You just burst into laughter listening to these kids. That's the ticket! Vote for a very old guy that very young, immature and inexperienced kids want to have as president...the one who promises them everything, even that the rich will pay for them! WOW....
Lisa..your masthead, again, ROCKS.
"Vote for a Democrat! Ask who'll pay later" Great motto, huh?
Hey Radical Redneck, I noticed Crapenter didn't call you Redass this time. Did he lose his black market "boner pills" when he got double burned with Pookie Toot-Toot?
Ducky, is "budgie boy" a term used by the folks of Everett Ma.? Is it something the lower class uses to describe someone? Hmmm...budgie boy....very interesting.
wow is that what happened FT. Sounds like a lib job to me. I guess freedom of speech and destroying one's character is limited to certain people. I will take a look now. Sorry to see that.
FT did you check your settings.Go to "design" then go to "Overview" then drop down to settings then to posts and comments below that and see to the right if you have checked "only members of this blog can comment". If so then check another one . I have Only registered users can comment checked.
Everywhere I look these small mind conservatives and reactionaries running the republican party and poisoning the political process are contnuing to spread their lies, paranoia, fear, bigotry, as they rely on the ignorance they breed and feed.
The Dark Fury WILL be defeated by the fury of Enlightened Ones who bring light and TRUTH.
He preached upon 'Breadth' ___ till it argued him narrow –– The Broad are too broad to define And of 'Truth' until it proclaimed him a Liar –– ___ The Truth never flaunted a Sign ––
Simplicity fled from his counterfeit presence ___ As Gold the Pyrites would shun –– What confusion would cover the innocent Jesus ___ To meet so enabled a Man!
Let us not forget that Free Stinker hangs out at the Shit Pit, where the blog hostess repeats that crap every day. Since a majority of African Americans, Latinos, Women, Asians, Muslims, Jews and gays vote with the Democratic Party, their thinking is they do it because they get free stuff. As you said Shaw that's lazy thinking and its racist. By claiming that they believe none of the mentioned minority groups can think for themselves and make informed choices they tell us all that they are condescending twoard them while at the same time jealous that their party can't attract minority groups. And who would want to belong to a party that disrespects them? Their leading candidate Trump has shat on women, Latinos, Muslims, even POWs! Who the hell would want to vote with a party that idolizes
If Bernie Sanders gets elected, he'd be the first Socialist to be elected to the presedency of the United States since 2008. Any of these so called democrats are not actually who they are. They are socialist, communist, progressive and in most cases liberal all mean controlling the masses and heavy taxation. Everything and every decision will be made by them. They lure people with false promises, free things and a unrealistic utopia of rainbows and fluffy clouds with unicorns playing in the meadows! Wakeup people they are your worst nightmare. The Pied Pipers of the sheeple. Now we are almost 20 trillion in debt. So how is Bernie planning to pay for everything? How is Hillary getting away with everything? Now she is trying to lure the black votes by using reparations for slavery. How are we responsible for this now atleast 3 to 4 generations ago? When most of us came here from Europe in the later 1890's and early 1900's. Even still where are we getting this money? Why is the UN dictating things to us? It all stinks! I want my money too! I'm half Irish and we were consider less valueable back in the day for crappy labor. So were the Italians and the Chinese. We want our fair shair too Hillary! So stupid! And tiring!
of course the democrats attract certain groups. They designed it that way. The democrats aren't for free thinking at all. If you have conservative views you are automatically labeled something that isn't true and forget if you are a republican Black person or woman then the hate from the left is seething. There are plenty of minority conservatives. They have always been there . They were just hiding out from the backlash of the lies that have been told about conservatives by the left and the liberal media
so what i the attraction to the democrat party? Free abortions and birth control? Free child care. Free housing ,free medical ,free ,free ,free. what does the democrat party actually really do for any particular group except say that they are for every down trodden in the country. Too bad their actions don't coincide with what they say.
You really do believe all the BS the conservatve oligarchs and plutocrats feed you don't you Lisa.
Certainly there are a certain percentage of the population that scams the system. They've always existed and they always will. They span the political spectrum.
Who assumes the entire body of respublican are racists Lisa? No one I know.
However, there are racists in the republican party and there are racists in the democratic party as well.
Yes there minorities in the republican party and I'm sure there are smart ones as well as some not so smart. The percentage is certainly a much smaller one than in the democratic party. There is a reason for that Lisa that goes much deeper than your fav meme that it's for the "free stuff".
Partisanship in the extreme is not positive whether it be conservative or liberal, republican or democrat because it closes ones mind to alternative possibilities and solutions
When hyperbole, innuendo, attacks on the messenger, and lack of respect snd common decency becomes commonplace much more is lost than gained.
Seek first to clean up ones own back yard before worrying about the neihbors. And that Lisa ought to be universally understood and practiced.
Point out where you think I'm in error if you like. .
More minority democrats who keep getting re-elected in minority communities who by the looks of many of the communities they represent don't really represent them very well.
I can point fingers as well at the republican elected official that fail to represent their constituents as well. Finger pointing serves no purpose but to lead to more finger pointing.
The solution in my view is to listen to those most affected by the conditions you are alluding to and find ways to engage them in working with local and sate government to fix their problems. BTW, the majority of folks want to be self sufficient, it's when their situation seems hopeless they give up trying.
I fail to understand why you paint with such a broad brush Lisa.
Hillary Clinton didn’t even beat Sanders by a percentage point. The Party of Clinton had to flip a coin to decide the winner, and we all knew what the outcome of that would be, before the flip.
Heads Hillary wins; tail Sanders losses.
What an abject embarrassment for the Democrats. So what Sanders was supposed to do well. The DNC juggernaut, combined with Dirty, Filthy, Team Clinton can beat anybody.
Oh boy, RN! Hey, mystere wasn't kidding when he told me he noticed you stopped calling Radical Redneck "Redass". You're now obsessed with puking, eh? Muh muh my! Muh muh my!
Madam Hillary Clinton by far, the most annoying voice ever heard coming from a Presidential Candidate. Maybe thats why no one wants to go to her rallies? Probably, for many of us, she sounds like one of our "Angry/Bitching Relatives", right? Maybe someones Mother In Law from Hell? The voice of a Howler monkey is more pleasant than hers. So what does Hillary sound like to you? Maybe your brakes as they were on their last leg before you tailgated a bus? Maybe for some of us, Hillary sounds like an annoying 70 year old waiter that gave you the worst restaurant experience? What about a pet? wild animal? Maybe a parrot? old cat? Or Godzilla with the flu? Or some one in the toilet after a long night of eating Mexican food.
Now here's what I have to say for today. I believe it has universal application to most challenging situations.
So far 2016 has proven on every front to be even more discouraging than its predecessor, but that only makes me more determined than ever to clear my own thinking.
I will not cease from mental fight Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, Till we have built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land.
William Blake's immortal words never fail to raise goose bumps and produce chills up and down my spine whenever I think of them. It does little or no good to try to interpret poetry –– or any form of art –– from a literal standpoint. Blake was an Englishman, yes, but what he really hoped to accomplish was to inspire each one touched by his fervor to do whatever might be possible to help establish the blessing of God's Kingdom in the hearts of all who cross our paths. The way that could be accomplished is very simple: FOLLOW the GOLDEN RULE.
And before you dismiss this as naive, irrelevant," poppycock, please be so good as to express a little curiosity as to WHO and WHAT God and His Kingdom might be. HINT: It's found WITHIN you.
If ALL strove to live by and succeeded in living by the Golden Rule life on earth would certainly be more pleasant. And, if all believed it their obligation to help those who were in need life for many would be improved. And yes, this implies government obligation to insure societal harmony. Call it insuring the general welfare.
I am not a Christian, yet I do subscribe to much of what Christ was said by men to have taught. I support every individuals right to worship peacefully as they choose and will fight for their right to do so.
I support civil rights for all, and that includes women's reproductive rights, LGBT rights, marriage equality, rights of all to be reared EQUALLY under the law.
Complex humans always seem to succeed in making things which are simple and obvious complex and shrouded in mist.
The various religous dogma have been, in my opinion, largely responsible for many of our divisions. Perhaps when the day arrives that people grasp fully the concept of TRUE SPIRITUALITY , absent the religous dogma of man the nation and world will become a better place.
I highly doubt any of us, our offspring, or theirs will live to see that day.
BTW FreeThinke, thank you for your comment post. Not naive at all. Idealistic perhaps, but, idealism is often what helps keep good folks going.
I wish Republicans would just stop the song and dance about Donald Trump, Cruz and Ben carson or carli fiorina. It's not going to be either of them.. And Christie was too corrupt in jersey plus Republicans won't nominate him. He's too moderate. Jeb has the last name bush. Kasich is too blah. Its not gonna be any of those guys..
So lets stop the song and dance and nominate Rubio. He was going to be the nominee from the start, because he's the best one for the job and he can beat Hillary by a landslide...
That's exactly right; Democrats (Blacks and others) are in it for what THEIR self interests are. They think putting themselves first is 'rational'.. Republicans want to help everyone and help the country succeed. BIG difference.
That's exactly right; Democrats (Blacks and others) are in it for what THEIR self interests are. They think putting themselves first is 'rational'.. Republicans want to help everyone and help the country succeed. BIG difference.
Jesus told the Liberals,and "Progressives"alike... Now that Marco Rubio has been gaining in the GOP ranks, lets get to work destroying him...before he DESTROYS us.
There’s a Democratic debate on tonight with Hillary and Bernie going head to head.
But I for one can't stand listening to Hillary, so I’ll get thr results on the late night news, I hope Bernie kicks the shit out of Ms. corrupt Cankles. I want that bitch to go down in shame. I'm not going to watch it, I don't have time for HER crap.
Or you can read the BS propaganda in Shaw's blog tomorrow.
Or as you might do do Mista Anonymous, read the rightwing bullshit spin written here and on other rightwing sites to get your information. I would not put it past you.
After reading the Bat-shit stupidity on that progressive board, I have to say the following: First they started with Dr. Carson, then when Donald Trump got hot, they went after him, and then they tried to destroy Ted Cruz and now here we go again, now the Liberals are out to destroy Marco Rubio. Marco! By the Grace of God, I pray you're our next President.
But if you noticed NEVER in all this time has this IDIOT Douchbag blogger ever said even one positive word about their “front-runner, the lying cheating Hillary Clinton!
I watched every minute of last night's Democratic Debate. Both Bernie and Hillary put on quite a show –– full of Sound and Fury –– energetic beyond belief, but the atmosphere was notably strained, because of the thundering humorlessness of both candidates, Bernie's persistent bellowing and H. Rodham Clinton's monotonous rasping stridency. [I strongly suspect H. Rodham Clinton to be incapable of carrying a tune in a proverbial bucket.]
The moderators, Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow were extremely polite. They simply asked a few questions every now and then, then let Bernie and Hillary "have at it" with no interference or attempt to "shape" the direction of the conversation. [I liked that much better than CNBC and FOX's obnoxious, tendentious, incredibly aggressive, agenda-driven "moderators" who I swear sought to hog the spotlight for THEMSELVES in a ham-handed attempt to make the debate ABOUT the MODERATORS instead of the candidates.]
Of the two "contestants" Bernie has by far the more appealing personality and stage presence. H. Rodham Clinton, as always, came across with all the charm of an irate mother-in-law on the warpath.
I have to admire H. Rodham Clinton for one thing, however, –– and it's a very BIG thing:
HRC deserves Four Gold Stars and a Blue Ribbon for sheer grit and determination. No matter what gets tossed her way, she keeps her head up high, grins mockingly even derisively at her tormentors and STICKS to HER STORIES. In short she is one TOUGH COOKIE. Unlikable, but adamant and unswerving in her pursuit of The Prize and hard as nails.
Both of these people act as though everything they would like to do "for the American People" is virtuous, high-minded, and excellent beyond compare. They act as though they truly believe that THEIR Agenda could and would save us all from a hideous fate, if only they didn't have to contend with opposition from the Republicans whose sole interest –– according to Democrats –– is to preserve, protect and enhance the undeserved privileges of the ruthless, selfish, monumentally insensitive, uncaring Rich Bastards who fund –– and therefore OWN –– these corrupt louts and loutesses in congress.
According to the Democrats, Republicans have no empathy for "The American People," and would gleefully return to the days of Jim Crow, Segregation, public harassment, humiliation and outright PERSECUTION of all minority groups, if it weren't for the noble, high-minded, vigilance and zeal of these sainted Progressives.
According to the Democrats, the Republicans are vicious pathological liars without any semblance of a social conscience who scheme constantly to suppress minority votes, steal elections, and reduce the poor to outright beggary, while routinely engaging in libel and slander against the only true Champions of the Best Interests of "The American People" –– i.e. Liberal, Progressive Democrats.
According to HillaBernie Republicans hate women, hate homosexuals, hate Muslims, hate Jews, hate atheists, hate the working class, and would like see large numbers of the poor and lower-class DIE in the STREETS of UNTREATED DISEASES.
In short both their campaigns are predicated on a typically FALSE NARRATIVE and smack of the worst kind of demagoguery.
Now, the candidates didn't exactly spell this out, as I have here, but the INFERENCE that Conservatives and Libertarians are EVIL hung so heavily in the air from their turgid, tendentious rhetoric you could practically cut it with a knife.
If only the leading candidates in the Stupid Party, egged on by FOX NEWS for God knows what purpose, could stop tossing grenades at each like petulant second-graders at a food fight, one of them MIGHT have a proverbial Chinaman's Chance of BEATING the Democrats this November.
PRAY for SANITY is the only advice I have to offer.
According to HillaBernie Republicans hate women, hate homosexuals, hate Muslims, hate Jews, hate atheists, hate the working class, and would like see large numbers of the poor and lower-class DIE in the STREETS of UNTREATED DISEASES.
These things are happening. What will the reactionaries, conservatives, and some libertarians do to rectify the situation?
Rectify what?The fact that the left and the democrats make stupid idiotic false accusations? They would have-nothing if they didn't play into the hands of each indivudual group by dividing everyone up pretending to be all righteous. The left is disgusting
While the U.S. media applauded, and the Progressives were so delighted at his “diversity”President Barack Obama’s plan to visit a mosque in Baltimore, Maryland, on Wednesday to discuss Muslims huge contributions to America, Obama and his sycophants failed to even mention how Islamic terrorists in Nigeria torched and burned to death more than 80 children over the weekend. According to a police counterterrorism expert, John McHugh, members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS’s) Nigerian affiliate known as Boko Haram used firebombs on a village’s homes and laughed as they heard the screams of children, some of them infants, burning to death in their huts. As for those Nigerian schoolgirls that were kidnaped by Boko Haram terrorists in 2 years ago, they have reportedly been brainwashed and are now fighting for the Islamist group, with many carrying boko-21out public beatings and even killings. Several of those girls are also used as suicide bombers and “mules” who carry contraband for the jihadists. Just another day in the peace loving camps of Islam!
The corporate right is terrified by Sanders. The GOP has done NOTHING but hurt the middle class for the past 20 years. If right wing types would look objectively, they’d see that Sanders is the only authentic candidate, taking NO corporate money and has middle class in mind more than any of them. Don’t believe the media hype and brush him off as a 'socialist' when he wants to stop the tax breaks, subsidies, loopholes and off shore tax havens of the of the mega corporations and have them pay their fair share. 1% of the wealthiest Americans own more then the rest of us COMBINED! The is no FREE stuff, but we’re being taxed to make up the difference while our roads and schools are crumbling. Exxon made record profits last year. Not only did they not pay a dime in taxes, they got $3 BILLION is subsidies from the government-led by the GOP. Stop the hundreds of billions of dollars going to off shore tax havens. You pay less than $100 in your annual taxes for social programs. You pay a few thousand to the feds for the money they have to make up because of corporate loopholes, subsidies and money sent to off shore tax havens. Stop that and things like free College is very possible.
1% of the wealthiest Americans own more then the rest of us COMBINED! Yawn. And lie.
The is no FREE stuff, but we’re being taxed to make up the difference Well, is it free or are we taxed to cover it. Can't be both
Exxon made record profits last year. Not only did they not pay a dime in taxes, they got $3 BILLION is subsidies from the government-led by the GOP. Lie, lie and lie. They didn't get it from ANY government.
You pay less than $100 in your annual taxes for social programs. You pay a few thousand to the feds for the money they have to make up because of corporate loopholes, subsidies and money sent to off shore tax havens. Well, is it $100? Or thousands to cover it? Which one encephalitic head?
Just because bUrnie's ancestors rode fifth rate trains (one way I may add) doesn't mean REAL AMERICANS will.
Sanders praises Castro .Sanders is a leftvwing nut stuck in the past. He is so not presidential.Dribbling like he is on the verge of senility and he sounds uneducated when he speaks . He can't get rid of that New Yawk accent.
The only thing that makes him a sliver better than Hildebeest is the fact that Sandbaggers doesn't order assassinations against his political enemies. With that said, he still needs to be kept out of the White House.
Hillary The Pathological Liar Gets Busted In Another Lie. Again! She basically lies every time she speaks. It’s the Clinton way! Hillary Rodham Clinton brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "that’s what they offered me," but the flip off the answer and ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents. Bernie Sanders pointed out that she made three speeches for Goldman Sachs and said . “You were paid $675,000 for three speeches. Was that a mistake? Or was that a bad error in judgment?” It seems that whenever Madam Sillery is being interviewed, the Bull S%*#$ meter goes haywire.. I guess that she thinks people are too stupid to understand what was going on. Hillary's supporters are too indoctrinated to accept any negative information involving her. They seem to ignore the facts and find some way to rationalize it in their minds How could anyone vote for vermin like her is beyond me? But lying is nothing new for Madam Hillary, it’s a pattern, a longstanding pattern, like Benghazi, Travelgate, Whitewater, the Lost Billing Records, and the Missing FBI files, to name some of her most prominent deceptions and cover-ups like her E-Mails.
If ALL strove to live by and succeeded in living by the Golden Rule life on earth would certainly be more pleasant. And, if all believed it their obligation to help those who were in need life for many would be improved. And yes, this implies government obligation to insure societal harmony. Call it insuring the general welfare.
I am not a Christian, yet I do subscribe to much of what Christ was said by men to have taught. I support every individuals right to worship peacefully as they choose and will fight for their right to do so.
I support civil rights for all, and that includes women's reproductive rights, LGBT rights, marriage equality, rights of all to be treated EQUALLY under the law.
Complex humans always seem to succeed in making things which are simple and obvious complex and shrouded in mist.
The various religious dogma have been, in my opinion, largely responsible for many of our divisions. Perhaps when the day arrives that people grasp fully the concept of TRUE SPIRITUALITY , absent the religious dogma of man the nation and world will become a better place.
I highly doubt any of us, our offspring, or theirs will live to see that day.
BTW FreeThinke, thank you for your comment post. Not naive at all. Idealistic perhaps, but, idealism is often what helps keep good folks going.
Got me on that one Rad Red. No retort other than a reprint of the brain fart corrected and in context.
It was a spectacular, and gorgeous spring morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were chirping, and it felt like Spring had finally come. I felt so good that I went out and bought a bird feeder. I hung it from a tree in my patio and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it with seed. Within a couple of days we had loads of birds of several species taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food that I had provided for them. But to my dismay, and disillusionment, the birds started building nests in the many trees of the patio, above the picnic table, and all around the barbecue. Then it came! The bird shit was all over my yard. It was everywhere, on the patios ground, all over the table, the chairs, the ornamental stones.... everywhere! If that wasn’t bad enough, when I tried to clean it up, some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket. And others birds came that were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed, and crapped all over it, day and night demanding that I fill it when it the seed got low. After a while, I couldn't even sit in my own back porch anymore. So, I finally had enough and I I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were all gone. Thank Goodness! I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio. Soon, the back yard patio was like it used to be ..... quiet, serene.... and I was able to relax again.. And no one demanding their rights to a free meal. So, now let's see...... Our Progressive Government gives out Free Food, Subsidized Housing, Free Medical Care and Free Education, and Allows Anyone Born Here to Get Free and Automatic Handouts. Then the illegal's come in by the tens of thousands. And suddenly our taxes went up to pay for Free services, and to pay for their apartments that are housing 5 families, I now have to wait 4 to 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor, my child's second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English. My child has to sit on the Bus for hours because it’s so crowed and it now goes to neighborhoods that are miles away. The box of Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box, I have to chose a language when I go to my Banks’s ATM. I have to “press one” to hear to talk in English on the telephone, and people are waving flags from places that I never even heard of.. They are yelling, squawking, and screaming, in the streets, that are now filthy. They are demanding more rights and free liberties, liberties that they didn’t even know existed a year ago. Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down that lousy bird feeder.
Rather than become a lame duck, I believe President Obama has decided to spend his last year become an Ass-Hole. Such as he was last week when he vilified the mosque and had the name of Jesus Covered over . because the muslim’s were complaining about the crucifixes, etc, hanging on the walls. Why we tolerate this crap is beyond me. I thought the President was a Christian...if he is then the name of Jesus shouldn't be offensive to him...kinda makes me think and wonder what the hell is going on here!
I think that he and his muslim advisor Valerie Jarrett along with his domestic terrorist advisor Al Sharptongue, and the rest of those misguided liberal arses are the biggest influences on every move that comes out of Beelzebub's white house. All the morons who voted for him, and their prodigy need to be the first victims of what he and his riotous, diabolical minions have planned for the future of our country. And yet these arse-holes complain about Trump’s hair or about Cruz’s birthplace.
Barack Obama, Since you took office: Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household, the national debt has risen to over $19 trillion, and the labor force participation rate has remained at near record lows. The U.S. has fallen from the 6th freest economy in the world, when Comrade Barack Obama took office, to 11th place in 2016.It’s been almost seven years since the Obama “recovery” began, and our economy is barely out of it. So quit your patronizing political bull-shit. You're not fooling anyone but that bunch of misguided, uninformed, voters who voted and re-elected a unqualified, inept joke like you.
I'm trying hard to contain my laughter when I read anything that these 2 write. It's no wonder that the progressive queens loves them, they kiss her feet at her command.
The key reason why liberals spend so much time vilifying people they don’t like and questioning their motivations is to protect themselves from having to consider their arguments. Case in point the ass-hole above, or should I have said the TWO ass-holes above.. Rational Nation USA and Ducky's here.
Damn Janko, I must give you great credit for your efforts at defining EXACTLY what the hyper partisan rightwing nut jobs practice all the time. Exclusively.
Today would have been Travon Martin's 21st birthday, if that Gang banger piece of shit. hadn't been such a a thug maybe he would still be around to celebrate his birthday..
Unfortunately, the tone of the Republican debates in general has been warped by the undue influence of the ENEMEDIA in the persons of agenda-driven "moderators."
The moderators' focus has been more on sparking loud, sensationalistic "food fights" among the candidates than permitting them to speak freely –– and uninterruptedly –– on matters of substance –– i.e.:
1. A limp, severely lagging economy -
2. Misleading statistics on unemployment and jobs growth -
3. What to do about the threat posed by ISIS and the extreme volatility of the Middle East -
4. How we ought to deal with the belligerent posturing of North Korea -
5. What might be the BEST way to make sure that ALL American citizens have access to high-quality Medical Care without rationing, and without surrendering their freedom to choose their own doctors and medical facilities -
6. How best to minimize the deleterious effects of unchecked ILLEGAL Immigration -
7. How to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States by fostering an economic climate attractive to the Captains of Industry that is also fair to American workers -
8. How to deal the dehumanizing threat of ever-increaing Automation and Robotization
9. How to deal with Right to Life issues v. Personal Autonomy -
10. How to preserve Freedom of Religion while curbing Islamic Aggression
11. How to shore up and rebuild our crumbling, foundering Infrastructure -
12. How to restore CONTROL of EDUCATIONAL POLICIES to individual communities -
Instead of focusing on things that MATTER, the moderators tend to do whatever they can to pick at scabs, pour salt into wounds, bring up petty nonsense designed to titillate the public, while embarrassing candidates, knocking them off balance, and sparking fruitless, childish quarreling. This turns what-should-be serious ADULT debate into a CIRCUS –– a BURLESQUE –– a TRAVESTY.
Undue MANIPULATION and USURPATION of CONTROL by the ENEMEDIA was well exemplified by three things:
2. The way moderators are obviously instructed to EXCLUDE a good man like Dr. Carson from full participation by steadfastly IGNORING him and REFUSING to ASK HIM QUESTIONS. [I loved it when he wryly observed after FINALLY being given a chance to participate, that he wasn't there just to help decorate to the stage. ;-]
3. The INSTANT post-debate ANALYSIS by ENEMEDIA "Pundits" that focused almost SOLELY –– all across the media board today including the supposedly "objective" C-Span –– on how Governor Christie humiliated and pilloried Marco Rubio by mocking him on making "memorized set speeches" instead of answering questions honestly, etc.
The collective purpose of the enemedia seems always to do its best to "DESTROY" any Republican who appears to be gaining favor with the public. WHY they would want to do that is a question that should concern every American with a functioning brain.
In short while the Democrats promise ever greater amounts of FREE "BREAD," the enemedia further corrupts to political process by producing an endless round of "CIRCUSES" craftily designed to take focus away from the critical problems that threaten our very existence.
STOP, LOOK, LISTEN then DO YOUR OWN THINKING, and PRAY for SANITY is the only advice I have to offer.
It was an interesting debate. First and foremost was the dumbest candidate on the floor, Marco Rubio, getting rag dolled by Chris Christie for repeating the same canned answer three times. The pundits were correct.
Marco's the establishment favorite if you forgot. He just got hosed.
I enjoyed Cruz talking about carpet bombing. Man's a psychopath and I can see why he might pick up some support here. There was nothing craftily designed to get this moron to expose himself as a psycho, he just ha to speak.
I also enjoyed the idiot savant, Carson, not knowing when to enter.
John Jacob Jinkelheiier Schmidt That's my name too. Whenever we go out The happy people shout "There goes John Jacob Jinkelheimer Schmidt DA da da DA da DA da!" ...
As for STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN many have done exactly that. And, many arrive at conclusions different from your own FreeThinke, based on valid data and many observations.
When one observers the idiocy of the GOP in Michigan and other states with GOP governors and legislatures one cannot help but question why they should even consider the GOP nationally.
Very good analysis FT. We were discussing how the pundits were going to insert their biased opinions, and they focused on exactly what we discussed they were going to do ,who said what to who,etc,not surprising in the least. Ducky forgot the first debate Obama had with Romney when he was a deer in the headlights. I guess he was tired like he was when he visited 57 states.Talk about a bag of rock. Anazingly the 2nd debate he gained so much knowledge. That earpiece worked out well 2nd time around. If you watch the unedited version of that debate note we never see one side of his head and also a few suttle mouth and hand gestures directed at the camera. Of course they are going after Rubio because he is gaining momementum Besides they don't want people focusing on the democrat candidates who are only in a race to the left .Or should I say a race to the left of the left
Thank you, Lisa. To be fair I have to say that George W. Bush was ALSO accused of using a "prompter" subtly inserted in one of his ears. I'm not sure those allegations were ever proven true in either the case of Bush OR Obama.
As for our ever-present irritants, Heckle and Jeckle, and the other perpetually contentious birdbrains who leave malodorous droppings here all too frequently, there is no point in trying to discuss anything with them. Your Chess Playing Pigeon illustrates why sensible argument is futile in all such cases. ;-)
I was also talking about Michigan's ridiculous legislation making oral sex and sodomy illegal and punishable up to 15 years in prison. Further, dig a little more on the Flint lead poisoning issue Lisa. If you want to get to the truth.
Even Chelsea Clinton knows deep down inside that her mother is a lying, cheating, dishonest scumbag. Her subconscious mind was just reminding her of the truth. Calling Bernie Sanders "President Sanders
So Shaw you prefer to continue the false presentation that a president has control over private employment even though that's not true. Interesting, but stupidly untrue. Obama didn't do shit to create any new Jobs, and you know it as well as I do
Anita, please try not to sound so ferociously extreme all the time. A more temperate, considerate attitude would help carry your point to a wider audience and help you appear more credible.
You don't want to be classified as a "crank" or an "old wet hen," do you? ;-)
The more we see of these TeaPublicans in the debates, the more we understand how whacked they are. Imagine any of them, Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Christie as representative of this country.
Homicides have dropped 13 percent, but gun sales have surged.
The economy has added more than 9 million jobs, and the jobless rate has dropped to below the historical median.
The number of long-term unemployed Americans has dropped by 614,000 under Obama, but it is still 761,000 higher than at the start of the Great Recession.
Corporate profits are up 166 percent; real weekly wages are up 3.4 percent.
There are 15 million fewer people who lack health insurance.
Wind and solar power have nearly tripled, and now account for more than 5 percent of U.S. electricity.
The federal debt has more than doubled — rising 116 percent — and big annual deficits have continued.
Those are just some of our findings in our latest installment of Obama’s Numbers.
Unemployment under 5%? The Lowest in 8 years? The economy is the “strongest in the world? Are they Kidding. tell that to the over 91Million Americans who are UNEMPLOYED! Tell that to the people who are losing their shirts and their retirement funds in the Stock market that is down another 325 Plus today! “If you tell a lie often enough it may be taken as the truth”
I posted factual data with a link to the source and more data. If you you choose to deny facts and believe all the bullshit spewed by Trump and the rest of the TeaPublican idiots by all means feel free to do so.
Unless you can counter the factual data with credible counter data I suggest you STFU before you sound even more stupid than you already do.
And on top of all that BS Madeline Albright: said that there's a "'Special Place in Hell' For Women Who Don't Vote For Hillary" That's your Progressive party for you So if my wife don't vote for that Son of a Bitch, she's going to Hell? Very nice!
Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table; Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets, The muttering retreats Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells: Streets that follow like a tedious argument Of insidious intent To lead you to an overwhelming question…. Oh, do not ask, “What is it?” Let us go and make our visit.
In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo. ---
~ T.S. Eliot - from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
His soul stretched tight across the skies That fade behind a city block, Or trampled by insistent feet At four and five and six o’clock; And short square fingers stuffing pipes, And evening newspapers, and eyes Assured of certain certainties, The conscience of a blackened street Impatient to assume the world.
I am moved by fancies that are curled Around these images, and cling: The notion of some infinitely gentle Infinitely suffering thing.
Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh; The worlds revolve like ancient women Gathering fuel in vacant lots.
The progressives put up a socialist, and a corrupt compulsive liar facing possible criminal charges, who the country should be ashamed of, not a choice for our leader!. The GOP put up a host of candidates, while being superior to the progressive socialist democrats, are – with the exception of 3, Donald Trump, Ted Cuuz, and Marco Tubio. Any of the 3 would be a better choice than with of the 2 creeps that the Dunbocrates have to offer.
My Message to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama, and you can throw in Michelle Obama as well:
I just want to be left alone. It's my money, my family, my business, and my life and I want government to stay out of my hair, and my life. I don't want free shit and I don't want government taking care of me. I just want to keep the money I make and I'll take care of myself.
Yeah, I know how you feel. I want the republicans and phoney conservative to quit stealing my money and funneling it to the activities of perpetual war. I want them and their religiosity to stay out of our secular government. I want them to stop attempting to restrict or eliminate our civil liberties. I want then to stop stirring up paranoia and fear. And most of all I want them to stop trying to make America look like the Dark Ages.
Beyonce is nothing more than celebrity TRASH! She and her husband are 2 of the most dispicable RACISTS, right after Obama and the mooch! The police should REFUSE to have to escort this piece of human waste anymore!! Let her black lives matter group or the black panthers be her freaking escort! No taxpayer dollars should be used to protect her FAT, RACIST ASS!
The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes, The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening, Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains, Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys, Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap, And seeing that it was a soft October night, Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.
And indeed there will be time For the yellow smoke that slides along the street, Rubbing its back upon the window panes; There will be time, there will be time To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet; There will be time to murder and create, And time for all the works and days of hands That lift and drop a question on your plate; Time for you and time for me, And time yet for a hundred indecisions, And for a hundred visions and revisions, Before the taking of a toast and tea.
In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo.
T.S. Eliot - from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Why do I have to support HIllary just because I am a woman? I don't agree with her values. I'm not going to vote for her just because she is a woman. I'm not that stupid! Albright should be taken behind the wood shed...
Continuing to babble bulls*it when you have nothing of substance. No specifics. No links to credible sources. In fact you present no argument other than one is an ass and the other's mother is a commie.
Brilliant JB, but in this forum there are apparently plenty of folks who buy the bulls*it.
Hillary Clinton by far, had the most annoying voice ever heard coming from a Presidential Candidate. Maybe thats why no one wants to go to her rallies? Probably, for many of us, she sounds like one of our "Angry/Bitching Relatives", right? Maybe someones Mother In Law from Hell? The voice of a Howler monkey is more pleasant than hers. So what does Hillary sound like to you? Maybe your brakes as they were on their last leg before you tailgated a bus? Maybe for some of us, Hillary sounds like an annoying 70 year old waiter that gave you the worst restaurant experience? What about a pet? wild animal? Maybe a parrot? old cat? Or Godzilla with the flu? Or some one in the toilet after a long night of eating Mexican rice and beans.
And indeed there will be time To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?” Time to turn back and descend the stair, With a bald spot in the middle of my hair— (They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”) My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin— (They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”) Do I dare Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
For I have known them all already, known them all: Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; I know the voices dying with a dying fall Beneath the music from a farther room. So how should I presume? ...
~ T.S. Eliot - from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Donald J. Trump victorious by a very comfortable margin.
The dem's are beginning to realize the hag in the pant suit is just a bad candidate, she got creamed by a 74 year old socialist...they better get Old Uncle Joe warming up in the bull pen.
Lisa, Last I read and very recent is that 40% of working age people are not employed. Yea! 4.9% unemployment. BS numbers just like all the other BS numbers. They don't even try to hide it because they know how ignorant their supporters are.
You just burst into laughter listening to these kids. That's the ticket! Vote for a very old guy that very young, immature and inexperienced kids want to have as president...the one who promises them everything, even that the rich will pay for them!
Lisa..your masthead, again, ROCKS.
"Vote for a Democrat! Ask who'll pay later" Great motto, huh?
Yeah great motto Z, only I don't believe "paying" is in their vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteahhh...the mantra of the left.."fags, flags and freebies"....
This pic is just SO COOL!
ReplyDeleteI don't care who you are - you gotta love it!
We know you love it Rad Red; and we know you're an ignorant bigot/racist as well.
ReplyDeleteHey polyester boy, learn how to use a semi-colon.
DeleteHey Radical Redneck, I noticed Crapenter didn't call you Redass this time. Did he lose his black market "boner pills" when he got double burned with Pookie Toot-Toot?
DeleteRN, who is the "we" you speak you have a mouse in your pocket...
ReplyDelete...and RN, what the hell is a bigot/racist?
Look in the mirror, budgie boy.
ReplyDelete...."budgie boy?".... is that something you made up Duck? Is "budgie boy" the same as bigot/racist?
ReplyDelete....Is "budgie boy" a frequently used term in Everett Ma.?....
ReplyDeleteDucky, is "budgie boy" a term used by the folks of Everett Ma.? Is it something the lower class uses to describe someone? Hmmm...budgie boy....very interesting.
ReplyDeleteDuck.....would you consider RN a "budgie Boy?" your educated view would Dave Miller, Octo, Infidel, Rusty Old Ford, Free Twinkies be "budgie boys?"
ReplyDeleteRusty....slashes, burns and chops the Duck to pieces.
ReplyDeleteDucky....go back to the FCFB's echo chamber... they think you are witty
Poor Quacko! The tar from Pookie Toot-Toot's hole continues to stay in his feathers and emit its awful stench.
DeleteI still like Shoe Shine Boy!
ReplyDeleteEverywhere I look these little liberal maggots running the democratic elections look and act like the complete snakes that they are.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank AOW for posting what-is-sure-to-be the very last item that will appear at FreeThinke's blog.
We have been forced out of business by electronic bullying –– a modern form of brutality.
Parting is all we know of Heaven ––
And ll we need of Hell.
wow is that what happened FT. Sounds like a lib job to me.
DeleteI guess freedom of speech and destroying one's character is limited to certain people.
I will take a look now. Sorry to see that.
FT did you check your settings.Go to "design" then
Deletego to "Overview" then drop down to settings then to posts and comments below that and see to the right if you have checked "only members of this blog can comment". If so then check another one . I have Only registered users can comment checked.
A lib job Lisa. You equate FT's alleged problem with "freedom of speech and destroying one's character is limited to certain people".
DeletePerhaps you should monitor the comments of your fellow travelers on the right here at Who's Your Daddy.
Talk about attempting to destroy ones character and shout down opposing viewpoints. Sheesh!
"I guess freedom of speech and destroying one's character is limited to certain people."
Irony you can slice with a knife.
Everywhere I look these small mind conservatives and reactionaries running the republican party and poisoning the political process are contnuing to spread their lies, paranoia, fear, bigotry, as they rely on the ignorance they breed and feed.
ReplyDeleteThe Dark Fury WILL be defeated by the fury of Enlightened Ones who bring light and TRUTH.
Everywhere I look these homos are spreading the AIDS, Syph, gonorrhea and Hep C with which they are infected.
DeleteWithout the ability or intellect to use truth or reason to counter statements Rad Red resorts to fallacious rhetoric.
DeleteAmazing. The abject stupidity of Rad Red and his fellow travelers.
everywhere I look left wingers are crying that republicans are so unfair and they are all racists and paranoid. Boo Hoo I want my mommy!!!!!!
DeleteAmazing. The abject stupidity of Rad Red and his fellow travelers.
DeleteAnd on and on and on. So it goes bearing repeating.
He preached upon 'Breadth'
Delete___ till it argued him narrow ––
The Broad are too broad to define
And of 'Truth' until it proclaimed him a Liar ––
___ The Truth never flaunted a Sign ––
Simplicity fled from his counterfeit presence
___ As Gold the Pyrites would shun ––
What confusion would cover the innocent Jesus
___ To meet so enabled a Man!
~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
ReplyDeleteLet us not forget that Free Stinker hangs out at the Shit Pit, where the blog hostess repeats that crap every day. Since a majority of African Americans, Latinos, Women, Asians, Muslims, Jews and gays vote with the Democratic Party, their thinking is they do it because they get free stuff. As you said Shaw that's lazy thinking and its racist. By claiming that they believe none of the mentioned minority groups can think for themselves and make informed choices they tell us all that they are condescending twoard them while at the same time jealous that their party can't attract minority groups. And who would want to belong to a party that disrespects them? Their leading candidate Trump has shat on women, Latinos, Muslims, even POWs! Who the hell would want to vote with a party that idolizes
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf Bernie Sanders gets elected, he'd be the first Socialist to be elected to the presedency of the United States since 2008.
ReplyDeleteAny of these so called democrats are not actually who they are. They are socialist, communist, progressive and in most cases liberal all mean controlling the masses and heavy taxation. Everything and every decision will be made by them. They lure people with false promises, free things and a unrealistic utopia of rainbows and fluffy clouds with unicorns playing in the meadows! Wakeup people they are your worst nightmare. The Pied Pipers of the sheeple. Now we are almost 20 trillion in debt. So how is Bernie planning to pay for everything? How is Hillary getting away with everything? Now she is trying to lure the black votes by using reparations for slavery. How are we responsible for this now atleast 3 to 4 generations ago? When most of us came here from Europe in the later 1890's and early 1900's. Even still where are we getting this money? Why is the UN dictating things to us? It all stinks! I want my money too! I'm half Irish and we were consider less valueable back in the day for crappy labor. So were the Italians and the Chinese. We want our fair shair too Hillary! So stupid! And tiring!
Is English your primary language?
Deletehow about a response instead of a slam? Too tough to answer any of his claims?
DeleteYep, sorry but I don't speak Ebonics
Deleteof course the democrats attract certain groups. They designed it that way. The democrats aren't for free thinking at all. If you have conservative views you are automatically labeled something that isn't true and forget if you are a republican Black person or woman then the hate from the left is seething. There are plenty of minority conservatives. They have always been there . They were just hiding out from the backlash of the lies that have been told about conservatives by the left and the liberal media
DeleteDamn Lisa you continue to amaze. Not that you'll ever understand why.
Deleteso what i the attraction to the democrat party? Free abortions and birth control? Free child care. Free housing ,free medical ,free ,free ,free.
Deletewhat does the democrat party actually really do for any particular group except say that they are for every down trodden in the country.
Too bad their actions don't coincide with what they say.
You really do believe all the BS the conservatve oligarchs and plutocrats feed you don't you Lisa.
DeleteCertainly there are a certain percentage of the population that scams the system. They've always existed and they always will. They span the political spectrum.
Kool-aide runs deep in the rightwing.
Tell me what have democrats done to help minorities that republicans haven't
DeleteIt's BS to assume Republicans are racist when there are many minorities in the republican party .Smart ones
DeleteWho assumes the entire body of respublican are racists Lisa? No one I know.
DeleteHowever, there are racists in the republican party and there are racists in the democratic party as well.
Yes there minorities in the republican party and I'm sure there are smart ones as well as some not so smart. The percentage is certainly a much smaller one than in the democratic party. There is a reason for that Lisa that goes much deeper than your fav meme that it's for the "free stuff".
Partisanship in the extreme is not positive whether it be conservative or liberal, republican or democrat because it closes ones mind to alternative possibilities and solutions
When hyperbole, innuendo, attacks on the messenger, and lack of respect snd common decency becomes commonplace much more is lost than gained.
Seek first to clean up ones own back yard before worrying about the neihbors. And that Lisa ought to be universally understood and practiced.
Point out where you think I'm in error if you like. .
More minority democrats who keep getting re-elected in minority communities who by the looks of many of the communities they represent don't really represent them very well.
DeleteDemocrat leadership=Failure for minorities
DeleteI can point fingers as well at the republican elected official that fail to represent their constituents as well. Finger pointing serves no purpose but to lead to more finger pointing.
DeleteThe solution in my view is to listen to those most affected by the conditions you are alluding to and find ways to engage them in working with local and sate government to fix their problems. BTW, the majority of folks want to be self sufficient, it's when their situation seems hopeless they give up trying.
I fail to understand why you paint with such a broad brush Lisa.
So,RH you creep, how many head-chopping misogynists are you hosting in your home?
DeleteBTW Jacko, who the hell is RH? Your grandfather in law?
DeleteEr, Janko...
DeleteHillary Clinton didn’t even beat Sanders by a percentage point. The Party of Clinton had to flip a coin to decide the winner, and we all knew what the outcome of that would be, before the flip.
ReplyDeleteHeads Hillary wins; tail Sanders losses.
What an abject embarrassment for the Democrats. So what Sanders was supposed to do well. The DNC juggernaut, combined with Dirty, Filthy, Team Clinton can beat anybody.
Well sh is entitled to win.After all it is her turn now . Now excuse me while I puke
DeleteFrom a rational persons perspective, based on what you post you must puke a lot Lisa. Better seek medical help. All that puking isn't healthy.
DeleteOh boy, RN! Hey, mystere wasn't kidding when he told me he noticed you stopped calling Radical Redneck "Redass". You're now obsessed with puking, eh? Muh muh my! Muh muh my!
DeleteMadam Hillary Clinton by far, the most annoying voice ever heard coming from a Presidential Candidate. Maybe thats why no one wants to go to her rallies?
ReplyDeleteProbably, for many of us, she sounds like one of our "Angry/Bitching Relatives", right?
Maybe someones Mother In Law from Hell? The voice of a Howler monkey is more pleasant than hers.
So what does Hillary sound like to you? Maybe your brakes as they were on their last leg before you tailgated a bus? Maybe for some of us, Hillary sounds like an annoying 70 year old waiter that gave you the worst restaurant experience? What about a pet? wild animal? Maybe a parrot? old cat? Or Godzilla with the flu?
Or some one in the toilet after a long night of eating Mexican food.
How about a blaring muslim call to prayer?
DeleteMARK TWAIN'S WRY OBSERVATION is SPOT ON, LISA. Thanks for posting it.
ReplyDeleteNow here's what I have to say for today. I believe it has universal application to most challenging situations.
So far 2016 has proven on every front to be even more discouraging than its predecessor, but that only makes me more determined than ever to clear my own thinking.
I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
William Blake's immortal words never fail to raise goose bumps and produce chills up and down my spine whenever I think of them. It does little or no good to try to interpret poetry –– or any form of art –– from a literal standpoint. Blake was an Englishman, yes, but what he really hoped to accomplish was to inspire each one touched by his fervor to do whatever might be possible to help establish the blessing of God's Kingdom in the hearts of all who cross our paths. The way that could be accomplished is very simple: FOLLOW the GOLDEN RULE.
And before you dismiss this as naive, irrelevant," poppycock, please be so good as to express a little curiosity as to WHO and WHAT God and His Kingdom might be. HINT: It's found WITHIN you.
If ALL strove to live by and succeeded in living by the Golden Rule life on earth would certainly be more pleasant. And, if all believed it their obligation to help those who were in need life for many would be improved. And yes, this implies government obligation to insure societal harmony. Call it insuring the general welfare.
ReplyDeleteI am not a Christian, yet I do subscribe to much of what Christ was said by men to have taught. I support every individuals right to worship peacefully as they choose and will fight for their right to do so.
I support civil rights for all, and that includes women's reproductive rights, LGBT rights, marriage equality, rights of all to be reared EQUALLY under the law.
Complex humans always seem to succeed in making things which are simple and obvious complex and shrouded in mist.
The various religous dogma have been, in my opinion, largely responsible for many of our divisions. Perhaps when the day arrives that people grasp fully the concept of TRUE SPIRITUALITY , absent the religous dogma of man the nation and world will become a better place.
I highly doubt any of us, our offspring, or theirs will live to see that day.
BTW FreeThinke, thank you for your comment post. Not naive at all. Idealistic perhaps, but, idealism is often what helps keep good folks going.
I wish Republicans would just stop the song and dance about Donald Trump, Cruz and Ben carson or carli fiorina. It's not going to be either of them.. And Christie was too corrupt in jersey plus Republicans won't nominate him. He's too moderate. Jeb has the last name bush. Kasich is too blah. Its not gonna be any of those guys..
ReplyDeleteSo lets stop the song and dance and nominate Rubio. He was going to be the nominee from the start, because he's the best one for the job and he can beat Hillary by a landslide...
Why do Black Liberals always Vote For Blacks , or Hispanics?
ReplyDeleteDo they? You know that for a fact?
DeleteOf course you don't. But it plays well with the ignorant white folks.
President Barack Obama received 96 percent of the black vote
DeleteZ there you go with facts again
DeleteGuess the other 4% negates the always eh?
DeletePerhaps black people don't vote republican in large numbers is because they no it is not in their rational self interest.
That's exactly right; Democrats (Blacks and others) are in it for what THEIR self interests are. They think putting themselves first is 'rational'.. Republicans want to help everyone and help the country succeed.
DeleteBIG difference.
That's exactly right; Democrats (Blacks and others) are in it for what THEIR self interests are. They think putting themselves first is 'rational'.. Republicans want to help everyone and help the country succeed.
DeleteBIG difference.
Jesus told the Liberals,and "Progressives"alike...
ReplyDeleteNow that Marco Rubio has been gaining in the GOP ranks, lets get to work destroying him...before he DESTROYS us.
There’s a Democratic debate on tonight with Hillary and Bernie going head to head.
ReplyDeleteBut I for one can't stand listening to Hillary, so I’ll get thr results on the late night news, I hope Bernie kicks the shit out of Ms. corrupt Cankles. I want that bitch to go down in shame. I'm not going to watch it, I don't have time for HER crap.
Or you can read the BS propaganda in Shaw's blog tomorrow.
Or as you might do do Mista Anonymous, read the rightwing bullshit spin written here and on other rightwing sites to get your information. I would not put it past you.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the Bat-shit stupidity on that progressive board, I have to say the following:
ReplyDeleteFirst they started with Dr. Carson, then when Donald Trump got hot, they went after him, and then they tried to destroy Ted Cruz and now here we go again, now the Liberals are out to destroy Marco Rubio.
Marco! By the Grace of God, I pray you're our next President.
But if you noticed NEVER in all this time has this IDIOT Douchbag blogger ever said even one positive word about their “front-runner, the lying cheating Hillary Clinton!
Reminiscent of exactly what the right has been doing to Obama since his first inauguration. And now HRC.
DeleteYes but for good reason
DeleteSure, sure, sure...
DeleteI guess you forgot that link I posted from your blog in 2012.Seems you had some strong opinions yourself.What happened, now you go along to get along?
DeleteNope. But I do not close much eyes to observable realities. Certain others do.
DeleteAnalysis of data with an open and inquisitive mind most often pays dividends.
You ought to try it Lisa.
PS, check out a few sites you know I visit.
DeleteOh I feel SO sorry for the POOR BITHCH!
DeleteBrilliant conservative response.
ReplyDeleteI watched every minute of last night's Democratic Debate. Both Bernie and Hillary put on quite a show –– full of Sound and Fury –– energetic beyond belief, but the atmosphere was notably strained, because of the thundering humorlessness of both candidates, Bernie's persistent bellowing and H. Rodham Clinton's monotonous rasping stridency. [I strongly suspect H. Rodham Clinton to be incapable of carrying a tune in a proverbial bucket.]
The moderators, Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow were extremely polite. They simply asked a few questions every now and then, then let Bernie and Hillary "have at it" with no interference or attempt to "shape" the direction of the conversation. [I liked that much better than CNBC and FOX's obnoxious, tendentious, incredibly aggressive, agenda-driven "moderators" who I swear sought to hog the spotlight for THEMSELVES in a ham-handed attempt to make the debate ABOUT the MODERATORS instead of the candidates.]
Of the two "contestants" Bernie has by far the more appealing personality and stage presence. H. Rodham Clinton, as always, came across with all the charm of an irate mother-in-law on the warpath.
I have to admire H. Rodham Clinton for one thing, however, –– and it's a very BIG thing:
HRC deserves Four Gold Stars and a Blue Ribbon for sheer grit and determination. No matter what gets tossed her way, she keeps her head up high, grins mockingly even derisively at her tormentors and STICKS to HER STORIES. In short she is one TOUGH COOKIE. Unlikable, but adamant and unswerving in her pursuit of The Prize and hard as nails.
Both of these people act as though everything they would like to do
"for the American People" is virtuous, high-minded, and excellent beyond compare. They act as though they truly believe that THEIR Agenda could and would save us all from a hideous fate, if only they didn't have to contend with opposition from the Republicans whose sole interest –– according to Democrats –– is to preserve, protect and enhance the undeserved privileges of the ruthless, selfish, monumentally insensitive, uncaring Rich Bastards who fund –– and therefore OWN –– these corrupt louts and loutesses in congress.
According to the Democrats, Republicans have no empathy for "The American People," and would gleefully return to the days of Jim Crow, Segregation, public harassment, humiliation and outright PERSECUTION of all minority groups, if it weren't for the noble, high-minded, vigilance and zeal of these sainted Progressives.
According to the Democrats, the Republicans are vicious pathological liars without any semblance of a social conscience who scheme constantly to suppress minority votes, steal elections, and reduce the poor to outright beggary, while routinely engaging in libel and slander against the only true Champions of the Best Interests of "The American People" –– i.e. Liberal, Progressive Democrats.
According to HillaBernie Republicans hate women, hate homosexuals, hate Muslims, hate Jews, hate atheists, hate the working class, and would like see large numbers of the poor and lower-class DIE in the STREETS of UNTREATED DISEASES.
In short both their campaigns are predicated on a typically FALSE NARRATIVE and smack of the worst kind of demagoguery.
Now, the candidates didn't exactly spell this out, as I have here, but the INFERENCE that Conservatives and Libertarians are EVIL hung so heavily in the air from their turgid, tendentious rhetoric you could practically cut it with a knife.
If only the leading candidates in the Stupid Party, egged on by FOX NEWS for God knows what purpose, could stop tossing grenades at each like petulant second-graders at a food fight, one of them MIGHT have a proverbial Chinaman's Chance of BEATING the Democrats this November.
PRAY for SANITY is the only advice I have to offer.
According to HillaBernie Republicans hate women, hate homosexuals, hate Muslims, hate Jews, hate atheists, hate the working class, and would like see large numbers of the poor and lower-class DIE in the STREETS of UNTREATED DISEASES.
DeleteThese things are happening. What will the reactionaries, conservatives, and some libertarians do to rectify the situation?
Rectify what?The fact that the left and the democrats make stupid idiotic false accusations?
DeleteThey would have-nothing if they didn't play into the hands of each indivudual group by dividing everyone up pretending to be all righteous.
The left is disgusting
Gee, what a surprise Lisa. You didn't answer the question.
DeleteOh was there a question there? You can't rectify fabrications
DeleteOh was there a question there? You can't rectify fabrications
DeleteRead. Again. Very.Slowly. Until. You. Find. The. Question.
DeleteWhile the U.S. media applauded, and the Progressives were so delighted at his “diversity”President Barack Obama’s plan to visit a mosque in Baltimore, Maryland, on Wednesday to discuss Muslims huge contributions to America, Obama and his sycophants failed to even mention how Islamic terrorists in Nigeria torched and burned to death more than 80 children over the weekend.
ReplyDeleteAccording to a police counterterrorism expert, John McHugh, members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS’s) Nigerian affiliate known as Boko Haram used firebombs on a village’s homes and laughed as they heard the screams of children, some of them infants, burning to death in their huts.
As for those Nigerian schoolgirls that were kidnaped by Boko Haram terrorists in 2 years ago, they have reportedly been brainwashed and are now fighting for the Islamist group, with many carrying boko-21out public beatings and even killings. Several of those girls are also used as suicide bombers and “mules” who carry contraband for the jihadists. Just another day in the peace loving camps of Islam!
The corporate right is terrified by Sanders. The GOP has done NOTHING but hurt the middle class for the past 20 years. If right wing types would look objectively, they’d see that Sanders is the only authentic candidate, taking NO corporate money and has middle class in mind more than any of them. Don’t believe the media hype and brush him off as a 'socialist' when he wants to stop the tax breaks, subsidies, loopholes and off shore tax havens of the of the mega corporations and have them pay their fair share. 1% of the wealthiest Americans own more then the rest of us COMBINED! The is no FREE stuff, but we’re being taxed to make up the difference while our roads and schools are crumbling. Exxon made record profits last year. Not only did they not pay a dime in taxes, they got $3 BILLION is subsidies from the government-led by the GOP. Stop the hundreds of billions of dollars going to off shore tax havens. You pay less than $100 in your annual taxes for social programs. You pay a few thousand to the feds for the money they have to make up because of corporate loopholes, subsidies and money sent to off shore tax havens. Stop that and things like free College is very possible.
ReplyDeleteWhere to even start with this steaming pile...
Deletehave them pay their fair share. Yawn!
1% of the wealthiest Americans own more then the rest of us COMBINED! Yawn. And lie.
The is no FREE stuff, but we’re being taxed to make up the difference Well, is it free or are we taxed to cover it. Can't be both
Exxon made record profits last year. Not only did they not pay a dime in taxes, they got $3 BILLION is subsidies from the government-led by the GOP. Lie, lie and lie. They didn't get it from ANY government.
You pay less than $100 in your annual taxes for social programs. You pay a few thousand to the feds for the money they have to make up because of corporate loopholes, subsidies and money sent to off shore tax havens. Well, is it $100? Or thousands to cover it? Which one encephalitic head?
Just because bUrnie's ancestors rode fifth rate trains (one way I may add) doesn't mean REAL AMERICANS will.
Is "Up in Smoke" bUrnie's family history?
JHC! Everyone's entitled to be stupid, RR, but you, sir, abuse the privilege.
DeleteSanders praises Castro .Sanders is a leftvwing nut stuck in the past. He is so not presidential.Dribbling like he is on the verge of senility and he sounds uneducated when he speaks .
DeleteHe can't get rid of that New Yawk accent.
The only thing that makes him a sliver better than Hildebeest is the fact that Sandbaggers doesn't order assassinations against his political enemies. With that said, he still needs to be kept out of the White House.
DeleteAnd Sanders has taken no money from Soros or Move On. Nice try.
DeleteTop Donor's to Bernie Sanders.
Sanders is an old socialist with recycled ideas
Deletetrump is an old billionaire with recycled ideas. Make America Great Again by returning to the 1950's.
DeleteYeah I am sure Bernie is so much better versed on economics
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHillary The Pathological Liar Gets Busted In Another Lie. Again!
ReplyDeleteShe basically lies every time she speaks. It’s the Clinton way!
Hillary Rodham Clinton brushed aside the $675,000 Goldman Sachs provided for speech appearances simply as "that’s what they offered me," but the flip off the answer and ignored that speech fees are negotiated by agents. Bernie Sanders pointed out that she made three speeches for Goldman Sachs and said . “You were paid $675,000 for three speeches. Was that a mistake? Or was that a bad error in judgment?”
It seems that whenever Madam Sillery is being interviewed, the Bull S%*#$ meter goes haywire..
I guess that she thinks people are too stupid to understand what was going on.
Hillary's supporters are too indoctrinated to accept any negative information involving her. They seem to ignore the facts and find some way to rationalize it in their minds
How could anyone vote for vermin like her is beyond me?
But lying is nothing new for Madam Hillary, it’s a pattern, a longstanding pattern, like Benghazi, Travelgate, Whitewater, the Lost Billing Records, and the Missing FBI files, to name some of her most prominent deceptions and cover-ups like her E-Mails.
Rational Nation USA February 4, 2016 at 9:01 AM
ReplyDeleterights of all to be reared
Barney Frank (initials BF - perfect for a fag) sure went for that.
DeleteIf ALL strove to live by and succeeded in living by the Golden Rule life on earth would certainly be more pleasant. And, if all believed it their obligation to help those who were in need life for many would be improved. And yes, this implies government obligation to insure societal harmony. Call it insuring the general welfare.
ReplyDeleteI am not a Christian, yet I do subscribe to much of what Christ was said by men to have taught. I support every individuals right to worship peacefully as they choose and will fight for their right to do so.
I support civil rights for all, and that includes women's reproductive rights, LGBT rights, marriage equality, rights of all to be treated EQUALLY under the law.
Complex humans always seem to succeed in making things which are simple and obvious complex and shrouded in mist.
The various religious dogma have been, in my opinion, largely responsible for many of our divisions. Perhaps when the day arrives that people grasp fully the concept of TRUE SPIRITUALITY , absent the religious dogma of man the nation and world will become a better place.
I highly doubt any of us, our offspring, or theirs will live to see that day.
BTW FreeThinke, thank you for your comment post. Not naive at all. Idealistic perhaps, but, idealism is often what helps keep good folks going.
Got me on that one Rad Red. No retort other than a reprint of the brain fart corrected and in context.
It was a spectacular, and gorgeous spring morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were chirping, and it felt like Spring had finally come.
ReplyDeleteI felt so good that I went out and bought a bird feeder. I hung it from a tree in my patio and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it with seed. Within a couple of days we had loads of birds of several species taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food that I had provided for them.
But to my dismay, and disillusionment, the birds started building nests in the many trees of the patio, above the picnic table, and all around the barbecue.
Then it came! The bird shit was all over my yard. It was everywhere, on the patios ground, all over the table, the chairs, the ornamental stones.... everywhere!
If that wasn’t bad enough, when I tried to clean it up, some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.
And others birds came that were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed, and crapped all over it, day and night demanding that I fill it when it the seed got low.
After a while, I couldn't even sit in my own back porch anymore. So, I finally had enough and I I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were all gone. Thank Goodness! I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.
Soon, the back yard patio was like it used to be ..... quiet, serene.... and I was able to relax again.. And no one demanding their rights to a free meal.
So, now let's see...... Our Progressive Government gives out Free Food, Subsidized Housing, Free Medical Care and Free Education, and Allows Anyone Born Here to Get Free and Automatic Handouts.
Then the illegal's come in by the tens of thousands. And suddenly our taxes went up to pay for Free services, and to pay for their apartments that are housing 5 families, I now have to wait 4 to 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor, my child's second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English. My child has to sit on the Bus for hours because it’s so crowed and it now goes to neighborhoods that are miles away.
The box of Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box, I have to chose a language when I go to my Banks’s ATM. I have to “press one” to hear to talk in English on the telephone, and people are waving flags from places that I never even heard of.. They are yelling, squawking, and screaming, in the streets, that are now filthy. They are demanding more rights and free liberties, liberties that they didn’t even know existed a year ago.
Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down that lousy bird feeder.
Get over it already. Don't you know flexibility is something humans require to stay healthy?
DeleteRather than become a lame duck, I believe President Obama has decided to spend his last year become an Ass-Hole. Such as he was last week when he vilified the mosque and had the name of Jesus Covered over . because the muslim’s were complaining about the crucifixes, etc, hanging on the walls. Why we tolerate this crap is beyond me.
ReplyDeleteI thought the President was a Christian...if he is then the name of Jesus shouldn't be offensive to him...kinda makes me think and wonder what the hell is going on here!
I think that he and his muslim advisor Valerie Jarrett along with his domestic terrorist advisor Al Sharptongue, and the rest of those misguided liberal arses are the biggest influences on every move that comes out of Beelzebub's white house. All the morons who voted for him, and their prodigy need to be the first victims of what he and his riotous, diabolical minions have planned for the future of our country.
And yet these arse-holes complain about Trump’s hair or about Cruz’s birthplace.
Don't you think it is time for you to get back on your meds Janko?
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama, Since you took office: Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household, the national debt has risen to over $19 trillion, and the labor force participation rate has remained at near record lows.
The U.S. has fallen from the 6th freest economy in the world, when Comrade Barack Obama took office, to 11th place in 2016.It’s been almost seven years since the Obama “recovery” began, and our economy is barely out of it.
So quit your patronizing political bull-shit. You're not fooling anyone but that bunch of misguided, uninformed, voters who voted and re-elected a unqualified, inept joke like you.
Well okay, elect another Bush and he'll straighten things out. Just like the last one!
ReplyDeleteOr you can elect another Clinton and really FUCK things up.
DeleteYou really are missing something Janko. Not at all surprising.
DeleteI agree with Janko 100 percent
ReplyDeleteYou are Janko, sock puppet.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI'm trying hard to contain my laughter when I read anything that these 2 write.
ReplyDeleteIt's no wonder that the progressive queens loves them, they kiss her feet at her command.
I stopped LONG AGO containing my laughter over the BS you write Laura G. Many have.
DeleteLOVE your new Chess Playing Pigeon Poster, Lisa. Very funny. Hyperbolic satire generated by a large grain of truth.
ReplyDeleteTx FT I thought it quite fitting
DeleteThe key reason why liberals spend so much time vilifying people they don’t like and questioning their motivations is to protect themselves from having to consider their arguments. Case in point the ass-hole above, or should I have said the TWO ass-holes above.. Rational Nation USA and Ducky's here.
ReplyDeleteDamn Janko, I must give you great credit for your efforts at defining EXACTLY what the hyper partisan rightwing nut jobs practice all the time. Exclusively.
ReplyDeleteThe truth hurts, dosn't it prick-face!
ReplyDeleteNope. Not when your truth us a lie
DeleteWhy Bernie Sanders fails as a Progressive.
ReplyDeleteInteresting article Joe. The kind of stuff one can chew on and take away something of substance.
Today would have been Travon Martin's 21st birthday, if that Gang banger piece of shit. hadn't been such a a thug maybe he would still be around to celebrate his birthday..
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of a POS.
DeleteDucky's here is another ignorant retard...
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the tone of the Republican debates in general has been warped by the undue influence of the ENEMEDIA in the persons of agenda-driven "moderators."
The moderators' focus has been more on sparking loud, sensationalistic "food fights" among the candidates than permitting them to speak freely –– and uninterruptedly –– on matters of substance –– i.e.:
1. A limp, severely lagging economy -
2. Misleading statistics on unemployment and jobs growth -
3. What to do about the threat posed by ISIS and the extreme volatility of the Middle East -
4. How we ought to deal with the belligerent posturing of North Korea -
5. What might be the BEST way to make sure that ALL American citizens have access to high-quality Medical Care without rationing, and without surrendering their freedom to choose their own doctors and medical facilities -
6. How best to minimize the deleterious effects of unchecked ILLEGAL Immigration -
7. How to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States by fostering an economic climate attractive to the Captains of Industry that is also fair to American workers -
8. How to deal the dehumanizing threat of ever-increaing Automation and Robotization
9. How to deal with Right to Life issues v. Personal Autonomy -
10. How to preserve Freedom of Religion while curbing Islamic Aggression
11. How to shore up and rebuild our crumbling, foundering Infrastructure -
12. How to restore CONTROL of EDUCATIONAL POLICIES to individual communities -
Instead of focusing on things that MATTER, the moderators tend to do whatever they can to pick at scabs, pour salt into wounds, bring up petty nonsense designed to titillate the public, while embarrassing candidates, knocking them off balance, and sparking fruitless, childish quarreling. This turns what-should-be serious ADULT debate into a CIRCUS –– a BURLESQUE –– a TRAVESTY.
Undue MANIPULATION and USURPATION of CONTROL by the ENEMEDIA was well exemplified by three things:
2. The way moderators are obviously instructed to EXCLUDE a good man like Dr. Carson from full participation by steadfastly IGNORING him and REFUSING to ASK HIM QUESTIONS. [I loved it when he wryly observed after FINALLY being given a chance to participate, that he wasn't there just to help decorate to the stage. ;-]
3. The INSTANT post-debate ANALYSIS by ENEMEDIA "Pundits" that focused almost SOLELY –– all across the media board today including the supposedly "objective" C-Span –– on how Governor Christie humiliated and pilloried Marco Rubio by mocking him on making "memorized set speeches" instead of answering questions honestly, etc.
The collective purpose of the enemedia seems always to do its best to "DESTROY" any Republican who appears to be gaining favor with the public. WHY they would want to do that is a question that should concern every American with a functioning brain.
In short while the Democrats promise ever greater amounts of FREE "BREAD," the enemedia further corrupts to political process by producing an endless round of "CIRCUSES" craftily designed to take focus away from the critical problems that threaten our very existence.
STOP, LOOK, LISTEN then DO YOUR OWN THINKING, and PRAY for SANITY is the only advice I have to offer.
It was an interesting debate.
DeleteFirst and foremost was the dumbest candidate on the floor, Marco Rubio, getting rag dolled by Chris Christie for repeating the same canned answer three times. The pundits were correct.
Marco's the establishment favorite if you forgot. He just got hosed.
I enjoyed Cruz talking about carpet bombing. Man's a psychopath and I can see why he might pick up some support here. There was nothing craftily designed to get this moron to expose himself as a psycho, he just ha to speak.
I also enjoyed the idiot savant, Carson, not knowing when to enter.
What a bunch of maroons. Hillary was cackling.
John Jacob Jinkelheiier Schmidt
DeleteThat's my name too.
Whenever we go out
The happy people shout
"There goes John Jacob Jinkelheimer Schmidt
DA da da DA da DA da!" ...
Repeat ad infinitum
As for STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN many have done exactly that. And, many arrive at conclusions different from your own FreeThinke, based on valid data and many observations.
DeleteWhen one observers the idiocy of the GOP in Michigan and other states with GOP governors and legislatures one cannot help but question why they should even consider the GOP nationally.
Very good analysis FT. We were discussing how the pundits were going to insert their biased opinions, and they focused on exactly what we discussed they were going to do ,who said what to who,etc,not surprising in the least.
DeleteDucky forgot the first debate Obama had with Romney when he was a deer in the headlights. I guess he was tired like he was when he visited 57 states.Talk about a bag of rock.
Anazingly the 2nd debate he gained so much knowledge. That earpiece worked out well 2nd time around. If you watch the unedited version of that debate note we never see one side of his head and also a few suttle mouth and hand gestures directed at the camera.
Of course they are going after Rubio because he is gaining momementum
Besides they don't want people focusing on the democrat candidates who are only in a race to the left .Or should I say a race to the left of the left
RN it was the EPA who stayed silent there
DeleteThank you, Lisa. To be fair I have to say that George W. Bush was ALSO accused of using a "prompter" subtly inserted in one of his ears. I'm not sure those allegations were ever proven true in either the case of Bush OR Obama.
DeleteAs for our ever-present irritants, Heckle and Jeckle, and the other perpetually contentious birdbrains who leave malodorous droppings here all too frequently, there is no point in trying to discuss anything with them. Your Chess Playing Pigeon illustrates why sensible argument is futile in all such cases. ;-)
I was also talking about Michigan's ridiculous legislation making oral sex and sodomy illegal and punishable up to 15 years in prison. Further, dig a little more on the Flint lead poisoning issue Lisa. If you want to get to the truth.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteFor sure the Chess playing pigeons most appropriately represent the echo chambers of the rightwing nut jobs Free Thinke.
DeletePlaces where honest differences of opinion are vilified by the right and no intelligent discussion is possible.
Lest somehow you could manage
DeleteIn every bed to be
There could be no advantage
To banning sodomy.
~ Ahelliva Goode-Quipster
Even Chelsea Clinton knows deep down inside that her mother is a lying, cheating, dishonest scumbag. Her subconscious mind was just reminding her of the truth. Calling Bernie Sanders "President Sanders
ReplyDeleteThat was quite funny when she let her tongue loose.
DeleteSo Shaw you prefer to continue the false presentation that a president has control over private employment even though that's not true. Interesting, but stupidly untrue.
ReplyDeleteObama didn't do shit to create any new Jobs, and you know it as well as I do
Hillary Clinton needs to go to prison where she belongs, and Bernie Sanders need to go back to the Aslylum where he belongs!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd take Cruz, Trump, and Rubio with him!
DeleteWhich bone is bigger: the one in Mooch-Hell Ubunga's nose or the tiny one in your pants?
DeleteAnita, please try not to sound so ferociously extreme all the time. A more temperate, considerate attitude would help carry your point to a wider audience and help you appear more credible.
DeleteYou don't want to be classified as a "crank" or an "old wet hen," do you? ;-)
Found the the blog of Dumb And Dumber.
ReplyDeleteThe more we see of these TeaPublicans in the debates, the more we understand how whacked they are. Imagine any of them, Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Christie as representative of this country.
Since President Barack Obama first took office:
ReplyDeleteHomicides have dropped 13 percent, but gun sales have surged.
The economy has added more than 9 million jobs, and the jobless rate has dropped to below the historical median.
The number of long-term unemployed Americans has dropped by 614,000 under Obama, but it is still 761,000 higher than at the start of the Great Recession.
Corporate profits are up 166 percent; real weekly wages are up 3.4 percent.
There are 15 million fewer people who lack health insurance.
Wind and solar power have nearly tripled, and now account for more than 5 percent of U.S. electricity.
The federal debt has more than doubled — rising 116 percent — and big annual deficits have continued.
Those are just some of our findings in our latest installment of Obama’s Numbers.
Not as good as we would like, but then again not as bad as many claim.
Just sayin...
NFL has lowered its standards by even asking that POS to entertain at that event. This has got to be one of the most prestigious entertainment shows of the year and they bring in this low life piece of s*** Beyonce Satan's slut, she’s a disgrace to the game of Football and to the United States of America.
ReplyDeleteLady Gaga REALLY showed some great class and did a wonderful National Anthem performance. Beyonce showed her ignorant, classless garbage. The halftime show was the worst I have ever seen, and I have ever seen most of them!!!
Since she seems to hate whites and cops so much, why did she have police escorts to the stadium? And with your blonde straight hair? You want to emulate white women in your appearance then turn around and insult them? Do the NFL commissioners approve of what they do at half time?
What was pathetic and disturbing was that the NFL will allow that..... to perform that shit in front of millions of people including all those children!! The lyrics alone were BAD enough to ban that crap not to mention the obscene actions, with the Black Power fists etc.!!!
This never should have been allowed by the NFL. It was another bad mistake and not a good message to America's youth. It seems as if these halftime shows that they chose are always “Big Misstates”
Perhaps they should be vilified for allowing a racist halftime show. HOW PATHETIC CAN THEY GET?
At a Football half time show we do not need people inflaming racist talk. What we need is unity as a nation, this was not only a national program, but it was seen world wide. .
What is sad is the NFL, with all the troubles they have had lately with their own players, should have been smart enough too know there are more black on black murders. Also not smart enough to know if the parents kept the kids out of the gangs and taught them right from wrong they might not get shot. Better yet teach them how not to be a racist like their parents. Are these the Idols we want our kids to follow?
The problem with entertainers, like Beyoncé, is they have millions of American dollars, they feel entitled to do and say whatever they please. Do they really know what they are saying or doing? Probably not. Unfortunately people pay money to see their acts, and as long as people are willing to support these entertainers, the American people have to listen to their out of touch rhetoric. And they want us to boycott the Academy Awards?
It just shows how the left has denigrated this country
DeleteUnemployment under 5%? The Lowest in 8 years? The economy is the “strongest in the world?
ReplyDeleteAre they Kidding. tell that to the over 91Million Americans who are UNEMPLOYED!
Tell that to the people who are losing their shirts and their retirement funds in the Stock market that is down another 325 Plus today!
“If you tell a lie often enough it may be taken as the truth”
Yada, Yada, Yada...
Delete"If you tell a lie often enough it may be taken as the truth".
Damn straight! And the oligarchs and plutocrats have been doing it for years. With the aid of the GOP of course.
You mean the lie Obama tells us every day?
DeleteAnything your empty head would like to believe Lisa.
DeleteTalking about Yada, Yada, Yada, do you really believe that SHIT you posted above at 7:30AM?
ReplyDeleteI posted factual data with a link to the source and more data. If you you choose to deny facts and believe all the bullshit spewed by Trump and the rest of the TeaPublican idiots by all means feel free to do so.
DeleteUnless you can counter the factual data with credible counter data I suggest you STFU before you sound even more stupid than you already do.
BTW, I've decided to stop being PC with the rightwing idiot rabblerousers like yourself.
DeleteI'm sure Trumpy would approve!
And on top of all that BS
ReplyDeleteMadeline Albright: said that there's a "'Special Place in Hell' For Women Who Don't Vote For Hillary"
That's your Progressive party for you
So if my wife don't vote for that Son of a Bitch, she's going to Hell?
Very nice!
YOU might go to hell for your incessant lying. Which I'm sure you know being a good Christian and all.
DeleteYOU ARE going straight to Hell for being a jizz gurgling sodomite.
DeleteLike anyone cares what that old Bitch Madeline Halfbright says.
ReplyDeleteProbably about as much as anyone with any sense cares about anything g you say.
DeleteWow. What a snappy come back !!!!
ReplyDeleteYour avatar reminds me of Lawrence speaking to Colonel Brighton, It's good that when God made you a fool, he gave you a fool's face
DeleteTalking about Avatars, why do you use the picture of a White man when everyone knows you are NOT White?
DeleteAshamed of your Blackness?
Shaw rewarding RN USSR for his relentless (and ridiculously ineffective) trolling of his superiours.
ReplyDeleteDipping into your kiddie collection, Redass?
DeleteA rare one not including you bracelet boy.
DeleteLet us go then, you and I,
ReplyDeleteWhen the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question….
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
Let us go and make our visit.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo. ---
~ T.S. Eliot - from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
His soul stretched tight across the skies
DeleteThat fade behind a city block,
Or trampled by insistent feet
At four and five and six o’clock;
And short square fingers stuffing pipes,
And evening newspapers, and eyes
Assured of certain certainties,
The conscience of a blackened street
Impatient to assume the world.
I am moved by fancies that are curled
Around these images, and cling:
The notion of some infinitely gentle
Infinitely suffering thing.
Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh;
The worlds revolve like ancient women
Gathering fuel in vacant lots.
~T.S. Eliot from Preludes
Don't quit your day job
ReplyDeleteEven Shinning Shoes is better that that crap you wrote
Brilliant and typical of the regular wingnut hacks who post here.
DeleteJohnny Bee Stupid doesn't read so he thinks T.S. Eliot's poetry was written by F.T. and Mr. Duck?
These people actually vote. They don't know how to read, but they vote!
God help this country.
When did I say that you LYING DUCK-ASS
DeleteThe progressives put up a socialist, and a corrupt compulsive liar facing possible criminal charges, who the country should be ashamed of, not a choice for our leader!. The GOP put up a host of candidates, while being superior to the progressive socialist democrats, are – with the exception of 3, Donald Trump, Ted Cuuz, and Marco Tubio. Any of the 3 would be a better choice than with of the 2 creeps that the Dunbocrates have to offer.
ReplyDeleteWith Your Normal Articulate Comment I See Johnny Bee Goober. Er, So Sorry. I mean Johnny Bee Good.
DeleteAnd I bet that you think that's funny!
DeleteIt's irrelevant what you think Janko boy.
DeleteJohnny, please tell me you don't have the franchise.
DeleteIn the meantime a semester at the Rusty Chucklenuts Academy of Typing and Coulrophilia would be to your advantage.
Oh Geezzee it's Black History Month, I shouldn't be insulting Ducky
ReplyDeleteTrue. We shouldn't toss bananas to Quacko.
DeleteMy Message to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama, and you can throw in Michelle Obama as well:
ReplyDeleteI just want to be left alone. It's my money, my family, my business, and my life and I want government to stay out of my hair, and my life. I don't want free shit and I don't want government taking care of me. I just want to keep the money I make and I'll take care of myself.
Get it!
Yeah, I know how you feel. I want the republicans and phoney conservative to quit stealing my money and funneling it to the activities of perpetual war. I want them and their religiosity to stay out of our secular government. I want them to stop attempting to restrict or eliminate our civil liberties. I want then to stop stirring up paranoia and fear. And most of all I want them to stop trying to make America look like the Dark Ages.
DeleteGET IT? .
Beyonce is nothing more than celebrity TRASH! She and her husband are 2 of the most dispicable RACISTS, right after Obama and the mooch! The police should REFUSE to have to escort this piece of human waste anymore!! Let her black lives matter group or the black panthers be her freaking escort! No taxpayer dollars should be used to protect her FAT, RACIST ASS!
ReplyDeleteMore rolling anti-intelligent racist diarrhea from the King of Stupidity, Johnny Bee Stupid.
DeleteThe yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,
ReplyDeleteThe yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.
And indeed there will be time
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window panes;
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
T.S. Eliot - from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Hey JB, just so you know, the verse FreeThinke posted was written by T.S. Elliot not FreeThinke.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWhy do I have to support HIllary just because I am a woman? I don't agree with her values. I'm not going to vote for her just because she is a woman. I'm not that stupid! Albright should be taken behind the wood shed...
ReplyDeleteBubba had Albright's back end…
DeleteBubba had everybody's "back-end"
DeleteTheres always Johnson the ass-hole and Sanders, whose Mommy is a Commie!
ReplyDeleteContinuing to babble bulls*it when you have nothing of substance. No specifics. No links to credible sources. In fact you present no argument other than one is an ass and the other's mother is a commie.
DeleteBrilliant JB, but in this forum there are apparently plenty of folks who buy the bulls*it.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton by far, had the most annoying voice ever heard coming from a Presidential Candidate. Maybe thats why no one wants to go to her rallies?
Probably, for many of us, she sounds like one of our "Angry/Bitching Relatives", right?
Maybe someones Mother In Law from Hell? The voice of a Howler monkey is more pleasant than hers.
So what does Hillary sound like to you? Maybe your brakes as they were on their last leg before you tailgated a bus? Maybe for some of us, Hillary sounds like an annoying 70 year old waiter that gave you the worst restaurant experience? What about a pet? wild animal? Maybe a parrot? old cat? Or Godzilla with the flu?
Or some one in the toilet after a long night of eating Mexican rice and beans.
Proud to be a poster boy for Those Who Have Nothing of Substance to Say Society eh MC?
DeleteHildebeest's belch sounds like a screeching squeal from a muslim prayer.
DeleteAnd indeed there will be time
ReplyDeleteTo wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—
(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”)
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin—
(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume? ...
~ T.S. Eliot - from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Now HERE'S something from which we can all get a hearty chuckle!
ReplyDeleteDonald J. Trump victorious by a very comfortable margin.
The dem's are beginning to realize the hag in the pant suit is just a bad candidate, she got creamed by a 74 year old socialist...they better get Old Uncle Joe warming up in the bull pen.
Yet HIllabitch rages on as thought it were SHE who had won tonight.
DeleteThere is something truly monstrous about that shrieking, roaring, stinking rotten old cesspit. It's a though she had sold her soul to the Devil.
Nothing will EVER stop her, except a fusillade of you-know-whats from a bevy of Muslim-style suicide bombers.
If cancer had a voice, it would sound exactly like Hillaturd.
If shit had a face, it would LOOK just like her.
Lisa, Last I read and very recent is that 40% of working age people are not employed. Yea! 4.9% unemployment. BS numbers just like all the other BS numbers. They don't even try to hide it because they know how ignorant their supporters are.
ReplyDeleteKid, the only numbers that will matter are those in the electoral college in November.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the Supreme Court won't have another opportunity to "fix" the election results as in 2000.
ReplyDelete^You can't fix stupid (but you can always shoot it)^
DeleteAhhh....tonights dream....a republican gets elected president and he puts Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court.