bohemian choices on both sides.

      America is lost, bankrupt, decimated militarily, in a race war, and divided. America has to fall. Assume Paula White or Franklin Graham opens his eyes to why Pelosi led the vetting of an unqualified racist pervert with sealed ID papers to usurp the seat of power. And didn´t this smooth operator destablize the Middle East and Europe in no time?

      Assume they said: "God has revealed you are the only one to beat back this truly demonic, last of the Age of Grace, parliament of whores. And Trump, age 72, rich and streetwise, teetotaler and drug free [doesn´t even get that sorcery], a "middle of the road Presbyterian} with a Catholic wife -- in the time of Francis the Lightbringer and Obama the Lightbringer -- is taking on a challenge never faced by any President.

      Much harder. Requires prayer with fasting, and a new and discerning set of counselors for this time of delusion and offense just before the II Thessalonians 2 "departure."

    29. "007OHMSS" said:

      What did the Russians do, that Comey, the enemedia and the DoJ didn't do to help the Hildabeast?

    30. "TAYEMALLTO de TOWER" said

      The indictment does NOT say the Ruskies purpose was to help Trump win, it says their purpose was to sow discord. Further, the indictment lists examples of anti as well as pro Trump statements/events from them.

      The writers are so into "fake news" that they appear to be incapable of straight reporting!

    31. "SOFT SHOWELDERS" said

      Assume a world wide shadow government Assume a rich America loving candidate who was never going to use their money or join their Bohemian Grove. He knew all the globalists, and paid them to play.

      One day, after some soul searching, he was "woke" to see the Spiritual as well as Cultural war. He sees his America leaderless, with whorish compromised Bohemian choices on both sides. America is lost, bankrupt, decimated militarily, in a race war, and divided. America has to fall.

      Assume Paula White or Franklin Graham opens his eyes to why Pelosi led the vetting of an unqualified racist pervert with sealed ID papers to usurp the seat of power. And didn´t this smooth operator destablize the Middle East and Europe in no time?

      Assume they said: "God has revealed you are the only one to beat back this truly demonic, last of the Age of Grace, parliament of whores. And Trump, age 72, rich and streetwise, teetotaler and drug free [doesn´t even get that sorcery], a "middle of the road Presbyterian} with a Catholic wife -- in the time of Francis the Lightbringer and Obama the Lightbringer -- is taking on a challenge never faced by any President. Much harder.

      Requires prayer with fasting, and a new and discerning set of counselors for this time of delusion and offense just before the II Thessalonians 2 "departure."


      When has it become illegal to talk politics and share views over the internet? Mueller is full of mirda.

      As for why Russia would favor Trump over Hillary? Syria might have something to do with it. Obama was trying so hard to overthrow the Asaad regime he was supporting ISIS. Russia did not want to see a continuation of that policy under Clinton.

    33. Looks like FreeThinke has published his manifesto. Can't say I read all of it, because I did not. I wonder if anyone in law enforcement will? I watched the mini-series about the Unabomber, and the FBI read his 35k screed many times for clues to his identity. Perhaps FT's words here will be presented as evidence at his trial? Whatever type of trial it might be. Perhaps a competency trial. I think a relative could argue for a court-appointed conservatorship based on what FT has written here.

    34. Grating on our nerves with irksome bahs

      Offered in a bilious spirit vile

      Fill with nasty thoughts some ancient Kas*.

      Use your time for something more worthwhile.

      Could you for once relent, and quit your jeering?

      Kindergarten kids show better manners.

      Your comments sound too often like Bronx cheering.

      Oh why must you into our works throw spanners ––

      Using oafish taunts and gibes and sneers?

      Regale us please, instead, with something pleasant.

      Surprise us after all these noisome jeers.

      Entertain –– enlighten –– give a present ––

      Let your mind subject itself to scouring

      Filth away that keeps you dark and glowering.

      ~ N.M.E. Dein

  26. Does Mueller now go to St.Petersburg and arrest those 13 guys? Those Ivans are sitting around drinking vodka and laughing like loons at Mueller,after all their job is done. Now they go get moose and squirrel.

  27. Hard-Core lefty social media users have spent the day viciously attacking the father of one of the victims of the horrific Florida school mass shooting over the fact that he wore a Trump 2020 t-shirt during an interview with a local news station.

    That’s right, the new America Leftist is apparently perfectly acceptable to attack and even blame the parent of a teenager who was murdered, all because his political beliefs do not line up with the leftist orthodoxy.

    Both Andrew Pollack and his wife were interviewed outside of Broward Health North hospital, hoping to hear from their daughter hours after the attack that left 17 dead and over a dozen injured. During the interview, Pollack committed the thought crime of wearing a t-shirt for his preferred presidential candidate, a fact that apparently gave leftists on twitter the cover to viciously attack him.

  28. Russian Indictments Prove Trump Won Fair and Square

    New York Post, by Michael Goodwin

    After 18 months of Russia, Russia, Russia, we finally meet a cast of real Russians. But par for the convoluted course, they were pretending to be Americans. The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say. They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016. The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying ...

    1. SPIDERMAN said:

      I´m baffled by this development.Number one how can Mueller indict Russian agents and number two how does that clear Trump?If true it´s great news,Trump can focus on his job and he´s doing a great one at that.He seems to have the instincts to do the right thing,something I´m not used to from leadership in this country. Hopefully he can worm his way out of passing amnesty.

    2. PLANTAGENET said:

      What an absurdly trivial set of indictments. Almost comical. This is the best they got...15 individual Russians (not Putin, not the KGB) using Facebook and other Internet social sites??? Where´s the collusion? Where´s the election machine tampering? Nothing. Zip. Nada.

      And speaking of nada...

      What if Russia REALLY wanted to overturn American elections, you know, like Mexico? What if they sent not 15 individuals, but 20,000,000 of them pouring over our borders...demonstrating in our streets, filling our schools and hospitals, sending $25,000,000,000 a year back to Mother Russia, and actually VOTING in our elections? Would the Democrats and our RINOs be trying to indict them? Would they appoint a special prosecutor to ferret out and indict every single one of them?

      Or would they call them the "Russian dreamers"? What a farce!


      Next, Mueller is going to indict Kim of North Korea. He will of course turn himself in at once! /s.

      How does this development of indictments mesh with Russians creating the dossier? Who´s side are the Russians on? Both and neither, depends on the day of the week? This seems like a way out for the investigation. It´s not what one would exactly call pay-dirt. People fake identities every day on line but ´ sure haven´t heard of any indictments for that. It seems kind of silly to charge someone with conspiracy, from something that is OVER and did not even work! IF they ever arrest the Russians, all of this is probably going to get dismissed in court.

      Don´t forget Comey and Mueller botched the 09-11-01 Anthrax investigation. They wrongly accused Steven Hatfill, ruined his life, got the Feds sued, financial compensation to Mr Hatfill paid for by taxpayers. Now this.

    4. NUMERO UMAMUNO said:

      The fairness and squareness was only to be found in Donald Trump and those of us who recognized a real leader and voted for him.

      The democrats were more down and dirty than they have ever been. Stop this sham Russia investigation and start locking up Obama, Hillary, Jarrett, Lynch, Rice, Holder, most of the Intelligence Community chiefs and the whole top layer of the FBI.

    5. IMA KNOCKOUT said

      In my brief research I find that the FBI was warned of an unusually high enrollment by Muslims at flight schools in Arizona but nothing, so far, that the FBI was explicitly warned Muslim students had no interest in learning to land. I did hear that the instructors at the Florida flight schools were puzzled by lack of interest in learning to land. No indication the Florida flight instructors warned the FBI of this key aspect.

      On another note of FBI inaction: I went to their website in 2009, warned them there was a predatory mortgage company called American Home Mortgage Incorporated(AHMSI) that was ripping off mortgage holders, stealing their escrow, jacking payments(on non adjustable mortgages), losing payments and faking late payments. At the time AHMSI was apparently foreign owned, customer service staffed by India-type Indians. My warning fell on deaf ears, as apparently is common-place with the FBI. They didn´t even acknowledge my submission. I never heard from them. I lost the house. Thanks FBI and thanks from all the other AHMSI mortgage holders who were victimized! Thanks for NOTHING! Disband or restaff, top to bottom, today! You are WORTHLESS!

    6. CALL THE MIDWIFE said:

      "The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

      Doesn´t sound like these Russians did anything different than the Dems were actually doing, via the MSM, but against Trump?

      Remember when Obama sent his henchmen to sabotage the Israeli Elections awhile back and Netanyahu still won?

      Hypocrisy on parade again here?

    7. HARRY HAMFIST said:

      What was the predication that caused President Putin to send Russian agents to the USA to sow discord in the USA election and the US political process in general, while especially aiming at Hillary Clinton?

      Could it be that Putin thinks that Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration attempted to interfere in past Russian elections in ways that, if successful, could have kept Putin from being elected as President of Russia or to otherwise undermine the Russian government. Those efforts would have been conducted by both the Hillary Clinton run State Dept. and the Obama run CIA. Obviously we will never hear anything about those under the covers efforts, that no doubt would be highly classified, from US Government.

    8. FANNIE KEMBLE said:

      If you were a presidential candidate and you learned in advance that 13 very clever Russians from a "troll farm" in St. Petersburg were going to try to outsmart your hundreds of paid staff, thousands of volunteers and hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign ads and a nationally fawning media, by, well, by going on Facebook and using Twitter, would you (a) panic, (b) call the cops, (c) give up, or (d) laugh your a** off?

      By the way, who are these geniuses and where are they now? I have a friend running for school board.

    9. GANG BANG DONG sid:

      13 very smart Russian agents went out into ´flyover´ country and convinced millions of deplorable, gun-toting, bible clutching, knuckle draggers to vote for Trump. It was a brilliant plan!


    10. You've finally lost it FreeThinke. It's conclusive, you have cracked.

      May the fairies of your delusions and the angels of your dreams look over you for eternity.

  29. Well I can’t say that I didn’t see this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
    They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the per

  30. Come on over to RNs place Shaw is there Bitching. & Moaning

    1. That explains the gurgling noise coming from Swoosh Zone USSR. Thanks for the heads up, Uncle Sam.

    2. I'd rather put my dick into a pencil sharpener!

    3. "I'd rather put my dick into a pencil sharpener!"

      It's too small. It won't fit.

  31. Its only mid February and already there has been 10 Cops Shot and Killed already this year, and you Liberals want us to give up our guns?

    Go ahead and attack the second amendment, liberals, and you'll keep losing elections.


  32. As I pass through my incarnations
    ___ in every age and race,
    I make my proper prostrations
    ___ to the Gods of the Market Place.
    Peering through reverent fingers
    ___ I watch them flourish and fall,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings,
    ___ I notice, outlast them all.

    We were living in trees when they met us.
    ___ They showed us each in turn
    That Water would certainly wet us,
    ___ as Fire would certainly burn:
    But we found them lacking in Uplift,
    ___ Vision and Breadth of Mind,
    So we left them to teach the Gorillas
    ___ while we followed the March of Mankind

    We moved as the Spirit listed.
    ___ They never altered their pace,
    Being neither cloud nor wind-borne
    ___ like the Gods of the Market Place,
    But they always caught up with our progress,
    ___ and presently word would come
    That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield,
    ___ or the lights had gone out in Rome.

    With the Hopes that our World is built on
    ___ they were utterly out of touch,
    They denied that the Moon was Stilton;
    ___ they denied she was even Dutch;
    They denied that Wishes were Horses;
    ___ they denied that a Pig had Wings;
    So we worshipped the Gods of the Market
    ___ Who promised these beautiful things.

    When the Cambrian measures were forming,
    ___ They promised perpetual peace.
    They swore, if we gave them our weapons,
    ___ that the wars of the tribes would cease.
    But when we disarmed They sold us
    ___ and delivered us bound to our foe,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
    ___ "Stick to the Devil you know."

    On the first Feminian Sandstones
    ___ we were promised the Fuller Life
    (Which started by loving our neighbour
    ___ and ended by loving his wife)
    Till our women had no more children
    ___ and the men lost reason and faith,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
    ___ "The Wages of Sin is Death."

    In the Carboniferous Epoch
    ___ we were promised abundance for all,
    By robbing selected Peter
    ___ to pay for collective Paul;
    But, though we had plenty of money,
    ___ there was nothing our money could buy,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said:
    ___ "If you don't work you die."

    Then the Gods of the Market tumbled,
    ___ and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
    And the hearts of the meanest were humbled
    ___ and began to believe it was true
    That All is not Gold that Glitters,
    ___ and Two and Two make Four
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings
    ___ limped up to explain it once more.

    As it will be in the future,
    __ it was at the birth of Man
    There are only four things certain
    ___ since Social Progress began.
    That the Dog returns to his Vomit
    ___ and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger
    ___ goes wabbling back to the Fire;

    And that after this is accomplished,
    ___ and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing
    ___ and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us,
    ___ as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings
    ___ with terror and slaughter return!

    The Gods of the Copybook Headings (1919)
    ~ Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

  33. Note to President Trump. And I say this without malice, If we can't get Congress to put Guards in our Schools, there ARE PLENTY of Americans, trained, willing, and able to do the job, these Guards are very Important and very much needed, our FBI, local Police, and all the other Government agencies seem to be either unwilling, or are un-able to do.

  34. PART ONE:

    The Angry Liberal Mob

    by Derek Hunter

    The Angry Liberal Mob

    Have you ever wondered why liberals, particularly activist liberals, are so angry all the time? It’s not that they’re angry people, or at least it’s not just that they’re angry people, it’s for a different, very important reason – anger overrides logic. Anger is kryptonite to logic, and for liberalism to work, to attract a large audience, logic has to be overridden.

    You’ve undoubtedly heard at least some of the news over the past few years coming out of college campuses, the shout-downs and the riots when an Ann Coulter or Ben Shapiro go to a school to commit the sin of disagreeing with liberal orthodoxy. There have been dozens of such events in recent times and not one member of the angry mobs could articulate a reason for it other than they were angry.

    They, of course, didn’t say they were angry, they couched it in buzzwords like “hate speech” and “intolerance,” but none could explain exactly what someone they wouldn’t let speak had said that came anywhere close to these meaningless concepts and got their underwear so tight. But angry they were.

    If you’ve ever broken something because you were angry that it wasn’t working property, or cursed a piece of furniture to hell and back because you caught your pinky toe on one of its legs, you’ve experienced your logic being overridden by emotion. The remote didn’t have its batteries die because it knew you were tired, and the coffee table didn’t jump out in front of your foot because it was mad over the fact that you didn’t use a coaster. Your anger took over and you acted stupidly.

    Now imagine a large percentage of a political party living in that space and you have the Democrats.

    Long before, but particularly since the election of Donald Trump, the political left has turned the rhetoric designed to inspire anger up to 11. March after march of everything from women to science to immigrants, you name it and a faction of the left has taken to the streets over it. None of these things were ever actually under any threat from any action, realized or proposed, taken by the President, but facts no longer stand in the way of a good liberal story…if they ever did.

    And it’s not just political anger the left stirs now, at least not obviously political anger.

    After decades of dividing Americans by race, gender, sexual orientation, etc., various grievance groups now serve as pawns to be kept angry, just simmering and occasionally boiling, until the pressure cooker they’re creating is needed to serve a political end.

    But some of those pressure cookers are on automatic now, beyond the control of their creators. Nancy Pelosi was shouted down by activists for illegal immigrants a few months ago, not over her refusal to push amnesty while she was Speaker of the House, but because they were angry and she was there.

    While Pelosi is stringing the so-called DREAMers along, blaming Republicans, protesters didn’t come to denounce her for her lip-service-only approach to immigration issues, they came because they wanted everything NOW! Even when she tried to tell them what they wanted to hear, they weren’t interested in hearing it.


    1. PART TWO

      The Angry Liberal Mob

      by Derek Hunter(

      The anger over manufactured victimhood among the various interest groups Democrats have herded into different pens is now on automatic pilot, with no affront too slight to bring about outrage. Even competing outrages over the same things.

      The movie Black Panther opened this weekend, which would normally be your average blockbuster superhero movie. But because the majority of the cast and crew who worked on the film were black, it’s been assigned an important meaning because the races have had a wedge driven between them by the left.

      There are white liberals wondering if they should stay away on opening weekend so they don’t deny a black person a seat in the theater. There are people fantasizing about the fictional country of Wakanda, where the movie is set, and proclaiming it this fiction a weird kind of blow to centuries old colonialism. I swear, people are so out of their minds irrational right now that a con artist could sell luxury vacation travel to Wakanda and make a fortune right now.

      But there are others upset over the lack of gay characters in the movie. Yes, you read that right. Gizmodo ran a piece entitled, “Marvel Misses Another Easy Opportunity for LGBTQ Representation With Black Panther.” To save you a click, apparently in one iteration of the comic books there is a lesbian couple and their sexuality is not addressed in the movie. This, like everything else in life lately, has people angry.

      I, in the name of compassion, posited, “It must be an awful existence to wake up, eat breakfast and think, “I can’t really enjoy this because the Trix Rabbitt isn’t gay” or “I can’t eat Cap’n Crunch because I’m not sure his Navy allows transgender people to serve.”

      This snarky joke was greeted with a series of varying, “we just want to be represented on the screen” responses because, it seems, people can’t even enjoy 2 hours of escapism at a superhero movie unless there is someone validating their existence on the screen.

      I know I’m cynical, but if you need your existence, whatever it happens to be, to be externally validated, especially in entertainment, your life is missing something you won’t find looking to others.

      Like a tire fire, the rage rages on. It’s still mostly contained, but it is spreading. We’ve already had one incident of a member of the outrage class try to kill as many Republicans as possible last summer on a baseball field in Virginia and the left didn’t skip a beat. If attempted mass murder didn’t slow them down, that leaves success as the only thing that might. Which is horrifying.

      “Feel, don’t think; just act” is a dangerous mindset, yet it’s what the left is conditioning people to do. Coupled with tribalism and victimhood and there is nothing short of tragedy at the end of this road. I hope I’m wrong, but I see nothing to make me think I am; and I hope the left stops this insanity, but I see nothing to indicate they will.

  35. When Will We Have the Guts to Link Fatherlessness to School Shootings?

    by Susan M. Goldberg

    PJ Media - FEBRUARY 17, 2018

    Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz poses for a mugshot photo after being arrested February 14, 2017 in Parkland, Florida
    Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz poses for a mugshot photo after being arrested February 14, 2017 in Parkland, Florida.

    Now that the gun control advocates have had their fifteen minutes of fame, let’s start focusing on the real issues impacting the rise in school shootings since that infamous day in Columbine in 1999. Issue number one that no one in the mainstream media or government wants to acknowledge:
    fatherlessness. Specifically, the impact of fatherlessness on the boys who grew up to become school shooters.

    Dr. Warren Farrell, author of the new book The Boy Crisis, explains:

    Minimal or no father involvement, whether due to divorce, death, or imprisonment, is common to Adam Lanza, Elliott Rodgers, Dylan Roof and Stephen Paddock.

    In the case of 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, he was adopted at birth. His adoptive dad died when Nikolas was much younger, and doubtless the challenges of this fatherlessness was compounded by the death of his adoptive mother three and a half months ago.

    The rate of mass shootings has tripled since 2011. We blame guns, violence in the media, violence in video games, and poor family values. Each is a plausible player. But our daughters live in the same homes, with the same access to the same guns, video games, and media, and are raised with the same family values. Our daughters are not killing. Our sons are.

    But boys with significant father involvement are not doing these shootings. Without dads as role models, boys’ testosterone is not well channeled. The boy experiences a sense of purposelessness, a lack of boundary enforcement, rudderlessness, and often withdraws into video games and video porn. At worst, when boys’ testosterone is not well-channeled by an involved dad, boys become among the world’s most destructive forces. When boys’ testosterone is well channeled by an involved dad, boys become among the world’s most constructive forces.

    As Terry Brennan, co-founder of Leading Women for Shared Parenting, notes:

    72 percent of adolescent murderers grew up without fathers; the same for 60 percent of all rapists.

    70 percent of juveniles in state institutions grew up in single- or no-parent situations

    The number of single-parent households is a good predictor of violent crime in a community, while poverty rate is not.

    Yet, despite the growing number of experts, pundits and commentators drawing attention to the impact of fatherlessness on school and community safety, the post-attack discussion inevitably reverts back to gun control. Instead of spending so much as fifteen minutes on fatherlessness we are forced to endure the same salacious headlines, the same provocative tweets, the same tired old memes about the evils of guns as if somehow a cold piece of metal convinced yet another boy to become a mass-murderer. We ignore the lack of adequate mental health services, the failure of law enforcement to effectively intercede, and the sickening impact fatherlessness has on each one of these tragic cases.

    Why? Because it is easier to ban a hunk of metal than it is to right systemic cultural wrongs.

    1. FreeThinke, just imagine, after you and your ilk pass from this earth maybe America will solve the greatest ills that ail us all today.

      Your simplistic views and right wing platitudinous solutions have proven themselves useless.

      But thanks for trying. Now, give your heartfelt condolences to the families of the fallen students. Then be sure to donate to the criminal NRA so the carnage can continue partially in your name.


  36. People such as Rational Nation, Shaw, Ducky, Dave Miller, the Critter, or Creator, whatever he calls himself are the dregs of society in MY humble opinion!

    1. SURE, but why bear down so hard on what is perfectly OBVIOUS to anyome with evenhalf a brain in his head?

  37. Our Dear Former President Barack Obama as predicted, has already been on the stump called for Gun Control in the wake of the Wednesday’s Florida school shooting that took17 lives and injured a dozens others, Obama said: “Caring for our kids is our first job,". Well Isn’t that unique, as if we ALL didn’t feel that way!

    There are all kinds of items other than Guns that one can use to kill other human being besides guns. Including, but are not limited to Airplanes, Trucks, Cars, Knives, Machetes, Pressure Cookers and Rental Trucks filled with Fertilizer and Diesel. We Humans are very creative, and as they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way! . Disarming the law-abiding citizen just means we will see more of these methods and, very likely, several that nobody has thought of yet. Like the new weapon of choice, a Truck speeding down a sidewalk where people are walking, or kids are playing!

    Most President have had the decency to let the new President run the country. But no Obama who didn't run it right when he had it for 8 years now he wants to run it while Trump is President. I just wish they would quit talking and go back to Kenya and take Hillary with him.

    If Obama loved America so much then was his point of his Iran deal? To help Iran nuke America in 10 years? . What was his point when he released 5 senior Taliban, to help them kill more Americans. He helped kill 4 in Benghazi. Obama bragged to the NY Times how he personally selected people to die with drones. What was his point in watching veterans die on secret VA waiting lists.
    Obama gave guns to Mexican drug cartels to kill American border patrol agents, in Fast & Furious. Now Obama is preaching about the kids who died in Parkland.

    What was his point disarming school guards so mass murderers can kill more? Maybe he forgot about Sandy Hook!
    It’s too bad he didn't make the correct calls when he did have the authority . Maybe he should have appointed a more competent FBI when he had the chance! With the FBI we have now, you can’t tell if they are Friends or Foes!


    TRUMP: Sad FBI Missed All FL School Shooter Warnings...
    Too much time' on Russia probe...

    Pressure on Bureau Mounts...

    Deputies called to home 39 times!

    Investigated after cutting self on SNAPCHAT...

    'I think I am going to kill people'...

    Fire alarm put students, staff in gunman's way...

    Anger bubbles over at funerals...

    Students turn to activism...

    PRESIDENT: Dems could have passed gun control under Obama...

    The last headline says it all. The Defecratz don't WANT to solve problems.

    IF they ever DID, they'd have nothing left to BITCH about, –– and nothing left for which to BLAME Republicans.

    Endless MOANING, COMPLAINTS, and SHARP-TONGUED ACCUSATIONS are ALL they have to offer.

