Friday, February 9, 2024

To What do we Owe these Stats?



  1. Wyoming Has the Fourth-Highest Gun Death Rate in the Country

    Also, least populated states in America: Wyoming, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.

    The top five safest states, according to the study, are Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Utah and Massachusetts. In compiling the rankings, WalletHub compared five key dimensions: Personal and Residential Safety, Financial Safety, Road Safety, Workplace Safety and Emergency Preparedness.Oct 23, 2023

    Your banner with some jackass's OPINION is wrong!

    1. The criterion for some jackass's study weren't based upon THEIR opinion as to what the criterion for evaluation should be? LOL!

  2. No wonder the Patriots had such great Karma during their 18 year dynasty - New England only let's the right people live there! LMAO

    1. Les Carpenter didn't write that comment. The comment faker Mystere wrote it. But, yes, Mystere should pack up his bullshit and get lost.

    2. Les Carpenter February 10, 2024 at 8:43 PM
      "No wonder the Patriots had such great Karma during their 18 year dynasty - New England only let's the right people live there! LMAO"

      Dervish Sander February 11, 2024 at 3:03 PM
      "Les Carpenter didn't write that comment. The comment faker Mystere wrote it. But, yes, Mystere should pack up his bullshit and get lost"

      No Dervish, you wrote that fake Les Carpenter retort. Mystere hasn't been here for ages, and this is the first time I saw this post after you made your wild baseless lying accusation at The Donkey's Revenge blog.

      Thanks for the heads up, Derpish. I hadn't stopped by Lisa's site in a while.


  3. It is my humble but valued opinion that Joe Biden won't make it for even the next another few months before he is tied up, put in a Straight Jacket, kicking, and screaming and removed from office.
    So, they'd be better off dropping Kamala Harris soon. Before Sinile Joe has to go. , Nobody likes her, at the top of the ticket and she’s certainly NOT execrable. replacing her with Newsom now before, Joe resigns for health reasons And Newsom becomes President, and selects a new, and different Vice President, and that’s how to get rid of Kamala.
    Joe Biden, who called an impromptu press conference on last Thursday night in which he hotly insisted that his memory was just fine. The occasion was the publication of a justice department report that cleared Biden of criminal charges over his handling of highly classified materials. This year-long investigation was carried out by special counsel Robert Hur, who happens to be a registered Republican, and whose report specifically mentions the president’s “significantly limited” memory. Mr Hur says that part of the reason he didn’t bring charges was that “at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” He still was able to launch another one of his vicious attacks on Donald Trump, and the MAGA Republicans. .
    Our President, despite his obvious dementia seems to think that he’s still going to run again. However, I think that he’s to busy shiting in his pants.
    Biden had almost left the stage last night when he returned to the podium to take a question on the Israel-Gaza conflict, in which he unfortunately referred to the Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as “the Mexican president”. On the one hand, this was always going to happen just at the moment he was insisting his memory was great, just as it is a truth universally acknowledged that people correcting someone else’s grammar or spelling will normally involuntarily commit some howler of their own in the process..
    Biden had almost left the stage last night when he returned to the podium to take a question on the Israel-Gaza conflict, in which he unfortunately referred to the Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as “the Mexican president”. He couldn’t even remember when his own Son had died, or the reason why he died. And then he had to stumble and think for a minute or two to remember that he was once the Vice President!
    On the other hand … According to polling, Biden’s age and cognitive glitches have always been his biggest vulnerability with voters.
    And many times Biden’s seniority are not the greatest either. . Yes, perhaps the country can no longer watch any of Biden’s speeches or address without picturing his aides also watching, and waiting backstage, to help him exit the stage without trying to wander around looking for the door so that he could exit.
    And to add to the Democrats troubles .John Kerry also makes the U.S. look delusional on the world stage


  4. Hillary Clintoon smells blood in the water like the political piranha she is, and always was ready to Devour the Weak and Pitifully, Defeated Victim. Don't be surprised if she tries to maneuver herself in a position of getting the nomination.
    That Sniveling, Screaming, Lying, Repulsive women arouses pity

    Hillary said she believes President Biden’s age is a “legitimate” issue for the Commander-In-Chief to be under fire ,and was accusing him of being Senile, forgetful, and Inept. So, as a good Patriot .Hillary offers herself as the alternative. Here I was, thinking the democrats couldn't do any worse than Joe Biden. But it turns out, that they can with Hillary at the helm.

  5. Donald Trump has come up with another one of his Idiotic Plans. As he calls for end to America giving Foreign Aid, And he says that the US should only give loans, that must be paid back.
    This is one of his most retarded ideas ever. US influence would dwindle to nothing overnight, leaving the field to China and Russia.
    Trade deals would evaporate, foreign bases would be closed, and every country would be aligned against us.

    And POOF, The Game will be Over

  6. Where did I see the meme, "Yeah if you could just stop playing the race card, that would be great"?

    1. To Kremlin agent -FJ and anyone foolish enough to not see through his agenda.
      Bryan Cunningham
      Executive Director
      University of California, Irvine
      Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute

      MEGA MAGA DON'T BE GASLIT! (Bear With Me to the end). As a career, non-partisan, intelligence professional, I actually don't know whether Trump, Speaker Johnson, and some of the MAGA bootlicking Senators are ACTUALLY recruited assets of Putin's Intelligence Services....

      But what I know FOR CERTAIN is that they could no more be doing Putin's bidding if they WERE directly under Russian intelligence control. Ask ANY serious intelligence professional what KGB Putin would want of high-ranking USG spies and they would say...

      1. Get the US out of NATO.
      2. Invite Russia to invade Western Europe.
      3. Stoke and amplify all divisions in America, along racial, ethnic, & religious fissures (i.e., make us hate each other).
      4. Undermine Americans' trust in all of our institutions: FBI, CIA, DOJ, the Courts and our heroic Military.


      Are you starting to get it yet New Putin Simps? The "Art of the Deal"-maker and his bootlickers are GIVING EVERYTHING TO PUTIN FOR FREE. Great deal, eh? We ARE being invaded-not by immigrants but by Putin's propaganda, fueled by MAGA. And REMEMBER: As bad as illegal immigration is, they don't have nukes. Putin does.

      WAKE. THE. FU@K UP!
      Russian operative -FJ HATES America and our system of democratic representation with voting and civil rights.

      He's doing EXACTLY what Putin wants him to do. Nobody here can rationally dispute this. Name-calling and deflections expected.

    2. Au contraire, Dave. Tell your friends to stop spying on Americans and to stop leaking fake Russian Space Nuke "intelligence" stories to scare the public into financing more endless wars, foreign coups and approving unconstitutional illegal wiretaps of US citizens.

      Jes saying, comrade. it's you who represents the vrag proletariata.

  7. Once again Lisa shows us all her disgusting racism by featuring the Obamas wealth as though it was a bad thing. The Obamas earned all of it, unlike the Orange Asshole Trump who inherited it and f**ked up by bankrupting casinos and losing it on failed business. Now he just sucks off of idiots like Lisa by asking for donations from the stupids who worship the rapist.

    PS. Guess who's not facing indictments and criminal trials? THE OBAMAS! Eat that truth Lisa and keep supporting the rapist.

    1. You want to hear LIES, and Bullshit, Try reading the GARBAGE that Shaw digs up in her Disturbed Mind and then writes it in the Progressive POS of hers.

    2. The Obamas earned all of it,

      Their Political "gifts" were earned? Isn't that normally called "bribery"? Especially if there was a quid pro quo.

    3. :P :P

      I trust the not charge rent...

      According to People, the 6,892-square-foot Martha's Vineyard estate was sold on Wednesday for $11.75 million to a trust. James F. Reynolds, a longtime friend of Barack Obama who also served as a member of his national finance committee during the 2008 presidential election, is named as a trustee on the deed.

    4. I love Hawaii... just ask for a public easement.... and get a beach! Next time you are in Hawaii, just ask for yours!

  8. Mystere: Less n****rs = Less Murders!

    Mystere = comment-faker and racist.

    1. 🔺Says the Biden slurping slob Dervi$h bin~§atan~§ander$666🔺

  9. The White House counsel's office asked special counsel Robert Hur to revise some of the language in his report on his investigation into President Biden's handling of classified documents, which highlighted that the president's memory "appeared to have significant limitations," leading Hur's team to believe a jury might see Mr. Biden as a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." So Biden is too Senile to be prosecuted, but well enough to be the leader of the free world? Isn’t that very Strange?
    It’s even scarier that the fact that is he is a senile old man who has access to the nuclear launch codes!.
    Lest we remember when Biden didn’t even remember when he was Vice President, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ('if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?'), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ('in 2009, am I still Vice President?'," the report reads. "HE DID NOT EVEN REMEMBER, EVEN WITHIN SEVERAL YEARS, WHEN HIS SON BEAU DIED. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, for example It is quite condescending to think that we have a president of the U.S. that is a Nice, Lonely, Unassuming Old Man who hangs out on Park Benches, and talks to himself while feeding the pigeons all day....I Can't Say That I Am Very Happy About That! But I do think that Biden Is an Angry Old Asshole with the IQ of a Turnip.!
    Look, facts are facts, and Biden STOLE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, distributed classified documents......some at top Secret level.
    Also like the document's Biden got the Ukraine prosecutor fired!
    It reminds me of the Hillary Clinton case when James Comey said that “the crimes were indeed undeniable crimes were to flimsy to pursue”.

  10. We Desperately need a Special law enforcement agency to use their best efforts to support the enforcement of federal immigration law officers at our Borders that Joe Biden MESSED UP .Or we will lose our Country! .

    1. Dave Dubya licks come off the glory hole floors!

    2. 🔺Says Dervish bin §atan~§ander$666🔺

  11. IS THIS GUY A COMEDIAN? if not he should be one... Because All of his posts on that RAG aka Progressive Blog, is a real Joke. But then again aren't they all really Jokes? They Absolutely, Possessively CAN'T be serious. Especially form this NEW Guy that Shaw DUG-UP !

    Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...
    I'd like to think Trump is playing a joke on us with all the crap he spews but man I tell ya, no matter what comes out of his mouth millions of people buy right into it. I remember when republicans claimed to be tough on commies and dictators. Overnight they love them now. They claimed to love Israel and now House republicans are glad to abandon them. I had friends in high school that were evangelicals. At least when they were in church. Every week there was a new antichrist with them. Yet Trump isn't on their hit parade even though they love his speaking and his mark of the beast, MAGA, on their hats and sport it on bumper stickers

  12. Shouldn’t Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams Be Charged With Insurrection?
    And If Not Why not? They both did what Donald has supposed to have done, . If denying election results is a crime for Trump, it should be a crime for everyone. Al Gore also should be rotting in jail for his 2000 denial., as the Progressive Bunch of Moronic are claiming.
    So in closing, I’d like to repeat I want to ask you all the question on whether or not you think that we shouldn’t be charging someone like Hillary Clinton with insurrection???. And,someone like Stacey Abrams with insurrection??? Because they all claim that they won elections. We KNOW that Hillary Clinton was full of it. We know that because we saw what come out it, and that she is still Screaming in the Woods, and Howling at the Moon about it!.

  13. Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...
    "Sad to say but I haven't been back to mass since the priest delivered a sermon saying it was a sin to vote for Biden. Then the guy went on to deny science as he was speaking into a microphone that sent a signal through an amplifier and speakers so we could hear his nonsense delivered a sermon saying it was a sin to vote for Biden."

    Could it be Possible that the " PRIEST" mentioned above that Joe Kelly" called "The Guy" is Smarter that "His Holiness" Joe Kelly?

  14. Just in case you have been very busy lately, and that have had better things to do but keep an eye out for the Progressives in our country “Sneaking” into the supream Court, and haven’t noticed by now, the Democrats are destroying America from within by corrupting and bankrupting those institutions associated with our security and safety.

    They are destroying our Constitution and The Rule of Law with insane laws and administrative rules and regulations that carry the force of law--all enforced by activist judges and hand-picked juries of useful idiots who would instead support the viewpoint of their peers rather than uphold justice and the law. That includes the U.S. Supreme Court with squishes like Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett. And if nobody has noticed, there are three progressive communist democrats, Associate Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Elena Kagan, who are willing to subvert the Constitution to issue nonsensical rulings and dissents when things don’t go their way.

    But now the attack on America has advanced to a clear and present danger...

    Since when have we welcomed these ILLEGAL individuals into our Country, that we can’t possibly vet?

    1. "Supream court"?
      How to spot a poorly educated MAGA cult zombie: "there are three progressive communist democrats, Associate Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Elena Kagan."
      Like with the Nazis from Hitler's Germany, everyone who doesn't worship der Fuhrer is a "commie".
      MAGA = Ignorance, hate, racism and fascism.

    2. Dave is so different from the Nazis... "Everyone who doesn't worship Biden is a MAGA!" We're so glad he came here today to prove it... e-r-r-r-p!

  15. Hey Very Tax what a totally dumb comment about my header. It just goes to prove you don't even get it or you can see is race where race isn't even part of that meme.

  16. Totally dumb comments are Typical when they come from the Progressive Bunch of Slobs, and/or Bidumb Lovers. .

  17. LisaFebruary 12, 2024 at 5:51 PM
    Hey Very Tax what a totally dumb comment about my header. It just goes to prove you don't even get it or you can see is race where race isn't even part of that meme.

    What's the purpose of putting that quote up? Do you know whether or not the Obamas give money to charities? Give us evidence that you know whether they do or not, and then we'll believe this isn't a dig at them because they're rich Black people. You seem to be concerned only with how the Obamas use their wealth. Why is that?

    1. Obamas are Nigger Rich. Name one legitimate good or service they ever provided

      Unless someone's paying Mooch to peel bananas with her feet LMAO

    2. It's because she made that statement, probably referring to us peasants, to sacrifice while living in the lap of luxury. Not that I owe you an explanation

    3. Hey Dervish, exploiting Les Carpenter's name to hide your retorts and then blame me and Mystere is a very bad idea.

  18. Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...
    "In the interest of bipartisanship I appreciate FJ citing a bunch of philosophers recently. Good to see a conservative that appreciates liberal arts stuff. Go Teachers Union! "

    It REALLY Takes a Rocket Scientist to Think of a Idiotic Post as that Genius . I never was aware that we have a "Genius among us!

  19. Ole “"Truth 101" Kelly” appears to be an a "grown-up" Progressive Dolt whose values derive from his rather, shall we be nice and just say “STRANGE”? As. It is well-known that he is (to put it mildly) dyslexic and does not really participate on Social Media Platforms such as the Progressive Rag or other online forums., I would think that he really should think of joining the other DOLTS on “The View”, where he would FIT-IN with the other Pudding Heads, as they are all Crack-Pots, aka Progressive’s liberal’s, Socialist, Marxist’s, Socialist –Democrat’s and Communist’s..

  20. So the new Rocket Scientist on the ASININE Progressive Blog turns out to be a Wise Ass that calls Jewish People that post there insults, and stupid names..
    The only thing of value to learn from your insults is I don't want to be like you Joey Boy.
    I’d like to voice MY opinion and say that Joey Boy is a Poster of No substance; just a lot of rambling and incoherent nonsense.
    I’d like to tell him that Calling people Names is a sign of being ignorant, dumb, and uninformed people that simply is INEPT because, that’s all that they know!

  21. @ Lisa - How DARE you break the DNC's most sacred Unwritten Rule... NEVER speak ill of any minorities unless they have (R)s after their names, even if its' the truth! Then CRUSH all who do (but look for the (R) first), You CANNOT be a (D) unless you follow this rule, but NEVER speak of it!

    1. The stats you posted are PURE (D) BLASPHEMY! You are hereby excommunicated FOREVER from the Church of (D)s.

  22. The Moronic Dave Dubya had posted this:
    While wading through the cesspool of fascist White Christian nationalism in the Mother Ship, I noticed how Thersites behaves among his fellow "Patriots"

    Thersites complained: "Every conversation with Democrats devolves to racism and a false accusation (become a mythology) that Republicans are “racists”.

    Thersites also complained about Obama the “Halfrican Kenyan”.
    I must say THAT was "mighty white" of him.
    Your Right Thersites, However, I would have said MUCH WORSE of the Halfrican., for example, he was a Horrible President, but not as Horrible as the Current Dingbat

    1. This is the RACISM that is rampant in this pit of ignorance, hate and bigotry:

      "Obamas are Nigger Rich. Name one legitimate good or service they ever provided. Unless someone's paying Mooch to peel bananas with her feet LMAO"

      Instead of denouncing this racism, it is embraced here.

      They keep proving:
      Ignorance isn't ignorance to the ignorant.
      Racism isn't racism to the racist.
      A cult isn't a cult to the cult.

    2. Oh, oh.. Another RINO?

      Fox News host Steve Doocy calls out Speaker Johnson for blocking the foreign aid bill:

      “He says that the reason the House isn't going to bring it up is because it needs border security stuff, which ironically was in the Senate bill last week, but it was kicked to the curb…because Donald Trump didn't like it.”

      Maybe some stable genius here can set us straight?

    3. You seem to be the only racist hate spewer here today, Dave. Aren't you feeling "uncomfortable"?

  23. Do the DINGBAT on y the Progressive Blog, who called another person “Maga Jew dude” has Bragged about he previously voted for HILLARY!
    Well anyone who voted for the HILLDABEAST, should not be calling anyone else names!
    Get that Joe?

  24. It appears that the FAT MOUTHED Fani Willis has failed to block a hearing into her alleged conflict of interest. Where the HYPOCRITE was clearly giving a High Over the Top Salary to her Boyfriend, and Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee is quoted as saying “Because I think it's possible that the facts alleged by the defendant could result in disqualification.
    Hopefully she gets THROWN OUT OF OFFICE, for her phony comments, and braking the law.
    And learned an expensive lesson.

  25. Will America under the Weak, and Inept President Biden stand up to the Country when needed, or will be show his weakness to the rest of the world as he has in the past?
    I feel that Former President Trump will be the last Administration that was FOR AMERICA FIRST be the last of the kind that we need, and that we Certainly need now.
    Had Hillary won we’d still be like Frogs in a boiling pot of hot water. one degree at a time. Thankfully, Trump’s unexpected victory threw the America Haters into panic And we got at least 4 years of success, until XiBiden, and that dingbat Kamala Harris who shut down the US Economy, and who has sent this One Time Great Nation down the Toilet. . Will these two losers be able to CHEAT AGAIN with their phony of million of votes in November and once again Steal the Election. . Do you think your vote in 2024 is really going to matter?
    The democratic lovers of the CCP will be the destruction of the US economy. Adding, as they plan, $5 Trillion in new debt this year will likely cause the US dollar to lose it’s status as the world reserve currency. And do think that the 10's of Millions of Illegal’s that they have already brought into our Country has already killed the Greatest Nation that the world has even seen, and had? The choice is to either reopen, and bring back the economy, and CLOSE the border from these ILLEGAL Invaders who are bringing in Disease, Filth, Drugs, and CRIME , will or destroy the Country, , So think of all this when you enter the Voting booth ... Think about what XiHarris and XiBiden are doing to our Beloved America.

    1. Political Chic thinks Biden's actions against Houthi attacks is "weak". This is called "projection" from a very weak intellect.

      MAGA "values":
      1. Trump
      2. Putin and Russia
      America and democracy-LAST

      "Take Trump's invitation to Russia to invade Europe, Mike Johnson's Trump-directed assistance to Russia by blocking Ukraine aid, and Tucker's stint as a propaganda monkey for Putin and you understand that it really always was Russia, Russia, Russia. MAGA is an anti-US movement." – David Rothkopf, a moral anti-Trump Jew. Like MOST of them.

    2. Take Trumps request to Putin for Hillary's e-mails.

      Sarcasm and irony is totally lost on literalist a-holes.

  26. Political Chic thinks you need a MRI for your Brain damage,

    1. LOL! Political Chic demonstrates the Dunning-Kruger effect.

      (It's not like she can rationally discuss or dispute any of the points.)

    To Make America Great, and to take AMERICA out of the Hands of that Sick Potatoheaded Imbecile, and his idiotic supporters, like YOU DAVY "BOY"!!.

    1. Anonymous came unglued over a rational statement:
      "Take Trump's invitation to Russia to invade Europe, Mike Johnson's Trump-directed assistance to Russia by blocking Ukraine aid, and Tucker's stint as a propaganda monkey for Putin and you understand that it really always was Russia, Russia, Russia. MAGA is an anti-US movement." – David Rothkopf, a moral anti-Trump Jew. Like MOST of them.

      Like every neo-Nazi Anonymous HATES MOST JEWS and LOVES PUTIN!

    2. You don't support the American led Maidan coup in Ukraine and subsequent war against Russia, you're a filthy neo-Nazi....

      Aren't the Ukrainians we support like the Azov Brigade mostly neo-Nazi's? Oooops?

  28. Political Chic IS rational enough to know that she shouldn't discuss ANYTHING with the like of you!

  29. Trump wanted peace with Russia so the Democrats gave us war with Russia.

    Trump wanted to cool off hostilities with the Muslims, so the Democrats gave us increased hostilities with the Muslims.

    Trump wanted a strong border, so the Democrats gave us a practically non-existent border.

    Trump wanted to end the horror of legalized abortion, so the Democrats have embraced abortion as their top issue.

    Trump want to increase American manufacture in America and thus give us more employment Democrats gave us a Supply Chain shortages and more imports.

    The Democratic Progressives are the most Shallow and Vindictive Shitbags on the Face of this Earth!

    1. Peter isn't capable of thinking a SINGLE thought Trump doesn't want him to think.
      He's not bright enough to understand the covid pandemic is responsible for the supply chain shortages.
      He also hasn't heard about automation in factories.
      But he loves his MAGA hat and flags MADE IN CHINA!

  30. Davy Dumb Ass the Monkey "See, Monkey Do" Dumbass isn't capable of thinking a SINGLE thought or capable of thinking for ITSELF! He thinks, and says whatever that other DUMBASS Shaw Keewee want him to think. She Hates Donald Trump So Much because he DARED to beat the HIldabeast . So they both Hate Donald Trump so much that they can't even see what the Ass-Wipe, Mr Shit in his Pants in the White House is doing to our Country! And they won't wake up until our County is GONE!

    1. Debbie Dimwit has no clue that her malevolent mendacious messiah is not an honest man. She will never understand he is liar and criminal because she WORSHIPS Trump and BELIOEVES every word from his lying hateful mouth is GOSPEL.
      Political Chic lives in the same fantasy world of hate and ignorance.
      These cultists are indoctrinated to IGNORE FACTS and HATE the person who reports them.
      They are a cult by every measure.
      I can tell them truthfully that their god was shown a picture of his victim of sexual assault E. Jean Carroll and thought it was HIS WIFE MARLA.
      "I don't recall" was their saviors response to over 30 questions from Mueller.
      This is when they cover their eyes and ears and spew hate at anyone who shows them the truth.

  31. The Confused Elderly Man with Poor Memory, that Shaw, and Davy Boy calls the Leader of the Free World Just Keeps on Wondering Around The Stage after his speech, and can’t figure out which way is the way off.
    The senile and confused-looking President Biden paced back and forth behind King Abdullah II of Jordan Monday, apparently unsure of where to stand ahead of King Abdullah remarks! And he gets piss off because someone dared to say that the Old Fart can’t even remember the date that his own Son Died, or what he died of.
    Whay his dumb-ass Wife “Dr’ Jill is doing to him is just plain cruelty, because Joe’s wife and handlers won’t let a cognitive test and to STEP DOWN fron his position as Croo-In-Chief before he complely destroys this country, and sends us into another World War.
    Democrats love nominating people like Biden and Harris because they will do as they're told by people like Grorge Soros who really is pulling his strings along with that othe Traitor Barrack Obama and his Asinine Wife.
    It just sickens me to know that Mr. Potato Head is just a figure head of this country while Marxists are destroying it from within.

    1. Poorly educated Debbie doesn't know it, but her line, "Marxists are destroying it from within" is lifted directly from HITLER'S Mein Kampf.
      SIEG HEIL, Debbie. How does it feel being the American Master Race?

  32. There is no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden is a corrupt, mentally compromised, and a senile egomaniac who is being manipulated by the former anti-Semitic, anti-White, and anti-America President Obama who with along with George Soros are pulling his strings.

    And it is undoubtedly true that Joe Biden is not fit for hold the office of the President of the United States of America..., But that does not stop the Biden Administration and his “Puppet Masters” from trying to secure the votes to have him re-elected even if it means pandering to the Jewish-hating, terrorist loving Muslims in tn Congress. .

    Ever since the October 7th raid of Israel, many of the Arab Americans in America, and especially in Michigan have become increasingly furious with Biden over his support for Israel and have vowed not to vote for him again. And this imposes a real problem to the Democrats who are eager to replace both Biden, and Kamala Harris was well.. Former President Donald Trump has made it clear he wants to see President Joe Biden impeached, and Trump's allies in Congress and his 2024 Republican presidential rivals are eager to join that fight to keep Trump out of office.
    So let's see, Mayorkas is being impeached, Austin is being impeached, and Biden’s impeachment is long overdue. No matter how you look at it, Our nation is in Peril. Biden’s entire regime has been a disaster .ever since day one.
    We Americans always wanted the border controlled. Only idiots and Democratic-Socialist Joe Biden supporters thought it good to just throw open the borders (without majority consent) to the Drug Cartels, Criminals, or Child Sexual Predator Rings or Terrorists. Biden and the Marxists made this happen, and now we are screwed.

    1. Like everyone in Trump's cult who worships every one of his words as gospel, Political Chic's brain won't accept facts she doesn't want to believe.

      The prosecutor who charged Hunter Biden with gun and tax crimes has now accused a former informant of making false claims of corruption against the Bidens.

    2. Dave Dubya YOU are the BIGGEST ASSHOLE on these Blogs.

  33. Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...
    “The republicans do all they can to appeal to bigots Maga Jew fellow. But they always have some kind of caveat to their nonsense. Maybe it's a black guy who was paid to sit behind Trump wearing a Blacks for Trump tshirt. Or guy claiming to be a Jewish person posting nonsense. At least the black guy got a few bucks. You getting a few bucks for trolling Maga Jew guy or are you just a useful idiot?”

    Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...
    “A black person complaining of white privilege doesn't bother me because I have empathy JoeC. I don't get racially profiled. I am not treated with suspicion simply because I have less melanin in my skin. I don't get vilified because my "booty" is different from the white person's ideal. If a white person gripes over racial quotas he/she is cheered by a good many white people who decry the nonsense of reverse racism”

    Old Joe 101 the NON-Truth guy is full of Shit as he continues to call Joe Conservative
    “ Maga Jew fellow” And look who’s calling who a “Bigot”... LOL
    Oh Yes, The Memories are Sweet. I can remember Ole Joe 101, from WAY back when!

  34. Fanie Willis is Toast, Done, Finished, Washed-UP ! As Nathan Wade Testifies He Paid For Vacations with His Business Card and Fannie Willis Reimbursed Him in CASH For Expenses. This is not going to end well for her, or him!.
    Is ANYONE Stupid enough to believe these two Morons?
    Fanie stormed into that Courtroom as if she was a Bull in a China Shop. And put on a show that was so OUTRAGEOUS, that it ought to be brought to Broadway!
    This was a typical Democrat act of Dishonesty, Lies, and Corruption.
    Fannie should be stripped of her license to practice law, or the Bar has NO integrity nor has any meaning. What-so-ever! She even went as LOW as can be by throwing the Race Card into her testimony! That Little angry Jackass should get thrown OUT of her position of District Attorney for that LYING Performance, and the Judge should throw the book at her, she belongs in Prison. This is so typical of a Leftist.

    1. Debbie doesn't understand Willis is NOT being tried for a crime.
      Can she POSSIBLY guess who really is?

    2. Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Willis?

  35. Yesterday we all witnessed a Disgusting Side-show showing of a hearing that was so full of Lies, and arrogant testimonies, alleged misconduct by a George Soros-backed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was underway, that the Judge is now deciding whether Fanie Willis should be disqualified from the entire Trump case.
    The District Attorn Fani Willis took the witness stand yesterday and she was hostile, arrogant, and defiant,and outright NASTY in her answering back to the prosecutor. Saying things like “Don’t be Cute with me” her Testimony was Off the Rails as She Talks about keeping Piles of Cash in her home as much as NINE THOUSAND Dollars, at all times. , As she spoke about her Taste for Grey Goose Vodka, Caviar,and Champagne!
    She testified under oath that he paid for all the vacations Nathan Wade took with Fani Willis with his business card – and Fani Willis reimbursed him in CASH for his expenses. As Nathan Wade squirmed and sweat in his seat as Michael Roman’s lawyer grilled him about his Sexual Relationship with Fani Willis
    This is what happens when you hand a 75 IQ along with Narcissist Power, along with Corrupt, Full of Hate and Bat Shit Crazy. to a Nasty women and tell her That she has the Power where She Can Do No Wrong! And telling the Prosecutor , "Don’t Be Cute With Me" .

  36. Dave Dubya Said
    "Debbie doesn't understand "..... Bla, Bla, Bla.....
    In Dave Dubya's IDIOTIC EYES, AND "Mind" ( and I use the would "mind" graciously because I doubt that he actually has a Working Mind, everyone doesn't understand! But he know better. In this RETARDED guys UN-Development MIND, HE IS MORE DELUSIONAL than Joe Biden!

    1. Peter,
      I have to laugh at your ignorance. You have no mental capacity to rationally dispute what I say, so you need to act like a little punk and call me names. LOL!
      Now run along and send your "billionaire" malevolent mendacious messiah MORE OF YOUR MONEY! LOL!
      I have a request.
      Send your savior an extra $1,000 for me, will you?

  37. Remember Ashli Babbitt, and NEVER FORGIVE those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a Thug wearing the uniform of the Capital Police. .
    MAGA 2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt When You Vote.
    It’s been three years since the January 6, 2021, PROTESTS in Washington DC to Stop the Democratic Steal of the 2020 election, and to PUT Joe Biden the Potatohead in Office.
    It’s been three years since Ashli Babbitt was killed (MURDERED) at the US Capitol at the Hands of the Capital Police.
    It’s been three years since the shameless, Lying US Mainstream media started spewing their lies about that day and the protests.

    It’s been three years since government operatives set up Trump supporters, arrested, inprisoned and abused thousands of innocent American, and destroyed the lives of thousands of American patriots.


    I will repeat the words of Joe Biden.

    “You cannot overthrow the US government without arms, F15s and Nukes.”

    How many of those were used on J6? NONE!



    1. Hey, PC,
      Ashli paid the price for swallowing Trump's Big Lie and FAFO while COMMITTING A CRIME!
      She wasn't murdered, and died because of her own stupidity. An officer is entitled to self-defense and deadly force to protect Congress. You're just not bright enough to understand that.
      Whatever happened to, "Follow the officers' commands"?
      If there's an insurrection at the Southern border, why did your god order his sycophantic party to BLOCK the border bill?
      Because HE wants the issue to run on. So much for an "invasion', so much for an "insurrection", so much for a "crisis". HE WANTS AN OPEN BORDER FOR THE NEXT YEAR. HE WANTS A DEPRESSION!
      And you fools think he cares about the American people?

  38. Trump ordered to pay $355 million and is barred from doing business in NY for 3 yeaas. Add that to the $83 million he has to pay E. Jean Carroll.

    The Trump brand, and the man himself, continue an impressive losing streak in the courtroom and the voting booth. Trump hasn’t won anything politically since he squeaked into office in 2016 and he’s lost many, many court cases and appeals since. May his historically huge losing streak continue through the general election and all the way to bankruptcy and prison time. Only then will justice truly be served.

    1. That grease ball of a judge already knew the penalty before the outcome. All corrupt just to keep him from running.
      All pos liberals concerned more about what Trump did where there were no victims instead of going after real crime in the city that's innodated with immigrants and crime.

    2. Lisa,
      Your tolerance of people stealing other people's names and spewing vile racist hate doesn't exactly reflect a sense of decency, as you smear liberals as pos.

      Maybe you were raised that way and see nothing wrong with it?

      Two FACTS:
      1. Fraud is against the law.
      2. Trump committed fraud.

      Why does his cult think their beloved malevolent mendacious messiah is ABOVE the LAW?
      Only DICTATORS are above the law.
      This tells us they really want Trump for DICTATOR.

      Two more FACTS:
      1. Trump broke several laws when he tried to STEAL the 2020 election.
      2. The evidence against him is overwhelming and he will be tried in a court of law.

      His fanatic cult is incapable of learning anything Trump doesn't want them to know. His lies are GOSPEL to his cult, but NOT in a court of law where FACTS matter and LIES under oath are perjury.

      This is why 60 courts denied his cronies' election cases because NONE of them would swear under oath that they had real evidence of voter fraud.

      Liberals are concerned with facts and the rule of law.
      MAGAts think Trump is above the law and has done nothing illegal. The evidence is in the indictments, but they WON'T EVEN LOOK AT IT!

      They are indoctrinated not to question Trump's words, and to allow him to define reality FOR THEM.

      Trump's election lies, crimes, and declaration of immunity putting his above the rule of law, along with his fanatic followers hating the rest of us are tearing our nation apart. This is NOT how you make a country great.

    3. So when is Trump going to be charged with "insurrection" Dave? How many participants in the J6 freedom rally were charged with Insurrection or convicted, Dave? Show us now your great "respect" for facts and "the rule of law." How many?

    4. None dare call it treason, amirite?
      Want some facts?
      It must really disturb Kremlin agent -FJ that nearly 500 of Trump's thugs have been convicted for their 1/6 crimes, including at least 14 for SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY. Trump has committed so many crimes the DOJ needed to settle on the charges that would be easiest to convince a jury to CONVICT him.
      Courts have already determined he has committed sexual assault and fraud, and have imposed fines for penalties.
      The Colorado Supreme Court determined he incited insurrection as well as aided and abetted it.
      The 14th Amendment does NOT require a conviction of sedition to disqualify him, especially when committed in broad daylight.
      Want more numbers?
      Putin's Pal is facing 91 felony charges.

    5. Unlike with fascists, propagandists, and cultists, when new or more accurate information is available, we accept the facts.

      From the DOJ As of January 5, 2024
      • Approximately 749 federal defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6.,sentenced%20to%20periods%20of%20incarceration.

      You're welcome.

    6. The Colorado Supreme Court determined he incited insurrection as well as aided and abetted it.

      Was he charged with those crimes? LOL!

    7. They also "determined" that they didn't have to prove that he incited an insurrection since the US Congress had already found him "not guilty" of incitement after his impeachment trial. CO's Supreme Court can overturn the judgements Constitutionally arrived at by the US Congress? They have THAT authority? How did they make their "determination". Queen of Hearts "Sentence first, trial later" style?

    8. Evidently Putin's puppets" are EVERYWHERE...

      The Colorado ruling stands in contrast with the Minnesota Supreme Court, which last month decided that the state party can put anyone it wants on its primary ballot.

      In another 14th Amendment case, a Michigan judge ruled that Congress, not the judiciary, should decide whether Trump can stay on the ballot in a ruling that is being appealed.

      Three Colorado Supreme Court justices dissented in Tuesday’s ruling.

      One of the dissenting justices, Carlos Samour, said in a lengthy opinion that a lawsuit was not a fair mechanism for determining Trump’s eligibility for the ballot because it deprived him of his right to due process, noting that a jury had not convicted him of insurrection.

      “Even if we are convinced that a candidate committed horrible acts in the past – dare I say, engaged in insurrection – there must be procedural due process before we can declare that individual disqualified from holding public office,” Samour said.

      "No, No", say the fascists. "Sentence first, verdict AFTER!"

    9. 500 of Trump's thugs have been convicted for their 1/6 crimes, including at least 14 for SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY. Trump has committed so many crimes the DOJ needed to settle on the charges that would be easiest to convince a jury to CONVICT him.

      Seditious Conspiracy still isn't "insurrection" Dave. It's a completely different section of the US penal code (18 USC 2383: Rebellion or insurrection). So far not a single person involved with J6 was been charged with insurrection. Why not? You're devoted to "the rule of law", right Dave? Why aren't you applying it in Trump's case?

    10. Could it be that J6 doesn't qualify as an "insurrection"? Could it be that a bunch of Cos Players merely had a Capitol Police- violence induced "reaction" riot in the US Capitol so that Nancy Pelosi could adjourn a hearing on the qualifications and acceptance of Electors using the "emergency evacuation" as an excuse for violating the regular parliamentary order requiring a discussion of their qualifications? Could it be that a parliamentary coup d-etat was effected by seditious legislators?

  39. Dave Dumbya why do you slurp and adore the Nigger Rich Ubungas. Do you secretly want to be consumed by them in their next cannibal uga-booga ceremony? LMAO

    1. 🔺Dervish Sanders hijacking Les Carpenter's name again.🔺


  40. Les CarpenterFebruary 16, 2024 at 6:49 PM
    Dave Dumbya why do you slurp and adore the Nigger Rich Ubungas. Do you secretly want to be consumed by them in their next cannibal uga-booga ceremony? LMAO

    1. 🔺Dervish Sanders posting as Lisa Is A Name Stealer🔺

  41. Remember Ashli Baba?, and NEVER FORGIVE those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a Thug wearing the uniform of the Capital Police. .
    MAGA 2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Baba When You Vote.
    It’s been three years since the January 6, 2021, PROTESTS in Washington DC to Stop the Democratic Steal of the 2020 election, and to PUT Joe Biden the greatest POTUS of the 21st century in Office.

    It’s been three years since government operatives set up Trump supporters, arrested, inprisoned and abused thousands of innocent American, and destroyed the lives of thousands of traitors!


    I will repeat the words of glizg$%#@!.



  42. Yesterday we all witnessed a Disgusting SLide-show showing of a hearing that was so full of Pies, and Carrogant testies, alleged misconduct by a George Santos-backed FiFi County District Attorney Alejandro Willis was underwater, that the Juju is now deciding whether Theodore should be disqualified from the entire Trump case.
    The District Attorn Y Willis took the witness stand yesterday and she was hostile, arrogant, and defiant,and outright NASTY in her answering back to the prosecutor. Saying things like “Don’t be Cute with me” her Testimony was Off the Rails as She Talks about keeping Piles of Cash in her home as much as NINE THOUSAND Dollars, at all times. , As she spoke about her Taste for Grey Goose Vodka, Caviar,and Champagne!
    She testified under oath that he paid for all the vacations Nathan Wade took with Fani Willis with his business card – and Fani Willis reimbursed him in CASH for his expenses. As Nathan Wade squirmed and sweat in his seat as Michael Roman’s lawyer grilled him about his Sexual Relationship with Fani Willis
    This is what happens when you hand a 75 IQ along with Narcissist Power, along with Corrupt, Full of Hate and Bat Shit Crazy. to a Nasty women and tell her That she has the Power where She Can Do No Wrong! And telling the Prosecutor , "Don’t Be Cute With Me" .


  43. Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...Maybe the Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...

    Maybe the magats should build a wall around Trump's mouth should build a wall around Trump's mouth.

    Did You Say that when that MAGGOT MOOCHIE OBAMA said She was NEVER Proud of her County until the Muslim became President!

  44. The reason why I and no one should take anything that the Progressives, Socialist-democrats say, and do. They exist in a bubble, say only say BS. They are Blind to everything that is good for America. . It Reality scares them, as you closely witness their words. What do you think Joe "Truth 101" Kelly? You seem to Criticize everything that us "MAGOTS" say and do. So What say You?

    1. Frank,
      Of course you believe your view is accurate. This is because you can NEVER admit Trump could tell a lie. His every word is gospel to you, so anyone who disagrees with Trump is "in a bubble".
      This is called "projection".
      Democracy and elections are good for America. Conceding an election and accepting the VOTES of 81 MILLION Americans is good for America.
      Lying about the election and sending a violent mob to overturn it is NOT good for America. Watching them desecrate our Capitol, terrorize Congress and beat cops bloody for HOURS on TV is NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA.
      Allowing this violence to continue was DERELICTION of DUTY and FAILURE to support the rule of law. PRAISING his thugs with, "You're very special. We love you", for their attempt to overturn an election is NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA!
      These are the FACTS that you must RUN FROM and deny.
      Who is really in a bubble here?

    2. We need to get all those Trump presidency era BLM protestors arrested and pout in jail for insurrection. How dare they riot in the streets and fight with police officers. This is a law and order country. Rewarding them with pre-paid bail and millions in donation is simply SICK! Time for law and justice. It's time to put BLM of the list of known terrorists....

    3. We should also arrest all those pro-Palestine insurrectionists that violated the sacred Capitol and DEPORT them. What are we waiting for, Dave?

    4. Faux "law enforcement" outrage is just so "fashionable" today, isn't it. Must be an election year.

    5. -FJ's kind of person. MAGA Putinists have no complaints here, but need to attack the person who tells the truth about Trump and his crimes.

      Les CarpenterFebruary 16, 2024 at 6:49 PM
      Dave Dumbya why do you slurp and adore the Nigger Rich Ubungas. Do you secretly want to be consumed by them in their next cannibal uga-booga ceremony? LMAO


      LISA SUPPORTS A RAPISTFebruary 17, 2024 at 6:01 AM
      Les CarpenterFebruary 16, 2024 at 6:49 PM
      Dave Dumbya why do you slurp and adore the Nigger Rich Ubungas. Do you secretly want to be consumed by them in their next cannibal uga-booga ceremony? LMAO

      Perhaps -FJ is also amused by this "clever wit"?

    6. Reposting offensive material represents someone with a "clever wit", Dave?

      What would we do without Dave reposting the sins of sinners thereby doubling, tripling and quadrupling them?

    7. -FJ,
      The FACT is that vile person is your ideological ally and fellow fascist.
      How much doe Putin PAY you, -FJ?
      We KNOW you are NOT an American citizen, but a foreign propagandist and operative.

    8. Gee, I suppose I should return my USNR Lt (jg) commission then, huih? Is that why I received an Honorable Discharge?

      My ideological allies aren't racists. Your party was FOUNDED by them. Mine set slaves free.

    9. -FJ (Foreign Jew?) proclaims:
      "My ideological allies aren't racists."

      He just agrees with them. His LIE is easy to debunk.
      He cannot even show the decency to denounce the racist attacks on me from his ALLY.
      In FACT, he JOINS him in fealty to Trump.
      Every damn Klansman, white nationalist, ignorant bigot, Proud Boy, Oath Keeper and other racist is a LOYAL Trump supporter. They are HIS ALLIES.
      He's not the only student of history, just a dishonest one.
      This isn't 1861. MAGATs are the ONLY people waving CONFEDERATE FLAGS. We see them flying with their Trump flags.
      Trump can win only a majority among WHITE voters. There's a reason for that. MOST POC and MOST JEWS can clearly see his RACISM.
      Kremlin agent -FJ is obviously a LIAR, so there's NO reason to believe he's not a foreigner.
      Even IF he served in the US military, he can STILL be a FOREIGN CITIZEN.

      He seems enthralled by FORMER foreign Trump supporter Slovenian Slavoj Žižek. His links indicate an obsession with him.

      Maybe -Fj has a thing for fellow Slovenian Melania?

      But the worm turns.

      In a 2016 interview with Channel 4, Žižek said that were he American, he would vote for Donald Trump. However, regarding the 2020 United States presidential election, Žižek "difficult as it is for me to say this, but now I would say 'Biden better than Trump', although he is far from ideal."

      In his 2022 book, "Heaven in Disorder", Žižek continued to express a preference for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, stating "Trump was corroding the ethical substance of our lives".

    10. I don't have to denounce racism, I'm not an "anti-racist" compelled to do so in order to belong in "the group" (or face cancellation by them). I have tolerance for all beliefs, even ones that others abhor. In fact, in 1864, my gggf fought for the Union as part of the Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

      As Voltaire famously said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". And I did "dissaprove" of what was said, and of your reposting of it.

      And yes, I continue to admire Slavoj Zizek. He's a REAL Leftist, not some petit-bourgeois Neoliberal like you. He wasn't christened in the Church of Woke, where the sins and virtues of woke-ism got transcribed into a secular religion. I don't believe in "cancelling" (excommunicating) heretics, either. No wonder you Lefties are so fearful of "disinformation, misinformation, and mal-information" that you approve of the National Security States censorship of dissenting opinion and FISA abuses of the Patriot Act.

    11. btw - What's your bigotry against Slovenians for? Are they next on you list of Slavic countries scheduled for NATO coup d-etats? Oh wait, they're already NATO members. Never mind.

    12. ps - How many foreigners do you know who were born in Chicopee MA on Westover AFB? Yes, I lived for 3.5 years in Madrid and 4 years in Caracas, but my dad was in the USAF and my mom worked in the US embassy. And no, I hold no "dual" citizenships. We haven't been foreigner since my g-grandparents on my mom's side came to Iowa in the late 1800's. Want to see my g-gf's renunciation of all allegiances to the Kaiser as part of his citizenship application? I've still got a copy.

      btw - I had to get an appointment from Congress to attend college? I ended up getting two. Who vouched for you?

  45. Why did Trump have this weirdo as the only judge of his case?

    I was asking myself as I read this article from Fox News: Why didn't he have a jury trial?

    This question was answered.. you can find it directly under the picture of Trump.

    How can that be?

    I mean, just how can that be?!

    Liberals/Progressives are showing themselves for the lawless, crooked, and vindictive, Just like the Marxists that they are
    No way in hell would I entrust myself to that weirdo Judge.

  46. For every million dollars these Progressive assholes fine Trump we should sent 10 Busses full of illegal undocumented immigrants to every Sanctuary State

    1. PC thinks everyone who disagrees with Trump or hold him accountable for his fraud and crimes is an asshole.

      PC thinks courts that FOLLOW THE RULE OF LAW BASED ON FACTS AND EVIDENCE are "progressive", as her infallible god of lies and fraud dictates REALITY FOR her.

      The FACTS:

      Trump LOST! Trump LIED! Trump committed CRIMES to overturn our election!

      This REALITY infuriates them! They cannot dispute the facts with verifiable evidence, so they spew rage and hate.

      Yet she MUST take every word of her malevolent mendacious messiah as GOSPEL. Like a CULT. Hate, scapegoating, and lies are exactly how Hitler took over Germany. If MAGATs lived in 1930's Germany they would have been Hitler's loyal goose-steppers.

      Radical Right, emotionally unstable crybabies CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! So they spew hate towards those who speak it.

      He is their god. They will reject the commandment of Jesus to LOVE others, and HATE their fellow human beings who see through Trump's LIES and KNOW he committed CRIMES.

      Not one of them can cite FACTS that prove me wrong.

      So HATE will continue to flow from their corrupted souls they WILLINGLY SURRENDERED to Trump.

    2. Was one of Trump's "crimes" insurrection, Dave? So why hasn't he been charged with insurrection? Why hasn't a single MAGA supporter been so charged? Could it be because there wasn't any?

    3. Trump WAS charged for inciting insurrection in his SECOND impeachment. A bi-partisan MAJORITY voted to convict him.

      Already several Republicans have admitted they were intimidated by Trump's thugs' threatening them and their families. In other words, they voted not to convict because they FEARED FOR THEIR LIVES!

      "Why Jack Smith didn’t charge Trump with inciting an insurrection"

      This is MAGA. This is fascism. This is PUTINISM.

    4. Trump WAS charged for inciting insurrection in his SECOND impeachment. A bi-partisan MAJORITY voted to convic

      Even though "incitement" isn't actually insurrection, how was he found, Dave? Come on, show us how much you LOVE the rule of law, say it!

    5. Trump committed CRIMES to overturn our election!

      So, charge him and prove it. How's that case in Atlanta going?

    6. Fani Willis is definitely the epitome of the "get Trump" lawfare group. Corrupt to the bone.

    7. And there goes -FJ again, with the patented double (racist) standards of the radical White Right. He has no evidence Willis is guilty of corruption. She's not even on trial, but racists and fascists will ignore the facts. What else can we expect from MAGAts who embrace their Fuhrer's LIE that the black woman is a "racist"? It's blatant projection.

      Our Kremlin agent -FJ is deflecting from the fact that the EVIDENCE of Trump's crimes is abundantly clear.

      We KNOW Trump cooked his business books to cover his "Porn Star Payoff" to INTERFERE with the 2016 election.

      We KNOW he LIED about the 2020 election being "stollen".

      We KNOW he bullied state officials to "find the votes" he needed to INTERFERE with the 2020 election.

      We KNOW he ordered fake electors to fraudulently produce fake electoral documents to INTERFERE with the 2020 election.

      We KNOW Trump ordered his mob to the Capitol to interfere with the 2020 election.

      We KNOW he wanted his thugs to continue TERRORIZING Congress and INTERFERING with the election after watching them for HOURS on TV. This clearly demonstrates his CRIMINAL intentions.

      We KNOW Trump wanted them to target Mike Pence to INTERFERE with the election.

      We KNOW he bragged about secret documents at mar-a-lago and REFUSED to return them.

      And we KNOW every neo-Nazi, agent of Putin, racist, bigot, white nationalist and semi-literate dupe reveres every one of Trump's LIES as their un-holy gospel.

      They are the dishonest and immoral people who refuse to accept these facts.

      The exceptions are the ones who DO KNOW but admitted they are terrified for their lives due to THREATS from the evil MAGAts of Trump's cult.

      These are the FACTS of REAL ELECTION INTERFERENCE that Trump and his cult, along with Putin and his American and foreign (like -FJ) Puppets, NEED to deflect away from the American people.

    8. He has no evidence Willis is guilty of corruption.

      Really? "No" evidence, not even circumstantial? Not even an "appearance" of impropriety? So why was she forced to defend herself and the conduct of her investigators?

      I thought you said you were committed to "the rule of law" and FACTS, Dave. Was that all just empty virtue signalling?

      You seem to think that you "know" a lot. I'll admit one thing. Like Socrates, I'm MUCH wiser than you in "knowing" that I know nothing.

      Hyper-Reality through media reporting is ALL you know. And I hate to tell you this, they don't know anything either.

    9. -FJ had the chance to show hard evidence of "Willis' corruption", but couldn't produce it. So he fell back to unspecified "circumstantial evidence" and "appearance of impropriety".

      Obviously he needs to IGNORE and DEFLECT from vast troves of HARD EVIDENCE against Trump, as well the fact it was Trump's co-defendant that made the allegations against her.

      Trump and his stooges are the ilk foreign Kremlin agent -FJ chooses to believe, or to dishonestly defend.

      That tells us all we need to know of his extreme bias and willful blindness to the FACTUAL EVIDENCE of Trump's CRIMES. He keeps showing us his allegiance to liars, racists and criminals.

      And he has the audacity and gall to suggest this makes him "much wiser" than people who see through his dishonesty and lies.

      So, come on, -FJ. At least admit you have a thing for fellow Slovenian Melania, or that you are extremely ENVIOUS of Donald Trump. Or maybe even Putin?

      SOMETHING commands your loyalty and fealty to a narcissistic criminal liar and his Russian Master.

    10. Hard evidence? Like DNA tested semen on her blue dress?

      You said there was NO evidence. turns out, there was. :)

      ps - What HARD EVIDENCE do you have other than what you've read in the papers and on the Internet? None. Yet you claim to "know" a hell of a lot. Reading, and "knowing" are two completely different things.

    11. Yet you expect me to condemn Trump on the same basis, stories in Newspapers.

      What kind of fool do you think I am?

      Acta non Verba!

    12. As the co-prosecutor testified, "I never had sex with that woman"... until admitting on the stand, "until my wife was no longer giving me any".

      You take the words of admitted LIARS for truth. And Ms. Willis still maintain's that she hasn't. Sex must not be sex...


    13. Well, well. Foreign Kremlin Agent assumes another of his masks.
      "But look! I'm Joe Conservative, American".
      Now he's echoing Trump/Orwellian party lines:
      “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” – The Party (1984)
      “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.” - Trump

      Only "Honest Don" Trump is telling the truth! LOL!!

    14. So what did your favorite newspaper tell you to think today, Dave?

    15. Leave it to Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con to ask a loaded question, like, "When did you stop beating your wife?"

      Highly disrespectful and disingenuous as he is, I'd invite him to share what Trump told HIM and his cult to BELIEVE.

      No need. The cult can only regurgitate their Dear Leader's paranoia, hate, and bullshit. There's no escaping it.

      However, in the unilateral spirit of rational good faith discussion, I shall extend my open-minded offer to anyone to show me verifiable information that would disprove anything I have stated.

      I understand this is asking a lot, so I'll give them a simple form to just fill in the blanks:

      “Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”

      And for bonus points, just to further humiliate me:

      "Trump wants to take America back to the years _____ to ____, when the US was truly great."

      Let me know if I can help make it even simpler for your cult bubble brains to process. Perhaps taking it down to Trump's 12 year old level?


      "Trump honest and smart because_____."


      "Dave dumb because____."

      Of course, I understand the futility of asking a cult or a fascist any reasonable questions that require thoughtful and informed answers.

      So…Cue the hate and name-calling.

    16. As Dave has so aptly shown, one can't reason with members of the Borg Collective.

      Shown all the defects in their argument's they'll simply revert back to base programs that ignore all evidence. The "soft reset" simply deletes all evidence of the encounter.

    17. And there it is. Kremlin agent -FJ's specious "argument" amounts to, "I know you are. What am I?"

      What would they have if nor for their sociopathic hate, moral cowardice, nebulous ethics, and abandonment of facts and reason?

      Let's check the results:

      “Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”


      And for bonus points:

      "Trump wants to take America back to the years _____ to ____, when the US was truly great."


      "No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." LOL!

    18. Another re-boot. This (D)borg clone may be stuck in an infinite Democratic talking points loop...

    19. Waiting for -FJ's criticism of his fellow MAGAts in Tennessee banning Jews from adopting children..

      "MAGA family values"?

      Maybe call in "Joe Conservative" to defend his fellow fake Christians?

      We await his wisdom.

    20. "My evidence is sourced to the NY Times. Sourcing to all other locations is FALSE! Misinformation! Misinformation! Misinformation!"

      Danger Will Robinson!

    21. Dave must be an anti-semite. He's "Jews" obsessed!

    22. Just for our fake American Jew:

      The Tennessean:
      "Nazis marched in Nashville. Blame a growing collective ignorance that we must reverse"

      Chattanooga Times:
      "Denied service by state-funded Christian group, Jewish foster parents challenge controversial Tennessee law"

      Times of Israel:
      "Jewish couple in Tennessee cleared to sue adoption agency for alleged religious bias"

      Appeals court reverses earlier ruling blocking lawsuit by Elizabeth and Gabriel Rutan-Ram against state agency that refused to work with them because they’re Jewish

      "No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."

    23. Show us how much you REALLY care about Jews, Dave. You know, those "thoughts and prayers" people.

    24. "No matter. Sue again. Fail Again. Sue better!" It's the secular Lawfare way!

    25. The Church of Woke must remove the stain of Christian heresy from daily secular life!

    26. btw - Is the Open Border supposed to signify to the Big Other "reparations/ repentance" for crimes against Native Americans and for the sins of Settler Colonialism?

  47. People know when the "Legal System" is misused to get their political opponents.
    Telling Letitia James that her monkey business won't stand is the next step..

    The appeals courts will take Letitia James' promises to "get Trump" into consideration in addition to Judge Ogeron's stupid understanding of real estate values or how banks evaluate property values when approving a loan.

    The NY commies got Trump. Now its up to the real HONEST Judges to undo their damage.

    1. And right on cue, JUST LIKE HITLER, MAGAts call anyone who sees through Trump's LIES and sees the EVIDENCE against him is a "commie".

      Fuck the facts, right, PC?

      Yup. They keep proving they are the exact type who would have loyally goose-stepped behind HITLER. They and Trump even sound like Hitler with their rancid and hateful, "commie" and "vermin" lies.

    2. Dave Dubya Said, "And right on cue, JUST LIKE HITLER, MAGAts call anyone who sees through Trump's LIES and sees the EVIDENCE against him is a "commie".
      Fuck the facts, right, PC?


    3. Dave Dubya thinks everyone who disagrees with with that Old Fart Biden or hold him accountable for his Clown antics and his Families crimes is an asshole.

    4. Davey must be a sniffer like Biden to become as dumb as Biden is.

  48. Leftist Progressives, and Democrats have no shame....I figure since Fani Willis got up and acted (typically) all black and disrespected they won't do shit to her.
    And how that shameful Judge allowed Fani to carry on so disrespectfully, toward the Prosecutor, and yet Trump got sanctioned for much less of that bad behavior when he was on the witness stand in Georgia.
    On the flip side Trump has gotten stronger because of Fani’s Stupid Behavior, and acting like the Clown she is.. .
    I’d bet that she wouldn't be fired because she's a typical ignorant black woman" .
    But this judge needs the black votes to keep his job. He's not going to fall on his sword for Trump even if the law supported Trump's position.



  50. The Loony Left is drowning in hate, and it blinds them to reality.
    They can't understand why they keep losing to reality.
    Both CNN and MSNBC are for the truly crazy Left Wingers., you CANNOT believe even one word they say!
    Madcow says she can't understand why anyone could not see Trump's flawed character.
    I think people know that Trump is a "show-off", but they don't care, because he is still 1000X better than the crazy Democrat Cult.
    I can't understand how people such as Madcow cannot see that Hillary is evil and totally corrupt, or that Biden is totally corrupt and a pathological liar.
    The Lefties be it Democrats, Progressives, Liberals, or Socialists are ALL delusional., lying, Imbeciles.

  51. Well Dave D, i can clearly see that the obscurations, delusions, hatred, bigotry, anti Americanism, idiocy, and love of an orange hued demented orangutan with a hugely narcissistic personality continues to be present in the bowels of this latrine.

    Thanks for sending me the link so i remain aware of the absolute depravity of right wing nutcases.

    1. Hey Les, just so you know, Dervish is the Assclown faking you. He has a personal beef with me because I called him out on the Donkey's Revenge blog. I just found out today 2/19/2024 that Lisa had a new post up. I've been busy on Donkey's Revenge, posting plenty to keep up with whatever. If Dave thought I did something, he didn't know it's Dervish trying to get revenge because I exposed him big time.

  52. I see from a quick perusal of the prior post the Latrines entire stable of racists sprung to attention. With their usual racist babble garbage.

    Some things NEVER change.

    1. Such as Dervish lifting his leg to take a leak where he shouldn't, Leslie? That's definitely true, and he's getting exposed for it. He used your name to manipulate others, Leslie, then tried to pass the blame onto me.

  53. Let me see if the question was, Who is the most HATEFUL Person, and the Choices were Barrack Hussein Obama, Queen Moochie Obama,
    Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and George Soros
    Out of this group of people, my pick would be Shaw Kenawe!

  54. Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...

    "Maga Jewish fellow visits here giving me a chance to hurl my witticisms at him so I don't have to soil myself visiting his right wing kookery sites. I appreciate that about him. He's taken to trying to ignore me but I know he's fuming,"
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    So the best that this DING-BAT can say is that He calls Jewish people "Maga Jewish fellow" and that Right Wing Sites are "Kookery" (whatever that means). And he posts on That Progressive Piece of CRAP! How Hypocritical can this "MORON" get?
    PS Your witticisms rate with "Dumb & Dumber".

  55. Just in case you might wonder why I call Progressives like Lester Carpenter "Dogshit", because that's exactly what HE IS.


  56. The very definition of a fool is to believe the comments, and the lies said by Shaw, or Davey Boy


  57. Fani Willis Campaign Funds Appear To Be a Money Laundering Scheme

    How she survives without disbarment and jail time would make Houdini proud. She's already been playing the race-card.

  58. Yes America, Joe Biden has once again LIED to a gold star family about his son Beau dying in Iraq. This man is complete disgrace to the country and the memory of all fallen soldiers and their grieving families.


  59. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse for Fani, it looks like her own circle—friends and coworkers alike—is starting to turn on her. Folks close to the drama are coming out of the woodwork, spilling the real tea about her affair with the married guy. And if their stories are true, Big Fani hasn’t just been bending the truth; she’s been snapping it in half and lying like a rug. It’s looking more and more like she might need to swap the DA’s office for a cell, not just for this debacle but for a laundry list of other illegal moves.

  60. The Democratic-Scum cant defeat Trump at the polls, so they try every Sneaky way to get him off the ballot. They even lie in the courts. Thats the only to get to him ,is to Cheat, and Lie to win.
    And the Democratic -Scum are very good at it.

  61. Lisa's Latrine was certainly aptly named as such by FreeThinke for the stink is was then, and, it obviously remains so to this present day.

    A fine stink hole where the rRump cultists and Russian Assets can congregate to wallow in their ignorance, delusions, lies, and hate.

    Get a life cultists.

  62. Not only does the absurd judgment by the clown judge Engeron violate Trumps's 8th Amendment rights, it is also based on a statute that is unconstitutional.
    But they have an Insane District Attorney Clown from Georgia come out and embarrass herself to help their cause.
    Making the entire trial an obscene play. Lead by an obscene judge who really cares nothing for the oath he swore.

  63. Idiots like tommy boy, you don't mind if i call you tommy boy i hope, who know absolutely nothing about abything yet wallow in their ignorance and hate 24/7 and show us exactly why tRump the insurrectionist/rapist loves the uneducated and dimwitted. They believe any shit a dumbass orange hued demented human orangutan feeds them.

    Now, go spend $399 for tRump gold topped garbage sneakers.

  64. Why? So you can brag about the $795 gold Versace's that you got for $499.99?

    You're such a smart buyer, Les.

    1. And you 're one of the lying schmucks -fj. But i get ya just can't help yer self.

      Such a funny schmuck.

    2. Trump is booed at SneakerCon as the crowd chants “let’s go Biden.”

      400 bucks for a $20 pair of Chinese Trump sneakers is for cult chumps.

      If a man claims to be a billionaire and begs you for money, he is either lying about being a billionaire or he’s lying about needing your money.

      -FJ and WYD: "Look at my fantastic $400 Chinese Trump sneakers. What a great deal!"

    3. -FJ/Joe Con's fellow MAGAts in Tennessee passed a bill that prevents Jewish parents from being able to adopt children. They CLAIM to love Israel, but seem to hate Jews. After passing in both bodies, Lee allowed it to become law.

    4. Taylor Swift donated $100,000 to the family of woman fatally shot at the Chiefs victory parade

      Republicans? "Thoughts And Prayers".

    5. And Democrats simply rang their shame bells... followed by expressions of their standard hatred for Constitutionality, "It's the guns, ban them all"!

    6. Meanwhile, Dave's people favour raising the minimum wage to $50/ hour so that they can all afford Versace Medusa's over Trump's "ghetto gold sneakers"...

    7. Yeah, as they rush to purchase more mechanism of destruction. Cause, well, it's their "right". And the right to firearms exceeds the right to life in NRA/gop/ MAGAverse reality.

      Thoughts and Prayers ad infinitum will do with these folks.

    8. meanwhile... "Shame! Shame! Shame!"

      Still ringing the bell the Democrats gave you, Les?

  65. As much as it pains me to say so some people are simply asses. And the right wing ignorant cultists here prove it every minute of every day.

    1. You're so dumb! You don't worship Wokeness! Shame! Shame! Shame!

      it's "secular". The Big Other knows everything, even if you DON'T pray to him!


    2. Define "woke".
      DeSantis lawyers were asked this by a judge.
      Their response:
      The lead lawyer described it as “The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”
      "Driving while Black". Housing redlining. Republican racist Gerrymandered vote canceling. etc.
      Woke: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)

      The -FJ/WYD response:
      Woke = "Ni@@er, Ni@@er, Ni@@er!"

    3. Woke = Worshippers of the Big Other, the Karmic G_d of Social Justice.

    4. ...from which there can be no forgiveness until the Reparations are PAID!

      Am I close, dave?

    5. least not for Democrats, who fought on the wrong side.

    6. Like Moloch, G_d of Abortion screams, "More SACRIFICES!"

    7. "...but only white babies!"

      cuz black lives matter!

      Black women have been experiencing induced abortions at a rate nearly 4 times that of White women for at least 3 decades, and likely much longer. The impact in years of potential life lost, given abortion’s high incidence and racially skewed distribution, indicates that it is the most demographically consequential occurrence for the minority population. The science community has refused to engage on the subject and the popular media has essentially ignored it. In the current unfolding environment, there may be no better metric for the value of Black lives.

    8. ^^How much Democrats REALLY care about Blacks^^

      They're trying to make up for it though, by banning menthol cigarettes... e-r-r-r-p!

    9. OH BOY! The shrooms Leslie Elden Carpenter III smokes must have been passed around to his boy DaveyW. Passing the Dutchie, Leslie?

    10. Minus: Black women have been experiencing induced abortions at a rate nearly 4 times that of White women for at least 3 decades...

      Who is forcing Black women to have abortions? I've never heard of this but (if it is happening) it sounds very serious. Forced abortions are definitely illegal. But I don't believe it. I think it is the other way around -- women are being subjected to forced pregnancies. Which should also be illegal. I say we start arresting republican officials that prevent women from receiving the healthcare they want and (and in many cases) need. Women have died due to republicans preventing them from getting the reproductive care they need. I say these republican officials should be charged with murder.

    11. 🔺 Dummyhead Dervish supports and encourages butchering babies, a form of Baal Worship.🔺

      Baal worship is a way of poking God in the eyes, Dervish. The more you do it, the sooner you land yourself in Fire Lake.

    12. The same ones who are forcing black people to smoke menthol cigarettes and shoot each other in drug wars and Superbowl victory parades, I suppose.

  66. Replies
    1. Isn't that what "Social Justice" is all about? Evening up the score for the Big Other"... the G_d of all secular religions?

    2. (D)'s. Bringing "balance" to The Force since the days of Andrew Jackson!

    3. Dave reaches for his shame bell again. Talk about a one-trick pony. All ad hominem all the time. That's what happens when you've lost an argument.

      btw- Did I say ANYWHERE that blacks were inferior or stupid? That's just Dave projecting his soft-racism onto others again. He suffer from the Fregoli Delusion. It's where all Republicans look alike to him. It used to be that all black people looked alike to him. It's a symptom of paranoia. You know what I'm talking about, projecting your fears onto and attributing your own actions to others.

      He's sick that way. We should pity him. It's the mass delusion one gets from reading Democratic talking points 24/7.


    4. In a nutshell Dave D. what "these people" are reflecting is their deep ignorance, which in and of itself drives them to their racism and misogyny. Their sense of balance, value, fairness, decency, and honesty is so convoluted and disjointed they really are very dangerous nimrods.

      Fortunately they are, as of yet, in the extreme minority. It is our job (all sensible rational and honest people) to make goddamned sure it remains that way.

    5. Another bell sermon from Woke Pastor Les... :P

      "I see racism EVERYWHERE!" I can read your THOUGHTS! lol!

    6. Dave Dubya Lies, and Lester Carpenter swares to it while Truth Kelly says “Duh”

    7. You're most definitely an unserious person with a superiority complex. Which is why i love goading your seriously overinflated ignorant ego.

      I'm through responding to your inane bullshit. So, don't bother to address me directly. You'll be ignored as the POS Russian asset that you are.

    8. You sure told me, Les. Got to run off now and lecture somebody else on the evils of white racist Republicans? Don't let the door hit you on the *ss on your way out.

    9. I'm going to kick back and smoke some weed tonight in my trailer.

  67. Let's update the results of the requested Radical Right's evidence that disproves the facts I've offered.

    They had the opportunity to directly dispute my words with verifiable facts and evidence through this simple format:

    “Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”


    And for bonus points:

    "Trump wants to take America back to the years _____ to ____, when the US was truly great."

    And AGAIN they FAIL!

    This is a lot like asking them for proof of the massive fraud that the senile, but deviously clever, Dark Brandon orchestrated to steal the election from Trump:

    "Sleepy Joe got more VOTES in his "STOLLEN" election! THAT was UNFAIR! RIGGED! Trump is the VICTIM of commie democrats and the will of the majority! That's COMMUNISM! WAAAH!!"

    The poor wretches are unable to gather, process and rationally examine information. Especially if the information contradicts Trump's lies. That leaves them to resort only to regurgitated cult dogma, disinformation, and demeaning personal attacks.

    "I love the poorly educated!" Yes, Dear Leader does love... their ignorance, gullibility and VOTES. He doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.

    But as long as Trump spews hate at the same people as the racists and neo-Nazis hate, he's got them where he wants them.

  68. These idiots are probably unable to figure out how to use your format Dave. Their heads are stuck so far up their posterior orifices while swooning over mr. facsist himself they've likey lost the ability to actually think for themselves.

    A truly pathetic gathering of imbeciles at Lisa's Latrine. Why even bother Dave? Their lost minds and hearts are too far gone. Their complete acceptance and subsequent attachment to all of Trump's lies and conspiracies leaves them unable and unwilling to see the truth and the reality Trump is evil and holds no compassion for anyone. He is a raging narcissist with the ability to shoot someone on 5th avenue and be proud of it.

    Time to leave now. The stench of Lisa's Latrine is becoming overwhelming. The turds must be starting to stir from their evening slumber.
