Monday, March 4, 2024

Crying Liberal Tears

 The official score of a forfeited baseball game.Way to go losers.


  1. I Am A Fag! I Suck Giant, Syphilitic Cock!

    1. You hot that right

    2. Fuck you Mystere. You dick sucking POS.

    3. 🔺You wrote those comments, Dervish Sanders.🔺 I just got word of the new post today 3/05/2024 while scrolling.

    4. Thanks for the quick heads up, Mystere! I had no idea Lisa just posted something new.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. No. I didn't see this post until right now.

      The fake Dave Dubya comment is yours, Mystere.

      Whoever wrote the Anonymous comment above could also deduce it was you. Because those are the kind of sick retorts you write, you comment faking POS.

    7. On second thought, the first 5 comments were very likely ALL authored by Mystere.

    8. My thought is the comments above not labeled mystere's moonbat slayer club or Rattrapper are authored by Assface Derpish Sanders. Assface appears to be confessing to the crime.

    9. Dervish Sanders March 4, 2024 at 10:40 AM
      I Am A Fag! I Suck Giant, Syphilitic Cock!

      There! Corrected your confession for you, Assface Dervish.

    10. Mystere: I Am A Fag! I Suck Giant, Syphilitic Cock!

      That was YOUR confession, Mystere. And what you confessed to -- that does not sound like a good idea. You don't want to catch syphilis.

      Quote: People who have had syphilis for a long time face serious health problems. Late stages of syphilis can cause tumors, blindness, and paralysis. It can damage your nervous system, brain and other organs, and may even kill you. Syphilis is easily curable with antibiotics in the early stages.

      If you have it you should get it treated, Mystere. Don't be like your hero dotard donald, and leave it untreated.

    11. What's wrong Dervy? Did you cough and gag when you gave Hunter some Blow? Your confession gave you one nasty disease that won't heal for the rest of your life, eh? You shouldn't come onto Lisa's blog to spew your queer pornographic retorts, Assface.

    12. I've never met Hunter Biden. I don't use drugs. I've never given drugs to anyone else. YOU are spewing queer pronographic retorts. The fake Dave Dubya comment. That's YOUR comment! You should take your own advice. But you won't. Such thoughts consume you constantly. You are compelled to share them. But blame me to cover your shame.

    13. 🔺Dervish Pimple Butt Satan Sanders666🔺 passes another stinky lie from his stinky turd stained pimple butt.

  2. Yeah, Biden is demented. Just like Davey Boy.

    1. And Les Carpenter is a Pathetic. Sick. Disgusting. Moron Obsessed By A. Pathetic.Sick. Disgusting Delusional, Old fat of a President.

    2. Fuck you smelly fucking stink meat.

    3. 🔺Shut your pie-hole, ∆$$£∆¢€ ‽€₹₱¡$μ.🔺

    4. And fuck you too. Asshole.

  3. Lisa, that is a Great Picture on your Home Page.
    Thanks for it.

  4. Will Hillary Clinton replace Joe Biden when he drops out?
    Ole Hillary has never lost hope of being the first Female President. Of the United States of America ...she is just waiting for Old Delusional Joe to either Drop out or Get Dumped by the Party. But that Fat Cow Hillary will never win anything, she is a TOTAL LOSER. She couldn’t even stop her husband from cheating and now she wants to run our country? No Way! She needs to go back to Arkansas and retire because nobody wants her.

    Her One and Biggest Problem is of Course .....No One Likes Her!
    Frankly, I think the next Idiot up will be Gavin Newsome. I see him Bull Shitting everyone on the border and Trying to Pretend That He's Qualified. His big problem is, he spends half his campaign money on Hair products and other half physical enhancements. His Target Is Shallow and Gullible Nincompoops. He's just the type for the Democrats, another Lying, Two Faced Bull-Shitting Weasel

    1. You're a fucking moron pete stink.

    2. Wow, Leslie Elden Carpenter III, you coward! Too scared to show your carcass?

  5. Peter if her job of being secretary of state is a precursor ,we're in trouble

  6. Not 1/10 the fucking mess the flaming fuck face trump made.

  7. I noticed Dervish was the first one here posting the fake dave w comment to start his smears.

    1. That was YOUR comment, Mystere. I am only seeing this post today.

    2. Mystere just confessed to faking Dave Dubya.

      btw, Mystere, Dave knows YOU fake his ID.

    3. 🔺Oh look! ∆$$£∆¢€ tries to baselessly blame Mystere again when ∆$$£∆¢€ gave his boy ‽∆✓€ ‽Ωߥ∆ @⁶⁹€®

  8. Even the far left scotus judges knew their bacon would get fried if they voted the way they really wanted to.

  9. What a fuckwad, dickweed.

    1. Whatever Dervish says will come back at him on the day he takes his dirt nap and heads to Fire Lake.

    2. Dervish Sanders March 11, 2024 at 10:01 AM
      "That anonymous comment is not mine."

      Dervish just admitted he wrote that comment "Anonymous March 6, 2024 at 5:39 AM
      What a f<ckwad, d¡ckweed" is his retort.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. No. I said I did NOT write it. You need to take a remedial reading class, Mystere.

  10. Despite all protestations to the contrary, the Mooch will be the DNC Presidential nominee on the ballot in November. "She doesn't WANT to be President. What further PROOF do we need that SHE should be our nominee?"

  11. I want to slurp Pete Bootygig's delicious man juice

    1. Fuck you sewer rat.

    2. Oh my head hurts! I need some coffee. I feel I drank too much last night and embarrassed myself.

    3. 🔺Another admission from Dervish Sanders faking Dave Dubya.🔺

    4. Dervish Sanders March 6, 2024 at 9:31 PM
      "I want to slurp Pete Bootygig's delicious man juice."

      There, fixed it for ya, Dervish. You're welcome!

    5. Mystere: I want to slurp Pete Bootygig's delicious man juice.

      I didn't need to know that, Mystere. I did not want to know that.

      btw, there is no such person as "Pete Bootygig".

  12. The BEST part of last night’s State of the Union speech was the look on Speaker Mike Johnson’s face during all those Lies by Joe Biden.

  13. What we saw last night was long, Angry, Hate-filled, anti-Republican, anti- TRUTHFUL, screaming Hour instead of a speech

  14. Can you imagine that Biden said "J6 worst attack on democracy since the Civil War"
    I was waiting for him to say that HE was in the Army during the Civil War and that's how he know it.

    1. And he was fucking ABSOLUTLY spot on dickweed.

    2. He was spot on what? His meds?

    3. He was spot on? Just like he always is,lol That's why they will keep him in the basement again this year.

  15. My God wasn't Mike Johnson great, he had every expression every American had watching last nights shit show. I think I watched Mike more than Biden, he was priceless

    1. The fucking worm johnson is as big a POS as trump.

    2. How could anyone look at Jacked up Joe's shit show and not show disgust?

  16. Of course he didn't tell the nation, that starting on day one, he took 91 executive actions that made the border less safe and secure. He didn't tell the country that he inherited the most secure border in more than half a century and because of HIS actions, we have the least secure border in recorded history. And that's just one topic, I'd be here all night typing to cover the rest.
    And whoever told him to scream, and to be so angry made a huge mistake all he does is blame others and scream at you.

    1. Anothet fucking idiot sheeple to facism and nazism and donald j skunk's lies.

    2. 🔺 Leslie Elden Carpenter III🔺 hides behind the anonymous post.

    3. That was the meds talking. They except us to believe Old Yeller is fired up at 9:00pm when he normally is sundowning by 6:00pm?

    4. The White China that Farting JoeJoe snorted from Hunter's crack piehole after Hunter finished boofing started wearing off towards the end of Farting JoeJoe crowing off.

    5. Sounds like you would know, Mystere. My guess? Mystere and his husband take turns snorting the "White China" from each other's endos. The high he gets from this activity Mystere describes as "crowing off". I wouldn't know anything about it.

  17. A Gold Star Dad who shouted at President Biden during his State of the Union address Thursday night was identified as the father of a fallen Marine — and was l arrested over the disruption.

    “America’s safer today than when I took office,” Biden, was in the middle of saying before he was interrupted from the chamber’s balcony.
    He “Dared” to yelled down from the balcony . “Second Battalion, First Marines!”

  18. Gold Star dad Steve Nikoui was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor Last night for heckling Joe Biden during his angry and divisive State of the Union speech.
    The Gold Star dad Steve Nikoui was arrested and just charged for shouting 'Remember Abbey Gate?!'
    Abbey Gate is where his Son was Killed in Afghanistan, after Biden’s Horrific withdrawal.


  19. What we saw last night was Biden's Demented Anger on Full Display Last Night.

    That was the Darkest most UN-American, Incoherent Rant (masquerading as a “Speech”) in US history
    It More like Screaming, Warning, Babbling, and Shrieking, you would have thought that he would want to be a bit more Likeable then acting as if he was a Lunatic. His entire speech was a wild. reckless, loony catastrophe.!

  20. We didn’t see a Plan to fix the Border, because the Real Plan was to Destroy it.

    1. Another goddamn idiot. It's all the gop is made up today.


    2. 🔺Leslie Elden Carpenter III🔺

      appears to have smoked his reserve stash of butt shrooms.

      Don't blow a head gasket, Leslie. Ease up, Leslie.

  21. Biden trotted out the tired old Bull Shit line that Republicans are seeking to slash Medicare and Social Security, two popular entitlement programs:


  22. Right Now, there are Protesters are blocking the 110 Freeway in downtown L.A. demanding cease-fire in Gaza,
    Perhaps they should have thought twice before they Attacked Israel?

    1. All it'll take is someone blowing his head gasket to charge his car or truck into the clowns protesting while on the freeway.

    2. Who would have guessed the left in this country are the antisemites?

    3. Protesting the killing of civilians makes a person an antisemite? That must be the magaturd definition.

      The actual antisemites are rightturds, btw.

    4. 🔺Passed out of the stink hole from the resident Jew hater from Paris Tennessee.🔺

    5. ^^Passed out of the stink hole from the resident Jew hater from Cypress California^^

    6. ^^Tennessean FAG^^

  23. Joe "the???" Kelly said

    "Joe was dynamic and on his game last night. He blasted away the idea of "sleepy" Joe, and replaced it with "Give 'em Hell Joey!"

    Joe Has Been GIVING US HELL FOE OVER 3 YEARS, and Sleepy Joe Kelly dont even know it.

  24. The Obsessive Progressives, and Socialist-Democrats are churning out the same story about that senile, and highly delusional old man who should be in a nursing home repeating his childhood memories rather than TRYING to run a country, but rather is RUINING the Country is getting to be pretty damb disgusting.
    These BIDUMB Supporters who get so excited from ONE Angry, disgusting Speech from a man who should be UNITING his Country but is DIVIDING it instead!
    Maybe I should be asking your Idiotic Biden Supporters why don't you teach your “Man” Joe to read and Speak his speech that was Full Of Lies, instead of talking smack like some Punk on the Street
    And while you are at it, how about telling Sleepy Joe to CLOSE those damn borders that encourage Child Sex Trafficking, and are bringing in Murderers, Drug traffickers, Hoodlums, and to stop loading HIS BILLS with tons of PORK that don’t belong in those Bills!. And by the way! What was that story in todays paper all about?
    T said and I quote “Nearly 100 special forces from five Western countries — including more than a dozen Americans — have been operating on the ground in Ukraine, according to a leaked document.

    The classified document, was dated March 23 and marked “Secret,” revealed that the US HAD 14 SPECIAL FORCES IN UKRAINE AS OF LAST MONTH,
    Does this mean that we already have Troops on the Ground!

  25. That Moronic "Shouting Joe" definitely needs to start playing hardball with Hamas, and he NEEDS to tell them NOW, and once and not again to surrender and release the Hostages (ALL OF THEM) Before Israel Totally Levels Gaza.
    And just maybe these IDIOTIC PRO-Palestinian supporters that saw the slaughter of innocent women and children before their eyes, yet they seem to support it.

  26. The Progressive Democraps seemed to be having a great time watching , and enjoying Biden's shit-show last night..

    1. They certainly ate their KooKoo Puffs!

    2. How often do you get blasted on "KooKoo Puffs", Mystere? Every day?

    3. Oh, Assface Dervy Pimple Butt Satan Sanders, your confession means nothing.

  27. The stink of MAGA is thick and putrid. It is, and always has been a lie. But the wackos of the right thrive on the stink and the lie. As they grovel before their Fuhrer.

    1. The stink you smell, Baldy Stinky Buttwipe Carpenter, is the septic tank overflow caused by your outhouse clogging your sewage lines.
